Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 21

Author's Note:
Again, my thanks to Michele.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 21


Under a clear blue sky, masses of tulips, daffodils, crocus, and numerous other flowers greeted the warming rays of the sun. If one stared hard enough, one could almost watch the buds of new leaves, clinging to the branches of the trees, leisurely unfurl. The birds had started to return to the area and filled the air with their sweet songs. Spring, the season of renewal and hope was clearly dancing in the heavens and covering Mother Earth!

Josephine and Petunia were eating a light breakfast of coffee and sweet rolls out on the patio, enjoying the sights and sounds of the season. The events of the previous day and the dinner at the Three Broomsticks had completely drained them. While Petunia had slept quite soundly, Josephine had apparated to Rome for midnight mass before returning to spend time with her daughter in the wee hours of the morning.

Even though she knew Antonia couldn't hear her, Josephine had told the comatose woman all about the shocking revelations of the previous day. Somehow she felt more positive about Antonia's eventual recovery than she had in quite some time. And that, along with all the other recent events, had helped her sleep better than she had in quite awhile. Although she didn't sleep as long as she would have liked, she remembered that there was no school this week and figured she had all week to catch up.

Petunia had come along way since she and Harry had buried the past and had managed to stop her guilt feelings about his childhood. Being included in the revelation of one of the most closely guarded secrets of all time had gone a long way in her credence that she genuinely belonged in this world and was truly accepted as one of its' members. Her happiness for Harry and Harold was genuine as was her pride in her two nephews. The words of love and forgiveness from her younger sister had sealed her guilt away, though it did cause her to miss Lily in a way she had not experienced in a very long time. She did keep wondering about what she could possibly have to do in the future that would be of such crucial importance to her nephews. After some intense thought, she came to the conclusion that it would be best to just wait for the circumstance to prevent itself, and pray to God that she made the right decision.

As the two women enjoyed the picture perfect morning and the stunning views that the Hillside offered, Josephine started softly humming a tune. Petunia found the melody uplifting and in perfect concert with the overall ambiance of the morning. Curiosity finally got the best of her as she asked, "What is that song? It's absolutely beautiful."

A far away look came over Josephine as her mind reminisced. "It's a song my mother would sing to me on mornings like this when I was a young girl. While my father was at work and my brothers and sisters were in school, my mother and I would go on walks near the river and through the woods. I would sit in her lap with her arms around me and we'd watch the birds and smell the flowers. She always sang this song to me on those days and it was simply our special time. She used to write music and sing, but for some reason, she never wrote down this particular song. Unfortunately, as the years crept by, I forgot the words; but the melody I will never forget. It brings wonderful memories of those special days with mama." She sipped her coffee looking very content lost in her childhood memories. Not wanting to intrude on her friends moment, Petunia sat back with her own coffee and simply enjoyed the panorama.

"Happy Easter ladies!" Both women turned with a start as the mans' voice tore into their silent bliss. Evan stood smiling at them holding a large bag. He set the bag down and produced two large bouquets of yellow and white tulips. As he presented each of them a bouquet, he gave them a kiss on the cheek. "I thought I'd come over early and help you set up for the invasion. Hope you don't mind."

"Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful! Petunia continued with a smile, "Your offer of help is gratefully appreciated. Would you like some coffee and rolls before we get started?"

"Sounds great, thanks."

Josephine stood up and said, "I'll send a cup out while I put these in water. They really are beautiful. So nice of you to think about a couple of old ladies on this magnificent morning."

"I'd hardly call you old ladies, but I'm glad you like the flowers anyway."

Petunia tapped the coffee pot with her wand to make sure it was still hot as the cup came floating out of the house. As she poured she said, "When Harry decided to build a house, he certainly knew where to put it! I never tire of the constantly changing vista."

"Yeah, he was smart too. As I understand it, he owns the entire hill and can do anything he pleases with it." Evan reached down and grabbed the bag as Josephine returned. "I brought something to put on Harry's mantle. Last week, Harry, Harold, and I were flying around and I took some pictures. There are many good ones, but I think this one is the best of the bunch. Of course, after yesterday's event, it has changed from what it looked like a couple days ago." He pulled a framed picture out of the bag and set it on the table. The twins were flying over the Quidditch pitch with identical looks of exhilaration. The wind in their faces revealed Harry's scar, allowing the viewer to tell them apart. Although taken before the transformation, it was obvious that their souls had linked long before the event. Sharing the joy and freedom of being airborne, seemingly not having a care in the world, even for a short period of time, seemed to suddenly put things into a perspective that nobody had really noticed before.

"That is a wonderful picture. In fact, it's perfect! I think they will treasure it for years to come." Petunia shyly continued, "If you don't mind, I'd like a copy for myself."

Evan smiled, "I thought you might." He pulled out a slightly smaller copy which had already been framed and handed it to her.

"That was so thoughtful of you, Evan. Thank you. It means more to me than you can imagine. If you'll excuse me, I want to put this in my living room before we get started."


"Is there a problem my lord?" Draco asked with caution, as he had had more than one unpleasant experience when his master was in this type of mood.

"Something has happened. There seems to be a major blockade in the magical forces around the world. I've never seen anything like this, nor have I ever read about such an occurrence."

"I don't think I understand, sir."

"For once I don't blame you, as I am at a loss myself. I am unable to contact any of my followers anywhere in the world and seem to be limited to only the most basic of magic myself."

"Do you suspect Potter? It would be just the type of thing he'd try to pull."

"Potter may be extremely powerful, but even he couldn't come close to something like this. I do suspect that he is somehow involved though. I need you to do a bit of espionage work for me, Draco."

"How am I to do that if all the magic is blocked?"

"You will have to get to London by muggle means. I believe the fastest way would be by airplane."

Draco immediately turned milk white and a severe case of nausea set in. "You mean you actually want me to get in one of the flying metal tubes with a couple hundred muggles?"

"Precisely. I know it's not the most pleasant thought, but it would seem the only logical choice under the circumstances. We need to find out what has happened."

"But I have no muggle money and have no experience in such revolting things."

"Open the bottom drawer of the cabinet over there. You will find more than enough of that muggle paper money for your needs. Experience or not, revolting or not; you are the most logical choice for the job. You will have to use all that Malfoy cunning and charm your family has been known for all this time. You are to dress and act like a muggle and are not to create any problems along the way. Do you understand?"

Although this was far below a Malfoy's standards, Draco knew the punishment would be nothing like he had ever experienced before if he refused. So he shoved his pride, fear, and loathing as far back into his being as possible and said, "Yes my lord."

"Do not disappoint me, Draco. I expect you to find out the cause of this highly unusual phenomenon."

With a nod, Draco took a considerable amount of money from the drawer along with a few pamphlets on plane and train schedules and one which explained muggle money and exchange rates. Turning to face Benedict, he said, "I will leave post haste, my lord."

Flashing a dastardly look, Benedict evenly said, "Do not fail me, Draco."

With a quick nod, Draco turned and left his master wondering just what had caused this perplexing change of events.


