Harry Potter and the Birth of a New Sun


Story Summary:
To serve and be served by the most powerful creatures on earth? Harry never asked for it, and yet the power of the dragon is at his fingertips. About to be swept with the rest of the world into a war between Centaurs and Dementors, Harry will find the burden of such commitment to be his liberation. But it will take more than the fire of dragons to push back the darkness consuming the world. It will take the love of a beautiful black haired girl and the birth of a new sun. [Sequel to Harry Potter and the Burden of Becoming]

Chapter 58 - Home at Last

Chapter Summary:
Harry returns home to the castle to save his family from the attack of the Chinese Fireballs. The last chapter of the series.

Harry Potter and the Birth of a New Sun

Chapter 58 - Home at Last


A/N: A reminder... this story is a sequel to Harry Potter and the Burden of Becoming. The two works are consistent with the HP canon of JKR up through book five.


Why couldn't it have lasted just a little longer? He wasn't sure if the crushing constriction about his chest was out of fear for his friends and family at the castle in Greece, or out of loss, having had his moment of joy snatched from his fingers. Other wizards were happy; he'd seen them. In fact, makeshift parties were beginning to break out all over the barren mountain - the most unlikely of celebratory sites. He could sense joy between the dragons and could hear their competitive roars toward the mountain top as both Horntail and Fireball began to pay tribute to their fallen. Harry could not pause to enjoy it. Now, with Gabriella gone, he wondered if he would ever be happy again. Perhaps it was one of life's great punishments, though he wasn't sure if he deserved it or not. Well... in the absence of happiness, there was always duty. That, at least, was something he could hold on to; something no one could tear from his hands.

"Harry, we have to go," Draco reiterated. "They may already be there."

Arthur Weasley, with panic rising in his voice, yelled for Ron to come join them. He explained what was happening, but Ron had trouble fathoming it. The Magpie Keeper could understand that there were dragons attacking Sirius' castle all right, but that the girls could be in any real danger just didn't make sense. After all, the castle belonged to one of the most powerful wizards he knew, the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Sirius?" Ron asked. His voice was tight and nervous. "Your protection charms... they're impenetrable. It took an army to break a few walls at Hogwarts. There's no way that a handful of dragons could harm your own home. Right? I mean, when it's your own home, the enchantments are just that much more powerful."

"True, Ron, but the castle is no longer mine. I handed it over to Harry this morning. We were supposed to set up the enchantments in Harry's name before we left, but in our haste... Well, the enchantments haven't been set."

"You heard Draco. We have to go!" snapped Harry, each word pinging like a drumbeat. "Ying-lung, when we get down the mountain, we'll Apparate to the castle. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with Draco, your new Primate. Please tell him anything you can that might turn your dragons back once we meet. I also ask that you send your swiftest Fireball. If your thoughts through Draco's presence are unable to convince them, perhaps one of their own kind can."

Ying-lung willingly agreed to Harry's requests. In their last moments on the mountain, Harry tried to organize the Votary as best he could. There was still a lot of damage, and not all the injured had been completely healed. Antreas was left in charge to oversee the others, but already many of the wizards were wandering off to celebrate since their services were no longer needed. The merriment had begun to spread across the mountainside and even the dragons roared with joy as Talisan took to the air. Yet sorrow hung in the air for the fallen and too much merriment might lead to its own problems. No matter, Antreas could handle it.

Harry, afraid that a large contingent of wizards descending upon the castle would make the dragons think it a battle, chose only a small group to return to Greece. According to Sirius, their strength at home would come from family, so the selection of those going was obvious - Harry, Ron and George because their loved ones were at risk, Sirius because it was once his home, and he was bloody brilliant with his wand, and Draco to speak with the Fireballs once they arrived.

"Send word when they're safe," said Arthur Weasley, kissing his sons good-bye. Torn with emotions of worry and elation, he wasn't sure what to say. "You were brilliant today! But, as this new sun still shines, the day's not over. Send word when you're ALL safe." He hugged them once more, including Harry and Draco and the group mounted their brooms. Before they left, he called out, "It's good to see my boys together. By the way, where's Fred? Did he even come?" Harry looked at Draco who looked at George who just shrugged.

"Don't know father. He's always been a bit of a slacker. Guess he just got... hung up."

