Boys on the Radio


Story Summary:
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are trapped and alone in painful destinies when they connect unknowingly through a radio show in the summer before fifth year. Bonding over the deadly weight on top both their shoulders, the boys unite on a desperate romantic but angst-filled road that sends them looking for comic relief and a reason to live. Soon enough the two realize some love isn't gay or straight...some love just is. But will it be enough once the unlikely pair learn that in order to survive, they may just have to save the whole world from Lord Voldemort!?

Chapter 23 - Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Summary:
Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you ... The final chapter of Boys on the Radio.

Chapter Twenty-Three

I wait alone,
For what will never come;
And I'll throw it all away...


Narcissa grabbed Snape's hand as she shook in panic. "Please help me, Severus," begged Narcissa, tears streaming down her cheek.

The two stood at the heart of a deep forest much past midnight; the cry of the unknown animals was far from Narcissa's worries.

The chill of wind forced Snape to tighten his cloak and throw his hood over his head. When he spoke, it was in a suspicious and curious voice. "Surely you do not pity Draco?"

"He is vermin and a disgrace!" said Narcissa, quite indignantly. "But the Malfoy honor and protection spells ... I was forced to perform the Vow of Luck ..."

Narcissa looked away as Snape made a slight sigh, in obvious horror and shock. He seemed to be deep in thought. When he finally spoke, it was in a deep, hollow voice. "What do you want of me, Narcissa?"

"Protect me, Severus," said Narcissa, now putting her arms around his shoulder, leaning her head against his neck.


In a well-lit cabin hidden by enchantment, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Draco Malfoy bid their time exchanging strategies between each other.

"If nothing else at least there's no betrayal to worry about!" mentioned Ginny a bit oddly, a faked sense of cheeriness badly aggravating her tone. "Aren't we lucky to have Dumbledore being Secret-Keeper this time." It wasn't a question really.

Harry was horrified at first at the idea of the Fidelius Charm ... The use of a Secret-Keeper... He remembered the betrayal of his parents too well... But as Dumbledore himself had chosen to become the Secret-Keeper, all would be well.

But Dumbledore was somehow certain Harry was to bide his time. He would know when it was truly the time to reach the final destination, there would be no doubt, he had said. Harry feared these days could be his last days of serenity, and yet...

It felt unwanted. The desire to fight overcame all his other emotions. It was in his blood ... The righteous anger that flowed in his veins... To at all costs, achieve justice for his parents and for all...

"In very short time," Draco would always say as Harry shook with anger, and Draco could never honestly calm him.

But that day, there was a knock on the door that startled them. Certain of no betrayal, Harry answered the door, as Ginny and Draco looked quite cozy warming up by the quaint little fireplace in the corner. The blaze was beautiful; a reprieve from the harsh cold outside.

A tired-looking Remus Lupin entered. "Professor Lupin!" said Harry, happy to see him. "Any news? How are you?"

"Good, Harry, thank you," he said, though his tone was grave. "There is a letter for you from ... Well, you'll see," said Remus, his tone darker than ever now, and his voice was empty as he handed Harry a sealed role of parchment.

"Have you read it?" asked Harry, as he allowed Remus to come in, and they joined a very alert Draco and Ginny on the couch.

"The letter is enchanted so only you can read it," said Remus. "But Dumbledore is quite certain ..."

Harry did not hesitate as he opened the parchment. It was short, but Harry did not need read it. The horrible voice of the Dark Lord himself that Harry remembered too well screamed out at them:


Ginny screamed as it ended; Draco was shaking and Remus looked horrified.

"Harry -" began Remus, though Harry cut off any kind of somehow consoling words he might have had.

"No, professor, I'm going."


Dune Castle rested on a mountainside in the heart of a deep forest. Hidden from all Muggles, many said it was the home of Salazar Slytherin himself. Dune Castle was made of quite old stone, and though it no longer had the glow of something beautiful, it was the pure ancient traces of magic that drew the Dark Lord himself here.

