Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/09/2001
Updated: 02/25/2002
Words: 22,210
Chapters: 3
Hits: 14,092

Boarding School Blues


Story Summary:
Harry starts at Hogwarts and he has plenty to think about.  Voldemort has still to be defeated, Sirius is still on the run, Malfoy is still causing problems, and the NEWTS are coming up.  And he still has to deal with the usual boarding school problems-teachers, gossip, curfews, crushes...so much to deal with.  How will he get it all done in ten short months and still survive to play seeker for the English National team after graduation? It’s Elementary, my dear Watson, Elementary.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Harry starts at Hogwarts and he has plenty to think about. Voldemort has still to be defeated, Sirius is still on the run, Malfoy is still causing problems, and the NEWTS are coming up. And he still has to deal with the usual boarding school problems-teachers, gossip, curfews, crushes...so much to deal with. How will he get it all done in ten short months and still survive to play seeker for the English National team after graduation? It's Elementary, my dear Watson, Elementary. No, it's seventh-year! Ha, ha...sorry. Let's just say Harry's a resourceful boy (and he gets a lot of help).
Author's Note:
Sorry it took so long to get out (school). If anyone's still interested the next one will be out in two weeks (school again). After that they'll come more frequently. Robert Burns' 'My Luve is Like a Red Red Rose' is dedicated to my 9th grade cultural studies teacher and her love of Haggis. I apologize to Scotsmen everywhere for my pathetic stereotypes. I apologize to the readers for making this so long and boring. It will get better next chapter. I apologize to me for forcing myself to write through a block instead of waiting it out. I deserve everything I get. Quick plug, read "The Trouble with Harry" at AstronomyTower.org. It's the better fic. Read and Review please. Thanks at the end.

Boarding School Blues

Chapter 2: Beautiful Day, Fast Track

Draco awoke to find himself on the floor of a train. He was confused for a moment, but then remembered he was on the Hogwarts Express. He was going to school. He fell asleep in the compartment on the way there. But that still didn't explain what he was doing on the floor. Or where everyone else was.

He sat up and noticed that the train was not moving and all the trunks and things were gone from under the seats.

We must have already arrived then. He got up limping and looked out the window onto the platform of, sure enough, Hogsmeade station. So they'd left him there, eh?

It was oddly reminiscent of the end of fourth year when they'd cursed the begeebers out of him and he'd found himself alone when he came to, sore and angry. Except that he wasn't so sore now, except for the slight stiffness one experiences from sleeping on the hard floor.

And he wasn't so angry either, just a bit peeved that he'd have to hop on his ankle to get to the carriage to Hogwarts, with no one to aid him. It had been nice to have someone there to help even if it was Potter and his mudblood friend Granger. They made decent enough servants, though not quite as obedient as they should be. His ankle throbbed in remembrance of the fact. It served him right to agree to sit with them in the first place. He must have temporarily lost his mind. Or the pain of his foot had blinded him to his actions.

Dusting himself off, he limped over to the steps and hopped down to the platform. He didn't think about his trunks. Those would already be cared for and waiting in his dorm as they were every year. He made his way limping off the platform, past the small Hogsmeade welcome cart, and down the front steps out of the station. The road out front was quite quiet and peaceful which caused Draco some distress as that meant that it was also quite deserted.

No groups of students bustled everywhere. No horseless carriages lined up waiting to take the anxious and eager bunch back to the school. No half-giant oaf Hagrid stood shouting for first years. All there was was a pruney old man sitting on one of the wooden benches set up before the station entrance, smoking a pipe and eying Draco suspiciously.

Draco wouldn't have been surprised if a tumbleweed suddenly rolled across the street as in some of the western films he'd seen on the telly he'd once smuggled into his room and charmed out of curiosity.

He looked over the little town to the castle in the backdrop. The sun was just getting ready to set, casting a cheerful orange halo over the sparse clouds and a bleary late summer haze upon the land.

"Hmph. They left without me," mused Draco absently.

He thought about this for a moment in conjunction with the fact that his ankle hurt, the castle was over two kilometers away and he had no way to get there except by foot. His pale eyebrows furrowed into an angry 'V'.

"They left without me!"

Draco may not have been too angry before, but no one could mistake that to be the case now.

"They left WITHOUT ME! Those bastards. They can't leave without me!" he hollered.

He quickly realized these were all mute points as they could leave without him, and indeed they had. What do I do now? he wondered. The answer was quite simple and his thoughts took no time at all to relay the reply. Walk.

He groaned miserably.

The old man threw him a wry glance and hopped on the bicycle he happened to have handy, pedaling mockingly past Draco and off down the street.

Draco huffed and preened himself as if he were a ruffled bird, straightening his expensive (though now thoroughly wrinkled) robes and smoothing down his platinum locks. He turned towards the road to Hogwarts. Muttering darkly about 'that dumb ol' Potter,' 'stupid cold-hearted Gryffindors,' and 'avenging besmirched familial honor,' he stomped off angrily down the path. Of course all this stomping about disturbed his ankle further, the pain angering him even more yet forcing him to take daintier steps as he slowly limped along the side of the road.


