Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Drama Angst
Harry and Classmates During Book Seven
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 11/28/2006
Updated: 03/15/2007
Words: 148,035
Chapters: 51
Hits: 126,771

Draco: Phoenix Rising

Cheryl Dyson

Story Summary:
Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Chapter 28 - Harry's Observations

Chapter Summary:
Harry ponders Snape's motives...

Chapter Twenty Eight - Harry's Observations

Harry was keyed up as he made his way back to the Gryffindor common room. When he stepped through the portrait hole, he stopped in surprise. Hermione lay on the couch, still out cold, and Ron stood over her. Ginny Weasley stood before Ron with her hands on her hips and a confrontational stance.

Harry grinned and admired her for a moment before she turned on him angrily. His grin vanished. She walked to him and slid her arms around his neck.

"Hi, Harry," she said sweetly and planted a kiss on his lips. He kissed her cautiously, uncomfortable, as always, when doing so in Ron's presence. He pushed her away regretfully.

"Hi, Ginny. I thought we agreed not to do that any more."

"Actually, you agreed to that. I don't recall signing any contracts. Now, suppose you tell me what you've all been up to in the middle of the night, since my dear brother refuses to talk."

"When did you get here?" Harry countered, ignoring her question.

"About twenty minutes ago. It was Moody's idea to travel at night, of course. Sometimes I think he's completely lost it. Imagine my surprise to discover Gryffindor Tower completely empty. If I didn't know you so well, I would have gone straight to McGonagall."

"We were out... looking for something," Harry said lamely, which was somewhat vaguely true if you stretched your imagination far enough.

"Really? And where were you looking for this something? And what happened to Hermione?"

Harry thought hard. Answering those questions would require blatant lying and he really didn't want to do that to Ginny.

"I can't tell you," he said quietly. Her brown eyes flashed and then sparkled with angry tears.

"You know, I really hate it when you do this!" she yelled. "You three and your secrets! Why can't you ever let anyone into your tight little group? I've been possessed by Voldemort! I was nearly killed! What more do I have to do to be included in this private war of yours? If anyone should be involved, it should be me!"

Harry looked at Ron helplessly.

"It's not my decision," Harry told her quietly. "I was sworn to silence by Dumbledore."

"But Dumbledore is--"

"Some secrets cannot be revealed, even by death," Harry said, repeating Dumbledore's words. "Look at Grimmauld Place. Look at Hogwarts. He might be gone, but his essence remains. His spells yet hold, and his secrets will be maintained. I would tell you, but I can't."

He winced inwardly, because he had lied to her, after all. Even if he could, he would never tell her. He didn't want her anywhere near another Horcrux. He wanted her isolated and safe, even if she hated him for it.

She glared at him. "I don't believe you. If you really wanted to include me, you'd find a way. You find loopholes and break rules any time it suits your purpose. You just don't want me to know."

"I'm trying to..." He stopped, knowing if he mentioned the words "protect" or "safe" that she would blow like a champagne cork.

"Save it," she snapped. "If you want me out of it, then consider me excluded. As usual."

She whirled and stalked for the girl's dorm. Harry cringed when a door slammed upstairs.

"That went well," Ron commented.

"She hates me," Harry moaned.

"She's just mad right now. She'll throw some stuff or blow a hole in the wall, but she'll get over it."

"Maybe we should tell her. I mean, Malfoy knows... it's not exactly our exclusive secret any more."

Ron shook his head vehemently. "No. It was horrible, when she was in the Chamber of Secrets. I can't go through that again. She stays out of it."

Harry sighed, but nodded. He knew it wouldn't be easy. She was no shrinking violet to meekly accept the role they expected of her.

"She'll be watching us. It's going to be a lot harder to sneak around."

"Well, we won't have to do much of that for awhile. We've got no leads on any other... Trinkets. We don't know where You-Know-Who is. We're pretty much stuck here with Pensieve memories and the useless library until something cracks."