The Dark Lord sat on his throne in the dais in the same stone, square room, on the castle's highest floor. A dimly-lit torch hanging on each wall was the only source of light. A large window stood on his left, where he would look out to see all those who dare approached Dune Castle. On the right wall a long frame of hard stone ran along the center which portrayed ancient inscriptions of snakes with elongated eyes and scary-looking tongues vividly. And finally, facing him in the center was an arched, wide opening that led to the cracked marble staircase descending to the castle's lower levels. This time, the Dark Lord sat alone, awaiting Harry Potter so he could finally give the boy the death he so rightfully deserved...

But then, two Death Eaters came rushing in, and the crashing of manacles and screaming could be heard as they dragged two prisoners. The Death Eaters were Bellatrix and Mulciber, holding two of his most trusted followers ... Severus Snape and Narcissa Malfoy. Narcissa screamed in terror, and The Dark Lord had never seen someone so silent and horrified as Snape.

"What is this?" asked the Dark Lord angrily.

"Snape released Narcissa, as I trusted would occur," began Mulciber, but then Narcissa screamed, so he paused and yelled, "SILENCIO! I had put a tracking spell on Severus, my Lord, I knew how he felt of her ... I feared she would not want to complete the task and he would assist her... And I was correct. I managed to capture them with the assistance of Bellatrix."

The Dark Lord bellowed an awful laugh but he was angrier than ever. "Dare you betray, Severus? And you, Narcissa? You cowards!"

Narcissa seemed to be mouthing a plea, but of course she could not be heard. And yet they both seemed to be blocking out interference in their minds ... He could not delve into their thoughts...

The Dark Lord pointed his wand directly at the two traitors, and in the most sinister, yet quiet voice, with indescribable anger inside, he said, "CRUCIO!"

They shook and screamed in pain so much it was as though they would almost break through the manacles. The minute Snape began screaming the Dark Lord used the same silence spell Mulciber used on Narcissa and the look of terror on his face worsened ..... His and Narcissa's cry of pain could not even be heard ....


"Remember the plan, Harry," said Draco. "Don't end up making a fool out of yourself, this is our only chance."

"I know that, Draco!" said Harry, annoyed.

"He's just worried, Harry!" alerted Ginny.

The three stood in the forest near the castle, far out enough to not have been seen, but still close enough to see the castle beyond the trees and ferns. The plan was this: Infiltrate the castle as much as possible, use the Invisibility Cloak, and backup would come soon after ...

But they must not be seen, the obvious weakness for Harry. In his anger, in his frustration--built up over all these years--he wanted to bolt right in and have his way. But Harry wouldn't betray Dumbledore's orders, no...

"How bad is your scar, Harry?" asked Draco.

"Bad." Harry said, as though annoyed by the question because he didn't want to say how much it really hurt ... It was like a headache but a hundred times worse ... And he could feel Voldemort's anger ... He was livid about something ....

"I think we should do it now," said Ginny. "Under the cloak, I mean."

"Hopefully this will work," Draco said. "You haven't any idea the powers of the Dark Lord .... He must expect this .... But I see what you mean; what choice do we have?"

"Thanks for the hope, Draco," Harry said.

"It is the truth," Draco said sourly. "But Harry ..."

His voice had softened.

"Yes?" Harry asked in a quiet voice.

"I love you," said Draco, and he kissed Harry.


The castle doors just barely opened and Parkinson noticed ... Harry Potter was here, under that cloak of his Snape had told them of ...

"Reveal yourself!" screamed Parkinson. "You shall die, Potter!"

The entrance room was quite large, and like the above throne room for the Dark Lord it was lit dimly by torches and made of heavy old stone. In the middle was an opening in the stone, and there was a dusty, cracked marble staircase that led to the upper stories.

Parkinson muttered an inaudible, warning incantation as he listened to the footsteps, aiming his wand...

But then he heard someone (Harry) cry a stunning spell, and then he was unconscious. They had a moment to find the best area, and position, to stay hidden in (or so they thought). "Too late," whispered Ginny in a shaken voice, as the three of them tried to stay still under the cloak.

