The Time of Destiny


Story Summary:
Complete. Sequel to "The Refiner's Fire." Harry's Seventh Year, complete with adventure, training, snogging, hospital visits, etc. Watch for ficlets to be added from time to time to fill in missing scenes in the epilogue. Canon-based through OotP. HP/GW, RW/HG, RL/NT

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
Harry visits various friends on the train, and notices Ron getting better acquainted with someone. Madam Hooch offers Harry a suggestion for the D.A. The new students face the Sorting Ceremony. Ron explores the Head Boy Suite. Blaise Zabini tries to cause Harry trouble. Neville asks for some advice. Harry and Ron hear a nasty rumour that’s being spread about Harry. Harry and Ginny finally have some time together.
Author's Note:
“Lycanthropy” is the name of the disease that causes people to be werewolves in the HP world. If you look it up in the dictionary, it says “lycanthrope” means “werewolf,” and “lycanthropy” refers to “people who believe they can become wolves.” “Reverto” is Latin for “return.” My Brit-picker tells me “Rumania” is the proper spelling over there, so don’t argue with me about it, I just do what she tells me! Many thanks to my brilliant Brit-picker Kelpie, and my betas, Starfox, Blakevich, Iris and Asad!

Chapter 10 - Friendships Old and New

Harry meandered down the corridor of the Hogwarts Express, stopping in various compartments to visit briefly with his friends. He'd gone through two carriages before he finally found Ron sitting in a compartment with Susan Bones. He stood outside the door for a few moments, not really wanting to interrupt what seemed like a pleasant conversation. Ron glanced up and saw him standing there.

"Hey, mate," Ron said, looking more cheerful than he had all day. "Come on in."

"Thanks! Hi, Susan," Harry said as he sat down opposite her. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. It's nice to see you, Harry. How's your head?" she said.

"It's fine," he replied. Everyone he'd talked to had asked about his head injury from the attack he'd suffered during their last train ride together. "Did you have a nice holiday?"

"Nicer than yours, by far," she said with a sympathetic smile. "I was sorry to read about the attack at the concert. I'm glad you and Ginny are OK."

"I'm thankful your aunt is Minister of Magic," Harry said earnestly. "She did a fantastic job of getting those rumours squashed."

"I'm so glad she was able to help!" Susan replied sincerely. "She told us what a mess it was, getting the press to cooperate in spite of giving them a press conference with you. She had to lean on some of them to retract the stories rather than making the stories of your deaths even more sensational."

"Wow, I didn't know," said Harry, his eyes wide in surprise. "I'm not really surprised they'd want to do that, though. They seem to take a great deal of pleasure in making people's lives miserable. It's brilliant she was able to make them actually print the truth for once."

"She's my favourite auntie," Susan said with a smile. "She acts tough, but she's a sweetheart. She thinks the world of you, Harry. She's told me so."

"That's very kind of her," Harry said with a blush.

Susan smiled at him, and glanced shyly at Ron. "I was telling Ron about how often she talks about you two. She has the greatest admiration for both of you, and how brave you are, what you've done with the D.A. and all."

"That's good to know," Harry said, grinning and thinking what a pleasant change it was to have a Minister of Magic who was fair, just and firmly in his and Dumbledore's corner.

"Are you and Ginny still together?" Susan asked suddenly.

"Yeah, sure! Why?"

She shrugged. "You came here alone - I just wondered. I only know her from D.A., but I like her a lot. You seem much happier since you've been with her."

"Yeah," he replied, blushing again, thinking about how he felt about Ginny, and glad that his contentment showed. "She's chatting with a friend right now - girl talk, you know - so I thought I'd stretch my legs and do a bit of visiting of my own." He'd almost said "with Hermione" but managed to change it to "with a friend" at the last moment. No point in upsetting Ron again, he mused.

"Oh, if you and Ron -" she began, starting to get to her feet.

"No, it's OK. I didn't mean to interrupt your chat. I see him all the time, you know," he said with a grin. "We both worked in the twins' joke shop during the holiday, did he tell you?" She nodded.

Harry noticed Ron giving Susan little glances that showed an interest he hadn't seen in his friend in ages. After receiving Hermione's letter, Ron had flirted with every girl on Diagon Alley, and had gone out with as many as he could talk into it, but he'd never shown the kind of attraction he was showing toward Susan. Harry smiled and said, "I'm just popping in and saying 'hi' to friends as I walk down the train. It's good to see you, Susan. See you in D.A.?"

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it," she said with a smile.

"See you later, mate," Harry said to Ron, who gave him his first real smile since Harry had entered the car. He was worried that Susan was being so friendly to me! He really is attracted to her, he reflected as he left the compartment with a friendly wave to both of them.

Harry wandered back toward his own compartment, still stopping to visit when he saw someone he hadn't spoken to yet, waving to those with whom he'd already chatted as he passed their doorways. Finally, he arrived back at his compartment and stood outside looking in. The girls had their heads together, apparently looking at something in Ginny's hands. Harry heard music and knew Ginny was showing Hermione the music box he'd given her. She'd worn her hair in the Firebolt clip today. It sparkled beautifully against her burnished red hair.

"Is it safe for me to come in, then?" he asked in a mock-nervous voice, "or is this a boy-free zone?"

"You can come in," Ginny said with a happy smile. "You're a genius, you know."

"I am?"

"Of course!" she said, laughing.

"OK, if you say so!" he said equitably, then settled onto the bench opposite them, stretching his long legs across the opening and propping his feet on the bench beside Ginny.

"Don't you want to know why you're a genius?" Ginny teased.

"Oh, I figure it's a combination of genetics and good looks," he said, smirking at her. Just as he expected, she bopped him on the foot. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You being smug!"

"Me? Smug?" he said, laughing now. "I thought I was a genius, not smug!"

"A smug genius, then!" she retorted playfully.

"You haven't told me why I'm a genius," he said, leaning back and putting his hands behind his head. He caught Hermione's eye. She was enjoying Harry's and Ginny's teasing banter.

"Thank you, Harry, for coming up with a way for Ginny and me to get back together," Hermione said sincerely.

"You're quite welcome," he said with equal sincerity. "And is that why I'm a genius?"

"One of the many reasons," Ginny said, gently tweaking his toes through his trainers.

"Ouch! You're abusing me, woman!" he said, acting horribly wounded, which made the girls laugh. He joined their laughter, then said, "I'm glad you sorted things out."

"Which leaves Ron to deal with," Ginny said, suddenly serious.

"Maybe not," Harry said cautiously.

"What do you mean?" Hermione said, her face anxious.

"He's, um, in a compartment with Susan Bones and he seems to be rather. . .happy there," he explained carefully.

"Susan Bones?" Hermione said, crestfallen. "What do you mean by 'happy'? What's he doing that makes him seem happy with her?"

"They're not snogging or anything, but he's looking at her differently than he's looked at any girl since you broke up with him," Harry replied, watching her reaction closely.

A single tear ran down Hermione's cheek. "Oh," she said in a small voice.

"'Oh' what?" Harry prompted.

"Oh, I guess that's how it is, then," Hermione said with a heavy sigh, doing her best not to cry. "He's moved on."

"Hermione," Harry said, leaning forward and taking her trembling hands in his, "he was badly hurt. He's been trying to get over that hurt ever since. This is the first sign of life I've seen in him in weeks." He didn't know what else to say.

They were all quiet for several minutes, and then Ginny said, "You know, it's only fair, really."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked her, releasing Hermione's hands and leaning back in his seat again.

"Well. . .Ron's the only one of us who has never gone out with anyone else. Taking Padma to the Yule Ball doesn't count, because he didn't want to go with her and he didn't pay any attention to her. So he's honestly never had a girlfriend except for you, Hermione. Harry had Cho for a little while -"

"One disastrous afternoon in Hogsmeade," Harry said, shuddering at the memory. "It seemed as if the only thing she knew how to do was cry. I was such an idiot, I had no idea what she expected me to do, and when I finally cottoned on, I couldn't imagine snogging her in that shop with all those other people watching." He shook his head ruefully. "Poor Cho," he said, saddened by the memory of his first crush, who had died in the Battle of Little Hangleton last term.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I don't mean to bring up sad memories for you," Ginny said quickly.

"I know. You're just making a point," he said, understanding where she was going with this line of conversation.