"Oof. Get off Ron!" cried Hermione finding the red headed boy in her lap.

The carriage rattled and bumped down the dusty road, jostling its occupants about. The road showed signs of wear indicative of use over countless years. Potholes and ruts made the ride particularly bumpy. An encounter with one of the larger furrows found the students falling over each other.

"Sorry Hermione," said Ron smiling down at her.

"Damn this ride gets worse every year. I don't remember it being this bad first year. Do you?" asked Dean disentangling himself from Seamus on the floor.

"Nope. It's not so bad though. We're almost there. At least Malfoy's not here right?"

"Ever the optimist Hermione," Seamus smiled. "Speaking of ferret-boy...Hey did anyone notice that no Slytherins came to help Malfoy back there on the train?"

"Yes, and Crabbe and Goyle were missing too," observed Hermione.

"Wonder why," said Dean looking thoughtfully out the small window.

"Maybe they left to go join Voldemort," said Harry.

Ron and Seamus flinched a bit. It had been three years since the Dark Lord had regained his body, but they had still to completely overcome the nervousness at hearing his name. Voldemort hadn't been active for a while. There was no word of terror across the countryside, and it was widely accepted that he was currently out of the country. But the reaction the name of the Dark Lord elicited wasn't so much due to fear as much as it was a conditioned response. Dean and Hermione didn't experience it as much, being muggle-born. They hadn't been raised to avoid the name since childhood. At least Ron no longer got upset whenever Harry would say it so casually, though he still avoided saying it himself whenever he could.

"Then why's Malfoy still here?" pondered Dean.

"Who knows? Maybe he's a spy. Or maybe he's already a Death Eater. Or maybe he doesn't want to be one, though that one is hard to imagine. This is Malfoy after all," said Harry shrugging, ever the authority on anything to do with the Dark Lord.

"Yeah. I wonder what he meant by all that stuff he was saying. You know, 'Head Boys and Girls don't matter,' and all that rot," said Seamus, a small worried frown playing across his face.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it. He's probably just jealous of Dean and Hermione," said Harry, ever the authority on anything to do with Malfoy.

Harry was an authority on many things, everyone knew. It was all chalked up to experience, and Harry had plenty of experience dealing with these sorts of problems. He had faced off with Voldemort in some form or another five times already. This was why he could be so casual with it all. While others worried about the coming of the Dark Lord, he put it to the back of his mind and tried to live his life as normally as he could. He didn't need to be reminded of Lord Voldemort because the thought was always there. It was so familiar that he could easily ignore it for the most part.

"That's right! I bet he was jealous. Hey we never got to rub it in," said Ron sadly.

"No Ron of course not, you had already attacked him by then remember?" scolded Hermione.

"Oh yeah."

"No worries, we have all year to rub it in his face," consoled Dean.

"Too right. I can't wait," said Seamus as they reached the castle.

The four friends hopped out of the carriage and made their way up the front steps with the rest of their peers, and through the great wooden double doors of Hogwarts.


Draco found the going to be extremely slow. Normally, walking a few kilometers would have been barely a workout. Hell, he could probably make it in less than ten minutes. And he was used to it. Just to walk from one end of the park like grounds to the other at Malfoy Manor was a distance of a little over two kilometers, and he's spent countless summers taking those walks. Not that his father approved of him walking about the grounds like that. His father didn't appreciate that sort of 'idle' behavior when there was work to be done, illegal spells to learn, Dark Lords to impress. Still, Draco managed to take the walks anyway. He found they gave him time to think about anything and everything that happened to be on his mind, more often than not that thing being how to show up a certain unbeatable Seeker.

But now his muscles were straining and his back hurt as he gingerly hopped along, stopping every few meters to curse his ankle and every Gryffindor he could think of, but one in particular.

"Damn Potter," he mumbled to the empty road. "Always making a fool of me. Always getting away with things. What a hypocrite. What a complete Gryffindor. Too stuck up to even help someone out and then he goes prancing about like he's the bloody be all end all purveyor of righteousness. Bloody git..." he trailed off frowning.

He couldn't help but be a bit hurt that Harry had left him in this situation. They were enemies, but Harry was the good guy. He was supposed to help everyone. Even Draco Malfoy. He was supposed to be indiscriminating and kind and caring. Did even Harry think he was so bad that the raven-haired Gryffindor wouldn't help him in his time of need? Not that he cared what Harry Potter thought of course. Not in the least.

Some bloody hero, thought Draco with no small amount of disgust.

"Well he'll pay. Oh Merlin, will he ever pay!"

He kicked a small pebble and continued to limp down the road. The sun was starting to sink low. The tall spires of the castle in the distance appeared to pierce the glowing orb as it bled out across the sky, a lovely deep scarlet laced with oranges and pinks. A blanket of violet embroidered with sparkling stars settled above the sunset. It was definitely getting late. Draco cursed the disappearing sun and the silver moon just emerging to take its place and limped to a stump at the side of the road.

