Slugging It Out

Worth 12 of Malfoy

Story Summary:
As a war among wizards gathers pace in the outside world, talented misfit Severus Snape struggles to make his way at Hogwarts. Determined to join the ranks of the great and the good, he forms an alliance with charismatic but ruthless Lucius Malfoy, whilst secretly remaining best friends with childhood friend Lily Evans – who stands against everything Lucius believes. How long can Severus keep the best of both worlds before the consequences of his divided loyalties catch up with him? [COMPLETE]

Chapter 07 - A Tragic Accident

Chapter Summary:
Lucius' charmed life faces a nasty reality check and he finds himself further indebted to Severus.

Chapter 6 - A Tragic Accident

When Severus and Lily returned to school for their second year, Lucius Malfoy had been made Head Boy and was more busy and important than ever. Severus accompanied him to prefects' meetings to take the notes, and between lessons could usually be found jogging along in the older boy's wake, laden down with books. Slughorn always got Severus' name right now, and invited him to all the Slug Club parties. For the first time Severus felt truly happy at Hogwarts. Even his ongoing rivalry with Potter was little more than a mild annoyance.

Despite his additional responsibilities and impending NEWTs, Lucius insisted on practicing Quidditch at every opportunity. He still hadn't recovered from the indignity of losing the cup to Ravenclaw the previous year. Severus, whose interest in Quidditch only extended as far as Lucius' part in it, trailed along to practises and spent the time buried in a large book. Occasionally Lucius would press him into service, throwing or retrieving balls.

He was engaged in just such an activity one October Saturday, trying to pelt Quaffles at the team for them to dodge. His throws were feeble and badly aimed, which was causing a mixture of hilarity and irritation in the team. He was just determining that he'd have to work out a way to do it by magic, when his least favourite voice spoke behind him, putting him off balance and causing him to throw the Quaffle in completely the wrong direction.

'Auditioning to be a Chaser, are you, Snivelly? Oh I do hope they put you on the team, it'll make our life so much easier.' Severus turned to see Potter, dressed in Gryffindor Quidditch robes. Seeing Severus' gaze, Potter's smile widened. 'Yeah, I'm on the Gryffindor team now, youngest Chaser in five years. Hardly any second years make it onto teams. You see, unlike you, Snivellus, I can actually throw in a straight line.'

By this time the rest of the team had come out as well, and Severus spotted the other second year Gryffindor boys in the stands; Black lounging nonchalantly, Lupin reading a book, and Pettigrew eagerly watching events unfold. The Gryffindor captain, Jackson, yelled up to the Slytherins, who were still flitting around in the sky overhead. 'Hey, Malfoy! I say, Malfoy! Time to finish up, old boy, it's our turn on the pitch now.'

Lucius took his time in coming down, flying so deliberately slowly it was lucky his broom didn't stall. When he reached the ground, he casually swung his legs across the broomstick and stepped off before it had come to a halt, catching the end smoothly in one hand. It looked incredibly cool. 'I didn't see you there, Jackson,' he said in his poshest, laziest voice. 'Your team are so small and puny you barely show up.' He noticed Potter and his lip curled delicately into a scornful smile. 'Why, is this your new Chaser? Is he really the best the house of Gryffindor could offer?'

Jackson, who looked rather scared of Lucius, made an obvious effort to stand up to him. 'You won't be laughing when you see him fly, Malfoy. Now be a sport and leave us to get on, would you?'

Malfoy laughed and motioned casually to the rest of the team to return to the changing rooms, saying to Jackson, 'I won't keep you any longer. You need all the practice you can get, that's for sure.' He snapped his fingers at Severus, who hurried after him.

Back in the changing room, Severus busied himself laying out Lucius' clothes. 'Well, I think we can safely dismiss any threat from Gryffindor,' Lucius was saying, his strident voice carrying from within the shower cubicle. 'Jackson will be hopeless as a captain, and their new Chaser is still wet behind the ears. Ravenclaw will be the team to beat, and their main threat is from the Beaters. Which is why we need to improve our evasive flying.'

