Lupin's True Love Returns

Carey Ann Lupin

Story Summary:
Eighteen years have passed since Veronica was at Hogwarts. The Memory Charm is failing and Veronica is beginning to remember the times of fun and horror at the school. As a teacher she knows how to make class fun. She learned a lot while away including how to fight. Will she be able to teach Harry all she has learned or will she have to bring others in to help

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
Wedding shopping. Remus and Veronica's wedding is planned but they need to finish purchasing the gowns and robes. Will Veroncia find the perfect gown?
Author's Note:
Remember all the gowns are medeival type complete with the trumpet sleeves.

June 30, 1996

Veronica stepped into the Dursleys' yard and approached the door. She calmly knocked on the door and waited for it to open. Harry's cheerful face filled the doorway as he opened the front door.

"Aunt Veronica." Harry hugged her quickly. "Aunt Petunia isn't up yet but Uncle Vernon is."

"Very good, Harry." Veronica stepped into the front hall. "Have you had breakfast yet, dear?"

"I was about to fix me some." Harry led the way to the kitchen. "Would you like some tea?"

"Not now dear. I thought you would like to Floo over to the Weasleys with me and get something to eat there." Veronica straightened her cloak. "Does that sound good to you?"

"That sounds great. Perhaps you would like to tell Uncle Vernon."

"Of course, Harry dear." Veronica stepped through the kitchen door.

Vernon barely looked up from his paper. "About time you were up, Petunia. I don't want that boy touching my food."

"That's fine, Vernon, but perhaps you should get your complaining to the correct person." Veronica smiled as Vernon turned to face her.

"What are you doing here?" Vernon slammed his paper on the table.

"I'm taking Harry shopping today so you won't have to deal with him." Veronica glanced at Harry for a moment. "Don't dawdle, Harry. Get your cloak."

Harry scampered up the stairs and into his room as Dudley stepped from the hallway. He blanched as Veronica turned toward him. Harry bounded down the stairs as Dudley tried to sneak into the kitchen. Veronica smiled and waved to the frightened boy as Harry opened the front door. They walked across the Dursleys' front lawn and into Veronica's house.

"How is it you can get Dudley to act like that?" Harry watched as Veronica opened a box of Floo powder.

"It's very simple. I'm nice to him." Veronica threw the Floo powder onto the roaring fire. "You go first, Harry dear. Tell Molly that I'll be there in a few minutes. I just need to make sure that Remus doesn't need anything."

Harry stepped into the roaring green flames. "The Burrow."

Veronica watched as he disappeared with a whoosh. She turned toward the steps and made her way up to the second floor. She knocked on the door to Remus' room.

"Go away!" Remus' voice was muffled through the door.

Veronica opened the door and moved toward the window. She pulled open the curtains and allowed the sunlight to hit Remus' bed. "Time to get up, sleepy head." Veronica moved toward the bed.

"I don't want to." Remus pulled the covers over his head. Suddenly a hand shot from under the covers and pulled Veronica onto the bed. "Would you care to join me?"

"I don't think so." Veronica pulled the cover from Remus' face. She placed a gentle kiss on his lips. "I need to go shopping. I just came up here to let you know that I'll be gone most of the day but Harry and I will be back in time for your monthly ritual."

"Thanks for reminding me." Remus flopped back against his pillow. "Are you sure you're going to be able to handle four teenagers and countless others?"

"If I was able to handle you and the rest of our gang then I think I can handle a few teenagers." Veronica giggled as Remus nuzzled her neck. "I need to get going before Molly begins to wonder where I am." She placed a kiss on Remus' lips and climbed from the bed. "I'll see you later. Don't forget to eat."

"Yes Mother." Remus' laughter followed Veronica down into the living room.

Veronica threw a pinch of Floo powder onto the once roaring fire and watched as it changed to green flickering flames. She stepped into the green flames. "The Burrow." Wind rushed around her as she spun around the fireplaces. She felt herself slowing and threw her arms out to prevent herself from falling into the room. She stepped from the fireplace and glanced around the room.

"Morning, Ms. Croft." Bill Weasley stood and allowed Veronica to take his seat. "Ready for our little adventure?"

"I guess so, Bill." Veronica brushed some of the soot from her robes. "I thought we would take the Knight Bus so that we're not blocking up the Floo Network."

"That's sounds like a good idea. I'll let Mum know about our plans." Bill hurried out of the kitchen as Veronica heard several muffled laughs.

"What's so funny, Harry?" Veronica glanced at Harry and Ron as they tried to muffle their laughter.

"Nothing, Aunt Veronica." Harry turned back to his plate of bacon and eggs.

"I just never thought Bill would ever run to do a woman's bidding." Ron started laughing and Veronica joined him.

