Lupin's True Love Returns

Carey Ann Lupin

Story Summary:
Eighteen years have passed since Veronica was at Hogwarts. The Memory Charm is failing and Veronica is beginning to remember the times of fun and horror at the school. As a teacher she knows how to make class fun. She learned a lot while away including how to fight. Will she be able to teach Harry all she has learned or will she have to bring others in to help

Chapter 42 - Chapter 42- More Animagus Forms

Chapter Summary:
Veronica stalked over to Remy and jabbed him in the chest. “Do NOT call me chérie again. I am pregnant therefore I am NOT able to transform, Madam Pomfrey’s orders. Do you UNDERSTAND me?”
Author's Note:
I'd like to make it know who these three students are. Andilyn Jackman is my daughter's cousin Andi Lynn. Tony Nimmo is argonaut57, one of my favorite writers. Karina Davidson is darkclestial20, one of my favorite reviewers. I personally picked their forms and I HOPE they like them. Enjoy!

September 16, 1996

Veronica shuffled several pieces of parchment on her desk before starting to write out the schedules for the students that were to become Animagi. Sessho-Maru sat at his desk near one of the six windows in the new expanded DADA office. It looked like he was starting a bit of research on Animagi over the centuries. Obi-Wan stood beside one of the windows and watched the DADA class taking place on the ground five floors below him. Remy, meanwhile, was talking with Henry about the last class.

"I can't believe these children wouldn't listen to Veronica. Normally she would not even stand to have a student talk back to her much less ignore her instructions." Remy shuffled his deck of cards.

"I know what you mean. When John first came to the school, she would have to give him detention to keep him from disrupting her class." Henry looked up from a book on the Founders that Veronica had given him to do research for her. She was still having a hard time trying to find anything on Esmeralda and her powers. "Maybe her pregnancy is making her somewhat relaxed."

"I doubt that, Hank." Veronica shuffled a few pieces of parchment. "I just know when it's time to give up on someone. Slytherins have always hated Gryffindors and I was a Gryffindor therefore they will always hate me."

A knock sounded on the door to the office. Remy shrugged as he made his way over to the door. A young girl stood on the other side of the door with an older girl and boy right behind her. Remy ushered them into the office.

"What can we help you with, petit?" Remy knelt in front of the girls and boy.

The boy ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair. "My name is Tony Nimmo. I was in your last class, Professor Lupin."

Veronica had risen from her chair and made her way over to the children. She shoved Remy's shoulder. "Get out of the way, LeBeau. What can we do for you Mr. Nimmo?"

"I forgot to tell you that I had an Animagus form." Tony bowed his head. He was embarrassed that he had forgotten to tell the professors that information.

Veronica frowned slightly before she turned to the girls. "Miss..."

"Jackman. Andilyn Jackman. I also forgot to tell you my form." The youngest of the children bowed her head. Her light blonde hair shimmered slightly in the candlelight.

"I'm Karina Davidson. I know my little sister told you her form but I didn't let you know that I also have one." The dark-haired girl stood straight and tall. She looked a lot like Victoria Davidson except Victoria had blue eyes and Karina had teal eyes.

"Well. I see I have to fix the schedules a little more." Veronica snapped her fingers and a sheet of parchment flew over to her. "Mr. Nimmo, what's your form?"

"I'm a jaguar." Tony gave a soft smile.

"Interesting. That's the fourth cat we've found." Veronica wrote down what Tony had told her.

"I'm also a cat, Professor. A caracal." Karina shuffled her feet slightly.

"A Persian lynx? Hmm. I think we'll have to do a bit of research on that one." Remy watched Veronica writing furiously on her parchment. "Calm down, chérie. We do not want you to..."

"Shut up, Remy, before I beat you senseless." Veronica barely glanced at Remy as she turned to face Andilyn. "And what about you, Miss Jackman?"

"I saw an Alaskan Malamute." Andilyn kicked the stones at her feet.

Veronica scribbled a bit more on her parchment before she looked up at the students. "I'll give each of you a schedule at supper tonight." She watched as the three students hurried out of the office. "What is about you men that makes these kids think they have to hide information from me?"

Henry looked around at the others in the office. "Maybe they're just nervous around us. After all we're supposed to be teaching them how to fight."

Remy had moved away from Veronica when he saw her eyes flash violet with her anger. "Umm...Hank?"

"What?" The blue-furred Mutant barely glanced over his shoulder at the other men.

"You might want to get away from her." Remy noticed that Sessho-Maru and Obi-Wan were inching closer to the window.

"Why would that be?" Henry was still ignoring the warning signs radiating off of Veronica.

Veronica had grabbed one of the canes that were beside the door. "Because you have just pissed off a very pregnant woman." She slammed the cane against his head.

"Oww!" Henry jumped away from Veronica. "That hurt."

"Now you won't piss me off again." Veronica dropped the cane, which clattered loudly on the stone floor. She whirled around and stomped over to her desk and flung herself into her chair.

Obi-Wan turned back to the window before bravely moving toward Veronica. "How are the schedules coming along?"

"I think I've got it worked out. Mondays and Fridays will be for those with more than one form. That includes Harry, Ginny, Ron, Richard, and Regina." Veronica scribbled a bit more on her parchment. "Tuesdays and Thursdays will be for those with only one form. That will be Marina, Susan, Beth, Katie, Justin, Karina, Victoria, Hermione, Andilyn, Tabitha, Luna, Draco, Tony, Jessica, and Lindsey. Wednesdays will have everyone in it. This way everyone will have three days to practice and maybe they'll get it by Christmas."

"But, mon chérie. How will the children be able to learn this if you can't transform?" Remy had his back to Veronica so he never saw her draw her wand.

"Locomotor Mortis!" Veronica smirked as Remy's legs snapped together behind his desk.

"Hell, woman! What are you trying to do to me?" Remy glared at Veronica.

Veronica stalked over to Remy and jabbed him in the chest. "Do NOT call me chérie again. I am pregnant therefore I am NOT able to transform, Madam Pomfrey's orders. Do you UNDERSTAND me?" Remy nodded quickly before Veronica waved her wand at him once again. "Finite Incantatem!"

Remy watched as his legs swung free. "You always did have a temper, Veronica."

"Yeah, well, it's now three times as bad. So piss off." Veronica stomped back to her desk and sank into the chair. "Stupid hormones."

Henry sank into his chair, rubbing his sore head while Remy rubbed his legs to make sure the circulation was still flowing. Sessho-Maru watched Veronica for a moment before turning back to his desk. He picked up a small book and started to read. Obi-Wan sighed as he turned back to the window. Veronica noticed the look on Obi-Wan's face. Sessho-Maru knew that Veronica needed time to speak with Obi-Wan.

He rose to his feet and motioned to Remy and Henry. "I believe we should go and check on the class." Obi-Wan started for the door but Sessho-Maru stopped him. "You and Lady Veronica need to talk, my friend."

Veronica watched the others leave the room before she laid the schedule she'd been working on back onto her desk. She waited until the others had left. "What do you need to talk to me about, Obi-Wan?"

Well, what did you think? What does Obi-Wan want to discuss with Veroncia? Who else is going to show up at Hogwarts? Only I know!