Petunia, Josephine and Evan had tried to think how it would be possible for everyone to eat at the same table at the same time. Suddenly an idea came to Evan. He held up his finger and said, "I'll be back in a minute." He headed down the hall and disappeared into the gym. A few minutes later he beckoned them to the room. Leaning against the door jam looking rather pleased with himself, he asked, "Will this do?"

The women stopped in their tracks as they entered the room, eyes taking in the stunning sight that greeted them. "Magnifico!" Josephine stated in awe.

The room was three times its normal size. A very long table with enough chairs around it for all the expected guests was centered in the room. A pale yellow tablecloth with white lace edging dangled over the sides. Pale green dishes, crystal goblets, and all the required silverware awaited the diners. There were a couple of serving tables against the wall for platters and decanters. The walls were decorated with murals of springtime scenes of various Minnesota lakesides and meadows.

"Evan, it's simply spectacular!" Petunia gasped. "I had no idea you were so gifted."

Smiling timidly while turning a pale shade of pink, Evan said, "I'm not. This room is Harry's creation. I've simply watched him change it enough to figure out how to work the place. The decorations are really from watching lots of muggle movies when I was young, and remembering the ever changing landscapes that I grew up with."

"Be that as it may," Petunia said warmly, "it was still your idea, and I appreciate it."

"If you wouldn't be insulted, Evan, I would like to add just two minor details," Josephine asked.

"Not at all."

Pointing her wand at the living room, Josephine said, "Accio flowers!" She repeated the process pointing toward Petunia's living room. The two vases of tulips that Evan had brought earlier now graced the table, perfectly spaced, of course.

While the women returned to their cooking, Evan continued decorating the house and patios with dozens of potted Easter Lilies. After all, this was no ordinary Easter celebration - there was much to celebrate this year!

The guests started arriving around half past one, and by two o' clock the place was teeming with people.

Fred and George stood fixated at the new addition to the mantle. "You'd think the two of you had never seen twins before," Hermione commented. It was then they noticed their mother and siblings had joined them in the amazement that hadn't quite sunk into everybody's heads yet. Naturally, it was the topic of conversation all over the house.

"Fred, I think we'll have to take them to dinner when they return."

"Good thinking George. They have much to learn in this area."

"That's a great idea," Ron said in an approving tone. "We'll have a grand time!"

"Not you, you prat." Fred said while rolling his eyes. "Fortunately mum and dad had the good sense to produce only one of you."

"And the world is eternally grateful!" George added with a touch of drama. "No, this is going to be a twin thing."

"Don't you two be putting ideas into their heads now. Do you understand me?" Molly said in the most serious tone she could muster, while waving her finger in their faces.

"Who...us?" came the unified response.

Ron's gaze returned to the picture. "I wonder how they're getting on?"


Harry had been tossing and turning in his sleeping bag trying to get comfortable all night long. Of course, this only served to increase his frustration as the bag would end up twisted around his body, making him that much more uncomfortable. Finally he sat up letting out a sigh of irritation, which apparently had been louder than he had intended.

Harold propped himself up on one arm and asked, "What the hell is your problem Harry?"

"How can you sleep in one of these things on the ground without going crazy?"

"Well, it's not like I've never been camping before. Not to mention, that compared to some of the places and conditions I've had to sleep in on certain missions over the years, this seems like a palace." A thought crossed Harold's mind as he asked, "Haven't you ever gone camping before?"

"Sure, but not like this."

"Okay, I'll bite. What other type of camping is there?"

"Wizard camping. The tent is enchanted so it looks a lot like this one on the outside, but inside you have a sitting room with tables and chairs, a small kitchen, and beds in the bedroom. Someday, I'll take you camping as it is meant to be."

"I'll go anytime you want, but it doesn't sound very different from muggles who drive around the country in motor homes and consider that 'roughing it'. In the meantime, you're going to have to deal with real, muggle camping or you're going to be too tired to get anything done around here."

"And your point is?"

"Somehow I have the feeling that if we don't get this finished in ten days, our stay will be extended until it is."

"I suppose you have a good point there. I haven't had this little control over my life since I left the Dursley's." Harry sighed, "I also haven't had this little magic since that time either. How the hell could dad have ever come up with such an idea?"

"Don't ask me. You knew him better than I did!"

"What are you on about now? We were the same age when they were killed. From what Albus told us they saw you almost everyday until they died. Except for a few weird experiences over the years, I never saw them in true human form, except in a mirror, until yesterday. You know - when you saw them too."

"I guess it just seems different since you grew up here and had Aunt Petunia and many of their friends around."

"Listen, as far as Aunt Petunia is concerned, the woman you know is someone I only met a couple of years ago. For almost forty years she was a complete bitch and we could hardly stand the sight of each other. It wasn't until Uncle Vernon died and Dudley ended up in jail that she started doing some serious soul searching and made the first move. It has taken a great deal of time, forgiveness, and patience to get to where we are today. As far as all of mum and dad's friends go, yes, they have been both protective and supportive, but it still didn't replace them."

"Maybe not, but it did give you some semblance of their existence."

Harry realized that Harold had a point and made a mental note not to try and compare their lives when it came to their parents.

Harold looked at his watch and quickly figured the time difference. "Everyone should be at the house for Easter dinner about now. I wonder how that's going? Three guesses as to the main topic of conversation!"

"Yeah, that's going to be fun to go back to. By the time we get back, there won't be a witch or wizard who won't have heard the news."



"How have you handled all the fame and notoriety that came from being the Boy Who Lived all these years?"

"I don't know. I've always tried to ignore it for the most part then tried my best to just deal with it rest of the time. Why?"

"As you just said, by the time we get back, this news is going to be known all over the world. Suddenly, your spotlight is going to include me and I have no clue how to handle it. I've always been a rather private person and have lived in relative anonymity. I have the definite feeling those days are gone forever."

"I'm afraid you may be spot on there. I'm really sorry about that. As far as how to handle it...I'll have to think on that before I can give you any advice or ideas. It's just something I learned to deal with over the years and I've never thought about how to do it before."

Harold yawned and said, "When you think of something, let me know. In the meantime, I suggest you try to get some sleep. We've got a lot of work to do around here and without magic, it ain't going to be easy."

"Yeah, I can hardly wait. Good night."


"Anytime you want to stop teaching and go into interior design," Ginny said with admiration, "just let me know. I can guarantee you loads of clients and a very promising future!"

Evan politely smiled and said, "Thanks, but I love teaching too much to ever consider doing anything else. I do appreciate the offer though. How's the new house progressing?"

"Believe it or not, it's actually ahead of schedule and should be ready in another four to six weeks. As much as I love mum and all, it will be good to be back in our own home again."

Minerva was conversing with Remus and Mad-Eye, who had left strict instructions with Farquar on how to monitor events at headquarters during their absence. Mad-Eye had actually acquiesced to attend the celebration long enough to at least have dinner. He hadn't shared the news about the magical blockade with anyone except Remus, who had jumped on the opportunity to get him to the Hillside.

"I've just found out that the Potters' story will be on the front page of The Daily Prophet tomorrow," Minerva said with some concern in her voice.

"Does this surprise you? It's probably the biggest news since Voldemort was vanquished. In fact, I dare say bigger!" Remus said with a certain amount of confusion in his voice.

