Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 22

Chapter Summary:
With Antonia's recovery and Harold's transformation complete, Harry decides to have a combined engagement party for the two couples, along with with an introduction of Harold to the wizarding world. The garden party is quite the social event...until Benedict decides to make an appearence!
Author's Note:
As always, my thanks to Michele!

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 22

Garden Party

Exhausted, Josephine had finally agreed to go to bed and get some sleep. Antonia, Harry, and Harold sat in the living room with a fresh pot of coffee. "I want to hear about everything that has been going on while I've been...away, especially about the two of you. I still can't believe you're actually brothers and never knew about each other!"

"You're not alone. Everybody has had quite a time dealing with the truth of the situation." Harold chuckled, "I can assure you, no-one was more surprised or had a harder time accepting the entire situation than the two of us. One minute accepting, the next minute, not. One minute understanding how and why, the next minute, confused. One minute happy and thankful about it, the next minute angry and resentful. It's been two weeks and I still find myself surprised when I look in the mirror and see Harry looking back at me!"

"Maybe it would help if you backed up and filled me in on the entire story."

Harry launched into the story, accompanied by the occasional commentary from Harold. Details of Harold's final transformation and the revelation of his true identity were shared, along with everything else that had happened in Harry's office only two weeks prior. The story proceeded through most of their island experience.

Antonia could tell that there were certain emotions, conversations, and experiences that were purposely being left out of the narrative. As curious as she was to know what was not being shared, she had enough sense to realize that there were areas that were extremely personal to the two men discovering their relationship and coming to grips with it.

Aunt Petunia wandered in, saying, "That coffee smells..." She froze as she spied the trio sitting in front of her. "Antonia, what are you doing here? I mean how...er... when did you..." She finally gave up speaking and simply hugged her. "It's so good to see you back. Are you alright?"

"The healer has given me a clean bill of health and Enrico can't find anything dangerous left over in my head. So I guess I'm okay. Your nephews have been filling me in on their news. How does it feel to have two of them now?"

"I'm still getting used to it myself, but I couldn't be happier. The best part of the entire situation is the subtle change in their attitudes. It's like a giant weight has been lifted off them somehow. Maybe it's finally having a family, or maybe it was something that was bothering them deep in their subconscious somehow." She took Antonia's hand as they sat down and asked, "So how do you feel? I know you said both the healer and Harry said you are fine, but how are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay. I'm just trying to catch up on all the things that have happened while I was in that coma."

Petunia gave her a piercing stare as she asked, "But?"

Antonia paused uncomfortably, glanced at Harry, then back to Petunia. Finally, she sighed, "But I feel like a fool. I've lost over two months of my life and had a lot of strangers babysitting me the entire time!"

"Toni, those people are our friends and they care about you and your safety." Harry said, trying to be as gentle as possible. "They all wanted to stay with you to make sure that you were never alone and that no further danger came your way."

"No Harry, they are your friends. Except for some of the teachers and maybe the Weasley's, we don't have many friends around here. I do appreciate their time and concern, but..."

"But what? I don't understand what you're on about!" Harry said with increasing frustration.

"Oh...never mind. I just need some time alone." She stood up saying, "I'm going to the castle. When mama wakes up, tell her to contact me and I'll go to Rome with her."

"Go to Rome," Harry said. "You just got out of the hospital!"

"Harry, I'm fine. You know I go to Rome every Sunday, so I may as well go with mama. And if you think that's going to change once we're married, you've got another thing coming!"

Harry started to get up, but was stopped by Aunt Petunia who tightly seized his arm.

Antonia grabbed some floo powder and threw it into the fireplace, though half of it ended up on the hearth. As the flames turned green, she said, "LaFortezza quarters, Hogwarts." Stepping into the flames she disappeared.

Harry sat there looking rather confused. "What the hell was that all about?"

"Harry, she's just been told that she's lost over two months of her life because Benedict was using her against her will. Add to that the news about you and Harold, and much of the other information she received in such a short period of time; it's got to be more than a bit overwhelming." Aunt Petunia cautioned, "I don't think you're going to have the quiet, perfect Antonia that has been in Britain since last summer anymore."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Harry, you knew her and spent time with her in Italy for over two years before she moved here to teach. Didn't you ever notice a difference between the woman you knew there and the professor who teaches at Hogwarts?" Harry opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off before the first sound could escape his lips. "Don't get me wrong, I think the world of her and will be proud to have her as part of the family, but you have to let her be herself. Can you honestly sit there and tell me that in all that time before she moved here, you never saw her temper? Did she always do everything that you wanted to do without ever refusing or suggesting things she wanted to do? Did she never raise her voice to you? Did she agree with you all the time?"

Becoming defensive, Harry said, "I never said she was perfect...only that she was perfect for me."

"Didn't it ever strike you as the least bit strange that from the time she arrived here until she collapsed and ended up in the hospital, she never argued with you, never did anything except the things you wanted to do and taught her classes? I'm sorry, Harry, but nobody is that perfect. I suspect you are going to have to adjust to a somewhat different fiancée than the one that has been around here for the past few months."

"I never asked her to change her entire personality when she moved here. I just figured she was trying to figure out the place and the people around here. Hell, here I thought I was being patient and letting her adjust at her own speed and somehow I'm turning out to be the bad guy!"

Hearing Josephine stirring around in the other part of the house, Petunia shook her head and sighed, "I know you haven't had much experience with women over the years, and I'm afraid I'm not doing a very good job at explaining exactly what I want to get across. I'm going to go to Rome with Josephine and Antonia and suggest we make a day of it. In the meantime, maybe Harold can explain things better than I can. I have a feeling he's had more experience in this area than you have." Having had her say, she headed off in search of her friend.

Harry turned to his brother and sarcastically said, "Okay dad, start explaining!"

"Don't be such an ass. Come on, let's go."

"Go where?"

"The Happy Hippogriff. This might be easier over a few drinks and in a different atmosphere."


The next few days were a time of readjustment for Harry and Antonia. Josephine quickly got her daughter caught up on where her classes were and returned to Rome to reclaim her own life and continue making wedding arrangements. Antonia's students were going to miss Josephine, but were definitely happy to have Antonia back.

Except for tending to her classes, grading parchments, and attending meals, Antonia spent most of her time alone contemplating recent events and getting her head and emotions back together.

Harry stayed in his office most of the time assessing his recent life changes and his relationship with Antonia.

Harold had spent a great deal of time with Hermione making arrangements for his auror training. He had surprised Harry with how quickly he had picked up on dueling. His frustration with this game that his brother and his fiancée seemed to be playing over the past few days grew exponentially and he decided it was time to do something about it. During another lesson in self defense, he had pinned Harry in a particularly uncomfortable position.

"I get the point," Harry said as he lay helpless in Harold's grip. "Now let go!"

"I don't think you've gotten the point at all. How long are you and Antonia going to play this game? It's becoming obvious to a lot of people around the castle that something is wrong and they are beginning to talk."

"What do you suggest? She's the one who wanted time alone." Harry tried to squirm out of the hold he was caught in. "This really isn't very comfortable!"

"Okay, how's this?" Harold then flipped him into another hold.

"Hey, that hurts!"

"You'll live." He tightened his grip a bit more and said, "Once I've finished with you, I suggest you take a shower, go to the castle, and invite Antonia on a picnic or something - soon. I don't care if it includes groveling - just get this taken care of. You two can't go on acting like a couple of children."