The group had trouble stifling the smile, but Sirius assured Arthur that Fred was fine. In fact, as they found out on their way, he was more than fine. Just as they were about to cross out of Horntail lands, they passed over him making his was by foot up the side of the mountain. All the brooms had been taken from Dakhil's, or rather Draco's cabin and he was forced to climb, once Apparation was impossible. Draco was first to recognize the red-furred werewolf bounding up the mountain by the light of the new sun. A giant of a beast in his transformed state, Fred didn't seem to be having much trouble ascending the mountain in great leaps. Draco flew down to greet him, wondering what kind of reception he might receive. Never one to carry a grudge where a good prank was concerned, unless, of course, it was to get even, Fred transformed.

"You'll get yours soon enough, Malfoy," he sneered as his snout receded into his face. "You do know that, don't you?" Draco handed him freshly conjured robes without saying a word. "I'm just saying..." Fred hopped on Draco's broom and joined the rest in their flight south. It was only a few minutes before the group lit on the edge of the forest, a place from which they could Apparate.

"So, what'd I miss?" asked Fred. "Draco won't say a thing. Did the ceremony go okay? Did you see that star? What is that? Is it like... forever?"

Since Fred had insisted on going along, they had to give him a quick sketch of the situation before they Apparated. It didn't take long to get him up to speed, although half of him still thought it was some elaborate practical joke, while the other half wasn't sure.

"Ready?" asked Sirius. Everyone nodded. They each held up their wands, but couldn't Apparate.

"What?" asked Draco. "Are we still inside the Horntail's boundary?"

"No," assured Harry. "It's at least a hundred metres up the hill."

"Something's blocking the Apparation," said Sirius. "And it's powerful."

"What's that mean?"

"I don't know, Harry. Give me a minute."

Sirius held his wand and slowly moved it around. He was probing, trying to find the extent of the block, or any weakness it might have. A thin smile pursed his lips; he seemed to be enjoying the challenge.

"I couldn't have done better myself," he muttered, stepping a few feet forward.

"Got it!" he said at last. "Just to the south, near the beach. It's as close as I can get, and having water nearby might come in handy. Everyone follow my Apparation."

He disappeared with a snap. Ron went next and then George. Harry was hesitating, partly because he hated Apparation in the first place, but also because following an Apparation was tricky. The leader needed to get quickly out of the way as did each of the subsequent wizards, avoiding the wizards behind still to come. If not, the trailing wizard might Apparate right into the wizard in front. Being splinched with half your body inside of a wall or stone was bad enough. Two wizards splinched together almost never came out well. Of course, it didn't help that the more wizards that passed through the more likely you were to pass through, or in to one and Harry now found himself the last to go.

"Vision..." he whispered to himself nervously. It was the first time he'd actually said the words out loud in nearly a year. "Channel..." he continued. A doorway opened out onto the Mediterranean Sea, but the sky was flaming orange and red. Something was not right. He saw a spot just between Ron and George and stepped through. "Reconstruction," he said out loud as he arrived, a bit embarrassed to be looking like a sixth year student at Hogwarts.

No one was paying any attention anyway. They were surrounded by three dragons that were very angry that they couldn't penetrate the enchantment that had been set around the castle, the same enchantment that had blocked Sirius from Apparating directly in. Thwarted on that attempt, the opportunity to fry the freshly arrived wizards was now top on their 'To do' list. While the three turned their vitriol on the wizards, the fourth kept raining fire down over the top of the castle. Harry watched as the fire spread out high above the castle and fell to the sides, well clear of the walls, as if a giant umbrella or dome were protecting it.

As the fire flamed toward them, Sirius erected a shield charm protecting them for the time being. George and Ron ran toward the ocean and, using their wands and some fancy wrist movements, pulled water from the sea and sprayed it like a giant fire hose at the dragons. Fred and Draco transformed. Fred sprang around the side of the castle to see if he could find a way in, or at least a way to let Hermione know that they had arrived. Draco hoped that his non-wizard form would help with what he was about to say. It had been Ying-lung's suggestion. Harry joined Sirius and extended the shield charm to protect Draco as he rose to speak to the dragons.

"Why can't they penetrate the castle?" Ron called out over the sizzling spray of fire and water. "Cho and Hermione are great witches, but there's no way they could have erected an enchantment like that. It's huge! Four dragons... and it's not their home! What's going on?"

"I don't know, Ron," replied Sirius, as he and Harry struggled to maintain the shield about Draco. It was becoming more difficult as he rose higher in the air to meet the dragons. "Unless--"

One of the dragons shrieked. The Fireball had noticed Harry and the ring upon his finger. Without being attacked, it began to back away, fearful of what might happen.

"Come back here, coward!" cried the largest of the four dragons. He sent out another blast of flame, this time deliberately directed at Harry.