Ten Death Eaters were pouring down the staircase and into the entrance room, screaming stunning spells everywhere and blocking the staircase--who knew? The spells hadn't come near them yet as they slowly maneuvered under the cloak around in fear. There were too many of them, too many Death Eaters everywhere coming at them ... But reinforcements would come soon, they had to remember ....

In the far corner by a small window, emitting light, it seemed as though the Death Eaters spell did not hit, luckily. They became angry and scared they had defied their master. And BANG! The castle doors flew open, revealing perhaps twenty Aurors and some familiar faces, willing to fight ... Ginny saw Sirius, Remus, Professor McGonagall .... Hagrid ... And so many others, too...

Harry worked on instinct and they moved slowly against the wall to the stairs that were no longer guarded as the duels broke out. The three slowly moved up the stairs. The first floor looked like simply ancient dormitories on either side .... The next seemed to be an elegant, timeless library .... The next was some sort of awful sitting room full of antiques of Dark Magic ...

"He's on the very top ... I can feel it .... He knows I'm coming," said Harry. "Maybe you should stay behind."

"NO!" said Ginny and Draco together.

Harry sighed as they reached the next staircase. It looked like prison cells on either side and there were screams .... Inside the cells were people, families, children .... Missing Muggle-borns seen in the Daily Prophet ... And all around the cells were ...

Dementors. Harry was shaking horribly and so was Draco ... They had to pull off the cloak. Harry was suffocating ... A million horrible images poured through his head ... He tried to aim his wand but they were so plentiful and more powerful than before.

"GO!" He finally heard Ginny's voice. "I'll free these people and meet you back up... I'm immune, remember, I have the Protection of Soul!"

Harry nodded, grabbing the cloak and throwing it on Draco and himself, trying to block out the chills, continued to run up the staircases.

Now there were no more staircases to go up to. There was just a small hallway of ancient stone and a dimly lit torch on either side ... And Harry knew they were there as they slowly crept into the large, rectangular stone room where Voldemort sat on his throne on a dais peering at two prisoners on the floor in manacles and with two Death Eaters on either side of him ...

The pain too much, Harry screamed out loud.


Ginny freed the prisoners easily using the Patronus Charm, as she wasn't susceptible to their horrors. She told them to wait there for the battle to end ... They had hope but they look horrified and shaken ... They had been tortured.

She had to go join Harry. "Be safe," she said to the prisoners, and she raced up the stairs and into the stone hallway. Immediately she saw in the large room in front of her was Draco sitting on a wooden stool. His arms were chained around him to the chair and she could hear Voldemort performing the Cruciatus Curse ... And then Draco would shake horribly .... But there was no trace of pain ... The Protection of Mind.

"WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU, BOY?" screamed Voldemort. "Do you mean to mock me?"

Ginny couldn't be seen. The Invisibility Cloak was at the end of the short hallway. Voldemort was not in view from the hallway, only Draco ... She quickly crept forward and grabbed the cloak and threw it on herself.


Harry was imprisoned to the wall by a live snake tightened around him. It was not long, but thick, and its horrible tongue reached out inches from Harry's face. Harry knew it would not harm him, Voldemort would duel him in the end.

Snape and Draco's mother were in manacles on the floor a few feet from the dais. What Voldemort didn't realize as he tortured Draco was that Draco wasn't feeling it. The Protection of Gryffindor was amazing. Voldemort wasn't noticing Narcissa, shaking and in pain each time the curse was placed on Draco. And not only this, but, the Dark Lord had no idea she most certainly could feel it, that she WAS the only one who would feel the scourging agony from his Cruciatus. But some silence charm had been placed on both Narcissa and Snape, so he couldn't hear the unspeakable pain Narcissa was undertaking ...

There must be some protection spell or bond between Draco and his mother, Harry thought. But Harry couldn't remember Draco ever telling him. It seemed to be working to their advantage, regardless. And then -

The snake screamed and it was pulled off of him dramatically, and now dead on the ground. And then Ginny revealed herself, then shooting a stunning spell at Mulciber who had raced down the dais immediately. Mulciber fell to the ground.

