Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 19

Chapter Summary:
Benedict and Draco cause more trouble. The truth about Percy is revealed with unhappy results.
Author's Note:
As always, my thanks to Michele and Jen for all your time and patience.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 19

Percy's Secret

"Petunia, that is a normal reaction to witnessing that kind of a scene. Harry has not only forgiven you, but has embraced you as his only living relative." Shinotqua poured coffee into their cups as she continued. "Good God woman, what more does he have to do to prove that to you? He built an addition to his own house for you to live in, has not only re-introduced you to the magical community, but went as far as to find a way to expedite the entire process. He has included you in all social functions and has taken every precaution to keep you safe during this time of war. What more do you want from him?"

Petunia was shaking as she tried to bring the cup to her lips. "I know what he has done for me and I appreciate it far more than I'll ever be able to express. Watching and hearing the pain he experienced as he told Harold about his life; especially the part about his childhood. I was responsible for so much of that, it's hard to even look in the mirror whenever I think about it."

"Just because he has moved on, reconciled with you, and others, doesn't mean those memories are going to disappear. He doesn't dwell on them. In fact, I think it actually helps him in helping others, especially students, to overcome problems so they don't have to deal with those type of memories later in life. He's always been under a great deal of pressure, as so many constantly expect so much from him. Frankly, I'm surprised he's as sane and balanced as he is. Last night he was understandably in a defeatist mood. It sounds like Harold not only handled the situation perfectly, but at the same time helped himself when he expressed so much of the anger, pain, and frustration that he has been hiding for so many years."

"I tell you, Shinotqua, when Harold shared his story, it broke my heart. For as much as Harry has gone through, Harold has gone through so much more. Do you realize that he's not even sure if Harold Porter is his true, given name? It was simply chilling and heart breaking listening to him. Talk about being surprised that someone is sane and balanced. I don't know how he's dealt with all that and not ended up a selfish, bitter hermit or something."

"Obviously, like Harry, he comes from strong stock!"


As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee lured Harold toward the kitchen, he saw Harry sitting at the dining room table with a sizable pile of notes, which was growing as owls flew in and out of the house. "What's all this?"

Shaking his head in amazement, Harry answered, "These are all notes from volunteers willing to spend time at the hospital with Antonia. Apparently Remus contacted the Weasley's and a few other people last night who spread the word. This is absolutely remarkable! Guess you were right; there are a lot of people who care."

As Harold poured his coffee, he said, "I don't understand why this should be such a surprise to you. There are who knows how many members of the wizarding community who are extremely grateful for everything you have done, and are continuing to do for them. This is simply a concrete way of showing their appreciation. I suppose we better start making our way through that pile and compiling a single list for that healer."

"I have a better idea." He pulled out his wand and said, "Accio quill, ink, and parchment." The desk drawer open and a fresh roll of parchment flew over to the table, followed by the quill and ink. Harry then passed his wand over the notes and lightly tapped the quill. One by one the notes opened, and the quill wrote the volunteers name, when they were available, and how long they were able to stay at the hospital.

Bella flew in and carefully landed on an empty spot on the table in front of Harry. He took the note and stroked her feathers as she nibbled at his finger. She flew over to Hedwig's old perch and waited while he read the message.


The staff was very sorry to hear the news about Antonia. Everyone has volunteered to spend whatever time necessary at night and on weekends to stay with her. Just say the word.

I have contacted Ginny Longbottom to temporarily take over Antonia's classes, and she has graciously agreed. I don't think we should impose on her any longer than necessary as she does have her own business to attend to. We need to consider a long term substitute until Antonia is able to resume her duties.

Once you have things organized, we can meet and discuss it. Other than that, all is running smoothly here.

Keeping a good thought,


Harry quickly wrote a short reply and tied it to Bella's leg. "Bella, you know you can come and visit anytime you wish. You don't have to wait until you have a message to deliver." She nibbled at his ear, gave a soft hoot, and flew back to the castle.

Harry returned to the kitchen, refilled his coffee, and watched as Harold scooped some bacon and eggs onto a couple of waiting plates. He cleared his throat and slowly said, "Harold, about last night."

Setting the pan back on the stove, Harold turned and faced him. "Look, I'm sorry about that. You were upset and talking like a prize idiot and it was all I could think of to do at the time. I'm just sorry that I got carried away and started in on my own problems. I've never expressed everything all at once like that and guess it hit me a lot harder than I expected. Now, can we just drop it?"

"Not yet. I wanted to thank you for setting me straight. I guess I need that type of reminder every once in a while. You're right, even with all the crap I've been through, it could be a lot worse. I want to apologize for never having taken the time to get to know you better before this. We've been having a good time and it's been amazing watching your transformation from muggle to wizard. Somewhere in all that I forgot there was a person with a past and feelings. I can't change your past any more than I can change my own, but you have to realize that this is a new start and there are many people who care about you around here and want to get to know you better. It's not utopia, but it is a chance for a fresh start, and hopefully, a happier future."

"Not to sound cliché, but let's just take this on day at a time. I've still got a hell of a lot to learn, and there is the war to deal with. Now, what's the plan for today?"

"Well, I thought we'd take this list to Healer Sawicki in order for him to set up the visitation schedule. If you don't mind staying with Antonia for a couple hours, I'll bring Josephine back here and get her settled. I need to talk with her about an idea I have. By that time, we should have a relief for you. After that, I thought I'd take you to Minnesota. You can have lunch and spend some time with Sophia while I look in on the Johnson's."

"Harry, if you're suggesting a visit to Minnesota because of what I said last night..."

"I'm not going to lie and tell you that that had nothing to do with it. You have a valid point. Why not see her whenever possible? Neither of us is going to the castle today and I'm not using my time with Toni until tonight. So, unless you have a better idea, why not go? I'll leave a note for Aunt Petunia, in case she gets back before we do."

"Where is Petunia anyway?"

"She went to the castle early to talk with Shinotqua before her classes."


Harry asked the receptionist to have Healer Sawicki meet them in Antonia's room. As they entered her room, the two men were struck by the pain of a mother who was unable to do anything for her child. Josephine was sitting in the chair next to the bed holding her daughter's hand with such an expression of helplessness; one simply couldn't help but be moved. In a soft voice, Harry said, "Mama."

"Oh, Enrico, I didn't hear you come in."

"Mama, you remember Harold? He's going to stay for awhile while we get you settled at the Hillside. Then we can talk over an idea I have."

"Yes, I remember Harold. I appreciate your willingness to stay here awhile. I would prefer to stay myself, but the healer has made it clear that it wouldn't be in anybody's best interest. I don't know that I agree, but what are you going to do? I don't know if Enrico will be able to find enough people to stay here in shifts without interfering in their own lives."

