Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Original Male Muggle
Romance Humor
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 10/24/2006
Updated: 05/10/2007
Words: 59,231
Chapters: 6
Hits: 9,098

Original Sinn


Story Summary:
Harry and Draco had a mission. It was simple. Find out who stole the artefact, and get it back from the Muggle fencing it. Not as simple as it sounds, when you both hate each other with a passion, and the Muggle starts falling for your straight partner, who you need to help handle the Muggle Gay Scene. And what happens when you start falling for him too?

Chapter 05 - Lust

Chapter Summary:
Draco gets drunk, Harry get snogged, and in the end, their lives start changing completely. Includes motorcycles, jewellery, elevators, and tall people.
Author's Note:


Chapter V - Lust


After leaving Harry with his "boyfriend" and a sore bum, Draco sought out his friend Bradley, one of his more attractive yet geeky friends, whom he kept around to keep people from hitting on him. It was especially useful on nights when he just wanted to have a little fun with his friends. Bradley knew exactly what Draco was doing, and didn't mind; in fact, the great thing about being friends with Draco was that he made the people around him more attractive, and therefore, Bradley got laid a lot more often than before he had met Draco.

And Draco knew that Bradley had once harboured a crush on him. Most of his friends had, at one point or another, but Draco wouldn't allow any sort of anything to happen with any of them - he valued their friendship far too much to ruin it like that. Like he had thought earlier; fucking friends made things messy.

So, when he found Bradley, he was dancing with John, Michael and Preston, his other some-what geeky friends, and quickly took a hold of Bradley's arm and led him into a more private dance, wrapping his arms around the even taller man.

Bradley rolled his eyes, recognising one of Draco's moods and going with it; holding the man closely, though more in comfort than in attraction.

"So, what's wrong now?" Bradley asked into Draco's ear.

"Wrong? There's nothing wrong."

"I know you better than you think, Draco."

"Kiss me, Bradley."


"I need you to kiss me. There's a creepy guy watching us."

Bradley rolled his eyes again, knowing there was no such person. "Okay, Draco, whatever you want." Draco tilted his head up, but Bradley leaned back. "As long as you tell me the real reason you need some uncomplicated affection."

Draco sighed. "It's complicated."

"Does it have anything to do with that guy you were just dancing with who was a Brad-replica?"

"What? Brad-replica? No, no, no. Potter does not look like you, Bradley. He's nothing like you at all. He's much more annoying, and you're much classier."

"Dark hair, glasses...devastatingly cute...you're not seeing the resemblance?" Bradley said with a smile.

Draco smiled, leaning forward. "You're still classier."

"So you do think he's devastatingly cute."

Draco pouted, leaning back again, sans-kiss. "Maybe."

Bradley smiled and finally kissed Draco, tilting the blonde's head back. Bradley certainly was a good kisser, and if Draco ever needed to feel loved or was just maybe a little horny or feeling particularly affectionate, he could always turn to Bradley, who was hardly ever attached (to everyone's surprise) and he could get what he needed, usually no questions asked. Though kissing was really all Draco would allow himself, even if he were very drunk, and Bradley always settled him down if he wanted more. So now Draco was feeling pleasantly distracted from his own jealousy when he heard a distinct whimper in his ear. He broke away from the kiss, gasping. Pressing a finger into his ear he said quickly and quietly, "Potter? You okay?"

The gasped "yeah" that he heard put a frown on his face and he stepped away from Bradley, pushing through the crowd to get to higher ground. He stepped into the bar, finding a spot against a bit of railing, searching the crowd of gyrating bodies for Harry.

He found him quickly, on the far outside of the mass of bodies, getting snogged passionately by the Muggle. He felt an immediate flicker of the jealousy from before in the pit of his stomach, and his nostrils flared with hatred at James.

Bradley came up next to him. "He's your partner, isn't he?"

Draco nodded. "The shorter one. Potter."

"And that man is your case, isn't he?"

Draco looked oddly at him. "I never should have told I was a detective. Now you're always too curious about my job." He looked back to Harry, watching as James pushed Harry willingly against the wall and whispered suggestive things to him.

Draco knew it was stupid of him to be so possessive, but seeing Harry so thoroughly debauched turned him on...and made him so angry. It should have been him kissing Harry... and touching Harry. So no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't ignore the overwhelming urge to go wrench James away and hex him into oblivion.

Bradley's hand on his shoulder grounded him, pulling back his desires to severely hurt his case. He couldn't hurt James, or approach him and Harry - it'd ruin the whole case, and Harry was so close to breaking it. Draco knew that Harry could get the information they'd need to obtain the artefact and catch the wizard behind its disappearance tonight, if he played his cards right.

Draco ducked back into the crowd as he saw Harry and James come his direction, headed for the bathrooms. Bradley followed him dutifully, sitting down next to him in a recently vacated booth, putting an arm around his shoulders. Draco shrugged it off, folding his hands on the table and glaring at a scratch on the neon Plexiglas surface like it had personally offended him.

"Draco. Love. You like this Potter guy a lot, don't you?" Bradley asked, leaning into Draco's side.

"He's not even gay, Bradley," Draco replied loudly, trying to drown out the noises Potter was making in his ear.

Bradley got a strange look on his face. "Then what the-"

"It's all pretend, Brad. It's all just fucking pretend!" Draco growled, pulling his hands through his hair and to the back of his neck, keeping his head down and feeling very sick as James asked Harry if he could suck his cock.

Oh fuck, I think I'm gonna be sick all over this table...

Steeling his voice, he kept his head down and said lowly, "My last bit of advice to you for the night, Potter. Try not to act like a straight man. Or a virgin. You'll embarrass me, and you'll blow it." Then he whispered Finite Incantatum and snapped off the com, quite aware that Potter probably hadn't heard him the entire time James' tongue had been down his throat. But he just couldn't take Potter's noises anymore.

"Could you hear what was going on in there?" Bradley asked, "With your invisible listening device?"

"It's called a com, Bradley, and it's in my ear, you just can't see it. And yes, to answer your question, so I turned it off."

"What if he gets in trouble? Shouldn't you still be in communication with him?"

"Potter can take care of himself," Draco said darkly. "I need a stiff drink."

"Got one right here, mate," John said, and Draco looked up to see his other three friends standing at the table, all with drinks in their hands.