"Exactly. Well, after Cho, you had Casey, so that's two more girls' experience that you have than Ron. I went out with loads of boys before you finally noticed me. Hermione had Viktor as a boyfriend first, then Ron, and then Lorenzo. Ron has the least experience in relationships of all of us. He takes everything to heart, and he's always, always loved you, Hermione, even before he was aware of it," she said kindly to her friend. "But it may be a very good thing for him to find a new girlfriend for a while so he can be certain of his heart, certain of his feelings for you."

"You think he'll come back to me after going out with Susan?" Hermione said hopefully.

"It's possible. You came back to him after Lorenzo, didn't you?" Ginny said reasonably.

Hermione nodded, unshed tears in her eyes again. "But what if--"

"If that happens, then it was never meant to be," Ginny said, emphasizing each word seriously, "and it's good that you both learned this lesson before doing anything more serious, like getting married. You know that's where Ron was headed with you, don't you?"

Hermione nodded. "And I wasn't ready for that."

"Are you now?" Harry asked quietly.

She looked at him, her heart in her eyes. "If he'll have me back. . .I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment yet, but I'd like the chance. Or maybe I am ready, I don't know. I'm still sorting things out. I do know that I honestly don't care what my parents think anymore. I don't care about anything. I just miss him so much."

"It will all work out for the best in the end," Ginny said optimistically. "In the meantime, we've mended our friendship, and we'll just have to work out how to be friends with both you and Ron without anyone having hurt feelings - if it can be done."

* * * * *

Ron returned to their compartment just before the train pulled into Hogsmeade, gathered his things and left again without saying a word.

"Your owl is beautiful," Hermione said hesitantly as he carried his things past her. He didn't even acknowledge that she'd spoken.

"He'll come round eventually," Ginny said with determination. "You'll see. He's just so stubborn."

"He's a Weasley, after all," Harry teased, tickling her nose with the end of her hair. She'd moved over to sit next to him just before Ron showed up.

"You are so bad," she said, using her hair to tickle his nose in return.

"If you ever cut your hair, we're going to be frustrated for ways to torment each other," Harry said, giving her a one-armed hug and kissing her temple.

"Then I'll never cut my hair - it's far too much fun to torment you, Mr. Potter!" She tickled his nose again. He just laughed in response.

Hermione sighed. She missed the playful times she'd had with Ron. Lorenzo wasn't playful at all, not the way Ron was, and she'd missed that even when she was infatuated with the Italian. Since Harry had brought her things into the compartment, including Crookshanks, she was able to change there, so she got up and put her robes on over her travelling clothes. "We're almost there. I've got some Head Girl things to do," she said with a sigh as she handed Crookshanks to Ginny to hold for her.

"Congratulations on that, by the way," Harry said sincerely. "Not that it was a surprise or anything," he teased.

"I may resign if it continues to be this hard to work with Ron," she said sadly.

"Don't do anything rash," Harry warned. "You two will find some way to work together. Just be patient and don't lose your temper."

"I'll try," she said, waving as she left the compartment. "Thanks, both of you. See you later."

"Well, THAT was fun!" Harry said, heaving a sigh of relief when she was out of sight.

"Fun, was it?" Ginny said, poking him in the ribs. "In whose opinion?"

"Not bloody well mine," he said grimly. "This was the most uncomfortable train ride -"

"Since the last one, when you had your head bashed in," she quipped teasingly. He grimaced and nodded.

* * * * *

The Sorting Ceremony was enjoyable, as usual. Those who were sorted into Slytherin were booed and hissed at by many of those in the other houses, making the tiny First Years cringe as they crept over to the table with the smallest group around it. Many of the older Slytherins had either been jailed or left school to join the Death Eaters. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were noticeable by their absence. Arthur had pulled some strings at the Ministry to keep the story of their attack quiet for Ginny's sake.

Many whispers ranged the Great Hall wondering what had happened to those who were missing from the student body. Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione didn't participate in these whispers, just shrugged and made noncommittal sounds when asked their opinions on the subject. Harry kept his arm protectively around Ginny and kept renewing the light Cheering Charm he'd put on her when the murmurs about Malfoy and his friends had started. Ginny looked at him gratefully whenever he renewed the charm.

Finally, Dumbledore got up and raised his hands for silence. "Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" he cried, smiling benignly around at everyone. "I need to remind you, especially you First Years, that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off limits to students. Hogsmeade visits will begin in October for those students who are Third Year and up - please be certain your permission forms have been signed and turned in to your Head of House. Mr. Filch informs me that he has added ninety-seven new things to the list of forbidden items. I believe every one of those is a Weasley Wizarding Wheezes product. Good for the Weasleys!" he said, beaming at Ron and Ginny. "Their business is booming, so I hear. Quidditch trials will begin in two weeks. Sign up sheets are posted in your House Common Rooms. You First Years may have read about Dumbledore's Army in the papers this past term. Dumbledore's Army, which we call 'D.A.', is a group of students who do extra study on defensive spells. The D.A. meetings are led by Harry Potter, with the assistance of Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley. Professor Lupin," he said, indicating Remus, who was sitting two seats away from him, "works with the D.A. as needed. The number of people permitted in D.A. is limited, so as to ensure that each member gets enough individual attention. If you are interested in joining D.A., you will find sign-up sheets in your House Common Rooms, next to the Quidditch sign-up forms. The D.A. meetings are quite important, and are not to be entered into as a lark. D.A. participated in battles this past year, resulting in many injured students, and some loss of life, as well." He paused, sadness flitting across his face. "Let us lift our glasses once more to the fallen."

The Great Hall resonated with the sound of many scraping chairs as everyone stood up and lifted their goblets, intoning "The fallen" in solemn voices.

"Now, then," he continued briskly as everyone sat back down. "Our new Head Boy and Head Girl have already instructed the new and returning Prefects on safety procedures we're implementing this year. Do listen to your Prefects and the Head Boy and Head Girl, as well as your teachers. We have your best interests at heart and are trying to give you a safe and happy experience here at Hogwarts. I bid you all good night, and hope this is the beginning of a happy, healthy, successful year for us all!"

"Hear, hear," Harry muttered as they all stood up to leave, hoping he could manage to stay out of the hospital wing this year.

"I heard that," Ginny teased him, knowing what he was thinking.

Harry smiled down at her and wrapped one arm around her, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head. "Reading minds, now, are we?"

"Only yours," she said sweetly. "You're hoping to stay out of the hospital wing this year, aren't you?"

He looked at her in surprise. "That is exactly what I was thinking! How did you know?"

"I was thinking the same thing," she replied, her eyes twinkling as she smiled up at him.

"You know me too well, dear lady," he said as he gave her one last squeeze before she ran off to do her Prefect duties.

* * * * *

"Whoa, this is cool!" Harry said, gazing around the Head Boy Suite Ron had just moved into. It was at the top of the boys' dormitory and was the most room to himself Ron had ever had in his life. The spacious suite was beautifully furnished with a big four-poster like the ones in the floors below, a fireplace, a work table, a desk, two sets of shelves, numerous lamps, several squashy armchairs, a wardrobe and its own very elegant bathroom.

Ron looked around, stunned at the largesse around him. "Wicked," he breathed. "Harry, come look at the view! The lake looks so tiny from up here." The moon and stars, as well as the few lights still on in the castle, were reflected in the lake far below them.

"Yeah, we're nearly as high as the Astronomy Tower," Harry agreed as he joined Ron at the window. The circular room had windows that looked out in three directions. The room would be bright and airy in the daytime. Now at night, the room seemed to be filled with stars from the three large windows.

Ron had been tied up all evening getting younger students settled and answering questions from incoming Prefects. This was the first chance he'd had to see his new room, and he'd wanted Harry to join him.

After they explored the room a while and hung up some Chudley Cannons posters, their conversation finally slowed. Harry said, "Well, I suppose I should go to my room now." He started toward the door, then turned back to look seriously at his best friend. "It's going to be strange to be at Hogwarts without you in the next bed."

"Yeah, I've been thinking that too," Ron said, looking gloomy.

"Our room is too empty with only three beds in it," Harry said quietly, missing Seamus as well as anticipating missing Ron. "Anytime you want to come and visit. . . ."

"Yeah, same to you. My door's always open to you," Ron said with a sad smile as Harry left and started down the stairs. "Good night."

"Night," Harry called up to him just before he disappeared around a bend in the stairs.

