Lupin's True Love Returns

Carey Ann Lupin

Story Summary:
Eighteen years have passed since Veronica was at Hogwarts. The Memory Charm is failing and Veronica is beginning to remember the times of fun and horror at the school. As a teacher she knows how to make class fun. She learned a lot while away including how to fight. Will she be able to teach Harry all she has learned or will she have to bring others in to help

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Battle of the Department of Mysteries.
Author's Note:
I had to update. All the errors was driving me nuts.

June 19, 1996

Veronica paced the kitchen of Number 12 Grimmauld Place as she, Remus, and Sirius listened to the report that Severus was delivering. Alastor Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, and Kingsley Shacklebolt sat around the kitchen table. Veronica's eyes flashed violet for a moment before turning grey streaked with emerald green. Slowly she turned to Remus and saw the terrified look on his face.

"When they didn't come out of the forest, I assumed that they went to the Department of Mysteries after you, Black." Severus gazed around the room.

"You could have stopped her. That old bat wouldn't have stood a chance against you and you know it." Veronica's eyes flashed as she glared at Severus. "I hoped that you would have protected him. I expected you to protect him as if your life depended on it. Now his life's in danger and you aren't helping anything by letting him wander off as he likes."

"Veronica." Remus wrapped his arms around Veronica as she started to pull out her wand. "How many times did you have to warn James and Sirius not to do anything stupid?"

"Never thought I would live to see her trying to hex Snape." Sirius gazed at Veronica in wonderment as she struggled to get her wand aimed at Severus.

Severus glared at Veronica and Remus as Remus managed to get her wand and sit her into a chair. "I can't expose myself as sympathetic to Dumbledore. I could lose my job as well as my position as..."

"To hell with your job!" Veronica lunged for Severus as Remus grabbed her waist and hauled her back to the chair. "That is my godson you were suppose to protect!!! You stopped his Occlumency lessons because he saw a stupid memory that you can't forget about!! This is your fault!!"

"Stop!!" Alastor stepped between Veronica and the image of Severus. "We don't have time for this. Severus, you go and try to find Harry and the others in the forest. We'll go and try to protect them if they have made it to the Department of Mysteries."

"I believe, Black, that you should remain there and inform the Headmaster of the situation." Severus turned to Sirius.

"I'll decide what I'll do, Snape." Sirius snarled as he glanced at Remus who was still trying to restrain Veronica. "I'm going after Harry and his friends. Kreacher!!!!" A stooped figure stepped into the kitchen as Snape disappeared. "You will tell Dumbledore exactly what has happened."

"Yes, master." Kreacher bowed low to the floor. Suddenly Kreacher's voice lowered to a whisper. "Not that it will matter. You will all die soon by the hands of the Dark Lord."

Remus slowly released Veronica as he picked up their cloaks. "You should stay here. I mean...I ...don't..."

"Trust me. I won't get hurt. Severus better hope and pray that nothing has happened to those children." Veronica took her cloak from Remus and swung it over her shoulders.

They followed the others from the kitchen and raced to the Ministry of Magic. Veronica withdrew her wand as they made their way slowly through the Atrium. She stared around at the glittering figures on the walls as well as the golden statues standing in the fountain. She snorted at them as they slowly made their way past the flowing fountain. Alastor motioned for them to stop.

"What is it?" Remus moved beside Alastor.

"Not sure." Alastor's magical eye made its way around the room.

"The guard isn't here." Veronica pointed to the guard station. "Isn't he supposed to be on duty?"
Remus crept around the guard station and glanced around the floor. "This doesn't bode well." Remus turned to Alastor as he moved up behind him. "I don't see any signs of a struggle, Alastor."

"Either he was captured or he's working for Voldemort." Alastor motioned the others to the lifts. "Let's go."

Veronica shook her head as the clattering sound of the lift reached her ears. "Can't we silence that thing before any Death Eaters hear it?" Alastor and Kingsley turned to look at her. "I just thought we would like the element of surprise."

"I agree with Veronica." Tonks waved her wand at the clattering lift. "Silencio!"

Veronica watched as the now silent lift rose into view. Together they filed into the lift with their wands at the ready. The doors snapped closed and the lift silently sank as Veronica removed her cloak and shrunk it.

"Why do that?" Remus leaned close to her ear.

"Don't want it in the way." Veronica shoved her shrunken cloak into the pocket of her robes. "You should do the same."

