Humor Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/04/2002
Updated: 07/02/2003
Words: 4,094
Chapters: 5
Hits: 2,660

The Fifth Year Mage

Anneliese Chandler

Story Summary:
When Death Eaters attack Harry at home, and a suprise visitor picks him up, things get confusing. Strange new powers, pranks, and a strange order...The Dragon Heart Underground.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
This is only the begining!!!! It will get better, I promise.

       Harry hated living at the Dursleys. His dreams, which plagued him, made life a living hell by night, but the Dursleys made it a living hell by day.

Harry decided to try to sleep, even though he’d have the dream of Cedric. He deserved the dream though, because Cedric’s death was his fault. At least, that’s what he believed.

Yes, Harry Potter was no normal boy. He was a wizard, but not even normal by wizarding standards. He had defeated the most feared dark lord, Voldemort, as a baby. Not many people knew that Voldemort wasn’t truly gone. Just last year the Dark Lord rose again. That was when Cedric died, and to Harry, it was his entire fault. Harry was expecting the same dream, but this night, something was different…


“Yes, Master?”

“We must get the Potter boy before he turns fifteen. You and Lucius Malfoy go and get him…tonight.”

“Yes, Master.”

Harry sat up with a start. He had to write to Dumbledore.  Harry ran to his desk, quietly opening a drawer so that the Dursleys would not hear.  He flinched a bit as it scraped harshly, hoping desperately that he had awoken no one.

Professor Dumbledore,

I had this dream. It’s leading me to believe that the Death Eaters will attack me tonight.


“Hurry Hedwig, this is important,” whispered Harry tying the letter to Hedwig’s leg and opening the window.  A breeze gently filtered through the window.  Harry knew that this was no time to be admiring the dark night though, and reached to close the window.

As soon as he closed the window he knew it was to late. He already heard the Death Eaters downstairs. Harry grabbed his wand and rushed down the steps.

“Well, well, Harry Potter,” said a cold voice. Harry recognized it to be Lucius Malfoy’s. “How nice to see you.”

“I couldn’t say the same to you,” spat Harry.

“Well, we can’t ask for miracles, can we boy?” said Lucius. “You are just as stupid as your parents though. They died for no reason the worthless…”

“STOP!!!!” yelled Harry. He put his hand in front of him and pointed it at the two Death Eaters. A red light shot from his hand, stunning both the Death Eaters.

Harry looked pointedly from his hand, to the Death Eaters wondering what had happened, and praying Vernon hadn’t woken.

“STUPID BOY!!!!” came the voice from upstairs.

“Drat,” whispered Harry, “what am I going to do now? Oh, hey Uncle Vernon, I decided not to get killed, do you mind? And what is up with my hands?”

Vernon came thundering down the steps. The whole house seemed to shake as his loud footsteps resounded throughout the house. “YOU STUPID BOY!!!” he yelled. Vernon grabbed Harry’s collar and was about to drag him to the cupboard when he heard an icy voice.