Ron got ready for bed and climbed in, pulling his curtains around the bed tightly. If he worked at it, he imagined he could almost hear Neville's snores, Dean's nose whistling, and Harry's murmurs in his sleep. Almost. But not quite.

In his room, Harry climbed into bed and closed his curtains tightly. Neville's snores cut through the night. Dean's nose was whistling as it always did until the dead of winter, when his allergies subsided. Ron's deep, rumbling snores were nowhere to be found. Harry put his hands behind his head, looking up at the canopy over his head and wondering how long it would be before he stopped missing the sound of Ron's snores.

* * * * *

The next morning, Ron, Harry and Ginny sat together at breakfast, Hermione sitting several places further down. The other Gryffindors had noticed the breech in the friendship, but no one had said anything yet. As they ate, Professor McGonagall handed out their class schedules.

"Double Potions first thing today," Harry groaned.

Ginny patted his hand sympathetically. "Look at it this way, sweetie. At least you'll get it over with early!"

"And no Malfoy in class," Ron murmured low enough so Ginny wouldn't overhear.

Harry nodded, glancing at Ron. "Yeah. That's worth looking forward to right there."

"What is?" Ginny asked, having only heard Harry's comment.

"Getting it over with early," he replied quickly, glad she hadn't heard Ron. "Double Defence after that - great!"

"Yeah. What's Remus got planned for us this year, d'you know?" Ron asked curiously.

Harry looked at his friend, glad to see him finally taking an interest in life again. Did Susan make this great a change in him already? he mused. "Dunno. He's talked about a lot of different things. He'd planned to go to Rumania this summer for a research trip, but there was just too much going on here for him to go. That changed what he'd planned to do this term a bit."

"What was he going to study in Rumania?" Ron asked.

"Vampires, and a cure for lycanthropy he heard is being developed over there."

"A cure?" Ginny said excitedly. "That would be wonderful!"

"Yes, but he thinks it's just a rumour. That's why he wanted to go and meet with the researchers in person. I was going to go with him, but with all the problems the Death Eaters are causing, it just didn't seem to be a good time to go," Harry said. Roving bands of Death Eaters as well as Dementors were the scourge of the country, attacking Muggles and wizards randomly throughout the United Kingdom. "Remus has been busy helping Tonks and the Aurors develop some new stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Ron prompted. Harry hadn't mentioned this before.

"Secret stuff," Harry replied with a shrug. "He only told me about it when I asked him for probably the fifth time when we were going to Rumania." He grinned, looking for a moment like a five year old who couldn't stop asking "are we there yet?" "He got a bit annoyed with my pestering him and finally told me he was working on this project he couldn't talk about. I thought the project he was working on was romancing Tonks," he added with a snort of laughter, "but apparently that wasn't his only task this summer."

"Looks like romancing Tonks was one of his projects after all," Ginny said wisely. "Have they set a date for their wedding?"

"Christmas," Harry said. "I think it will be brilliant!"

"Where will it be?" Ginny asked.

"At our house," he replied.

"Will they live there with you, then?" she asked.

"I suppose, at least for a while. I'd be happy for them to stay there, but they may want their own place at some point," he said with a shrug.

"It will be nice for you to have two godparents around for a while," Ginny said quietly, studying his face and knowing how hungry he'd always been for a real family. Now he had a chance to have one, with Remus and Tonks marrying. She could see he was excited at the thought.

A slow smile crossed his face. "Yeah," he said quietly. "It will. Tonks is great. It will be fun to have her around all the time."

* * * * *

In their Potions class that morning, Harry and Ron were constantly reminded about how glad they were that they'd spent the summer working in the twins' shop. They now had a much better understanding of why certain ingredients had to be prepared very specific ways, and added in a particular order. The twins were excellent teachers, and potions, being the basis of many of their joke products, were a speciality of theirs. And Harry and Ron had found it much easier to take instruction from the twins than from the ever-annoying Snape.

"Pass me the powdered ferret spleen, would you?" Harry said.

"Here you go," Ron said, passing a small container across the table.

As he reached for the container, the hairs on the back of Harry's head stood up and he pulled his hand back, doing a quick wandless shield around himself and Ron, then flicking his wrist slightly and muttering "Reverto."

"What's up?" Ron said, noticing what Harry was doing.

Just then, a wad of parchment hit the shield and rebounded, flying back the way it had come and landing in the cauldron of Blaise Zabini.

"Wicked!" Ron said, impressed. "You'll have to teach me that one!"

"What's this?" Snape drawled sarcastically, looking at the soggy parchment in the middle of Blaise's cauldron.

"Potter threw it at me!" Blaise stormed angrily, uncertain how his parchment had rebounded to his own cauldron. He hadn't seen Harry do the spell that had returned it to him.

Snape used his wand to lift the parchment out of the cauldron and dry it off. He opened it and stared at it for a moment, then leaned toward Zabini and said, "Now, why would Mr. Potter do a caricature of himself being hexed somehow - I assume that's what this crude drawing shows, since the stick figure has hair sticking up everywhere and round glasses - and send it into your cauldron? Don't you think it a bit odd?"

"No!" Blaise insisted. "He did it!"

Harry, like the rest of the class, had turned to watch the confrontation. His mouth had dropped open at the accusation, but he bit back the retort he wanted to snarl across the room.

Snape turned to look at Harry. "Mr. Potter, what do you know about this?"

Harry put on his most innocent face. "Nothing, sir. I've never seen that before," he said quite honestly. Well, my back was turned when it got here, and it bounced right back to whoever threw it, so I really didn't see it, he thought, doing his best not to look smug.

Snape looked around the room. "Does anyone have something to contribute to this discussion?" Silence. "No? Well, then, I suggest you all get back to work!" He turned back to Blaise. "Mr. Zabini. I suggest you leave Mr. Potter and his friends alone," Snape said silkily.

Blaise went red with fury. "Why?" he snapped. "You never told Malfoy-"

"That will be five points from Slytherin for your cheek, Mr. Zabini," Snape drawled. "And if there are any further outbursts, you will receive a detention." He strolled away to supervise the other students' work.

"Five points," Blaise grumbled. "And what's he doing standing up for Potter anyway?"

"Dunno," Daphne Greengrass, his table partner, said with a shrug.

"Harry," Ron whispered. "What's Snape doing, sticking up for you?"

"Dunno," Harry replied, glancing at his professor. "Odd, that."

* * * * *

"Morning!" Harry said brightly when he saw Ron coming into their room a few days later. Ron was already dressed, a rare enough thing in itself. Harry usually had to drag Ron out of bed, he was so hard to awaken. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep," Ron muttered darkly.

"Why not? Your room must be nice and quiet," Harry said, trying to be happy that his best mate had such a nice place to live, even if it meant they no longer lived together.

Ron leaned in close to Harry and whispered, "I hate that room."

Harry was shocked. "Why?"

"It's too bloody quiet. I miss hearing you blokes snore."

"You can move back in anytime you want. And I don't snore!" Harry protested with a laugh.

"I may take you up on that. And you do too snore," Ron countered, beginning to smile.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!" The longer this went on, the more both boys grinned.

"Do not!"

"Do not what?" Ginny said. Their mock-argument had taken them down into the Common Room.

"Harry says he doesn't snore," Ron said with a chuckle. "Tell him he snores, Gin."

"You snore, Harry," she said regretfully, "but only a little bit. When you're staying at The Burrow, I hear two sets of snores coming out of Ron's room."

"Do not!" Harry teased, acting horribly wounded.

"Do too!" Ginny and Ron retorted playfully. After tormenting Harry about his supposed snoring for a while, Ginny finally admitted that he only snored occasionally, and then softly. He was more likely to mutter incoherent things in his sleep than snore.

"There! Told you!" Harry said triumphantly.

"She said you do snore, though, mate," Ron pointed out.

"Do not!"

"Do TOO!" Ginny and Ron said together, making all three of them laugh.

They went down to breakfast in good spirits. Ron was working hard at putting at least some of his grief over Hermione behind him. It all came crashing back on him when they arrived at the Great Hall. There was Hermione, looking very pretty, her hair haloed by the bright morning sky illustrated by the ceiling. She also seemed rather lost, sitting by herself halfway down the Gryffindor table and looking quite glum. Ron's shoulders slumped a bit when he saw her, but then he looked determinedly across the hall to the Hufflepuff table. When he spotted Susan Bones, he straightened his posture and strode over to her side, sitting down as if he belonged there.