As Harold let go, Harry surprised him and the situation was suddenly reversed.

"Ouch! I guess I should piss you off more often. You do a lot better this way. Now let go."

"When I'm ready. A little payback is good once in a while."

"Harry, I suggest you let go because you're not going to like what comes next."

"Yeah, like there's something you can do about it at the moment."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Harold made his move and all Harry could say was, "Oh shit!"


Harry leaned toward Antonia during the evening meal in the Great Hall and quietly said, "We need to talk."

"Yes we do."

"Would you like to go on a picnic Saturday?"

"That sounds nice. Where are we going?"

"There are a lot of beautiful places in the mountains around here; unless there is someplace in particular you'd like to go?"

"Actually it would be wonderful if we could go back to the island. I mean, since you and Harold restored it, I'd really like to see it again."

"Oh...well, it's off limits to everyone for a few months," Harry lied. "Something to do with the eco system readjusting or some such thing."

"Well, I guess the mountains would be fine then. You can surprise me."


"I don't like it," Mad-Eye growled. "He's up to something. It's been far too quiet for far too long."

"Besides 'constant vigilance', what would you suggest?" Harry asked.

"Nothing we can do, but wait."

"So what am I supposed to tell the Prime Minister, the President and all the other muggle leaders, along with all the Ministers' of Magic?"

"Unless your powers allow you to read Benedict's mind from here, or you want to lie to them; I suggest you simply tell them the truth. Until he makes some kind of move, all we can do is keep our monitors around the world watching and waiting."

"I guess you're right. It's just so damn frustrating!" After a long silence, Harry asked, "Where's Remus?"

"Having lunch with your brother. Something about making up for lost time. Actually I'm glad that all this finally came out and those blocks were lifted. Ever since Harold got here, Remus has been going crazy wanting to talk with him and be the godfather he was never able to be before."

"Good. I'm happy for both of them. I remember how important it was to have Sirius to talk to for the short time he was in my life. I think he enjoyed it too."

"Ah, that he did laddie, that he did."


Antonia flooed to the Hillside around eleven o' clock Saturday morning. "Something smells good in here," she said as she spied the picnic basket on the dining room table. She proceeded to walk over and raise the lid, peering inside. "Hmmm, doesn't look like Dobby's usual perfection."

"Dobby didn't make it. I did!" Harry said with a large smile.

"You made all this by yourself?"

"Actually Harold helped. Seems he's quite the cook. He suggested an American picnic, and helped me cook it - muggle style! We have fried chicken and everything that goes with it. I thought it would be best if you picked out the wine. If you don't mind."

"I think I could manage that." She perused the wine rack and picked out a white zinfandel.

"That's an interesting choice."

"If we're eating American, it seems appropriate to have a wine from California." She looked around and asked, "Where is everyone?"

"Aunt Petunia is out shopping with Molly, and Harold went to check on the progress of the Lakeside before spending the day with Sophia. Ready to go?"

"Whenever you are."

Harry took the basket in one hand and held Antonia's hand with the other. With a 'pop' they disappeared.


As Harold surveyed the construction site, he noticed a young man making his way around the lake. "Hi Sean, how's it going?"


"Yeah, it's me."

"Well, with your hair covering your forehead, I can't tell anymore."

"Just remember, Harry has an accent. So what's up with you these days?"

"Not much. Just waiting to get out of school and wondering where I'm going to go next year. Has Harry said anything about me going to his school?"

"Sorry, but I don't get involved in the way he runs the school and I never ask any questions about it. We have enough other stuff going on that he never talks about all that administrative stuff."

"Hey, it was worth a shot. So have you gotten used to having a brother and looking different and all that?"

"For the most part, I've adjusted pretty well. There are still times that it's all rather hard to believe." Looking over Sean's head, Harold asked, "Is that your mother standing on the deck?"

Glancing back at the house, Sean said, "Yeah, I almost forgot, I'm supposed to ask you to come over for breakfast. Everyone wants to see you since it's been so long. I think they're more curious than anything."

"Oh, I suppose they are. There seems to be a lot of that going around lately. Guess we'd better get over there; though I can't stay too long since I'm spending the day with Sophia."


"I'm really sorry, we should have had this talk a long time ago. I feel like a royal arse. With everything going on with the war, trying to get used to the headmaster thing and all the rest, I just wasn't paying attention as much as I should have. I honestly thought that you were just trying to figure out the job, the people and the area."

"Enrico, it's not all your fault. I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past week and I realized that I was partly at fault too. I..."

"Enough of the blame game. I promise to be more attentive and inclusive of you, if you promise to stop trying to be the pink of perfection."

"I guess we were both being pretty stupid. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I love you too and never want to lose you." Harry leaned over and started kissing Antonia passionately. They fell back into the spring flowers that filled the meadow he had chosen to have their picnic.

After awhile, they just lay there staring at the mountains surrounding the meadow when Harry spoke up. "I've got it! We'll have an engagement party and invite half the world!"

"Half the world? Where are you going to find a place big enough for all these people you're thinking about inviting?"

"Well, I do own an entire hill; we can have a garden party!"

"A garden party! What a lovely idea." Her voice trailed off as she softly said, "Enrico, there is something I haven't told you about yet." Harry sat up and raised his eyebrows as Antonia continued. "Last week when mama, Petunia, and I were in Rome, we spent the afternoon with Sophia and Aunt Benedetta. We thought it might be nice if the weddings were double ceremonies."

"Double ceremonies?"

"You know...Harold and Sophia along with you and me."

"Let me get this straight. You want two double weddings?"

"That's right. And we may as well make it a double engagement party along with a meet my brother, garden party."

"Sure, why not. Where is that picnic basket? I think I need some food. I'm starting to feel dizzy." Harry started to reach for the basket, but stopped and turned around. "Does this mean a double honeymoon too?"

"Absolutely not! I want you all to myself for that."

Harry turned back to the basket and mumbled, "Thank God."


Harry was sitting in front of the fire sipping some Rosolio that Josephine had sent when Harold arrived. As he filled the empty liquor glass, Harry said, "About time you got home."

Harold took the glass and replied, "Gee dad, I'd have been home earlier if I knew you were going to wait up." He sipped some of the warming liquid and asked, "Just what are you doing up at this hour? Didn't you get things straightened out with Antonia?"

"Yes, everything is fine there. Did Sophia tell you their idea for the weddings?"

"Oh yeah. This is going to be interesting to say the least. On the other hand, we'll be able to split the cost of the wedding."

"You mean weddings don't you?"

"No. Sophia informed me that their families would take care of everything in Italy, while we get to take care of everything here."

"Refill your glass while I tell you about the double engagement - meet my brother, garden party we're having on the second Saturday in May."

"The who...what?"


Petunia was having the time of her life playing the doting aunt. Planning the wedding at Hogwarts along with many of the details for the garden party. Not only was she enjoying herself and feeling useful, but Harry had a silent suspicion that she was also using this as an absolution for her underlying guilt from his childhood.

Harry, Harold, and Aunt Petunia had had a rather heated discussion about who was going to foot the bill for the wedding. Although Vernon had provided well for Petunia in his will, along with what she had received for the sale of the house on Privet Drive, she was nowhere near as well off as the Potters. Though not completely happy with the final arrangement, they agreed that each would pay one third of the cost. Of course in the long run it didn't really matter, as there was no way the brothers would let their aunt want for anything as long as she lived.

