Harry Potter and the Birth of a New Sun


Story Summary:
To serve and be served by the most powerful creatures on earth? Harry never asked for it, and yet the power of the dragon is at his fingertips. About to be swept with the rest of the world into a war between Centaurs and Dementors, Harry will find the burden of such commitment to be his liberation. But it will take more than the fire of dragons to push back the darkness consuming the world. It will take the love of a beautiful black haired girl and the birth of a new sun. [Sequel to Harry Potter and the Burden of Becoming]

Chapter 15 - Another Potter

Chapter Summary:
Harry discovers more about his child and about how Cho has kept the boy hidden all these months. He then embarks on his mission to destroy Voldemort’s Horcrux -- The Cloak.

Harry Potter and the Birth of a New Sun

Chapter 15 - Another Potter


Beyond the babbles of the baby sitting beside Harry, there was silence. Perhaps, if one were to listen closely, the sound of a bird chirping or a distant bus creaking to a halt could be heard, breaking the stillness of the morning. Then Cho's foot began to nervously tap against the side of the table. In front of Harry, she had been confronted by Gabriella with the truth, but still she would not, or could not speak. Harry had known before they came to France that the child would be his, and though he had not heard the words from Cho's lips, he wasn't about to become angry; it was hard enough not to show how frightened he was feeling. No, if anything, he needed some time himself to get over the sinking feeling in his stomach, as if he'd just fallen off his broom. He would wait for Cho to be ready. He breathed deeply the aroma of his coffee, took a sip, set the cup down and put out his finger, with which the little boy began to bite toothlessly.

"Jamie?" Harry said tenderly. "I... I like that name."

He smiled and put his hand on the boy's head.

"Oh, my. What a head of hair! Is it black?" This simple question was purposefully directed at Cho. There was the beat of a pause before she answered.

"Yes," she said quietly, with a bit of a crack in the word. Harry could hear her swallow.

"Thank Merlin he's got his mother's looks," Harry said with a chuckle. He took another sip of coffee.

"You'll see him one day, Harry," said Gabriella with an encouraging tone. Harry tilted his head down and shook it slowly.

"I don't think so," he said quietly, his lips still turned in a slight smile.

"What do you mean?" asked Cho, surprised. "Surely they can--"

"I was just examined by Madame Pomfrey," interrupted Harry. "The vision charms aren't knitting. There's still too much glass."

"But couldn't they just--"

"There are dozens of tiny shards - too many and too small to vanish without vanishing pieces of my eyes and if they summon them out they'll shred whatever healthy eye tissue that's left." Cho gasped.

"I... I didn't know. I thought--"

"No matter," said Harry taking to his feet. "I can see the fire in his soul, even if I can't see the colour of his eyes." He went to the coffee pot to pour himself one more cup. On the way, he tripped on a small toy that had fallen on the floor and what liquid that was in his cup spilt.

"Woops," said Harry. Cho stood to clean the spill, but Harry had it off the ground nearly before it landed with a simple wave of his hand. Since losing his sight, his abilities without a wand, abilities he rarely used in front of others, had strengthened. Without skipping a beat, he poured himself another cup, but rather than turn he continued to face the cabinetry. Yes, he could see the fire in the boy's aura, but he would give anything to have his eyesight back... to see his child, his son. He began to tremble. For the first time in months he was cold with fear, and it wasn't fear of a Dementor or Death Eater. It was fear for his child and his child's mother, fear for a future that was already so uncertain, so dark. It felt as if all the air in the room was being sucked away.

"At least," he said, holding the warm cup in his hands, "Anthony won't need to... to look into my eyes and wonder. I... I wouldn't want that." Cho stepped up behind Harry and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Anthony Goldstein, Ravenclaw Prefect at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry?" asked Cho. "He might be a bit proud at times, but he's no fool, Harry. He knows." She turned Harry to face her. "He's always known that... that Jamie is your son. He came up with the name. Your f-father's name." She placed her hand at the side of Harry's face. "He knew that too. I... I didn't." With these words, Cho began to cry. She held Harry by the front of his shirt and pulled him close, sobbing into his chest. Gabriella left her chair and the three hugged for some time while Cho repeated over and over how sorry she was, and Harry repeated over and over that it was okay, that he was the one who was sorry. It was little Jamie who broke up the trio as he began to cry.