"Well, that's interesting," Ginny said watching her brother's performance.

"You think?" Harry said, still trying to sort out how Ron's being with Susan was going to impact the friendship between him, Ginny, Hermione and Ron.

"Yeah," she replied, sitting down across from Hermione, who brightened instantly.

"Good morning!" Hermione said, glad her friends had joined her.

"Hi," Ginny replied. "What's good this morning?"

"The kippers are quite good today," Hermione said, passing the platter across the table.

The three friends ate in silence for a few minutes, and then Hermione spoke. "Is he really interested in Susan, or is he just avoiding me?"

"I honestly don't know," Ginny said. "Do you, Harry?"

"I think he likes her, yeah, but not seriously. Still, she's the first girl he's managed to chat with for more than five minutes without whinging about Hermione's dumping him." He glanced over at Hermione. "Sorry."

"No, it's OK. You were just telling the truth," she said with a sigh. "I don't know what to do."

"Do you want my advice?" Ginny whispered, leaning across the table a bit and glancing side to side to make sure no one was eavesdropping.

"Of course!" Hermione said excitedly.

"Just go about your business. Act as if everything's fine. He needs time to get Susan out of his system. When they're through, you have a clear field. Don't get entangled with anybody or you may miss your timing."

"Wow, you've really thought this out," Hermione said in admiration.

"I dated a lot of boys before Harry finally stopped being so thick," she said, tapping her knuckles lightly against the side of his head.

"Hey!" he protested.

"What's not true about anything I said?" she said, teasing him.

"Well. . .uh. . ."

"Then why are you complaining?" she said serenely.

"Erm. . . ." He had nothing to say, so he grabbed her hand and nibbled on her fingers.

"What's that for?" she said, laughing.

"Paying you back for being so cheeky, miss," he said, nibbling on another finger.

"I need that to eat with, you know," Ginny said, trying to pull her hand away.

"Then you shouldn't be using it to knock on innocent boys' heads," he replied archly, making Ginny giggle. He kissed each of the fingers he'd nibbled on and released her hand.

Hermione sighed. "I hope Ron and I can get back to having fun sometime soon," she said, watching them enviously. She knew she'd created the problem with Ron herself. She'd just have to be patient and hope she could win him back at some point.

"When the time is right, you will," Ginny said assuredly.

"I hope you're right," Hermione replied wistfully.

* * * * *

"Mr. Potter," Madam Hooch, the flying instructor, called as he passed her in the corridor. "May I have a word?"

"Yeah, sure," he said.

"I was so impressed with your D.A. and how they handled the battles," Madam Hooch said earnestly. "And when I heard about the Weasley twins dropping bombs from their brooms. . .well, I had an idea."

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if you thought a flying squad would be a useful addition to D.A. A group that could drop bombs or whatever on the enemy while you lot fight on the ground? I know you and Professor Lupin have your hands full teaching the spells and so on. I'd like to help out with D.A. if you'd allow me to. I could train the flying squad, if you thought such a thing would be useful."

"That would be brilliant!" Harry replied, truly enthused. "I can't tell you how wonderful it was to look up and see the Weasleys at work harassing the enemy. Having a whole squad would be fantastic! I'll talk to Ron and the twins. You'll need to coordinate with them. Do you have any ideas on who you want on this squad?"

"You, Mr. Weasley, Miss Weasley," she said with a grin, "but I realize that's not going to happen. I think you could open up D.A. membership to a few more people, those who are interested in being on the flying squad. They won't need to know the same hexes and jinxes the rest of you lot do, since they'll be flying and dropping bombs."

"You're right, they won't need the same kind of training. We've had to turn away a number of people because we have all the people we can manage. I hated to refuse them. This idea of yours will be helpful in a lot of ways. I'll tell Ron your idea and you, he and the twins can sort out what you need to do as far as training, battle strategies, and so on. What a great idea! Thanks a lot, Madam Hooch!"

"I've been trying to think of a way I could help the war effort, and this was what I came up with. I'm glad you like the idea," she said with a smile.

* * * * *

"Neville?" Hermione asked a few weeks later. "Are you all right?" He was sitting grim-faced at a table in the Common Room, his books laid out in front of him, but his eyes unfocused and sad.

He startled at the sound of her voice. "Huh? Oh, um, hi, Hermione."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he replied.

"I don't believe you," she said simply. "You look upset. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Erm. . .not here," he said, glancing around at the room full of active, talkative, playful people. He didn't feel a part of them at all.

"Would you like to go for a walk? I'm a good listener," she said. She couldn't sort out his expression. He looked sad and distant, a bit angry, perhaps? Certainly lonely.

He finally looked up at her. "A walk? Where?"

"It will be light for another hour or so. How about down by the lake?"

"OK," he said after a moment's thought.

"It's a bit chilly out. Give me a minute to get a sweater and put my books away, all right?"

"Sure," he agreed.

Ten minutes later, they were walking by the lake in companionable silence, Neville with his head down and his hands in his pockets, Hermione patiently waiting for him to decide if he was going to talk about what was bothering him or not.

Finally, Hermione had had enough silence. "How's Luna?" By his flinch, she knew she'd hit a nerve. "Is that what's bothering you? Have you two had a fight?"

"No, nothing like that. But yeah, that's what's bothering me," he admitted.

"What's wrong?"

"I've decided to break up with her. She keeps embarrassing my friends - and me, as well." He looked over at her for a moment. "Well, you heard her on the train. She's oblivious to how other people feel. I mean, she's really sweet and we have a lot in common and all that - she loves Herbology, for one thing - but I've just gotten tired of seeing her offend people without a clue that she's done it."

"I'm sorry, Neville," Hermione said sincerely.

"It's OK," he said with a shrug. "But she's my first girlfriend. I have no idea how to break up with her."

Hermione laughed bitterly, a sound more like a bark than a laugh. "I'm the queen of how not to break up with someone."

Neville stopped and looked at her seriously. "You still like Ron, don't you? I've seen how you look at him when he's with Susan."

"Yes. Actually, I love him," she admitted with a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry things didn't work out for you," he said.

"I'm hoping that we can make up when he breaks up with Susan," she said sadly, "if he ever does."

"How did you break up with Viktor Krum? If I'm being too nosy, just say so."

"I told him that we'd grown apart. It's hard to keep up a long-distance relationship, and honestly, I've always loved Ron. He was just too thick to notice me then. I didn't tell Viktor that - I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I told him I hoped we could remain friends, and we have. That's one of the things that drives Ron mad, actually, that Viktor and I still write to each other."

Neville thought a moment. "So maybe I could tell Luna that we've grown apart?"

"I don't know, Neville. I've messed up so badly, I probably shouldn't give anyone romantic advice." They strolled in silence for a while, and then Hermione had an idea. "You know who's broken up with loads of people and stayed friendly with all of them?" Neville shook his head. "Ginny Weasley! And she knows Luna well, too. If anyone can give you advice about how to break up with her, it's Ginny."

Neville's face lit up. "You're right! She went out with several blokes before she and Harry got together, and they're all still friends with her. She even went to the first Yule Ball with me, and left me feeling as if I was the best dancer and escort she could have wanted. And when I asked her out again, she turned me down so nicely, it didn't hurt my feelings. I'll ask her to help me. Thanks, Hermione!" He looked considerably happier now.

"I'm glad I could help," Hermione said sincerely, "even if it was just to suggest you talk to someone else."

* * * * *

A few days later, Neville, having given up on ever finding Ginny actually alone, went to speak to her while she was sitting in the Common Room with Harry. She was sitting on the floor, leaning against his knees, Crookshanks in her lap.

"Erm. . .hi," Neville said.

"Hi, Neville!" Ginny said, a friendly smile on her face.

"Hi, mate," Harry said, still concentrating on the plait he was making in Ginny's hair, his tongue held tightly between his teeth as he tried to make as neat a plait as she always did. He'd decided turnabout was fair play in the "messing up hair" department, and had taken to making little plaits all over her head when she sat still long enough. Ginny thought this was pretty funny, since he honestly couldn't make a plait that would stay together and he was always careful to never actually tangle her hair. The worst she wound up with was ruffled hair from the plaits, but that slight bit of curliness soon fell out once Harry gave up on his efforts.