Although Antonia and Sophia worked with Petunia on the plans for the wizard wedding, they pretty much allowed Petunia to do as she pleased. They had much more to say in the planning of the wedding in Rome. It didn't take long to figure out that a double wedding could be a tricky thing to plan, with two brides, two mothers, and four opinions. Harry and Harold simply stayed out of it as much as possible.


"Harry you look tired, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Albus. I've been teaching Harold how to duel, while he has been teaching me muggle self defense. Both activities requiring more than a trivial amount of physical and mental proficiency. Then there is all the planning for the garden party and the weddings. I do try to help Minerva run this place. Of course, as you know, far better than I, she is more than capable of doing it alone. At the same time I just don't feel right leaving everything on her shoulders. The fact that Benedict hasn't made the slightest move in quite some time isn't helping matters. I've lost more than an inconsequential amount of sleep trying to figure out when, where, and what he might do next."

"Would I be correct in assuming that you and Harold are adjusting fairly well to your new familial situation?"

"I guess that would be a fair assumption. There are still times when it's hard to comprehend, but those times are becoming fewer and farther between. We have occasional disagreements and arguments, but after observing the Weasley's for so many years, I suppose that's pretty normal."

"I take it the wedding is going to be the social event of the year?"

"That's weddings, Albus, and I think they're turning into the spectacle of the decade, if not the century. Personally, I'd like to go to Hermione's office and have her do the quick version and get it over with. Since that isn't going to happen, Harold and I stay out of all the planning unless specifically asked about something. On the occasions when we are asked about something or the other, it's always - 'yes dear, whatever you want'. Keeps the peace. On the other hand, we did make a deal with Toni and Sophia; they plan the weddings, but Harold and I are planning our honeymoons - which will be kept secret from everyone, including the brides."

"I'm sure it will be lovely and that it will give all of you wonderful memories to last the rest of your lives." Dumbledore paused and turned a little more serious. "As to the matter of Benedict. I'm sure you realize that, as usual, I can't give you any specific information on when, how, or where Benedict will strike next. The Four will not be able to give you any assistance in that area, as I'm afraid it is strictly up to those of you in your realm of existence. However, they will send a warning signal shortly before hand, for the specific purpose to enable you to remove any innocents from the area."


"Yes, children and/or muggles that may be in danger of being in harms way at the time."

"What kind of signal?"

"You will know it, if and when it happens. I can say nothing further on the subject."


The days passed in a blur of activity. Along with preparing for the garden party, the wedding plans were stepped up while all Hogwarts classes had to stay on schedule. Harry and Antonia had precious little time together, but they made the most of the private moments they did have. Adding distance and time zones to the equation, was an even greater strain on Harold and Sophia, but they managed to keep a positive outlook. Mad-Eye was again busy planning security for this 'damn fool party idea'.


During breakfast ten days before the party Harold asked, "Harry, how do you tell a muggle that you're a wizard?"

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I've told you about Steve and Marta and how I'm godfather to their twins. I'd like them to come to the engagement party and then to the wedding. Of course the events will be full of witches, wizards, and magic everywhere... they are going to have to be warned." Not giving Harry enough time to respond, he continued, "Before you say anything, remember that they have been my best friends since we were eleven years old. In short, they are my Ron and Hermione. It is important to me for them to be a part of all this."

Harry shrugged his shoulders, searching for some reply. "I don't know. Just talk to them and be honest."

"Yeah, well that might be fine for you, but I'm not even sure where to start. I was thinking about seeing them on Saturday, and was wondering if you'd go with me? Not to mention that I have to explain you too; and that would be easier if you were there in person."

"I suppose I could. Toni and Sophia will be in Rome all weekend and I have to deliver a portkey to the Johnson's so they can attend the festivities."

"Why do they need a portkey?"

"Because the kids can't apparate."


"Dobby, are you sure that you, Farquar, and the others don't mind helping out? I don't want you to think that this is some kind of order, or that you have to do this."

"Oh no Harry Potter, sir. We will be most pleased to help with the food for such a special time. It is a great honor to do this for Harry Potter, his brother, and the wives to be. We take care of everything for Harry Potter."

"Thank you, Dobby, we appreciate all your work, very much."


Draco entered Benedict's office and announced, "The garden party is set for a week from Saturday, my lord. I am still curious as to what you have planned sir."

With a wave of his hand, Benedict said, "We're going to a garden party."

"How are we going to do that with all those charms protecting the property?"

"I haven't spent all these months reading ancient texts for the fun of it. We will send one of the objects to hover over the property. Potter, and anyone else with a wand, will be concentrating on destroying it. During that time I will simply use the ancient spell I have found to collapse those charms... then, we invade."

"Don't you think that they will have thought about ancient magic?"

"I am sure they have," Benedict said evenly. "In fact, I'm sure they went through every book on dark and ancient magic at Hogwarts and in the Ministry Library. I also guarantee that they don't have the books I found here."

"Then what happens, my lord?"

"WE KILL THEM, YOU FOOL! What do you think this has all been about? Speaking of killing, is that Dudley idiot ready for this?"

Still shaking from the outburst, Draco answered, "Yes, my lord. He has gained control over his magic, has learned all the spells, is able to apparate, and is looking forward to this...almost too much. What are you going do with him once he has killed the Potters' and his mum?"

With a nonchalant wave of his hand, Benedict casually said, "I will have no more use for him after that; and he is too much of a loose cannon to have around. Alas, they will be planting him along with the rest."


Having delivered the portkey to the Johnson's, Harold stood at the Trandem's front door while Harry stood off to the side. Harold took a deep breath and rang the bell.

"Harold, it's great to see you!" Steve exclaimed. "It's only been forever since you've been here. That has got to be one of your longest missions ever. Come in."

"It's great to see you too." After another deep breath he nervously said, "I haven't been on a mission... I - I've been in Britain. I hope you don't mind, but I brought my brother with me."

"Brother? What brother? Harold you don't have a..." Harry moved over and stood next to Harold. Steve's mouth dropped as he tried to form words. "...A twin brother? I think you two had better come in."

As Steve closed the door, Marta came around the corner and stopped in her tracks. Steve put his arm around her as they both stared at the twins. Harry took the opportunity of their temporary state to observe the couple. Steve was a slender man, with dark brown eyes, and straight brown hair that fell to mid ear. Marta was an attractive woman with light brown eyes and bushy chestnut hair.

Finally, Harold said, "Steve and Marta Trandem, this is my brother, Harry Potter."

"Nice...nice to meet you, please sit down." As they seated themselves, Marta continued, "Harold, I'm confused. When did you get a brother?"

"At birth actually, though we didn't know about each other until a few weeks ago. I've got a lot to tell you and will get to that part of the story in a while. Harry is the headmaster of the school where Evan is currently teaching."

"How interesting," Marta commented. "What school would that be?"

After a quick glance at his brother, Harry casually said, "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"What?" Catching herself, and trying not to be insulting, she continued. "I mean, I've heard stories that wizards actually existed, but I never really believed them."

"Considering the fact that you are looking at two of them, I guess it would be safe for you to believe that we actually do exist."

"Wait a minute," Steve blurted out. "Harold is he trying to tell us you're actually a wizard?"