'Yeah, so you keep telling us. Or maybe our Beaters could try improving their accuracy,' snorted Roberts, causing two indignant shouts from Blackwell and Macnair.

The shower stopped and Lucius stepped out into the towel Severus was holding ready. 'You all need to raise your game if we're going to win, which is why I've booked the pitch on Tuesday evenings for extra practice,' he said smoothly, towelling his long blond tresses.

This was greeted by general groans from the team. Severus began gathering up the muddy robes that were discarded around the room. 'What are you doing, Bernards?' said Lucius suddenly.

'Look at these weird things! One of those Gryffindunces must've left them behind.' Everyone turned to see their new Seeker holding up a pair of blue jeans, with a look of wonder on his face. 'They seem to be made out of sacking.'

'Muggle leg coverings,' said Lucius dismissively.

'Trussers,' said Bernards, earning him a sharp glance from Lucius and several of the others. 'I mean... that's what I heard they're called... hey look, they've got weird little metal knobbly bits on!'

'What are you talking about?' asked Lucius, going over to have a closer look. Severus watched out of the corner of his eye.

'These; look, see.' Bernards pointed to the zip. The Slytherin Quidditch team gathered round, fascinated. Lucius snatched the jeans away and examined them himself.

'It's some sort of primitive fastening,' he reported, zipping and unzipping thoughtfully. 'Just what one wants, a sharp metal crunching device inches away from one's manhood. It's a wonder Muggles manage to procreate at all.' Suddenly he began to flounce up and down the changing room, wearing only his pants, holding the jeans at arm's length. 'Look at me, I'm a Muggle. I like wearing leg coverings that show the shape of my legs. I think it's great that every Professor can admire the curve of my bum.'

The Slytherins fell about laughing. Lucius continued, 'Why, I don't know why they don't just walk around naked. They might as well for all that these things leave to the imagination. Oh, but then they wouldn't be able to feel the lovely rough material chafing their skin, and what a shame that would be!' He threw the jeans down onto the bench and his smile vanished. 'Where's my wand, Severus?' he asked, in a harder voice.

Severus scrambled to retrieve it, and handed it over. Lucius stood regarding the jeans thoughtfully, then applied the tip of his wand to the zip. He muttered a complex incantation, then stepped back to review his work. 'That's better, definitely an improvement.' He reached down and skimmed his hand over the zip, pulling it hastily back. The zip became a mouth, with two rows of metal teeth, that snapped and snarled at his touch.

'Ha! Nice one, Malfoy, that stupid Gryffindunce mudblood's going to get a nasty surprise!' crowed Hunstable. The team began to return to dressing.

'Wait,' said Severus suddenly, stepping forwards. 'Lucius, you should put a time delay on that charm. At least thirty seconds.'

Lucius considered it, then nodded. 'You're right Severus. Good thinking.' He reapplied the charm, and then hurried off to wash his hands in case of 'Muggle germs'.

As they got ready to leave the dressing room, Wilkes said suddenly, 'Malfoy, d'you think we'll be in trouble?'

'Trouble? Whatever for?' Lucius was brushing his hair and scowled at the interruption.

'Bewitching a Muggle artefact. I mean... it's illegal, isn't it?' Wilkes looked like he might lose his nerve and run at any moment.

Lucius, however, just shrugged. 'If the Gryffindunce didn't want his artefact bewitched he shouldn't have brought a piece of Muggle crap into a school of magic, should he? If you're a wizard, then act like a wizard, damn it. Or piss off back to Muggledom if you love it so much, then you can wear leg coverings every day and be stupid and live a life no better than a cow's. Besides, I'd like to see him go to crying to McGonagall about this, Professor, my willy's got bitten by a Muggle button thing! No, they'll never tell.'