"Erm. . .I was wondering," Neville said hesitantly.

"What?" Ginny replied when he didn't go on. Harry looked up from his work, the plait falling apart in his hand as soon as he stopped concentrating on what he was doing. He gave up on it and raked his fingers through her hair, straightening it out again.

"Uh. . .Ginny, I need some advice." Neville looked quite uncomfortable now.

"About what?"

Neville glanced at Harry, who was looking at him quizzically. "Could we go someplace less. . .public. . .to talk?" Neville asked Ginny. Looking at Harry again, he quickly added, "You're welcome to come too, Harry. Maybe you'll have some ideas that will help me."

"Sure, mate. Where?" Harry asked seriously.

"Um. . ." Neville glanced around the crowded Common Room. "D'you suppose Ron would let us use his room for a few minutes? It's a bit late to wander around the corridors looking for a quiet place."

"I don't think he'll mind," Harry said, sliding out from behind Ginny and getting to his feet. "Be right back."

"Is something wrong?" Ginny asked in concern. "Are you all right?"

Truthfully, Neville looked awful. His face was flushed and sweaty, his nerves giving him fits. "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong," he said too quickly.

"Ron says it's fine. Let's go," Harry said as he neared them. They followed him up to the top floor of the boys' dormitories, where the Head Boy Suite was. Ron had moved back in with his old roommates after only a few nights alone in the suite, but he and Harry did use it as a quiet place to study at times, and they shared the luxurious bathroom, as well.

Once they got to Ron's room, Ginny took a squashy armchair, Harry sat on the wide arm of her chair with his arm across the back, and Neville paced.

"What is it, Neville?" Ginny asked, worried about him.

"It's Luna. I want to break up with her, but I don't want to hurt her feelings. I wouldn't mind staying friends with her, but I don't want to go out with her anymore," Neville said in a rush. "I asked Hermione, and she said you were the one to talk to."

"Why Ginny?" Harry said, looking at his girlfriend.

"Because she knows how to break up with guys and keep them as friends, not hurt their feelings," Neville said, looking at Harry nervously. He didn't know how Harry would take to Neville's prying into Ginny's private life.

"Well, that's true. All the blokes she's gone out with are still friends of hers," Harry agreed. "How did you do that?" he asked, grinning at her.

"I don't know. There's no set formula or anything," Ginny said with a shrug. "What did Hermione tell you to do?"

"Talk to you. She also mentioned that I could say I've outgrown Luna. Something like that, anyway," Neville said, his eyes brightening hopefully now that Ginny was actually discussing his problem with him.

"That's good advice, Neville. You can just tell her you really like her as a friend. I mean, she was your first real girlfriend, right?" He nodded. "So she'll always be special to you. But people change as they grow up - their interests change, their taste changes, stuff like that. And you're both young enough that you should be going out with loads of different people."

"Harry hasn't," Neville pointed out.

"Well, that's true, but we apparently were meant for each other," Ginny said, smiling down at Harry. He had moved from the arm of the chair to seat himself in front of her, leaned his back against her legs, his arms over her knees, his fingers tickling her calves when Neville wasn't looking. Now he turned his face up to look at her upside down, making her laugh.

"It's my animal magnetism," Harry said cheekily.

"Or something," Ginny teased, tugging gently on his hair. She looked back at Neville. "I can't tell you what's right and wrong for your relationships. I can only tell you that going out with those other boys while I was waiting for Harry to wake up," here she tugged on his hair again, "and notice me - "

"I notice you!" he whinged, acting hurt.

"I know, sweetie," she said, smoothing down the ruffled places she'd made in his hair. "As I was saying before I was so RUDELY interrupted," she said, leaning forward and looking significantly at Harry, who did his best to look innocent, "going out with other boys helped me understand what's important to me in a relationship. You and Luna have had some fun together, and now you're ready to broaden your experiences by going out with other girls, right?"

Neville nodded eagerly.

"So work out a nice way to tell her that. Or don't tell her that, find some other way. But knowing Luna, she may be ready to move on now, as well. She doesn't stay interested in the same thing for very long unless it's some kind of animal the rest of us have never heard of."

"Yeah, you're right. You've given me a lot to think about. Thanks, Ginny," Neville said, looking a bit relieved.

"You're welcome. I wish I had a list of things to say that make it easy to break up with someone, but I just don't. Good luck, Neville."

"Thanks." He smiled at Harry and Ginny and left the suite.

"That's an interesting development," Ginny mused after he'd left.

"How so?" Harry said, leaning his head back into her lap to look at her upside down again.

"I can't say - I can't explain it. But it feels like an interesting development of some kind," she assured him. She leaned down and gave him an upside down kiss which evolved into a short-lived but much enjoyed snog before they heard Ron's heavy tread on the stairs. They grinned at each other and said "Saturday!" at the same time.

* * * * *

Ron and Harry were racing down the corridor, trying to get to Potions on time. They'd been slowed by Ron having to answer some questions from two of the new Prefects. As they rounded the last corner, Harry ran headlong into two little First Year boys, sending all three of them sprawling.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Harry said, smiling as he helped the boys to their feet. "I wasn't looking where I was. . ." He stopped because both boys were looking at him with stark terror on their faces. "What's wrong?"

The boys looked from his face to the multitude of battle ribbons and miniature medals on his robes, which all that had them were required to wear by Ministry edict, then back to his face. They trembled, their mouths agape, their eyes staring.

"Hey!" Ron said, taking one boy by the shoulders and looking into his eyes with concern. "Are you all right? What's up?"

"He. . .he. . .he's H-h-harry P-p-potter," the boy squeaked.

"Yeah, so?" Ron said, flummoxed.

The boy in front of Harry sidled over behind the one Ron still held by the shoulders. He leaned toward Ron and whispered, "He k-kills people, then e-e-eats them!"

A guffaw of laughter burst out of Ron, while Harry looked horrified.

"What?" Harry asked. "Where did you hear that?"

"The Seventh Years told us," the boy said nervously, trying to get Ron's big body between him and Harry.

Ron and Harry exchanged a look. "Slytherins," Ron said succinctly.

"Zabini," Harry said. He looked at the frightened boys and squatted so he was closer to their height, and hopefully, less threatening. "Yes, I'm Harry Potter, but I don't eat people. That's disgusting! Someone was having you on."

"But you kill people," the first boy insisted.

Harry sighed. "We're at war, and I've been in several battles now. When you're in battle, people are trying to kill you. If you want to live, you fight back. Sometimes people die. That's why it's better to try to find peaceful ways to get along, but sometimes, you just have to fight. And sometimes, people die."

"If Harry hadn't killed those people, a lot of Hogwarts students would be dead now," Ron added seriously. "He saved the lives of loads of people, as well as his own. Harry's a hero, not a bad guy."

Harry gave Ron a grateful look.

"It's the truth," Ron said, gazing steadily at Harry. He squatted in front of the boys. "I'm Ron Weasley, the Head Boy. What are your names?"

Both boys trembled again, seeing the "HB" badge as well as a massive number of battle ribbons right at their eye level on Ron's robes.

"You aren't in any trouble," Ron insisted. "We just want to get to know you."

"We'd like to be friends," Harry added, offering his hand to shake. "Hi. I'm Harry. Who are you?"

"M-m-malcolm," the first boy said, fearfully shaking his hand. "Malcolm O'Reilly."

"It's nice to meet you, Malcolm. Do you play Quidditch?" Harry asked kindly.

"A bit."

"I do too. So does Ron. It's great fun, isn't it?" Harry said encouragingly. "Who's your favourite team?"

"The Chudley Cannons," Malcolm replied, acting a bit less nervous.

"The Cannons!" Ron said with an enthusiastic grin. "That's my team, as well! Have you been to any of their games?"

"No. Have you?" Malcolm was visibly relaxing now, at least with Ron.

"No, but Harry and I did get to see the World Cup when it was in England a few years ago. It was brilliant!"

"What's your name?" Harry asked the second boy, who was still hanging back shyly.

"Eddie Profitt," he said quickly, just barely touching the tips of Harry's fingers before drawing his hand back, still too afraid of him to really shake hands.

"Eddie, it's very nice to meet you," Harry began, but then the class bell rang. "Rats, we're late. We'll see you again sometime, all right? And please don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you."

"You promise?" Eddie said timidly.

"If you don't try to hurt me, why would I ever want to hurt you?" Harry said reasonably.

