Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Sirius Black
General Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/12/2002
Updated: 12/28/2002
Words: 87,376
Chapters: 20
Hits: 40,339

Harry Potter and the Heir of Gryffindor


Story Summary:
Things aren't exactly as they seem during Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts. Aside from there being romance in the air, discoveries are made, secrets are revealed and Harry embarks on an adventure that he will never forget.

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts school isn't exactly as it seems.

Chapter Six: The Stow-Away

Harry made his way down to his care of magical creatures class in a daze, trying to understand just what Dumbledore was trying to say. It can't be Sirius. . . it just isn't possible . . . it just *isn't* . . .

It was only the sight of Hagrid that brought him back to the present.

Aside from Ron, Hagrid was most definitely one of Harry's very best friends. Gryffindor was having their class with the Hufflepuffs, much to Harry's relief since it meant he didn't have to worry about Draco and his posse constantly badgering poor Hagrid. Hagrid smiled when he saw Harry enter the room: he stroked his long, wiry beard, and the deep eyes beneath his bushy brows twinkled. Harry found himself looking up at Hagrid-- every bit as enormous as he'd always been.

"Misplaced yer schedule, eh Harry?"

Harry chuckled as he took an empty seat next to Seamus Finnigan.

"It's alright-- we ain't been doin' much, really. Jus' readin' up on the history o' Smarples."

"Smarples," Harry repeated, suddenly loathing the possibilities of what exactly a 'smarple' could be: ever since Hagrid had become their care of magical creatures teacher, there hadn't been a time when one of the creatures hadn't spelled out disaster for the entire class.

"Yeah-- page ten in yer book, Harry. Go on Dean, finish readin' "

Dean Thomas nodded and continued from where he had apparently left off. . .

"Smarples have never been proved dangerous, although years of study has suggested it best to simply leave these creatures alone whenever one comes in contact with them. Should someone become stung by them, it generally takes one week of intense treatment for the victim to turn back to its natural color. . . '

Harry shuddered to think what that could mean. . .

'An' that ain't no lie!' Hagrid interrupted, "I seen it happen, I have! Right terrible lookin'-- the man was bright pink with yellow polka dots. Never lived it down to this day, 'e hasn't. Never fails he's sent jumpers and cloaks in bright pink and polka dots every birthdee!"

Hagrid roared, and the rest of the class laughed along with him. Perhaps they were actually going to learn something in the class this year!

Harry, Ron and Hermione walked out of the class, still smiling.

"Hagrid seems to be much more comfortable this year, don't you think?" asked Hermione.

"Yeah," said Ron, "almost like . . . and actual teacher!"

They laughed-- barely noticing the sour voice that was intruding.

"Have a nice summer, Potter?"

Harry didn't even have to look. That voice was as recognizable as his own. Draco stood in the middle of the hallway, right in the middle of their path, his arms folded and his nose up in the air as it always was. Harry, Ron and Hermione merely walked around him without so much as giving him a second glance. And then--

"Psst! Harry!"

Harry froze, hardly daring to believe it was who he thought it was. He turned around slowly and sure enough, there was Sophie peeking her head out from behind a pillar.

"Sophie?!?" he squeaked. "What the--"

"I've lost McGonagall! The staircases-- they. . . they changed on me!"

Harry suppressed a laugh upon seeing the fear in her eyes. "It's all right, we'll find her. Best get you back to Dumbledore's office--"

"And who, or should I say, what have we here? Is this the latest in Hogwarts attire? Muggle clothing?"

"Shut up, Malfoy," said Hermione, putting a protective arm around Sophie.

"Who is she?" Draco sneered.

"She's a fifth year," said Harry, "and you've never seen her before because she's been studying from home."

Draco stepped closer. "What's your name?"

Sophie, who seemed to have the feeling that perhaps this Draco character wasn't exactly good news, stammered her answer. "Sophie. Banbury."

"Banbury?" Draco's eyes widened. "As in Imelda Banbury?"

Harry could see Sophie tense up.

"Not the same Imelda Banbury who married that muggle?"

"The same," she said proudly.

"Then. . ." Draco looked as though he couldn't believe it. "That means that . . . you're her muggle daughter!"

"Obviously she's not a muggle, Malfoy," Harry spat. "Muggles aren't allowed at Hogwarts!"

"Yeah Draco," Ron added, "You prat! Try using your brain once in a while!"

"But everyone knows that Imelda Banbury's daughter is a muggle! Everyone! My father told me--"

"Then your father needs to get his facts straight," quipped Hermione.

