Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
Farewell to Severus. Harold gets a New Year's Eve surprise. Benedict attacks 'Sin City' and shocks the world.
Author's Note:
As always, my appreciation to Michele and Jen!

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 15

Sin City

The small group sat motionless and in silence. Each dealing with their memories and grief privately.

A nurse entered the room and quietly asked them to leave so the body could be prepared for transport.

Harry asked Hagrid to stay behind and take care of the details with the hospital. Severus had no family except for the staff at Hogwarts. The memorial service and cremation would take place at the school. The only home he had had for over thirty years.

Harry and the others slowly apparated back to the Hillside. Aunt Petunia made tea for everyone. Those that had known Snape shared stories, and found it so ironic that he had died in an attempt to give Harry his first real chance at true love and happiness.

Josephine and Harold quietly made a light meal and set it on the table. The two of them snuck off to the media room to allow the others privacy.

Antonia sat leaning against Harry with his arm around her, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I didn't know him until the last week. He was very protective and wouldn't let anyone near me. He kept trying to figure out ways to get me out of there. Finally, with the help of Farquar, he managed it. He never gave up. He was almost consumed with the idea of getting me back to Harry."

"Shhhh," said Harry as he gently kissed the top of her head. "We'll talk about it later. I'll inform the Weasley's and have them spread the word tonight. I think it best to have the service tomorrow. That is if everyone is in agreement?"

They all nodded in the affirmative.

Harry noticed the food on the dining room table. "I see Josephine and Harold have made dinner for us. Since no one has eaten all day, I suggest we don't let it go to waste."

Gradually, each of them made it over to the table and filled a plate. The mood lightened gradually as they ate and shared stories and memories.

Harry went to the fireplace to inform The Weasley's and asked them spread the word.


The next morning greeted the mourners with wind and snow. Breakfast was a quiet affair, though not depressing.

Looking at the others dressed in their black robes, Harold felt slightly out of place. The best he could muster was a pair of dockers and a polo shirt. "Harry, I wasn't expecting to attend a funeral while I was here. This is about the most appropriate thing I can come up with. Though I think I'd stick out no matter what I wore."

"We'll take care of that in a minute. Aunt Petunia, why don't you go first and we'll meet you in my office shortly."

Harry took Antonia and Josephine to his bedroom and then to his office. He then returned to collect Harold.

"You can't just 'pop' between here and the castle, but you can do it between here and Minnesota?"

"I'll explain later." Harry pulled a robe out of his closet and tossed it to Harold. "That should fit fine and you won't feel so self conscious."

"Thanks Harry." Harold donned the robe and looked at himself in the mirror. His mind wandered for a moment at the sight he saw in the mirror. He wondered what it would be like to be a member of the wizarding world instead of just a guest.

Harry couldn't help a small smile as he watched Harold look into the mirror. "No problem. If you're finished admiring yourself, we should go. Now, put a finger on this paperweight, and don't be alarmed."

Harold put his finger on it, but couldn't figure out why he would be alarmed. Harry added his finger and Harold understood instantly!

Upon their arrival in the office, Harry immediately grabbed Harold to keep him from falling. Harold caught his breath and said, "That was interesting."

Harold's eyes roamed the office. He was impressed with its size and uniqueness, and turned very curious about all the strange gadgets scattered around. He was scanning the gallery when he suddenly froze.

"Harry, do you have one of my chocolate frog cards? I'd like to attend the service."

"Harry, that portrait just talked to you," Harold gasped.

"Yeah, he does that a lot. That is my predecessor, Albus Dumbledore. In fact, those are all the previous headmasters and headmistresses of the school. Guess that's another thing I'll have to explain later."

Harry opened a drawer in his desk, pulled out a card, and gave it to his aunt. "Would you mind taking care of this so Albus can watch the services, please?"

"Certainly." She took and put it in her robe.

"Well, we should be getting downstairs," Harry said.