Shaking his head, Steve said, "Sorry, but I just can't swallow this. You've pulled some pranks in your day, but this is just a bit too much to take." He stood up and said, "I think I need a beer before hearing how far you're going to take this. Anybody else?"

Sighing, Harold said, "Sit down Steve. I'll get them."

"I'm already up. There's no need for you to get up."

"I have no intention of getting up. Now, please, sit down." As Steve sat down, Harold pulled his wand out of his jacket. Pointing it at the kitchen, he said, "Accio, four beers." A minute later the beers floated into the room and placed themselves on the coffee table in front of each person.

Marta grabbed Steve's arm as he said, "Okay, I don't know when you did it, but you had to have rigged that while we weren't home."

"Considering the fact that I've been out of the country, I don't know when the hell I was supposed to have done that. I guess I'll just have to try something else." Harold got up and paced for a minute. "Okay, when you don't see me standing here anymore, look out the window to the middle of the yard." Harry cracked a smile, sat back, and crossed his arms. Before they had even digested the words, Harold had disappeared.

"Where did he go?"

"Look out the window," Harry said.

Seeing Harold in the middle of the yard simply made them speechless. They watched as he arranged himself in a seated position on thin air. Suddenly he appeared back in his chair, smiling at them.

"You really are a wizard and can do magic," Marta said, still somewhat shocked.

"Well, I'm glad we've finally established that fact." He drank some of his beer and launched into the story about the past six months.

Having a difficult time comprehending all this, his friends listened intently. Finally, Steve said, "I don't know what to say. I mean if this is what you were really meant to be, and you're happy with it, then we're happy for you. I think it's great that you found your brother and actually have a family...you certainly deserve it."

"Thanks, I am very happy about all of it. Now listen - next Saturday we're having an engagement party, and I'd like you and the kids to attend." Harold looked around with a curious expression. "So where are Kyle and Julia?"

"You've got to be kidding," Steve chuckled. "Teenagers - spring... anywhere but home!"

"I guess that makes sense. So, do you think you and the kids will be able to make it next week?"

"Are you kidding? We wouldn't miss this for the world! Just tell us where to go and we'll be there." Steve paused and thought for a moment. "I suppose there will be a lot of wizards at this gathering?"

"To tell you the truth, almost everyone there will be a witch or wizard. You guys will be part of a small handful of muggles that will be attending."

"Muggles?" Marta questioned.

"That's what we call non-magical people. As far as getting there goes - you'll have to fly to London. That part certainly won't be a problem for the big airline executive. After that...well...uh...Harry?"

Harry smiled, "Now comes the interesting part. Take a taxi, or the underground, to King's Cross station. Harold will meet you there and get you onto the train to Hogsmeade. You can stay at my place for the weekend."

"Please don't go to any bother, we can stay at a hotel," Marta interjected.

"I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but Hogsmeade is an all magical town and I don't think they are any more ready for you than you are for them. Please don't worry about it. It will be no imposition and you are more than welcome."

"Discounting the fact that I haven't a clue as to where King's Cross station is; why do I have to meet them there?" Harold asked.

"We'll go to the station straight from here, and I'll show you how to get onto platform nine and three quarters. You'll need to be there to get them onto the platform and then onto the Hogwarts Express." He turned toward the Trandem's and said, "You'll have to meet him no later than ten forty-five on Friday morning. The train leaves exactly at eleven o' clock."

They spent some time making all the arrangements since they would have no contact until they met at King's Cross on the following Friday. Once everything was settled, the twins apparated to London.


Rain pelted the area for the next four days. The lake was at its' highest level in several years and the mood around the castle matched the weather. On Wednesday morning Antonia plopped into her chair at the high table and just stared at her empty plate.

"Toni, what's wrong?" Harry asked.

"What do you mean - what's wrong? Have you looked out of a window lately? This rain is going to ruin the party."

"It can't last forever." A perfectly timed boom of thunder was heard.

Antonia raised her eyes toward the bewitched ceiling and said, "Yeah, that's what Noah said."

"He was right. It did stop."

"Don't push it Harry."

"If it's any consolation, I was in the media room watching The Weather Channel before I came over. The rain is supposed to stop tonight, and Saturday is supposed to be beautiful!"


As forecast, the rain had stopped that night and Friday turned out to be a nice day. Puffy white clouds played hide-n-seek with the sun as the temperature rose and a warm breeze helped to dry things out.

Harold and Sophia arrived at King's Cross around ten thirty, in case their guests arrived early. As luck would have it, they only had to wait five minutes for the reunion. After the greetings, Harold turned to the twins and said, "I'm glad you could make it. Sorry to have missed you last week when I was at your place."

"Uncle Harold, are you really a wizard? Can you really do magic?" Kyle asked bluntly, but excitedly.

"Yes, yes, and please keep your voice down. Most people around here have no idea we even exist, much less know anything about platform nine and three quarters." Harold looked at them and their luggage. "At least you didn't bring a lot."

"Are you kidding?" Steve laughed. "When you're in the airline business, you quickly learn to pack as light as possible and take a small bag on the plane with you."

"Guess I never really thought about it," Harold replied. "Anyway, Steve and Marta you'll go through first with Sophia, then I'll bring the kids along."

"Harold, this may sound like a stupid question; but where is this platform?" Marta asked. "I see numbers nine and ten, but..."

"See that brick pillar?"


"That's the entrance. Just believe and keep moving, or you'll end up with one hell of a headache. We'd better get going. Harry says this is the most prompt train in the world."

Sophia looked around and said, "Okay - each of you take an arm. Whatever you do don't stop!" With the two of them holding onto her, they swiftly headed toward the barrier. Marta closed her eyes, but kept moving. Suddenly - they were gone.

"Whoa," exclaimed Kyle as he proceeded to examine the brick post, making sure it was solid.

"Come on, we don't have much time." Harold held on to them as they quickly walked forward and appeared on the other side.

"I think this world of yours is going to take some getting used to," Steve commented. "I get the feeling that this is going to be a weekend that we'll never forget."

Harold smiled and said, "That, I can guarantee!"

Harry and Antonia were waiting as the train pulled into Hogsmeade station. Harold introduced everybody and noticed the expressions on Steve and Marta as they looked at the carriages. "Why don't you two go with Harry and Antonia; we'll take the second carriage."

Harry explained the threstrals and why the children couldn't see them. He gave them brief tour of Hogsmeade as the carriage made its' way to the Hillside. Once they arrived, Harry sent the carriages off to the castle. The guests were awestruck at the sight of Hogwarts.

"That castle is beautiful!" Julia exclaimed. "Who lives there?"

"That is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Right now there are about four hundred students and faculty there."

"That's the school you're headmaster of?" Marta asked.

"That's the one."

"Will we be able to have a tour while we're here?" Julia asked.

"I'm sorry, not while school is in session. If you're able to come back for the wedding in July, I promise a full tour then." Gesturing toward the front door, Harry said, "Well, I hope you're hungry; dinner is just about ready."

While Harold went through another round of introductions with Petunia, Josephine, and Benedetta, Bella flew into the room and landed on the desk. Harry smiled at the surprised looks on the Trandem's faces as he said, "Excuse me, this should only take a minute."

As he untied the note from her leg, he said, "Hang on Bella, I've got one for you to take back."