Draco took his drink from Preston, nodding in thanks to the tall, midnight-coloured man, who had deep black eyes and a brilliant white smile. Preston was the more serious one out of the group, being a doctor or something important or another, and he always dressed with impeccable adult taste - never one to just throw something on and look like a completely gay twink with no fashion sense. He was most definitely classy.

John, Preston and Michael all slid into the booth around Draco and Bradley. John gave Bradley his own drink, and then proceeded to babble about a hot guy he had just been dancing with.

"Then why are you over here, sitting with us and not getting shagged in the back room?" Draco asked, taking a gulp of his blissfully alcoholic drink.

John shot Draco a confused look. "Because you're my friend. And you're obviously down and out 'bout something - that's more important than getting laid, Draco."

Draco looked away from John's straight face, with his soft blue eyes, and longer golden brown hair, suddenly glad that all of his friends were there. It was comforting in a way that Draco couldn't describe right then.

Fuck Potter. If he wanted to leap off the cliff of homosexuality, then he could bloody-well do it without Draco.

"So, what's bothering you, Draco?" Michael asked, looking over his beer at the blond with almost amber-coloured eyes. "It must be big if you got Brad here to snog you again."

"It's just this stupid case I'm working on," Draco said, glaring at the brunet with the hawk's eyes for his comment about Bradley.

"And his stupid partner," Bradley put in, ignoring Draco's icy glare swinging his way. "That was the guy he was dancing with earlier."

The men around the table all nodded in understanding. "He was cute," John said, ever the walking hard-on.

"I told Draco that he was obviously trying to replace me," smirked Bradley, looking at Draco and putting his arm back around the glowering blond.

Eventually, Draco sighed, leaning against Brad's side heavily. Preston laid his dark hand against his pale arm in a reassuring gesture. "It'll be alright, little one," he said. "I'm sure that your case will work out, and your partner will get what he deserves."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Don't call me little. I'm six foot. You're six foot four."

"Yes, but you're still our 'little one'."

"Oh please, just because I'm the youngest-"

"Stop arguing, Drake," Bradley cut in. "You're our youngest member, get over it. We like to watch out for you."

"I hate it when you call me 'Drake'." Draco then snorted, thinking about Brad's last comment. If only they knew... "And I can bloody-well take care of myself, okay?"

"Yes dear," John said patronisingly, leaning across Bradley to smack a kiss onto Draco's forehead.

"Agh!" yelled Draco, sitting up and rubbing at his skin. "Don't do that!" He turned to the man sitting on his right. "And for your information Preston, the only thing Potter deserves is to be analy raped by that stupid asshole in his 'completely' straight arse."

"He's straight?" John asked, looking crestfallen.

"Supposedly. I was hoping to change his mind," Draco added, leaning back into Bradley.

"I'm confused," Michael said, always the quiet, thoughtful one. "You were dancing with him, here, at a gay club and he's straight?"

"Long story," Draco said, closing his eyes.

"Aw...our baby's tired. We should get him out of here," Bradley said, kissing Draco on the head.

"But it's still early!" John whined. "And we came all the way out here!"

"I'll stay with you, John," Michael offered.

"No," Draco said forcefully, opening his eyes and sitting up. "I'm not going anywhere." He shifted in the rounded booth, nudging Preston out with a light push. Preston complied, letting Draco out. He stood, slammed back his drink and said, "Screw it. Potter can look out for his own arse. Let James keep the fuckin' thing." Then he pulled Bradley out of the booth too, saying, "Come on, Bradley. Dance with me."

Draco then pretended to forget about Potter, the case, and anything else that took him away from him and his friends dancing together and drinking together, and the thumpa-thumpa of the gay life midnight grind.


Harry's heart fluttered nervously the whole ride to Sameson's flat. He couldn't contain his anxiety over being totally alone with a man who was capable of who-knew-what. He felt like Draco had utterly abandoned him - Oh, was that arsehole going to get a telling off when he got back to the hotel. Talk about hypocritical.

Now, it wasn't as if Harry didn't feel he could defend himself if he had to - he'd been doing it long before Draco had entered the picture. But what if Sameson had used the artefact, and was just hiding it well? He was smart - who knew what was really going on?

Sooner than Harry would have liked, the motorbike pulled up to a darkened building, with a few big windows and a glass door, complete with a "closed" sign, the pawnshop hours, and shades to block the valuables inside from view after dark.

As the engine revved down and turned off, Harry got off the bike and took off his helmet; observing the block. It was relatively quiet, with a few cars rolling past on their way home. The street had a few scattered businesses, all dark. Harry looked at the pawnshop for the first time, thinking about possible escape routes. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to see from the pavement.

Jamie parked the bike and took Harry's helmet from him, taking his own off and smiling up at his building. "So this is home - do you like it?"

Harry smiled, trying not to look as nervous as he felt. "I haven't seen the inside yet."

Jamie laughed. "Come on then; let's get you upstairs." He grabbed the handlebars of his bike and started pushing it, up onto the curb.

Harry followed him past the front of the store and around the corner to the side of the building, where a metal door stood. Jamie unlocked this door; both the handle and the bolt lock, and opened it, pushing his bike inside. Harry came in right after, and found himself in a dimly lit entry way, mostly filled with the bike that Jamie was chaining to a fixture on the wall, and a long, narrow wooden staircase, reaching up to a landing with another door.

Jamie finished locking up his bike and set the helmets on the seat, taking Harry's hand and leading him up the stairs. "This is basically the main entrance, but there's another one just behind the front counter of the shop," he said, by way of some explanation.

"Oh," was all Harry could think to say, and he watched as James unlocked this new door, holding it open and letting Harry step over the threshold. It was dark, but not for long; James flicked on a light, and Harry was standing in a small alcove looking into a modest kitchen, past which he could see a darkened living room.

"It's not much," James started, watching Harry's face.

Harry immediately turned to him, smiling. "I like it."

Smiling in return, Jamie took off his leather jacket, placing it on a hook behind Harry. He then helped Harry out of his jacket, and Harry felt his nervousness come back when Jamie breathed on his neck and kissed it.

"I've been hard this whole time, you know," the other man said, and Harry knew his cheeks were turning pink. "Riding the bike all the way here, thinking about what I want to do to you..."