'I wonder if they're Potter's,' suggested Severus, on the way back to the common room, laden down with kit. 'I'd give a lot of money to be there when he puts them on.'

'Potter is a pureblood,' said Lucius, sounding vaguely horrified. 'He would have no need for leg coverings.'

'He's a Muggle loving blood traitor,' Severus reminded his friend. 'He probably thinks he's something special, wearing Muggle clothes, getting all touchy feely with the Muggles. I bet he and Black dress up in them all the time...'

'Don't let Cissy hear you say that!' Lucius interrupted, rounding angrily on the younger boy. 'Black's her cousin, even if he is a Gryffindor and has questionable taste in friends. His blood is pure, you don't get much purer.' He gave Severus a hard look which Snape understood to mean he - half-blood that he was - had no right casting aspersions on his pureblooded brethren. Ashamed and angry he turned away, pretending to be busy preventing a set of robes escaping the pile.

As Lucius predicted, no one reported the incident with the bewitched jeans. Severus did watch Potter at dinner hopefully, but he saw no evidence of injury. Over the next few weeks though, it became obvious that Potter was a very good Quidditch player. Gryffindor's first game was against Hufflepuff, and to Severus' dismay Potter scored five goals and was treated as something of a hero by his housemates.

But all worries about Quidditch were forced out of their minds one day in November. The Slytherins were at dinner when a small Ravenclaw approached them anxiously and tapped Lucius on the shoulder. 'Mr Malfoy - er, Lucius?' he asked in a tremulous voice.

'Yes?' asked Lucius, rather haughtily. Everyone stopped eating and turned to look at the boy, who squirmed on the spot.

The words all came out in a rush. 'Professor Dumbledore asked for you to go to his office immediately.'

'Did he?' Lucius shrugged. 'Must be some urgent Head Boy business. Make up a platter for me to take in the Common Room, Severus, for when I get back.' He rose to his feet.

The small boy was still standing there, gazing awestruck at Lucius. 'Um... he said to bring a friend.'

Lucius paused, temporarily wrong footed. 'A friend?' he repeated. He looked across at the others. 'Well... all right Macnair, I won't deprive you of your apple crumble. Severus, come along.'

Puffing up with pride at being chosen, Severus dropped his knife and fork and scurried after Lucius, feeling the curious eyes of their classmates on his back. He followed Lucius with breathless excitement to the wall that blocked the entrance to the Headmaster's office. Severus had walked past many times, but had never had the opportunity to go within. The chance to see inside the office, maybe even to speak with Dumbledore himself, was more than he'd dared hope. Lucius addressed the gargoyle, 'Lucius Malfoy, the Headmaster wishes to speak with me.'

'Go ahead,' said the gargoyle scratchily, moving aside with a scrape of stone against stone.

They stepped onto a spiral staircase which carried them smoothly upwards until they reached a door with a griffon-shaped brass knocker, which Lucius rapped before the door opened to reveal the most incredible room Severus had ever seen. He followed Lucius inside, almost tripping over his own feet as he stared around. A huge, circular room, full of so many weird and wonderful things he couldn't take it in. He felt like he had the first time he'd visited Diagon Alley, his senses overloaded.

Professor Dumbledore was seated behind his desk, and looked up as they entered. Severus felt his chest tighten. He had never been so close to the Headmaster before. Dumbledore looked at them over his glasses. He looked very serious. 'Ah, Lucius, thank you for coming. Do take a seat. And I see you've brought a friend. This must be Severus.'

Astounded that Dumbledore knew his name, Severus could only gape, rooted to the spot. Lucius had to propel him forward and into a seat with a little push, smiling apologetically at Dumbledore. 'He's a little shy,' he said. 'What did you want to see me about, Headmaster?'

Dumbledore had lain down his quill and was giving them his full attention. 'Lucius, I am afraid to say I have some very sad news to impart.' He paused, and Lucius frowned. A knot of dread started in Severus' stomach. 'I have had word from your father. I am afraid that there has been a terrible accident. Your mother was involved in a collision with a Muggle car, and I'm afraid she is dead.'