"A brave move," Harry thought. It was fortunate that he had no intention of harming the dragons, as long as it could be helped. Draco took the moment to speak as Harry used the stone of cinnabar to absorb the fire's energy.

"Chih-lung!" Draco called out to the large dragon. "Ying-lung sends word of a new peace!"

The remaining two dragons stopped, surprised at what they'd just heard.

"What devilry is this, Primate?" Chih-lung roared, but not to Draco, rather to Harry, the only Primate he knew. Draco, beat his wings to fly higher, a bit unsteadily as he was not yet fully healed. If he rose too high, he would be out of the protection of Sirius and Harry below. Harry called out to warn him, but Draco ignored his pleas.

"I said," cried out Draco, and this time with a sense of command bestowed him by the leader of the Fireballs, "Ying-lung sends word of a new peace!" At this, the dragon over the castle stopped breathing fire and turned towards the flying vampire, now so high in the air a single breath of fire would destroy him. The deliberate vulnerability was noticed by Chih-lung who cast an untrusting glance at Harry and then back at the vampire before him.

"What peace?" asked the dragon sceptically, but with a tinge of hope in his words.

"I can see that you have heard him calling to you, Chih-lung," said Draco. "I know what you were told; that his mind would be twisted by the Black Ring, but see below! The Primate of the Horntails stands before you now and yet you still hear Ying-lung's pleas for your return. Come closer and I will show you what has happened." Draco held out his hand as Chih-lung, hesitantly, moved toward him. At last, Draco touched his forehead and a warm, yellow light radiated outward.

"The star you see above," said Draco proudly, "is no mere coincidence. It is Singehorn, ascended as a new sun, a new calling for peace among us all." The battle on the mountain revealed to him, Chih-lung slowly pulled away and looked longingly at the bright orb shining in the new day sky.

"Singehorn?" the dragon's mind whispered. The other dragons had all seen what Draco had shared and all knew what Chih-lung was thinking. If Singehorn had indeed ascended, then they had better pay him tribute along with all the other stars, if ever they were to ascend themselves. Whether it was out of frustration from having breathed fire for over an hour, a true willingness to embrace the new peace, or just pure self-serving interest in their own hope for some sort of afterlife, Harry didn't know, but all four Fireballs dropped together to the ground and paid tribute to the Truly Great Dragon now set in the heavens.

George, barely able to believe his eyes, stepped over and hugged Harry and Ron from behind. "We did it! Draco did it! Where's Fred?" he asked. "Why are we always looking for Fred?"

"He was trying to find a way in," said Harry, pointing to the west. "He followed the shore until he disappeared around the rocks."

"I will be your guide," continued Draco, kneeling before the dragons, "in these new times. At least, I will try. I have much to learn. For now, you must heed Ying-lung's call. Your kin need you. Not all survived this day. Fly north to celebrate and to mourn. I would join you, but even I must rest to heal." Chih-lung and the others nodded their heads, and with a deafening roar they rose up and disappeared through the gathering clouds. After they had left, Draco transformed back to wizard form and summoned his robes back into his hands.

"Those burns still need treatment, Draco," said Sirius. "Soseh's salves need time to work. You'll scar if you don't take some time to rest." Draco examined the blistered skin upon his shoulder and nodded.

"I'd rest," said Draco, staring straight at the castle's front door, "but the enchantment's still up. Ron, call your bloody wife and tell her-- What the fuck?"

Fred, dressed in red Bermuda shorts and a green Hawaiian shirt, had just passed through the front doors and was walking toward them barefoot down the sandy stone steps. He had a sandwich in one hand and his wand in the other. He got to where the enchantment came down between him and his friends who were still stuck on the outside, and then tapped the shield with his wand. A wave of blue energy spread outward in all directions.

"What's the matter, Harry?" he said trying not to smile, but failing miserably. "Didn't you make the payments on this place? I hear the Greeks will repossess in a heartbeat. You know, if you need a galleon or two, I can always--"

"Drop the bloody enchantment, Fred!" cried Ron. "And where'd you get that sandwich?"

"He can't," said Sirius suddenly smiling himself. "No offence Fred," Sirius nodded to the redhead on the other side of the barrier, "but this was accomplished by more than you can master."

"Nom takem, Birius," answered Fred, mumbling with his mouth full.

"Only a great wizard, one who calls this home, could have created such a powerful enchantment."

"Jamie?" asked Harry. "He's not even--"

"Are you really that daft, Potter?" asked Fred, taking another bite on his sandwich and revealing that he hadn't quite yet fully transformed his canines.

Behind Fred, the ladies stepped out of the castle, each was smiling. Cho was holding Jamie, Hermione was holding her stomach, and Gabriella held her wand, waving it to drop the barrier.