Swallowing was difficult, but somehow, Harry managed. "And what do you want to do to me?"

"All kinds of things, Harry," Jamie said, sliding his hands around Harry's slim waist from behind.

"Don't you want to show me the rest of your flat? Or the pawnshop? You know how I said I like strange artefacts and antiques...have you gotten anything like that recently?"

Jamie chuckled and turned Harry around. "Are you avoiding me, Harry?"

A new flush come over Harry's cheeks and he said, "Er..."

Jamie's smile grew soft. "Am I your first?"

"No!" Harry exclaimed, perhaps a little too quickly. "No, er....it's just...I haven't been in a whole lot of relationships...actually, I've been in about one. I'm just nervous, that's all."

"I'm not going to hurt you, Harry."

"I know," Harry replied, not believing it. "I'm just...you know...not sure. A-about...where this is going."

The look on Jamie's face was partially amused, and partially confused, but instead of replying, he leaned down and kissed Harry softly on the lips. His heart beating wildly, Harry kissed him back, closing his eyes after a moment to try and clear his head of its cobwebs.

But it wasn't really working. Jamie was still kissing him slowly, but he was pressing harder, deepening it and tilting Harry's head back, pushing his hands through Harry's thick hair. It felt good. Too good. Harry knew he had to keep a clear head, and getting snogged and touched was not helping with that goal.

Once again, he mentally cursed Draco for being a great, big prat.

Jamie, still kissing Harry, started pushing the shorter man back, through the hardwood floored kitchen, to the carpeted living room. Harry's knees hit the armrest of the couch, and he broke away, glancing back before looking up at Jamie.

Oh my god...I'm not going to have to sleep with him to get the information I want, am I?

Jamie pulled off his own shirt, and finally, Harry saw just what his bare chest and arms looked like. As if he couldn't help himself, Harry reached out his hand and touched the warm skin, and saw Jamie's muscle flex slightly under his touch.

Jamie's hand covered his, holding it against his chest as he leaned down and started kissing Harry again. Harry slid his bare arms around Jamie's neck, pulling down, which resulted in them toppling back onto the couch, laughing and chuckling, because they had landed in such a strange position.

Harry pushed himself up and back, lying out on the sofa, then watched as Jamie crawled up to lay on top of him, slowly lowering his weight down. Harry could feel his erection now, and it was maybe a little weird, but he could also feel his own pressing back, and the intoxicating heat of a larger body on top of his, and it was okay.

"Kiss me," Harry found himself saying, not even thinking about where it might be coming from.

Jamie complied, resting the remainder of his weight on top of Harry, his elbows the only thing holding him up as he leaned down to kiss Harry slowly. His hands rested near Harry's head, and he could feel Jamie idly playing with strands of his hair as they kissed. Harry put his hands on Jamie's sides, and he could tell that his hands were colder than he thought, because Jamie's skin burned and the man twitched slightly beneath his fingertips. Soon, his fingers warmed up, and Harry smoothed his hands over Jamie's back, feeling the soft skin, and the strong shoulders, and Harry felt a thrill he couldn't deny anymore; he most definitely was enjoying this. With a man.

But what about sex with a man? A part of him asked.

Jamie had moved on to his ear and neck, and Harry had a hard time focusing on that thought.

As Jamie shifted down, Harry automatically parted his knees a little, allowing for Jamie's body to slide between them. Jamie's left hand snuck underneath Harry's tight shirt, and started pushing it up, leaning away from Harry's body as he exposed more and more skin. Jamie's mouth latched on to Harry's left nipple, and Harry arched up, crying out softly, wondering when he had become like such a girl. Being with Ginny had never been like this - Harry had never felt like giving himself over so freely.

But he wasn't, he reminded himself. He couldn't. Sameson James was a case, not a boyfriend.

But Harry still hoped he'd move on to the other nipple soon.

As Jamie moved down farther, Harry moved his hands up and over his shoulders, playing lightly with Jamie's longer hair.

"Am I taking too long, Harry?"

"Hmm...what? Too long? Umm...no...not too long..." he murmured, focusing on the tingling feeling in his belly.

Jamie suddenly moved up, lying back down again against Harry's chest, and now Harry could feel Jamie's hot skin directly on his. Jamie smiled, and kissed Harry with sudden hunger, grinding his arousal into Harry, right between his legs.

Harry moaned loudly, caught by surprise, but not unhappy because of it. Everything was feeling so good, and Jamie's hands were now on his sides, and no small part of him shivered in response. His own arms tightened around Jamie's neck, and then Jamie ground down again, and broke off, saying harshly in Harry's ear as he continued to rub against him,

"I want you, Harry. I know I keep saying that, but it's true. I want you so badly; all around me...I want to be inside of you. Please, say you'll let me."

Again, Harry felt that strange ache very close to where Jamie was grinding now, and didn't know how to respond. "I-"

"Say you'll let me feel you."

Suddenly, another ache was felt, and Harry blurted out, "I have to use the bathroom!"

Jamie jerked back, stunned. "What?"

"I...er...could you show me where your toilet is? You're, er...pressing on my bladder. I think that one drink I had ran through me already," Harry said, sheepishly looking away.

Overcoming his shock, Jamie started laughing, his head dropping back down to Harry's ear. "You are my virgin little school-teacher, aren't you?" he said, nuzzling Harry's ear.

"What?! No! I just...need to use the loo..."

Jamie raised his head, smiling. "I swear if you weren't so adorable I'd have dropped you for someone a little more willing."

Harry frowned. "That wasn't very nice..."

Jamie kissed him quickly on the lips. "I wasn't trying to be mean." Jamie started to stand. "But to be honest, Harry, you do seem awfully nervous. It's endearing, don't get me wrong, but if there's something wrong, you can tell me." He helped Harry stand. "You're clean right?"

"Huh? Clean?" Harry asked, realising the meaning behind the question before he even finished speaking. "Oh, yes! Of course! I don't have AIDS or anything. I would have told you before you..." Harry looked down. "I'm just...you know. Nervous about being with another person. I've only been with...I mean, had one partner," he added, feeling ridiculous.

Jamie took his hand and led him around the couch to a door against the wall. "Here's the loo. Come out whenever you're ready."

Ready for what? Harry thought as he ducked into the room and shut the door behind him.