Tired and hurting he plopped himself down to rest. He was greatly annoyed, which was understandable. Having slept through the whole trip, he had not had the chance to eat anything. Now he was terribly hungry. And tired. And in pain, and to top it off the dust from the road was making his nose itch. He wondered if he was going to be stuck out on the road all night, as it would surely take him that long to limp all the way, and if anyone would even care enough to come looking for him if he didn't show up for the feast. Knowing the Slytherins, and he did considering he himself was one, he doubted it. His stomach growled at the thought of the welcoming feast and he scowled in disgust at himself for being such a weakling that a little thing like hunger should bother him.

He kicked a stone in the dust, which went skipping over the road with a great 'clunk' and then an equally great 'clink.' Draco looked up to find that the sound had been made not by the rock but by a strange looking carriage type contraption clinking and clunking up the road towards him. He easily recognized this as a car (bright lad that he was), or more accurately, a beat up little lorry carrying a load of what appeared to be sheep.

"A muggle? What's a muggle doing here?" he asked the growing darkness around him.

Much to Draco's horror the truck slowed and pulled to a stop in front of where he sat by the side of the road. The driver, a grisly old man with short graying hair and dressed in a dingy white shirt under a pair of worn coveralls, called out.

"Oi, ye the'r."

"Who me?" Draco asked stupidly.

"Aye, come 'ere."

Draco looked around nervously and got to his feet. He limped to the lorry and stood supporting himself on the door.

"I've appeared ta 'ave goot mysel' a bit los'. Could ye kindly tell me where 'boots I may be?" asked the man.

"Um...Scotland?" replied Draco unsure of what to say.

He wasn't too informed of the muggle towns about this area and 'outskirts of Hogsmeade,' most likely would have been quite confusing as would have been, 'on the road to Hogwarts.'

"Aye, I know tha' lad. Where 'boots in Scotland?"


"Or, where migh' the'r be a phone aboot? Need ta call in."

Draco got an idea. He wasn't much for hitching rides with strangers but in his current condition he felt he didn't have much choice. The fact that this was a muggle and a dirty one at that would just have to be overlooked for the present time.

"Er...sir. There's a phone up the road about a kilometer or so. I'm heading that way...if I could er...get a ride, I could show you."

"A'righ than, hop in tha other side the'r."

Draco limped to the other side of the lorry. He opened the door only to come face to face with a big black shaggy dog. The dog took one look at him and bared its teeth with a vicious growl. Draco jumped back and looked to the man.

"Din'na worry the'r lad. I's jus' me sheepdug. He won' hurt ye."

"I'm not sitting in there with that thing," stated Draco indignantly.

"Come now. He'll no' bite."

Draco stared incredulously at the man.

"Or ye could sit in tha back," offered the man patiently.

"What, with the sheep?" Draco gasped horrified.


Draco glared at the sheep in the back and the dog in turn. Deciding that sitting with sheep was the more undignified of the two he cautiously climbed into the cab. The engine clanked and they were off rattling down the road. Draco was quickly starting to regret being born as the man (who's name he'd found was 'Jim') talked his ear off about neighbors' weddings, foot and mouth disease, muggle politics and other things Draco didn't pretend to understand or ever care to. The dog had settled itself in Draco's lap and would growl every time he shifted on the seat. It was highly uncomfortable and a bit unnerving as well.

The truck appeared to have rubber bands for shocks as every rut or dip in the road caused him to hit his head on the ceiling of the cab. The seat cushion was not too comfortable as there were tears all over the vinyl where the straw could be seen poking out along with a spring here and there. The man popped a tape into the deck. The grainy sound of what Jim described as 'real' music, and, "no' this rook n' roll stuff ye childern list'n ta these days," flooded the cabin. That in itself was torture enough, but as Jim started to sing along, "O, my luve is like a red, red rose..." Draco had had enough and was just about ready to kick out the door and roll out of the moving vehicle double-O-seven style.

It was only luck that saved Draco the trouble as he saw the turn off to Hogwarts up ahead. There was a visible path leading up the hill to the castle but it wouldn't do to lead a muggle up there even if he couldn't actually see the castle due to the wards. Draco thought for a moment.


The muggle Jim slammed on the brakes throwing Draco and the dog forward. The dog yelped and bit him as he was squished in between the boy and the dash.

"Aahh!" screamed Draco. "It bit me!"

Muggle Jim looked unimpressed.

"Wha' di' we stop 'ere fir, in tha middle o' nowh're? So where's 'his phone?"

Draco looked at him blankly.

"Thanks for the ride."

With that he threw open the door and ran.


The hall was full of happy hungry students. The sorting was completed and the first years sat at their respective tables, waiting with the rest of their housemates for the legendary Welcoming Feast of which they had heard so much about from their parents and the older students on the train. Now only Dumbledore's yearly speech remained before the food would start to appear on their plates. The lively bunch calmed down to a whisper as the Headmaster rose to give his address.

"A few announcements before we tuck in. In light of recent information I have received, Hogsmeade weekends will be cancelled until further notice. Yes Mr. Finnigan, even for the seventh years. I will tell you this precaution does indeed have to do with Voldemort. And despite what the papers or the Ministry might say, I do believe, in fact I am certain that Voldemort is in the country."