"Here, I'll give you blokes a note so you won't get in trouble for being late," Ron said, writing quickly and handing Malcolm a bit of parchment. "Hurry off to class now. Have a good day."

"Yeah, guys, have a good one!" Harry added. He and Ron turned and pelted down the hall toward Potions. "Can you believe that?" Harry panted as they ran.

"They think you eat people. That's just gross," Ron agreed.

"You're late," Snape said as they skidded into the room and hurried to their work table.

"We had to deal with a problem with some students," Ron said honestly.

"Potter isn't Head Boy. There's no reason for him to be late," Snape snarled.

"Actually, there is. May we speak to you after class?" Harry asked quietly, willing the man to do Legilimency on him and see Harry's memory of those Slytherin First Years trembling because they thought Harry might eat them.

Snape stared into Harry's eyes a long moment, apparently getting the message. He looked startled for a moment, then turned away. "Yes, see me after class," he said as he stalked away.

Harry managed to magically speed up the process of the potion they were working on enough for them to finish when everyone else did. He and Ron looked at each other with satisfaction. Their potion work had improved considerably thanks to working for the twins. They were actually beginning to enjoy the process of making potions now, as long as Snape left them alone.

At the end of class, Harry and Ron approached Snape's desk.

"What is it, Potter?"

"I think you know. You did Legilimency on me, didn't you? I wanted you to see what happened," Harry replied.

"I did. But I don't understand it," Snape admitted.

Harry and Ron told Snape the whole story, after which Snape got up and began pacing. "It must have been a prank," he said finally.

"But it's having bad repercussions," Harry insisted. "Those boys were terrified of me. Once they learn a bit more magic, they might attack me for no reason other than fear. If these blokes keep making up stories like that, they'll probably include Ron, Ginny and Hermione in the stories, and they'll be in danger as well."

Snape stopped pacing and studied Harry's face thoroughly. He could find no deceit in the boy at all, even with his Legilimency. "All right. I'll take care of it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention."

"No problem," Harry said.

"It's scary enough for kids starting here, without thinking the older kids are likely to kill and eat you," Ron said seriously. "I hope you can set their minds at rest."

Snape found this seriousness and maturity from both Potter and Weasley a bit unnerving. "I'll do my best," he said quietly. "If that's all, you may go."

"That's all. Thanks, Professor," Harry said as he and Ron turned to go.

"Mr. Potter. Mr. Weasley," Snape called after them. The boys turned to look at him again. "You handled the problem well. Ten points each to Gryffindor."

Both boys smiled. "Thanks!" Harry said, opening the door.

"Yeah, thanks, Professor!" Ron agreed as he followed Harry out of the room.

* * * * *

That evening, Snape called a meeting in the Slytherin Common Room. Once all the members of his House were settled comfortably, he began.

"It has come to my attention that some Seventh Year students have been terrorizing the First Years by telling them lies about Harry Potter," he said with restrained anger, staring around at the older students with stern dark eyes. Sudden motion among the First Years drew his eyes. They all had looks of stark terror on their faces. He sighed, then pushed his greasy black hair out of his face and looked down his long, hooked nose at the older students. "This is completely unacceptable behaviour. For the benefit of you younger students, the truth of the matter is, Harry Potter has killed people in battle, yes, but he most certainly does not eat them," he said, his nose twisted in disgust at the idea. "For you older students who started and perpetuated this grotesque means of tormenting younger students, I have a word of advice for you. Do NOT cross Harry Potter. No matter how angry you are with him, no matter what you think he's done to your families, you need to understand something. He is a very powerful wizard. He has survived numerous direct battles with the Dark Lord himself. He has bested many fully-qualified adult wizards in combat. And some of you think you can harm him?" He laughed derisively. "Look around. The best student Slytherin has seen in years was Draco Malfoy. Where did he wind up? In Azkaban, because he insisted on attacking Potter repeatedly. He was beaten every time, and is paying the price for his arrogance in prison. Don't be like him."

"Sir?" a sneering voice called from the back of the room.

"What is it, Zabini?"

"Are you afraid of Potter, then?"

"No. But if I were still a boy with some kind of schoolyard vengeance on my mind, which must be what's going through the minds of those of you who are creating and perpetuating these lies, I hope I would have enough sense not to attack him, either directly or by ambush. He survives every kind of attack, and those who try to hurt him wind up injured, jailed or dead. I have no interest in experiencing any of those options, nor should you." He looked around the room at the ambitious, crafty faces before him. "I know you think you're a clever lot, and many of you are quite clever, but I'm trying to help you here. Leave Potter and his friends alone. And don't tell lies about him to the younger students. If I hear any more such stories, there will be consequences." He looked at the First Years again. "Do you have any questions?"

"Does. . .does he drink their blood?" one tiny girl asked timidly.

"Of course not. Harry Potter, whether you or I like him or not, would no more drink someone's blood than he would resort to cannibalism. If that's all?" he asked, scanning the room. Seeing no responses, he turned on his heel and left.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Baddock snarled.

"I don't know, but if he thinks he's going to stop me. . . ." Zabini said, an evil sneer on his face.

"What are you going to do, Blaise?" Daphne said, leaning her breast quite deliberately against his arm and looking up at him adoringly.

"What Draco Malfoy should have done in the first place. Kill Harry Potter," Zabini declared.

"How? You heard what Professor Snape said," she replied.

"I'll find a way," he said confidently.

* * * * *

Saturday dawned bright and beautiful, a simply spectacular autumn day. Harry and Ginny snuck down to the kitchens and got enough food for a picnic lunch, then got under the Invisibility Cloak and hurried across the grounds to the Whomping Willow, doing their best to stifle their laughter. Harry changed into the black cat and ran under the waving branches, pushing the knot that stilled the tree's action with a paw. Ginny hurried after him as soon as the branches stilled, scooped up the cat and dashed into the entrance of the tunnel to the Shrieking Shack. After Harry changed back into himself, they walked down the tunnel hand in hand, happy at the prospect of a lovely long day alone in the Shack, with plenty of food and no one to disturb them.

When they opened the trap door, Harry scanned around to be certain they were alone, then climbed out, helping Ginny up the last two rungs of the ladder. Harry had his foot poised over the first step to the second floor when he heard it.

"Somebody's upstairs," he whispered cautiously.

"Ron and Susan aren't. . .are they?" Ginny replied in shock.

"Dunno," he said, backing toward the trap door. The sound of a woman's laughter above them stilled their motion. They looked at each other in surprise.

"That's Tonks!" Ginny whispered.

"Let's go. This was Remus's house first," Harry said, grinning a bit despite his disappointment.

"Is that you, Harry?" a voice called from above.

Harry's face flamed red. "Uh. . .yes, Remus, it is."

Remus came to the landing above them, his hair rumpled and his shirt unbuttoned. He was blushing too. "It seems great minds think alike," he chuckled, blushing a bit as he self-consciously did up his buttons.

"Uh. . .yeah, I guess," Harry said uncomfortably. He wanted to laugh, he wanted to run, he wished he'd thought of anyplace else to go other than here - but this was their place, hi sand Ginny's. They had worked hard to clean it up and make it nice enough to enjoy once in a while. But in reality, it was Remus's house, and he'd just have to accept that.

"I suppose I have you and Ginny to thank for cleaning the place up and setting things to rights?" Remus said, sounding amused. "I remember it being much grottier."

"Yeah." Harry looked at Ginny, who was wide-eyed and apparently as torn between wanting to leave and wanting to laugh out loud as he was. If he looked at her too long, he'd burst into embarrassed laughter, so he turned his eyes up to his godfather instead.

"You've done a lovely job. I suppose we'll have to schedule the use of it, eh?" Remus teased.

"Remus, stop being so hard on them," Tonks said as she moved to stand beside him, her arm around his waist. "Hi, kids!"

"Erm. . .hi," Harry said. Ginny waved.

"What's in the bag?" Tonks said, cheerful as always.

"We brought some food for a picnic," Ginny replied, smiling up at the young woman holding on to Harry's godfather so possessively. "We have plenty. Do you want some?"

"No, thanks," Remus replied. "That's very kind of you."

"It's a great day for a picnic!" Tonks enthused.

"Yeah. Well. . .we'll just go and. . ." Harry said, turning to the trap door. "You two have fun."