"Oh... he's hungry," said Cho blotting her eyes. She picked the boy up into her arms and ushered them all into the front room where the fireplace sat cold, but the slightly tattered chairs were more comfortable. Even without the fire, Harry watched with wonder the warmth that filled the room. He could tell she loved the boy deeply. Nor, was the emotion lost on Gabriella, sitting at Harry's side, who was gathering a glow herself as she took in the room's emotions of love. He took Gabriella's hand and for the first time in a long time Harry tried to relax, letting the swirling fears of the future fade from his mind. It was Cho that started the conversation as Jamie continued to suckle.

"I wanted to keep this secret, Harry - secret from my parents, secret from my brother, secret from you. At first I was ashamed and then--"


"Let me finish," asked Cho. "I need to finish, or I may never be able to." Harry nodded. "Last year you wanted to tell me about Gabriella." Cho looked at Gab. "He did so want to push me away, to tell me of the Muggle girl he had met back home." Her eyes returned to Harry. "But I could see that, just under the skin, there was a fire of desire and I... I wanted... my broken body wanted to be desired."

"He was cross-hexed by my parents," said Gabriella. The words were meant to be explanatory, but Harry noted a tinge of bitterness or sadness.

"I know that now," answered Cho. "Maybe I knew it then, at least that he wasn't in his right mind. I could have used a sheathing charm. I thought about it. I even reached for my wand before it happened Halloween night behind the Great Hall." Gabriella shot Harry a glance that he could not see. "But then I stopped. I wanted this." Cho looked down at Jamie. "I wanted to have something in case... in case..."

"In case I died?" asked Harry. "Like Cedric?" Without speaking, Cho simply nodded.

"I was being stupid. As if I could ever... And then, when I found out about Gabriella, when we actually spoke...." Cho smiled. "I was so happy for you, Harry, and you were so sad." She sighed, shaking her head. "So I hid it - I hid my pregnancy and I hid Jamie." She put the baby over her shoulder and began to pat its back. "I thought that after You-Know-Who had been destroyed I could tell you, but then I heard about the new war... that Malfoy's Death Eaters were out to kill you. What would they do if they knew you had a son?" She shook her head. "This summer, I travelled to the United States with Anthony... Tony. One night, I fell asleep in his arms and when I woke up the next morning the befuddling charm had warn off. I was pregnant for all to see. In that instant I panicked, horrified by what he might think, what he might do, and in the next I felt Tony's touch, warm and caressing on my stomach. He stayed at my side and he's never left." Jamie let out a rather impressive burp and everyone smiled.

Grinning, Cho held Jamie in her lap and said something in Chinese as she wiped the milk from his chin.

"Tony's hired Chalmers" said Cho, referring to the guard that was probably now close to finishing his morning meal, "to watch over Jamie and I, while he finishes school. It's costing him every knut he has. Once we're married we'll qualify for benefits from the Ministry. They offer housing and, maybe, we can find a nicer place to--"

"Benefits?" spat Harry, his spine snapping rigid. "From the Ministry? You can't be serious! You're not going to take a dime from the Ministry. As far as I'm concerned there all a bunch of crooks!"

"Harry!" called Gabriella.

"Well, Ron's dad. But the rest of the lot? Crooks!" He took to his feet. "And as far as living in Ministry housing... never! I won't allow it."

"What do you mean you won't allow it?" said Cho a bit heatedly. "You have no say in the matter." Harry ignored her.

"You'll stay at the castle. It's far enough away from what's happening... yes, you'll be safe there."

"We're safe here," said Cho, standing herself, the baby held snugly in both arms.

"Safe! Are you kidding me!" cried Harry. "What's his name... Chambers? He's a Death Eater!"

"Oh," Cho chuckled, "now you're just being ridiculous. Chalmers wouldn't hurt a fly. He's only working for Tony because of the kindness in his heart. He hardly makes enough money to get by on."