The tables had been removed from the Great Hall and replaced by rows of chairs facing the High Table. The simple pine casket rested on the area usually taken up by the High Table. There were far more people than originally expected. Harry had the feeling this was due to the fact that rumors must have spread about Snape's activities for the Order.

It was a simple service. Harry gave the main eulogy. Minerva, Hagrid, Madam Pomfrey, Professor Flitwick, along with a few others, shared their personal memories of Severus with those assembled.

Harry led the procession, followed by the floating casket, which Evan was guiding. The rest of the mourners followed close behind.

Harry stopped as he stepped outside. He held his arm up and mumbled an incantation. The snow and wind were funneled around the grounds, leaving the area cold, but free of the wind and snow. The procession proceeded down to the pyre where the casket was carefully guided into place.

Once everyone had assembled, Harry pointed his wand and said, "Incendio." Immediately the casket was engulfed in flames of Slytherin green and silver. The ashes fell into the specially designed tray underneath.

The flames died out once the task had been completed. The pyre simply disappeared and left the tray floating in mid air.

Minerva stepped forward, pointed her wand, and said, "Locomotor tray." She guided the tray high over the grounds where it hovered.

"We give back to nature, Severus Snape, our friend and teacher." With those words, Harry waved his arm, and allowed the wind and snow to resume their normal course. The ashes were whisked away by the elements to their final resting place. Once empty, the tray disappeared.


At the reception in the Great Hall, which had been rearranged with several round tables, Mad-Eye took Harry aside. "Thought you ought to know that Draco Malfoy was observing the cremation from behind a stand of fir trees on the edge of the forest."

"I know," said Harry. "Had he chosen to join the group, the wards would not have stopped him. His only purpose for being here was to say good bye. Severus was a long time friend of the Malfoy family, head of Draco's house, and the only teacher that truly liked him while he was a student here. On this day, he had no ulterior motives."

When the last of the guests had finally departed, the hall rearranged back to its' usual configuration.


Early the next morning, while everyone else in the house was still asleep, Harry went to his office to talk with Dumbledore.

Harry filled Dumbledore in on all the events of the past couple of weeks. The engagement and abduction in Rome. The destruction of the Christmas decorations around the world. The fire at the Longbottoms' house. The volcano in Chile. The escape of Severus and Antonia and all the details in between.

"Well, I must say, you certainly have had your hands full. Benedict definitely has a different style than his father did. He is far more flamboyant and ambitious. That, combined with his obsession for making your life a living hell, may actually work in your favor in his destruction."

"How does that work in our favor?"

"People who are that ambitious usually lack the patience to think and plan things out properly and tend to overlook details. Many of those details are blatantly obvious to others or, at least noticed quickly."

"I guess that's what happened with Dudley," Harry said in a thoughtful tone. "Severus told me that Dudley was having trouble controlling his magic. Without warning he will start doing magic, most of it dangerous, and is unable to control or stop it. Anyone within range is in instant danger. Even Benedict has trouble controlling him during these outbursts."

"Exactly! The experiment on Dudley is a perfect example of Benedict's lack of patience or proper planning to do something correctly. That brings a question to mind. How is the infusion going with your aunt?"

"It seems to be going very well. I figure we only need two more sessions and she'll be at the point she would have been if she had followed the normal course of things. I've been having Madam Pomfrey check her out the day after each session. All reports have been positive."

"Very good. Does she know she may have to use certain powers one day? As in the possibility of an unforgivable?"

"I think she may have an idea, but she hasn't mentioned it to me. Of course, I have no intention of saying anything to her. I hope she never has to exercise that particular power. I don't know if she could ever make a choice between her son and her nephew. If it did come to that, I'm not positive which she'd choose. Also, I don't know how it would affect her once she did make a decision and actually acted on it."

"I don't think you have to worry about that for some time yet. I'm sure Benedict has more in store before he tries to kill you."

"Thanks Albus. Sometimes you really have a comforting way of phrasing things."

"I'm only stating what you already know to be true."