"I'm just that kind of person." Veronica smiled fondly at the group gathered around the table. "So Fred, George, how's the joke shop doing?"

"Business is booming!" Fred shoveled several eggs into his mouth. "I'll be coming with you and George will be joining us after he gets finished with our customers this morning."

"I suppose that if we finish early enough with you, Fred, you could go and relieve George so that he can get his robes." Veronica sipped the hot chocolate that Ginny had placed in front of her. "Thank you, Ginny." Veronica glanced around the room. "Who are we missing?"

"Hermione." Ron glanced up from his plate. "Her parents are going to meet us at the Leaky Cauldron."

"Good, that way I can tell then how wonderful a girl she is." Veronica climbed to her feet. "Well are we going today or are you all going to sit around here staring at me?"

"We're coming." Ginny jumped to her feet and rushed from the kitchen.

Suddenly the kitchen was dropped into bedlam. Harry and Ron were fighting over who would take the dishes to the sink. Fred and George hurried to put the table to rights as Veronica moved through the room. She waved her wand and the dishes flew into the sink and began washing themselves. Ron and Harry ran from the kitchen as Fred and George Disapparated. Veronica shook her head fondly as she made her way into the parlor. She saw Ron and Ginny fighting over who was going to head out the door first. Harry and Veronica laughed as they both got stuck in the doorway. Veronica pulled them out as Bill stepped into the parlor.

"Are they fighting again?" Bill swung his cloak over his shoulders as Veronica nodded. "If the two of you don't behave then you won't be able to attend the wedding."

Veronica laughed again as Ron and Ginny stopped fighting. Harry led the way from the house and held out his right hand. A violently purple three storied bus stopped in front of him with a bang. The door swung open and Stan Shuntpike stepped out.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus." Stan helped Ginny and Veronica onto the bus. "Where will you be headin' today?"

"We're going to the Leaky Cauldron."

"That'll be eleven Sickles each." Stan turned as Harry stepped onto the bus. "Well I'll be. 'Ello..."

Veronica grabbed the front of Stan's robes and hauled him toward her. "You say his name out loud and I'll tear your arms from their sockets. You got me?"

"Yeah, ma'am." Stan motioned to the five empty seats scattered around the first level. "If the lot of you will take your seats, we'll be going."

Veronica handed Stan the money before she motioned to the seats and made her way to a large overstuffed purple chair. Harry sank into a large blue armchair as Ran sank into the matching chair beside him. Ginny sank into the pink chair as Bill took the plain brown chair beside Veronica. The bus took off with a bang and Bill's chair fell over with a crash. He straightened his chair as the bus moved through the outskirts of London. Veronica and Bill climbed to their feet after the Knight Bus stopped outside the Leaky Cauldron. The group quickly climbed off the bus with several other passengers.

"First thing we need to do is get my gown so that we can match the girls' gowns to it." Veronica opened the door to the Leaky Cauldron and was nearly mowed down by Hermione Granger as she tried to get to Ron. Veronica turned to Harry and leaned closer to him. "No girlfriend, huh? I think they got a little closer than you think in the hospital wing."

"I think you're right, Aunt Veronica." Harry laughed as Ginny tried to keep a straight face. Harry grabbed Hermione's arm and pulled her over to Veronica. "Hermione, I'd like for you to meet Veronica Croft. She was a friend of my dad's and of Sirius and Remus' during school."

"Yeah. What fond memories some of those are right now." Veronica smiled wistfully for a moment. "Are your parents still here, Hermione?"

"Yes, ma'am." Hermione followed Veronica into the pub. She pointed to two people talking to Tom the barkeeper. "There they are." She waved her arms to get her mother's attention. "Mom, Dad, they're here!"

The Grangers turned and faced Veronica. Veronica gasped as she and Mrs. Granger stared at each other.

"I don't believe it! Melissa Smokler!" Veronica gripped Melissa's hands.

Tears streaked down Melissa's face. "I thought you were dead. All Remus ever told me was that you had left and no one knew where you were."

Hermione looked between the two women. "Mom, you know Miss Croft?"

"Know her. We were the best of friends when we went to school together. She was the one I told all about your father." Melissa hugged Hermione. "That's why I wasn't as shocked as you seemed to think I was when you got your letter six years ago."

"So you must have married David Granger." Veronica turned to David and gave him a hug. "It's good to see you again as well, David."

"I'm glad to see you too." David draped an arm around Veronica's shoulders.

"What's this that Hermione's been telling me about you finally marrying Remus?" Melissa smiled softly as David laughed.

"Well you know that the two of you have been invited." Veronica smiled softly as David and Melissa grinned broadly.

"And we'll be there with bells on." Melissa turned to David. "We should be going. We have a bit of shopping to do ourselves." Melissa placed a kiss on Hermione's cheek. "Be good, dear, and enjoy your stay with the Weasleys."