Gasps of surprise and horror sounded throughout the room, as Dumbledore continued.

"As every year it is against the rules to be out after curfew and the Forbidden Forest is off limits at all times. I hope you will consider your safety and act accordingly and smartly this year. I think you will understand that the consequences for breaking these rules have been increased. Be assured you are all safe here. The Professors and the staff are all well equipped to handle the situation and talk if you wish to voice any fears or worries you may possess. We will have a good and productive school year and life will continue as usual if we are aware of ourselves and our surroundings. I do not wish to frighten you, only make you aware of what is happening so you may conduct your lives accordingly. On a happier note, the Yule Ball, Halloween Feast and Christmas and New Years celebrations will continue as scheduled, as will Quidditch and other school activities. That is all...and everyone be sure to try the goblin pie. It's quite delicious."

Food started to appear in the plates as it did every year and pumpkin juice flowed to the brims of their large goblets. Gasps and squeals of delight could be heard from where most of the first years were seated as Dumbledore's words were temporarily forgotten. Harry watched the little witches and wizards and couldn't help but be reminded of the first time he had experienced the mystery and enchantment of Hogwarts cuisine. Dining a la apparition was only the beginning of the wonders he had found at this place.

Six years come and gone. Six years with these people who felt like family. Six years of new experiences and adventures. And despite those often horrific 'adventures,' they were the six happiest years of his life. Many students could probably say the same, but they could never really mean it as much as Harry did. Hogwarts had been his refuge, his home. And now here he was. His last year. It was an odd feeling and he felt a twinge of envy towards the new arrivals.

"Hey Harry. You okay? You look a bit dazed."

Harry looked across the table to Neville and smiled.

"No I'm fine. Just thinking. You know...reminiscing."

He nodded his head towards the first years who were now pointing at the enchanted ceiling and eagerly talking amongst themselves.

"I know it's weird isn't it? Feels like yesterday I was sitting in that boat looking up at the castle for the first time. I was so relieved that I'd gotten accepted."

He looked at the eleven year olds, slipping into a daze not unlike the one he had just pulled Harry out of.

"Well I hope the little buggers know how lucky they are," chimed in Seamus who happened to be eaves dropping as Seamus was wont to do from time to time. "You two better get eating though, no point in reminiscing your last Welcoming Feast away. And your food is getting cold."

Seamus had a point there. Harry and Neville forgot their little trip down memory lane and dug in. As the fifth course was served, Harry took a look around the Great Hall. He looked over to the Ravenclaw table out of habit. Cho Chang was no longer there of course, as she had graduated last year with the rest of the class of '97. Harry sighed.

He never had gotten up the courage to ask her out. He was surprised he had even had the bollocks to ask her to the Yule Ball in fourth year. After Cedric though, any further action was definitely out of the question. It would have been awkward. But Harry had continued to admire the pretty ebony-haired Ravenclaw Seeker from afar. He turned his attention to the rest of the tables. There was Justin Fitch-Fletchley who was always a good sport and up for anything new. Ernie McMillan who pretended to know more than he did but was always good-natured when he was proved wrong. Eloise Midgen, still as spotty as ever. Hannah Abbot, a fine Chaser. If Harry liked anyone besides Cho it would have to be Hannah. He supposed he just had a thing for Quidditch players. He turned his attention to the Slytherin table.

How could it be that in six years he hadn't managed to find even one Slytherin he liked? Not that he was trying. Oh no, Harry stayed as far away from that house as he could. But still, he had friends or at least friendly acquaintances in the other two houses. Why not Slytherin? They couldn't all be bad right? He ticked off the Slytherins he knew in his head. Hmm...Crabbe, git. Goyle, git. Malcolm, git, Millicent Bulstrode, git...Blaise, git. Pansy, bigger git. Malfoy, king of the gits. Nope. Not a single one with anything resembling a redeemable quality. And why am I thinking about this now after so long?

Harry scanned the Slytherin table for the familiar scowling faces of his abhorred classmates. The table was conspicuously patchy. The large forms of the students who made up most of the Slytherin Quidditch team were missing. Most of the seventh years were gone. The only ones who remained were Pansy, Blaise, Malcolm Baddock, and Malfoy. Wait a second...

"Look Malfoy's not at his place. Do you think he's okay?" he asked reflexively.

"You know Harry, I didn't see him get off the carriages, or the train for that matter," said Dean turning to look at Harry from his seat next to Ron.

"Do you think he's still on the train? If he missed the carriages, he'll have to walk all that way," said Hermione matter-of-factly.

"So what? If he did then he'd deserve it for being a bloody prat and refusing to wake up," said Ron through a mouthful of meatloaf.

"Well we didn't try that hard," admitted Hermione truthfully.

"Are you kidding? I kicked him! He didn't even budge."

"No offense Harry, but you kick like a girl," said Seamus as he pushed the peas around his plate.

"Hey!" cried Hermione, "I resent that remark."