"So he moonlights for Lucius Malfoy as a Death Eater!" exclaimed Harry. "At least he doesn't know that the boy is mine. Thank Merlin for that." Cho's face dropped with surprise at these words.

"How could you possible know that we haven't told him?" she asked. Now Gabriella stood, stroked Jamie's cheek and took him in her own arms, patting his back as he rested against her shoulder.

"Because," Gabriella said softly with a melodious voice as if she were singing to the baby, "if Chalmers knew, Lucius would know. And if Lucius knew, his son would know."

"Draco?" breathed Cho. "I thought Draco was..." Her voice quieted and she strode over to Harry and slapped him on the shoulder. "You little liar. You looked me straight in the eye and told me he fell into the abyss." Harry turned his back.

"Don't you look away from me!" Cho yelled. "Let me see your face." Harry acquiesced. When he faced her, any anger he felt evaporated and his shoulder slumped.

"This is pointless," he breathed. "He'll be back here any moment. Maybe he's a kindly old doddered just trying to make a buck any way he can. Cho, you can't take a chance." He placed his hands on her shoulders. "I have money and it's my responsibility. Let me at least help pay the bills until Anthony graduates. Let me at least give you a roof over your head where the fireplace works and you'll know you'll be safe."

"It's beautiful there," added Gabriella. "Green fields... azure seas... cute Greek boys with bare chests." She winked and kissed Jamie on the head. Cho crossed her arms and walked over to the fireplace that had no fuel for the fire.

"I... I'll have to ask Tony," answered Cho. "Do you think... I know it's difficult overseas, but do you think we could connect to the floo network? I miss the family so, and we are going to tell them... after Tony graduates."

"That's one thing the Ministry can do," said Harry, suddenly happy Cho was changing her mind. "But you can tell Tony later. First, we need to--" There was a snap and an instant later the front door opened. Gabriella motioned for Harry to hide. He had just enough time to dart under his cloak and gather himself into the corner before Chalmers walked through the front door.

The older man was thin, too thin, and not much taller than Cho. When he entered he took his coat off and hung it against the wall with a sticking charm.

"Beautiful day today, Miss Chang," he said with a toothy smile. "Beautiful Day!" He stepped over and gave Gabriella a nod. "And thank you missy for the fine meal." He paused. "It's been a while since..." His face grew wistful, but then he shook his head. "No matter." He slapped his hands together and pulled his wand. "Let me clear these dishes for you." Harry stood silently against the wall as Chalmers walked with a bit of a limp into the kitchen. There was a distinct rhythm to the cadence of his walk that Harry, two months ago, would not otherwise have noticed. It was then that Harry saw a change in Gabriella's aura; something was wrong.

"Oh," said Chalmers with a tone of surprise in his voice. "Three cups. Did you have another visitor today?" Without waiting for an answer he levitated the dishes into the sink where the scrubbers began to wash them. Cho was frozen, but Gabriella stepped over without hesitation.

"Yes," she said quite calmly, "a girlfriend of ours, also from Hogwarts. She had to leave early to get back for her afternoon exam." Chalmers nonchalantly straightened the chairs.

"Well, you know how Mr. Goldstein feels about visitors, Miss Chang." He settled himself into one of the cushioned chairs and began to unfold the newspaper, still scanning the room with the eyes. "At least strangers." Harry could tell that the old man was on guard, sensing something that was not right. "Just tryin' to keep you and the baby safe he is."

Baby Jamie babbled something and then pointed at Harry hidden beneath the cloak. The motion was enough to cause Chalmers to turn and look back into the far corner at the cracked and empty wall. Jamie babbled again and gave a light laugh. Chalmers smiled.

"Well, wee Jamie is happy enough to have guests." He held up the front page. "What's your friend's name, missy?"

"Hermione... Hermione Granger," answered Gabriella. There was the slightest pause and she added, "And I should be on my way as well." She gave Cho a hug and kissed Jamie's cheek. "Thanks so much for letting us visit. He's just adorable and you're a wonderful mother."

