Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 03/17/2004
Updated: 06/08/2004
Words: 5,518
Chapters: 3
Hits: 3,364

Out of Control


Story Summary:
Post-Hogwarts. ...She stood in front of Malfoy, her body completely rigid. He spun her around so that she was facing him, and spoke into her ear loud enough for her to hear. "Forget about them, forget about Potter, forget about Weasley, forget about your job, and your apartment and that girl Potter was with. Just think about us, and the music," he said as he began to move against her. She cautiously nodded her head in agreement as she slowly began to dance....

Chapter 01

Post-Hogwarts. ...She stood in front of Malfoy, her body completely rigid. He spun her around so that she was facing him, and spoke into her ear loud enough for her to hear. "Forget about them, forget about Potter, forget about Weasley, forget about your job, and your apartment and that girl Potter was with. Just think about us, and the music," he said as he began to move against her. She cautiously nodded her head in agreement as she slowly began to dance....

Words: 2,336
Hits: 1,553
Chapter 02

Dr/Hr "...All right, if that's the way you want to play," Phil said lazily. He reached inside of his jacket, and pulled out a small pistol. He looked at Draco, then back at Hermione, twirling the gun playfully in his hand. "Now listen carefully, this can be easy, or this can be difficult," he said to Draco, pointing the gun to Hermione's head. "Turn around, and leave this room or you can kiss your little girlfriend here goodbye..."

Words: 1,610
Hits: 797
Chapter 03

D/Hr "...."Get off of me! NOW!" Hermione continued to shriek as she pushed his body off of the bed with a hard shove from her legs. The loud 'CLUNK' from Draco's body hitting the floor woke her up from her nightmare and she finally managed to get her head out from underneath the covers. Her eyes frantically looked around her, and her heart was beating furiously under her breasts. She untangled herself from the covers as she quietly said to herself...just a dream, it was just a dream...."

Words: 1,572
Hits: 1,014