"I realize that. I only wish they had waited until the boys had returned and could have given a proper accounting of their story. I also don't understand how the news could have spread so quickly."

"Minerva, you really need to get out of the castle more often. Look around you, there are at least fifty people here who know about it, and we weren't exactly quiet at the Three Broomsticks last night. I'm sure Harry and Harold will give an interview with only the details they want to share with the public upon their return. I'm positive that the few people who were in that office yesterday will not disclose any details to anyone."

"I suppose you are correct. I just have an uncomfortable feeling about it for some unexplained reason."


Feeling that he would somehow be less conspicuous, Draco had taken a night flight to London and then the underground, where he emerged a block away from the Leaky Cauldron. He momentarily thought about going in as he was in desperate need of a drink. The trip had been more traumatic than he had expected. The plane was almost full and he had been assigned a middle seat. Being surrounded by muggles in such close proximity for that length of time had almost made him vomit. He hadn't faired any better on the underground. With sheer strength of will he continued past the bar and entered a shabby adult bookstore farther down the block. He proceeded through the poorly lit establishment and into a private booth where he entered Knockturn Alley. It had been years since he had been here, but it hadn't changed at all. He slipped into Borgin & Burkes to see if he could find any of the information he sought.

Hearing the tinkle of the small bell over the door, Mr. Borgin emerged from the back room. "Mr. Malfoy, this is an unexpected surprise! I had heard you had broken out of Azkaban and had subsequently joined up with the Dark Prince. What on earth are you doing here, and how may I be of assistance?"

"I need some information and wasn't sure where to start as I'm rather limited as to where I can go at the moment. Obviously I can't go to Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic, Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, or even to the Leaky Cauldron. I remembered your fine establishment and here I am." Turning on the Malfoy charm, he asked, "You wouldn't by any chance have any spirits around? It has been a rather harrowing trip and I could certainly use a little something to settle my nerves."

"As a matter of fact I do. Let me fetch it from the back." Mr. Borgin was gone only a moment and returned with a bottle of firewhiskey and a glass. Draco downed the drink in one gulp and Mr. Borgin refilled the glass at once. "What happened on the trip that has you in such a state, sir?"

"To get here I had to take a muggle airplane and the underground. I just spent more time with muggles in the past few hours than I have in my entire life!"

"Pardon my asking, but why did you take muggle transportation in the first place?"

Drinking more of the whiskey, Draco looked at the old man with complete frustration. "Are you serious? There is some kind of blockage of most of the magic around the world. Haven't you noticed it?"

"Well, no. The shop was closed yesterday and since I live upstairs, I haven't had much cause to use more than a few basic spells. Do you have any idea what is causing this strange turn of events?"

"At first I thought that Harry Potter had managed it somehow, but my master made me understand that not even Harry is that powerful. He does, however, feel that Potter is involved by some means. So, he sent me here to find out anything I can." He finished his drink and signaled his desire for another.

As Mr. Borgin filled his glass for the third time, an owl flew in with the morning edition of The Daily Prophet. He took the paper and read the headline, causing his eyes to grow a slight bit larger. "I may have the answer you seek, Mr. Malfoy."

As the glass left Draco's lips, he looked up to see the paper, which had been turned in his direction. One glance at the headline and the picture below it caused Draco to send whiskey spraying all over the counter. He grabbed the paper and skimmed the article. "Oh shit - he's duplicated!" Pulling the schedules out of his pocket and checking them over, then looking at his watch, he said, "I've got to go." Tossing several bills on the counter, Draco headed for the door. "Sorry for the mess, and thanks for the drinks. That should be enough to buy a case of firewhiskey and a couple dozen papers with some left over."


Sweat dripping down their faces, and down the rest of their bodies for that matter, Harry and Harold carried another of the uprooted palm trees to the far end of the island where they had managed a formidable pile.

"Why did we have to clear that particular area first?" Harold asked as he straightened his aching back. "It would have been a hell of a lot easier to start at one end and just keep going."

"According to the instructions, we have to plant the seed for this particular tree first. It says it usually takes fifty years to reach maturity, but it has been enchanted to do it in five days. It says I'll know what to do with the tree once it has grown."

"What kind of tree is it?"

"I don't know, the name has about eighty-seven letters in it and no common name was given." Chuckling, Harry asked, " Where's Neville when you need him?"

They planted the tree, carefully following the instructions, and gave it water from the spring, which was the only thing to have survived the disaster. As they continued clearing the rest of the fauna, they noticed that the tree had already started to grow and grew larger each time they passed it.

As the sun was about to meet the water on the horizon, they stripped and jumped into the ocean to clean themselves of the sand and sweat. They had eaten in relative silence. Harold had been watching Harry ever since their arrival. There was something about this place that seemed to bring back some kind of memory and Harold wasn't going to let his brother keep slipping away for the entire time they were stuck here. "Okay, Harry - what is it about this island?"


"Ever since we got here, you keep getting into these moods with a bittersweet expression. What is it about this place? Have you been here before?"

Harry turned and stared at the gentle waves as he told Harold about the perfect day he and Antonia had spent on the island and their quick escape when the tidal wave hit.

"Why didn't you just stop it? I mean with all those powers you have, couldn't you have done something to counteract it?"

"NO." Harry took a moment to calm himself. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. It's just that most people have the wrong idea about all these powers I have. It may be true that between my birth powers, the ones I got from Voldemort, and the ones from Dumbledore, I may well be the most powerful wizard to ever have lived. But, being a powerful wizard doesn't make me some kind of deity. I have limits like any other wizard. If I over-extend, it drains me. You should know about that after the Switzerland event." He paused for a moment, looked at Harold and asked, "Did I ever thank you for what you did that night? I remember being shocked at what you and Aunt Petunia did, especially because you just seemed to know what had to be done; but I don't know if I ever properly thanked you."

"It just seemed the proper thing to do at the time. I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing - I just did it!"

"Anyway, if I could pull off miracles, I would be able to rid the world of Benedict and anyone like him. We wouldn't be fighting a war. People wouldn't be getting hurt or killed. There would be no poverty or disease on the planet. The list could go on and on. I don't know how to get that across to people that seem to think I can do anything and everything. Damn powers are as much a curse as they are a benefit."

"Guess that makes sense. I had never really thought about it. On the other hand, I still marvel at this entire magical world that I'm suddenly a part of. Hopefully, I won't disappoint you."

"What the bloody hell are you on about now? How can you disappoint me? You're my brother!"

"Exactly. I'm the brother... the twin brother... of 'The Boy Who Lived'. I'll probably be known as 'The Spare in Hiding'."



"That is utter bullshit and you're starting to piss me off! First of all, the only reason I lived the night mum and dad were killed is because of the protection mum gave me by sacrificing herself in order to save me, and also to fulfill a prophecy. The rest just came with the territory. From everything I've heard from dad, Dumbledore, and yourself, you've done at least as much, if not more, in the muggle world than I've done in this world. You're going to do great things in the magical world."

"Really. And you would know this how?"

Harry smiled and sarcastically replied, "Simple. You're my brother. You can't help it!"

Harold rolled his eyes and said, "Right. Well, tomorrow is going to be another long day, think I'll get some sleep. You coming?"

