Lupin's True Love Returns

Carey Ann Lupin

Story Summary:
Eighteen years have passed since Veronica was at Hogwarts. The Memory Charm is failing and Veronica is beginning to remember the times of fun and horror at the school. As a teacher she knows how to make class fun. She learned a lot while away including how to fight. Will she be able to teach Harry all she has learned or will she have to bring others in to help

Chapter 19

Chapter Summary:
A mysterious letter arrives as Veronica is packing for Hogwarts. Who is the letter from? Why is it making her upset?
Author's Note:
I know it's been a while but the computers at work were down and Victoria had a birthday and today's Valentine's Day. Oh yeah.

August 11, 1996

Veronica placed her teaching robes into one of her trunks. Remus snuck up behind her and grabbed her around the waist. She squealed as Remus pulled her against his body.

"Packing?" Remus nibbled along her neck. "Already?"

"I need to be ready to leave tomorrow night." Veronica turned around in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"We'll have the weekends and I'll visit some during the week." Remus tightened his hold around her waist.

A slight tapping sounded from the window. Remus released Veronica and moved toward the window. A tawny owl flew into the room and landed on the open trunk. It angled its head as it gazed at Veronica. Veronica sighed softly as she removed the letter. The owl hooted once and took off out the window. Veronica stared at the aged envelope. Her hands shook slightly as she read the name on the envelope: 'Miss Veronica Lynn Croft'.

"Remus." Veronica held out the envelope to Remus who took it from her shaking hand. "Who do you think it's from?"

"Only one way to find out." Remus slit open the envelope and pulled the letter from it. "Read it."

Veronica sank into an armchair and took the letter from Remus. Slowly her shaking hands opened the aged parchment. She sighed deeply and started to read the letter.

February 16, 1978

My darling daughter Veronica,

As I write this, you are celebrating your 17th birthday with your friends. Albus was to send this letter for me but he told me that he wishes to put a Memory Charm on you. I asked him to send this to you when you have finally returned to us. We all agreed that your parentage and most of the prophecy should be kept from you. These were things that you were better off not knowing but now I think it wasn't the best laid plan.

Your parentage was a lie. For years you were told that my older sister, Brooklyn, and her husband, Justin Croft, were your parents. I'm so sorry that your father and I put you in that house. We didn't know how Justin was going to treat you but we never imagined that he would be beat you like he did. You real father is Thomas Potter. He wanted to tell you so often that he was your father but never did. I, Evelyn Potter, am your mother. I wished that we had never given you up but I guess that is something that we can never change. We asked Brooklyn and Justin to raise you because of Voldemort gaining power. We knew that when you were born that you were different from James. You were special and we wanted to protect you. Justin thought the way most Muggles do. He thought he could beat the magic out of you but he was wrong.

Brooklyn wrote to me and told me that you would be going to Hogwarts but that Justin wouldn't pay for any of it. Thomas and I paid for everything that you needed for school. When Thomas and I realized that you were going to Hogwarts with James we were elated. Two days after the start of the year, James wrote and told us of a young girl in first year that was going to be moved into his year. We again were elated that you were going to be with James and his friends and decided to help in anyway we could. The very next day I heard that Brooklyn and Justin had been murdered. I contacted Albus and told him that we would take you in after all we were your parents. He agreed that it was for the best. I was excited to have my baby home after all those years.

Now for the prophecy. A week before your birth we were told by Albus of an ancient prophecy. Apparently this prophecy was told sometime during the year 900 and actually came true in 997 during the time of Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin.

According to the legend, Gryffindor and Slytherin loved the same woman. Her name was Esmeralda Eversole. She was exactly like you in everyway. He eyes changed colors with her emotions. She was friends with centaurs, werewolves, giants, and merpeople. She taught at Hogwarts for at least ten years and treated all the students kindly. She never agreed with Slytherin's views about purebloods and Muggle-borns. She was the one who stopped the fighting between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

One night, a traveler came to Hogwarts with a chained phoenix. Esmeralda couldn't stand to see the beautiful and proud creature chained so she freed it. The phoenix was so grateful that it stayed as Gryffindor and Esmeralda's constant companion. Not long after the phoenix arrived, another traveler brought a griffin to the school. Before Esmeralda could calm the griffin, it went on a ram0page and killed several students. Esmeralda put herself between a young girl and the griffin. She managed to calm the griffin and released it. Esmeralda's bravery only deepened Gryffindor's love for her. Slytherin also respected her more because the girl she saved was one of his nieces.

In 996, Esmeralda and Gryffindor were married. This caused some strife between the two wizards but not as much as the issue of blood. Later in the same year, Slytherin left the school. Esmeralda and the others thought they had seen the last of Slytherin but little did they know that he would return a year later.

When Slytherin returned, he fought against a school untied. In a final act of bravery, Esmeralda transferred all of her powers to Gryffindor. With this aid of her powers, Godric Gryffindor was finally able to defeat Salazar Slytherin. However, before Slytherin's final defeat, he was able to strike one final drastic blow to Esmeralda. Slytherin murdered Esmeralda. Not even phoenix tears cold help her. Gryffindor felt as if his heart was ripped from his very chest. As he held her in his arms, she told her beloved Gryffindor of another that would give her powers to aid their cause. A battle that would take place in a thousand years.