"Yeah me too!" said Harry with equal indignation.

"No, it's just you're too nice to kick anyone that hard. Even Malfoy," explained Seamus taking note of Harry's frown.

"Still, what if something's happened to him? I think we should have woken him up," continued Harry still frowning thoughtfully.

"Ha. You would," said Hermione. The others looked at her curiously.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Harry eying her suspiciously.

She sniggered as if sharing an inside joke with herself.

"Nothing, nothing."

"I hope he's alright."

Five pairs of shocked eyes turned to Harry's direction.

"What? I just don't want it on my conscience, that's all!"

The boys continued to stare at him incredulously and Hermione threw him a knowing glance before she turned back to the roast she had been working on.

Harry decided it was time to change the subject.

"So what about what Dumbledore said?"

"I'd say that's rather your area of expertise, Harry," said Dean pushing his plate away from him and settling his arms in front of him on the table.

He looked at Harry expectantly along with the other four Gryffindors. Harry sighed. He really didn't feel like talking any more. Especially not about this.

"I don't know. I have no idea."

He sighed again, turning his palms up and shrugging dramatically.

"Come on Harry. You must have some idea. Scar pain ya much this summer?" asked Seamus through a mouthful of potatoes.

Dean elbowed him in the side and gave him a pointed look.

Harry shrugged noncommittally. His countenance was suddenly darker and his fellow students could practically see the wards go up in his head as his eyes glazed over.

"Oh look, they're taking the plates away," he said flatly. "Goodnight everyone."

He quickly got up and slipped into the crowd building near the entrance. The others looked after him from the table. They all turned to look at Seamus as he shrunk down in his chair.

"Now look, you've scared him away. Why'd you have to ask that about his scar Seamus?" said Dean frowning.

"He's the one who brought it up! How was I to know he'd take it like that?" said Seamus defensively.

"Seamus..." came Dean's disapproving voice and Seamus looked at him innocently.

"I was just curious. Sorry. I really didn't mean to get him upset." Seamus frowned worriedly down at his plate.

Hermione looked kindly at him. "Don't worry. He'll be alright."

She got up from the table and walked towards the doors. Following her cue, the boys walked after her.


"Oy! Wait, whare 're ye goin'..." Jim yelled after Draco from his truck.

He turned to the seat next to him and found the dog eyeing the open door very strangely.

"No' ye too. Oh no ye din'na!" he cried as he tried to grab the creature by the scruff of its neck.

The canine was much too quick however, and was out the door and running up the hill after Draco in a matter of seconds. Jim stood helplessly hollering after them on the road. He scratched his head. It was too dark to go wandering about looking for the escapees now. And his sheep were getting restless. He should be finding his way back. He hopped back in his lorry and drove off down the road.

As soon as the muggle's voice became inaudible, Draco stopped to catch his breath. He dropped down to the grassy hillside and rubbed his ankle. He'd probably made it worse by running on it but he was now only fifty meters or so from Hogwarts. And the Infirmary. The injury would be fixed in no time. Looking up he was startled to see the dog running up the hill. Panicking, he turned to run but fell as the pain surged up from his ankle once again. It appeared he had really outdone himself this time.

He prepared to defend himself on the ground, settling back in a position that would allow him to kick the mutt with his good leg if it attacked. But it didn't attack. It casually walked up to him and nudged him. He got the picture and got up leaning on the dog for support. They walked up the rest of the way to the entrance.

"Er, thanks," said Draco feeling awkward talking to a dog, especially one that had bit him.

He let go of the animal and leaned up against the castle doors. As Draco reached up for the handle, the dog took off somewhere into the darkness. Draco looked after it and shrugged. Probably heading back to its master.


Harry threw himself on his bed, not even bothering to unpack his trunk or change into his pajamas. A whole year! He'd been able to keep the topic to the back of his mind for a whole year. At the Dursley's, on the train. Even during Dumbledore's speech, he'd been able to ignore his thoughts. Just when Seamus mentioned his scar...he couldn't handle that question. He didn't want to think about it, mainly because the answer was his scar had been hurting. As a matter of fact it had been throbbing terribly every single night this past summer. It wasn't a piercing sort of pain. Only a pulsing. Not a direct threat but just a reminder.

He'd owled Dumbledore of course but there was nothing more he could do so he just ignored it. But now back in the wizarding world, he should have known better than to think he could avoid the implications forever. But things were just piling up too fast and all of a sudden. Dumbledore's speech, his scar, the disappearance of the Slytherins, Malfoy's ranting...Hmm I wonder if he got back all right.

Harry's thoughts turned to Draco's absence at dinner. It wasn't so much that he cared about the boy, but the Slytherin did mean something to him. This much Harry had come to realize over the past two or three years. Draco was another constant in his life...like Hermione's nagging or losing to Ron at chess. Just another thing to look at and know that things hadn't changed yet.

Go to classes, hang out with Ron and Hermione, play Quidditch, and fight with Malfoy. It was a routine he would have liked to stick with for a bit longer. If Malfoy left, it would only make Harry wonder what was going to disappear next. His friends? The school? Everything if Voldemort had his way. Yes, Draco was just another constant. But a constant reminder too. Because inevitably Malfoy would leave and Harry would have to face up to the fact that the battle was upon them.