Wanting some time alone with his thoughts of Antonia, Harry quietly replied while staring off into another time, "In a few minutes."

Knowing where Harry's thoughts had drifted off to, Harold spoke with great comfort in his voice, "She'll be fine, Harry. We'll be dancing at your wedding in no time." Before heading to the small tent, Harold momentarily put his hand on Harry's shoulder.

As he left, Harry sighed, "Thanks, I know. I'll be along shortly."

"Okay. Just try not to step on me like you did last night."


Evan decided to spend a few days at his house on Lake Minnetonka, Shinotqua went home to South Africa, Neville spent time with his family at the Burrow, while several other teachers took advantage of the lack of students by taking short holidays.

Evan was having dinner with the Johnson's and filling them in on the story of the amazing events of the previous Saturday.

"You mean Harold is really Harry's brother?" Sean asked.

"Yep...his twin brother, to be precise"

"I know they kinda look alike, but not like any twins I've ever seen."

"They do now." Evan pulled out a copy of the picture he had framed for the twins and Petunia and shared it with the family. Mouth's dropped in astonishment.

"That is absolutely the most incredible story I've ever heard," Mary said while slowly shaking her head. "How did they take all this?"

"I wasn't there when they actually found out as it was kept a private affair. A small group of us joined them shortly after the transformation and explanation had taken place. Except having to get used to Harold's new features, it went pretty well. They seemed to be handling it okay, though still somewhat shocked. They were sent off to some deserted South Seas island to get used to the idea and to each other."

"How long will they be there?"

"Ten days, I think...assuming they don't kill each other first."


"Ah, Draco, back already I see. Tell me, do you have an explanation as to what is causing the blockade?"

"Yes my lord." Nervously, Draco continued, "I don't think you're going to like what I have found out."

"Probably not. But if you don't hurry and get on with it, you're not going to be happy with my displeasure. Now, what's going on?"

Draco opened the paper and set it on the desk in front of his master. As Benedict scanned the headline and picture, anger and concern started creeping over his face. "If this is some kind of an attempt at humor, Draco, I will see that you realize pain like you've never imagined possible."

"It is no joke my lord. I was there when the owl delivered the paper."

Deciding, his servant was being truthful, Benedict turned his consideration back to the article. "It doesn't give much detail - does it?"

"Apparently that is all that is known so far. I understand there will be a press conference once the two of them return."

"When they return? I suppose this has something to do with some kind of sibling love rubbish, being twins and all." Rage started to overtake Benedict. "How could something like this have been kept from my father, the great Lord Voldemort?" he reflected on that for a moment. "Great? How great could he really have been; he feared Dumbledore and was destroyed by a seventeen year old boy. On the other hand, if he did know about this, why wasn't this information passed on to me. I knew there was something strange about that friend of Potter's, but I never suspected anything like this."

Cautiously, Draco spoke up again. "There is another peculiar fact regarding this blockade." Benedict leaned back in his chair and gestured for Draco to continue. "It seems there are a select few who are exempt. Several of the teachers at Hogwarts have left on holiday. I also suspect, though I have no proof, that there may be members of that secret organization of theirs that may be exempted too."

Draco jumped with a start as Benedict slammed his fist onto the desk. "Leave me. I have much thinking to do. While you're at it, take a very long hot bath - you wreak of muggle. Now go!"


Remus and Mad-Eye had been joined by Minerva, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Molly in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place.

"Do you think Benedict knows what has happened?" Molly asked.

Mad-Eye growled, "Once it hit the papers, I don't see any way he couldn't know by now. We're going to have to keep an eye on Harold, he's a big target for that madman now."

"Do you think he'll stay in Britain?" Ron asked.

"I should think so," Hermione responded. "After all, he's got family for the first time in his life. After having no-one for so long and suddenly having a brother, an aunt, and a godfather... who could leave all that behind?"

"As much as I hate the idea, I think we should make tentative plans for a press conference about all this," Minerva said. "If we have it at Hogwarts and control the situation, the Potters can share what they want about the situation and hopefully squelch wild rumors and theories that are sure to abound."

Questionable expressions and silence met the surprising suggestion by the normally private deputy headmistress. Finally, Remus said, "Actually, that may not be a bad idea. There has always been a curiosity about Harry ever since he was a baby. I'm sure we all remember the countless number of sordid tales that have appeared in various publications over the years. This way, they can get one official story with whatever details they want to share and, hopefully, that will be the end of it. At least until the war is over."


Harry and Harold pulled themselves onto the rocks, breathing heavily after ending up in the pond due to their brawl. There was a long silence before they both burst out laughing. "That has got to be one of the most idiotic things I have ever done," Harry said realizing his own stupidity.

"You have no idea just how stupid."

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm here in one piece. It's not like I'm seriously injured or dead!"

"Harry, you're not seriously injured, or dead, because you're my brother and I'm not ready to be an only child again. It would have been easy enough to take care of you permanently if I had set my mind to it. As it is, you are going to be one sore puppy come morning."

"Being a bit dramatic and overconfident aren't you? It's not like I'm not in decent shape or anything. I didn't do that badly."

"No, I'm not being dramatic or overconfident - just factual." After a minute or so of silence, Harold asked, "Do you really want me to address the rest of that statement?"

Sensing he wasn't actually going to like the answer, Harry slowly said, "No, but - go ahead."

"To put it bluntly...you were pathetic. Now, before you get all pissed off again, hear me out. "You were a skinny, scrawny little kid. Your cousin and his friends used to beat you up all the time and there was nothing you could do about it, short of running away. I know because the same thing happened to me. Once you got to Hogwart's and started playing quidditch, you gained muscle and athletic prowess. I did the same when I got to St. Gregory's and started playing football. Quidditch is a game of speed, finesse, and balance - while football is a game which involves some finesse, but it mostly involves simple brute force."


"Don't interrupt Harry, it's rude. I'm not putting down quidditch at all. In fact, from what little I've seen so far, and from what you and Evan have told me about it, I would have to say that it takes a hell of a lot more endurance than football. A game that can last anywhere from only a few minutes to possibly several days or weeks until that snitch is caught is almost incomprehensible."

"Well thanks for that admission."

"Shut up, Harry. We're not comparing sports here. I'm trying to get a point through that thick skull of yours. Now where was I? Oh yeah. All of your duels, fights, and whatever since then have been magical. You use your wand, incantations, hexes, and all of that. When I entered the academy, part of my training was in multiple methods of self defense. That training was used more times over the years than I care to think about. When it came down to me or them...I made sure I was the one alive in the end."

"You mean you've actually...?"

"Yes Harry, I've killed men with my bare hands. It's something that I did only when absolutely necessary. I don't like to think about it and I've certainly never bragged about it."

"But, how? I mean..."

Harold sighed, then reached over and grabbed Harry's neck with one hand and slowly pushed him onto his back. "Now there really is nothing you can do at the moment. If you try to pull my arm away or make any other move, my grip is going to tighten and you will be strangled to death." He pulled him up , put one arm around Harry, pinning his arms to his torso. He pulled Harry's back against him and grabbed his head. "Now, all I have to do is quickly yank your head to either side and break your neck." As he let go, Harold continued, "Those are only two methods. There are dozens more."

