Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Drama Angst
Harry and Classmates During Book Seven
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 11/28/2006
Updated: 03/15/2007
Words: 148,035
Chapters: 51
Hits: 126,771

Draco: Phoenix Rising

Cheryl Dyson

Story Summary:
Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Chapter 01 - Draco

Draco Malfoy considers the ugly turn his life has taken and decides to do something about it.

Words: 4,014
Hits: 5,334

Hermione goes home.

Words: 1,034
Hits: 3,236
Chapter 03 - Harry

Harry at Number 4 Privet Drive

Words: 1,400
Hits: 3,000

The Death Eaters attack... sort of.

Words: 2,145
Hits: 2,858

The Order of the Phoenix discusses issues.

Words: 2,559
Hits: 2,861

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 1,556
Hits: 2,700

Draco ponders the Dark Lord's ambition.

Words: 3,389
Hits: 2,747

Harry returns to Grimmauld Place.

Words: 2,202
Hits: 2,565

The title says it all.

Words: 1,700
Hits: 2,581

Harry confronts his past.

Words: 1,791
Hits: 2,488
Chapter 11 - Luna

Draco runs into a few surprises.

Words: 2,400
Hits: 2,517

The search for Luna.

Words: 1,650
Hits: 2,406
Chapter 13 - Dover

Hermione finally meets Devlin Whitehorn.

Words: 2,381
Hits: 2,539

Muggle travel can be fun.

Words: 1,489
Hits: 2,504

Harry revisits Hogwarts.

Words: 2,896
Hits: 2,648

Harry learns something new.

Words: 2,511
Hits: 2,430

Draco and Hermione - can't they just get along?

Words: 1,623
Hits: 2,550

The Order meets and Draco takes Hermione on a tour.

Words: 2,838
Hits: 2,386

Draco and Hermione take a little trip.

Words: 2,688
Hits: 2,443

Draco and Hermione search the Riddle House.

Words: 3,184
Hits: 2,476

Much brainstorming about Horcruxes.

Words: 6,356
Hits: 2,490

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 4,691
Hits: 2,507

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 4,330
Hits: 2,324

The question of friendship...

Words: 3,979
Hits: 2,359

The mysterious book yields a clue.

Words: 3,370
Hits: 2,482

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 5,622
Hits: 2,391

Ron calls on Draco for a favor.

Words: 3,391
Hits: 2,253

Harry ponders Snape's motives...

Words: 3,818
Hits: 2,332

Draco and Harry go hunting.

Words: 2,678
Hits: 2,285

Various conversations...

Words: 2,782
Hits: 2,182

Harry as Draco and Draco as Harry...

Words: 1,629
Hits: 2,205

Draco so hates the forest.

Words: 3,256
Hits: 2,729

Draco tries to disentangle himself from his current dilemma.

Words: 2,926
Hits: 2,065

Draco, back to normal.

Words: 2,750
Hits: 2,271

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 3,557
Hits: 2,649

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 3,097
Hits: 2,118

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 3,907
Hits: 2,434

Draco and Bill Weasley have a chat.

Words: 2,910
Hits: 2,210

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 2,848
Hits: 2,160

What can I say?

Words: 2,205
Hits: 2,265

Snape's meeting with Draco.

Words: 3,011
Hits: 2,332

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 2,713
Hits: 2,353

Death Eaters and more Death Eaters...

Words: 3,439
Hits: 2,217

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 2,972
Hits: 1,997

Dumbledore is dead, Snape is a traitor and Draco is a Death Eater, but is he really cut out for a position on Voldemort's team?

Words: 2,598
Hits: 2,333

The fighting begins!

Words: 2,816
Hits: 2,252

Author's Note: Don't kill the messenger.

Words: 2,693
Hits: 2,127

Things are getting out of hand...

Words: 2,829
Hits: 2,334


Words: 3,382
Hits: 2,662

Wouldn't you know the LAST freaking chapter is taking a week to post?????

Words: 3,652
Hits: 2,323

This chapter sequentially falls between 38 and 39 but was not included in the book because it wasn't from the POV of the main characters...

Words: 2,378
Hits: 1,849