He had been thinking about Malfoy a lot over the summer. It was easier than thinking of Voldemort. Draco was the lesser evil. But would Draco really go join his father with the Death Eaters? Malfoy...I wonder what's up with him. Draco had softened a bit over the past two years, gained a maturity about him that Harry took great notice of. He was still an arrogant git of course but his manner was so much smoother, and he seemed to have learned the meaning of tact to a certain degree. Always the Slytherin, he rarely showed any when dealing with him, but Harry had noticed that the taunting had toned down quite a bit. Not as brash but definitely more intellectual than his juvenile fourth year "Potter Stinks" antics. The blond was playing a smarter game for which Harry had to give him credit.

He had been fairly decent on the train after Ron had attacked him. It was a strange way for Malfoy to behave really. Accepting help from Gryffindors. Sitting in their compartment. And without starting any major fights besides. He'd even apologized to Hermione. Harry had never known Draco to be so cooperative. Or vulnerable. It was very suspicious. All the same Harry felt a modicum of guilt for having left the injured boy to fend for himself, which grew as he imagined Malfoy collapsed by the side of the road somewhere.

Harry closed his eyes as he lay back on his bed to sleep, but the thought refused to let him be. He tossed for a bit longer before he could not stand another second of it. I'll just go see. I'll just go see if he came back and then when he's tossed me a few insults and yelled at me for leaving him on the train, I can get angry back and go to bed in peace. Having set his mind, he slipped from the scarlet covers and walked purposefully out of the dormitory.


Draco drew the heavy timber doors open and walked in to the entrance hall and into a very angry looking Professor McGonagall. He got up from where the collision had knocked him to on the floor and stared at his teacher's severe visage.

"Mr. Malfoy. Would you care to explain where you have been and why you felt it acceptable to break school rules and skip the welcoming feast?" Her lips drew into a tight line as she stared him down.

"I-I can explain professor. I, well I fell asleep on the train and nobody woke me up so I missed the carriage. I had to walk."

"I see," she said eying him suspiciously.

"Well the feast is already completed. You must see your head of house first and then perhaps you can get some dinner. Come with me."

Draco started to follow her but fell as his ankle gave out.

She turned to him with surprise, "Mr. Malfoy! Are you all right?" She noticed the grimace on his face and the blood on his hand from the dog bite. "Oh my. Please remain here while I get Madame Pomfrey," she said and quickly left.

"What else would I do but stay here you old bag," muttered Draco.

In moments the nurse appeared at his side and started questioning him.

"How on earth did this happen? Children these days, really. It's as if they hadn't an ounce of sense in their heads. Well the cut's not so bad. Only superficial. My goodness it looks quite like a small bite doesn't it. You weren't attacked by a werewolf were you? How on earth-"

"NO!" yelled Draco halting her interrogation. "Forget my hand. It's my ankle you stupid wench!"

"Well, I never-."

"Shut up! Can't you see I've hurt my ankle, you sorry excuse for a healer. If you don't want my father to hear about your incompetence you'll fix it NOW!"

"There's no need for threats Mr. Malfoy," she responded huffily.

She conjured up a stretcher and levitated him onto it. Once in the infirmary the nurse quickly magiked the swelling away and wrapped the ankle in bandages treated with a gypsum healing salve.

"There now. That should heal in a week. I could have healed it in an hour or two if you hadn't gone and exacerbated the injury by walking on it."

"I didn't exactly have a choice," grumbled Draco. He turned to her. "It still hurts."

Madame Pomfrey could clearly hear the unsaid threat, 'and you had better do something about it or else,' in his tone. But she was not intimidated. She'd treated him enough times. One had to be stern with his type.

"That is too bad. I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for that as the injury was treated too late. I could give you something stronger for the pain but it would make you terribly drowsy so I hesitate to do that as classes will start tomorrow."

He attempted to stare the witch down.

"You will give it to me now."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I do not feel it is in your best interest. I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy."

"Bitch," he muttered under his breath, hopping off the infirmary bed.

Grumpy patients were nothing new to Madame Pomfrey and she ignored him. The nurse was quite used to having all sorts of nasty things yelled at her by people in various degrees of pain. It came with the job description. And she knew Malfoy well enough to know what to expect from the likes of him. The boy sauntered out the door though the limp made his usual swagger a bit lopsided. Madame Pomfrey sighed. Malfoy was probably the one and only student in the school who could walk out of the hospital wing freely without her fussing after him or insisting that he stay a little longer just to be sure.

"Arrogant little bastard."


Harry walked down the hall cautiously. The castle was quiet as most everyone else was busy unpacking and getting ready for bed, but there was still Filch to watch out for. He ducked behind a suit of armor as he heard a noise down the corridor and continued towards the dungeons as the air grew silent once again. He wondered if it was such a good idea to be wandering about the castle at night. It had occurred to him that he didn't even know what to do when he got to the dungeons, as he did not know the password. Yet he pressed on perhaps in the hopes that maybe he'd run into the boy on the way or miraculously find him waiting there. Suffice to say Harry was not about to let it go without trying. But the danger of getting caught increased as he moved deeper and deeper into the darkness of the castle corridors and every sound made him shiver with apprehension. Maybe he shouldn't have come.