Suddenly realizing just how strong and skilled his brother was, Harry quipped, "Guess I never really thought about it much since I entered the magical world."

"Well, it's not as sanitized as a spell or a potion, but the results are the same." Harold glanced around and asked, "Do you have any idea where our glasses are? I'm getting a headache looking at a blurred world."

Moving on their hands and knees, they both started feeling the ground around them as they crawled along. Finding a pair first, Harold put the glasses on and looked at Harry. "Oops. Oh shit, I'm sorry Harry."

"Sorry about what?"

"Remember me telling you that you were going to be sore in the morning?"

"Yeah, I can hardly wait. What about it?"

"Well, I guess I hit you a little harder than I thought. You've got one hell of a shiner there and I don't think it's going to go away before we get back."

"Oh great! Let's hope we see Madam Pomfrey before anyone else. Can you see my glasses anywhere around here yet?" Scooping the other pair of glasses off the ground, he handed them to Harry.

During dinner Harry started asking Harold many questions about his life and experiences. He was amazed at what Harold had experienced and the fact that he was actually still alive, especially without the help of magic. After digesting all the information, he said, "Harold."


"When we get back, will you teach me muggle self defense?"

"Planning on turning in your wand are you?"

"Not quite. I just think it might be a good idea if I had at least some basic self defense skills. I doubt many wizards would ever even think about that, which means it could come in very handy!"

"If that's what you want, I suppose I could."

"Have you thought any more about what you're going to do now that you're a full wizard?"

"Seems rather strange to start thinking about a new career at this age. I mean I'm only twenty-five years away from retirement. Of course, in my profession, I never thought I'd actually live long enough to see retirement. You know, I just figured the odds would catch up with me long before that."

"Guess I forgot to mention that wizards tend to live a bit longer than muggles. I suspect you have well over a hundred years to go."

"WHAT? Are you serious? How is that possible?"

"Magic extends the life span. There is a relationship between magic and nature, where they sort of feed off each other. The more powerful the witch or wizard, the longer their life; barring accidents, murders and that sort of thing. Minerva recently turned one hundred, though I doubt you thought she was anywhere close to that, and she is nowhere near ready to retire as you can plainly see. Dumbledore was one hundred and seventy nine when he died last year."

"That certainly sheds a different light on things." Wanting to ponder this latest revelation alone for awhile, Harold said, "I think I'll go for a walk."

"Don't get lost."

"Yeah, I'll do my best."

The next morning Harry immediately found that Harold wasn't kidding about being sore. He wanted nothing more than to just lie there until the pain went away - no matter how many years it took. He glanced over and noticed Harold wasn't in his sleeping bag. A momentary wave of fear encompassed him. This was an island, he couldn't have gotten lost. The Four had arranged all this and were obviously protecting them from any and all outside forces. He slowly crawled out of the small tent and got to his feet. His attention was drawn to the fauna that had been growing at a spectacular rate. The first tree they had planted was at least seventy-five feet tall and almost as wide. The palms and other trees and plants were also almost fully grown. The island was actually more beautiful than it had been when he had been here with Antonia.

"About time you got up! Here, have some breakfast." Harry turned with a start as Harold handed him a cup of coffee and a roll. "Do you feel as bad as you look?"

"I'm trying not to think about it. I just hope I can return the experience sometime," Harry replied as he sipped his coffee.

"Whatever. I wouldn't suggest betting your wand on it."

"That's it!


"I still have to teach you how to duel!" A look of complete innocence enveloped Harry's face, as he said, "For your own good of course."

"Of course."

Feeling a little more in control after watching his brother's face at that little revelation, Harry asked, "So, what's on the agenda today?"

"I think we're supposed to build something."

"Build something? What gave you that idea and what are we supposed to build with?"

"You know all those palm trees that we've been piling on the far end of the island?" Harry nodded in the affirmative. "Come over here and look at them now."

As they approached the pile, Harry saw that the palm trees had been changed into perfect construction lumber. "Who did this?"

"I did," Harold said, looking quite pleased with himself. I was looking for something in my pack and came across a note. It said to use my wand and say this incantation. I followed the directions and this is what happened. I'm not sure what it's for though. Maybe we're supposed to build some kind of hut or something."

As Harry searched the landscape for a suitable place for a hut, his attention focused on the giant tree in the middle of the island. The immense trunk split into four massive main branches about twenty feet off the ground, which left a sizeable opening in the center of the tree. "We're to build a tree house."

"A tree house? Aren't we a bit old for a tree house?"

"Not a kid's tree house you git, something a bit more substantial. Sort of a hotel suite. Witches and wizards have been coming here for years, just like Toni and I did, to spend a romantic day away from the rest of the world. This would give people a way to spend a weekend, or several days at a time here." He paused with a far away expression for a moment. "In fact, I know exactly what I want to use it for...hopefully."

"That's all well and good, but how are we supposed to build this thing up there? The trunk goes up at least twenty feet before it branches out, not to mention we don't seem to have any nails, screws, or anything else to build it with."

"You didn't find anything else in your pack?"

"I'm not sure where those instructions came from in the first place. Remember, we went through everything in both packs when we first got here to see what Evan, Ron, and whoever had put in the damn things. Why don't you check yours and see if anything new has popped up."

Harry searched his pack and, sure enough, discovered a new letter. He scanned the document, shook his head, and mused, "No wonder those things weighed so much. Pull out those bags of metal ingots that we thought were Hagrid's joke and empty them onto the ground."

"Okay, now what?" Harold asked as he stared at the pile of metal.

"Tap the top of the pile with your wand, say 'Facario', and stand back."

Harold tapped the pile and took a couple of steps back. As the ingots started transforming a sound similar to the popping of firecrackers started, except these sounds were of loud clanging of metal. Harold jumped back joining his brother.

Once the performance had ended, Harry quipped, "Showoff's."


"Probably dad, or at least he thought of it, when he dreamed up this entire little bonding experience. Anyway, it would seem that we have the necessary tools, screws, nails etc. to build with. Apparently we do have the use of some magic to get everything up there as we build."

Harold warily glanced up at the massive tree and said, "This should be interesting, to say the least."


"Bloody hell," Ron exclaimed as he read The Daily Prophet. "This explains a lot of what's been going on for the past few days. I'd bet my last knut this has something to do with Harry and Harold."

"What are you talking about dear?" Molly asked.

"Seems there is a worldwide magical blockade. Only basic magic is being allowed, with no apparating, no floo network, nothing. Only a few Hogwarts teachers have been allowed to go on holiday. A bit extreme don't you think?"

Hermione looked over her cup of tea and said, "First of all, I sincerely doubt that Harry knows anything about this. He certainly wouldn't condone putting the world on hold for his sake." She sipped her tea, then continued, "I think it is a good idea though."

"A good idea?" Ron asked incredulously.

"Sure. No-one can pull off a surprise attack or try anything else while Harry is away."

"So why not just block the bad guys and leave the rest of us alone? Plus, why were a few teachers allowed to go on holiday?"