"Thank you, Gabriella," answered Cho, kissing Gab's cheek. "I couldn't ask for a kinder, warmer friend. Please come visit after the wedding. I think I'll feel more comfortable then - Mrs. Goldstein."

"Oh! That reminds me," said Gabriella suddenly. "Mr. Chalmers is it?" Chalmers set his paper in his lap.

"Just Chalmers, missy."

"Cho was showing me the nursery and I noticed the back window. We had discussed placing a sealing charm, but I wasn't sure if--"

"Yes, missy," cut in Chalmers proudly. "The whole house is sealed tight. No one can get in without permission. It's a Bucinum charm."

"Oh dear," said Gabriella. "A Bucinum charm?" Chalmers nodded his head. "I think a Trepidus charm would be safer, don't you?"

"Trepidus charm?" asked Chalmers blankly.

"Oh yes," added Cho. "A Trepidus charm would be ideal."

"Certainly," continued Gabriella, "I mean, if someone tries to break in the Bucinum charm blows them up. That could harm the baby. Do you think you could show me where you set the charms? Together we can make the replacement."

"Oh, please do, Chalmers," asked Cho pleadingly. "Gabriella's a first class witch. She studied at Al Bsahri you know."

"Did she now," said Chalmers with interest as he took to his feet. "I've heard they reopened the school this year."

"Yes," said Gabriella, "it's quite lovely."

"Well, let's have a look around and see what we can do." Together, Chalmers and Gabriella made their way to the back of the house, leaving Cho and Jamie alone with Harry. Even as Harry moved toward the front door beneath his invisibility cloak, Jamie followed him with his gaze, pointing with his hand. Cho walked to the door and opened it.

"When... when do you marry Gold-- Anthony?" Harry asked.

"Christmas," Cho answered. She tried to make the word sound exciting and vibrant, but it fell flat.

"Cho, you don't have to--"

"Don't I?" Cho snapped. "Don't I? Tony loves me for all the world. He'd risk his life to protect me... and your son. He's honest, hardworking, and... and... and I'm marrying him on Christmas." Jamie wriggled in her arms, both hands outstretched toward Harry.

"You deserve to be happy," said Harry quietly. "You deserve..." but Harry's words failed him. "I'm so sorry." Cho ushered Harry outside to the front stoop and shut the door behind her. She lifted his cloak to reveal his face.

"Harry," she said. "Tony... he looks at me... he looks at me the way you look at Gabriella. What girl wouldn't want that?" She leaned over and kissed him on the lips, and then draped the cloak back over him. "I'll ask him about your offer. He's a proud man, Harry, and a bit stubborn. You should be able to appreciate that."

"I love you, Cho. If there's ever anything you need... anything at all, let me know and it's yours. I'll see to it, I swear." Cho smiled, but her eyes were sad. Jamie began to suck on his fingers. The door opened and Gabriella appeared followed closely by Chalmers.

"Ah, here you are," said Gabriella. The sun was warm on her face as she put her arms out and gave Gabriella a hug. "The apartment is sealed tight." Cho took in a deep breath.

"Good, thank you," she said. "I was just giving Jamie a little sun."

"Which he can get through the window, my dear," said Chalmers herding Cho back into the house. "Now come inside." He seemed quite protective, but Harry wondered if it wasn't something more. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Darbinyan, was it?"

"Yes, and a pleasure it was to meet you," Gabriella replied. "It's good to see my friends in such fine hands. Cho, I'll be by before long with those gifts I promised."

"Gifts?" Cho asked. "Oh, yes, gifts. Yes, yes, anytime. Be safe; there's a quiet space to Apparate just behind that gray building over there." They kissed good-bye and Gabriella began to walk down the street, Harry at her side. Chalmers stood for some time after Cho had gone inside, watching from the stoop. Gabriella waved one last time as she turned the corner out of sight. Harry was about to pull off the cloak when she stopped him.

"Stay hidden," Gabriella whispered. "We're being followed." Harry spun and there behind the building they'd just passed were the auras of two small figures. They hadn't been there a minute before.