Healer Sawicki entered the room. "Good morning Professor. You asked to see me?"

"Yes, I brought the list of volunteers you requested." He unrolled the parchment and smiled at the expression on their faces. "There are eighty seven names here and owls were still delivering notes when we left the house. I think this should a decent start to a rotation schedule."

Josephine stared at the parchment while Sawicki took it from Harry. Shaking his head at the length of the list, Sawicki said "You certainly have been busy since you left last night, Professor."

"I can't take any credit for this at all. Apparently, Remus Lupin contacted a couple of people and the word spread. By the way, this is Harold Porter. He'll be staying for a couple hours. He'll be relieved by Fred Weasley, who will be relieved by his brother, George three hours later. That should give whoever you have in mind time to make sense out of the rest of the list, and time to organize it in whatever fashion you deem best." Harry looked at Antonia and said, "I don't suppose you there has been any change?"

"I'm afraid not. As I told you last night, I don't expect any change until one of the two conditions are met. We will, of course, continue to monitor her. If there is any change at all, we will contact you immediately."

"Thank you Healer, I'll owl any more names I receive as soon as possible. Harold, once Fred relieves you, floo back to the Hillside and we'll take care of that other matter. Are you ready Mama?"

Josephine looked down at her daughter, touched her forehead, and slowly ran her hand along the top of her head. She stepped back and nodded her head. Harry leaned down, softly kissed Antonia, and whispered his love to her. Turning to Josephine, he said, "Okay, let's go."


Josephine got settled in Petunia's guest room while Harry headed to headquarters.

"Remus, I don't know what you did last night, but you wouldn't believe the response. I'm still getting owls from all over the place! Of course, I'm being cautious as to which offers I accept." He glanced over at Mad-Eye, giving a sly smile as he said, "Constant vigilance you know. So, has there been anything unusual happening?"

"No, it's been unnaturally quiet. Even though Farquar reported that this is what Benedict had in mind, it's still un-nerving. The world is a big place and the possibilities are almost endless with a sick mind like that. We have agents standing by to respond as quickly as possible, but that's about all we can do for the moment."

"Well, keep up the surveillance and keep me informed. Let me know if there is anything you need or any ideas you may come up with."


Harry knocked on the Johnson's door and surveyed the frozen lake while he waited for a response.

"Harry, this is a surprise!" Mary said as she greeted him with a hug. "Please, come in. What are you doing here?"

"I brought Harold over so he and Sophia could have lunch and spend some time together. Thought I'd give them some privacy and decided to find out how things are going with you and your family."

Harry sat at the table while Mary made some tea and dug into a colorful tin. "Dennis is back at work and the kids are in school, so life has returned to it's normal routine around here." She brought the tea and a plate of scones to the table. While pouring the tea, she said, "Evan sent us a message with the news about your fiancée. If there is anything Dennis or I can do to help, please let us know."

"Thanks, but the response has already been tremendous. We already have more volunteers than we know what to do with. It's hard seeing her just lie there unconscious. Knowing that she'll recover and be back in my arms gives me the encouragement I need to go on. I can just imagine what she'd say if she found out that I had just sat around feeling sorry for myself because of her condition. So, I'm trying to keep up with the usual schedule and contemplate ideas and plans to defeat Benedict." He paused and sipped his tea. "Ironic, isn't it? I have all these powers, but in this situation, I'm as powerless as a muggle." Lightening his expression, he added, "Sorry, didn't mean to get maudlin."

"I'm know it's difficult when someone you love is hurt and in the hospital. After all, it wasn't all that long ago that I was in a similar position. Harry, you're not the Almighty. Difficult as it is for all of us to remember at times, you do have limitations. I have faith that this will all work out eventually. As cliché as it may sound, the best thing to do is to take it one day at time. If you don't, you will never get anywhere; and that could be disastrous for the entire world."

Harry looked across the table at her, slowly shaking his head. "Ah, the simple but astute logic of Mary Johnson!" After taking a couple bites of his scone, Harry asked, "How old is Sean?"

"He turned eleven a week before Christmas. Why?"

"Well, I don't know if he has mentioned it to you or not, but he had asked me about attending Hogwarts when it was time for him to go away to school. I was wondering if you and Dennis would consider allowing him to attend next Fall?"

"You have no idea how many times he's mentioned it. He stares at that globe you gave him and daydreams about it all the time. Dennis and I have already discussed it, and have decided that if you extend the invitation, we'd be honored to have him attend."

The peaceful winter's afternoon was abruptly shattered by the sound of a huge explosion. Harry and Mary ran over to the window and were shocked to see Harold's house blown to bits with the remnants blazing away. Harry craned his neck and scanned the sky. His fear was confirmed as he saw the object hovering over the remains of the house. "Damn it!" He grabbed Mary's hand and yelled, "Come on!" They ran through the house, out the front door and into the woods. "Where is your property line?"

"Harry, I don't understand. What are we doing?"

"No time to explain. I need you to trust me and do as I ask. Now where is the property line?"

"Closest area is there, at the road."

Standing on the edge of the road, he said, "Now stand behind me and put your hands on my shoulders. Let your powers join mine." Spreading his arms out and thinking the incantation, the familiar blue light engulfed the house and property. As the light faded, Harry spied Evan's house across the lake. Pulling Mary behind him, he ran to the other side of the house. "I've never tried this long distance before. Once again Mary." As she held his shoulders, he stretched his arms straight out in front of him and started the incantation. The blue light shot out from his fingertips, across the frozen lake, and hit the property line. It circled the property and started upward, forming a dome shape as it progressed. An instant before it closed the green beam of light struck the top of the chimney, blasting the top two feet of bricks all over the property. The closure of the protective dome efficiently stopped any further damage to the house and dissipated the beam. The last remnants of the beam started traveling along the stream of blue light back toward Harry. Watching the green light racing toward them, and unable to release his own charm until the light faded, Harry ordered, "MARY, LET GO."

Instinctively, she willed even more of her power through Harry. The green light started to fade, but not before reaching them and throwing them flat on their backs. Lying in the snow, watching small clouds form as their warm breath collided with the sub zero air, Harry asked, "Are you alright?"

"I think so. Would you like to tell me what just happened and what we did with that blue light?"

"Sure, once we get inside and warm up a bit." Harry dried their clothes with his wand while Mary made some more tea. He explained how the properties were now protected by the charm and about the object that had done the damage. "Can you put in an emergency call to the headmistress at Lakeview and introduce us? I need to confer with her immediately."

"Certainly, why don't you use the fireplace in the living room." Mary sent the call, which was answered immediately.