Voldemort now aimed his wand at Ginny. It was now that Harry realized Voldemort had found a new wand for their battle ... No time! Voldemort was at the beginning of the Killing Curse ... He threw himself towards Ginny, pushing her out of the way just in time and barely saving himself in the process ...

And rolling over he realized this was where he had dropped his wand ... His grabbed it quickly and was up in an instant. The seconds felt like hours as he heard Bellatrix and Ginny dueling ... And then Voldemort coming to face him.

"Dare you battle the greatest wizard to ever live, Harry?" said Voldemort in a mocking horrible voice.

"The greatest wizard to live is Albus Dumbledore," said Harry, now feeling brave. It would all be over, regardless, either way .... But he had to win. But what spell? Voldemort would be prepared for anything. And then in seconds he could die. And then, a spell Hermione had told him months ago came to him right as Voldemort was going to kill him.

"Avada--!" began Voldemort intently.

"Gustasio!" A horrible wind had erupted in the room. The throne on the dais was shaking, the large window flew open letting in a horrible wind, Bellatrix flew to one wall and Ginny to the other, and most of all, Voldemort's wand was shaking in his hand as he finished the spell .... Not only did he miss by inches but Harry felt his feet lift from the floor and his head nearly collided with the ceiling.

The Protection of Body. Still clutching his wand as hard as he could, he knew he no longer needed it much longer. Voldemort's wand had flown out of his hand ... So luckily ....

And the hate in Harry surfaced too easily. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Tom Marvolo Riddle, who had turned into the monster that was Lord Voldemort flew out the window with such force that when the gust stopped Harry heard Voldemort crash to the outside stone pathway leading to the castle, surrounded by grass.

Ginny got to her feet and said a simple spell and Draco was released from the manacles. But Bellatrix had retrieved her wand now and before Harry could move --

"SALE SALASTE!" screamed Bellatrix. "You will suffer before I kill you!"

Harry's body seemed to explode with blood all over him as he collapsed. Was he dead? No, he couldn't be!

But Ginny almost collapsed as she heard the horrible anger in Draco. Draco had thrown himself at Bellatrix, stolen her wand, suffocating her ... She hadn't expected this, not prepared. Bellatrix was trying to scream but Draco was going to kill her ... And then using Bellatrix's own wand he used the exact spell she had used on Harry.

And it looked as though Draco was bleeding horribly too, the blood splattered all over. And clutching her neck harder than ever, letting her feel as much pain as possible, he murdered Bellatrix Lestrange.

Draco, covered in Bellatrix's blood, was crying. Ginny was holding an unconscious Harry up, crying horribly on him, tears flooding down her cheeks. She was muttering something and she looked paler and paler, breathing deeper and deeper ...

"Sympathetic magic," said Draco, through terrible tears as he knelt down with Ginny. "Ginny, don't kill yourself for Harry ... He's .... He's ..."

He couldn't bring himself to do it. Voldemort was gone but Draco's world was over ....

Ginny looked at Draco. "I'm in love with Harry, Draco."

Some of the horrible wounds all over Harry's body began to heal ... But it looked as though Ginny could take it no longer as she collapsed.


"Yes, it is true. The Dark Lord has been conquered thanks to the efforts of countless Aurors who infiltrated Dune Castle ... But most of all, due to Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, Draco Malfoy, and Ginny Weasley. The body of Voldemort has been burned into ashes by the Ministry ... Hostages held at the castle have been released ... Draco Malfoy has survived with minor injuries while Ginny Weasley lies in a state of coma, but healers at St. Mungo's have alerted us she shall wake soon ... However, and most of all, Harry Potter remains in absolute critical conditions ... Loved ones sit by his bed, awaiting what may come ..."

The radio sounded so distant to Ron and Hermione, who were rushing to head back to the hospital to see Harry once again. Three days had past ... At one point Harry had recovered more ... But now .... There was some sort of sickly poison eating at his insides ...Anything could happen.