Remus smiled as the lift stopped suddenly. Alastor walked out first and looked around the corridor. He motioned to the others.

"Everyone ready?" Alastor watched as they gripped their wands a bit tighter.

Veronica straightened her shoulders as Remus grabbed her hand and pulled her into a deep kiss. She gazed into his eyes questioningly. Remus shrugged. "Just in case."

"No. For good luck." Veronica pulled his lips back to hers for another deep kiss.

"Danger around the corner and they can't keep their hands off each other." Sirius pulled Remus and Veronica apart.

"Jealous much?" Tonks quickly moved down the corridor toward the lone door.

"Quiet." Alastor opened the door and ushered the others in. He closed the door and the room began to spin. Veronica grabbed Alastor's arm as the room stopped spinning. "Where are they? Where are the Death Eaters and the students?"

A door to the left swung open and the group rushed through it. Veronica slid to a stop as she noticed the children lying around the room. She looked up as she saw movement from the corner of her eye. "There! That's where Harry is!" Veronica pointed at the child running through a door at the far end of the room. "Go! Save Harry!" She pushed Sirius and Remus toward the door.

"What about you?" Remus grabbed her hand.

"I'll stay here and help these children." Veronica laid a hand on Remus' cheek. "Save him for me and be careful."

Remus kissed her lips and rushed to the other end of the room with the others. Veronica knelt next to one of the girls. She gently removed the girl's hands from her ankle.

"" The girl panted with the pain racing up her leg.

"I'm Veronica Croft." Veronica quickly bound her ankle and placed a hand on the girl's knee. "Perhaps you could tell me who you are."

"Ginny...Weasley." Ginny gasped as Veronica tried to straighten her leg.

"Sorry." Veronica moved her hands and leaned back on her feet. She turned and looked at the others. She moved to the red haired boy that was struggling with a brain. "Stupefy!" A jet of red light hit the brain and it stopped wrapping its tentacles around the boy. She tried to remove it.

" he...?" Ginny tried to crawl towards Ron Weasley.

"No. He's going to be just fine once we get him to Madam Pomfrey." Veronica moved on toward the curly brown haired girl. She felt for a pulse and released the breath she had been holding once she felt it.

"What...about...Hermione?" Ginny watched as Veronica heard several jinxes hit the walls. "And...Luna?"

"They'll live." Veronica turned to the noise with her wand pointed at it. She saw nothing other than several dents in the walls. She climbed to her feet and started toward the door when she saw Luna Lovegood. Veronica knelt beside her and made sure that she had a pulse. "Ennervate." Luna slowly stirred as Veronica rushed toward the door. "I want you to stay here no matter what you see or hear. Don't leave this room." Veronica disappeared through the door. She watched the battle as Harry and another boy began to move up the steps. She stifled her cries as hex after hex was hurled at her precious godson. Her eyes roamed over the room. She saw Tonks lying very still on the bottom stair and Alastor's magical eye was rolling around the floor. She watched as Kingsley battled with three Death Eaters at once. Her eyes found Remus battling with a Death Eater. Finally her eyes landed on the dais at the bottom of the steps. She watched in horror as Sirius battled a Death Eater. "Sirius!!!" Veronica started down the steps toward the battles.

"Stay there, Veronica!!" Remus managed to get the Death Eater in the Total Body Bind. He turned to Harry and the boy who were still struggling up the steps. "Harry, take Neville and get out of here!!"

Veronica watched as a small glass sphere fell from Neville's pocket and smashed on the step. No one heard what was being said. Veronica rushed down the steps as several jinxes flew toward her. Veronica flipped away from the jets of light. She landed on a step about halfway down as a door slammed open. Her wand was pointed at the door. She lowered it slightly as Dumbledore rushed down the steps. Veronica flipped again to avoid several more jets of light. She knelt on the step she landed on and watched as the Death Eaters tried to run from the room. Dumbledore was binding them with something that Veronica didn't know about. She turned slightly as she heard Sirius' bark of laughter. She watched as Sirius was hit with a jet of light. She watched as he arched and fell behind the tattered veil in the middle of the dais. "SIRIUS!!!!" Veronica watched as Harry started down the steps. She never knew that her own feet were carrying her down the steps toward the veil. She felt Remus' arm around her waist and felt another person struggling against his hold as well. She fell to her knees as Harry continued to struggle against Remus' hold.

"Sirius!" Harry screamed as the others watched battle between Kingsley and the Death Eater. "Sirius!!"