"Yeah, I know. It just all seems so overwhelming at times. I haven't a clue as to what he may have planned next or when he plans to do whatever it may be."

There were a few minutes of silence where neither of them even looked at each other, lost in their own thoughts.

Dumbledore broke the silence by saying, "I almost forgot. I suppose congratulations are in order on you engagement."

"Thanks...I think. You don't exactly sound enthusiastic about the idea."

"Oh, a few questions come to mind, that's all. We'll have a discussion about them one of these days."

By experience, Harry recognized that phrasing and tone of voice. He knew the conversation was over. Any attempt to pursue the subject would be futile.


Harry left his office and headed out to see Hagrid.

The front door opened as he approached. "Saw ya comin'," Hagrid said. "Come on in, I jus made a pot a' tea."

Harry sat at the table while Hagrid fetched the cups and tea. "Haven't seen ya down here in a while, I was beginnin' ta miss ya."

"I know. I'm sorry, Hagrid. I haven't meant to ignore you. It's just that so much has been happening with the entire Benedict situation, Antonia's abduction, the destruction of the decorations, the volcano, the Longbottoms' house, and a variety of other things."

Looking down at the table, shaking his head, he continued, "I've seen a vague 'vision' of a city in ruins twice now. I don't know if it is something that has already happened, or something that is going to happen. I haven't seen or heard anything on the muggle news services, or received any messages from any world leaders, either magical or muggle. I have to assume that it is something yet to come, but I have no idea when or where."

Hagrid studied Harry while he poured the tea. "Harry, I see ya tryin' ta take on the problems of the world by yourself. Ya gotta remember that you are a powerful wizard, not the Almighty. There's only so much you can do and ya can only be in one place at a time. If ya start tryin' ta be everything ta everybody all at the same time...you're gonna be no use ta anybody at anytime."

Harry took a deep breath, then, let it out slowly. "I know, I know. It just gets so overwhelming at times and I feel so totally worthless. We've already lost so many people and I'm afraid there will be more. It's so damn frustrating trying to fight someone like Benedict. He's far worse than Voldemort ever was. At least Voldemort kept things limited to Great Britain for the most part. Benedict is so much more evil and doesn't care what he does to whom, anywhere on the entire planet."

Hagrid poured more tea into their cups. Harry was staring into his cup, off in a world of his own. Hagrid watched him for awhile and finally said, "Why don't ya tell me why you're really here?"

"I don't know what you mean. It's been awhile since we spent some time together, and I thought it was about time."

"Harry, ya came here 'cuz you're feelin' guilty 'bout Snape."

"I..." Harry stopped as soon as he began. He raised his eyes and looked into the kind and understanding face of his oldest friend in the wizarding world. "We hated each other for all those years I was a student. We tolerated each other for several years after the war with Voldemort ended. That finally turned into a courteous, professional relationship. It never really developed into a true friendship though. Then he quits when I was appointed headmaster, only to become my main source of information on Benedict and his diabolical plans."

Harry paused and tried to stop his eyes from welling up. "He risked his life to save Antonia...and lost it! WHY?" At that point Harry gave in and let the long overdue tears flow. He pulled off his glasses, dropped them onto the table, and covered his face with his hand. Hagrid moved his chair over next to Harry's. He pulled Harry to his massive chest and silently held him while nature finally took its' course.

After the emotional dam had emptied and he started to regain his composure, Harry said, "I'm sorry, Hagrid."

"For what?"

"For acting like a child."

"Harry, that ain't actin' like a child. That's part a' being human. With all your powers and responsibilities, I think you forget that you are only human. Or, ya think ya can't be human in front of other people.

"I don't know, I guess it goes back to when I was a little boy on Privet Drive. It didn't matter how bad I felt, I always had to deal with problems and feelings alone. There was no one there to help or comfort me. It's not something that comes naturally to me."