"Gab?" Harry whispered to himself in disbelief. "Gabriella?" he yelled, running toward her.

Ignoring the welcoming hugs of the others around them, Harry and Gabriella embraced where the sand met the stone steps leading to the castle. He held her tight and swung her in his arms and they kissed again and again. For Harry, it had not been two days since she left and yet, in his heart, it seemed a lifetime. At last, he held her face in his hands and looked into her black eyes, ebon pools he could fall into.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "Maia... she didn't--" It was then that he noticed something different. Her skin was darker, as if she'd been in the sun for weeks, maybe months, and, about her eyes, thin lines had appeared as if she'd aged ten years. "What happened?" he whispered gently touching the side of her face.

As Gabriella told it, not ten years had passed, but rather seven. What part of seven, she couldn't explain - past, present, or future, in this existence, or on another parallel earth, it was a mystery even to her. It wasn't until the setting of the second sun, as the stars began to spring forth into the night sky, that Gabriella finished telling the tale. Jamie had been put to bed and the young wizards, together with Sirius, were gathered about a bonfire near the ocean.

"It's fantastic," said Hermione snuggled in Ron's large arms. "When I used the Timeturner, Professor Dumbledore told me that I would still live those moments, still age, even though I returned to the exact time I left. I aged an additional four months that year. You Gabriella... it's incredible - seven years for seven seas."

"And not once did you come across a wizard or Muggle?" asked Cho who was seated next to George and holding his hand. A Wizarding wireless hung suspended next to her in the air, giving her a clear picture of Jamie sleeping in his bed.

"Never," replied Gabriella. "It was the ocean and all its creatures without mankind, untouched and undeveloped. I think it was a picture of what today might look like, if we started caring more for the world in which we live. At least, it felt that way. It was beautiful and fantastical and I learned more than most wizards learn in a lifetime, but... it was also quite lonely."

"I'm so sorry," said Harry, holding her in his arms much as Ron held Hermione, only his grip was somewhat tighter, almost as if he didn't want to ever release her again.

"No, my love," she said with fervour. "Don't be sorry. I spent seven years perfecting my craft with Maia. If not, I would never have been able to protect the castle as I did."

"It's a miracle is what it is," said Fred sitting in the sand next to Sirius and Draco. "It's like she knew. If you'd have been on the mountain with the rest of us..." He shook his head. "Who knows what would have happened. The Fireballs here were bad enough." He looked over admiringly at Draco. "I can't imagine facing over a dozen of them."

"Strength does not always lie in numbers, Fred," said Sirius rising to his feet. Something on the surf had caught his attention. "Give me the eight wizards gathered around this fire and I could... well, if I can sense it, Harry, I'm sure the Heart of Asha is throbbing under your skin with the love and loyalty gathered here." Sirius brushed the sand off his shorts, straightened his T-shirt, and then went over to investigate.

"That, erm, reminds me, Fred," said Draco, mindlessly drawing an outline of a dragon in the sand. "I was wondering... erm... I know it's kind of awkward, me being a vampire and all, but... erm... if maybe you'd like to--"

"Join the Votary of the Fireballs?" interrupted Fred. Draco looked up surprised. "Harry told me, you'd become a Primate," said Fred with a smile.

"Well... yeah," said Draco, his voice still a bit uncomfortable. "I mean, I would understand if you--"

"I would love to," said Fred. "But 'Votary' is a lame name. We'll have to come up with something better."

"Like the Fireball Fanatics," said George with a laugh.

"Yeah! Something like that," said Fred, looking at twisting the humour into a greater meaning. "You don't want wizards to think they can screw with us, you know?"

"Sure," said Draco leaning back and looking at the stars, a sense of happiness warming his face. "Fanatics!" The hair slid off his neck and fell behind him, revealing the two marks upon his neck. Quickly realizing, he sat upright and pulled the hair back over them to conceal the bite. Fred leaned over and brushed the hair back behind his neck.

"Don't," he said firmly, almost irritated by the gesture. "It's part of who you are. Don't be ashamed of it. I still can't vanish all the fur from my body and anybody who thinks that's a problem can go straight to Hades. Be proud you've turned those two marks into something grand, something spectacular. Draco, you're the bloody Primate of the Chinese Fireballs for Merlin's sake. Leader of the Fireball Fanatics! You don't need to give a shit about what anybody thinks!"

The group gave out a little cheer and George held up his bottle in a toast.

"To the Fanatics!" he called. "The worst smelling wizards the world has--"

"Oooh!" said Hermione sharply.