As he rejoined the group, Marta asked, "Do you often get birds flying into your house?"

"It depends on how many messages people send. We don't use telephones, so it's usually owls or the floo network. Which reminds me, if you see a head floating in the fireplace - don't freak out."

"What!" Julia exclaimed with huge eyes.

Harry sighed and said, "Come over here and I'll show you how this works." He tossed some floo powder into the flames and watched his guests as the flames turned green. He leaned into the flame and said, "Ron Weasley, the Burrow."

Ron's head appeared as he said, "Hi ya Harry. What's up?"

"Just wanted to make sure that you're still planning on coming over early to help us set things up for the party."

"Hey, you know mum, if she had her way, we'd already be there."

"That's okay, tomorrow will be fine."

Ron looked around Harry and said, "I get the feeling this call was more than just checking up on tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah, you'll meet them tomorrow."

"Okay. See ya then."

Dinner was more like the Spanish Inquisition than a simple meal, with the non-stop parade of questions the visitors kept asking. Harold tried to answer as many as he could, but in the end, it was Harry who managed the least amount of food.


Saturday turned out to be a glorious day, starting out with a clear, deep blue sky and abundant sunshine. Harry and Harold were standing on the porch planning out where to put the canopies, tables, chairs, dance floor, and anything else they could think of.

Steve walked out and said, "This is quite an impressive place you have here Harry."

"Thanks, I do enjoy it, and plan to be here for a long time."

Steve cautiously continued, "Harold, I noticed a broom in your bedroom. I take it that's not for sweeping the floor. How about a little demonstration?"

"I suppose we have a few minutes. Care to join me Harry?"

As they went to fetch their brooms, Steve called the rest of the family out to watch. Upon their return, Harry said, "This will have to be short. If we don't start setting things up, we'll never hear the end of it...in two languages!"

They mounted their brooms and kicked off. Speeding skyward, they started doing all sorts of rolls, twists, circles, and dives. Nobody had noticed Ron and Hermione 'pop' in until Ron spoke up. "Should have known. The rain stops and they're at it again. Harry was bad enough by himself, now he's got a brother that's just as enthralled with flying as he is."

Seeing red hair, Harry made his way down, followed by Harold. "Hi guys! Lovely day isn't it?"

"Showing off to your guests?" Ron quipped.

"They requested a demonstration. Where are the boys?"

"They should be along any minute. They were going to floo over with mum."

No sooner had the words escaped his mouth when they heard, "Uncle Harry!"

Harry tossed his broom to Ron and said, "Harold, would you mind..." Those were his last words before he was tackled and all four of them started rolling down the hill.

Harold went through another round of introductions and the small group continued talking when Antonia and Sophia walked out. After politely greeting everyone, Antonia yelled down the hill, "ENRICO!"

Harry froze, "Oops. Sorry guys, the boss is calling."

Returning to the porch, Harry smiled and said, "Morning dear."

Antonia glared at him and said, "Hope you enjoyed yourself flying around and playing with the children, because nothing else appears to have been done."

"It's not as if it's going to take very long."

"Fine, then please get on with it."

"Fine." Without taking his eyes off her, Harry waved his arm and the pieces of the canopy support floated over to a level area and fastened themselves together. Another wave and the canopy itself unfolded and settled into place. Three quick movements, and three long tables settled themselves under the canopy. Still looking at Antonia, he inquired, "Where would you like the round tables?"

"I believe the terraced areas would be the logical place."

"Fine." With an exaggerated wave, he sent the stack of tables flying through the air like small flying saucers. They hovered over their intended spaces, extended their legs, and softly settled on terra firma. He turned to Ron and Harold and said, "You two can take care of the chairs; my arm is tired." He paused and looked at Hermione, "Farquar, Dobby, and some of the other elves volunteered to come over and help with the refreshments. Would you be so kind as to explain house elves to the Trandem's? They've never seen or heard about them. Thank you so much."

Harry kissed Antonia on the cheek and said, "I believe it's your turn...you know, tablecloths, flowers, and all that. If you'll excuse me, I have to change my clothes - grass stains." Retrieving his broom from Ron, he headed to the house.

Antonia made a statement in Italian, which caused Harry to pause long enough to say, "Tsk, tsk, tsk Toni. There are children present."


Three hours later the sound of a 'pop' caused the couple to break apart and look up.

"Hi kids," Harold said with a big smile as he found them behind a large boulder near the top of the hill. "Aunt Petunia and Josephine aren't too happy with you two at the moment. In case you hadn't noticed, there are over a hundred people wandering the property, and half of the guests of honor are nowhere to be found."

Harry looked up at his brother, "Sorry, I guess we got carried away."

"So it would appear."

The three of them found Sophia and joined the festivities. Music and laughter filled the air. Introductions and congratulations were plentiful. A few guests had followed the lead of Hagrid and Minerva and started using the dance floor that had been set up. At the insistence of Mad-Eye, aurors were stationed around the perimeter of the property. Fortunately, they blended in as not to deflect from the joyous atmosphere. One couldn't have asked for a more perfect celebration.

The Trandem's had adjusted rather well to all the magic surrounding them. Even though they had been warned, they were still taken aback a bit at the first sight of Dobby, Farquar, and the rest of the elves. Somehow, they too, seemed to just fit into this amazing group.

Sean Johnson and his siblings had hit it off with the triplets, while the Trandem children had paired off with the Longbottom children and some of their friends.

It seemed everyone wanted to dance with the engaged couples. The four of them were being passed around like new presents at Christmas. During a welcome break in the music, the two couples managed to find a small table, and were enjoying some champagne.

Harry had just started to kiss Antonia, when a rumble was heard overhead. They looked up in time to watch four small black clouds quickly rolling across the sky and out of sight. Harry's face drained of color as he said, "Not now."

"Enrico, what is it?" Antonia asked with great concern in her voice.

"Benedict is about to attack!"

"Are you sure about this Harry?" Sophia asked. "I mean how are you so sure about this?"

"Dumbledore told me that The Four would give us a warning shortly before Benedict would attack, but that they could do no more. That was the warning." Harry hit the table with his fist. "I don't believe how stupid I've been. I should have seen this coming."

"What are you rambling about?" Harold asked.

"Look, Benedict has been silent since the Switzerland incident. He released Toni from his curse. Now, we have most of the Order, and many of the Hogwarts staff here, along with a fair number of the important people from the Ministry of Magic, not to mention all my closest friends and family. It's the perfect shooting gallery for his wildest dreams. Damn - how could I have let this happen?"

"Harry, this is no time to start examining what you did right or wrong," Harold roared. "What do you want us to do?"

"Toni, you and Sophia find your mothers. Gather all the children and muggles and get them into the gym. Once your all safely inside, say 'protect'; the room will take care of the rest."

"I'd rather stay out here and help!" Antonia defiantly stated.

"Toni, please, don't argue with me right now. I need somebody I trust to protect the innocents, and that happens to be the two of you. If you want to check on what's going on out here, say 'spyglass'. A tube with an eyepiece will appear in the corner of the room. You can look through it to view the outside area. It's an idea I got from an old muggle movie. Once it is safe, say 'end protection' and the room will release all of you." Harry pulled Antonia close and kissed her hard on the lips. "Please just do this for me and don't argue. And always remember, I love you. Now hurry!"

Antonia said, "I love you too. Be careful." She ran off to find Josephine.