"Of course, Mom." Hermione hugged Melissa and David. "I'll see you at the wedding."

Melissa and David waved as they made their way from the pub. Veronica smiled as she ushered the group into the alleyway behind the pub. She tapped the third brick above the trash bins and waited for the entrance to open for them. Together they made their way toward Madam Malkin's. Angelina Johnson's head jerked up as the group walked into the shop.

"May I help you?" Angelina picked up her measuring tape.

"I'm pretty sure you can. I'm looking for a wedding gown as well as the gowns for my bridesmaids." Veronica looked toward the groups of robes. "We also need the dress robes for the groomsmen."

"Of course." Angelina put the tape back on the counter. "This is my first day so I'll just go and get Madam Malkin." Angelina hurried into the back room.

"Look around and see if there is anything that you think would be perfect." Veronica moved toward the rack that held several wedding gowns. She looked through them until her eyes lit on one hanging near one end of the rack. She pulled the ivory gown from the rack. Threads of gold and silver shimmered slightly as the light hit them. "Ginny, Hermione, could the two of you come here for a moment?"

Ginny and Hermione walked over to Veronica as Bill, Harry, and Ron looked through the black dress robes. Veronica held the gown at arms length.

"What do you need, Miss Croft?" Ginny fiddled with the hem of her robes.

"What do the two of you think of this dress?" Veronica held the dress against her body.

Hermione admired the way the trumpet sleeves fell gracefully to the floor. Ginny fingered the fine silk ribbons gathered in bunches around the waist. Veronica pulled the gown close to her body.

"It's beautiful but maybe you should try it on." Hermione motioned toward the dressing rooms.

Veronica nodded as Madam Malkin and Angelina stepped into the room. "Good. I would like to try this gown on."

Madam Malkin gathered the gown into her arms. "Please come with me."

Veronica followed Madam Malkin into the dressing room. Madam Malkin closed the door as she left the room. Veronica pulled her robes off and carefully slipped the gown over her head. She fumbled with the many pearl buttons that graced the side of the gown. She pulled open the door and stepped back into the shop. Bill gaped as he stared at the gown. The silky fabric clung to her trim and graceful figure. The lines of silver and gold threads glided through the fabric as Veronica moved. She moved toward the small stool that stood in the middle of the room. Harry helped Veronica onto the stool as Ginny gathered the train to prevent anything happening to it. Veronica stared in the mirror as Ginny and Hermione spread the train out behind her.

"Well?" Veronica looked down at the gazing faces. "What do you think?"

Bill swallowed hard as he stared at the vision before him. "Remus won't know what hit him."

"Bill's right. You're a vision." Harry smiled broadly.

Ginny finished moving the train. "You look like you just stepped from medieval times."

"Ginny's right. I think we should have gowns that match." Tonks stepped from the shadows.

"And so you shall." Veronica smiled as she tried to picture Tonks trying to walk in a flowing gown. "I'll take this gown, Madam Malkin."

"Very well." Madam Malkin snapped her fingers and the measuring tape started to take Veronica's measurements. "I'm surprised you could fit in that gown. Not many women are that small."

"I have worked hard to keep my body trim and fit." Veronica smiled as Madam Malkin pinned only the hem of the gown.

"Since the only altering I must do is the hem, you will be able to take the gown today." Madam Malkin and Harry helped Veronica step off the stool. "Perhaps you should take a look at the matching bridesmaids gowns that were made to go with this gown."

"As soon as I take this off I'll take a look." Veronica moved carefully to the dressing room and quickly changed back into her robes. She stepped back onto the floor and handed the gown to Angelina. "Please take care of it."

"Not to worry. I will." Angelina carefully carried the gown into the back room.

"Now, where are the matching gowns?" Veronica followed Madam Malkin to a rack full of gowns.

"The bride that ordered that gown also ordered these for her wedding party but she never picked any of it up." Madam Malkin waved a hand over the gowns.

Veronica picked up one of the pale blue gowns and held it up to Ginny. "Ginny, you should try this one. Hermione, you try on one of the pink."

"What about me, Veronica?" Tonks gazed at the pink gown.

"If you promise not to change your hair to match it, you should try the pink gown." Veronica handed one of the pink gowns to Tonks.

Tonks, Hermione, and Ginny rushed into the dressing rooms as Veronica tried to decide which Angelina, Katie, Fleur, and Alicia should wear. Angelina stepped from the back room and Veronica waved her over.

"You wanted to see me." Angelina fiddled with the sleeve of her robes.

Veronica pulled a pale blue gown from the rack. "Try this on, Angelina."

"But these gowns are for the ladies in your wedding."

"And you are in the wedding. You will be waling down the aisle with Fred Weasley."