The words hit Severus like physical blow, and he couldn't breathe for a moment. He stared, not at Dumbledore, but at Lucius. Malfoy's chiselled features had frozen into a blank mask. 'What is a car?' he asked eventually, in a small quiet voice quite unlike his own.

'A Muggle transport device, like a carriage without horses,' said Dumbledore gently. 'They travel at great speed. I understand she apparated right into the path of one. Some Muggles took her to a hospital and they tried to help her, but they could not. I am so very sorry.'

Lucius sat very still, not moving a single muscle. His eyes seemed unfocussed. Severus' heart was racing. He didn't know what to do, how to help. A sudden wave of nausea passed over him, and he thought for a moment he was going to throw up. He forced himself not to; he couldn't do anything that stopped this moment being about Lucius.

Dumbledore didn't speak for a minute or so, then continued softly. 'Of course, you will want to return home tonight. You can use the floo network from here, your father is waiting for you. You must take as long as you need.' He looked at Severus. 'Perhaps you could go and fetch Lucius some essential belongings, for his time at home.'

Severus didn't want to leave the office, to leave Lucius, but he obeyed. He ran back to Slytherin and packed a bag for Lucius, and returned. On the way he had to dodge past the rest of Lucius' gang, returning from dinner. They shouted after him, but he didn't want to stop and explain. He didn't want to tell them, to repeat the words and somehow make it true.

When he reached the gargoyle he simply said, 'Move.' The staircase spun him back up to Dumbledore's room. After the frantic few minutes in the castle, it felt strange to enter that sanctified space again, like stepping into a dream. Lucius was still seated at the desk, his head now bowed. Dumbledore was watching him, but looked up when Severus re-entered the room.

Lucius took the bag from him with a hand that trembled. He managed a weak smile at Severus, as he stood. He looked so lost, and so young. Lucius always seemed impossibly poised, controlled. Severus remembered how stunned he'd been that Malfoy was still a schoolboy, and even since he'd known him better, he'd never really thought of Malfoy as being a child still. But he looked it now as he walked over to the fireplace, holding the bag loosely, as though he might forgetfully drop it at any moment.

On the hearth he turned back. 'Look after Narcissa for me whilst I'm gone, Severus,' he said solemnly. Then he stepped into the fire, saying, 'Malfoy Manor!' And with a whirl of green flames, he was gone.

The following day passed in a haze. The news spread quickly around the school. Lucius was known to almost everyone, and there was a sense of disbelief that someone who led a seemingly charmed life could suddenly be dealt such a cruel blow by fate. For Lucius' friends, it was hard to focus on anything. Severus struggled through his lessons without hearing a word.

Before dinner he was accosted by Narcissa in the dungeon corridor. She was hurrying towards him, dressed in a travelling cloak. He immediately suspected she was going to Lucius, and felt a stab of red hot jealousy. He and Narcissa did not see eye to eye, and she clearly hadn't forgiven him for being present when Lucius received the bad news. Her first reaction had been to say 'You let him go?' as though Severus had somehow had a choice.

He expected her to sweep straight past him, but instead she caught him by the collar and virtually pinned him to the wall. 'Severus,' she said in a low voice, eyes darting a look around. 'Go and pack an overnight bag, quickly and discreetly. Then meet me outside Sluggy's office. We're going to see Lucius.'

His heart skipped with excitement. 'Both of us?'

She scowled at him. 'Well, obviously Lucius wants me with him at this difficult time. But for some reason he has also asked for you. He was most insistent.' She sniffed. 'I did point out that he has a house elf. But I'm hardly going to deny him anything at the moment. So get a move on, whilst I sort things out with Sluggy.' She released him and made a shooing movement. 'Go. Quickly.'

'But will they let me out of school?' he asked, hesitating.