Harold and Sophia shared a quick kiss before she went in search of Benedetta.

In one movement Harry waved his arm to stop the music and pulled his wand out of his pocket. Holding the wand in front of his throat, he said, "Sonorus. Your attention please. We have a serious situation developing and I must ask for your full cooperation. All the children and muggles are to go with Antonia, Sophia, Josephine, and Benedetta into the house. Please follow their directions. As for the rest of you, please have your wands at the ready; Benedict is on the way for an attack."

Miraculously, everyone followed the instructions without argument. Steve stopped to offer Harold his assistance. Harold thanked him for the offer, but quickly explained that this would be a magical battle and there was absolutely nothing he could do to help.

Once everyone was in the gym, Antonia said, "Protect." A series of impenetrable magical barriers were set into place. Anyone entering through the door would see nothing but an empty room. No sound or light would escape the barriers. Inside the barrier, the room was full of comfortable couches and chairs, along with a table full of refreshments, books, and games to help pass the time.

The dreaded object with the now famous logo appeared over the Hillside. On instinct, every wand aimed upward. As if a flag were dropped, streams of every color light shot up, penetrating the object until it disintegrated.

Harry had barely said, "That was too easy," when an unearthly sound penetrated the air. All heads turned toward the woods at the far end of the property just in time to see Benedict and his wand ripping through the protective charms. Immediately, streams of green light were hurled at him. The curses struck the protective charm surrounding the Dark Prince and ricocheted in all directions, causing some to take cover behind the boulders scattered around the property, while others overturned tables and used shielding charms to increase their protection.

Several of the aurors near the perimeter were felled by the killing curses sent by Benedict's followers. Pandemonium ensued as Death Eaters swarmed onto the property.

Suddenly a memory came to the forefront of Harold's mind. ("Wizards are human... they can be killed with guns, knives, etc. just like anyone else."). Rushed, he screamed at Harry, "I'll be back in a minute." He ran to the house dodging numerous streams of light along the way.

"Where are you going?" Harry yelled behind him.

Harold ignored him as he entered the house and ran straight into his bedroom. He dropped to the floor, opened the bottom drawer of the chest of drawers, and started tossing clothes all over the room until he found what he was looking for. He pulled his hand gun out of the drawer and shoved it into the waistband of his pants. Cautious, as not to draw attention to himself, he headed out the back door and made his way into the woods. He surveyed the situation before continuing on.

Ginny was behind a boulder sending out charms right and left. Neville lay next to her, unconscious - obviously, the victim of a stunning spell. Fred was bleeding from the shoulder. A curse sent his way, had fortunately only grazed him.

Both Dennis and Mary Johnson were in the thick of things. Harold expected Dennis to handle himself well, but was very impressed with the way Mary fought.

Ron had just dispatched two Death Eaters when he heard a familiar voice. "I've waited almost thirty years for this...Crucio!"

Fury engulfed him, and he lost all sense of reason when he heard Hermione screaming in pain. Swinging around, wand at the ready, he roared, "I warned you what would happen if you ever touched my wife or children."

Draco barely had time to register the unadulterated rage spewing forth before the stream of green light hit him in the chest. As Draco hit the ground, Ron ran over to help Hermione. She had stopped screaming but was shaking uncontrollably and was in a partial state of shock. He gathered her in his arms, held tight and tried to console her. Bill and Charlie stunned a couple of Death Eaters as they started an advanced on the couple.

Aunt Petunia was behind a boulder next to Harry. She was trying her best, but it was obvious that fighting was not her forte. This was making things a bit more difficult for Harry as he had to protect her and fight at the same time.

With the exception of Dobby and Farquar, all the elves had returned to Hogwarts to assist the remaining staff in ensuring the safety of the students. Both by nature and by law, house elves were not allowed to attack humans, though at the same time, they were allowed to protect to them. Dobby and Farquar were throwing powerful shields around Harry and his guests as well as curing charms over those that had anything but major injuries. The intensity and speed with which they worked was absolutely amazing to those who were so used to the usually happy and eager to please creatures. Before returning to Hogwarts, the elves had set new protective charms around the house, further protecting those within the gym.

Benedict stepped to the edge of the woods for a better view, chuckling to himself the entire time. Suddenly, the snap of a twig caused him to turn with a start. He found himself looking at the furious, but strangely controlled face of Harold Potter. "Well, well, well, does the new wizard think he can follow in the footsteps of his world famous brother? You've been a wizard for - what, two months? You don't actually think you have a chance in a magical duel with the Dark Prince do you?"

Calmly, but with great command, Harold said, "Not at all. Your end will come by muggle means."

"I don't have time to listen to your insults or fantasies." Benedict reached into his robes and pulled out his wand. As he raised his wand and started the incantation, Harold pulled out his gun and shot the wand out of Benedict's hand. It landed on the ground, directly in front of Harold. After a momentary feeling of satisfaction at the shocked expression on Benedict's face, Harold set the heel of his boot on the center of the wand and snapped it in half.

The shock and anger on Benedict's face turned into a sick smile as Harry began to scream in pain. "I see your cousin has arrived. He certainly does seem to be enjoying himself. I dare say that your dear twin will welcome the final curse that will end that self heroic life of his. That is, if he lives through the pain long enough."

Horror at what his brother was experiencing, combined with indescribable rage at this madman standing before him, enjoying the pain and mayhem around them caused Harold to react without much thought. A bullet shattering his knee set the mad wizard on his ass when his legs collapsed. The next bullet struck him in the abdomen. Clutching his stomach with one hand while his other kept him upright, Benedict looked up at Harold in pain, shock, and horror. "You can't do this. Just who the hell do you think you are?"

Breathing heavily, Harold evenly said, "I am Harold Potter...apparently your worst nightmare. For all the pain, suffering, and fear you, and those creatures you called parents, have caused the world, not to mention my family..." Harold paused, slowly shaking his head. "Oh, the things I'd love to do to you. Lucky for you, I refuse to lower myself to your level. This ends here and now!" With perfect precision born through his muggle training, Harold pumped two bullets straight into the heart of evil.

Benedict fell backward, the look of shock frozen on his face, while his lifeless, open eyes stared skyward. Just to be sure, Harold sent his last bullet into Benedict's head, straight between the eyes. Using the toe of his boot, he flicked the broken wand onto the body. Pulling out his own wand and pointing it at the corpse, he said, "Incendio."

As the flames started to consume the body, the fighting stopped as the Death Eaters looked at their fallen master. Aurors and members of the Order seized the opportunity and stunned the remaining followers, then securely tying them with rope from their wands. One auror came over to Harold and asked, "Are you alright, sir?"

"Yeah, I'm fine - thanks. When the body is fully cremated, disintegrate every ash...leave nothing behind." He then turned and ran to his brother's side.

While Harold had been dealing with Benedict, Dudley was torturing Harry unmercifully. Dozens of spells were sent at Dudley, but had been deflected in the same manner as those sent toward Benedict at the beginning of the attack.

"DUDLEY, STOP THIS!" Petunia roared.

He just glared at his mother, while leaving his wand trained on Harry. "Shut up, bitch - you're next! Then, when I'm finished with you, I'll finish off the latest addition. There will no more Potters left to save the world ever again."

"Dudley, what has come over you? I don't know who you are, but you're definitely not my son."