Earlier, Hermione had arrived in the common room followed by Ron and the others just as Harry was descending the staircase from the dormitories. They had all stopped him and asked if he was all right and Seamus had proceeded to apologize profusely going so far as to offer to treat Harry to whatever he wanted on the next Hogsmeade trip. It was a bit pointless though since Hogsmeade weekends had been cancelled, but Harry appreciated the sentiment just the same. He didn't plan on holding a grudge. He could understand people's curiosity even if it was annoying and probing at times. They were scared. All of them were scared that the Dark Lord would descend upon them unexpectedly. That war would break out and they'd be unprepared. Harry could understand that fear because he felt it too. So he had told Seamus to forget about it, which the boy promptly did, joining in a discussion about Quidditch with Dean as they made their way up to the seventh year boys' dormitory.

When Harry turned to leave, he was stopped by Hermione's cry of, "Where are you going, it's getting late!" He had told her that he was just taking a walk to clear his head. Scrutinizing him with her, 'I know you're up to something,' look, she had demanded he take Ron with him.

"I would come myself but I have to get ready for classes. And Harry, after all these years you really should come up with some new excuses." She knew better than to buy into Harry's 'just taking a walk,' explanations.

Harry had rolled his eyes and given Ron a look that promised severe bodily harm if he was followed. "Hermione, if I was getting into trouble don't you think I would take my invisibility cloak along?" It was really forgetfulness that had made him leave the useful device at the bottom of his trunk. It was too late to go back for it. "I just want to take a walk. Alone," he repeated. Hermione had sighed and turned to the stairs up to the girls' dorms.

"Harry, you're okay, right?" Ron had asked him.

"Yes Ron. I'm fine. Why don't you go unpack? I'll be up in a bit," he replied patiently.

"Okay. But I'm here...you know if you want to talk or whatever..."

"I know Ron. Thanks. You're a great friend."

Ron appeared satisfied with this and gave him a warm smile before leaving the common room. Harry had proceeded through the portrait hole and started off towards the dungeons.

And now once again he found his progress being halted at a sound in the hall. He heard a light padding behind him. Unfortunately, in this part of the hall there were no suits of armor to hide behind, no doorways to slip into. I wish I'd brought my damn cloak. Harry turned to face whoever was headed his way, hoping it was just another student and not Filch or his irritable cat, Mrs. Norris. He would probably get detention for a month if he was caught out so late and on the first day back too. Something moved in the shadows and Harry's eyes widened.


The dog barked.


Harry ran to the large black dog and threw his arms around its neck. He closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek. As he opened them again he found himself embracing a man, his Godfather, Sirius Black.

"Harry, I've missed you so much. How have you been?"

He pulled the boy from him so he could see his face. Sirius beamed at his Godson. He reached up and wiped the tear from the boy's cheek.

"Harry what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"It's just been so long."

"Two years. It has been a bit hasn't it?"

Harry nodded and smiled widely at the man.

"Sirius. What are you doing here?"

"Dumbledore owled me and told me to come. So here I am."

"Has something happened? Why would he risk you coming here?"

"I don't know. I think something big is about to happen, but I can't tell you more than that. Dumbledore will tell us what's happening when the time is right. Granted I don't like just sitting around doing nothing, but at least I get to see you."

"Yeah. I know what it feels like. My scar's been hurting all summer."

"You've told Dumbledore?"

"Yeah, of course. He didn't say much about it when he owled me back. Just not to worry too much right now."

"Did you get my letters? I sent quite a few."

"Mhmm. I've really missed you Sirius."

"I've missed you too. Terribly..."

"How did you get here? Has Hagrid seen Beaky yet?"

"Erm...no. Beaky left for the forest about four months ago. He's close to being a teenager by human standards and you know kids these days...and I believe it's mating season so there you have it. Anyway, I sort of walked to get here."

"You walked? That must have been terrible. You were what, something like a hundred kilometers away?"

"Oh it was more than that. But it's okay. Remus gave me his old broom. That lasted about half the way. And then floo'd my way from fireplace to fireplace. They could probably lock me away for life for all the count of breaking and entering I've committed in the past few days. Not that they don't already want to lock me away for life anyway. And yeah, I walked too. Actually I was pretty worried at those last few kilometers. I was just going along the road minding my own business when some muggle pulled over and lured me into his sheep truck with a ham sandwich."

Harry raised his eyebrow at his Godfather.

"What? I was hungry!"

"I don't know if I'd trust a man who goes around luring strange dogs into his car Sirius."

"Fair enough. But I got here didn't I? Actually, I was afraid I'd never get to Hogwarts; he seemed to be going in the wrong direction by what my nose told me. And he said he was going to teach me to herd sheep. And call me Shep. Luckily he took a wrong turn somewhere and we miraculously ended up right outside of Hogsmeade. And you'll never guess who we met there."