"Mrs. Johnson, I hope nothing has happened to anyone in the family. Would you like me to send for Angela?"

"No, that won't be necessary. If you would give her my love the next time you see her, that would be appreciated. I'm sorry to have contacted you via an emergency call, but this is extremely important. Headmistress, Roseanne Hagen, may I present Headmaster Harry Potter of Hogwarts in Britain. If you two will excuse me, I'll give you some privacy."

Harry said, "Please, it is just Harry."

"Only if you keep it to Roseanne."

Mary sat sipping her tea, staring at the charred remains of Harold's house, trying to digest everything that had just happened.

"Well, now that that's taken care of, I had better get Harold over here. We should be back in a couple minutes."

Mary glanced back at him and said, "I'll be here."

Harry used a tracking spell to bring him directly to Harold.


Harry arrived in Sophia's office to find Sophia sitting on Harold's lap. They were otherwise occupied and hadn't noticed his arrival. Harry clasped his hands behind his back. "Ahem!"

Breaking apart, they glared at him with a certain amount of annoyance. "What are you doing here Harry? I told you I would floo to the Johnson's when Sophia had to return to class."

"Believe me, I wouldn't have disturbed you if it weren't important. There has been an...incident. I need you to come with me - NOW!"

"Don't be so cryptic, Harry. What kind of an incident requires my attention right now?"

"Fine, have it your way. I'm sorry, there is no easy way to say this, so here goes. Your house was just destroyed."

"WHAT? How? What are you talking about?"

"Apparently Benedict was bored and somehow knew that I was in Minnesota. He sent a calling card. Now, come on. Sophia, I suggest you follow close behind."


"Harold, I'm so sorry about the house. It all happened so fast, there was nothing we could do."

"I'm certainly not blaming either of you, Mary. Shall we go have a look?"

As the four of them stood in front of the smoldering ruins, Harold said, "Harry, I don't suppose...?"

"Sorry, that's beyond even my powers. I'll be able to fix Evan's fireplace, but the destruction of your place is far too extensive."

"Yeah, I thought so, but I had to ask. The insurance company will pay to rebuild it in time."

Mary said, "You're taking this rather calmly. Are you sure you're alright?"

"In my line of work, this type of thing is always a possibility. All important documents and the like are kept in a safe deposit box at the bank. All work related files, etc. are in a vault in D.C. The few personal items that are special to me are at Harry's. I brought them with me when we came by last month to get more of my clothes. The house, the furniture and the rest are easily replaced."

Harry had repaired Evan's fireplace before the foursome returned to Mary's kitchen. As they warmed up with a spot more tea, Sophia mentioned that she had to get back to school as she had a class in twenty minutes. Harry insisted on stopping by her house in order to put the protective charm on her place as a precaution.

"She should be fine," Harry said.

Harold nodded, "Yeah, Sophia's quite a woman. Never be fooled by that quiet demeanor of hers."

"We've got to get to headquarters," Harry said. "Mary, you should be fine. Be sure to fill Dennis in on everything that has happened and explain the protective charm to him. If you need anything, you know how to contact me."

"Thanks Harry, we'll be fine. If you need any help in the future, don't hesitate to ask."

Harold looked at Harry with raised eyebrows. "You're finally going to bring me to the super secret, inner sanctum of the Order? To what do I owe this sudden honor?"

"Don't be so dramatic. Your magic is flowing far faster than I expected, and the fact that you are such a quick study is certainly running in your favor. We're going to start an infusion process to help you get up to speed even faster. With your background as an operative, I figure you might be able to bring a fresh perspective to the observations and planning. I have no idea what you might want do in our world once all the magic is transferred, but you might consider becoming an auror. Mad-Eye can fill you in on more detail than you will ever want to know. In the meantime, both Remus and Mad-Eye will assist in teaching you, which will take some of the pressure off the staff at Hogwarts."


Benedict sat behind his desk shaking his head at the news Draco had just provided. "Leave it to Potter to foil my plans again. We had the perfect informant and were making progress in ruining that little romance of theirs."

Nervously, Draco continued with his report. "Apparently there was too much of a conflict between the curse you imposed on her and her love for Potter. Her mind couldn't handle the conflict any longer and simply shut down. She's in a protective coma at the hospital and has guards with her constantly."

"Love...it's what finally did my father in. I have no intention of allowing it to interfere in my plans or to be my downfall. Having her in that coma should distract him from concentrating on us."

"I - I'm sorry, my lord, but that doesn't seem to be the case." Draco shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "If anything, Potter and his friends are more determined than ever. He knows that the only way for Antonia to be released from that coma is for you to either remove the spell, or die. Knowing that you will never release her of your own will, they are planning your demise with renewed fervor."

"Are they now? They have a bit of luck in foiling a couple of plans we have going, and suddenly they are going to kill me?" Benedict laughed and continued in that maniacal tone that still made Draco's skin crawl, "They seriously underestimate me. That is good. Let them start feeling overconfident. We will continue to make an 'annoying' appearance now and then. They can work on their pathetic little plan, while I continue to perfect my own plan. I have many details to work out yet. I want Potter to die in his own front yard."

"His yard, my lord?"

"Yes. I've had a dream, or a vision, if you will. Potter is having some kind of a large celebration. It's too large for the house, so he made it a garden party. Not only will we see the end of Potter, but most of his followers as well." Benedict sat back, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "Never thought you'd see me looking forward to a party given by Harry Potter... did you?"

"No my lord." Draco hesitated before venturing forward. "If I might inquire; aren't you putting a lot of faith into a dream?"

Smile dropped and replaced by glowing maroon eyes, Benedict rounded on Draco. "You dare question your master?"

"N-no, my lord. I was just trying to understand and phrased the question poorly."

"Yes...I would say you did. I suggest you be more careful in the future. Now tell me, how are you progressing with the idiot?"

"We appear to be making slow progress. He is starting to get a handle on how to control the magic. It's slow going, but I think he will be ready when you need him."

"I certainly hope so. For your sake."


"Ron, I appreciate your concern, but there is no reason to cancel the anniversary party."

"I just figured that with Antonia in the hospital and all, you wouldn't be in the mood for a party."

"If you had mentioned it a few days ago, I might have agreed with you. But after a swift kick in the arse, and a few days to think about everything, I've come to realize that I can't just sit around feeling sorry for myself. I'm not allowed to spend more than two hours at the hospital each day and I know Antonia would be upset when she recovers if she heard that I've just been moping around." Harry removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "I have other responsibilities to deal with. I need to spend as much time as possible here at the castle in order to be available to the staff and students. I've still got more sessions with Harold to get through... though he is progressing faster than I had expected. Keeping in contact with Remus, Mad-Eye and the rest of the Order. Keeping a watch for more trouble by Benedict and his followers while planning his eradication in order to end this nightmare. I think a little diversion is just what the healer ordered!"