"Oh, no! You don't have to leave. I only asked Remus to show me the place. He didn't really want to come. Bad memories, you know."

"Yeah, I've heard," Harry replied, then prodded Ginny in the back. "Let's go," he muttered. She moved to the trap door and started down the ladder.

"We honestly were just on a sight-seeing tour, Harry. I'm sorry we imposed on your space," Remus said uncomfortably.

"It's your house, Remus," Harry said reasonably. "We can have our picnic someplace else."

"If you're sure, then," Remus said, still a bit uncertain.

"I'm sure," Harry said, smiling at his godfather. It really was wonderful to see the man as happy as he was with Tonks.

"Right, then. See you later," Remus said. Tonks stood on tiptoe behind him and nuzzled his neck.

"Yeah," Harry replied awkwardly, waving as he descended the ladder. Could his ears be any brighter red? He knew he was blushing so badly, his ears had to be flaming. Ginny was chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

"You. Them. This whole situation," she said, finally letting go and laughing out loud.

"How is it funny?"

"I don't know, it just is!" She laughed so hard, the walls of the tunnel were echoing with her laughter.

"Shush," Harry warned, grinning as he did so. Her laughter was infectious and he was having a hard time keeping a straight face himself. "Someone outside might hear us."

"OK," she said, doing her best to stop laughing. She tried holding her breath, but wound up snorting with laughter anyway. She tried clamping her mouth shut, holding her lips with her hand, but a guffaw escaped despite her best efforts.

Harry was chuckling along with her by this time. "I know how to quiet you, you silly witch," he said, pulling her to him. He locked his lips to hers, kissing her deeply, then pulling back when her laughter bubbled over again.

"What is wrong with you?" he said, grinning at her. She was so beautiful when she laughed. Her brown eyes were twinkling in the dim light from their wands. Tears of mirth ran down her cheeks, which were flushed a beautiful rosy pink. Her lips were red and juicy looking and he couldn't resist them, leaning down to kiss her more seriously, and finally, at long last, stilling her laughter. Their kiss deepened and she moaned against his mouth, their tongues dancing around each other in delight. Finally breathless, they broke apart.

Ginny leaned back against his arms behind her back. "I guess you've never walked in on your godparents before, have you," she said, giggling all over again.

"Well. . .no," he admitted. "At least they had clothes on! And we didn't actually walk in on them. We were more, erm, approaching . . . "

"Yeah, whatever. Honeyduke's tunnel, then?" she suggested.

"Ron might want to sneak out to Honeyduke's," Harry said cautiously.

"So hang a sock on the entrance," she suggested.


"It's something I heard Fred and George talking about one time. If one of them wants private time with a girl, they hang a sock or a hat or a necktie on a door knob, or wherever they could, to let the other one know the room was in use," she explained.

"Does Ron know this system?"

"Yeah, he's heard about it," she said, her eyes twinkling. "They use it in their apartment. Ron heard them arguing one day because the sock fell to the floor and Fred didn't notice, and. . .well. . . ." She was laughing out loud by now.

Harry laughed along with her. "Right then," he said, still chuckling. "Honeydukes it is!" he said, taking her hand and leading her back up the tunnel toward the Whomping Willow.

Once inside the castle, they hurried to the statue of the hump-backed witch, where Harry said "Dissendium," and slid inside landing in a heap at the bottom of the entrance. He turned around just in time to steady Ginny as she landed. She straightened up, turned around and dusted off her jeans, then Harry's, amid much quiet laughter.

"OK, let's go down the tunnel a bit to that wide spot where it bends," Harry said, taking her hand, picking up the picnic bag and leading the way.

"Wait!" Ginny said suddenly.

"What is it?" he asked, then followed her pointing arm and saw a sock hanging from an outcropping on the wall. He chuckled and pulled up the leg of his jeans, showing a bare ankle above his trainer. "I just put that there while you were cleaning your jeans," he told her with a smug grin.

"You did? Thank goodness! I was afraid Ron had brought Susan down here!" she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him soundly. "Let's go!"

When they got to the wide part of the tunnel, they set down their picnic lunch with a sigh of relief.

"If I'd known we'd have to carry it so far, I wouldn't have gotten so much food," Harry said with a chuckle.

"Do you want to eat now?" Ginny asked.

"Nope," he said, doing a Cushioning Charm on the floor and pulling her into his arms. "I want you first."

"Oh really?" she said, teasing him.

"Mmm-hmm," he murmured as he nibbled her neck. While his mouth was busily teasing her with kisses, licks and nibbles on her neck, ear, along the line of her jaw and her lips, his hands were busy divesting her of clothes. When his hand touched her bare breast, he felt Ginny go suddenly tense. "What's wrong?" he said, sitting up and looking at her.

Ginny had tears in her eyes. "Nothing. I'm sorry. Go on," she said, but her body remained taut and nervous under his hand.

"Too fast?" he said, trying to sort out what he needed to do to make her comfortable. He moved his hand from her breast to her waist, trying to give her time to relax.

"No," she said, taking his hand in hers and determinedly putting it back on her breast. She held it there, but her body was as tight as a bowstring.

"Please tell me what's wrong," Harry asked softly, gazing into her eyes.

"Nothing," she said, swallowing hard and blinking away her tears.

"It's Malfoy, isn't it?" he said with sudden understanding. "I'm sorry, baby. What can I do to make you feel better?"

Ginny burst into tears. "Just hold me, all right? I'll be better in a few minutes."

"OK, whatever you want," he said, lying down and lifting his arm so she could snuggle in next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "We'll only do what you want to do."

"Damn Malfoy anyway!" Ginny snarled fiercely after a few minutes. "He will not do this to me! To us!" She raised up, leaned on her elbow and bent over Harry, kissing him soundly and moving to lie on top of him as the kiss deepened. Her determination didn't last long. As soon as he touched her breast again, she shuddered and pushed away from him. She sat up, her arms wrapped tightly around her legs, her bowed head resting on her knees, her hair a rich scarlet curtain covering her nearly completely.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't know it was still so bad for you," Harry said quietly. "I wish you'd told me. I didn't mean to rush you." He sat behind her, putting a leg on each side of her body and wrapping her in his arms. He leaned his head on hers for a few moments, then kissed the back of her neck where her hair had parted and revealed a bit of skin.

"That feels good," Ginny murmured. "Do it again."

"OK," Harry said softly.

"More," she sighed.

"As you wish, m'lady." He carefully kissed that tiny bit of skin again, then burrowed under her hair to find a bit more skin to tease ever so gently with his lips and tongue. When she relaxed enough to enjoy those kisses, he pulled her hair away from her face and teased her ear with his tongue.

"That tickles," she said, giggling a bit.

"But does it feel good?"

"Oh, yes," she breathed as he continued. "Very good."

Harry rubbed her arms lightly while he continued his soft kisses, then slowly slipped his hands under her arms and found her breasts again. Ever so gently, he cupped their weight in his hands, just resting them there in the warmth of his palms. She tensed at his touch and his hands retreated.

"I'm sorry, baby," he murmured, kissing the side of her neck again. "I won't--"

"Yes, you will," she said bravely, taking his hands and placing them on her breasts again. She was tense but forced herself to take some slow, calming breaths. "Please, Harry," she said, holding his hands in place when he would have removed them. "Only you can heal this for me."

He began to move his hands delicately, caressing her breasts as softly as he could. Ginny finally began to relax under his tender touches. Before long, her breathing had increased and she was leaning into his still-gentle hands, seeking firmer contact. She turned her face to his and kissed him, sighing finally as she leaned back against him, giving him unrestricted access to her body.

Harry worked slowly, gently, paying close attention to her reactions, never pushing her beyond what she could accept. Finally, she turned sideways in his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him fully, then dropping her head back and sighing happily, a smile on her face.

"You're so good to me," she murmured as he continued his slow, soft caresses.

"I love you, Ginny. I want you to be happy," he said simply.

"You make me happy," she said, smiling as she looked up at him through languid eyes. "Thank you for this."

"For having my way with you?" he teased. "Any time."

"For taking such good care of me," she said. "I love you, Harry."

Harry smiled and bent to kiss her, his hands bringing her comfort, joy and healing as they tenderly caressed her.

Finally, she gasped and held him close, tears filling her eyes again.

"Did I hurt you?" he said in concern.

"No! No, baby, you've healed me," she said, cuddling into his arms and sighing happily.