"He can't come back, Harry." Remus shook Harry's shoulders. "He won't be coming back." Remus turned to Veronica and saw the tears racing down her cheeks.

Kingsley cried out at he fell. The Death Eater raced past them. Veronica tried to climb to her feet and grab Harry.

"Bellatrix killed him! I'll kill her!" Harry broke Remus' hold and raced after Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Harry!! NO!!!!" Veronica started after Harry as Remus grabbed her.

"Stay there, Veronica!" Dumbledore raced after Harry and Bellatrix.

"Why, Sirius?" Veronica sank to knees again as Remus wrapped his arms around her. "Harry needs you, Sirius."

Remus pulled Veronica closer to him as she cried. Alastor crawled to Tonks and turned her over. Kingsley helped Neville up the steps and into the room at the top of the steps. Veronica glanced at the veil and sniffled slightly.

"What are you thinking?" Remus looked into Veronica's eyes.

"How much Harry will miss him." Veronica closed her eyes. "Harry no longer has a family. Who will protect him now?"

"The Order will always protect him and you." Remus kissed Veronica's lips gently as Alastor carried Tonks up the steps. "And you are his family. He will always have you for his family."

"Don't think this is over, Werewolf!" One of the Death Eaters struggled against the invisible rope that held them.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Remus glared at the Death Eaters. "We'll defeat Voldemort yet."

Veronica stepped down the final step and toward the group of Death Eaters. She ripped the mask from Lucius Malfoy. Her eyes traced his face and finally landed on his cold steel grey eyes. Her eyes flashed violet with anger as she recognized him. "You!! You're the one from the train my first year!! You're the one who tried to kidnap me!!!"

"What?" Remus pulled Veronica from the Death Eaters. "Are you sure? It's been over twenty years."

"I'll never forget his voice or his face." Veronica pulled her wand out and pointed it at Lucius. "His eyes have haunted me for years."

Remus turned toward Lucius. "You'll pay for everything you've ever done to her and the rest of us, Malfoy!"

"He'll have her before you know it. There is nothing you can do to stop him." Malfoy continued to struggle against the rope. "We'll be free before you know it."

Remus turned his back on the Death Eaters and led Veronica up the steps. Veronica watched as several Ministry officials rushed into the room. The Death Eaters were led out of the Death Chamber. Veronica helped Ginny onto the stretcher as Remus picked up Luna and placed her onto another stretcher. Together they lifted Ron onto another stretcher as Alastor gently laid Hermione onto a fourth stretcher. Tonks stirred slightly on a fifth stretcher near the door. Veronica and Remus followed the stretchers as they floated down the corridor. Remus laid a hand on Veronica's arm and stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Veronica stared at Remus for a moment.

Remus pulled her into a bone-crushing hug and held her as tears fell onto her shoulder. "You're the only true friend that is left from the Marauders. James, Lily, and Sirius are all dead. Peter has turned against us. We're all that's left."

Veronica tried to wipe the tears from his cheeks. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there when James and Lily died but I'll be around as long as I can to put Voldemort away as well as his Death Eaters."

"I know that. I don't want you in more danger than you already are." Remus pulled away from Veronica. "You always seemed so alone." Remus dropped down to one knee and pulled out a small box. Several ministry officials gasped. "I love you, Veronica. I've loved you since the day I set my eyes on you at the train station. You stole my heart the way tried to move your trunk through the crowd. I asked you once when we just teenagers. I promised myself that I wouldn't ask again until you were ready. Between us we should be able to keep Harry safe."

"What are you trying to say, Remus?" Veronica blushed as she glanced at the people around them.

"I love you and I was wondering if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife." Remus opened the box and revealed a ring. "I kept the ring my mother and I picked out for you all those years ago."

Veronica gasped as she stared at the sapphire, amethyst, and garnet ring. "You how much I love you, Remus. I regret that I never answered you all those years ago. I wanted to say yes then and I'm going to say yes now." She pulled Remus to his feet and pulled his lips to hers.

Remus pulled away and slid the ring onto her finger. He pulled her into her arm and kissed her deeply as the people cheered behind them. "You've made me the happiest man in the world right now."

"You've got that wrong." Veronica kissed his lips softly. "You've made me the happiest woman in the world."

Remus wiped the tears from Veronica's cheek as they made their way to the lift doors.

Author notes: Not to worry. I have a new chapter in the works so it should be here soon.