"I suppose the teachers were allowed because they need a break. Between teaching all those kids and being part of the Order, they deserve it. As far as only blocking the bad guys, I would have to surmise that it's only fair to stop everyone."

"What do you mean fair?"

"This is our fight, not that of the powers that be. Now, while Dumbledore and The Four have helped Harry to some degree, it's still our fight and our problem. On the one hand, it would be simple to have some greater power take care of this for us, but in actuality it would take away too much of our free will."

"You're losing me, dear."

"For thousands of years, both wizards and muggles have had free will. It allows us to choose almost everything in life; from something as simple as leaving your hair the way nature intended or changing the color, curls to straight or vice versa. Allowing people the freedom of choosing to live an essentially good life or an evil one. You know what I'm talking about and how it's been true in both worlds. If some supernatural power were to suddenly take care of our problems for us, we'd actually lose some of our free will and would be indebted to them and their will. It's just like, all those amazing powers Harry has. As powerful as he is, he can't just wave his hand and rid the world of Benedict and all other evil. He has to fight just like everyone else. He's not omnipotent by any means. Frankly, for what is has cost him throughout his life, you couldn't give me those powers for anything."

"I don't know, it would be pretty amazing to have all those powers," Ron said as he fiddled with the edge of the newspaper.

"Ronald, you're not thinking. What if things had been reversed and you grew up with no parents and no siblings. You meet Harry and Harold on the train to Hogwarts shortly after finding out that the wizarding exists and that you are a wizard. The Potter's 'adopt' you into their family, but as nice as they are, and as hard as they try, you never truly feel part of the family. In the meantime all these problems and responsibilities dog your every move and thought. People keep expecting all these great things from you. Most of the time, when things go wrong, you get blamed. All kinds of news stories are printed about you, many of which are anything but true. You spend more and more of your time alone as all your friends gradually get married, start having lives and families of their own. You travel the world in order to have a little tranquility in your life. Accept a job which turns out to be completely different than what you expected, but keep it because it's what's expected of you. Suddenly, you find out you have a twin brother that you never knew existed. If that isn't enough, you are actually allowed to spend a minimal amount of time with the parents you lost when you were a baby and never even knew. As wonderful as that idea may sound, just think about how emotionally devastating that could actually be in the long run. Now, Harry may have a bit more happiness in his life having gained a brother and soon to be wife, but I don't think this will be the end of his trials and tribulations by any means." She paused and gazed deep into her husbands' eyes and asked, "So, do you really think it would be worth all that for a few extra powers?"

"I guess I've never really looked at his life quite that way before. I mean I never thought it fair that he had suffered so much loss in life, or that so much was always expected of him. But, I've never put it in a summarized form like that before. Come to think about it; for all his fame, money, and powers, I'd never want to be Harry Potter." He paused and gazed at Hermione. "You know what would be the worst part of all that for me?"


Taking her hand in his, he softly said, "Not having the most wonderful wife I could ever imagine, and the sons she has given me." He leaned over and gave her a long passionate kiss.

Molly, Ginny, and Neville quietly left the room.


The tree house had turned out better than they had anticipated. It had a sitting room, and a small kitchen of sorts on the main level. A narrow staircase led to the treetop bedroom which included a closet/changing room. A small box had appeared in Harry's pack with miniaturized furniture, that once placed in the appropriate rooms, grew to proper size with the wave of his wand. Harold had received a box with curtains, necessities, and the like. The windows, as well as the bedroom ceiling did not contain glass; instead a new charm had been used. The natural elements of wind, rain, and the like were prevented from entering the structure, but not the sounds of nature. The ceiling in the bedroom offered an unobstructed view of the heavens above. A canopy of palm branches, matching those covering the exterior walls of the tree house, magically covered the ceiling in the morning, to allow the occupants the luxury of sleeping as long as they desired.

As the twins stood, arms resting on the shoulder of the other, admiring their accomplishment, Harry said, "You know, that's pretty damn good...especially for a couple of guys who didn't have a clue as to what they were doing."

"Speak for yourself, super wizard. At least half of us have done plenty of manual labor over the past forty years." Harold smiled. "We did do a hell of a job though, didn't we?"

"We must have, you're all sweaty and dirty," Harry said as he removed his arm from Harold's shoulder.

"You're not exactly Mr. Clean yourself. Race you to the bath tub!" With that they raced to the ocean where they played and swam like a couple of little boys until they turned into a couple of prunes.

As sunset arrived, they decided to have dinner in their new creation. "You know, I own that entire hill where the Hillside is located. If you want to stay in Britain, we could build a house for you and Sophia anywhere on the property you'd like."

"I have been thinking about staying and becoming an auror. It's basically the same thing I've been doing for years, only with magic. I'm damn good at what I do and think I'd be pretty good doing it in your - uh, our world too. We've been separated far to long to split up again so soon. I think I'd like a house at the Hillside. I'll rebuild on the site in Minnetonka too. We can use that one as vacation site. We can call it Lakeside."

"Great idea! I'm really impressed with that area and the people there." Yawning, Harry said, "Well, I don't know about you, but I have no intention of sleeping on the ground again when there is a perfectly good bed upstairs."

"Good point. I'm right behind you."

They lay on the bed and continued talking for quite some time. Little things about years gone by. Experiences and dreams they had never shared with anyone else. "I'm almost sorry to be going back tomorrow," Harry said wistfully. "I must admit, I had a hard time accepting any of this at the beginning and really didn't want to come here."

"Yeah, I noticed. Hence the reason for the black eye and all the other bruises."

Harry ignored the quip and continued, "Even having the shit beat out of me, I'm glad we had this time to really get to know each other. I actually like the idea of having a brother, and I'm glad it's you."

"It's weird, we were separated for all those years, and neither of us knew we even had a brother...but it almost feels like, in some way, we've always been together. Just so you know, and corny as it might sound - if I had to have a brother, I'm glad it's you too." Almost instantly, they both fell into a deep sleep.

A short time later, four wispy figures appeared over the transparent ceiling. Two dull spheres of light appeared at the foot of the bed and took human form. Holding hands, Lily and James gazed at their sons. They reached out with their free arms and a pale blue light engulfed the unconscious figures lying before them. As the light dissipated, the parents lightly kissed both of their sons foreheads. Lily, James, and The Four then faded away.


Minerva and Madam Pomfrey were waiting in Harry's office when the twin's appeared. Minerva smiled, and with a small nod, said, "Welcome back gentlemen. By the look of those tans, it would seem the South Pacific agreed with you!"

Smiling back, Harry replied, "As a matter of fact it did. If you will excuse me for a minute, I need to ask Albus something."

As the brothers turned toward the portrait, Dumbledore's twinkling eyes met the dual set of emerald eyes. "Good afternoon Harry - Harold. I trust your little excursion was successful?"

"Yes, it was. Before we get onto that, can you tell me when we will be getting our powers back?"

"They were returned to you as you slept last night, along with a little bonus. And Harry, there is no reason for you to shield the island. That has been taken care of. No one will go there until you return from the special occasion."

Harry blushed with understanding and said, "Thanks Albus. Now what is all this about a 'little bonus'?"