"What... what is it?" asked Ron with concern.

"Just a little contraction, that's all. It's nothing to be worried about." She took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. "There... all better," she whispered. Ron relaxed as she settled back into his arms.

"So," said Ron. "What do we call it? The new sun?"

"Well we can't call it the sun," said Fred, studying the bottom of his beer bottle. "That's already been taken."

"Singehorn is too long," offered Cho. "What about Singe?"

"See the setting singe!" said Fred; he snickered. "Try to say that three times fast."

"It's Phobos, you know," said Gabriella. "When Ebyrth missed Mars, it passed by one of the brothers, Deimos, but made a star out of the other."

"Brothers?" asked Ron.

Deimos and Phobos were the sons of Ares... Mars. Deimos was the god of terror, and his brother Phobos of fear. They drove their father's chariot into battle spreading fear in their wake and routing the battlefield. The Centaurs believe that the Phantom took two brothers under his apprenticeship, two he would call his sons. Draco, you and Theodore, both brothers from the House of Slytherin, were his chosen ones, his Phobos and Deimos."

"Nott may have led the attack on Hogsmeade, but he isn't dead," said Draco.

"Nor is Deimos. Instead the moon must now endure watching, for all eternity, the shining star that is its brother and wonder what might have been, if only Deimos had been strong enough to reach for the light. At best, Deimos will only reflect a portion of the light Phobos radiates every moment. It is the power of love that you are now able to share, Draco, and the love that Ted has lost.

"Sounds like a Centaur tale," said Draco, unwilling to raise his eyes from the ground next to him as he continued to sketch dragons in the sand. "I don't know how much love I--"

"Who's that?" asked Cho, pointing at a redhead walking the beach with Sirius.

"Bistonis!" said Gabriella with surprise. "I've met her. She's spectacular. I watched her help form a great lake in North America."

"That had to be millions of years ago!" said Cho.

"It... it doesn't feel like it," said Gabriella crinkling her brow in thought as if trying to recall some distant memory. "Okay... maybe you're right. Maybe it was the Amazon in South America."

"We have some serious catching up to do," said Harry, pulling her in more closely. They watched as Sirius took Bistonis by the hand and disappeared behind the rocks along the beach. Maybe something was in the air, but Draco began to nervously tap his leg with his fingers.

"Erm... Fred," said Draco, taking to his feet. "We're almost out of beer. Want to help me go get some?" Fred looked down at the pile of empty bottles and then up at Draco and then over to the castle.

"Sure," he said with a shrug, rising to his feet. "I can give you a hand."

"Why don't you just con--" Harry began, before Gabriella poked him in the ribs.

"Why don't you just consider something we can snack on while you're there," Gabriella said.

"You bet," said Draco as he headed up toward the castle.

"We'll be back in a flash," said Fred, waving at the group and trailing after Draco.

"Sure you will," said George, rolling his eyes. "Merlin the boy is daft. It's hard to believe we share the same DNA. Harry, conjure some more beers. I don't want to wait, not for those two."

"I don't get it," said Ron. "What ever happened to Blaise?"

"He was helping Draco prepare for Narcissa's big Hogsmeade bash," said George. "They were over at Honeydukes having a soda and holding hands when Blaise's dad happened to walk in. Fred was there and saw the whole thing. Blaise pulled his hand away and then introduced Draco as if they were nothing more than classmates. When Mr. Zabini suggested that pureblood wizards should not consort with those of mixed blood, meaning vampires, Blaise just nodded."

"He didn't," said Gabriella, her hand over her mouth.

"I guess Ted is not alone in his lack of conviction," said Hermione, pressing the right side of her belly a little. It was clearly bothering her. "He'd rather sacrifice himself in a magical lake than tell his own father his true feelings."

"Some families are better at feelings than others," said Harry. "Draco's only just now learning to share with his mother. Maybe, one day, Blaise will find the same courage."

"You're right, Harry," said Cho, leaning forward in her chair and looking toward the castle. "Draco's a different wizard. Whatever Dakhil did to help him find his soul... I guess it worked. It's sad. Clearly, Blaise hurt him deeply. I never thought I'd say this, but I feel sorry for Draco."

"That's okay," said George, leaning forward with her. "On the way out of the store, Fred slashed the top of Blaise's hand with a werewolf claw and then welcomed him to the pack, flashing his canines."

"No!" said Ron. "Fred would never--"

"That's not enough to turn a wizard," asserted Hermione, taking a sip of her spiced tea.

