Lily Potter II/Original Male Wizard
Lily Potter II
Humor Romance
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Published: 11/05/2009
Updated: 12/31/2009
Words: 1,849
Chapters: 2
Hits: 203

Forever in Shadow


Story Summary:
Lily Luna Potter is fed up of living in the shadow of her older brothers... and cousins... and parents... and well, any other Weasley/Potter out there. With a little help from her friends, her crush and some blonde hair dye, will she finally prove herself? Look out world, here comes Lily!

Chapter 02 - You Know You Want Me!

Chapter Summary:
"Hair. Dye. Now."

Forever in shadow

Chapter 02- You Know You Want Me!

I knew there would be a lot of people trying out this year, but I hadn't expected this! It's crazy! There are only three available spots and it looks like the whole of Gryffindor are here!! Thankfully, the beater try outs are first.

"Weasley, Rose!"

I gulp. It's my turn. Eeep!

"That's me!" I raise my hand and Jake nods at me to take my place. I literally melt. He looked at me! Jake looked at me! He wants me! You know you want me, Jake!!! I know, I sound obsessed. Stalker-ish. Trust me, I'm no stalker! Okay, so maybe there was that one time...

Anyway, enough on my crush on the Captain! Here goes...

I swing my leg over my broom and kick off. Gripping my bat tightly, I hover in the air. Albus releases a bludger and I take aim. The bat collides with the ball and it soars off in the opposite direction. I whoop happily. There are a lot of cheers from the stands.

This goes on for half an hour. Then Jake calls me down and I dismount smoothly in front of him. Smoooth...

"That was nothing short of outstanding, Rose!" he announces, shaking my hand warmly.

I feel my cheeks warming up and I once again curse my Weasley genes. I just know I'm as red as a tomato right now. Hmmm... I wonder if Jake likes tomatoes??

"You're on the team!"

Gaping, I manage to mutter a quick "Thanks," before I'm being crushed in a hug by my cousins and their team-mates. I'm blown away. I wasn't really expecting to get the beater position, to be honest!

Back at the common room, there's a huge party in honour of my triumph... I mean, our triumph, as in all the other new players. There's butter beer, food, Jake, music, Jake, friends... Did I mention JAKE?!!!!!!!!!!

"Well, Lily, I never knew you had it in you!"

If it was anyone else, I would have been offended. But as it's Jake, I take the comment as a compliment.

"Thank you," I reply, modestly.

Jake grins his special lopsided grin at me and pats my hand before walking off to get another drink. I groan and mutter under my breath as another girl quickly gets his undivided attention.

"Cheer up, Lil! You made it on the team!!" Hugo comments loudly as he plonks himself down in the chair Jake had occupied seconds earlier.

"Shush!" I hiss, mortified in case Jake heard. I jerk my head in Jake's direction to get Hugo to shut the hell up!

Hugo doesn't get the hint and carries on: "You should have tried out years ago! James would have let you on the team, no worries!"

I try, unsuccessfully to change the subject. "So, Hugo, do you have any news...?!"

"You know," he interrupts. "Just 'coz you fancy Jake doesn't mean you have to..."

The rest of the sentence is cut off by a certain boy.

"You fancy me, Lily?!"

I open and close my mouth like a goldfish, longing for something intelligent to come out.

"Wanna go out sometime?" Jake asks, smiling.

My eyes pop out of my head. "YES! I mean, sure... why not?"

Jake laughs gently and says: "Next weekend okay?"

"Uh-huh," I reply, dreamily.

When the weekend arrives, I am hyper and hyperventilating. "Calm down, Lily. Calm..."

"Talking to yourself?"

I jump and my face burns bright red. "Hey, Jake!"

"Hey, yourself!" He offers me his arm, which I take, excitedly.

Jake leads me to the portrait hole when I remember something. "Oh, I almost forgot. I got you a present."

He beams at me as I rifle through my bag. "Oh, Lily... You shouldn't have..."

I present my gift to him and search his face to see what he thinks of it.

"Um... thanks... Hair dye?"

I smile. "Well, yeah..."

"Why though?"

I stare at him. What a stupid question!

"Well, you see..."

Jake stares at the picture of my grandparents, dumfounded. "I don't understand..."

I sigh warily. Pointing at my grandmother, and namesake, I explain. "I look exactly like my gran, right?"

Jake looks from me to the picture and back to me. "Well, yeah but..."

"And you look like my granddad, see?"

He looks shocked. "No I don't!"

"Yes, you do!" I argue. "Dark hair, dark eyes..."


"Hair. Dye. Now."

Jake takes the box labelled "Barbie Blonde for Boys!" I thrust at him and walks back up to the boys' dormitory, forlornly. I smile and gaze down at my grandparents.

"You've gotta let 'em know who's boss right, Gran?"

Lily senior winks and nods at me, approvingly. Granddad James, however, stares at me open mouthed.

"Women," I hear him mutter as I gently fold the photograph and place it in my pocket.

Finished :( Please review!!