'Leave that to me. Of course, it makes things complicated, but Lucius has asked me to get you to him, so get you to him I will. Now go.' She turned on her heel and strode away.

Narcissa wasn't there when he arrived outside Slughorn's room only a few minutes later. He had a nasty feeling she might have gone without him. He waited, unable to stand still, until Slughorn emerged. The teacher looked decidedly uncomfortable at the sight of Severus, and looked away as he hurried past. Narcissa appeared in the doorway and motioned him inside. 'Hurry up,' she snapped.

'What happened? Am I allowed to go?' he asked, as she pulled him into the office.

'He's turning a blind eye and I'm personally responsible for you. So you'd better not do anything to screw things up, understand me? I'm doing this for Lew, and that's the only reason. And you mind what you say to Lucius - don't you go upsetting him.'

'What sort of an idiot do you think I am?' he asked resentfully.

'I'm not going to answer that,' she said curtly, handing him a cloth bag from beside the fireplace. 'The address is Malfoy Manor.'

He hesitated, looking at the greenish powder in the bag, wishing he didn't have to ask. Noticing this, Narcissa gave an unnecessarily exasperated sigh. 'Just throw a handful of powder in the fire, step in and say the name of where you want to go, then stay still. You should just fall out on the right grate. Think you can manage that?'

'Yes, of course I can,' he snapped back, determining to get it right.

In the event, it turned out to be easier than he thought, and after a sickening blur of green flames and glimpsed hearths, he found himself rolling out of a fireplace into a large, stone flagged room. Coughing, he scrambled up, looking around. The room was very grand, with large chandeliers full of fat white candles, and high beamed ceilings. Lucius and Narcissa were standing in the middle, embracing tightly. Severus scowled and brushed the soot of his clothes.

Lucius finally let go of Narcissa. He looked paler than usual, and drawn. His eyes found Severus, and a ghost of a smile touched his lips. 'Severus, I'm glad you could come,' he said.

'I had a nightmare convincing Sluggy to let him leave,' interrupted Narcissa. 'Bribery and blackmail. I've taken personal responsibility for the brat, so he'd better behave himself.'

'Thank you, Cissy.' Lucius squeezed her hand and kissed her cheek. 'I knew I could rely on you. Come, both of you, sit down.'

They settled in ornately carved armchairs around the fire, Narcissa perching on the arm of Lucius'. Severus felt a bit anxious sitting in one, aware of his sooty robes and general unworthiness. Lucius rested his head against Narcissa's side for a moment, before continuing. 'My father and I are having a little trouble. With the Muggles. They have taken...' his breath caught and he shut his eyes for a moment before he carried on, '...taken my mother's body and are keeping it from us. My father and I... we do not know how to get these Muggle beasts to relinquish it.'

'Can't you just blast the scum apart?' asked Narcissa, trembling with anger.

'That is very tempting Cissy, believe me. But the Ministry takes a rather dim view of such things.' Lucius sighed. 'I need someone who understands Muggles, who can talk to them. Father and I... we don't even know what to wear.'

'Can't the Ministry help? Don't they have people who are paid to do this sort of thing? What do we pay our taxes for?' Narcissa glowered at Severus as though it was his fault.

'Father and I do not ask help from the Ministry,' said Lucius sharply, looking horrified. 'Father tells the Ministry what to do, he doesn't go begging to their mudbloods for advice on Muggle matters.' He turned to Severus. 'You are my only hope, Severus. Can you help us? And keep quiet about it?'

'Of course I will,' he said softly, although his mind was racing. He knew nothing about how dead bodies were looked after, or how he could persuade Muggles to give one up. But he was determined to find a way. He couldn't let Lucius down. 'First of all, we'll have to get some Muggle clothes. If you have some Galleons, we can go to Gringotts and change them to Muggle money, then we can buy some.'

Lucius swallowed and then nodded, rising to his feet. 'All right. We'll keep my father out of it. He cannot dress in Muggle clothes and plead with Muggles - the humiliation... I don't think he could stand it right now. He is unwell as it is...'