"Oh Ron," said Hermione, crying. "Professor Moody died and so many others and it was awful and Harry .... No it can't happen, please, no."

"Hermione ... he'll make it ... I ... I ..." Ron's voice cracked worse than ever as he cried for his best friend. Hermione embraced him.

"Harry's goal for his life was to defeat Voldemort," said Hermione softly. "He achieved it."


Draco held Harry's hand in the chair by Harry's bed, alone with him for just a moment. That's all he had asked for because now he knew. They could only wait according to the healers ... There was nothing more they could do ... Harry's body would take it or Harry wouldn't .... Wouldn't ...

"My love, please awake," begged Draco quietly, then leaning over and kissing him on the lips gently. "Please."

Ron and Hermione joined him, moving the curtains away momentarily from the hall and closing them immediately. They were holding each other tight with tears all over their faces. Draco couldn't stop shaking ... Harry had changed his life. How would he go on, not hearing his voice again? His laugh? Just being with Harry ... They could have finally been together ... Beyond the war .... But Harry could leave them any moment.

"Ginny's awake, and she demanded to come, she won't lie low for a bit," said Ron softly.

Harry deserved to see Ginny, who had given him a chance to live. Draco nodded, unable to speak. And moments later, the curtain moved again, and in came a stumbling, weak looking Ginny who could barely walk as she sat by Draco, trying to smile at Ron and Hermione.

"How is he?" asked Ginny, as though demanding the truth.

"He's really weak," said Draco, trying his hardest to talk, he owed it to Ginny. "He may not ..."

"Draco, I'm sorry ... I could have saved him but I passed out ... I was so weak," said Ginny, crying now, too.

"You were amazing, Ginny," said Draco quietly. "Call in the healer, Weasley, please."

He was looking at Ron, who nodded to him and brought in the healer immediately.

The healer looked at Draco. "What shall you all decide to do?" he asked, quite sympathetically ... It was Harry Potter after all.

"Give him the potion to allow him to wake ... So we can say goodbye," said Draco. "And then give him the strongest potion you can give so he can die numb of the pain .... And ... And ... in peace."

Draco Malfoy had never been so depressed but he had been through so much in his sixteen years of life. Draco couldn't sit in denial ... Harry wasn't going to make it, most likely, he knew it, he could feel it. Harry would want them to say goodbye to him ...

Hermione and Ginny cried harder than ever at this. It was Ron who managed to speak. "Please .... Let my family come see him .... And Sirius and Lupin ... And Dumbledore ... And the others."

Because of the procedures, Harry was taken to a large room instead of the small resting room from before. The healer left them with Harry as he left to get the potions. Everyone else was on their way ... Draco must be strong ...

The healer returned quickly. He came to lift Harry's head, but Draco did it, and with difficulty the healer poured the potion into Harry's mouth and slowly Draco lowered Harry's head. Ron put one finger on Harry's forehead, feeling his body heat, obviously unsure. Ginny began touching his hair ... The damn messy hair Harry always had ... And Hermione touched his left shoulder ...

And Harry's eyes slowly opened, revealing the beautiful green eyes. And then the healer gave Harry the potion to relieve the pain as Harry gasped in pain.


Harry's body felt numb but he was somehow alert as he looked up at his friends who looked awful. Why were they so upset? There was no pain ... He was going to be fine, he was sure. He idly wondered how long he had been in bed ...

Harry tried to speak, but then realized how much effort it took. He wasn't strong at all. He felt weaker than ever ... Trying to move at all took awful effort. "How long have I been here?" Harry croaked.

"Three days," muttered Hermione breathlessly. "Harry ...You....Were wonderful. Thank you!"

Hermione couldn't speak as she sobbed into Ron's chest.

"She's right, mate. Harry, you've always been so brave," said Ron, trying not to cry unsuccessfully.

Harry looked at Draco. "Why are you all so sad? I'm weak, but the pain isn't so bad ... I'll recover," said Harry. "What's going on?"

"Harry, it's just ... It's just," tried Hermione.