"Harry, Severus did what he felt he had ta do. At the end he didn't say anything to the rest of us in that room. We all had our own relationships with him, an' he was okay with those. His last words were for you. He told ya why he had treated ya the way he did all those years and apologized for it. He gave his life to bring ya the woman ya love. He wanted ya ta get the happiness ya never had before. It is the best Christmas gift ya will ever get, Harry. At the same time he redeemed himself and was able ta die in peace."

"Hagrid, your brilliance never ceases to amaze me!"

"Ain't no brilliance. I just don't have all them other worries that you got. Gives me time ta see things in a different way, that's all."

"Well, whatever the reason, you've been a big help and I appreciate it."

Hagrid smiled. "I'm always here for ya, Harry."

"I better get home before everyone starts to think that I'm going to sleep all day. Thanks again, my friend."


Harry walked out of his room and into the kitchen where he poured himself a cup of coffee. It was unusually quiet and clean. Where was everybody? Could they all still be sleeping? No, not all. Somebody made the coffee. He tried not to panic, but did have an uneasy feeling that something might be wrong. He heard the sound of muffled voices and relaxed a bit. Taking his coffee with him he headed down the hall to the media room. He opened the door to find Antonia, Josephine, Aunt Petunia, Evan, and Harold watching television.

Harold noticed him first and said, "Morning Harry!"

"Morning Harry? You lot damn near give me a heart attack and all you have to say is 'morning Harry'?"

They all looked at him with puzzled and concerned expressions. Finally, Evan said, "What are you babbling about? Before I flooed over here, I saw you heading down to Hagrid's hut. We didn't know how long you were going to be, so we ate breakfast and came in here to check on world events."

Harry stood there feeling somewhat embarrassed and foolish. "Sorry, I guess with everything that has been going on I jumped to an incorrect conclusion. I just don't know what Benedict is going to do next or where." He leaned against the wall, looking at the floor, and shaking his head.

Antonia got up and went over to him. She kissed his cheek, took his hand, and led him over to the overstuffed chair she had been sitting in. She took his coffee and put it on the side table, and pushed him into the chair. She sat sideways on his lap so her feet hung over the arm of the chair. Putting her arms around his neck, she rested her head on his shoulder.

Very softly, she said, "Enrico, I love you and never want to be a cause of worry to you. I'll always be here for you and help you in any way I can. You have to calm down though. If you jump to conclusions and start to panic at every little thing, you will be playing right into Benedict's hand." She gently kissed his cheek and lay her head back against him.

His arms held her tightly. "I know that, but it's easier said than done. I already lost you once and can't bear the thought of going through that again."

"My poor Enrico. I wish I could do or say something to help you get through all this. All I can do is give you all my love and support, and let you know I'm always here to help you in any way I can."

"Your love is all I need. We'll get through this...eventually. We always do."


On Thursday evening Harry took Antonia, Josephine, and Aunt Petunia out to dinner in London. As is was the first time the two families had been able to spend any time alone, Harry ordered champagne to celebrate.

Aunt Petunia delicately raised her glass to make the first toast. "To my nephew, who I have only recently, truly come to know, and his beautiful fiancée!"

After everyone had sipped their champagne, Petunia continued. "I know with everything that has happened in the past two weeks, you haven't had much time together and surely haven't discussed anything, but do you have any idea as to when you'd like to get married?"

Trying not to be a smart ass, Harry said, "You're right, we haven't even thought about that. It's something that we'll have to discuss and let you know when we decide. At any rate, I don't think it will happen before the school year ends."

Josephine said, "Of course, the wedding will be in Italy."

Petunia quickly replied, "Why should it be in Italy? Harry's family and friends are all here, in England."

"If you will forgive me. As I understand it, you are Harry's only relative. Antonia has well over a hundred relatives in Rome alone and half the city will be there!"

Petunia started to get rather defensive. "I may be Harry's only living blood relative, but there are a great many people that are just as much family, if not more so, than I am. Maybe you should get to know more about him before you pass judgment."

Harry dropped his head into one hand and mumbled something about it being easier dealing with Benedict.