He hadn't lied; he did actually have to use the loo. But he also had to clear his head and think about just what the fuck he was doing. How far was he willing to let Jamie take him? This was all so new, and Malfoy sure as hell wasn't there to help. How far was just far enough that James wouldn't be too suspicious if he called it off?

He couldn't have sex with him....no, no, nonono. He was even surprised he had let James suck him off. It wasn't that Ginny hadn't done that before....but he had barely even thought he might like men, and it was so public...with Malfoy listening in.... Harry's throat constricted when he thought of the scathing words he was sure to hear from Draco about it. So...what to do?

Harry turned to the toilet, relieving himself. There were two options, really. One, he could go as far as he could that didn't involve James' dick and his ass and without feeling totally freaked out (because even in Harry's opinion, it would be awfully suspicious, not to mention rude, not to at least reciprocate James' earlier gesture in the loo.); or two, he could just tell James that he just couldn't go any further. The second option was entirely doable, but really, Harry was afraid that James might not be as understanding as he seemed to be.

Or, he'd see straight through Harry, and realise that Harry was indeed, not gay.

Because he wasn't, really. So he was enjoying kissing a guy, and yes, perhaps they did look nice nearly naked, but he still liked girls, so he couldn't be completely gay.

Some part of him whispered secretly that he was strangling himself with denial, but Harry dismissed it without another thought.

Yet as he washed his hands Harry suddenly got a flash of Malfoy's smooth, perfectly rounded ass, all creamy skin and delicious curves and some rush of desire suddenly blossomed in his groin, and he nearly groaned out loud.

Holy fuck...

Okay...so maybe Malfoy's ass turned him on. That should be weird, shouldn't it?

Harry, knowing he couldn't stall any longer, shook off the residual feelings involving his near orgasm and images of Malfoy's ass and opened the door, gingerly stepping out of the bathroom, scanning the living room for Sameson. He found him, however, in the kitchen, still shirtless, preparing something at the stove. As Harry approached, Jamie said, "Hop up on the counter."

Harry did so, once he entered the kitchen, letting his legs dangle off the edge, watching as Jamie made something that looked and smelled like hot cocoa. The older man finished stirring the steaming pot, and carefully poured the drink into two large mugs, handing one to Harry.

"My mum's secret recipe. You looked like you might need it."

Harry blew on it for a moment then sipped. It was the richest hot cocoa he'd ever had. "It's really good," he said sincerely, smiling. What James didn't know, was that Harry had cast a silent detection spell, one that would create a quick but obvious pattern in the surface of the liquid if it contained poison of any kind. It was clean. He wasn't going to chance anything with a Muggle that worked with wizards. As far as Harry knew, James had known who he was the second he had told him his name. Thinking back on it, Harry really should have used an alias, but had been too nervous at the time to think properly. But hadn't it been Malfoy's job to guide him on this stupid venture? Harry cursed the blond again.

Jamie set down his own mug and moved between Harry's legs, leaning his stomach against the counter. He put his large hands on the top of Harry's thighs, rubbing his thumbs against the little crease between Harry's thighs and abdomen.

"You feeling better?"

"I wasn't feeling bad," Harry quipped.

Jamie leaned forward and gently kissed the cocoa away from Harry's lips. Then he put his mouth to Harry's ear and said, "It feels like you're not telling me something."

"About what?" Harry pulled back so he could look James in the eye. "Look, Jamie, I'm fine. Really. I told you, I haven't really been with anyone else, so I get a little nervous sometimes. I'm not as cock-sure as most gay men, alright?"

Jamie smirked. "I think you should be cock-sure, Harry. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of."

Embarrassed, Harry flushed and took another sip of his cocoa. "Thanks," he mumbled.

"If you want, I'll take you down to the pawnshop now."


Harry set his mug down, and as soon as it was stable, Jamie grabbed him around the waist and pulled him straight off the counter, sliding a hand under his butt to hold him up. Harry yelped, startled, and automatically wrapped his arms and legs around Jamie. Jamie laughed, and kissed his neck. "You're lighter than you look."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Harry asked as Jamie walked, Harry in his arms and all, to a door opposite the front entrance.

"Well, would you rather I say you're heavier than you look?"

"I suppose not..." Harry said, conceding, craning his neck to see behind him, where Jamie was walking down a dim hallway, which ended in stairs that turned left down behind the counter of the pawnshop.

Harry was relieved when Jamie deposited him on the wooden counter next to the register, having felt ridiculous being carried around like a child.

Okay...now to feign interest in anything old or unusual...Merlin, I'm going to sound like a ponce.

"This is my shop," Jamie said, with a grand gesture. "My partner mostly does the paperwork business side of things, so he's not here as often, hence why I live upstairs. Besides, he's got his wife and kids to watch after. I usually run the store, and sometimes find items to sell - you know, things people are trying to get rid of without realising what they've got. Though most of our business comes from people dropping off things they can't use anymore. Old instruments, electronics, CDs, jewellery, that sort of thing. Antiques, even. Here," and Jamie walked to a display across the room, and Harry jumped down to follow. He wondered why Jamie wasn't shivering. It was rather cold down here, and even Harry was a little chilled, though he was only wearing a sleeveless top - not much more than the other man.

Jamie pointed out an old desk. "This, for example, is a Baroque writing desk, made of mahogany...nearly two-hundred years old. We managed to get it for a fairly good price."

"It's beautiful," Harry said truthfully. It had gorgeous Fleur de Lis carvings on the head of the desk as well as the drawers, with bronze handles and only a few scratches and gouges in the surface.

Jamie continued to show him around the shop, pointing out interesting items that might have had some history, leading him into the main display room, behind the front area, and back out again. Attached to the register counter was a jewellery case, filled with glittering jewels and old pocket watches.

Harry looked at these with interest, searching if maybe the artefact was hidden amongst the jewels, or perhaps, used in a piece... But there were no spherical pieces, nothing that looked like it was a mixture of metals; nothing that exuded large amount of power, drawing Harry to it. While there were some very beautiful antiques, Harry could see, and more than a few cheaper rings and settings, there was no artefact.

"Interested in anything you see?" Jamie asked, and Harry's head snapped up from its perusal. "You've been staring rather intently at the jewellery case."

