Fleur Delacour Harry Potter Luna Lovegood Remus Lupin
General General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/24/2004
Updated: 11/21/2005
Words: 147,289
Chapters: 26
Hits: 29,594

Thicker Than Water: Year Six


Story Summary:
As Harry Potter tries to come to terms with the events of his fifth year at Hogwarts, Voldemort's first assault rocks his world. Entering his sixth year from the other side of death, Harry must conceal his identity, even from the ones he loves. Valuable lessons are learnt about the nature of relationships and the absolute power of friendships. Will that power be enough to defeat Voldemort? First chapter begins with a fight, and Harry embraces death.

Thicker Than Water 09

Chapter Summary:
Harry returns to his sixth year of school in cognito and gets an unexpected reception from his friend. It's a different sort of train ride back, and the Sorting Hat gives an eloquent recital. No sign of that DADA teacher though...

Chapter 9 - A New Beginning

Harry and Tonks emerged from the Leaky Cauldron, and flagged a cab to transport them through muggle London. Harry dragged a large, new trunk which he had finished packing that morning, panting as he tried to get it into the taxi's boot. The young auror - once again a dark, petite woman posing as his mother - gave the driver instructions to drop them at the central train station.

It was with trepidation that Harry was returning for his sixth year at Hogwarts. He wasn't sure how he would manage to keep his identity a secret from most of the students and staff at the school. Harry also hadn't told Ron and Hermione about his disguise yet; he was hoping to find an empty car on the train, where he could spring the surprise on them.

They arrived at the station early, and made it through the barrier at Platform 9¾ without any problems. A few extra security guards and aurors patrolled the platform in front of the Hogwarts Express, where students and their families were beginning to congregate. Tonks leaned in close to tell Harry that he would be returning to the Manor in two weeks' time for a cosmetic brush-up, and that he should bring his broomstick along for a bit of exercise.

They were interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing and a deep voice, "Mrs. Evangy, Leo! How very nice to see you again!"

Tonks looked up with slight alarm at the tall form of Kingsley Shacklebolt who stood smiling broadly at her. The man went on speaking, "Off to school alright? Can I help you get your trunk onto the train?"

Harry shook his head, and replied, "I'll be alright, thank you Mr. Shacklebolt, sir. I should be getting on now. Bye, mom!" He leaned close to Tonks, giving her a half-hearted embrace and a peck on the cheek. As he grabbed his trunk and began to move away, Tonks threw him a dirty look for leaving her alone with her amorous colleague.

Biting back a laugh, Harry walked towards the train and saw Remus stepping off a car about halfway along. They hadn't seen one another since before Harry's trip to Diagon Alley; Remus had had his transformation, and had then spent a few days getting Sean ready for school. Harry made to pass his friend, then stopped abruptly beside him and pretended to be adjusting his shoulder bag.

Remus pretended to look at his watch, and hardly moved his lips as he quietly said to Harry, "Keep an eye out for Sean, will you?"

Harry gave a slight motion of consent and was about to keep going when he looked up and met Remus' eye. He wished he could tell the older man how much his presence had helped him over the last month and a half, but the words stuck in his throat. He finally managed to say, "Thanks for everything this summer, Remus."

Remus returned the hint of a sad smile and answered, "Thank you, Ha-- um, Leo. I'm... I'm very proud of you..."

He shifted awkwardly. Harry nodded, then reached for his trunk and walked away from Remus with a heavy heart. Those few words returned Harry to all the pain of his losses, and the aftermath of the explosion at the Dursleys.

Harry heard a small commotion behind him when he saw the Weasleys come onto the platform, Hermione with them. Rather than risk a scene in public, He hurried to board the train. All of a sudden, the hairs on his neck seemed to rise as he felt somebody looking at him.

Clutching his wand tightly, Harry looked up to see Luna Lovegood watching him. She was standing a couple of cars away with all her luggage and a man who must have been her father. Her stare was unflinching, and her already large eyes were as big as globes. Luna didn't turn away when she caught his eye and her unblinking gaze was intense, and shocked. Harry was decidedly disconcerted, and quickly hauled his trunk up into the closest car.

When he got up the stairs, Harry felt his heart hammering inside his chest. He took a couple of deep breaths and tried to convince himself that his disguise wasn't transparent after all. Remembering how Draco Malfoy had recognised Sirius on the platform one year ago left him feeling shaken. Regaining his composure, Harry began to search for an empty carriage.

They all seemed to be filling up, and Harry finally stopped when he saw a carriage whose sole occupant was Neville Longbottom. He stepped inside and asked hesitantly, "Can I sit with you?"