"Speaking of your plans for Benedict, can you give me any information on the subject? It's getting more and more difficult in these meetings around the world when I can't give all these leaders any kind of detail on what's being done."

"I wish I could. It's hard to be proactive when you're up against a mind like that. The latest information from Farquar is simply that he plans to make occasional hits here and there while he works on his ultimate plan to kill me. A couple days ago he destroyed Harold's house in Minnesota. Had to be a personal message for me since Mary Johnson and I were the only one to witness it. He'll probably try something a bit more dramatic fairly soon, just to keep the rest of the world in a nervous state. Hermione and the aurors have set up a network with ministries and auror's around the world. A Benedict watch, if you will. Hopefully they will be able to thwart, or at least minimize whatever may come up. Use your own discretion as to whom you share that information with. We don't know how many informants Benedict may have roaming around, or where. Other than that, there isn't much to tell you. I keep coming up with different scenarios, but nothing solid yet."

Ron shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Hey, it was worth a shot. I guess I already knew what you were going to say. After all, you would have told me if there was anything more without me having to ask. I just feel I should be doing more."

"Ron, you're doing quite a lot as it is with your daily meetings with various leaders and groups all over the world. I do have one favor to ask... if you can squeeze it into your schedule."

"Well, go on."

"Can you contact the headmasters of the magical schools around the world? Check out the protections they have for their schools and determine who may need to improve on what they currently have. I think it wise not to take any chances with the way Benedict is doing things."

"Sure, but all the schools? That could take quite a bit of time."

"I'll check with Evan and Shinotqua; I'm sure they'd be willing to help. Hermione would probably lend you Colin for a few days too. Once the four of you determine who may need to improve their protections, let me know and I'll take it from there."

"You got it mate!"


Minerva entered Antonia's dungeon office to find Josephine behind the desk which was piled high with a variety of potion text books. "I hope I'm not disturbing you. I thought I'd come by and thank you for taking over the potions classes while Antonia is in the hospital. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know."

"Not at all, please sit down. I'm just trying to get an idea of where I'm going to start next Monday. Ginny has been helping me get organized between classes as her schedule permits."

"I must admit to being somewhat surprised when Harry told me he had asked you to take over for Antonia during her hospital stay. Are you sure you're up to this? It seems a bit much to ask under the circumstances."

Josephine closed the book in which she had been searching. "I will admit the proposal took me by surprise at first. It does make sense though. I'm limited at the amount of time I can spend with Antonia each day and I can't just sit around doing nothing. I suppose I could apparate between my home and the hospital each day, but that would only serve to increase my anxiety. This way, I have something to keep me occupied, Harry has a substitute teacher, and I feel I'm doing my small part in the war effort. Fortunately, when I was in school, potions class was one of my favorites. Over the years I have occasionally substituted and tutored students, so it's not a completely foreign concept."

"We do appreciate the help and, as I already stated, if you need any assistance, don't hesitate to ask." Minerva paused and shifted in her chair. "I know Harry is feeling guilty about Antonia's current condition and is concerned that you may hold him responsible because of their relationship."



"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean you. Enrico and I have already talked about this. I've tried to make it clear that I don't blame him in the least. I know the power of love and how it can consume people. Both of them have waited far too long to allow love into their lives. In some ways I worry more about Enrico than Antonia. I know she will be eventually recover and be back to her normal self. He is spreading himself so thin, I don't know how long he can keep it up."

"Even when he was a student, Harry had a tendency to have a great deal on his plate. Of course back then it wasn't all by choice. It is just part of his personality. I fervently hope that once this war is over and he and Antonia are married, he'll be able to finally slow down and enjoy life. He deserves it."


Harry and Josephine had arranged their shifts at the hospital so they were there between one and five every morning. This way, they had their daily visits and intruded on others as little as possible. Hermione had insisted on keeping an auror on call during those hours in case Harry was unexpectedly called away.

When Josephine arrived to relieve him early Saturday morning, she brought a message from Petunia with her. He was to sleep in late and not worry about the party preparations. Neville was taking the triplets to the muggle cinema while Molly and Ginny assisted Petunia with the arrangements.

Harry appreciated the edict and didn't even attempt to argue the point. When he finally awoke around noon, Harry took a leisurely shower, got dressed, and wondered out to the kitchen. As he poured himself a cup of coffee, he heard muffled voices coming from the gym.

"The left side needs to be a little higher," Ginny said. "There... perfect! Now let's see how it works." She tapped the newly hung banner with her wand and it sprang to life. Angled in the top two corners, were the years '2005' and '2021'; centered between them was the date, 'February 7'. The next line simply said, 'Happy Anniversary, Ron and Hermione'. The bottom half of the banner started a constantly changing series of pictures, starting with their wedding and showing various events in their lives over the past sixteen years. Garlands of fresh flowers were swagged along the top of all four walls, with additional garlands hanging down in the corners. Tables with matching flower arrangements were scattered along the walls, leaving the center of the room open for dancing.

Standing in the doorway, sipping his coffee, Harry said, "Impressive!"

"Thought you might sleep through the entire party at the rate you were going." Harold smiled and continued, "Seriously though, do you feel better?"

"Yeah, thanks. Is this the only room you plan to decorate?"

Ginny answered. "The rest of the house is already done. Everything will appear after they've come in here and seen everybody. It's a sensible use of one of Fred and George's jokes."

"Maybe you should consider expanding your business to include planning and decorating for weddings, anniversaries, and various other occasions!"

Ginny cocked her head and had a distant look in her eye. "That's not a bad idea. I'll have to give it some thought and discuss it with my partners."


Charlie had read and reread the note several times. He couldn't decide if it was a genuine letter of contrition, or some kind of a trap. He put the note into his pocket and apparated to the Hillside.


It was two o' clock and most of the guests had arrived and were bubbling with excitement as it appeared that they were actually going to be successful in surprising Hermione. This was no easy feat as she had an uncanny way of finding out about these things long before they actually happened and usually had the last laugh.

Harry was talking with the Granger's and listening to their exploits since their retirement. They had been traveling the world, but had put their plans on hold as a favor to Hermione until this business with Benedict was resolved.

Some sort of coded knock was heard on the front door. Harry gave the sign for everyone to take their places in the gym.

"Ronald, what are you doing?"

"Knocking on the door. It's on old code from our school days and I'm curious to see if Harry remembers it."