Antonia held up her hand, looked at the two women, and said, "Enough! This is our wedding and we'll decide what we're going to do. I have my own ideas, but want to discuss it with Harry before saying anything. In the meantime, not another word."

Before anyone could object, the waiter had arrived, ready to take their order.

The subject of the wedding was not brought up again. The conversation revolved around stories of Antonia's childhood, school days, and accomplishments since graduation.

Thanks to all those secret communications with Dumbledore, Petunia was able to do an admirable job with stories about Harry's school days and even some post graduation information. She skillfully stayed away from his childhood, said very little about Vernon, and never mentioned Dudley.

Harry was rather impressed with her knowledge of his life and how skillfully she handled that entire conversation.

Once they had returned to the Hillside, Aunt Petunia and Josephine said their good nights and retired for the evening.

Harry was sitting on the couch holding Antonia, who was curled up against him. He was gently stroking her hair while they quietly watched the fire. Finally, he said, "So, tell me, what is this brilliant idea you have about the wedding?"

"It's quite simple really. We have two weddings!"

"Two weddings? One isn't enough?"

"What, marrying me more than once is too much trouble for you?"

Harry chuckled, "I'd marry you a hundred times if that's what you wanted. I'm just trying to figure out what you're thinking."

"Well, I was thinking we could get married here on a Friday with your family, friends, dignitaries, and whoever else you may want. You and your aunt can plan it any way you want and it will fulfill all the requirements for the wizarding world. We'll have a great reception and be able to share our joy with everyone here. Then we'll go to Rome, get some sleep, and do it all over again with my family and friends. That will make my family happy and fulfill all the muggle requirements."

"I guess that would satisfy everybody. I don't suppose there is any chance of a small affair in Italy?"

"Enrico, how many times have you been to Italy in the past three years? Have you ever seen an Italian family celebrate any family event in a small way? No, I'm afraid mama was right about half the city being there. I know it is hard for you to completely understand, especially having only Petunia as blood family, but I think you'll come to enjoy a large family over time. Anyway, since we'll be living here, you won't have to deal with it all that often."

"I don't suppose that there is any chance of at least the wedding itself there to be a small affair with only your immediate family and a judge?"

"I'm afraid not. Not even going into hurting people's feelings, you have to remember why I go to Rome every Sunday morning. That is very important to me."

"Sorry, I almost forgot about that. I have only one more question. With all these weddings, receptions, etc., are we going to have a honeymoon sometime before we turn seventy five?"

"I guarantee it. Nobody is looking forward to that more than me!"

"Wanna bet?" Harry pulled her close and kissed her passionately.

The romantic mood was shattered by the sound of loud voices entering through the front door. They sat up and turned around just in time to watch Evan and Harold stumble in, leaning against each other in order to stay upright.

Antonia and Harry went over to help them. Antonia guided Evan to the couch while Harry helped Harold drop into a chair.

Harry turned to Evan, and trying not to laugh, asked, "Where the hell have you two been?"

"We had dinner at The Three Broomsticks," Evan replied with some difficulty. "Then we went to the Hog's Head for a couple of drinks."

"Only a couple?"

"Boy, is that place a d-dive," Harold added. "That Firewhiskey is one hell of a d-drink though!"

Harry rounded on Evan. "You let a muggle drink Firewhiskey? Are you nutters?"

"It's not like it's going to k-kill him!"

"No, it's not going to kill him, but he's going to have a hangover like he's never even imagined before. Tomorrow, given the choice, he'll probably prefer death."

Having trouble holding his head straight, Evan looked up at Harry. "I better get back to the c-castle. I need some s-sleep."

"You're in no condition to floo, fly or even walk. You can just sleep it off here, on the couch." Harry turned and asked Antonia to get a pillow and blanket out of the cupboard in the hallway.

Antonia returned and set the blanket on the back of the couch. She fluffed the pillow and put it at one end of the couch. "Do you want some help?"