Ron located a blanket and draped it over Hermione gently. They had no way of taking her upstairs without triggering the alarm. Harry shook his head, still somewhat annoyed at the whole no-boys-in-the-girls'-dorm rule. Like any Gryffindor boy would be ignoble enough to sneak into the girl's dorm... Well, maybe Fred and George.

Ron brushed a lock of hair from Hermione's forehead. Harry's eyes narrowed at the gesture. It hadn't occurred to him until just that moment, but Ron's move triggered his memory. Harry knew there was something between Malfoy and Hermione. It had been obvious from the moment they had appeared at Hogwarts. It wasn't just the kiss on the stairs, either. It was the way they looked at one another, the palpable tension in the air when they were together, and the fleeting glances they gave to each other when they thought no one was watching... And then Hermione's admission that Ron's kiss had not affected her. Harry had no idea how Malfoy felt, but he was afraid that Hermione was already half in love with Draco, even if she wouldn't admit it to herself.

Yet, this afternoon, something had been different. Malfoy had suddenly become distant. He hadn't returned Hermione's teasing jibes; he had kept a safe distance between them; and the most telling of all--he had backed down from Ron in the broken circle. Without a word. It was beyond curious. It was damned strange. Harry opened his mouth to ask Ron about it, but he closed it with a snap. He knew Ron would be evasive and then defensive. Harry didn't want a row at this hour.

Besides, anything that kept Draco Malfoy away from Hermione probably wasn't a bad thing.

He just hoped she would see it that way.

Harry tossed in bed for awhile, but found himself unable to sleep. He got up and pulled on a dressing gown and slippers. After a moment, he slung on his Invisibility Cloak and padded out. He probably wouldn't run into anyone at this hour of the night, but on the off chance, he didn't want to answer any questions.

A passing ghost was the only moving creature he saw on the way to the Pensieve. Once in McGonagall's office, he lit a lamp and poured the next vial into the basin. He hated to go alone, but assumed it would be another Snape memory. In that, he was right.

The scene in the Pensieve revealed Snape as Harry had never before seen him. They were in Dumbledore's office again. Dumbledore was seated before the desk, looking old, worn, and sad. Snape was pacing and he looked distraught. His hair was disheveled and his hands were twisting together in agitation.

"It's my fault," Snape said. "I taunted him. I practically dared him. I didn't know he would run off like that!" He laughed harshly, a painful sound without humor. "I should have known, of course. There was a reason he was sorted into Gryffindor. He always had more courage than sense, you know."

Snape sat heavily in a chair opposite Dumbledore. Harry was astonished to see tears gathering in Snape's eyes. Who the hell was he talking about?

"Sirius knew the risks," Dumbledore said quietly.

Harry gasped and shook his head, unable to accept what his ears were hearing. He stared from one of them to the other, locked in denial. Snape didn't seem to have heard the Headmaster. His eyes were unfocused.

"I should have been there," Snape said quietly. Harry clenched his fists. Snape couldn't be talking about the battle at the Department of Mysteries! He couldn't be pretending to be upset that Sirius had gone through the veil!

Snape went on. "And Bellatrix. How could she? Sirius might have been a blood-traitor, but he was a Black! He didn't deserve to die that way." Harry shook his head again, not believing a single word. His nails dug into his palms and he suddenly wished the memory were real so he could leap on Snape and pound him into jelly.

Snape sobbed suddenly and buried his head in his hands. Harry stared at Dumbledore in disbelief. Surely the Headmaster didn't believe this ridiculous blatant acting? Snape had treated Sirius like scum beneath his shoes and now he was sorry about his death? Was Dumbledore a complete imbecile?

Harry narrowed his eyes suddenly as a thought occurred to him. Snape was a skilled Occlumens. Was it possible his talents had evolved past simply blocking his thoughts from others? Was it feasible that Snape had actually learned how to project his will? Could he actually influence Dumbledore into believing his words? It was better than an Imperius Curse because the recipient would believe they acted of their own free will. Harry backed away as the idea took root. No wonder Dumbledore had trusted Snape! He'd had no choice in the matter!