"While the two of you slept last night, you were visited by The Four and your parents. They instilled a special gift in each of you. The final component of your bonding experience was a limited telepathic ability."

Harold started to ask, "You mean we can talk to each other in our heads?"

"Not exactly. You now have the ability to communicate feelings and a few words. You can not stand there and have a regular conversation between the two of you in your heads. You will be able to sense when the other is in danger, is troubled, is content, or joyful. You will also be able to communicate the need for help when necessary as well as know when all is as it should be with the other. It will take a bit of practice to figure out how to use and control it, but I doubt that will be much of a challenge for the two of you. In fact, I dare say, you will probably figure out a way to take it a bit farther than its' intended purpose."

Having dealt with Dumbledore for so many years, Harry suspiciously said, "Why do I get the feeling that there is something more to all this? Something that you are not telling us."

"There was a second element to the gift, but I am not at liberty to reveal it at this time."

"Another secret, Albus?"

"Ah, what would I be, if not for my secrets?"

"Not to be rude or anything, but...you're dead."

"Quite true, but as long as I am able to communicate with you as we are doing now, I may as well enjoy it. As I said, I am not allowed to divulge that information at this time. I can tell you that it is neither negative nor harmful."

"Alright Albus. Guess I don't have any choice in the matter...as usual. Anything else?"

"Not at the moment. I am extremely happy for the both of you, and wish you many years of familial joy. Now, I suggest you let Poppy examine the two of you. She has been patiently waiting for me to shut it."

As Harry headed over to Madame Pomfrey, Harold held back and said, "Thank you Professor."

"You are perfectly welcome Mr. Potter. Enjoy your brother, your magic, and your new life!"

Walking to the other side of the room, Harold heard, "What on earth happened to your eye?"

Harry casually replied, "He hit me."

Shock covered Madame Pomfrey's face as she glared at Harold.

"Actually WE had a fight," Harold explained defensively. "It's not my fault if Harry couldn't defend himself very well without magic. Anyway, it has actually healed very nicely. You should have seen him a week ago!"

"Yeah, we're going to work on that little detail," Harry added.

Minerva glanced at Dumbledore who innocently smiled and raised his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Harry as he asked how things were going at the school and with the Order.

"We had to extend the Easter break for a few days as there was a worldwide magical blockade during your absence. I'll explain that later. The Daily Prophet carried the story about the two of you last week and I assume it has been picked up by every news service around the world by now."

"Actually, we expected as much," Harry commented.

"I hope you don't mind, but I have scheduled a news conference for Friday here at the school. I thought it best that you reveal the story in whatever way suits the two of you best. Having it here will enable us to control the entire situation and hopefully make it clear that no unauthorized speculation will be tolerated."

"Efficient and logical as always Minerva. I guess that would be the best way to handle it. We'll come up with something by then. If there is nothing else pressing at the moment, I think we'd like to go home."

They picked up their packs and Harold grabbed the crystal paperweight. With a slight bow to the ladies, Harry touched the portkey and they disappeared. Minerva shook her head and said, "I have a strange feeling that there are going to be many changes coming; both here at Hogwarts and with our relationship with muggles worldwide. One thing is for sure...it won't be boring!"


Petunia and Josephine surprised the brothers with a delicious welcome home dinner. They filled them in on the Easter celebration, pointed out Evan's gift sitting on the mantle, and listened to the exploits from the island.

Finally Harry excused himself, as he could no longer control himself, and apparated to St. Mungo's.


"Harry, I wasn't expecting to see you here this early in the evening," Ron said in a surprised voice.

"I couldn't wait until four tomorrow morning to see Toni, so I just came over."

"Guess I can understand that. How was the island experience?"

"Pretty cool actually. I wasn't exactly happy about it at first, but wouldn't have traded it for anything. What time is your relief due?"

"A little less than an hour from now."

"Why don't you take off and I'll meet you at the Leaky Cauldron in an hour. I'll tell you all about it then. I just need to be alone with Toni for a little while."

Harry had already sat down, was holding her hand, and was lost in his thoughts of Antonia as he tenderly gazed at her. With a sympathetic eye, Ron softly said, "Okay, see you in an hour."


"So you guys had a good time?" Ron started, anxious to hear all the details.

"Well, it wasn't all fun and games. We did have to rebuild an entire island. We also had a few arguments and he even beat me up one day. You wouldn't have believed the black eye I had, not to mention how sore I was the next day."

"Are you serious? He actually hit you? I hope you hexed him into the next day!"

"Yes I am, yes he did, and no, I didn't."

"Why and why not?"

"Remember, all our magic, except the minimal basics, were suspended. There was nothing I could do. Actually, I guess I deserved it. I was being a real arse at the time. He's amazing at all that muggle self defense stuff. He easily could have killed me if he wanted to. He's going to teach me muggle self defense."

"What do you need that for? You have your powers back, don't you?"

"Of course I do, but you never know when something like that will come in handy." Suddenly a strange feeling came over Harry. He wasn't sure what it was at first, and then it dawned on him. He looked at Ron and said, "Oh shit. Stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes." Then he disappeared.


"Malfoy, what the hell are you doing here?" Harry demanded as he appeared on the front porch.

Draco turned with a start and stammered unintelligently as he kept looking back and forth between the two men.

"Get this, he was trying to get me to go have a drink with him." Harold said, leaning against the door jam with his arms folded in front of him.

"A drink, Malfoy! Is that the best you could come up with to try to kidnap my brother?" Harry grabbed the front of Draco's shirt and pushed him against the wall. "Why don't you just crawl back to Benny boy and tell him that you've failed him once again."

"Wait a minute, Potter. How did you know that I was here?"

"Lucky guess. Now listen to me Malfoy. It is spring, and there are a lot of hungry animals in those woods over there who would love to sink their teeth into a nice juicy ferret... if you get my drift?"

Draco sneered, "This isn't over, Potter." He crossed the property line and disapparated.

"Yeah, it's never over," Harry mumbled.

"I guess that telepathy thingie really works," Harold said.

"Apparently so. Listen, I left Ron at the Leaky Cauldron...guess I better get back there. I'll be home soon."

"Take your time. No problems here."


"Sorry about that. Malfoy was at the Hillside trying to kidnap Harold."

"How did you know that?" Ron questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

Harry explained what they had been told about their limited telepathic abilities upon their return, but how neither of them was sure exactly how it would work. "Guess we at least have an idea now!" He said, shrugging his shoulders. "So, how are Hermione and the boys?"


The Potters had survived the press conference on Friday. Much to the frustration of the reporters, very few details of the entire story were revealed. The press did receive a promise that sometime in the not too distant future the entire story would be revealed, and they would be invited back. A limited number of pictures of the brothers, courtesy of Evan, were handed out for release.

Classes had resumed a few days late, but life at the castle had pretty much returned to its normal routine.

Harold had learned to apparate in a very short amount of time. Harry had taken him to London to get his license. For the next few days, he was like a muggle teenager who had just gotten their driver's license. He apparated here, there and everywhere, for any reason he could think of.

Harry brought Harold in as an official member of The Order of The Phoenix. There wasn't much to do at the moment as Benedict was still keeping quiet.