"Did you see them?" Harry asked. "I didn't hear an Apparation."

"House elves," Gabriella whispered, "at least one of them. The other... I can't tell."

"But there weren't any house elves at the house," said Harry.

"I know," she replied. "They must belong to someone else, or one's with its master."


Gabriella just shrugged.

"How did he know your name?" asked Harry.

"It just slipped out. But I don't think--"

"You don't think Lucius would just as soon see you up on a pike as me? It was foolishness!"

"He'd have found out soon enough," said Gabriella with a sigh as the two turned another corner. The street was deserted save for two young boys playing football near the end by a chain-link fence. Gabriella pulled her wand. She was going to attack the two that were nearing the corner, but Harry stayed her hand.

"Gab, no," he whispered. "Grimmauld Place."



A moment later they found themselves on the streets of London, just outside of number twelve, Grimmauld Place. They waited to see if they might have been followed, then checked that the streets were clear. Finally, Harry uncloaked and walked up the steps to the door, knocking twice. The door opened of its own accord and the two walked in. There was a rustle, a thud, and then Sirius appeared atop the staircase wearing boxers and a t-shirt. Wand drawn he pointed it blindly toward the door.

"Freeze!" he screamed. "Or I'll obliterate you!"

"I hope not," answered Harry. "I'm kinda hungry."

"Harry?" Sirius said, blinking his eyes. "Harry what the hell... Gabriella?" Sirius made an attempt at slicking back his hair and started down the stairs.

"It's after noon," Harry said. "Don't tell me you were still sleeping."

"I was up late last night. Remus finished grading papers and we-- Hey, isn't your Potions exam today?" Sirius' eyes shot to the door. "And why didn't you use the floo? What's going on?"

"Erm... can we eat first," asked Harry.

"What," shot Sirius in a singularly insistent tone, "is... going... on?!"

"Sirius," said Gabriella softly, "I think it best if we sit down."

"You do, do you?" snipped Sirius, but Gabriella's black eyes caught a soft-spot in Sirius' bark. "Well... okay."

The three moved into the kitchen and Sirius started toward the stove. He grabbed a spatula and summoned some sausages when Gabriella took his hand.

"Here," she said softly, "let me do that. You sit with Harry. He has some... news." Sirius moved to the table and sat opposite his godson.

"Well?" Sirius queried. "It's obvious something's afoot. Spit it out." Harry tried, but he couldn't hold his godfather's gaze.

"I... I, erm..." He sucked in a large gulp of air and exhaled. "Igoterpregnant."

"What?" Sirius asked. "What was that?"

"I... I got her pregnant."

"What!" Sirius stood and spun towards Gabriella. "You're pregnant?" Gabriella turned the sausages with her wand. "How could you? Do you know what your mother's going to--"

"Let him finish," she replied, floating three plates out onto the table.

"It... it's not Gabriella," Harry said. Sirius turned back to face Harry.


"It's Cho... Cho Chang." Sirius fell back into his chair.

"Cho Chang? Are you sure?" asked Sirius with a disbelieving tone. "Because sometimes witches can--"

"Oh," cut in Gabriella sharply. "He's sure."

"Merlin," he whispered, scratching his chin. "Harry, you should know better."

"I know. I know I should know better."

"And you," Sirius said, turning back to Gabriella, "why are you here with this cheating scum if Cho's running around pregnant?" Expressionless, Gabriella placed the sausages on the plates and added some warmed beans.

"She's not pregnant anymore."

"Are you kidding me?" cried Sirius. He spun back on Harry. "What sort of man are you? Why would you stand by and let her--"

"It was last year," Gabriella interrupted again, sitting down and handing Sirius a fork.

"The baby was born in July," said Harry. "On my birthday. His name is Jamie."

"Looks just like his father," said Gabriella, taking a bite of sausage.

Sirius' fork fell with a clank onto the plate, splattering red beans onto his white-ish t-shirt.

"A b-boy?"

Harry nodded.