Harry looked back down, this time with less interest. "No, not really. I mean...I don't need a pocket watch, and I'm not exactly a girl," he replied, gesturing to the necklaces and more delicate rings. "I just like pretty things." A flash of Malfoy's face appeared in his mental vision, but he dismissed it.

Malfoy's not pretty...he's just my Gays Anonymous sponsor, he joked half-heartedly in his head.

"And things with a history," Harry finally added, pushing his thoughts away.

Deciding he was done looking at the case, Harry hopped back up where James had put him; on the wooden counter next to the cash drawer. James automatically moved to stand between his legs, putting his hands on Harry's waist. "You're hot," he said lowly in Harry's ear.

Chuckling despite himself, Harry said, "You really want to get into my pants, don't you?"

James looked up, his grin almost feral. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't."

"Don't you think we're moving a little fast?" Harry ventured, worried about the reaction he was going to receive.

James looked at him with a very straight face for a long moment, no discernable emotion in his features.

"Do you think we're moving too fast, Harry?" he finally asked.

"Well..." Harry hedged, "we've only known each other for a week...I'm just not sure I'm ready," he finished lamely, feeling like a complete idiot. Not to mention a pansy. He was sure the girl would enjoy the analogy, if she wasn't doing menial labour at the order of the Wizengamot.

Jamie continued to look at him with a straight face. "How far will you let me take you, Harry?"

Oh yes, put it all on me... he thought bitterly. "Um...I'm not sure. I wasn't really thinking about specifics."

Jamie's face finally softened and he pulled Harry closer to him on the counter. "I'll go slow, and you tell me to stop, okay?"

Harry swallowed. "Okay."


"Jesus, Draco, you are not that drunk, stand up, will you?"

"Bradley, you're being mean."

"No, you're just inebriated. I can't believe you're staying in a hotel..." he added under his breath, guiding his friend out of the elevator and down the hall. "Now, which one's yours?"



"No, no....six...six fourteen."

Bradley looked at the wall plate that stated the room numbers and the direction they lay, and took a right. Scanning the room numbers as he passed, he found "614" two doors down on his left. "Okay, Draco, where's your key?"

"Hmmm...it's in mmm-pocket," the blond murmured quietly, leaning heavily against his reliable friend.

Bradley rolled his eyes, searching his friend's pockets, both front and back before finding the little plastic card and sliding it into the slot. The indicator light turned green, and Bradley turned the handle and pushed the door open while trying to find the light switch, but with Draco leaning on him and threatening to fall over or take Bradley with him, it was difficult.

"Draco, please. Help a guy out a little, will ya?"

Draco's response was to lean against Bradley's chest, effectively pinning him to the door frame, and to kiss him sloppily.

Bradley held out his right hand to stop the door from swinging back into his shoulder, and used his left hand to try and push Draco away. "Dr-Draco, stop," he said once he got the blond to stop kissing him. "You're drunk. And as your friend, I must stop you from embarrassing yourself."

"You're so nice, Bradley," Draco slurred, playing with Bradley's lapel. "You know...you are my best friends..." he frowned and emphasized, "best friend...out of all my friends, since I started coming to this world outside my own... You were the first. And I've always wondered why we haven't dated. I think we should. We'd be good together."

"Draco, I'm not even going to bother asking you if you know how silly you sound. You know why we don't date. I'd rather not ruin our friendship. It's bad enough that I indulge you when I do."

"Oh, please, Bradley? Please stay with me tonight. Be with me," he said breathlessly, kissing Bradley again.

Bradley broke away. "Draco, you don't want me. You want Potter."

Draco pulled away, blinking, then scowling. "I don't wanna talk about Potter," he pouted.

"Malfoy, what the hell is going on?"


Thankfully, in Harry's opinion, James and he had only cleaned up, gone back upstairs, and finished their hot chocolate, which was "mysteriously" still warm. (Thank Merlin for silent heating charms, Harry had thought.) James had seemed a little suspicious, but he seemed to accept Harry's suggestion that the cups were insulated and left it alone.

After that, Harry told James that he had probably better be on his way, because there was no knowing what his roommate had gotten into. "You worry about your roommate a lot, don't you?" James had asked.

"Not particularly," Harry replied dryly. "He's just a great big pillock, and likely to hurt himself if left alone too long."

Harry felt smug the whole way home, sitting snugly behind James on the bike. He hoped Malfoy hurt himself. It would serve him right.

James insisted on taking him all the way to his door, so they rode the elevator up to the sixth floor, holding hands and murmuring random thoughts to each other.

"Will you come over for dinner tomorrow?" James asked.

Harry thought on it a moment. "Yeah. I'd like to."

The elevator pinged and Harry stepped out first, his hand trailing behind him as James let go. And because he was the first to step out, when he hit the edge of the alcove the elevator was in, he saw Draco and some man making out in the hallway.

Springing into action, Harry spun around and pushed a startled James back into the elevator, just narrowly missing the closing doors.

"Harry - what -"

"I'm sorry!" Harry said, breathlessly. "It was my roommate. He was...with somebody." Harry kissed James and pulled away, catching the doors just as they were about to close. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Wait, Harry-"

Harry lunged forward and kissed him again, silencing his protest. "Call me." Harry pushed the 'door close' button and jumped out of the way before they sensed him. "Goodnight," he said with finality, just as the doors closed on a bewildered James.

Turning around, Harry put on his "game" face; a cold steely determination wrapping around his heart. He peeked around the corner for a moment, and was relieved to see that the two men were not kissing anymore. In fact, it looked as though the taller one (who was rather tall, as he was looking down at Draco, and Draco was rather tall himself), was admonishing Draco. Harry thought he may like this guy, and then noticed that his hair was dark and his eyes were covered by glasses. And he was good-looking. Harry frowned.

Coming out from his hiding place, Harry strode down the hall, approaching the couple. "Malfoy, what the hell is going on?" he said, taking satisfaction in Malfoy's wounded look and the other man's surprise.

"I am not wanting to talk to you right now, Potter," Malfoy said with all the dignity his pout could afford, leaning back into his...male friend, and burying his face in his chest.

The other man looked at Harry and smiled, holding out a hand to shake. "You must be Harry. I'm Bradley, a friend of Draco's."