'I don't know if they'll let us do it without him,' said Severus hesitantly. 'You're not of age in Muggle terms, you have to be eighteen.'

Narcissa interrupted him. 'We will find a way. Lucius is right. His father is not young, and should not suffer such an indignity. This is for us to do.'

'Cissy, you don't have to come,' said Lucius. 'I don't expect you to pretend to be a Muggle. You shouldn't have to get involved in something so...' He couldn't find the right word, but the curling of his lips said the rest.

'Of course I'm going to come. You're in no fit state to manage on your own, and Severus, for all his many talents, is only twelve.'

Severus was about to protest, but he realised Narcissa had a point. He wasn't entirely sure how he was going to manage this situation, and Cissy had proven herself to be clever and capable. Lucius obviously thought so too, because he said, 'Well, if you're sure...'

'There's no question about it. Come on, we'd better make a plan.'


It was late on Saturday evening, and the three Slytherins were in the drawing room again. Severus, who had never encountered a drawing room in his life before, loved thinking those words. Just sitting with Lucius, in the drawing room. If only the circumstances were different.

Lucius looked exhausted, and he had curled himself around Narcissa on the sofa with his head on her shoulder. In the fireplace, a pile of Muggle clothing and documents blazed. It had been weird, seeing Lucius in flares and a blazer. He'd looked good in them, though no one would have dared say so, and Lucius had made his discomfort and revulsion in the clothes clear. It had taken some effort to persuade him that he couldn't carry his wand in plain view. Eventually he'd consented to put it inside a briefcase, which he kept clutched to him through the whole episode. Narcissa had hidden hers in her overlarge sleeve. Severus, unable to do magic out of school, hid his along with Lucius', in case of a dire emergency.

It had been an odd situation. Lucius, usually so confident and assured, had become almost mute, a fish out of water, as they entered the Muggle world. He'd stared around in horror at the traffic as they negotiated the streets around the hospital, and almost fell off his chair when the telephone rang in the office they were shown to. Severus had been extremely glad Narcissa was with them. She took the Muggle world in her stride, and her quiet resolution seemed to reassure Lucius. In fact, despite their antipathy, she and Severus worked well together, communicating silently through glances as they negotiated the release of Mrs Malfoy's corpse between them.

Severus had lied that they were French tourists, which conveniently explained why there were no records of Mrs Malfoy, and why Lucius remained silent. 'My bruzzer, 'e does not speak ze Eeenglish,' explained Snape, in a truly terrible fake French accent, tinged with Yorkshire. His lies got them within striking distance of the body, and then Narcissa did the rest with a swiftly placed Confundus Charm. He followed her instructions without question, privately rather impressed.

They escaped with the body, disapparating from the morgue having managed to convince the Muggles they had just seen the body leave in a hearse. Severus hadn't wanted to hold onto the body - the woman was stiff and greyish and cold to the touch. But he could hardly expect Lucius to do it. In fact, as soon as the corpse was brought out, Lucius seemed to turn into an inferius himself. Even back in the wizard world, at the undertakers, Lucius stood silently whilst Narcissa dealt with the officials. Again, Severus was rather awed by how she handled herself. Her confident bearing and posh voice sent the wizards scurrying to do her bidding, whilst he stood by with Lucius.

'Lew, sweetheart, why don't you go upstairs and have a thorough wash?' suggested Narcissa when they returned to the Manor. 'Get all the Muggle off you?'

After changing into wizard clothes, Narcissa and Severus arrived back in the drawing room at almost the same time and took some grim pleasure in throwing the Muggle garments onto the fire. 'Such nasty, nasty things,' said Narcissa with a shudder. 'How do you bear it, going back into the Muggle world every holiday?'

'I hate it,' he said honestly. 'Soon as I'm old enough, I'm sticking with wizards and never going near Muggles again. Narcissa? Are you scared of them finding out that you Confunded Muggles?'