"No, the truth," said Ginny, stronger than ever. "Harry ... Bellatrix ... She cursed you horribly ... There's a ... a poison ... You're in critical condition ... We used a potion to awake you ... We had to see you."

Harry's face turned to pure horror as he began crying. He realized it was true now ... He was going to die. And even in that moment he felt himself drifting out ... No, not yet.

"I love you all," said Harry, trying so hard. "Draco, you will always be my first and only lover ... And Ron and Hermione, the best friends I could have had ... And Ginny, so brave and loyal, you're so strong ..."

"She saved you, Harry," said Draco, though Ginny looked as though she wanted to be modest. "Ginny used sympathetic magic to heal the wounds, but it didn't totally ... Bellatrix was so ..."

"Where is she? Bellatrix, I mean," said Harry in a small voice. He had to know before he died.

"I killed her," whispered Draco. "I made her suffer."

Harry nodded. And at this moment, people began coming into the room in groups. It was Dumbledore, McGonagall, Lupin, Sirius, Dean Thomas, the rest of the Weasley family ...Aurors Harry recognized ... And then ... The Dursleys, even, looking if possible, sympathetic.

Draco and Ginny grabbed his left hand, and Hermione and Ron the right as everyone watched him, teary-eyed not speaking.

"You can rest now, Harry. We're all here." said Draco, and Harry managed to see the tears flooding down Draco's cheeks as Harry slowly drifted out. He didn't want to go to sleep ... But he was tired ... He could fall into a blissful sleep if only for a moment ... Surely he had some time left ....

And he thought he saw Jill ... But Jill was dead, Harry knew this. But he thought he saw her, yet somehow she didn't look solid ... But not like a ghost either ... She looked healthy ... young ... She was smiling at him .... And then he saw the two people he had thought more about than anyone else when he killed Voldemort .... His parents, young as ever, smiling at him, and all three of them motioned for him to come ... But how could he? He was hurt .... Could anyone else see them?

He felt his mind drift out ... To somewhere ... But he thought he saw a glimmer of a bright light.


And I saw the white light as I was somehow lifted from my body .... I felt no weakness, no pain, no sorrow .... I smiled at my friends as I knew they'd be okay ... And we would be together in the future .... And my eyes drifted toward my parents who I cherished at that moment more than I ever had in my life ... And Jill smiled at my mother and then to me ...

And I was driven toward the white light, feeling the greatest love at the light ... I must approach it ... Complete serenity greets me. And as I came to the white light it grew larger and I was pulled into it ... And I traveled through the tunnel to another world ... And then the recollection of the eternal life I have had before and after this life returned to me ... And I know I have done my duties in this life ... . And I shut my eyes and open them to the beauty and perfection of the Other Side.


Harry James Potter


Nos totus intereo unus


...And that's a wrap. Thank you! So it's all over. I started this in January 2006 ... Sometimes I updated frequently sometimes I went months ... But I finished it, and here it is. I hope the readers have truly enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. To answer some questions that quote at the end is the same Latin quote Draco had told Harry once ... "We all die alone." Foreshadowing? Maybe... After this is all over, the Ministry gives Ron and Hermione jobs at the Ministry immediately after they finish school. Ginny and Draco's reward is massive and they leave school, feeling it was unneeded now and behind them after all they had survived and they live in the Muggle world for some time to get away from it all. Ginny and Draco aren't lovers, but they sleep in the same bed and they hold each other but it is totally platonic, just a very strong bond. Harry always watches over them and sometimes in their dreams he visits them ... Offering the reassurance of his love for them and his happiness, wherever he may be. Dumbledore dies shortly after Harry of old age, the battles fought serving the headmaster deadly; in the aftermath of the Second War Dumbledore weakens farther and farther from health until the poisonous afterglow of it all interminably agitates the already quite elderly wizard. He is buried in Godric's Hollow, where he (without incidence to Deathly Hallows, notably) grew up. Did anyone catch the symbolism of Ginny and Draco holding Harry's left hand and Ron and Hermione his right?