Bradley wasn't blind. Far from it, in fact. And Draco was right. He didn't look a thing like Harry. In the better light, Bradley could see the fire in Harry's brilliant green eyes, and could tell there was something special there. Draco and Harry could be brilliant together, if only they'd let themselves see it.

Harry took Bradley's hand, and shook it, with some trepidation. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I've heard a lot about you."

"You have?"

"Braaadleeeeyyy, stop talking to Potter. He's a horrible, stupid Gryffindor."

"A what?"

"Malfoy, shut up," Harry snapped stepping past them and pushing the door open as he stormed inside. "I have more than enough reason to give you an earful right now." He flipped on the light and started taking off his jacket and kicking off his shoes.

Bradley followed, pulling Draco in with him. "I think you're gonna have to wait until morning to give Draco that earful, Harry," he said. "He's practically passed out. Which bed?"

"What? Oh. That one, there."

Bradley raised an eyebrow and started dragging Draco over. "It figures you have the bed farthest from the door, you drunk, blond, pain-in-the-arse."

"Tell me about it," Harry said to Bradley's comment. "What did he tell you about me?"

"Stop talking..." Draco murmured, his head lolling to the side and Bradley hefted him onto the bed.

"I wish you were cognate enough to hear me say this: just because you're skinny, it does not make you light. You've put on weight, Draco Malfoy."

"Have not..."

Bradley rolled his eyes and turned away to talk to Harry. "I'd just leave him like that, if I were you. It'd do him good to wake up fully clothed with a hangover."

Harry scowled at the passed out blond. "Believe me, when he wakes, he will not be happy."

Bradley smiled. "I like you, Harry. You'd do Draco some good, I think."

"Good? Like the painful kind?"

Bradley laughed and stepped forward, patting Harry on the shoulder. "Goodnight, Harry. Sorry to leave you like this with him, but I've got another passed out bunch still waiting in my car."

"That's okay. It was nice to meet you."

"You as well."

"Goodnight," Harry said as Bradley showed himself out.

Turning back to the blond, he slid his wand out of his sock and whispered, "Oh no, you are not going to get off so easily as getting to sleep the alcohol off, you great, big asshole. Sobrietus."

The comatose Draco jerked a little in his sleep, moaning. Harry, with a ferocious snarl on his face pointed his wand straight at Malfoy's forehead and yelled, "Ennervate!"

Draco's body jerked so forcefully his eyes snapped open and he was suddenly sitting upright. He fell back with a whump, groaning and moaning like he was dying. Which, he probably felt like he was.

He raised his head, finally, and saw Harry standing over him. Groaning again, he attempted to roll over and escape the darker man's penetrating gaze. "No...Potter...can't... No talking to you..."

"I know you are still nursing a hang-over, Malfoy, but you don't get to sleep it off like a normal Muggle. Now sit up. I'm going to have a go at you like I properly should."

"What...? Potter, leave me alone."

"NO!" At this, Harry reached forward and grabbed Malfoy by the collar and hoisted him up into a sitting position again. "DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH TONIGHT?"

Draco grimaced at the manhandling and scowled at the yelling, raising his hands to his ears. "Yes, Potter, I do. I had to listen to it, thankyouverymuch."

"No, Malfoy... You - you left me! You hypocritical bastard! You went off com and left me with him!"

"So? It sounded like you were doing fine with out me, Potter."

"Fine? Fine? You call being left alone in a gay club with some guy who wants to suck your dick fine?!" Harry was nearly hysterical; he was breathing hard and his fists clenched tightly in Draco's jacket. He wanted to hit something, so he shoved Malfoy away from him, stalking to the other side of the room, and banging the wall hard with the side of his fist. Whirling around, he spat, "You're such a fucking arsehole, Malfoy."

"Did I ever say I wasn't?" Draco retorted, playing the apathetic card while his head stopped spinning.

"Goddammit, Malfoy! Don't you give a crap? You went off com, completely against your own fucking hissy fit from last week, I might add, and left me! You left me!"

"So you've mentioned a good twenty times already." While Harry seethed, trying to come up with a response, Draco sat up, rubbing his temples and glaring in the direction of Harry's feet. "You must have abandonment issues, Harry. That seems to be the focus of your argument."

Harry couldn't help it; water was welling up in his eyes as the pressure of it all crashed down on his psyche. "You don't - you don't know. You're gay."

"SO?" Draco yelled, standing. "So what if I'm gay, Harry?"

"You would want a guy to suck on you, and touch you and - and - and-"

Harry wasn't crying, really. He just couldn't breathe, and water was just coming out of his eyes, that was all.


Harry fell to his knees, that weakness finally settling over him. He hiccoughed, wiping the tears from his face, trying to catch his breath, but he couldn't, because the pressure was crashing down in another wave.

"Potter? Potter!" Draco, stumbling a little because of his headache, slowly made his way over to Harry, kneeling in front of him. "Potter, what did he do to you?"

Harry opened his mouth to reply, but a sob came out instead, and when he saw Malfoy's hand reach out to touch his shoulder like in a cheesy romance movie, he jerked away. "NO! Don't touch me!"

"Potter, did he rape you?" Draco said seriously, a little horrified as he thought about his comment earlier that night. He suddenly felt quite a bit more sober at seeing Harry fall apart before his eyes.

Harry was so stunned at the question he didn't know how to respond. But then he was afraid Draco would take the silence as an affirmative, and quickly said, quite forcefully, "No. I just...I didn't know what to do! You weren't there! He was touching me, but it felt...it felt..."


Harry pursed his lips. "I don't like him that way, though. I was nervous - I thought if I'd let him go pretty far, that he'd show me the artefact..."

"Did he? Do you know where it is?"

Harry glared. "No. I don't know where it is, so it was all for fucking nothing!"

"But you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

"I'm not gay, Malfoy."

"But you enjoyed it-"

"No! I - Well, I did. But getting a good blow job from a guy doesn't make you gay!"

"Harry, you're in denial-"

"No, Malfoy, I'm not. Just leave it." Harry stood up and went into the bathroom, Draco trailing slowly behind.

"You can't even consider the possibility, can you, Potter?" he said as he reached the doorway.

Harry was splashing cold water on his face. "What possibility? That you're a complete hypocritical arse? Yeah, I can consider that possibility pretty clearly."

"Oh shove it, Potter. You know that wasn't what I meant."

