Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Lavender Brown Parvati Patil
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 07/24/2002
Updated: 09/12/2002
Words: 9,360
Chapters: 7
Hits: 3,847

More To Life...The Sequel


Story Summary:
The sequel to More To Life...Oliver, Harry, Lavender and Parvati are still going happy-go-lucky but it turns out that someone has a crush on Harry and Oliver. How will Parvati and Lavender react to this?

More To Life...The Sequel 02

Chapter Summary:
Harry and Oliver are to meet up with Parvati and Lavender in Diagon Alley. This should be a happy reunion!

More to Life…The Sequel 02

The Reunion!

    "Oh! I'm so excited!" Parvati said as they walked up to Quality Quidditch Supplies and started waiting.

5 minutes…10 minutes…15 minutes later, Parvati and Lavender started getting worried. "Where are they? They should've been here by now!" Lavender said as she started looking around more frantically then before.

Another 5 minutes later, Lavender and Parvati felt a presence behind them and were about to turn around when a mysterious figure said, "Don't turn around or…or…or we'll perform Aveda Kedavra or another uhhh…uhhh…another Unforgivable Curse on you!"

"Yeah…Yeah…That's what we'll do…uhhh…yea," another voice said as they started leading Parvati and Lavender towards Knockturn Alley.

By now, Parvati and Lavender were crying and panicking. They felt the wands (They supposed that they were wands) bearing into their backs more harder then before. Then, they heard the two mysterious figures mutter and charm or something. Parvati screamed assuming that it was Aveda Kedavra but instead, her and Lavender saw two bouquets of flowers in front of their faces. They turned

around and saw Harry and Oliver, smiling.

"I'm going to kill you!" Lavender screamed as she tried to hit Oliver with her bouquet of flowers.

He started running and yelled, "You're not going to kill your boyfriend…are you?" he said as he stopped and faced her.

"Hmmm…. let me think…" Lavender said as she looked at Oliver who was trying to do his adorable puppy dog eyes but ended up looking more like a frog then anything else.

"Awww…I could never kill you," Lavender said hugging him.

Meanwhile, Parvati started yelling, "Oh my gosh! Why did you do that? You scared me to death! I'm so happy to see you!" She said hugging Harry. Then, she stepped back from Harry and said, "What the hell did you do that for? You scared the crap out of me!" she said glaring at him.

Harry started to smile, then, he started to laugh. 30 seconds later, he was laughing uncontrollably banging his fist on the ground.

A few moments later, he was joined by Oliver who also had started banging his fists on the ground laughing saying in between gasps of air, "We-got-you-2-so-good!"

Lavender kicked Oliver playfully while Parvati smacked Harry on the top of his head with her bouquet of flowers. "Uh-oh," Parvati said looking at her damaged flowers. "Oh well, Repario!" Then, instantly, the flowers repaired themselves and she kissed the spot on Harry's head where she had hit. "I'm sorry," she said to Harry as they got up and hugged them.

"How has your summer been?" Lavender asked Oliver as they walked into Flourish and Blotts.

"Good, been working on Quidditch a lot. Been thinking of you," he said smiling looking down at the ground while Lavender giggled.

"What about you, Harry?" Parvati asked. "Did the muggles remember your birthday?"

"Nope, you did though," He said kissing her forehead.

"If the muggles are so mean then how do you get through the summer?" Parvati asked in a worried tone.

"Think about you…" Harry said, blushing.

A half hour later, they left Flourish and Blotts and Harry and Oliver went straight to Quality Quidditch Supplies. "Wow! Look at the Firebolt!" Oliver exclaimed looking through the glass. "What I would give to have one of those…"

Lavender and Parvati laughed at the two boys that were admiring the Firebolt from every angle. They even went inside to ask the storeowner if they could touch the Firebolt. Of course, the owner said "No!" and they headed toward the Leaky Cauldron.

That night, they all sat around a table in the Leaky Cauldron catching up on what they did over the summer.

"That Quidditch model you gave me is bloody useful! No way we're going to be beaten THIS year! It's our year! The cup is as good as ours," Oliver said smiling.

"Is Quidditch all you've been thinking about this summer?" Lavender asked him.

"Yes-uhhh-no!" Oliver said as he smiled and looked at Lavender who wasn't smiling back.