"No, but Blaise doesn't know that," said George with satisfaction as he accepted one of the freshly conjured bottles of bear from Harry. Just as Harry levitated another bottle toward Cho, a drop of rain began to fall. Harry looked to the sky. The stars had disappeared.

"It's dark," he whispered.

"Light cannot always prevail," said Gabriella. "Sometimes even the stars must rest."

"That's why we have my mate, Harry, here," said Ron as he looked to the sky. "Guardian of the masses!"

"There's a lot of anger out there, little brother," said George. "Even Harry needs some help."

"That reminds me of Neville," said Hermione. "I'm worried about him, about his anger. He never really has been the same since the battle. Ever since... you know - Nott and the others."

"Neville's heart is innocent and, at its core, pure. Someday that darkness will pass from him. I'd worry about Patrick," said Gabriella shrewdly. "Someone of such youth with the strength of a vampire and the wisdom to use it, wielding so much magic... Power like that can--"

"I'll watch out for Patrick," assured Harry.

"Listen to all of you!" chided Hermione. "The greatest day in the history of the Wizarding world and you're filled with stories portending doom and gloom. At last we will have an age of peace. I can't think of a better time to raise a child," She patted her tummy.

"Hermione, you should have been in Ravenclaw," said Cho, holding up her beer bottle in salute. She smiled, but the smile turned to a yawn.

"You are all staying here tonight, right?" Harry asked already knowing the answer, but figuring he'd best learn how to be a host and remind them they were welcome. It was the Potter castle now after all.

"Don't be silly," said Gabriella. "Of course they are! Cho's nearly falling asleep already."

"I am getting tired," she agreed.

"And there's a perfect room for you, George... at the far end of the castle," said Harry, lifting Gabriella up and taking to his feet.

Drip. Another drop of rain fell upon his forehead.

"Yeah," said George, lifting Cho up, much in the same way Harry lifted Gabriella. "Sure thing, Harry." He smiled, giving Cho's neck a little peck from behind. "I'm pretty tired too. Sleep sounds good."

"So, Harry" said Ron, sitting up with Hermione at his side. "I guess now we're both married to older women."

"I always was older," said Gabriella.

"So was I," added Hermione.

"Well... I mean... you're more experienced now," said Ron.

"I always was more experienced!" said Gabriella.

"Wait a second!" said Harry. "I could--"

"Ayyyy!" said Hermione clenching her teeth. She began to pant through another rather strong contraction and then it released. Ron and Harry were pretty spun up about it, but Cho and Gabriella were as calm as ever. "Whew!" said Hermione. That was a strong one."

"Just a couple more weeks, Hermione," assured Cho, as Hermione began to stand, "and-- oh my."

"What was that?" asked Ron, his voice rising. "What the bloody hell--"

"My water broke," said Hermione, a tinge of surprise in her voice. "I'm... erm... I..."

"You're going to have a baby," said Cho in a matter of fact tone. She waved her wand, vanishing the amniotic fluid. Suddenly, she wasn't quite so tired anymore.

"Come on, you two," Gabriella commanded, pointing at Harry and George. "Let's get her inside. We're not going to do this in the sand and rain."

"She can't... you can't... we can't have a baby. It's not time!" demanded Ron trailing behind them as they carried Hermione up the stone steps.

"Oh... I think it's time," said Hermione. "Here comes anoth-- Ayyyyy!"

"Gab, get Sirius," said Harry as they stepped toward the castle doors. "We need a Healer."

"You don't need a Healer, dearest," said a woman with a warm and natural voice, opening the front doors. There stood Bistonis with Sirius at her side. How they slipped past them up to the castle, no one knew.

"Witches have been having babies for centuries without the advances of modern magic," she said. "Do you realize how much harm it does to have a baby teleported out of the womb? Bring her in here." She escorted them all into the front living room. The fire was burning as rain began to pelt the side of the house, streaking down the large glass windows. A small bed was already set up for Hermione. Sirius stepped in behind the beautiful redhead.

"Hermione," he said, taking her by the hand. "Everything will be fine. "Bistonis has delivered hundreds of babies."

"Dozens of my own," the nymph offered. "And most of them were human. Now, let's have some privacy, shall we?" Ron began to step out. "No! You stay... and the ladies as well. Gabriella," Bistonis said with a smile, "you should see how this is done. I spoke with Soseh the other day and she said to me that...." George and Harry left with Sirius and shut the doors behind them. There was another scream.

"I'm glad I'm not a witch," whispered Harry. Suddenly, Fred and George appeared, wands drawn. Both were barefoot and Draco was wearing a green Hawaiian shirt. Harry pointed at Draco and then at Fred.

"Weren't you wearing--?"

