Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/09/2004
Updated: 01/31/2005
Words: 101,632
Chapters: 12
Hits: 16,319

A City Visible But Unseen


Story Summary:
Imagine a world where everyone in the Potterverse grew up as Muggles...only they didn't, because without a wizarding world there's no such thing as Muggles anyway. Imagine they all attend a run-down comp where our favourite faces teach, and where numerous other familiar faces crop up in various unlikely guises. Add in Vending-Machine-Repairman!Sirius, and you have this fic...contains slash (should it offend) and het (should it offend) pairings. Lots of.

Chapter 01

Imagine a world where everyone in the Potterverse grew up as Muggles...only they didn't, because without a wizarding world there's no such thing as Muggles anyway. Imagine they all attend a run-down comp where our favourite faces teach, and where numerous other familiar faces crop up in various unlikely guises. Add in Vending-Machine-Repairman!Sirius, and you have this fic...contains slash (should it offend) and het (should it offend) pairings. Lots of.

Words: 11,805
Hits: 3,458
Chapter 02

Imagine a world where everyone in the Potterverse grew up as Muggles - only they didn't, because without a wizarding world there's no such thing as Muggles anyway. Imagine they all attend a run-down comp where our favourite faces teach, and where numerous other familiar faces crop up in various unlikely guises. Add in Vending-Machine-Repairman!Sirius, and you have this fic...contains slash (should it offend) and het (should it offend) pairings. Lots of.

Words: 9,600
Hits: 1,347
Chapter 03

Imagine a world where everyone in the Potterverse grew up as Muggles - only they didn't, because without a wizarding world there's no such thing as Muggles anyway. Imagine they all attend a run-down comp where our favourite faces teach, and where numerous other familiar faces crop up in various unlikely guises. Add in Vending-Machine-Repairman!Sirius, and you have this fic...contains slash (should it offend) and het (should it offend) pairings. Lots of.

Words: 8,943
Hits: 1,286
Chapter 04

Imagine a world where everyone in the Potterverse grew up as Muggles...only they didn't, because without a wizarding world there's no such thing as Muggles anyway. Imagine they all attend a run-down comp where our favourite faces teach, and where numerous other familiar faces crop up in various unlikely guises. Add in Vending-Machine-Repairman!Sirius, and you have this fic...contains slash (should it offend) and het (should it offend) pairings. Lots of.

Words: 8,965
Hits: 1,223
Chapter 05

Imagine a world where everyone in the Potterverse grew up as Muggles...only they didn't, because without a wizarding world there's no such thing as Muggles anyway. Imagine they all attend a run-down comp where our favourite faces teach, and where numerous other familiar faces crop up in various unlikely guises. Add in Vending-Machine-Repairman!Sirius, and you have this fic...contains slash (should it offend) and het (should it offend) pairings. Lots of.

Words: 8,668
Hits: 1,318
Chapter 06

Imagine a world where everyone in the Potterverse grew up as Muggles...only they didn't, because without a wizarding world there's no such thing as Muggles anyway. Imagine they all attend a run-down comp where our favourite faces teach, and where numerous other familiar faces crop up in various unlikely guises. Add in Vending-Machine-Repairman!Sirius, and you have this fic...contains slash (should it offend) and het (should it offend) pairings. Lots of.

Words: 7,765
Hits: 1,260
Chapter 07

In which Draco seeks advice from his father, to the latter's great amusement, Blaise and Harry seek advice from Lupin on Ron's behalf, and Draco seeks an unusual form of payback from Hermione. In short, a lot of seeking.

Words: 9,133
Hits: 1,077
Chapter 08

In which work begins on renovating the PE Hall in time for the fundraising St Patrick's Day dance, secrets are uncovered, Pansy attempts some mafioso-style blackmail, and paint and soggy biscuits lead to greater things.

Words: 8,217
Hits: 1,025
Chapter 09

Chapter nine, also known as the Book of Revelations, in which much is revealed: to Blaise, about Harry, to Severus about Marvolo, to Hermione, about Draco and to Draco, about Hermione. Most importantly, though, Draco has yet another gastronomical insight.

Words: 8,599
Hits: 983
Chapter 10

The St Patrick's Day dance spells many things for many people - realisation for Hermione and Draco, frustration for Pansy and Padma, fulfillment of a sorts for Lupin and Snape, and tragedy for Seamus. For Binns, at least, it spells a chance to try new, hat-related skills.

Words: 8,635
Hits: 1,018
Chapter 11

A-levels are approaching with a disturbing rapidity - or at least, they would be, if the students of Oakfield Comprehensive were in a position to be taking notice. In actuality, they are too busy winding up loose ends to pay much attention to exams; some even find that those same loose ends are a whole lot longer than previously imagined...

Words: 9,671
Hits: 1,068

'I have had a most rare vision'...the finale, in which people sleep.

Words: 1,631
Hits: 1,256