"They're living in a dump," said Harry quickly, "and I can't have my son living like that. I won't have another Potter live with dust and spiders, not as long as it's in my power. So, I offered to have them stay at your castle. You know... until Anthony graduates. Merlin save his soul if he ever--"

"My castle? Anthony? Who's Anthony."

"Goldstein. Well Cho calls him Tony. How cheesy is that? Anyhow, the thing is...."

It was well into the evening before Harry had set Sirius straight on all the details, uncertain as they were. Sirius then began a speech that lasted for nearly thirty minutes and included a few references to Harry's parents. But when Harry began to probe deeper Sirius changed the subject. After venting about Harry's stupidity, he had agreed to take Anthony, Cho and Jamie in and help in any way he could.

The sausages Gabriella cooked little more than a memory, Sirius grew hungry again and he convinced them to go to a Thai restaurant that he had found just a few blocks away. When they arrived, Harry discovered that it was run by an old Muggle, but frequented by a number of witches and wizards. The occasional flashes of magic that occurred never seemed to faze the old man. Sirius called him a Savant, a Muggle in tune with the magic of the natural world but possessing no skill his own. Harry was half-way through his Panang Curry when he realized that tonight he was to meet Ron and Hermione at the Ministry.

"The cloak," he muttered suddenly to himself, before taking another bite.

"What's that, Harry?" asked Sirius. Harry looked up into Sirius' eyes; they were smiling. Harry's blindness didn't allow him to see that the creases that had once drawn the sides of Sirius' eyes down were now curling upward. But he could sense the brightness of the aura in his godfather's expression. For a moment, Harry considered telling Sirius of their plans at the Ministry. Gabriella touched his hand.

"More tea?" the waiter asked, and all three nodded. Harry continued to look toward Sirius who was as happy as ever. The thought of asking Sirius to help them, particularly at the Ministry, curdled the curry in Harry's stomach.

"I said I almost choked," Harry answered Sirius with a cough.

"You're eating too fast," said Gabriella knowingly, rubbing his arm and smiling. "It's not a race."

"Probably the curry," said Sirius, taking another bite. "It's a bit spicy tonight."

"Yeah... yeah that's it," said Harry. He wiped his mouth with his napkin and set it on the table. "Erm... Actually, I think I better be--"

"Harry," interrupted Gabriella, "I have to go before it gets past midnight."

"Is it getting that late?" asked Sirius, his mouth half full. Harry shot her a glance; his mouth frowned. He didn't want her at the Ministry any more than he wanted Sirius. There were too many memories--bad memories. Then she said something that surprised even Harry.

"I need to see Jamie," she said, "just for a moment. I should have taken care of it this morning, but I forgot. I've not been in tune with the old ways for some time. Mama would be disappointed in me." Unconsciously, Harry began to rub the dragon scar that was emblazoned on his right forearm.

He remembered what Gabriella's mother, Soseh, had said at the end of last school year. "The blessing is inscribed on the males of each generation by the women of the generation before. It will be Gabriella's duty to pass the blessing to your sons." Once it was clear that Harry would accept Jamie as his son, it was Gabriella's duty, by oath, that she pass to him the blessing of Asha.

"The Votary," Harry whispered quietly, staring down at the bowl of yellow and gold. Then his dull eyes looked toward hers. "It's too dangerous," he said sharply. "What if Chalmers has told them. What if he knew all along? What if they're still there?"

"They? They who?" asked Sirius.

"We were followed after we left Cho's apartment," said Gabriella. "But it makes no difference. By honour, I have no choice. It must be done, and the sooner it's done the greater the power of Jamie's blessing, of his protection. He'll need Asha's help in these times of darkness."

"You mentioned the Death Eater bodyguard, but you didn't mention that you were followed," said Sirius, his eyes turning toward Harry with a more serious glare.

"Draco said that Chalmers doesn't work nights, at least not for Goldstein. Sirius, you need to go with her, keep her safe. That way you can see Jamie and pass on the news, maybe convince Cho to move into the castle tonight while Chalmers is away."

"And you?" Sirius asked.