"Who the hell would want to be your son? I have finally realized my full potential, no thanks to you."

Petunia's eyes darted between Harry and Dudley. She started to shake, partly from fear, but mostly out of rage. "Dudley, I'm warning you...stop this now or I'll..."

"Or you'll what? You can't stop me."

She grabbed her wand and pointed it at the creature that at one time had been her son. Trying to control her shaking, Petunia forced herself to utter the fatal words. As the green light of the killing curse hit Dudley, he fell back, hitting the ground with a thud. Harry's screams of agony immediately ceased. The deafening silence was pierced by the sound of three gunshots.

Petunia dropped her wand, hid her face in her hands, and started crying. Molly rushed to her side; though not able to do or say anything at the moment, she cradled her friend in her arms.

Antonia had been watching the events through the spyglass and could stand it no longer. She released the gym from its protective state and bolted out of the house toward Harry, followed by Steve, Sophia, and Josephine. At the same time, Harold was running over from the woods.

Ron had noticed that Harry had stopped breathing. He pointed his wand at him and said, "Enervate." Nothing happened.

Madame Pomfrey pushed her way through the crowd which had gathered. She arrived at Harry's side right after Antonia and Harold. Antonia was already bent over her fiancée crying, while Harold stood behind her in shock. Poppy held a small instrument over Harry. Checking the readings, she lowered her eyes, and softly said, "I'm sorry, his heart has stopped."

Harold and Steve looked at each other with silent understanding of what they had to try to do. Steve raised his eyebrows and Harold nodded in agreement. Steve asked Antonia to move. When she refused, he gently, but forcefully, took her arms and pushed her back into her mother's waiting arms. He knelt down on one side of Harry, while Harold knelt on the other side. Steve slowly made a fist and suddenly slammed it into Harry's chest. The assembled magical crowd gasped. Ignoring them, he cupped one hand over the other and pumped Harry's chest to the count of five. Stopping long enough for Harold to blow, what he prayed was life, into his brother. They had continued the procedure for almost five minutes when Harry finally gave a weak cough.

They immediately stopped as Madame Pomfrey again checked Harry. Scanning the results, she said, "He has an extremely weak heartbeat, and his vital signs are barely registering. I don't realistically see how he can survive in this extremely weakened condition.

Harold looked at his brother and cried, "Damn it Harry. I didn't wait forty years to find out that I had a brother, just to have him taken away from me after a few weeks." He ripped Harry's shirt open and placed his right hand on Harry's chest, and his left hand on his scar. Closing his eyes, he started to concentrate. A few seconds later, small red spheres, and small white spheres started traveling down Harold's arms into Harry.

Everyone watched, motionless, not making the slightest sound. Petunia had stopped crying, and Antonia tense, but silent, was still wrapped in her mother's arms. Hermione in Ron's embrace seemed to forget her recent ordeal, while Hagrid stood in back of the group watching with an occasional tear disappearing into his bushy beard. Steve leaned over to Madame Pomfrey and whispered, "What is he doing?"

"He is sharing his life forces with Harry. The red spheres represent the physical, and the white the magical. The two forces are needed to keep a wizard healthy and balanced. My only fear at the moment is that Harold may be allowing his emotions to govern his actions."

"What do you mean?"

"If he is running on pure emotion, there is a chance he won't stop in time and will drain too much of his own forces, putting himself in grave danger."

"Knowing Harold for over thirty years, I can guarantee he is acting on pure emotion. Never having any real family, he's not about to lose something he's always dreamed of. Can't you do anything to stop him?"

"Unfortunately, no. Once the process has begun, it can only be terminated by the one who started it. If I tried to interfere, it could kill them both immediately." She paused for a moment then continued, "If they both live through all this, it will be because of what you did. I've never spent much time in the muggle world and have never heard of such a practice before."

Steve shrugged his shoulders, and said, "It's an emergency procedure that has probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives since it was first discovered. I only did what I was taught many years ago."


Suddenly, Harry inhaled. At the same time, Harold removed his hands and collapsed onto his back next to his brother. Sophia immediately knelt down and took his hand, raising it to her cheek as she watched Madame Pomfrey examine both of them.

In a grave voice, Poppy announced, "They are both alive - just barely. I don't know if they have enough left in them to pull through."

Instantly, Dobby and Farquar had a short, but furious conversation in their native tongue. Once they had finished, Dobby disappeared. Farquar stepped forward and said, "You will all step back a few feet, please. This is for your own protection, as well as that of the Headmaster and his brother." Most of the group complied, though a few resisted. Holding out his arm while standing next to Harry, Farquar slowly started moving in a circle. An invisible shield appeared and gradually spread outward, gently forcing the remaining guests back. When finished, a four foot radius surrounded the unconscious brothers."


Dobby appeared in Harry's office, and in a panicked manner explained the situation to Dumbledore. Albus looked at the distressed little creature and said, "Calm down, Dobby, we'll contact them." Dobby bowed and disappeared.

In a commanding voice, Dumbledore said, "Everyone - the Headmaster needs assistance!" As if someone had flipped a switch, the portrait frames altered and the light show began.


"They come," Dobby said, as he reappeared next to Farquar. The two of them backed out of the shielded area and started to search the pale orange sky. Both elves bowed as four wispy figures appeared overhead and positioned themselves - one on each side of the brothers, one at their heads, and the last one at their feet.

The assembled watched as red and white spheres flowed from The Four. The spheres mixing in a churning ball above the two men and split into two streams engulfing Harry and Harold. Their bodies began to glow as the spheres penetrated every fiber of their beings. The spheres stopped flowing, and the glow faded.

Godric Gryffindor announced to the crowd, "The Potters will be moved to an isolation area to continue their recovery. We are sorry, but they will be unable to have visitors for several days. Rest assured - they will recover fully."

Speaking softly, Helga Hufflepuff chimed in. "Petunia Evans Dursley - there are two who wish to give you special thanks for your sacrifice." At that moment, two small dull spheres appeared in front of Petunia. Each sphere sent out a pale red stream of light. One stream to her head, the other to her heart. When they had finished, the spheres twinkled, then, disappeared.

Petunia sat there with a strangely serene expression. The gift she had just received from Lily and James was a combination of peace, love, understanding, and gratitude. The gifts enabled her to understand and accept that she had not killed her son, but the monster he had been transformed into. She had not only saved her nephews, but had assisted in bringing peace and stability back to the world. Lily's statement weeks ago in Harry's office had come to fruition and Petunia knew she had done the right thing. Her lingering guilt about the past had finally, and completely, vanished.

Farquar created a temporary opening in the shield to allow Antonia and Sophia to spend a few minutes with Harry and Harold. As they left the area, Madame Pomfrey entered. Once the opening was resealed, a blinding light immersed the area. The Four, the twins, and Madame Pomfrey were nowhere to be found, and the shield had collapsed.

Mad-Eye set into action and ordered all the deceased Death Eaters and their wands, to be cremated and the ashes disintegrated. The remaining Death Eaters were then readied and secured for transport to a secure facility to await trial. Certainly, they would all eventually end up in Azkaban.

Remus, Minerva, and Hagrid set up a temporary morgue to identify the deceased aurors and members of the Order, and to arrange transportation to the various funeral homes of the families' choice.