"I haven't thought about that knock in years!" Harry said as he opened the door.

"See, he remembered!"

Hermione just shook her head and stepped inside. Giving Hermione a hug and a kiss, Harry said, "Happy anniversary! Why don't you give me your coats?"

Giving Harry her coat, Hermione said, "Thanks Harry. I must say you really didn't have to do this...I mean with Antonia in the hospital and all."

"Wanna bet? If Toni ever found out that I had cancelled this because of her, I'd never hear the end of it! Before we get comfortable, I have to show you my latest project in the gym." They stopped in the doorway of the darkened room. A single dull light shone on the banner which was happily flicking through the highlights of the past sixteen years.

Holding Ron's arm, Hermione said, "Harry, that's so sweet."

"Want to see the rest of the room?" As Hermione nodded, Harry said, "Lights!"

The room flooded with light and a chorus of "Happy Anniversary!" Hermione's mouth dropped as she froze on the spot.

Ron grinned at Harry. "I think we finally did it. The woman is speechless!"

As Ron and Hermione entered the room and started greeting their guests, Harry turned to look back at the rest of the house. Gradually, the garlands and assorted flower arrangements started to appear, as did the tables full of food, drink, and gifts. Harry nodded, and with an impressed expression, and mumbled, "Not bad, Ginny. Not bad at all."

Music and dancing had started in the gym compelling many of the guests to overflow into the rest of the house. Charlie had found Bill and the twins. The four of them were looking around the house in all directions when Petunia walked over. "You four look lost. Can I help?"

Charlie said, "Petunia, we need a few minutes alone. Would you mind if we used your living room for a bit of privacy?"

"Not at all. Help yourselves."

Making sure they weren't being followed, they made their way into Petunia's living room. Charlie showed them the note and watched their expressions as each one read it over several times. "Do you think he's serious?" Fred asked.

"Hard to tell," Bill said. "He's been gone such a long time and hasn't had any contact with the rest of us, except the night Draco burned down Ginny and Neville's house. It's possible he either came to his senses for some reason or has become paranoid and can't figure out a way to leave."

George chimed in with, "On the other hand, he may be trying to solidify his position in that bunch and is laying a trap for us!"

Charlie looked at the other three and shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I think he's actually seen the error of his ways and really wants to make amends."

"Call it a gut feeling," Bill said. "But I have to agree with Charlie. I say we follow his instructions for the meeting."

"I agree. We have to give him the benefit of the doubt," Fred added. "I say we go for it."

"Well, I'm not as convinced as you three are, but count me in." George continued, "So who else are we taking with us? I assume Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville will all want to be included, and let's not forget Harry."

Shaking his head and holding up a hand, Bill said, "No, it will be only the four of us. Both Ron and Ginny have young children and we're not going to jeopardize their lives. Further, we are not going to involve Harry. Everyone always runs to him for help. He's got enough going on and we're not going to add to it. Sorry, but it's just the four of us and we must not tell anyone else about it."

As they entered the hall to return to the party, they were almost bowled over by Harry who was walking quickly toward his bedroom. "Alright there, Harry?" Fred asked.

Harry just glanced at them. "Er; have to check on something. Back in a few minutes."

"See what I mean?" Bill commented. "I don't know where he's off to, but I guarantee it's not to the store!"


Harry apparated to Grimmauld Place. "Okay Mad-Eye, what's up?"

"We just received word that Benedict's goons are on their way to destroy a dam in northern China. That would wipe out about forty thousand people if they are successful. Auror hit team number one are on their way as we speak."

"Show me." Mad-Eye pointed at the location of the village on the map. Harry studied the map for a moment and said, "Got it." He immediately disappeared.


Keeping himself invisible, Harry hovered over the dam as he watched the battle rage between the Auror's and the Death Eaters. Red and green streams of light shooting out of wands in every direction.

He noticed a crack in the center of the dam, where the pressure of the water coming through was causing the crack to expand. He pointed his wand at the crack and yelled, "Reparo concretus!" Grey spheres of light shot into the crack and gradually welded the structure back together.

Several Death Eaters lay dead in the area surrounding the dam. The amazing part was that very few had actually been killed by the auror's. Those that had been seriously wounded were simply killed by their comrades.

Harry flew down to check on the auror's and to lend any assistance necessary. Miraculously, all had survived. He made two trips to St. Mungo's with those in greatest need of medical assistance. As he expressed his thanks to the rest of the team, a coin in his pocket warmed, calling his attention to it. Pulling it out of his pocket, he saw that the coin had turned red sporting a simple message... "Come back - R".

Harry looked at the team members who had been watching him in silence. "Seems duty calls again. Thanks again for your excellent work tonight. You saved a great many lives."


Back in the kitchen at headquarters, Harry asked, "Now what?"

"You've got to get to Switzerland - fast!" Remus exclaimed.

"Switzerland! Why am I going there?"

"Because a small resort village, high in the Alps, is about to be destroyed by an avalanche!"

"Hang on. First of all, how do you know this is going to happen or that the dam was going to be breached? Second, how am I supposed to stop tons of snow from cascading down the side of a mountain?"

Remus sighed, "No time for details at the moment. Let's just say that Farquar has managed to find an informant in Benedict's inner circle. We don't expect that even all your enhanced powers can stop an avalanche. Hopefully, you will be able to hold it back long enough for the hit teams to move all the residents and tourists far enough out of the way to prevent any loss of life. The village will be destroyed, memories will be modified, people will be rendered unconscious, and returned to the area of the village. Muggle rescuers will find them, and the press will have a field day with the idea of such a natural disaster without loss of life."

"Seems you two have done an excellent job in planning all this out. Of course, you realize that it will be a miracle if this all goes as planned?"

Mad-Eye growled, "No guarantee's. Now put this on."

"What's that?"

"A snowsuit that has been magically enhanced to keep you at a comfortable body temperature."

"I think I'd prefer to use a simple warming charm, thank you."

Raising his voice, Mad-Eye rounded on Harry. "For someone who is as intelligent and as powerful as you are, there are times you can be incredibly thick. Do you have any idea how much of your magical power it is going to take to hold back tons and tons of snow? It will be further complicated at the altitude you'll be at, along with a diminished oxygen supply. In short, no warming charm, no invisibility charm, and no hovering charm. You must stand in the snow and focus all your attention on the matter at hand. Once you let that snow loose, disapparate immediately. The hit teams will take care of the rest."

Donning the suit, Harry said, "Alright! Just calm down before that magical eye of yours pops out of its' socket and goes rolling across the floor. You know how much I hate it when that happens."

"As long as I've made my point."