Snape looked up again and his face was wet with tears. Harry's rage nearly exploded. Actual tears! Harry's anger toward Snape had dissipated somewhat since the incident on the Tower, but now it returned full force. His desire to kill Voldemort was second to his need to kill Snape. The bastard had fooled them all, even the greatest wizard among them.

"It wasn't your fault," Dumbledore said apologetically. "None of it was your fault."

Yes, it was, Harry thought angrily. It was all Snape's fault. All of it.

Snape stood up. "You know, if your damned Chosen Hero had learned his lessons, no one would have gone to the Department of Mysteries at all! Your precious Harry Potter didn't even try to block Voldemort's images! And you were bloody stupid not to tell him about the goddamn prophecy!"

Dumbledore sighed heavily. "I am aware of my failings. I didn't count on Harry's curiosity outweighing his common sense."

"Despite the fact that I warned you several times," Snape said venomously. He got to his feet.

Dumbledore nodded wearily. "Recriminations will not bring Sirius back. We cannot change the past."

Snape looked at him with disgust. "Spare me your platitudes, old man. As far as I'm concerned, Sirius's blood is on your hands as well as mine."

He stormed to the door and out.

Harry sat heavily on the window seat and tried to grasp what he had witnessed. Snape had made Dumbledore believe that he was upset over the death of Sirius. Additionally, he had made Dumbledore feel extremely guilty over the incident. To what end? Was it merely to cement the trust Dumbledore already had in Snape? Harry began to see why Dumbledore had left so many memories of Snape. He couldn't directly reveal Snape's duplicity, but he could expose it, layer by layer.

Harry stood up and walked to Dumbledore's portrait. He lit his wand to provide light and the Headmaster, who appeared to have been sleeping, blinked at the sudden brightness.

"Harry! How nice to see you. Wandering about at night again?"

"Snape was using some spell on you, wasn't he?" Harry asked. "He forced you to trust him. Some spell he invented himself, maybe. We know he's good at that. Look at Sectumsempra. He made you believe him."

"Things are not always what they seem, Harry," Dumbledore's portrait said quietly.

"Yeah, well things definitely aren't what they seem with Snape, are they? I mean, crying over Sirius's death? It defies rational thought! And yet, you accepted it without question."

"His grief was quite real, Harry."

Harry barked an amazed laugh. "It works even beyond the grave? Before I kill him, I think I'll extract the secret of that spell. Hell, if he can do that to you, he's probably calling the shots on old Voldemort by now. No wonder he ran back to his old master. Now that he's got you out of the way, all he needs to do is get rid of Voldemort and he'll be the one in control. I bet he can even get the Death Eaters to follow him."

Harry turned to leave. "Frankly, I hope he does kill Voldemort. That way, all I have to do is kill Snape. Let me tell you, I'm ready for that day. Between what he did to Sirius and what he did to you... If I have to become a murderer at least it will be for the sake of justice. Voldemort killed my parents before I even knew who they were. But Snape is responsible for the death of two people I cared about. A lot. That's a pain I have to live with every day."

Harry went out before Dumbledore could respond. He didn't want any reassurances or moral clichés. He just wanted to hunt down Severus Snape.

* * * * *

Draco woke up when the coin warmed on his chest. He sat up with a start. He blinked blearily at the coin and lit his wand to make out the words.

Are you awake?

He groaned and collapsed back on the pillow. God save him from Little Miss Sunshine. He probably should have left the coin on the bedside table last night.

I am now.

Well, it's about time. It's past noon. You have an owl.

