Lily Evans
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/31/2003
Updated: 02/21/2004
Words: 4,338
Chapters: 4
Hits: 2,529

Lily Evans and the Familiar Stranger


Story Summary:
This is my warped idea for a time travel fic! Diaries are meant to be fun, harmless things...they're not for Lily! One day she meets James Potter's (her stalker's) almost indentical twin! And who is to blame? Her diary of course!

Lily Evans and the Familiar Stranger Prologue


The Familiar Stranger

Hey! My name is Lily Evans. I have tried to keep a diary for seven times this year only. But now it's going to be different, I have a better reason to keep this time waster. The reason: James Potter. You know, the arrogant bully who has been stalking me since the beginning of my fifth year. Well, I know him... oh, and Petunia: stop reading my diary this instant or your summer this year will be a living hell!

Petunia: have you gone? I'll know if you've read my diary and I won't even have to use magic!

Good, she'll have gone by now, she may have a neck that could challenge a giraffe's but she's no idiot. Any of you who aren't Petunia and know me will probably be thinking: this isn't Lily Evans's diary!

News flash: it is!

Loads of people are different when they interact with other people than when they're on their own. I should know; I'm one of them. I think nearly everybody has a different personality than what the voices in their heads say or do. I guess you could call this diary my head so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

I'd better get going... I have to write SOMETHING tomorrow.

Lots of love,


I looked back on my first entry. I really haven't changed much since then, then again, who will if they're only about to start their twentieth entry and they write something in their diary every day? I can't think of anyone!


30th October

Diary entry number: 25

I hate James Potter! I hate James Potter! I hate James Potter! I hate James Potter! I hate James Potter! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!! I hate James Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate James Potter!

Insert memory here:

While trying to keep sane I muttered a spell and the words: 30th October 1961 appeared on my diary page.

I smacked my pillow trying to make sure that none of my tears fall from my bright green eyes. I Jam---- no... I don't hate him for once; I hate myself.

31st October

Diary entry number: 26

Did I mention that I hate James Potter? Oh wait; I wasted an entire diary entry dedicated to him and how much I hate him. Aren't I sweet?

I'm beginning to really dislike Lilly. Oh wait; I haven't mentioned her in my diary before so I'd better describe her. Lilly has the exact same as I do only her spelling of her has two Ls before the Y and mine has one. Whenever someone wants to talk to one of us they either shout "Hey! Lilly with two Ls; come here!" or: "Hey! Lily with one L; come here!" I think it should be: "Lilly with three Ls; come here!" or: " Lily with two Ls; come here!" what happened to the L at the beginning? I guess it's just one of those things.

Lilly has very dark brown hair and matching chocolate eyes to match. She's got a bit of a baby face. She's a bit quiet but she can stand up for herself. Unless it has anything to do with her looks if someone insults her even accidentally she starts crying. She's sort of pretty, I mean she isn't bug ugly but she isn't as pretty as a supermodel but some of the boys say she's nice to look at. If I'm brutally honest she's rather plump if not a bit fat.

But recently, she woke up screaming and she couldn't get back to sleep I know she wanted to get back to sleep but for some reason she just couldn't sleep. Whatever she dreamt about must have been horrifying! Her eyes were bloodshot, she looked nearly as pale as some as the ghosts at school and she was covered in sweat. Her usual welcoming brown eyes had all the warmth taken out of it and she was a left in a pure state of shock.

Now, why I don't like her anymore: she's getting really snappy, she insults me, she told me that she hated my best friend, (Alice Arks,) and she said that I should dye my hair blonde!

Now do you know why I don't like her?

Insert memory here:

I did the same spell as I did yesterday and the words: 31st October 1961 appeared on my diary page. I do this in case I want to see what went wrong a few days before. Do you know what I mean? Basically, what I'm doing is a bit dangerous; messing with time is no big joke. But it helps me see what I'm doing wrong and see if I was a bit mean to anyone other than James Potter, if I was the next I'll make it up the person the next day.

The spell takes me back in time. Cool huh? Unfortunately I can't change anything because that would be illegal and I'd have to talk with the Ministry. When I go back in time all I'm doing is seeing what I did earlier but I can't change anything. It's a lot like a pensieve actually. (A/N: If you still don't get what I mean I'll explain it to you in the next chapter!)

Lilly opened the door to the girls' dorms and glared at me. I glared at her back and she closed the door in fear. I love doing that, I like glaring at James Potter too it makes him quite scared but he won't admit it!

I heard a slight banging noise like a book being dropped on the floor. I looked around and there was nothing on the floor, strange. I heard some footsteps, this is weird, there's nobody else in the room.

Thump! Thump! Who is it? I open the door to the dormitory and there's nobody near the anywhere; the common room's practically deserted. I turn around to sit on bed and I scream. I see an outline of a person. It's getting more and more precise, what's happening? I close my eyes thinking that it's probably my imagination... or at least I hope it's my imagination. When I open my eyes I see a small skinny teenager with very messy black hair. I recognise him immediately; it's James. He's staring at the floor like he doesn't want me to see his face.

"James!" I screech, "Get out of here! I don't know how you got here but I want you out right now!"

He looks at me his green eyes were flashing at me like sirens, hold on; didn't he have hazel eyes before? "I'm not James," he says in a hoarse whispery voice, "I'm Harry."