"Yeah, yeah. Now show me where this place is." Remus spread the map out on the table and pointed to the small village. "Okay, see you soon."


Harry appeared on the side of the mountain and surveyed the situation. It took him a few minutes to adapt to the thinner atmosphere, and as much as he hated to admit it, he was thankful for the suit which was keeping him quite comfortable. He watched the hit teams as they evacuated the residents and guests to a safe area. Some were willingly following directions, while others were being flown through the air via wand power. "That's going to be one hell of a memory modification session," he thought to himself. Turning his attention to the matter at hand, he looked upward. The amount of snow precariously perched on the ledges above the village was far greater than he had imagined.

He noticed pale turquoise shots of lights being aimed at the enormous mass. Small pieces of snow had already begun to cascade down the mountain. Taking a deep breath, he stretched his arms; hands poised as if pushing against the snow, and started the incantation. This was taking an incredible amount of power and he could feel the magic being drained from the depths of his being. He started to tremble from the strain, but pushed his waning powers to their limits out of sheer force of will. The shots from the Death Eaters were starting to penetrate Harry's weakening shield.

Finally, he saw the stream of silver sparks in the distance. The evacuation had been completed. He lowered his arms and stood there for a minute, breathing hard. He heard the cracking of the snow, followed by an inconceivably loud roar as the snow started to pursue its' course down the mountain toward the very spot where he was standing. He tried to disapparate, but found to his horror that too much of his magic had been drained away.

Trying not to panic as he watched the mass of white bearing down on him, Harry furiously searched his mind for an alternative. Summoning all the magic he could possibly muster, Harry tried one last charm before loosing consciousness and collapsing into the snow. A moment later there was no trace of Harry.


Hermione was in the middle of a conversation with her parents when James came running over and interrupted. "MUM!"

"How many times have I told you it's rude to interrupt people when they are talking?"

"But Mum, Uncle Remus said he has to talk to you - right now!"

"Uncle Remus? Where is he?"

"In the fireplace."

Hermione glanced toward the fireplace and saw the expression on Remus' floating head. "Mum, will you and dad gather all the children and take them into the gym, please? Just keep them occupied for awhile."

As the children were taken to the other room, everyone fell silent and listened as Hermione approached the fireplace. "Remus what's wrong? I know you wouldn't be here like this if it weren't terribly important!"

"I'm sorry to ruin the party, but there has been an accident and Harry is in trouble."

Bill interjected, "Harry said he had to check on something and wouldn't be gone long." He checked his watch and continued, "Shit, he's been gone almost three hours!"

There were gasps and murmurings heard around the room. Remus raised his voice, "Look, we don't have time for all the details right now. Suffice it to say...Benedict has been busy this evening, which means Harry has too. He had to go to Northern China to prevent a dam from being destroyed and wiping out a village there. He returned here long enough to get details of a planned avalanche high in the Swiss Alps. The village was destroyed, but all the people were saved. Unfortunately it appears that between the two events, his magic was pretty well depleted. And...well...it appears he was caught in the avalanche."

Petunia dropped into the chair behind her and cried out, "NO!" She buried her face in her hands and started to sob. Fighting to keep their own emotions under control, Molly and Josephine helped her up and guided her into her own living room for some privacy.

"Sorry about that. I didn't realize Petunia was right there." Remus paused for a moment. "We need every able bodied witch and wizard you can find to start a search of that mountain before the muggle rescue teams get there to deal with the survivor's in the village. Have everyone find warm clothes and meet here as soon as possible."

"Count me in," Harold volunteered immediately.

Looking around the room for some support, Hermione said, "I know you'd like to help and as much as we could use it, I'm afraid you can't go. And in anticipation of your next question, listen closely. I know you've been making unbelievable progress in the short amount of time that Harry has been working with you, but you are still unable to apparate. Remember, Harry is the only one who is able to apparate with someone else. None of the rest of us has the ability do that; and we simply don't have the time to make a portkey for you, especially when we don't know exactly where we are going yet. It would be helpful if you would contact Madam Pomfrey and have her here for when we bring him back."

Feeling frustrated and looking dejected, Harold said, "Sure, I guess I could manage that. Maybe I'll start cleaning up this place in the meantime." He turned around and headed down the hallway.


Mad-Eye had briefed those assembled as to the area they were headed to and gave them strict warnings about the instability of the newly arranged snow and the possibility of further avalanches. He had given Hermione an orange rock to use as a portkey to take Harry straight to his bedroom once they had found him.

The mountain was a mess and it was hard to determine where to start the search. The cloud cover hid any light the moon may have offered, and the light from their wands was woefully inadequate in the wide open spaces. They split into groups of three or four and headed out in all directions, looking for even the smallest hint of a clue.

Evan had teamed up with Ron and Hermione. Conversation was held to a minimum as no one wanted to express what was going through all their minds. It was slow going as they checked even the smallest twig sticking up through the snow. Panic was not an option, but was becoming increasingly more difficult to disregard as time ticked away.

Almost an hour had passed when Ron said, "Freeze!"

Absentmindedly, Hermione said, "Yes Ron, we're all cold."

"No! I mean stop moving and look over there." He pointed slightly to their left. Suddenly a silver sphere popped out of the snow, twinkled for a second, and dropped back down again. About ten seconds later, it happened again. "That's got to be him!"

They ran over and started to dig in the snow. "Hold it," Evan said. "There is a faster way to move this shit. We can just melt it!"

"But we might burn him," Hermione cried.

"If he's done what I think he has, there is no chance of that. There is a charm to generate a far more intense heat than a flame can produce. Listen... then do the same charm. We can clear this in a matter of minutes." He pointed his wand and said, "Queburlius!" The wand glowed red and an immense amount of heat set forth. Ron and Hermione followed suit and the snow began to melt away in sheets.

When enough of the snow had melted away, they could see Harry lying in the snow. Hermione reached down, but her hand was stopped by something solid and invisible. "What in the world?"

"Brilliant!" Evan exclaimed. "It's one of the first things you're taught in winter survival training. A simple charm that uses very little magic, but is extremely powerful and definitely saves your ass! In short, it creates a protective 'bubble' which is crush-proof, heat proof, and creates an airway to insure an adequate air supply." He waved his wand around above the 'bubble' until it hit something solid. "There you are; one airway!"

"So how do we get him out of there?"

"Simple." He tapped the barrier with his wand and said, "Finis." The barrier disappeared and Evan climbed down to Harry. He checked him over and said, "Well, he's breathing and has a pulse. That's a start. Why don't you give me the portkey and I'll get him home. You go ahead and let them know we're on the way."