"No thanks. I'll take it from here. Why don't you just go to bed and get some sleep yourself." Harry leaned over and kissed her good night. He could hear her giggling and mumbling in Italian as she made her way down the hall. He just smiled and shook his head.

Harry leaned over and helped Evan to lie down on the couch. He was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Harry pulled off Evan's shoes and pants, and covered him with the blanket. Harry sighed and mumbled, "One down, one to go."

He walked over to the chair where Harold was barely conscious, and pulled him up by his arms. He pulled Harold's right arm around his own neck and held his wrist with his right hand, leaving his left arm free to support Harold's back, and headed toward the bedroom.

Harold looked over and said, "Hi ya Harry!" Harry just nodded. "Are you s-sure it was n-never Harold?"


As they entered the bedroom, Harry waved his finger. The bed covers and blanket pulled themselves down, ready for Harold. Harry let go and Harold fell backward onto the bed. Harry pulled off Harold's shoes and pants, and covered him. He stared at him for a minute, shook his head, and said, "Boy, are you going to feel like shit in the morning."

Chuckling to himself as he closed the door, Harry headed to his own bed.


While Petunia and Josephine were preparing breakfast, Harry was in the corner of the kitchen preparing something else.

"Good heavens, Harry," Aunt Petunia scowled. "What are you making? It smells perfectly horrid."

"It's a potion for Evan and Harold. They are going to need it when they wake up." Harry waved his hand, making an airtight seal around the curing potion. "Let's eat in the meantime, shall we?"

"What about Evan and Harold?"

"That's their breakfast over there. They won't want any food before lunch...if then."

Part way through the meal, Harry said, "Toni, why don't you tell them what we decided to do about the weddings."

At the sound of 'weddings', Petunia and Josephine looked at each other and then at Antonia.

Antonia said, "Enrico, you go ahead and explain it to them."

"Oh no. This was your idea. I only agreed to it." He smiled, raised his eyebrows, and took a bite of his toast.

Antonia went on to explain the idea of the two weddings and the logic behind it. The two women agreed that it was probably the best course of action. They each promised to stay out of the plans of the other.

Aunt Petunia shyly asked, "Will we be able to attend both ceremonies?"

Harry glanced at Antonia and smiled. "Yes. Antonia's immediate family will attend both, if they so desire." Looking at his aunt, he continued, "Of course you may attend both if you wish. That invitation will also extend to the Weasley's, Evan and Harold."

Evan wondered into the dining room and sat at an empty place. His eyes were only half open and he was rubbing his head. "Can I have some coffee, please? I forgot what this was like."

Harry went into the kitchen and returned with a small glass of the potion he had prepared. He set it down in front of Evan and returned to his seat.

Evan moved back, away from the table. "Good grief. What the hell is that?"

"Something to counteract last night. Now drink it before I force it down you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Yeah, I would, can and will. I guarantee, it won't be pretty"

The look on Harry's face was all the proof Evan needed. He closed his eyes, scrunched his face, and drank it as fast as he could. Once he had downed it, he shook his head, shuddered, and said, That's the worst tasting stuff I've ever tasted. What's in it?"

Harry calmly said, "Don't ask. The worst is yet to come. Harold may try to kill you once he's had his dose."

"Why? It's horrible, but has no after taste."

"Because he's a muggle. His glass is three times the size of the one you just drank. There is a reason that stuff isn't found in muggle pubs or liquor stores. The magic in a wizard helps to dilute the extra ingredient. Muggles don't have that magical protection." He paused, then, continued, "Just watch, he's coming now."

Harold was talking forever to make his way down the hall. He was walking very slowly, holding the wall as a guide. As he entered the dining room it became apparent that he was in pretty bad shape. His skin was literally a pale green, the whites of his eyes were actually yellow and he was trembling. Harry guided him to an empty chair at the table and went to get the rest of the potion.

He set it in front of Harold and said, "Drink it."