'Not really. I'm a Black.' She gave him a rare smile, but it faded quickly. 'I'm so worried about Lucius. If I could get my hands on those Muggles...' The look on her face was so angry that Severus shivered. Narcissa Black was not a woman to cross.

Severus went to bed early. Lucius was absorbed with Narcissa, and he escaped when Lucius' father joined them. He had no idea what to say to bereaved people, and Malfoy's father was frighteningly stern. Severus had been given a guest bedroom as big as the entire ground floor of his family home and with a huge four poster bed. He slept uneasily, full of nightmares about corpses. Lucius, dressed in Muggle clothes, turned his back on him saying, 'I always knew you were Muggle deep down, Severus.' He woke in a cold sweat.

Unable to go back to sleep, he got up and lit his candle, wandering around the room. He ran his fingers over the walls. They had a deliciously smooth, silken feel. His toes sank deeply into the carpet. A group of wood nymphs capered in a large picture, giggling and blowing kisses when he went to take a closer look. He drank in every detail, and the longing to belong to a place like this swept over him in a painful wave.

A noise from outside the room made him pause, and he went to the door. Listening for a moment, he eased it open. Lucius was standing at the end of the landing, at the window overlooking the gardens. He turned and looked at Severus, then smiled slightly. 'Shouldn't you be tucked up asleep, my little friend?'

He glowed at being called Lucius' friend. 'I woke up,' he said, by way of explanation.

Lucius beckoned to him, and he went to the window. The grounds looked strange in the pale moonlight, the shadows long and deep and very black. The water in the fountain danced and sparkled. 'So, you like my house?' asked Lucius, his breath misting the diamond panes of the window.

'It's amazing,' said Severus at once. 'When I was at Muggle school we went on a trip once, to a stately house that one of their queens lived in. It wasn't as nice as this.'

'Of course not.' In the moonlight, Lucius' face looked hard and gaunt, and he stared out at the gardens in silence, lost in thought. Just when Severus thought he'd been forgotten, Lucius spoke again. 'Those Muggles, Severus. You know what bothers me more than anything? It was the marks on her body. It wasn't enough that they killed her with their horseless carriage, that they stole her wand. They then went and cut up her body after she was dead.' Lucius' voice quavered and he shivered violently. Severus reached out uncertainly and put a hand on his friend's shoulder.

'Why would anyone do something so barbaric? Dishonour her body in that way. They are no better than animals, Severus. No, they are worse. They talk, they look like us. They purport to be intelligent. What sort of monster would do such a thing? You saw, you saw the cuts? They had sewed them up with a needle and thread, like she was... like she was a piece of cloth.' He shuddered again, and gripped the windowsill so tightly his knuckles went white. 'It is bad enough that we must hide from them, live depleted lives in order to evade detection. All that effort to protect their precious lives, but what's to stop them harming us? And who will punish them when they do?'

There wasn't an answer, so they stood in silence, gazing contemplatively at the grounds. Eventually Lucius said, 'Without you and Cissy, we'd never have got her body back. You both did the Malfoys a great service today. I won't forget it. Family, that's the most important thing in life, Severus.' He cast another look at him. 'At least, if one has a decent one. You and Cissy, you are like family to me now. And we look out for our own.'

'Like family?' whispered Severus, hardly able to believe his ears. To be an honorary Malfoy was an accolade he could hardly have dreamed of.

'We have our deal, after all. We look out for each other. One of my better ideas, that.' He patted Severus on the back. 'Remember what I told you. Stick with me and you can't go wrong.'

Lucius joining the Death Eaters intrigues me, because he doesn't strike me as a 'joiner' or someone who would want to kowtow to anyone. So I've introduced an element of crisis to add to his motivation. I wanted to try and give him a bit more depth than he has in canon, since he's necessarily a major character in the story of Severus' life. However as the early part of the chapter shows, his anti-Muggle sentiments were already well established.