Past noon? He stretched lazily. No wonder his stomach was complaining. He needed sustenance. What was she talking about? He had an owl? Of course he had an owl. It was at home--

He sat up suddenly. Bloody hell, how could he have received a reply from his parents already? He had only sent his message yesterday and Hogwarts was miles from anywhere. The clothes he had worn to Hogwarts had been cleaned and neatly folded. He tugged them on. Maybe the owl was from someone else. Not likely, but possible.

He entered the Great Hall and paused when he discovered a whole gaggle of Gryffindors seated at their usual table. The usual three, plus Fred, George, and Ginny Weasley. He shot Hermione an irritated glare for not warning him. She smiled sweetly.

"What's he doing her?" Ginny yelled, leaping to her feet and brandishing her wand. Draco looked at her coldly. He could feel a headache coming on. One Weasley was bad enough. But four? Potter gripped his girlfriend's arm to pull her back down, but she yanked away. Draco raised an eyebrow. Apparently, everything was not peaches and cream in Loveland. Harry and Ginny had a hissed argument that grew louder until Ginny screamed something about Harry and his load of secrets and ran out of the room.

"Better go after her, Potter," Draco muttered, but Harry stayed in his seat, looking embarrassed and upset. Draco shook his head sadly. Once an idiot, always an idiot.

Hermione had saved a seat for Draco, but he rounded the table to sit in the space Ginny had vacated, next to Potter. An owl immediately fluttered down and landed before Draco. Hermione's eyes met his across the table as his brow knit in concern.

"Yours?" Hermione asked, obviously understanding the implications. If the message had been received and returned this quickly, it meant Draco's parents were nearby. The thought was somewhat alarming. Draco removed the message from the owl's holder and opened it. It was a brief message from Narcissa to Twillfit and Tatting's expressing regret that she could not attend their gala event. Draco rolled it up and tucked it into a pocket. He'd have to retrieve the true message later. After he ate.

Fred and George were watching him from their places beside Ron.

"So," said one twin. "Malfoy is here."

"Sitting next to Harry Potter," said the other.

"What's wrong with this picture?"

"It's completely insane?"

"Incomprehensible? Inexplicable?"


Draco's headache was growing. He ignored the annoying Weasleys and ate quickly. Harry was nursing a glass of pumpkin juice. He seemed preoccupied. When Draco finished and pushed his plate away, Harry asked quietly, "Can I talk to you for a minute? Privately?"

Without waiting for an answer, Potter rose and headed out. Curious, Draco followed. He heard Hermione start to get up and join them, but Ron stopped her with a question. Draco found Harry waiting for him by the entrance to the Slytherin dungeon. They walked together down the steps to Snape's office.

Harry wandered around the office aimlessly, peering at bottles and jars. Draco tossed himself into a chair and waited for Potter to get on with it. He finally turned around and looked at Draco seriously.

"You've spent a lot of time around Snape," Harry said. "I mean, he was your Head of House, you know where he lives, you saw him outside of school..."

"Is this going somewhere?" Draco asked dryly, twirling his wand.

Harry told him about the last Pensieve memory he'd witnessed and his speculation about the spell Snape had likely used on Dumbledore.

"So, do you think it's possible?" Harry finished. "For Snape to have created some sort of variation on the Imperius Curse?"

"Well, it is pretty farfetched to think he'd be broken up over Sirius Black... I suppose it's possible Snape invented a new spell. It wouldn't be the first time." He looked pointedly at Harry, who flushed guiltily.

"I didn't mean to use Sectumsempra on you," he said quietly. "I panicked. I didn't even know what it did, at the time."

Draco shrugged. "Forget it. I wasn't exactly holding back on you, either."

They shared an uncomfortable silence and then Harry cleared his throat.

"Why do you think Snape told you about the Horcrux? And how did he know about it?"

"I've been thinking about that. I haven't anything concrete... just a vague idea."

"Which is?"

"I think Snape is in love with my mother."

Harry stared at him. "Seriously?"