Feeling as though he were going to drop dead any minute, Harold didn't argue and drank it down all at once. He set the glass down and sat there making small shivering movements. "What the hell was in that stuff I was drinking last night? I've had some hangovers in my day, but nothing like this."

"What you drank last night is not meant for muggle consumption. You'll be alright as soon as we take care of part two of the cure."

"There's more?"

"Yep. Follow me. You too, Evan. Ladies, we'll see you for lunch."

The two men followed Harry to the gym. Harry closed the door behind them and said, "Sauna, hot and moist." A moment later a sauna room appeared in the corner of the gym. He walked over to the sauna, stripped, and attached a towel around his waist. He turned around and said, "Well, come on. A good sweat is the best way to get the rest of the toxins out of your body. This is also a lot easier than a workout, which I doubt either of you is in any shape for at the moment. Finally, the two of them joined him and entered the sauna.

"I don't think I'll ever drink again," Harold moaned, as sweat emitted from every pore in his body.

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "Famous last words. Though I doubt you will ever drink Firewhiskey again. At least not in the quantities you consumed last night!"

"Sorry, Harold. I had no idea it was so dangerous to muggles," Evan said in all sincerity. "I'll never do that again."

Harold sighed, "Okay. Just let me melt in peace."

Harry leaned back against the hot wooden slats and closed his eyes. A few minutes later he gasped, sat up straight, and stared straight ahead.

Evan turned with a start. "Harry, what's wrong?"

"I just had that vision again."

"What vision?"

"It's just a vague picture of some city in ruins. It's too vague to know what city it is, and whether it's in the past or the future. This is the third time this has happened in the past couple of weeks."

Silence fell over the sauna as all three of them wandered into their individual pools of possibilities.


Once they had finished, showered, and dressed, they rejoined the women for lunch. Evan and Harold both felt good as new. Physically, Harry felt good, but his mind was troubled with this third viewing of the vision.

Taking the second bite of his sandwich, Harry heard a voice call his name. He went over to the fireplace where Remus' head was floating in the flames.

"Sorry to disturb you, Harry, but we need to talk with you. Can you come to headquarters?"

"Sure, I'll be there in a minute." He went back into the dining room and said, "Sorry, I have to go to headquarters. I shouldn't be too long." He kissed Antonia, grabbed the rest of his sandwich, and apparated to Grimmauld Place.


Finding Remus and Mad-Eye in the kitchen, Harry said, "What's up?"

"We're not exactly sure. There seems to be an unusual build up of magic in Romania. We assume it's in the area of Durmstrang's."

Harry thought for a moment as he took another bite of his sandwich. "Any clue as to what it might mean?"

"Might mean they are building another one of those objects, like the one that started the volcano," Moody grunted. "If this information is correct, it's going to be a lot more powerful than the last one."

"If it is another one of those objects, there is still no way to know when or where he plans to use it." Harry said as he tossed the remains of his sandwich onto the table.

Thoughtfully, Remus said, "We may not know where, but we might know when. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, which means tomorrow night there will be millions of people around the world celebrating the new year. What better time to make a statement, or an attack? The only real question is...where?"

Harry was absent-mindedly playing with the remains of his lunch. "Well, the timing would certainly get the attention of the world. The place is the real problem. He has the entire world to choose from."

Mad-Eye grumbled, "Well, if I wanted to make a point to the world, I'd either do something at one of the first celebrations...maybe Sydney. Or, I'd wait until it had gone around most of the world and do something in one of the western cities in America. Either option would make a definite statement."

Remus added, "On the other hand, he might pick a city with some particular meaning to make his point. Of course, that still leaves it open to anywhere in the world."

Tossing the remnants of his sandwich across the room into the bin, Harry sighed, "Oh great, we can eliminate any town with a population less than ten. I suppose we can be fairly certain that Benedict will do something during the New Year's Eve celebration. We're still left with the questions of what and where."

Harry slammed his open hand onto the table causing both Remus and Mad-Eye to jump with a start. "Damn! I hate feeling so completely useless. We're talking about people's lives and security here! We've got nothing more than the possibility of a twenty four hour window and have narrowed it down to the planet Earth."