While Evan struggled to get Harry into a more reasonable position to travel, Hermione turned to Ron. "Let the others know we've found him and to get out of here as soon as possible. Then go to headquarters and tell Remus and Mad-Eye. I'll meet you at the Hillside after that. Oh Ron, whatever you do...don't yell around here."

"Really? Gee, I never would have thought about that! See you in a few minutes."


Hermione tossed the orange rock to Evan and disapparated. A few minutes later Evan arrived with Harry. The portkey had brought them straight to Harry's bedroom, which contained several concerned people.

"Okay, everybody out," Evan ordered. "Just give Harold & I a few minutes to get him out of these wet clothes and into some dry ones. And before anyone tries to object, let me just say; he has a pulse, is breathing, and has no broken bones. I think he'll survive a few more minutes without all of you."

First one back in the room when they had finished was Aunt Petunia, who immediately leaned over and kissed his forehead. She held his hand until Madam Pomfrey gently told her she had to examine him. Using her wand and some strange looking instrument, she went about her work.

She stepped back, faced the others, and announced, "Physically, he is fine. The problem is his magic. I don't know what he did this evening, but he has all but completely depleted it. Right now his mind is searching for a way to start the regeneration process. Usually this process starts automatically whenever a wizard uses their powers. Simply put; the problem is that it is extremely rare when a wizard uses their powers to this extent. This, in turn, makes it difficult to decide the appropriate course of action to use to get the process started again. With his extended magical abilities, Harry should be able to regenerate fairly quickly. There is a way to..."

Without saying a word, Harold walked over to the bed and pulled the blanket down far enough to expose Harry's upper torso. He put his right hand on Harry's chest, closed his eyes, and started to concentrate. Moments later, a soft ivory light started to glow from his head. It traveled down his arm and hand into Harry. Everyone stood, holding their breath, not knowing what was happening. Harry's eyes fluttered for a couple of seconds, but the stillness returned. After thirty seconds of this, Harold removed his hand and stepped back into Bill, who steadied him. "Whoa!"

"Are you alright?" Bill asked as he helped him into an empty chair.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy."

Aunt Petunia instinctively repeated the process Harold had just completed. She lasted only twenty seconds when she was helped to the other chair by Charlie. Harry's eyes opened momentarily while he inhaled deeply. As he exhaled, his eyes closed again.

Madam Pomfrey held the strange object over Harry's head again. "Congratulations, that was enough to...jump start the process. Harry can handle the rest from here. He just needs plenty of rest. I don't want him out of bed for at least three days, and not out of the house for at least a week. The only question I have to figure out is why you had any affect on him Harold. It would follow that Petunia would have an affect since they share the same family blood line. I've never heard of a case when a non-relative has ever had any affect what-so-ever."

Remus and Minerva glanced at each other with raised eyebrows.

"Maybe it has something to do with all this magical transfer business that we've been working at for the past five weeks," Harold noted. "I don't know. It just seemed the thing to do."


"My lord; wouldn't this be the time for a major offensive? I mean with Potter close to death, all attention will be directed toward his recovery."

"Close to death? It's going to take more than a few snowflakes to do any major damage to Potter. If he were that badly injured, or actually close to death, he'd be in that bloody hospital. As it is, we don't know if he's at home or that headquarters of his. Benedict paused, then, continued, "I know how much you hate him, but you must admit he is not that stupid. If he is injured in some way, the rest of the Order would be on a higher state of alert than usual. Never assume anything or underestimate your enemy Draco."


Wednesday night found Bill, Charlie, Fred, and George in the Romanian woods outside the Durmstrang school. They drew their wands as a hooded figure rushed toward them.

"It's me, you gits," Percy called. "Put those things down."

"After all these years, you think that we're going to have instant trust in you; just because it's you?" George roared. "Have you any idea what you've put mum through all these years? Until the day he died, dad tried to figure out where he went wrong with you. Ginny and Neville lost their house because of you! The list of what you've done to this family goes on and on. That doesn't even begin to cover the problems, fear and sorrow you and your sick friends have caused the rest of the wizarding world."

Percy cut him off, "I know! I made a bad decision many years ago and have been paying for it ever since. I know everything you said is true. But you have no idea what it's been like to live with that knowledge all this time. I've wanted to get out of here for a very long time."

"Then why haven't you done it before this?" Charlie asked. "Why now?"

"First of all, believe it or not, I've actually been trying to help your cause from the inside. Secondly, it's not easy to evade Benedict and his Death Eaters."

Suddenly Bill, Charlie, Fred, and George were shoved against four of the trees behind them. Vines sprang out of the ground, binding the brothers to their respective trees. The vines forced their wands out of their hands and finally stopped when it was obvious none of then could move a muscle. A look of sheer terror on his face, Percy searched the area with his eyes, hoping against hope that it wasn't what he thought it was.

"Evade me?" Benedict cackled as he withdrew the invisibility cloak revealing himself and Draco. "You pompous prat. Do you actually believe that your pathetic attempts to circumvent my plans weren't clear as glass? None of the alleged information about security around the Ministry or Hogwarts was worth a damn. Did you think I wouldn't find out that it was you who helped Snape get Potter's girlfriend away from here? Or that you gave information to one of the house elves about the plans for China and Switzerland? Once I find out which one it was, they're going to find their head on a pike as a warning to others."

"Why haven't you d-done anything before this?" Percy gulped.

"If nothing else, I am a patient man. Now you can live with the guilt of knowing that you were directly responsible for the death of one of your beloved brothers." Benedict studied each of the helpless men before reaching a decision. "I think the doubter."

All eyes shifted toward George who kept a defiant expression and waited for the inevitable. As the stream of green light headed toward George, Percy yelled, "Noooo..." and jumped in front of his brother. The killing curse hitting him directly in the center of the chest.

Benedict looked down at the lifeless body, then shifted his gaze to the horror struck brothers. Nonchalantly speaking, "No matter, this is actually better. Now you can watch the pain and sorrow of your dear mother. Not only at the loss of a child, but one who had repented and gave his life for a brother. Love...what a waste!" Turning to Draco, he said, "I believe you wanted an opportunity for a little revenge of your own?"

"But Ron's not here, my lord."

"How many times do I have to tell you to expand your imagination? Pick one of these and let the other live with the guilt that one of them had to endure the revenge meant for him. That is often more effective in the long run anyway."

Draco stepped over Percy as if he were some discarded piece of garbage. He proceeded to George where he raised his wand to his right cheek and forcefully said, "Scarfacio!"

George's screams of pain caused the birds in the trees to fly off in fear. When Draco finished, George was covered with sweat and blood from the grueling ordeal. His body, limp against his bonds, his breathing labored.

"I can't say much for your artistic ability, but it would appear that you do have some imagination after all."