Draco could have killed her with the look he shot at her. His voice was incensed as he spoke. "Who are YOU to say ANYTHING about my FATHER, Granger!!"

"You can't threaten me, Malfoy."

"You have no idea what you're up against. If you know what's good for you, you'll watch your mouth, my dear. Or I'll have no hesitation to put you in your place-- remember, you can't change what's in your blood. Granger."

"I'd rather my parents be muggles like Hermione's than traitors like yours!" Ron roared.

Draco pulled out his wand and placed it at Ron's neck. "That goes for you too, Weasley. As far as I'm concerned, if you and Harry choose to be with mudbloods and muggles, then you're every bit as dirty as they are." His angry blue eyes drifted past Ron and landed on Sophie. He pointed his wand towards her. "Especially that one."

"WHAT in Merlin's name is going on here!"

Everyone looked up to see Professor McGonagall standing not five feet away.

"You will kindly put your wand away, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco leered at Ron as he put his wand away, grimly.

"And Miss Banbury! I've been searching the grounds for you! Stick closer this time, won't you? Come on!" She turned on foot and Sophie hurried to follow her, throwing a smile at Harry, Ron and Hermione as she walked off, her shoes clicking on the floor.

Draco folded his arms. "I still stand by what I said," he said piously.

"Then you stand alone," Harry said. "Come on you lot, we're going to be late for class."

* * *

Neither Harry, Ron or Hermione had been able to see Sophie off when Mrs. Banbury arrived for her that next morning. Hermione was lamenting over her departure, repeating just how much she "liked that kid." Ron was still rather irritated at Sophie for having made such an irrational decision.

"Need I remind you," Hermione snapped as they walked to their first class, "that your track record hasn't been so great either. Flying a car to Hogwarts. . ."

"Okay, skip the lecture Hermione. I'd much rather have Professor Warwick give me one than you."

Hermione turned up her nose. "Hmph. And I bet that isn't the only thing that you'd like from her."

"Herm!" Harry shouted, falling into stitches.

Ron called Hermione a 'vicious troll', yet didn't bother to deny her comment either!

Harry was the first one seated for the defense against the dark arts class. He listened to Professor Gray's lecture as best he could, but was paying more attention to Professor Gray himself. Studying every expression, every raise in the brow, every wave of the hand-- trying to find Sirius in him somewhere. If only those hideous glasses weren't hiding half his face!

After what seemed mere moments, the class was filling out-- except for Harry, who lingered. "I'll catch up with you two in a bit," he called to Ron and Hermione who exchanged confused looks.

He approached Professor Gray's desk.

"Ah, Harry," he said without looking up from his quill, "How can I help you?"

"Professor Gray. . ." he started cautiously, "Er. . . I . . . really enjoyed today's lesson."

He looked up. "Why thank you Harry! Really, it means a lot to me to hear that! I got the impression that most of the class found it rather dull."

"Whatever gave you that idea?"

"For one, Mr. Seamus Finnigan's snoring."

"Oh, no," said Harry, "Seamus is always sleeping. Don't worry." He coughed nervously. "Um. . . I bet, you've had lots of experience against the dark arts."

Professor Gray merely nodded. "Yes. Which is why I was delighted to take this job! Besides, it was much better than what I was doing before."

"Where were you before?"

"I was working in London." He smiled peculiarly. "Vauxhall Road."

A memory bit Harry. The article he'd read about Sirius Black in Uncle Vernon's newspaper had said that Sirius Black had been spotted around Vauxhall Road!

"I. . . read in a muggle newspaper that Sirius Black was spotted there not too long ago." Harry smiled. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you? Professor Gray?"

"Certainly, yes."

They stared at each other. Professor Gray removed hi spectacles and Harry was met with those coal black eyes he'd missed so very much.


"Ssshh!" Sirius snapped promptly.

Harry's heart was racing at the wonderful, glorious truth! He kept his voice lowered. "Wicked disguise, Sirius! And your voice! How did you--"

Sirius laughed. "Of all things: a muggle invention. He pulled down his collar and peeled off a silver looking tab from his neck. "A voice disguiser. Bought it in Vauxhall Road."

They were beaming at each other.

"Oh, just wait until Ron and Hermione find out--"

"NO! Oh Harry, no. No one must know-- not even Ron and Hermione! I know they're your best friends, but I must have you promise me that much. Dumbledore was hesitant about my even telling you!"