She told him of another woman with her exact traits and talents that would aid in the defeat of Slytherin's heir. She also warned him that if she were to join Slytherin's heir that their efforts to stop Slytherin's dark work would be lost. Gryffindor promised her, as she lay dying in his arms, that there would always be Gryffindors to carry on their noble cause of protecting their world. With her dying breath, she told Gryffindor that she loved him and to care for their twins, their son and daughter. Gryffindor refused to let her go, even in death. He loved her so that he built a monument in the very center of the cemetery just beyond Hogsmeade.

You, my darling, are Esmeralda's prediction. You are an heir of Gryffindor and so is James. You are more like Esmeralda than you know. I feel that it is time for this information to be passed on. James will be married soon and you won't be able to remember us. Always remember that you are a Potter first and foremost. The Gryffindor blood flows strongly through your veins. Protect our world from Voldemort as well as our future. Be careful in your quest to protect the innocent and for peace. Remember that we will always love you and James.

Love always,

Thomas and Evelyn Potter

Veronica let the letter flutter to the floor. "My parents...Sweet Merlin."

Remus wrapped his arms around her shaking body. "It's okay. Hush, darling."

Veronica pulled back slightly. "It's not okay. I lived with them for six years and I never told them that I loved them." Veronica picked up the letter and handed it to Remus. "Read it."

Remus took the letter and quickly read it. "Gryffindor's heirs." He glanced over at his grief stricken wife. "You and James are Gryffindor's heirs. And that also makes Harry an heir of Gryffindor's heir."

Veronica nodded slightly. "James and I were brother and sister. We never knew that we were family."

"The Potters were trying to protect the both of you." Remus wrapped his arms around her again.

"But by putting the Memory Charm on me, it just thrust James and Lily further into the light." Veronica buried her face into Remus; neck.

"Never think that. James and Lily's fate had nothing to do with you." Remus tightened his hold on Veronica.

"Harry! We need to tell Harry." Veronica's voice was slightly muffled because of her position.

"Wait here. I'll go find him." Remus placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before he hurried from the room.

Veronica pulled her handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the tears from her cheek. She climbed to her feet and carefully slid the letter back into the envelope. She placed it on the small table. She picked up several books and moved to her trunk as the bedroom door swung open. Harry and Remus entered the room.

"What do you want to talk about, Remus?" Harry took in Veronica's tear-streaked face. "Aunt Veronica, are you okay?"

Veronica placed the books in her trunk before moving to the table. "There's something I think you need to read, Harry."

"What is it?" Harry took the letter from Veronica.

"Read it, Harry." Veronica watched Harry sink into the armchair.

Veronica moved around the room gathering her things as Harry read the letter. As she placed her toiletries into the trunk, Harry climbed to his feet. Veronica felt his arms wrap around her waist.

"We are family." Harry had spoken so softly that Veronica had barely heard him.

"Yes, Harry." Veronica gave him a watery smile. "We're family."

Remus cleared his throat. "Veronica, Harry, perhaps we could discuss the other part of the letter."

"What part would that be?" Harry sat on the edge of the bed.

"The part that says that James and I are Gryffindor's heirs." Veronica sighed as she placed her jewelry box in the trunk.

"I guess that means that I'm also Gryffindor's heir." Harry watched as Remus and Veronica nodded. "Do you think there is more to this legend?"

"Well, as the History of Magic professor, I'm sure I'll be able to find it in one of the many history books that I purchased." Veronica motioned to the pile of books and parchment scattered on a large table in the middle of the sitting area.

"Didn't you buy a book on the Founders, Veronica?" Remus rummaged through the books.

"I don't think I did but I bought ten different books so I might have." Veronica moved to the table and helped Remus rummage through the books and parchment.

"Damn. I could have sworn that you had bought a book on the Founders." Remus looked up from the books.

Veronica sank into the chair beside the table. "I guess we'll have to find a copy at the library or in Flourish and Blotts."

"We'll find it, Aunt Veronica." Harry placed a hand on Veronica's shoulder. "I'm sure Madam Pince has several books on the Founders."

Veronica smiled. "You're right, Harry. We'll worry about it later. For now I think we should be celebrating Miss Weasley's birthday."

Harry blushed slightly. "I'll see you for dinner." Harry kissed Veronica's cheek and smiled.

"Wait up, Harry." Remus placed the books back on the table and kissed Veronica's forehead. "Don't be long."

"I won't. I just want to finish packing." Veronica straightened the stacks of books, parchment, and notebooks as Remus and Harry left the room.

As the door closed, she picked up the letter and read it again. "Gryffindor's heirs and Slytherin's heir will battle again. Only this time, Slytherin won't win."

Veronica refolded the letter carefully and placed it on top of the books already in the second trunk. She locked the trunks with a simple wave of her hand. She closed the bedroom behind her and hurried down to the kitchen to total bedlam.

Author notes: Well? Harry and Veronica really are family. I thought that it would be neat to see where exactly the prophecy came from. Click on the words above and let me know what you think. Have a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!!!!!