"I'll just head back to Hogwarts. If the two were a couple of Lucius' thugs out to get me it'd be better if I wasn't there." Sirius sighed, looking longingly at an untouched barbeque spare rib. He licked his lips and pushed his plate forward.

"Very well, let's go." They paid and made their way outside and down the street, finding a more remote alley often used by the visiting witches and wizards to Apparate. Sirius took Harry by the arm and looked him in the eyes, but Harry turned away to look down the street as a car past by.

"Straight to Hogwarts," said Sirius sternly, "okay, Harry?"

"Straight to Hogwarts," Harry agreed. Gabriella kissed him on the cheek.

"I can see your emotions roiling," she whispered in his ear. "Be vigilant and say, 'Hi!' to Ron and Hermione for me." She pulled her wand as did Sirius. "Oh, and don't worry; Jamie will be fine. I'll make sure that no evil harms your child." Harry tried to muster a smile.

"Did I ever tell you how much I loved you?" he asked and then they kissed. "I'll see you at school in the morning. Keep her safe, Sirius." There was a snap and both Gabriella and Sirius had vanished. Harry focused his vision to another part of London and in the next moment found himself at a telephone box above the entrance to the Ministry. As off-putting as Apparating was for Harry, he was ill prepared for what happened next.

"Stupefy!" The blast of red light hit Harry squarely in the chest, knocking him backward some ten to twenty feet, his wand tumbling from his hand. "There, Harrington," a large cloaked figure said with a rather blustery voice, picking up Harry's wand, "and you were about ready to wet your pants. He is a boy, after all." Still on his back Harry could sense them stepping toward him.

"I... am not... a... boy!" he rasped. This made the closest wizard laugh, but the smaller man behind him said nothing.

"Well, I've got your wand, little man. I doubt you'll--"

"Diffindo!" Harry hissed, stretching his right arm forward. Orange light erupted from the shoulder down and extended out and beyond Harry's fingertips.

The front of the Death Eater's cloak looked as if a large saber had just slashed across it, tearing cloth and flesh alike up and outward. Harry could feel the blood spatter his face. The Death Eater screamed falling to his knees. Unsteadily, Harry stood. The whole place seemed to be spinning. He was dizzy and a gathering sensation of nausea was building inside.

"Accio wand!" he cried, wrenching his wand from the Death Eater's grasp and in to his own hand. Limping forward he yelled "BOY?" Then he placed his wand on the forehead of his foe. "BOY?" Blood continued to trickle from beneath the crouching Death Eater's ribs and between the hands that clutched his chest. "Who do you work for?" Harry asked, already knowing the answer.

Harry had focused so much attention on the large Death Eater, he had neglected the smaller one that had retreated to the shadows.

"I said WHO - DO - YOU - WORK FOR!" Standing over his cowering victim, it was then that he noticed the lights - lots of lights. Five more auras had Apparated; he was surrounded. Seemingly emboldened by the new arrivals, the smaller Death Eater emerged from the shadows and held out his wand.

"Expel--" There were three spells cast almost simultaneously that stopped the wizard before he had a chance to finish.

"Stupefy!" "Diffindo!" and Harry's shield charm, "Contego!"

Only, Harry didn't need the shield charm... for himself. The first spell came from one of the approaching auras Harry presumed to be more Death Eaters. The bolt, not the strongest Harry had ever seen, knocked the smaller wizard backward, albeit only a few feet. Fearing for his life, and rightfully so, the diminutive Death Eater Disapparated. The second spell came from yet another aura, small yet intense. It was directed at the crippled wizard crouching before Harry. The result was frightful and instantaneous; the Death Eater's head fell to the gravelled pavement and his torso slumped forward, draining blood at Harry's feet, a boiling pool of light like lave erupting from a volcano.

Harry spun to face the five wizards approaching him, holding his wand high. Two showed hints of both red and green in their auras as they drew nearer. "Imperious Curse?" Harry wondered. And then a voice came to him that startled him more than that of the previous Death Eater.

"Bloody hell, James! What in Merlin's name did you do that for?"

The colour, the canter, the tone... Harry knew at once it was Ron Weasley.