Draco nodded. "She trusts Snape and always has. She was still at Hogwarts when he started. She's older than he is... I'm sure he followed her around like a puppy dog, back then. From what I remember, Snape joined Bella's little clique at school during her last year at Hogwarts. That was likely before they found out he was a half-blood, of course. But, even then he was a Dark Arts master."

Draco shifted slightly and tossed a leg over the arm of the chair. He tapped his wand idly against his knee.

"Snape was out at the Manor fairly often over breaks. I think he told Mother he was personally interested in my education. From what I recall, though, they spent a lot of time in the parlour drinking wine and reminiscing about their school days."

"Didn't that bother your father?"

Draco laughed in genuine amusement.

"Of course not. Look at Snape! My father knew he had nothing to fear from a shifty, greasy-haired, half-blood like Snape. I think it amused him to let the fool have his fantasies." Draco shook his head. "My parents are so deeply in love it's almost sickening. I have to leave the room when they sit together in front of the fire and gaze into each others' eyes." He shuddered. "Frankly, I'm surprised I'm an only child, the way they carry on..."

Harry held up a hand. "More information than I need, thank you."

Draco grinned. "Anyway, Snape made an Unbreakable Vow to my mother in order to protect me. Why the hell would he do that? Despite what he might have led you to believe, I wasn't his favorite student. I'm good at Potions, but I'm no genius like Granger. I don't think he even had a favorite student. He pretty much hated all of us. I got the impression he despised teaching."

"You know, in one memory, Snape said he was a prisoner here. Why do you suppose he stayed? To stop Voldemort? If that's the case, why did he kill Dumbledore? It couldn't have merely been to protect you and win your mother's favor. Could it?"

"I don't know. He does seem to want the Horcruxes destroyed. Maybe he decided he could do it without Dumbledore's help."

"He did rail at Dumbledore for wasting twelve years when they should have been looking for the things."

"He had a point there."

Harry nodded. Draco pulled out the message from his mother and got to his feet.

"I need to read this. Hang on and I'll tell you if it says anything useful."

He searched Snape's desk until he found a hellishly sharp knife. He took a deep breath while Harry watched him curiously.

"God, I hate this part," Draco admitted and then made a small slash on his arm. Harry gasped in surprise. Draco opened the scroll and let some of his blood trickle onto the parchment. Instantly, the inked words disappeared and reddish-brown letters appeared.

Thank God you're safe! We've been so worried. HE has stopped all external activity and seeks to achieve his main objective. I'm not sure what that is, but it will not be pleasant when it comes. Do not return to the school! It's not safe. Don't try and contact us again unless it is vital. He watches us too closely. Be careful. We love you. Also, Regulus Black died in Carlisle. The house is in ruins,south of town overlooking the Firth.

Draco handed the message at Harry and conjured a bandage for his arm.

Harry rolled up the scroll and returned it to Draco. His green eyes shone.

"Let's go."

"What? Us? Now?"

"I'm sick of sitting around doing bloody nothing and waiting for my birthday. Do you know where this place is?"

"No, but it shouldn't be hard to find. All I need is a map. But, you don't honestly want to go alone with me. I could be a Death Eater, remember? I can't be trusted."

"Hermione trusts you. That's good enough for me."

Draco combed an annoyed hand through his hair. Having Potter look at him like that was almost worse than when Granger did it. Damned overly-trusting Gryffindors. He scowled.

"If anything happens to you, even accidentally, your little friends will rip me limb from limb."

Harry grinned wickedly.

"Then, you'd better make sure nothing happens to me, hadn't you?"

"I really hate you. You know that, right?"

"It's been fairly obvious. If it's any consolation, I hate you, too."

"That's settled, then. Meet me on the Astronomy Tower within the hour. Bring your broom. You'll probably want your cloak, too, so your friends don't see you sneaking off. I'll go find a map and figure out a place to Apparate us once we get past the grounds." He sighed. "This is probably the stupidest thing I've done lately."

"Don't worry, I think you've done plenty of stupid things, recently. One more shouldn't matter."

"Don't push it, Potter."