"I said drop it, Malfoy. I'm not gay. It... Physically, yes, it felt good, but I don't like him like that. It was...wrong, somehow."

Draco caught Harry's eyes in the mirror. "Maybe you just weren't with the right person."

Harry stared back for a moment before saying, "Maybe I was just wasn't with the right gender." Then he pushed past Malfoy, jostling him hard by the shoulder.

"Yeah... Have no regard for the drunk person, precariously standing on the brink of being sick all over everything," Draco muttered, stepping into the bathroom to take a look at himself. "Oh my god, I look like shit." He splashed some water on his face and through his hair, cooling himself off. His headache was still pounding on the edge, but he didn't feel nearly as bad as he had when he woke up. In fact, he should still feel a lot more like shit...

"Hey, Potter?"

"What Malfoy?"

"Did you use a charm on me or something? Why am I not cursing the gods for giving me a terrible hangover?"

"Just a Sobriety Charm. Not enough to take away all the symptoms, but enough to clear your head a bit."

"Sobriety Charm, huh?" Draco murmured. The charm wasn't usually used for sobering up drunk people, but it'd do in a pinch, if you didn't have a potion available. It was actually used to keep people alert and awake, if they were studying for exams, working late at night, being interrogated...

"I'm surprised you didn't hit me," the blond called, still staring at his reflection.

Harry walked back into view, still dressed in his jeans, but without his shirt. "I wanted to. But I wasn't going to let you off so easily. And besides, you're drunk. You wouldn't have been able to defend yourself."

"Spoken like a true Gryffindor." Draco smirked. "Don't you ever kick anyone when they're down, Potter?"

"No, Malfoy."

Draco looked away. "You should have. I deserved it. I still do." Looking back up, he gazed at Harry a moment before turning around and saying, "You're right. I did leave you. And I knew that you might panic, but at the time I didn't care. I just couldn't listen anymore."

Harry looked away himself, lost in thought. "I... A part of me understands, Malfoy. I wouldn't want to hear that kind of thing either." It was said with a light blush; Harry was perhaps remembering the other day when he jerked off on com. "But, tell me why. Why would you risk the case like that, knowing what you know about me? Knowing what was going on and what was sure to happen? Why do that to me, Draco?"

Draco shrugged. "I...don't know. I'd rather not talk about it." He started to leave the room, but Harry stopped him with a hand on the chest. When he opened his mouth to speak, Draco cut in, "I'm going to go to my flat and find a potion to cut down on the headache. You probably want to shower."

Harry was like a goldfish just for a moment, obviously trying to think of something to say. Finally, he let out a breath and nodded. "Don't splinch yourself."

"I'm not too far away. I'll take a cab."

"Do you live in Muggle London, Malfoy?"

"Of course not. My flat's between two Muggle housing developments. They don't even know it's there." Draco winked and stepped around Harry, going to the door and stepping out, leaving Harry alone. Again.


Draco came back about twenty minutes later, looking much more bright-eyed and less peaky than he had before.

Harry was freshly washed, feeling so much better after the very hot water cleansed his skin and some of his worries. He now wore his pyjamas, and had wanted to torch Malfoy's clothes, but thought it better to ask first.

"You look better," Harry said once Draco was inside, shedding his own clothing.

"So do you," Draco replied.

"Wanted to burn your clothes, but I'm not sure you would take kindly to that."

Draco looked at the pile of clothes at the foot of Harry's bed, where the man lay, and said, "Go ahead. I don't care." After Harry took them out to the balcony and did just that, coming back inside, the blond added, "Do you like him?"


"The Muggle. Do you like him?"

"Malfoy, I told you I didn't."

"Yeah, but I saw the way you were with him, Potter."

"What do you mean?"

"He was all over you, and you let him."

"I didn't know what else to do!"

"Bullshit. He's always all over you."

"Malfoy, can't you just leave it alone?"

Malfoy thought on this for a moment. "Fine."

"So, do you normally snog all of your friends?" Harry asked, needing to get in a comeback.

"What?" Draco asked, whirling around from his disrobing. "What are you talking about?"

"You and your friend. Bradley, I believe his name was. You two were kissing when I found you."

Draco paled. "Oh no... Bradley..." He hung his head and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "I must have been so drunk," he muttered to himself.

"So, are you two, like, an item or something?"

"Me and Bradley? No," he replied forcefully.

"Really? It didn't look that way to me," Harry teased.

"Oh, Potter, shut up about what you know nothing about. Bradley and I are friends, that's all. In fact, he's my best friend."

"Which is why you were snogging him."

"I was drunk! I get...a little amorous when I'm drunk, okay?"

"So he's really your fuck-buddy then."

"You don't listen do you? No, he's not. He's just...there when I need him, and he sorta...indulges me, okay? I know it's not right, but nothing's ever come of it and nothing ever will."

"Why not? If you'll snog him when you're drunk, doesn't that mean you'd like to snog him when you're sober? You know...sub-conscious feelings?"

"No, Potter. Bradley's my friend, and I want it to stay that way. Not make it messy by sleeping with each other." He huffed, and shucked off his jeans. "Not that I need to explain myself to you."

Harry held up his hands, having enjoyed the game. "Sorry. Just curious..."

"Yeah, well, curiosity killed the cat, you know. Or, in this case, the Gryffindor. Your house mascot was a lion, you know."

"Ha ha. I'm going to bed, okay?"

"Alright. I'm going to shower."

Harry watched Draco until he was behind the bathroom door, then slipped off his glasses, setting them on the nightstand and clicking off the light.


"Malfoy, what's the problem? Everything's going according to the plan. Sorta." He turned to grab his shirt.

"Everything is going according to plan, and that is the effing problem!"

Harry stood there, with wide eyes and his shirt dangling from his hand. "I'm not reading you..." he said cautiously. He had just announced that he had to meet James for dinner that night, after the two wizards had spent a day trailing him and not talking about the previous night.

"You're falling for him."

A burst of laughter escaped Harry's mouth. "What? That's absurd."

Draco's mouth became a thin line and he clenched his fists at his sides. "You're a terrible liar, Potter. He's all over you, giving you all this attention, and you're lapping it up; you like it. Why else would you go over to his place again after what happened last night?"

"Malfoy, are you jealous? Would you rather it be you?" Harry said in a patronising tone.