Fred snickered from the door of the shop. "Did someone mention my name?"

"Fred." Veronica pulled Fred toward the group. "Why don't you and Bill go and try to find dress robes for the guys?"

"Anything you say." Fred grabbed Harry's arm and hauled him toward the black dress robes. "Come one, Bill."

"I'm coming." Bill grabbed Ron's arm and pulled him toward the robes.

Fleur, Katie, and Alicia stepped into the shop together. Veronica waved them over to the rack of gowns. She handed Fleur a pale blue gown.

"Zis is beautiful, mademoiselle." Fleur carried the gown into the dressing room.

"Let's see." Veronica looked over Katie and Alicia. "Katie, you should take one of the blue. Alicia, you would look fabulous in the pink." Veronica handed the girls their gowns and they hurried into the dressing room as Shacklebolt, George, and Alastor stepped into the shop.

"Do I need to go and changed the colors for the flowers?" Alastor glanced at Ginny and Hermione turning before the mirrors.

"You might." Veronica smiled softly as each of the girls left the dressing rooms. "I think pink is a much nicer color than Gryffindor red. What do you think?"

"You're right." Alastor smiled as the girls looked over at him. "All of you ladies look wonderful."

Fred, Bill, Harry, and Ron stepped from the dressing rooms in their new black gowns. Veronica smiled as Harry and Ron fiddled with the pink ties around their necks. Fred straightened his pale blue tie as Bill smiled at Fleur.

"Okay, time to change back." Veronica waved the groups back into the dressing rooms.

"I won't need to alter any of the girls' gowns so you may take them with you now." Madam Malkin motioned toward the counter. "Since everything you have decided on was supposed to be used for another wedding, I will let you have a deal. 200 Galleons for the lot."

"That's a very good deal." Veronica reached into her purse. "I don't suppose that would include the groom's robes?"

"Of course." Madam Malkin motioned Angelina to the counter. "Begin wrapping the gowns and robes. Are the alterations done on the wedding gown?"

"They are finished, Madam Malkin." Angelina hurried into the back room and carried out the lovely gown.

"Very good." Madam Malkin took the sack of Galleons from Veronica. "I hope you have a happy marriage with your young man, Miss Croft."

"I'm sure I will." Veronica scooped up the wedding gown. "Remus will be in tomorrow sometime to get his robes."

"Of course." Madam Malkin watched as the group left the shop.

Veronica and the group hurried through the crowd and quickly entered the Leaky Cauldron. Tom smiled as Veronica and the group moved through the pub. Veronica held out her right hand and the Knight Bus stopped in front of her with a bang. They climbed on the Knight Bus and Veronica paid Stan the eleven Sickles each. They were gone with a bang and in moments were traveling trough the countryside near the Burrow. The bus stopped with another bang and the group left the bus quickly. Hermione and Ginny rushed into the house as Veronica carefully picked her way through the yard. Harry and Ron raced up the stairs and put their new robes. Veronica handed her gown to Molly.

"I take it that the shopping went well." Molly tapped her wand against one of the living room walls and a door opened.

"It sure did." Veronica flopped into one of the overstuffed chairs. "I was lucky to get out of there with only spending 200 Galleons."

"What all did you get?"

"All the gowns and dress robes." Veronica glanced over at Molly. "I'm sure we can transfigure some of the girls' shoes to match the robes."

"Of course we can." Molly glanced at the ceiling. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"Harry said that he has never seen the Star Wars trilogy so I thought he would like to see them." Veronica raised an eyebrow as the girls started yelling at the boys. "Ginny, Ron, and Hermione are welcome to come."

"That would be wonderful." Molly moved toward the stairs. "Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny, would the four of you please come down here?"

"Coming, Mum." Ginny's voice floated through the air.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny rushed into the living room. Veronica smiled at the blush on Hermione's cheeks.

"Harry, what would you say to your friends coming back to my house with us and watching those movies with you?" Veronica smiled as Harry glanced over at Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

"Sounds like fun."

"Good." Veronica moved toward the fireplace. "All you have to say is Number 6 Privet Drive." Veronica turned to Molly. "They will be back in about 12 hours, Molly."

"That's fine." Molly watched as each of them flew from the fireplace. "I only hope they don't bother you or Remus."

"Not a chance." Veronica stepped into the green flames. "Number 6 Privet Drive." Veronica disappeared with a whoosh. She fell into her fireplace and heard several voices calling to her. Veronica climbed from the fireplace and turned to face the four teenagers. She smiled as she motioned them into the living room. "You four go and get settled. I'll get the popcorn and drinks. Then we'll start the movies."

Veronica laughed as she heard the four argue over who was sitting where.

Author notes: Well? What did you think? Click on the big red words above and let em know.

AnitheSiriuslover - Thanks for the wonderful reviews.