Neville looked up and nodded. He did not appear to recognise Harry and said, "Sure. I'm Neville, I don't think I've seen you around before?"

Harry answered, "No, I'm just back from a long stay in the United States. My name is Leo Evangy."

"Well Leo, welcome to the Hogwarts Express! I'm in sixth year, in Gryffindor house," said Neville. "How about you?"

A sudden sour thought entered into Harry's mind: what if for some reason, he wasn't in Gryffindor anymore? What if Dumbledore made him put on the Sorting Hat just like the new students? The idea that he might be placed in Slytherin after all caused a surge of panic. He was able to dispel it with the memory of his second year, when he had retrieved Godric Gryffindor's sword from the Sorting Hat and Dumbledore had explained that it was his choices that made him who he was.

Somewhat reassured by the thought, Harry just shrugged and replied to Neville, "I think I'm in Gryffindor too. Also going into the sixth year class."

"That's great! We'll be in the same dormitory, most likely!" Neville smiled at him. Then he began to ask Harry all about his American school. Harry made up a few vague answers, then steered the conversation around to Hogwarts. Neville was quite happy to tell him all about the school, the classes, the teachers, and the amazing greenhouses there.

Harry turned a bit so he could keep watch of the goings-on outside his window. Seeing Hermione and Ron walk by, his stomach gave a small lurch and he craned his neck to see where they were boarding. As they continued to walk out of sight, Harry suddenly realized that they were headed to the Prefect's carriage at the front of the train.

He bit back a frown, but Neville didn't notice. Just at that moment, their door slid open and a pretty girl peeked in. She was tall, with short black hair and a pale face tapering to a slightly pointy chin. She smiled shyly at both of them, then turned to address Neville, "Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Of course, you're welcome to!" Neville smiled encouragingly, and moved his bag to make room for her. He turned to Harry, and introduced him. "Leo, this is Eloise Midgen, she's a Hufflepuff in our year. This is Leo Evangy, he's just transferred from the United States."

Politely making her acquaintance, Harry had a hard time containing his surprise. Her name drew up vague images of an awkward girl with splotchy red skin and long, limp dark hair. What a difference a haircut and a few acne-potions make! thought Harry, admiring the attractive girl.

It was fairly clear that Neville was the one she was interested in as they launched into an animated discussion about expanding the school Botanical Club, and setting up a bed for rare varieties of flowers. Eloise sighed and said, "I just love orchids!"

Neville looked delighted, and beamed at her, "So do I!"

They were joined by a few more Hufflepuffs just before the train began to move. It was interesting talking to the students from another house, who had previously been little more than passing acquaintances. When asked how come he didn't have an American accent, Harry tried out his cover story on them. "You see, we moved to the U.S. from England just before first year, for my father's work. He passed away last year, and my mother decided to come back to England."

Neville gave him a sympathetic look when he heard that. All of the occupants of the carriage appeared to accept his story, none apparently recognising him as Harry Potter though they had shared classes with him over the years. This was a relief for Harry, who became more comfortable playing the role of Leo as they journeyed on.

All in all, the trip passed much faster than Harry had anticipated. He excused himself to the loo a couple of times, hoping to catch sight of Ron or Hermione or Ginny, but they weren't in any cars at that end of the train, and he wasn't secure enough yet to wander extensively as Leo.

Two-thirds of the way to Hogwarts, Malfoy and cronies appeared at the doorway. Harry gritted his teeth in annoyance as Malfoy sneered nastily, "Huff Puff! Look who we have here! A group of the school's coolest students..."

The Hufflepuffs were rolling their eyes at the unwelcome intrusion, when Malfoy noticed Harry. "You're new to Hogwarts, aren't you? Maybe nobody's told you that Hufflepuffs are just the collection of losers not wanted by any of the other houses. And Longbottom, here, is the epitome of dud wizards - you've obviously hooked up with the wrong crowd. It's not too late to make some useful friends..."

His words reminded Harry of Malfoy's attempt at friendship during first year, when they first came to Hogwarts. He was angered by the blond boy's slick sense of superiority but before Harry had a chance to respond, Neville coolly retorted, "Maybe you should go elsewhere if you're looking for people with your wit and charm."

Malfoy narrowed his eyes at him and said, "Become quite the fighter, haven't you Longbottom?"

Harry had to take a few deep breaths to avoid pulling out his wand and jumping to Neville's defence. He was acutely surprised when Neville answered Malfoy again in a composed, low voice. "And if you'd like to fight me, Malfoy, maybe you can join your father too."