"I'm not quite finished yet," Draco said with his usual sneer.

"Oh, excuse me. Don't let me stop you; please continue."

Draco walked to the next tree over. He raised his wand to Fred's left cheek and repeated the procedure causing a new wave of screams to permeate the silence of the cold night.

Once finished, Draco returned to his master's side.

"Very impressive Draco. I am curious as to why the second one and why the opposite cheek?"

"They're twins aren't they? They look alike, sound alike, dress alike, and share everything. Saw no reason why they shouldn't share this experience too. Opposite cheeks makes it easier for us to tell them apart!"

"Well, my faithful servant, it would seem there is hope for you yet!" Benedict noticed the fury in Bill and Charlie's eyes. "Oh, come, come now. Things could have been far worse for all of you tonight. Fortunately for you, I have other matters to attend to this evening. Fear not, I do have other plans for that muggle loving family of yours. In the meantime, if you will excuse me, I will say good-night gentlemen."

The moment Benedict and Draco disapparated, the vines loosened their grip and slowly sank back into the ground from whence they came. Bill and Charlie moved quickly to catch the spent twins and help them to the ground. Sitting in silence, slowly looking at each other and at their dead brother, they tried to grasp everything that had just taken place.

It was Charlie who quietly broke the silence. "How are we going to explain all this to Mum?"


It was Friday morning when Harry said, "Come in," in response to the knock on his bedroom door. Ron walked in followed by two cloaked and hooded figures. "Bit warm in here for cloaks and hoods isn't it?" There was no response. With a small hand movement, Harry closed and locked the door and caused the cloaks to drop to the floor.

"There was no need for that," George growled.

In a very stern voice, Harry said, "I will not have hooded figures in my house, much less in my bedroom. Especially when there is absolutely no reason for it!" Softening his voice, he said, "Tell me, how's your mum doing?"

"Not very well. There doesn't seem to be anything anybody can say or do to give her any comfort whatsoever. I don't know how she's going to make it through the funeral tomorrow." Ron continued slowly, "Are you going to be able to make it tomorrow?"

"Unfortunately no. Madam Pomfrey has insisted on extending my recuperation time. She went as far as to have Minerva, Evan, and Harold put a charm around the house to prevent me from going anywhere!" Harry said, shaking his head. "How are you doing?"

Remaining silent, Ron just stood there and shrugged his shoulders.

"He's okay," Fred said. "Except he won't look at either of us. That's part of the reason for the cloaks and why we're standing behind him. He's reacting exactly the way Benedict said he would...full of guilt!"

"It's time to end that shit, right now." Harry sat up and let his legs hang over the side of the bed. "You two, grab those chairs and put them here." The twins moved the chairs close to the bed and stood there. "Closer to the bed and just on each side of my legs. I can't reach that far. Now, sit down. George on my left and Fred on my right."

Harry reached out and turned their heads so he could examine the scars. "That arse certainly lacks imagination. Using their lightning bolt and circle logo. They're not even identical! How droll."

Ron was trying to avoid looking at his brothers by staring out the window. "Ron, look at them," Harry commanded. Ron continued to stare out the window. "Ron, don't make me force you!" Finally turning, Ron's face instantly filled with guilt. "Now keep your eyes on them. You two, face forward and don't move; this might sting a bit."

Harry placed his hands against their scars and closed his eyes. The twins winced slightly, but didn't move. Harry removed his hands and looked at his handy-work. "Guess my powers aren't all back yet."

"What are you talking about?" Ron exclaimed. "They're back to normal!"

"I know. I was trying to improve their looks while I was at it!"

"Thanks Harry!" came the unified reply. "I don't know how we can ever thank you enough," George added.

"Don't worry about it. Glad I could help." Harry turned toward Ron. "You on the other hand. I would think that you, of all people, would have a little more faith after all these years." He rolled his eyes, gave Ron a small smile, and said, "You lot had better get home. I'm sure there is plenty to do before tomorrow. Give your mother my love and my apologies for not being able to attend."

Another round of 'thanks' followed them out of the door.


It was a cloudy Saturday morning, though streams of sunlight found their way through the few breaks in the clouds as they floated by. The service was to be a private affair for the immediate family and a few close friends from Hogwarts and from the Order. It was to take place in the Weasley's private mausoleum, which was located in a clearing near the back of the property. It was a rather unique arrangement, which Molly and Arthur had designed and built many years before.

Essentially, it was an outdoor affair containing four buildings which formed a square. The buildings did not intersect. Instead, each corner contained a Robiluk Moraphis tree. These trees were tall and stately, never lost their leaves, and bloomed for one week each month of the year. The flowers were fragrant, large, and white with a pale peach center. The courtyard in the center of the area contained a fountain which provided a soothing background sound for thoughts and meditation. The variety of plants and flowers had been carefully chosen to insure that something was always in bloom. The entire thing was contained in a glass enclosed dome. The glass having been magically enhanced against breakage of any kind. Temperature and humidity kept at a constant to keep the plants thriving. It had taken a lot of time and money to build. Their siblings had also contributed both time and money to the endeavor since their families would also be included.

As Ron held Hermione's hand as they listened to Bill start the service, he stepped back and bumped into something. Harry clasped his hand over Ron's mouth and whispered into his ear, "Don't worry, it's just me. I had to come. This is taking a lot out of me, so I'm going to hold onto your shoulders to steady myself. Not a sound or even a look. Okay?"

Ron made a slight nod and Harry let go of his mouth.

Charlie shared the note he had received from Percy only a week before. He continued by explaining everything Percy had tried to do from within; and the number of lives that were saved due to his efforts, including sacrificing his own life for that of his brother.

Ginny ended the service with a touching poem she had written for the occasion.

Bill levitated the casket and carefully guided it to its final resting place. Charlie guided the freshly engraved marble stone into place and sealed the edges. Molly had been standing between the twins, holding their arms. She looked terribly old and lost. Once the vault had been sealed, she walked over to it alone. She ran her fingers over the letters, slowly shook her head as tears slowly dripped down her face. She kissed the cold stone, then, walked a few feet away. Ron felt Harry let go of his shoulders and wondered if he was alright.

Molly stopped in front of Arthur's grave and pressed her cheek to stone bearing his name. A single stream of sunlight shone down on the courtyard. "My love, he's in your hands now." With a sigh, she continued, "I miss you terribly." As she removed her cheek from the stone, Harry ever so gently cupped the side of her face with his hand. The vacant stare was replaced with her old sparkle. A small, hopeful smile crossed her lips as she was slowly filled with a sense of peace and comfort.

Ron whispered under his breath, "Thanks Harry."