Harry nodded eagerly. "Oh Sirius, how--"

But Sirius was putting his glasses back on. "My next class is coming in, Harry. We can't talk now. But. . . why don't you meet me here for lunch?"

Harry would have thrown his arms around Sirius if he hadn't heard students filing in the room at that moment. Instead he nodded vigorously and left.

It was an eternity until lunchtime. Harry made a break through the courtyard, his feet hardly able to carry him fast enough to Sirius' classroom.

"Hey! Harry, wait up!" Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas, two of his best mates since first year, were huffing and puffing after him. "Where you off to in such a hurry?"

Harry tried to hide his annoyance. "Erm-- the bathroom. Why?"

"Is it true?!?" Seamus demanded, grabbing Harry's arm.

"Is what true?"

"All the Slytherins are putting it 'round that you're serious with some muggle!"

"WHAT?!?" Harry stopped dead in his tracks. "Where did they get that from?"

Dean shrugged-- but they all knew. Malfoy.

"Dean, don't you think I'd tell you if I was serious with anyone--let alone a muggle?"

"Malfoy says he caught you two in the hall--"

"Muggles cant get onto Hogwarts grounds, Seamus. That girl happens to be half and half just like the both of you. And she's my neighbor."

"Ohhhh," Dean said. "Sophie?"

"Yes," said Harry irritably.

Dean and Seamus exchanged a naughty smile. "Not a bad choice if you were, Harry, that's for sure--"


"I know, I know. I'm just saying. . . So. . . she's new here, then? That's funny, I could have sworn that she was a muggle--"

"No. She studies from home. . . it's a long story. But no I'm not serious with her or anyone else for that matter! I could just strangle that Malfoy--"

"Then why don't you? Dean offered brightly. "I'd be glad to help!"

"Thanks," said Harry with a smile. "Er. . . do you mind, lads?"

All three of them were standing inside the boy's lavatory.

"OH!" Said Seamus, "Right-- catch you at lunch, Harry."

Harry waited until he heard their footsteps clear and then made a dash for the defense against the dark arts classroom. He burst into the chamber, out of breath. "S-sorry I'm l-late--"

"Harry! I was beginning to think you'd forgotten!"

Harry threw down his bag and collapsed in a chair next to Sirius' desk. "N-no way."

Sirius' desk had mounds of neatly stacked rolls of parchment and then a delicious looking tray of sandwiches and what Harry hoped to be a pitcher of iced pumpkin juice. Sirius was smiling as he poured Harry a goblet full of--

Yes! It *is* pumpkin juice!

"I thought that perhaps you were busy with your new girlfriend or something."

Harry choked on his drink. "Oh no. Not the teachers too--"

"Teachers are the first to know when it comes to rumors," he said happily. "Something that I think I am going to rather enjoy."

"Well, hopefully this one won't even last the week."

"What, the rumor or your girlfriend?"

"Sirius," Harry laughed, helping himself to a delectable looking sandwich. "Right," he said in between bites, "now how about you tell me just what you're doing here?"

"Honestly?" Sirius said in his low, satin voice. "I'm here keeping an eye on you."

Harry gulped. "Me?"

"Yes. See, after. . . everything happened last year, Dumbledore sent word to several people within the Ministry-- those whom he knew and trusted-- and explained to them what the grave facts were. Your friend Ron's father, Arthur Weasley, and several others were all notified. We met in a private location and discussed what was to be done. Of course, Dumbledore's main concern will always be the safety of his students here at Hogwarts. With Snape gone on an assignment, he wanted to have another on school grounds who was working along with him."

"They chose you, then?"

"Well. . . you can imagine the surprise when they saw me. Most all of them still believed me to be a murderer on the loose. So, it took much coaxing, but it was eventually agreed upon. I had more of a background in this entire affair than any of the others."

"Oh Sirius. . .if anyone ever found out who you really are."

"And no one will. Professor Simon Gray is the most unassuming, mild mannered man you'll ever meet."

"You've never taught before--"

"No. . ." he said quietly. "Although. . . when I was at Hogwarts I actually did consider it. It had always been something I'd kept turning about in my head. If . . . if everything hadn't happened with Pettigrew, then I probably would have done something about it."

"How did Snape take the news?"

There was a crooked smile on his face now. "Severus . . . well, it would have been worse, I'm sure, if I'd taken over his potions class." He laughed, "all you students think that he's been coveting the defense against the dark arts position. Hardly the case at all. He is fiercely proud of what he does and considers himself the best Potions Professor that Hogwarts has ever seen." He shrugged. "Who knows, perhaps he is at that. He knows that I am not dangerous, never have been, so he can't undermine me as he did with Remus Lupin--"

Harry burned with the mere memory of what Snape had done to poor Professor Lupin two years ago.