Malfoy hissed at the reference, as Neville looked calmly back at him. Then he and his bodyguards turned and walked away. The Hufflepuffs immediately shared their thoughts on Malfoy's arrogance and the stupidity of his lumbering sidekicks, Crabbe and Goyle. Harry's face was still twisted into an angry scowl when Neville noticed his expression and said, "Don't mind them, Leo. They're just a group of insecure bullies."

"Just reminded me of some guys I knew back at my other school," muttered Harry. He looked at Neville in amazement. His roommate of five years seemed to have filled out over the summer, appearing less round and somewhat stockier. Though he still wasn't a poised, self-possessed person, he had grown somewhat more confident than Harry remembered, even since last year. Neville's off-the-cuff dismissal of Malfoy, and his enthusiastic but easy tone with Eloise, confirmed that impression.

They soon arrived at the Hogsmeade station, and were swept along in the ensuing hubbub of students scrambling off the train with their bulky possessions. On the platform, Harry finally caught sight of Ron and Hermione together, and was trying to elbow his way through to them. He made little progress, though, when the massive form of Hagrid appeared and began to flag the first-year students. His face looked haggard as he greeted Ron and Hermione, and his usual warmth was replaced with a troubled, weary look as he saw the two students without Harry at their side.

Harry was consumed with guilt at the thought that his reported-death had caused Hagrid misery. His best friends had disappeared in the crowd again, so Harry dragged his trunk to the pile of luggage near the waiting carriages. Neville had just climbed into one with Eloise, and waved Harry over to join them. He made his way over, stopping to stare at the thestrals: they were standing head-down, harnessed to the carriage, their ghastly manes quivering in the warm evening breeze.

Neville had seen him looking and, when he sat down opposite him and Eloise, asked Harry softly, "You can see the thestrals? Have you also seen somebody die?"

Harry jumped slightly at the question, then mumbled, "Yes. My father."

The truth of that statement sunk in deeply as Harry flashed back to the scene of Sirius falling backwards through the veil. Neville had been there too, he thought. But Neville had considerately turned the conversation and was asking Eloise about her elective courses.

At the castle, Harry hesitated at the door of the Great Hall. He decided to follow Neville to the Gryffindor table on the assumption that Leo would remain in that house. Looking up towards the head table, he briefly caught Dumbledore's eye and the old Headmaster gave him the slightest nod and a wink. Noticing that Luna was staring at him again from the Ravenclaw table, Harry gave an involuntary shudder and looked deliberately away.

Ron and Hermione were among the last to sit, a couple of seats down from Harry on the opposite side of the table. Ron gave him a strange look, and Harry opened his mouth to give his friends a cryptic hint of his identity. Just then, Dumbledore struck his water glass to quiet the din of hundreds of excited students, and Harry had to bite back his words.

Professor McGonagall entered the hall with a stool and the Sorting Hat, followed by the first-year students. Harry distractedly tried to catch sight of Sean, and was finally able to make him out in the midst of the small, nervous figures. A hush fell over the Great Hall as the Sorting Hat opened its brim and began to sing its song:

I'm only just a simple hat,

I mean to bring no grief,

So I'll save you all a lecture

And I'll try to keep this brief.

Your innermost potentials

My choices do inspire

As I sort you each into a house

Based on strength or desire.

To Hufflepuff, I send

Diligence and dedication;

To Gryffindor the bold will go,

The bravest of the nation.

Slytherin gets the wily types

With cunning, to achieve,

And Ravenclaw - the brainy ones -

The smartest do receive.

The house I place you in today

Will introduce new friends

And attitudes to shape your views,

But not life in the end:

I'm sure you've heard the words before,

I join with many voices

To tell each student in each house

That life is based on choices.

No housemates, no common room

Will make or break your fate:

Any one can become wise

Or do deeds that are great!

Follow your path with care and thought,

Fulfil your destiny;

Then your success may equal that

Of a humble hat like me.

The students applauded, some laughing at the last line where the Sorting Hat extolled its humility. Harry thought back to his own sorting. Little had he known at the start what a turbulent ride his schooling was to be, confrontations with Lord Voldemort occurring in four of his five years.

The first years were called up one at a time to be sorted. Sean Lupin's name was followed by the low rustle of whispers as the older students put two and two together, recalling their favourite Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. The hat sat on his head for a few moments before calling out "Ravenclaw!" The boy hurried off to sit at the table where his new housemates sat cheering, as an anxious looking Peter Pevensie took his place on the sorting stool.