"Well by what he was wearing I realized he was a wizard. And when I got a good look at his face and hair I knew he couldn't be anyone but Lucius Malfoy's son."

"No you're not serious!"

Sirius was about to quip but Harry gave him a warning look.

"Don't say it."

Sirius grinned, "I am being perfectly honest."

Harry nodded his approval and Sirius continued.

"He was just sitting there by the side of the rode and the muggle offered him a ride. Draco Malfoy was there with me in the cabin. I had to sit on his lap. I bit him!" Sirius chuckled gleefully.

Harry's jaw dropped in amazement.

"You're having me on!"

"Nope. I'm sure it was Malfoy. I even walked with him up to the castle."

"Draco Malfoy hitchhiking. With a muggle. And sheep. It's too good to be true. And you bit him? That's great! I can't wait to rub this in!"

"Umm, Harry I know it's difficult to resist the urge to humiliate him but I don't think it's a good idea. It might draw some unwanted attention to me. I mean he'll wonder how you knew won't he?"

"Yeah, but this is too perfect. A muggle Sirius. He associated with a muggle. Mr. Pureblood himself. It would be a sin not to use this."

"Think of it as a security matter. There's plenty of other ways to get him. And now that I'm here...well I think I could give you a few ideas."

"Yeah...I guess. But it's not fair. I bet you'd do it if it was Snape."

"Well yeah, but that's Snape. He deserves all the humiliation we can dish out. It's good for him. Keeps the greasy old bastard in top form."

Harry shook his head and giggled. "So you'd be doing him a favour."

"Quite. Speaking of the oversized bat, I saw him skulk by here just a short while ago. I don't think you'd want to run into him. Maybe it's time you to go to bed Harry. I'll be around so we can see each other later. Say what are you doing out in the halls this late anyway? I don't want you to do this sort of thing again. It could be dangerous."

"I was just taking a walk to clear my head."

"Which translates roughly to, 'I was just going to run off and get myself devoured by a manticore.' You forget who you're talking to Harry. Your codes and encryptions don't work on me. I know what boys are like. I know it's all adventure and danger and whatnot with you kids. I don't want you getting into trouble."

"Yes, yes. You've given your obligatory 'responsible adult' speech. You can take off your Godfather cap and put back your Sirius one now. I'll not do anything stupid."

"Harry, I'm serious."

"I know that! You certainly aren't Snape."


"Sorry. I won't get into any trouble. I promise."

"I bet you do. I might be mistaken, but isn't this the way to the dungeons?"

Harry blushed.

"Oh is it...I was so busy walking I hadn't noticed."

"Now what would you want with the Slytherins at 11:30 at night? Hmm?"

"Nothing! I mean...I was going to play a prank on them. I'm surprised at you Sirius. If anyone, you should be able to sympathize with that!"

"Well, I don't see any dung bombs sticking out your pockets. Or filibusters. I bet you haven't even got your wand with you, have you?"

Harry checked his pockets.

"Erm...no. I guess I forgot it."

"Look Harry, I don't know why you were going down there, but you shouldn't mess with Slytherins without a good plan. Trust me, I know."

"Of course. Well then, I guess I'll just be off to bed."

He yawned dramatically.

"Goodnight Sirius."

"Goodnight Harry."

Sirius stood patiently as his Godson shuffled in his spot. Harry was glad to hear Malfoy had made it back to the castle but it still would be nice to check for himself. He looked up at his Godfather.

"Are you just going to stand there until I leave?"


"I don't know whether or not I should be insulted by your lack of faith in me."

"Well I certainly don't think you should be insulted that I care enough to make sure you're safe."

"Right. Goodnight then."

"Goodnight Harry," sighed the man.

Harry turned and padded off the way he came, feeling oddly discontented and wishing for the second time that night that he'd brought that damn cloak with him.

Author notes: Thanks to: Bumblebee Bucy, Aurumlupi, matt678, jen beckett, JediGinny, NastasyaSerenskaya, lucy, Elisa Nizbeth, talisman1983, Rosie, Keigai, hazirah238, Ines, laura, auditie, Fran, Penelope-Z, Kay, princess of mordor, Evil Windstar, and marsisbrighttonight.

Thanks to all who read this. I feel your pain. A plot will come in next chapter. Again, I have no idea whatsoever about anything Scottish. The last time I was in the UK was when I was three or four, and the only connection I have to it is my aunt and uncle and they live in Middlesex I think. So bear with me when I stereotype or butcher the quirks of the dialectical language. Harry was being quite sappy there for a bit wasn't he? I wanted to have the boys meet up in the halls tonight but I just couldn't do it. Next time, eh? I got a few reviews saying that the story was a bit on the dull side. I have to say I quite agree, but it was written purely for my personal pleasure as something to keep my fingers busy for a bit. I've grown quite fond of it for some reason (I guess I'm just a boring kind o' gal). I hope this one was a bit better, though I doubt it. Review. Thanks.

--Sophie B.