"It's Hermione," said Sirius calmly interrupting. "Their baby is on its way." Draco and Fred nodded knowingly and slipped their wands away. The five wizards moved into the kitchen to wait. Sirius started some coffee and they each took turns, drumming the table with their fingers.

"He won't say, you know?" said Fred, finally breaking the silence. "But he's still scared to death."

"No, he won't talk about it," snapped George in agreement. "But you don't help, constantly reminding him of what happened."

"No," said Fred sheepishly. "I guess I don't." He sighed.

"The baby will be fine," Sirius assured them all. "I'm sure, once they see--"

The doors opened and Gabriella walked out, tears streaming down her cheeks. She stepped over and pulled Harry tight toward her.

"What is it, Gab? What--"

"She's soooo beautiful!" she sobbed into Harry's neck. She sniffed and wiped her face. "A little angel with fiery red hair. Come on... but be quiet and be quick. Hermione needs to get some rest."

The young men walked in and found Hermione seated near the large fireplace with a suckling baby in her arms. The infant was wrapped in a blanket with only a tuft of red hair popping out on top. Ron was kneeling at her side, his hand placed gently over the infant's back. They watched as Bistonis held her hands over the baby and her family. A soft green light glowed and bathed them all.

"For the strength and conviction you have endured to bring love into this world, I bestow what blessings I am able that your lives be filled with joy and happiness." She smiled as the green light faded and walked over to Sirius, placing her arm about his waste.

"You've had the most fascinating life, Sirius Black," she said earnestly, leaning her head upon his shoulder as they stepped down the main corridor of the castle. "I knew when we first met, you'd be a thrill and you're not yet forty!"

"Well, I'm soon to be a dusty old Headmaster," said Sirius, kissing the top of her head. "Life for me is about to get quite boring." Bistonis laughed.

"I think not, Padfoot. I think not. Tell me what you know about goblins." Their steps faded away as they continued toward Sirius' chamber.

Listening to his godfather, Harry smiled as he watched George and Fred kiss their sister-in-law and hug their brother. Draco was about to leave when Hermione called to him.

"Get over here, Draco," she insisted, albeit with her eyes half closed. With her free arm she pulled him down and kissed his cheek. "We're more than friends... you know that don't you?" Draco nodded, but Hermione was unconvinced. "No! You're family. No matter what happens, we'll be there for you... all of us. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Hermione," said Draco with a smile as he kissed her cheek. "I understand. But that goes both ways." He glanced over at Fred. "I've learned being a vampire has its advantages. If ever the Weasley family requires my service, you need only say the word." They touched hands once more and then Draco stepped out of the living room with the twins, George telling Cho he'd check on the baby.

When Cho said she'd be out shortly, Harry noticed a tightening in her voice and looked over to her with concern. She was standing against one of the walls, her fingers brushing up against the stone. Harry knew immediately what it was and he went over to comfort her. A singular tear fell down the side of her face as Harry put his arm around her.

"Can you feel it, Harry?" she asked, still touching the stone. "He's here."

"Yes," whispered Harry. "I've never been in this room when I didn't sense Anthony's spirit. Not... not in a ghost sort of way, but rather in what he stood for. I sense his love, his loyalty, his passion for living life in the moment and squeezing every bit of that moment into his soul. I think that's why Bistonis picked this room rather than a sleeping chamber. She felt it too." He gave her a hug and then looked into her eyes. For a moment, he felt like dying.

"He- he loved you so much," Harry struggled to say. "I swear, if I could take that--"

"Shhhh," she whispered. "That moment has past and we have a far more precious moment in front of us." They moved over to the newest Weasley family member who was now resting on Hermione's shoulder. Two bright blue eyes twinkled in the firelight.

"Sorry, Hermione, but they're Ron's eyes."

"Thank Merlin for that," said Hermione, half asleep. "I hate my eyes."

"Your eyes are the most beautiful brown on the face of the earth," said Ron standing up to kiss her. "Sorry, Cho," he said with a smile, "but I'm partial." He kissed Hermione again. Gabriella looked around.

"I think the Weasley family needs a little better place to rest." She started waving her wand and the living room furniture began to transform into bedroom furniture. "There," she said with a pleased smile as the last bit of bedding folded neatly near the pillows. "If you need anything..."

"...anything at all," added Cho.

"We'll be happy to get it for you. For now, rest."

"Thank you, guys," said Ron, helping Hermione to bed. "You've been great."