Fred and George had volunteered to take Dudley's body to the funeral home in Hogsmeade. Petunia would go the next day to make the arrangements. They conjured a makeshift casket to take the remains into town. Pointing their wands at the coffin and levitating it, they started down the hill toward town. Petunia and Molly watched them until they had rounded the bend and were out of sight.

Ginny and Neville, along with most of the other guests assisted Dobby and Farquar in cleaning up the mess created by the celebration turned battlefield. Everyone was determined that the Hillside be returned to its normal beauty before the Potter's came home.

Ron and Hermione had their hands full trying to explain the day's events to the triplets, and assuring them that Uncle Harry and Harold would be just fine.

The Trandems and the Johnsons were engrossed in a discussion about everything that had transpired in the preceding hours. As Evan walked over to them, Steve said, "Are you sure Harold and his brother are going to be alright?"

"Positive." With a large smile, he continued, "The care they are getting is truly - out of this world!" Turning a bit more serious, he asked, "Are all of you alright? An introduction to the magical world you never even knew existed is usually shocking enough; but witnessing a magical battle is quite another thing."

"From the time we arrived yesterday evening, until the trouble started today, we were in constant awe and disbelief!" Marta exclaimed. "The idea that all this is real and that people use magic as part of their everyday lives is like a fantasy story come true. Unfortunately, when all hell broke loose, it scared the hell out of me. I wanted to be anywhere but here, and wished I had never heard about any of this."

"That is more than understandable. I can assure you - there wasn't a person here that wasn't scared to death. The only difference is that most of us acted out of instinct and training and were able to fight back. You had no choice but to stay out of the way and watch. I'm very sorry you had to experience this at all."

"Although I have a few thousand questions; one question in particular is really eating at me," Steve said.

"What's that?"

"Why did Harold use a handgun to kill that Benedict person? Wouldn't magic have been a lot easier?"

"Benedict had a variety of dark magic charms and wards that protected him from most wizards' magic. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, Harry is the only one with the power to have destroyed Benedict by magical means. I don't know if Harold had the same ability or not. Wizards are human beings and are just as susceptible to guns, knives, etc. as muggles are. I doubt Benedict ever considered that. My only question is what made Harold think of it?"

"Just who was that Benedict, anyway?" Marta asked.

"I'm sure you heard and saw news reports over the past several months about the volcano in Chile, the destruction of the Christmas decorations around the world, the disaster in Las Vegas, among others? Well, all those were caused by Benedict as part of his plan to take over the planet."

"Wait a minute. The Vegas disaster was caused by an earthquake," Marta insisted.

"No, it was Benedict. Those four wispy figures you saw starting to heal Harry and Harold caused muggles to believe that it was an earthquake in order to prevent a world wide panic. That incident is what caused Harry to suspect that Harold was a wizard. He had seen the same thing we all saw - not the cover story."

"One of these days I would like to hear all the details of this story. I have the distinct impression that Harold gave us quite the condensed version last week."

Evan smiled, "There will be plenty of time for that after they return."

Steve inquired, "I hate to ask, but how are we to get back to London to catch our flight home? Also, how can we keep in touch with Harold? Not the easiest thing since you don't use regular mail or phones."

Evan explained owl post and suggested that Mary could help them in that department upon their return to Minnesota. "Of course, Harry is a rather forward thinking wizard. He has a media room in the house with muggle television, and among other things, a computer. Harold can contact you via email. I don't know why he didn't think of it himself. After all, he's been using computers for years!"

"Great idea! I can hardly wait to see his new email address."

"As far as getting you back to London. I'll come back tomorrow morning and take you myself."

"We don't want to impose. That's a long enough train ride one way, without going both ways in the same day."

"No imposition. You need one of us to get you through the barrier at King's Cross. Anyway, it's only a one way train ride. Once you're on your way to the airport, I'll just apparate back here and then either walk or floo to the castle."

Mary said, "It's almost time for the portkey to take us home. Antonia and Sophia are in the house with their mothers, along with Petunia and Molly. I'd rather not disturb them; so if you'll relay our goodbyes and thanks, we'd be very appreciative."

"Of course. I'm sure I speak for everyone here in thanking both of you for all your assistance during the battle. You were both fantastic!"

"I'm glad we were able to help. It's a great relief to be going home, knowing the world is a much safer place than it was when we arrived." They walked over, picked up the portkey, and waited for the predetermined time. A minute later, they were gone.

Evan surveyed the landscape and was satisfied that all was back to normal, and there was no trace that the party, the battle, or anything else that had happened. As the sun dipped behind the hill, he joined the others in the house.

Needing time alone, Petunia had excused herself, saying she was going to bed early. Josephine and Benedetta had made dinner for the houseful of people. As they ate, Evan inquired what Antonia was going to do the next day.

"Sophia and I are going to Rome with mama and Aunt Benedetta. I'll return and prepare for class on Monday."

"You're planning to teach while Harry is in the hospital...or wherever he's recovering?"

"Why not? Though I don't know where he is, I do know he is safe and on the mend. Need I remind you that while I was in the hospital for over two months, he still ran the school, dealt with the Order, stopped a dam breach and an avalanche, had and attended parties, gained a brother and spent ten days in the South Pacific? Should I be any less capable of going on with my daily responsibilities than he was? Yes, I love him with all my heart, but my entire world does not revolve around him alone. Furthermore, I doubt that he would interested in, or have any respect for, any woman who couldn't carry on in his absence."

"Alright already. Point made...sorry."


By mid-morning the Hillside seemed strangely empty. Antonia, Sophia, and their mothers had gone to Rome while Evan had picked up the Trandems, who were on their way to London. Molly accompanied Petunia to Hogsmeade while she made the arrangements regarding Dudley.

Shinotqua stopped by in the afternoon for tea and to check on how Petunia was doing. Having no knowledge of the gift from Lily and James, she found herself curiously surprised by Petunia's calm acceptance of the situation.


On Monday morning, Molly and Petunia apparated to the Ministry of Magic where they met up with Ron and Hermione. The four of them boarded a Ministry car which took them to the muggle cemetery for Dudley's interment. Petunia had asked that no-one change their schedules to attend, as there would be no funeral service, or any formal ceremony at the gravesite. Antonia and Neville taught their classes as usual while Ginny stayed home with the triplets. However, out of respect for their relationship with Harry, and the fact that Petunia had sacrificed so much for the world, Bill, Charlie, Fred, and George were waiting when the car pulled up.

The simple, unadorned casket sat above the open grave next to Vernon's, which was originally meant for Petunia. She knelt down and traced the letters on Vernon's headstone with her fingers, and whispered, "He's in your care now Vernon." Too spent to cry another tear, she slowly stood up, set a single red rose on the casket, and softly said, "Farewell popkin."

Numb, she just stood there staring at the graves. One by one, Molly's offspring offered a hug along with a few quiet words. Each walked off in a different direction, ducking behind a tree or bush to apparate away. Ron and Hermione returned to the car where Hermione left instructions with the driver to take Petunia and Molly wherever they wanted to go. Ron apparated to the Burrow to relieve Ginny, while Hermione apparated to work.

Petunia asked the driver to take them to her bank. Before they walked through the door, Molly said, "So you're actually going to close your muggle account and transfer the rest of your money to Gringotts. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Managing a weak smile, Petunia stated, "Quite sure. I have no more ties to the muggle world anymore. I intend to spend the rest of my days in the magical world I was meant to be a part of from the beginning."