"--and of course, there is the in pardonable factor that we're working on the same team, now. I may not like Severus on an individual level-- or on any level, really. I may think he's a stubborn, closed-minded, frustrating weasel of a man, but I'll be damned if I've ever met anyone so dedicated to the cause as he is."

Harry looked down at the floor. "Then. . . why does Snape have to be such a. . . such a. . ."

"Go on, Harry, say it: such a bastard, right?" Sirius sighed. "He's quite good at holding a grudge. Ever since, well, apparently you don't know about that--"

"Oh yes I do! He blames my father for nearly killing him when he was at Hogwarts, but it was really my father who saved him!"

Sirius blinked. "Well . . .yes, that does add to his grudge, but. . . Oh come now Harry, what is the one thing that could have possibly kept a man so bitter after all these years? Isn't it obvious? Snape was in love with Lily, Harry."

"He was in love with my mother?"

There was a brief, disturbing image of Harry calling Snape 'Daddy' and then he shook it off, thoroughly disgusted.

"Yes, he most certainly was. He'd been in love with her throughout all seven years. Your father didn't notice Lily at all until fifth year and with James being the good looking Quidditch Captain he was, of course Lily had a tremendous crush on him, just like most every other girl in the school. So when he asked her to the Yule Ball she said yes, even though when Severus had asked her the day before, she'd told him she was already going with someone."


"Yeah. It was the last straw for Severus. In all the years they'd been going to Hogwarts, Severus had tried his best to beat James. It had become rather an obsession, really. But no matter what he did, James always seemed to be that much better at it then he was. When James saved Severus' life, it was devastating for him to now actually owe his life to the one man he hated more than anyone else. And then when James started going with the only-- and I mean only-- girl that he'd ever loved, well. . ."

"Yeah, I get the picture."

"So, when you started attending Hogwarts, he could see so much of James in you. He could see that you were damn good at most everything--"

"That's rubbish, Sirius--"

"--and everyone loves you, you're a celebrity for crying out loud and, well you have to admit Harry, you do get away with more than any other student probably would. He could see you following in the footsteps of your father and it almost felt like a mission for him to stop you-- to keep you from being the best. To humiliate you as he wished your father had been--"

"Even if it means favoring people like Malfoy? When his own father is a Death Eater and against everything that Snape believes in?"

"Jealousy isn't rational," said Sirius plainly. "However what you said last year about Lucius returning to Voldemort's side? That really hit Severus. In fact, everything you said really hit Severus. He had to admit that though he may not have any liking for you or your family whatsoever, what you did was something that not even most wizards our age could have done. And he knows that the only way we are going to win is by working along with each other."

Harry stirred uncomfortably as he always did anytime anyone spoke so highly of him.

"So," he said, clearing his throat, "I take it he's basically doing spy work right now?"

"I honestly don't know for certain-- it's between him and Dumbledore."

"And that Cornelius Fudge-- he's still being stubborn about it?"

"Stubborn as a mule. Thank the stars that Dumbledore is taking action now-- that way when Fudge is finally forced to recognize Voldemort's return, the Ministry won't be at a complete loss," Sirius' eyes darkened. "Him and Ludo Bagman both. How they ever received their positions, I'll never know. Their own silly pride and fear of popular opinion is the very thing working in Voldemort's favor-- their failure to make any decisive action is making it that much easier for Voldemort right now in these critical days-- we may have only weeks, maybe just days before he makes a move. . ."

Sirius must have seen the fear in Harry's wide eyes because he brushed Harry's hair out of his eyes fondly. "Which is why it's up to us, eh Harry?"

Harry forced a nod of the head and took another bite from his sandwich. It was cold and unappetizing.

"I'm glad you're here, Sirius," he said quietly.

"I know, Harry," said Sirius warmly.

But Harry knew Sirius had no idea just how much he really meant that. Sirius made Harry feel safe and protected-- as though just the knowledge of him being present served as a shield to anything that could be thrown Harry's way. Growing up, Harry never knew what it felt like to have a father take him by the hand-- to carry him through whatever was frightening him, safely to the other side. But he was sure that it felt quite similar to what being with Sirius was like. It was the closest thing to having a father that Harry had ever known and it was exactly what he needed more than anything else in the entire world.