"Well..." began Harry. "You say that now. Wait till you taste Sirius' cooking in the morning. If you want to sneak out early, I know this great little--"

"Come on," interrupted Gabriella. Cho had already started for her bedroom and Jamie. "Leave them to--"

"Wait!" said Harry suddenly stopping. "A name. Have you thought of a name?" Hermione smiled and then Ron, reading her thoughts, did as well.

"Molly Joy Weasley," he announced.

"Ahhhh," cooed Gabriella. "That's beautiful." Her eyes began to tear.

"Named after one of the finest witches that ever lived," whispered Harry. Instinctively, his hand made its way into his pocket and his fingers touched a faded and torn piece of parchment that never left his side.

"Yes. That's a beautiful name," he said quietly and swallowed hard. "Good-night."

Before they went to bed, Harry suddenly insisted he needed to look in on Jamie. He kissed his sleeping son's forehead and hugged Cho good-night. He glanced about with his eyes closed, but George was nowhere to be seen. Satisfied, he and Gabriella walked down the corridor to their own bedroom. The rain outside was as steady and as strong as ever. It would be their first night together in the castle. When Harry was building their bed chamber stone by stone, he often dreamed of that night, but never did those visions fall upon a night like this. At the time, he doubted if they'd ever have the chance to sleep in that room together, but the reapers had stayed their hands until another day. He sighed. They were the lucky ones.

"You miss her, don't you?" asked Gabriella. "Molly?"

"I miss them all, Gab - Dumbledore, Molly, Greg, Anthony, Tonks, Dakhil, Singehorn, Tanwen... Grigor... my god... I don't' even want to think how many. They didn't deserve to die, not on my account." Gabriella sighed as she opened the door to their room.

"I've had seven years to think about that very question, Harry. Why did it all happen? I think, seven years from now, you'll see that it was never really about you, Harry, anymore than it was about me, or Hermione, or Ron. Sure, you were the Chosen," she smiled, "but you were just one cog in a great machination that is life. Maybe a bigger cog than most, but the machine needs each piece to run properly. You played your part with compassion and love and that's all anybody can ask of you. If things don't end up the way you planned, talk to the toymaker, Harry, not the cogs."

She squeezed his hand and then slipped into the bathroom to get ready, but Harry just dropped his clothes at the foot of the bed and crawled in under the covers.


The rain had stopped outside, but the roof still drained, bringing the familiar pinging of water into the pools that had formed between rock and mortar. It wasn't the same song he remembered from last year, but it was just as beautiful. He placed his hand flat upon the sheet next to him, the connubial ring glowing brightly as ever.

The door to the bathroom opened and shut. The flames in the torches went dark and Gabriella climbed in next to Harry, kissing his shoulder along the way.

"You taste like salt," she said.

"Seven years in the ocean and you think I taste like salt? Next time we're on the Mountain, I'll have the dragons use you as a salt lick! Then we'll see who tastes like salt!"

"We'll see who licks who!" she gripped a particular spot on the side of his waist and he began to laugh. They embraced, listening to the echoing pings of dripping water and the slow ebb and flow of the night air's breath as it warmly wheezed down the corridors of a castle filled with loving friends and family. She sighed.


"Merlin, Harry, it's hard to believe the battle's over. I feel like our little fellowship has come to an end. Everyone's starting their own family, or going off to China," she chuckled. "We say we'll visit, but I can't imagine life letting that happen, at least not as often as we'd like." Harry stroked Gabriella's long black hair with his hand as she laid her head against his chest.

"Dumbledore once said that all things must come to an end. But that, just like Christmas, even after all the decorations have been put away into their boxes, the spirit of the holiday lives on in each of us.

"We may not visit each other as often as we'd like, Gabriella, but the memories of what we've accomplished together, just like holiday memories, will live on in each of us. We'll continue to hold each other in our thoughts, carrying a collective spirit that can only lead to greater things to come."

"Oh?" said Gabriella with a twinkle in her eye. "What sort of things?"

"I don't know... greater things!"


Her fingers began to play about his bellybutton.

"Big things?" she asked playfully.

"Don't tell me you're thinking about family things?" he asked nervously. Her hand tiptoed lower. "I mean... after... after all you've s-seen tonight, you're not thinking about trying t-to have a baby are you? You are?"

Having achieved her objective, Gabriella swung a leg over Harry's and sat upon his hips.

"Don't be silly," she said with a smile. "I'm not talking about a baby. Maia says we're destined to have twins."

She bent low and kissed him hard upon the lips ending all talk of the Wizarding world.



Finite Incantatem

Well, I hope you enjoyed. I had toyed with an epilogue, but I think I'm done writing for the ether; it's just too quiet here on FA. -Ciao!