As the last first year student made her way to the Hufflepuff table, Dumbledore got up to announce the usual restrictions on magic in the hallways and entering the forbidden forest. He then peered sternly around the hall and said, "You have no doubt heard about this past week's attack on a Ministry family. Though we are safe here at Hogwarts, the wizarding world has once again entered trying times with the renewed battle against Lord Voldemort. I implore you all to exercise caution in your extracurricular activities and Hogsmeade outings, and to keep your evening curfews.

"As you all know, Hogwarts school has over the past couple of years suffered the first losses at the hands of Voldemort's evil. Many of you were friends with Harry Potter and are mourning his loss over the summer; I ask you to join me in a minute of silence to honour your friend and classmate."

The silence was attended with some shuffling and sniffling as many heads around the hall bowed in respect. Harry wriggled with exceeding discomfort even though he knew that Dumbledore had to perform the charade of his death to its entirety. The grief at the Gryffindor table was palpable, though Ginny kept exchanging oblique glances with Ron and with Hermione, who had their heads respectfully lowered. He noticed many heads at the Slytherin table insolently unbowed, including those of Malfoy and four or five of his closer friends.

Following the minute of silence, Dumbledore continued to speak, "I would like to welcome two new transfer students to the school. Natalia Petrov from Durmstrang will be joining the third year Slytherin class, and Leo Evangy from the Unites States will be received by the Gryffindor sixth year class. Please extend a courteous welcome to both."

Harry cringed at the attention and scattered applause, and looked down at the table. At the head of the hall, Dumbledore had just wished the students a good appetite, clapped his hands and the tables were covered with the succulent dishes of the starting feast.

Noise filled the hall as students caught up with each other after the long vacation. Neville introduced Leo to all his classmates. Dean and Seamus both gave him a hearty welcome; Parvati gave him a friendly smile, and Lavender's eyebrows went up as she checked out the new guy in her year, for dating potential. Hermione gave Leo a small nod, but Ron refused to meet his eyes.

After their pudding, Katie Bell walked over and gave them the new password. She then mentioned quidditch, telling Ron that she was team captain and that they would have to fill two positions this year. That reminded everybody again that Harry was gone and they fell silent. Then the talk resumed its normal pitch as discussion of the quidditch season and the other houses' teams picked up.

"Do you play quidditch, Leo?" called Seamus. Harry shook his head, thinking of the burnt Firebolt that had been used to fill his coffin. "I'm not really very good," he replied.

When the meal was over, Ron and Hermione were the first to leave. Harry hoped to catch up to them and get a moment to talk en route to Gryffindor house, but Neville asked him if he wanted a guide and Harry remembered that he wasn't supposed to know the way there. They passed Ginny leaving the hall, and she turned momentarily from her friends to give him a flirtatious smile.

When they reached the common room, there was no sign of his best friends, and Harry continued to follow Neville up to their dorm room. Ron, Seamus and Dean had already arrived and were busy unpacking their things, and Neville walked over to his bed to do the same. Harry walked automatically to the fifth bed - his personal space since their first year of school - and bent down to open his trunk, which had been left at its foot.

"You're not going to sleep there!" called out Ron with a sudden vehemence that startled Harry, and his other roommates. Harry's mouth fell open, and he looked up at his friend. Dean jumped in and said, "It's okay, Ron. Leo's the fifth in our dorm now, and that's where he'll have to sleep."

"But that's Harry's bed!" Ron retorted, his face crimson with fury. The other three all turned stared at Ron with sad, pitying expressions on their faces.

After an uncomfortable moment, Seamus murmured quietly, "We all know he was your best mate, Ron, but - well, he's gone now."

"No, he's not!" shouted Ron, then realising what had just come out of his mouth, began to stammer, "I mean.... it's not.... He just can't sleep in Harry's bed, alright!!"

Dean took a step towards Ron to comfort him, saying, "First, you just have to calm down, Ron...."

Ron whipped away from his roommate and looked at the other boys, who stood watching him. Furiously, he pushed Dean aside and stormed out of the dorm room, slamming the door violently behind him.

The remaining four boys stood awkwardly, staring at the door. Neville finally broke the silence, and said apologetically to Harry, "Don't mind him, Leo. He lost his best friend this summer, and it's going to take all of us a while... especially Ron. He's a good bloke once you get to know him..."

The four boys unpacked the rest of their things without speaking, and climbed into their beds. Harry pulled the hangings closed around his bed, and lay awake for a long time, wondering if he should have gone after his friend. By the time he drifted off to sleep, Ron still hadn't returned.

Author notes: So, dear, how was school today? Let me know what you think of Harry's first day back, and whether you liked the Sorting Hat's new song. Next chapter introduces the academic year...

* zwyverrn