Harold had accepted Harry's invitation to stay in Britain and decided to build his own house on the other side of the hill. Due to his skills, knowledge, and experience in his job in the muggle world, Harold would be going through accelerated training at the auror academy. Sophia had agreed to teach Astronomy at Hogwarts starting in the fall as Professor Sinitra had decided to retire at the end of the current school year.

Often waking up somewhat sore, Harry often asked himself why he had ever decided to ask Harold to teach him muggle self defense. It wasn't as easy as he thought it would be; though he was improving, and was finally able to do a fairly decent job of holding his own against Harold.

Harold had taken Harry to Minnesota with him to check on the progress of the Lakeside. He surprised Harry by designing the exterior to look like a large English cottage. The interior had a simple design. The center section contained the kitchen, a dining area, and a great room with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the lake. The wings on either side of the great room were identical; each contained a master bedroom and bath, along with a guest bedroom and bath.

"I like it. I think I'll be spending a lot of time here," Harry said with an approving nod. "How long until it's finished?"

"In a few months. It will definitely be finished long before my house at the Hillside will be."

"Well, I have no intention of throwing you out, so you have nothing to worry about there. Let's go over and see the Johnsons as long as we're in the neighborhood."

"You go ahead, I'm going to have lunch with Sophia. I'll meet you there when she heads back to class."

Harry had barely said, "Enjoy," and Harold was gone. Shaking his head he walked over to the Johnson's.


"You wanted to see me, my lord?" Draco asked stifling a yawn.

"Of course I wanted to see you. Why else would you be here at five-thirty in the morning? I have completed my revised plan and will be implementing phase one shortly. I thought you might want to witness the beginning of the end of your friend."

Draco had long ago given up trying to correct Benedict as to the alleged 'friendship'. He knew his master said it only to frustrate him and had finally figured out it was simply better to ignore the comment than to play into his hands. "May I ask what phase one is?"

"Potter goes to the hospital at four o' clock every morning, which is six o' clock here. Today he is going to get quite a surprise as I'm going to release his girlfriend from my grasp."

"Why are you going to do something that will make him so happy?"

"As I told you before, Potter adapted to the situation far too well for it to have the desired effect. Now, I am going to use all this love rubbish in our favor. He suddenly has his long lost brother, we haven't done anything anywhere since the Switzerland incident, and now, getting the love of his life back is bound to throw him and his friends off our backs for awhile. Then we implement phase two."

"What is phase two and when will we implement it, my lord?"

"It will happen at the garden party I have dreamt about. You will have to wait for details until that time." Benedict checked the wall clock and said, "It appears to be time." Pointing his wand at the open window, he mumbled an incantation that Draco couldn't make out. As he finished, a dark purple light shot out of the wand and into the early morning sky.


As always, the sight of Josephine at her daughters bedside filled Harry with wonder. The parent - child relationship, no matter what the age, was difficult for him to comprehend. He had dreamed about it often over the course of his life as he watched the Weasleys and others through the years. But, he was never able to really grasp it. "Mama, are you alright?"

"Si - just tired."

"Well, it's Saturday, you can sleep as late as you like."

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw the dark purple light enter the room and settle into Antonia. Knowing the wards around the hospital, the room and around Antonia herself would not allow any harmful charms to penetrate, Harry's heart started to race. "Mama, ask the nurse to summon Healer Sawicki immediately!"

One look at Harry's face told her something was up. She didn't say a word, and quickly did as he asked.

A moment later Antonia groaned and started to move her head. Her eyes blinked a few times as she adjusted to the light in the room. The first thing she saw was Harry's concerned face closely watching her. "Enrico, where are we?"

"You're in the hospital. Just lie still until the healer arrives."

"Harry, I couldn't sleep and..." Harold said as he started to enter the room.

Harry quickly sent a thought and the words, { Hallway...NOW }

Harold immediately stepped back into the hallway, and away from the open door.

"Enrico, what kind of drugs or spells are they using on me? I could swear that I saw you in the doorway at the same time you were standing here."

"Shhh, just relax.

Josephine saw Harold in the hall as she returned with the healer. "Oh, Harold, I didn't expect you to be here at this hour. I suggest you stay out here for the time being."

"Yeah, I got that impression already."

"Toni, I'm going to step into the hall while the healer examines you. I'll be back in a minute." He slipped out the door and said, "Sorry about that, but Toni just woke up and she doesn't know about you yet. What are you doing here anyway?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd keep you company."

"Well, she did see you, so I guess it would be best to break it to her while the healer is here. It will take a little while if you want to wait in the waiting room. It's probably a little more comfortable."

Healer Sawicki stated, "It seems the curse has been lifted and she appears to be completely normal again. Do you have any idea as to why he would have released her after all this time?"

"No," Harry said with some trepidation. "Whatever the reason, I doubt it's a good sign."

"All this time?" Antonia asked. "Just how long have I been here?"

"A little over two months," Harry answered. "It seems more like two years though."

"Two months!" Antonia exclaimed. "Enrico, I want you to probe my mind. Don't look at me like that and don't argue with me. It's something you should have done after Severus got me away from that madman in the first place!"

Harry looked at Josephine and then at Sawicki, "Healer?"

"I see no reason not to comply. I will monitor her as you proceed."

"Do an extensive job Enrico, I don't want to go through that again."

Antonia sat up against the pillows that her mother had rearranged. Harry sighed, held her hand, and said, "Okay, if you're sure. Just relax and look into my eyes." His eyes turned vibrant as he entered her mind. He searched high and low, stopping for a moment in a particular area; at which time she slapped his arm with her free hand. He quickly wiped the smile off his face and continued. He finally broke the connection and said, "I can't find any trace of Benedict or any curses or suggestions left behind."

"I'm so relieved," Josephine said. "You don't know how worried I've been or how hard it's been watching you just lie there night after night." Tears welled up as she leaned down and hugged her daughter.

As her mother let go, Antonia looked at them and said, "I suppose I've missed a few things while I've been in here?"

"A few," Harry said. "We'll fill you in on everything when we get you home." Holding her close, he gave her a long overdue welcome back kiss.

As he slowly released her, she said, "Hmmm, maybe I should do this more often."

"Don't even think about it. You can have that anytime you want!"

"Wait a minute. Was I hallucinating when I first woke up? I could swear that I saw you standing here and in the doorway at the same time."

"Yeah, well...I guess we should go into that while we're still here." He looked at Josephine and said, "Mama, he's in the waiting room. Would you go and get him please?" As Josephine left the room, Sawicki folded his arms in front of him and leaned against the wall.

"It's a long, involved story which I'll explain in detail later. The most important part of the story is that I discovered that... I have a twin brother."

"What? I don't understand. How could you live all these years without knowing something like that? Who is it? How did you find him? Are you sure about this?"

"Toni, calm down! As I said, it's a long and complicated story. There was an amazing transformation and explanation." Harry sighed and paused for a moment. "You remember Harold?"

"Of course. But what has he got to do with all this?"

"Well, he's my brother. He had been altered and taken away shortly after our birth; but all that has been reversed, and...well..."

Harold walked in the door and stood next to Harry.

In absolute shock, Antonia slowly exclaimed, "Oh-my-God!"