"Fuck no. He doesn't like my type anyway. We've already established that. That's why you're doing it, remember?"

"Then what's the problem? I have to find out if he's got the artefact. Why are you being so melodramatic?"

Draco grabbed onto Harry's arms and yanked him close. "Because I can't stand it. This. His blatant fawning all over you, and the way you look at him - it's gross."

"Malfoy...what the fuck are you talking about? I don't look at him in any way." Harry glared and tried to pull away, but Draco's grip was like iron. "Well you're the gay one, Malfoy. I don't even like boys. I'd've thought you'd get a kick out of watching me squirm."

"It was amusing at first, but then you actually started liking the bastard."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't like him that way? Even you were the one to suggest that he raped me." At Draco's grimace and lack of answer he added sarcastically, "What? Are you afraid that little straight me is going to take all the gay men away from you? I know how promiscuous you are... Remember Bradley?"

Draco shook Harry, hard. "Fuck you, Potter. That isn't what this is about."

"Then what is it, Malfoy?" Harry yelled. "Fuckin' spit it out!"

Draco battled with himself for a moment before blurting out, "I want you."

Harry's mouth was parted and the expression on his face was one of complete bewilderment. After a stunned and silent moment he murmured quietly, "But I don't like boys."

"Stop saying that! I know you're starting to like him, Potter, or you wouldn't have let him do those things to you. Stop denying it. You're a terrible liar."

Harry seemed to get back his footing, if only slightly. "It's called acting, Malfoy. I'm pretending to like him. Otherwise this wouldn't work."

"You can't act, Potter. I've had to guide you nearly the whole way."

That statement made Harry extremely angry, considering what he had gone through the night before. "I've been doing fine on my own without you, Malfoy. And let go of me!"

"No! I'm tired of you pretending to not like men when you're obviously starting to! Stop lying to yourself!"

"Why? So you can get me into bed? No, Malfoy. I don't like guys, just deal with it!"

"I've seen the way you look at each other, how you look at him when he kisses you... And I won't have it anymore. I want you. You're mine."

Desire shot straight through Harry's belly to his cock, but with it came a sense of shock and confusion. He didn't know what to make of his reactions to Draco's words, but it scared him. Was Malfoy right? Was Harry really attracted to men? Beyond the physical sense? Harry didn't know what was right, or how he was feeling. And Malfoy was so close...

"Potter, say something!"

Harry blinked and looked up at the blond standing over him. There seemed to be a bit of panic in Malfoy's eyes, as if he was afraid of Harry's reaction.

"I...don't know what... How did this happen? Why? Why do you like me?"

"I don't know," Malfoy said through tight lips.

"I don't believe you," Harry protested, struggling again to get out of Malfoy's grip. "This is all some sick joke, isn't it? Fool Potter into thinking he just might be gay, then turn the table and laugh in his face at his own stupidity. Well, I'm not falling for it, Malfoy. Find someone else to play your gay jokes on."

"Goddammit, Potter, shut up! I'm not playing a joke. I want you, dammit. There's something here, can't you feel it?"

"No, I can't."

"You're lying again."

"Prove that I'm lying at all and I may start to believe you!"

Suddenly, so Harry had no time to react, Draco pulled Harry roughly against him and kissed him, hard. It was awkward, and Harry's nose was pressing strangely into Draco's cheek, but the passion behind it; the desire pouring out of Malfoy like a waterfall, crashed into Harry with a force that made him tremor.

When Malfoy pulled away, he looked at Harry, obviously waiting for a response.

"Don't tell me you didn't feel that," Draco said softly.

Harry could feel emotions welling up in his eyes. Oh god, he really was transparent.

"I..." Harry let his shirt fall from his fingers and clung to Malfoy's jacket. "I don't-"

Malfoy silenced him with another kiss, this time moving a hand up Harry's arm to behind his head, threading his long pale fingers though the thick, dark hair.

Harry clung desperately to Draco's jacket, crushing the fabric between his fingers. He moaned just slightly in the back of his throat and pressed his lips against Draco's. He could feel tears welling up and rolling down his cheeks, Draco's nose catching a few and smearing them as the kiss changed and grew deeper. Draco's other hand slipped down to wrap around the small of Harry's back and pull him closer.

Draco's tongue slipped from his mouth to pass over Harry's lips, but just at that moment, Harry pulled away, pushing away from him; breathing harshly.


"I need to go."


Harry wiped the tears off his face. "He's waiting for me. I have to go." Draco looked like he was about to say something in protest, but Harry cut him off. "I'll be back. I promise. I just...need to go."

Draco nodded, and watched as Harry picked up his shirt, put it on, grabbed his jacket and shoved on his shoes. When he made it to the door he turned around.


"Goodbye," said Draco, watching him go. Once he left, Draco finished, "Harry."

A/N: I hope you all really liked this chapter! I'm not sure if it's my favourite, but it's definitely up there, so far. Again, there were about two pages or so cut out of the end of the second scene, and those can only be read at my website, which you can find on my userpage. If you read it there, you can either come back here and review, or please, review by sending me an email. I LOVE reciving reviews! They keep my muse from dying...
PRE-POST-A/N: Well, first of all, let me apologise for getting this out so late - I had a bit of a problem with writer's block (and I even got to have a social life -whoo!) and one of my betas lost power, so there was a delay there as well. But! I have the chapter out - that's the important thing, right?
I want to thank my betas - Michelle, IcyAurora8, and Omi. They really helped me a lot with this chapter, as it's a pretty big one, in terms of plot...and OTHER THINGS.
Speaking of other things, this chapter has some sexual content. Nothing graphic, because everything that's graphic, I cut out. That's right, if you want the FULL chapter, you have to go to my website, via my userpage. I cut about two pages, so, if you don't mind reading that stuff, and you're of legal age (please don't get me into trouble here, folks), then please go read it there. But feel free to review here or email me! I really want to know what you guys think... I think this is a GREAT chapter...in my humble authoress opinion. :P
In one last bit of words before I let you go, I will be putting OS on a temporary halt while I write several holiday-related chapters of "The Bet". I'm hoping to at least get most of them out before New Years, or around there. We'll see. I think I've got about six chapters to write, but the first three are short. I'll probalby be uploading them in batches. Anyhow, I hope to hear from you all soon!