"Oh, good. That's what I was hoping for," Harry said, relieved. He held her tenderly, letting her be the one to decide what happened next.

When she'd rested a while, Ginny straightened up a bit and began gnawing playfully on Harry's neck.

"What's that for?" he whinged plaintively, glad she was feeling silly again.

"It needs to be done!" she teased. "Don't interrupt!"

"OK," he said, sounding resigned, but grinning. Ginny's strong spirit was re-emerging at last.

Harry was still fully dressed, having spent the entire time they'd been together trying to comfort Ginny. She started trying to undress him but was having problems - his pullover top was hard for her to manage if he didn't cooperate, and he was currently enjoying being mischievously uncooperative. She stood up to get a better grip on it, and he stood up ramrod straight in front of her, refusing to bend in any way, deliberately frustrating her.

"Harry!" she finally said in exasperation. "Do you want your clothes off or not? You're too tall for me to manage this!"

"Oh, poor baby," he teased, then yelped as she put her leg behind his and shoved him down onto the Cushioned floor.

"Gotcha!" she said triumphantly. She ignored his "Oof" as she straddled his chest and got him thoroughly bound up with his shirt halfway up his arms and his head buried somewhere within.

"So it's bondage you want, eh?" he muttered through a mouthful of cloth.

Ginny giggled. "Maybe." She shoved his shirt up far enough to free his mouth and kissed him quite thoroughly. "There. That's better," she said with satisfaction. "Comfy?"

"Oh, yeah," he said with a cheeky grin. "Never better."

Ginny laughed. She knew he could easily free himself, but he seemed to be going along with her game willingly enough. She leaned down and gave the middle of his chest a resounding raspberry, making him giggle.

"That tickles!" he cried, wriggling under her.

"I've got you now, matey," she said in her best possible pirate imitation. "You'll not get away from me!" She gave him a lingering, tantalizing kiss, then proceeded to kiss all along his jawline, down the sharply carved lines of his throat, nuzzling the sensitive spot where his neck and shoulder joined, then out to the edge of each heavily muscled shoulder, throwing in nibbles and licks every so often to keep things interesting.

"Are you going to keep me tied up forever?" Harry whinged.

"Maybe," she said, giggling when he shivered deliciously as her hair slid across his chest.

"You're driving me mad, you know," he said in a husky voice. "I don't know how much more of this I can take."

"We'll just have to test your stamina, then, sir," she said brightly. "It's all in the name of science! Don't interrupt my research!" He groaned plaintively in response, making her giggle, but he stayed as she'd put him patiently enough.

"You're having too much fun. Can't I at least watch?" he complained.

"Oh, all right, spoilsport!" she said, freeing his head from his confining shirt. "You're such a baby sometimes!"

"Now I've got ya!" he said, bringing his bound hands down around her back, holding her close and flipping her onto her back. "Thought you could get away from me, did you, my fine beauty?"

"Pirates again?" she teased. "We need to find some new material!" She would have added some other pithy comment, but she'd been reduced to giggles by him snarling and gnawing loudly on the side of her ribcage. "That tickles! Stop!"

He stopped instantly and loomed over her, studying her mouth seriously. "May I have the use of my hands now? You have parts that need proper exploration, m'lady."

"Yes, you may," she replied with a happy smile, and laughed when he easily pulled his hands out of the confines of his rumpled up shirt.

"That's better," he said just before he kissed her, supporting his weight on one elbow, his hand cupping her head, the other hand gliding down her skin tantalizingly.

"Mmmmm, much better," she murmured, pulling him down for a deeper kiss.

* * * * *

After a blissful time together, they were sitting up and feeding each other from their lunch bag when they heard a noise in the tunnel coming from the direction of Honeyduke's.

"Get dressed!" Harry warned, tossing Ginny's clothes to her. He pulled his jeans and shirt on roughly, then picked up his wand and said, "Lumos Solem." The wand flooded the tunnel with light as bright as the sun. Someone at the other end put a hand in front of his face, shielding his eyes from the light. "Who's there?" Harry demanded in a snarl.

"It's me," Ron replied. "Sorry. I didn't know you were down here. Can you dim that light?"

"Yeah, sorry, mate," Harry replied, lowering his wand and dimming it at the same time. "How did you get to Honeyduke's? We would've noticed you passing by. Or have you been there all day?"

"You should've seen the sock and known not to come in here anyway," Ginny added.

"I've only been out a couple of hours. I changed into the collie and took the path around the forest to Hogsmeade," Ron explained, sitting down and helping himself to some food. "I just decided to take the tunnel back. It's a long way round if you follow that path."

"It's not a Hogsmeade weekend," Ginny said, looking at her brother curiously. "Why'd you go?"

"Bored. Nothing else to do. You two were off somewhere. . .well, here, I suppose. . .and why aren't you in the Shack?"

"Remus and Tonks were there when we got there," Harry said, blushing at the memory.

"You didn't walk in on them, did you?" Ron said, aghast.

"No. If we'd been a bit later, we might have done," Harry replied, a sheepish grin on his face. "You and Ginny have both said something about walking in on people. Have you done it then?"

"Well. . .yeah," Ron admitted. "When I was little. There was a thunderstorm and it scared me and I ran into their room, and. . .well. . ."

"Same thing happened to me," Ginny agreed. "Only mine was a nightmare."

Harry grinned at his friends. "What did your parents say?"

"They were rather matter-of-fact about it, I guess. Just pulled their jammies back on and took care of me," Ron said with a shrug.

"Same here. I suspect all of us walked in on them at one time or another. After so many kids, they probably just expected us to wander in at the wrong time," Ginny said with a smile.

"Have your parents ever heard of locks on the doors?" Harry said, chuckling.

"I don't know why they never did lock their door. They still don't. Not even a Colloportus Charm," Ron said, shrugging. "Did you ever walk in on your aunt and uncle?"

Harry's smile faded. "I was locked in a cupboard under the stairs for most of my life, so I never had the chance to walk in on them, not that I would've wanted to. I think Dudley did one time. I remember hearing noises from their room, and then Dudley trying the door and then everyone yelling. That was one of the few times something happened they couldn't blame on me at all." He was quiet a moment, then smiled again. "Is that why you two thought of the Colloportus Charm for the doors when you did that Weasley Plot on Hermione and me, then?

"Yup!" Ginny agreed. "I didn't want to be walked in on! That's an experience I could do without!"

"Me, too!" Harry agreed.

"And here I nearly walked in on you two," Ron teased. "We need to work out a signal or something."

"I hung a sock at the entrance to the tunnel," Harry protested. "How was I to know you'd come from the Honeyduke's side?"

"All's well that ends well," Ginny said philosophically, "and we've learned a lesson - hang a sock at both ends of the tunnel next time!"

"So is Remus going to be using the Shack from now on?" Ron asked. "I mean, he's an adult. He has quarters here, she has a flat in London, they could use Grimmauld Place - why use the Shrieking Shack?"

"She said she wanted the tour," Harry said with a shrug. "I don't know what's going to happen. They did thank us for cleaning it up, though."

"Too bad that spell's on my suite," Ron commented, "or you could use that."

"What spell?" Ginny asked.

"Each Head Boy Suite is enchanted so girls can come up for meetings, but doing anything beyond a little snogging will set off alarms," he said with a shrug.

"What do you mean, 'each' Head Boy Suite," Ginny interrupted.

"Each house has a suite for a Head Boy and a Head Girl, but the suites only appear when the Head Boy or Girl is from that house," he explained. "The Head Girl's suites can't be used for meetings because the stairs turn into a slide if a boy goes up the girls' staircase, so they set up the Head Boy's Suites that way, but they were smart enough to build in snog detectors of some kind."

"Have you tried it yet?" Ginny asked curiously.

"No. No need," he said with a sigh. "Well, it's getting late. I'm going to head back, get some dinner and hit the books again."

"We'll come with you," Harry said, standing and offering his hand to Ginny. "I hadn't realized how late it was. N.E.W.T.s wait for no wizard!" As they walked up the tunnel, he wished Ron's friendship with Hermione hadn't been so badly damaged. They could certainly use her help in revising for those awful tests. He sighed, hefted the bag of leftover picnic goodies onto his back and climbed out of the humpbacked witch statue, glad he'd had such a nice break from studying, and wondering how many weeks it would be before he and Ginny could steal an afternoon together again.