Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Lavender Brown Parvati Patil
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 07/24/2002
Updated: 09/12/2002
Words: 9,360
Chapters: 7
Hits: 3,847

More To Life...The Sequel


Story Summary:
The sequel to More To Life...Oliver, Harry, Lavender and Parvati are still going happy-go-lucky but it turns out that someone has a crush on Harry and Oliver. How will Parvati and Lavender react to this?

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
A/N: Be sure to read More To Life...first before you read this or it might not make sense! Thanks to Jenny_Black for helping me write it!

More To Life…The Sequel

By: Casey

It was July 30, when Lavender and Parvati were at Parvati's house, up in her room. "Tomorrow is Harry's birthday!" Parvati said to Lavender. "I need to go and owl him."

    Lavender looked up and said, "Yeah…what are you going to say to him?" she asked curiously.

    "Hmmm…I was thinking of something simple…like…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Parvati said sarcastically as she pulled a piece of parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink out of her drawer.

    "Get me a piece of parchment and a quill," Lavender said, "I need to owl Oliver."

    Parvati looked at the blank piece of parchment and wrote:

Dear Harry,

    I remembered that it was your birthday. I decided to owl you and wish you happy birthday. Yesterday, I was looking at the pictures that Fred and George took of you with makeup. I can't wait to see you in Diagon Alley. Can you be there on August 30? Lavender and I will be there; she is staying with me for the rest of the summer. From August 30, we are going to stay at the Leaky Cauldron for the rest of the summer. Can you meet us there? Well, as you can see, I'm running out of parchment and ink. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!

Much Love,


    While Parvati was writing to Harry, Lavender was trying to think of what to say to Oliver. Then, she wrote:

Dear Oliver,

    Hey! It's Lavender. I haven't owled in a long time…sorry. Anyway, how is your summer been? I KNOW you have been working on your Quidditch plays. Are you excited about school starting? You will be in your 7th year! I hope you will win the Quidditch Cup this year!! Well, hey! I am at Parvati's house. I am spending the rest of the summer here. Owl me back!



P.S. We are going to Diagon Alley on August 30. Can you be there? We're staying at the Leaky Cauldron for the rest of the summer. Hope to see you there!!!!!

    As they finished, Parvati got the family owl and gave it the letters. Then, they went to the bathroom and started putting on makeup.


    "Tomorrow is my birthday, I bet the Dursleys won't even remember," Harry thought as he looked out the window to see an owl coming towards him. It landed on the windowsill and Harry let it in. He took the letter from the owl and it flew away. He opened up the letter to see Parvati's handwriting. He read Parvati's letter and smiled. 'At least someone remembered my birthday.' He thought as he put the piece of parchment on his bedside table and started rummaging through his drawer for a quill, parchment and ink. He wrote:

Dear Parvati,

    Hey! It's Harry. Thanks for the owl! I didn't expect anyone to remember that it was my birthday. So, how has your summer been? Mine has been okay. I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts. So, August 30? I'll be there! I'll meet you on August 30 outside Quality Quidditch Supplies. Owl Oliver and tell him!



    He got Hedwig out of her cage and tied the note to her leg and she flew away.


Meanwhile, at Oliver's house, he was locked up in his room with his little Quidditch model. He was thinking, 'Okay, if Angelina swerves left right before the Katie passes the Lavender-oh no! I mean, quaffle then Alicia could come around the goal post and-think about Lavender-no! No! No! Oh...this is no use.' Just as he finished putting up his Quidditch model, he was about to go downstairs when he heard an owl pecking at his window. He saw it and opened up the letter. He read Lavender's letter and smiled. 'I am going to owl her right now,' he thought. He took out a quill, parchment and a special kind of ink that changed from red to gold. He wrote:

Hey Lavender!

    I got your owl. August 30 eh? Well, I'll be there! I want to meet outside of Quality Quidditch Supplies so I can look at the new supplies. Well, can't wait! I need to get some more ink! Do you like the ink? Gryffindor colors! I bewitched it to do this. Well, I have to go, my mum is yelling at me cause I have spent the whole summer up in my room making Quidditch plays. She didn't know that I was thinking about you. (Corny, yes, I know!) But, my ink is running out, I must go…Bye!



    Oliver sighed as he tied the letter to the owl's leg and started packing for Diagon Alley…

A/N: Hey! I know that this was a short chapter but that seemed like a good place to end it…what do you guys think of it so far? Even though it's only like…3 pages on word but…HEY! That's ok!! Well, THANKS TO ALL OF THE REVIEWERS!!!!!