"Haha! Just kidding!" She joked as Oliver breathed a sigh of relief.

"What have you been doing, Harry?" Oliver asked.

"Well, I blew up my aunt, ran away from the Dursleys, saw a big black, shaggy dog that could've been my death omen, and almost got run over by the Knight Bus," Harry said as he looked at their dumbstruck faces. He started laughing at them and started to explain things in a way that they made sense.

"So that dog could've been your death omen?" Parvati asked worriedly.

"Maybe…I saw the book in Flourish and Blotts, I don't think so though, it was probably just a stray," Harry reassured her.

"Okay…" Parvati said in a less worried tone but still worried.

"What did you do all summer?" Harry asked Parvati trying to change the subject.

"Well, nothing really? Lavender came a few days ago and me and Padma have been fighting but that's about it!" Parvati said.

"Why have you and Padma been fighting?" Harry asked.

"Because Padma is in Ravenclaw and I'm in Gryffindor. I think that she was mad that we beat Ravenclaw in Quidditch," Parvati laughed as Oliver smiled as if recalling one of his sweetest memories.

"What about you, Lavender?" Oliver asked as he came back from his daze.

"Well, absolutely nothing. I spent some time with some muggle kids in my neighborhood and went to Parvati's house a few days ago…I think I've had a very boring summer compared to all of you," Lavender said as she put her head on Oliver's shoulder and fell asleep.

"Bloody hell! It's four o'clock! We'd better get to bed," Oliver said as he picked up Lavender and carried her to her bedroom.

"Huh? Wha…" Lavender said sleepily as Oliver laid her down in her bed. "Wha…no…where am I?"

"Shhh…just go to sleep. Good-night," whispered Oliver as he put some covers over her and kissed her goodnight.

'Where did Parvati and Harry go?' Oliver thought as he left the room and went into his own.

Parvati and Harry had gone back into Diagon Alley for a nighttime stroll. "I missed you, Harry," Parvati said to Harry.

"I missed you too," Harry said. Then, he took her hand and kissed it. "But it's okay now. We're together." He finished.

The walked in silence around Diagon Alley when finally, they got back to the Leaky Cauldron and stepped inside, they were attacked by a very mad looking Tom. "Where did you go, Harry? I've been worried sick!" Tom said.

"We just went for a walk in Diagon Alley," Harry replied innocently.

Tom gave a sigh of relief and escorted him back up to his room. "There, Mr. Potter. Please, stay in your room till morning. You had me worried sick," Tom said opening the door to Room 11.

The next few days were some of the happiest of Harry's life. He was with Parvati, and away from the Dursleys. While he was with Parvati, Lavender and Oliver, they even had time to finish their summer homework. "This is a lot better than doing it under bedcovers at night," Harry said as he was finishing his essay on 'Medieval Witch Burnings-this was pointless because…-Discuss'

"I wish we didn't have to do it at all," Oliver said finishing his Transfiguration Essay.

"Hey! Harry!" Ron yelled as he, Hermione, Fred and George came running up to them.

"Hey!" he yelled to them as he stood up.

    They all talked for a few minutes and then he, Ron and Hermione went down to the magical creature shop to buy Ron some rat tonic.

    The next day, Mr. Weasley had company cars and happily drove Oliver, Parvati and Lavender to Kings Cross Station and escort them to Platform 9 ¾.

    They were all about to get on the train when Mr. Weasley pulled Harry aside and told him that Black was after him.

    "I know…uhhh-er-I heard you and Mrs. Weasley talking about it last night," Harry said.

    "Arthur!" yelled Mrs. Weasley.

    So, Harry got onto the train and Parvati asked, "What was that all about Harry?"

    Harry pulled her aside, into an unoccupied compartment, out of earshot from the rest and explained to her. "Oh, Harry!" she gasped.

    "It's okay, Dumbledore is there. I'm safe," Harry said grabbing her and pulling her into a hug.

    They went back into the compartment where Fred and George were starting to set Filibuster Fireworks over the compartment.

    When they got into Hogwarts, they all filed in the Great Hall for the welcome back feast where Professor Dumbledore announced about the dementors. Harry gave Parvati's hand a tight squeeze under the table. They went up to Gryffindor Tower where Harry and Parvati fell asleep in front of the fire.

A/N: Hey! Do y'all like my fic? Hope so! Please review! Byeee!