Trying to bring some calm back to Harry, Remus spoke steadily and deliberately. "Surprise is the nature of war. It is how either side tries to get the upper hand. I think the best thing we can do right now is to contact Ministers around the world and inform them of our suspicions. They, in turn, can follow up by informing their muggle counterparts."

Harry thought about it for a few minutes and said, "Alright. Contact the messengers we used before and have them report here as soon as possible. I'll compose a message and have them ready to go by the time they arrive." Saying nothing else, he headed to the small library to write out the warning.

By the time he had finished composing the message and making the copies to be distributed, all the messengers had assembled in the kitchen area. They had been talking amongst themselves, wondering what the big emergency was.

Harry entered the kitchen, hands full of sealed envelopes. "Sorry to call you in on such short notice, but we felt this important enough to warn the world leaders as soon as possible."

As Harry explained the possible scenarios, he noted many concerned expressions and rumblings. An air of urgency and apprehension permeated the room. One by one, the messengers collected the envelopes and set off to deliver the news.

"Not much more we can do at the moment. Keep analyzing whatever data you acquire and any possible solutions that may come to mind. I'll be at the Hillside if you need to contact me for any reason."

Once Harry had left, Remus sat there shaking his head. "I don't know, Moody, I'm worried about him. He is taking this too personally."

Mad-Eye sat back and sighed, "Always has. Just part of who he is and why he's always been so effective. I'd never want to trade places with him, that's for sure."

"You've got that right!"


Back at the Hillside, Harry explained the latest findings and theories to the rest of the household. "So, starting around noon tomorrow, at least one of us will have to be watching the television news at all times. It will be a bit awkward during the party tomorrow night, but it can't be helped."

As he was talking, on owl flew in and dropped a note in front of Harry. He read it and smiled. "Finally a bit of good news. Farquar has been released from hospital. Dobby has taken him back to Hogwarts where the house elves will complete his recovery with their own special brand of magic. He should return to Grimmauld Place sometime tomorrow."


Guests leisurely arrived throughout Saturday evening. As people were milling about the two houses, the media room, and the gym, which had again been transformed into a ballroom, the evening was progressing much as any other New Year's Eve gathering. There was a subtle concern by almost everyone as to what might happen at any time. The media room proved a popular place as people kept checking the international news channels. Each hour they showed different cities celebrating the arrival of the New Year as clocks struck midnight. So far nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Fireworks boomed into the night skies while revelers danced in the streets!

As midnight approached the Hillside, the media room proved to be the place to be. Keeping one eye on the television, Harry and Antonia stood in the back of the room talking with Josephine and Petunia. At the stroke of midnight, Harry pulled Antonia close and gave her a New Years kiss that she would not soon forget.

Josephine and Petunia embraced, exchanged the usual midnight greetings, and watched the lovebirds. Josephine sighed, "It's times like this that I really miss Arturo. Not that I don't miss him everyday, but he always managed to turn any celebration of life into something special between the two of us."

Petunia said, "Must have been wonderful to have that kind of a marriage." Josephine looked at her with her head cocked. Seeing the question in Josephine's eyes, Petunia continued. "Oh, it's not that Vernon and I didn't love each other. It just wasn't the passionate type of relationship that you had with your husband or what those two have. We were just too proper and had a 'comfortable' relationship."

Ron and Hermione had joined the group as did several more of their close friends. Hugs, kisses, and greetings ensued, along with the usual small talk.

Harry noticed Harold leaning against the wall on the far side of the room. He excused himself and approached his muggle friend. "Are you alright?"


"You're not fooling me. Something's bothering you. What is it?"

Harold sighed while his eyes scanned the room. Looking down, he said, "I was just missing Sophia. Having her on a ship with her parents in the Mediterranean isn't exactly how I had planned to spend New Years Eve. Don't worry about it, I'll live."

After thinking for a moment, Harry asked, "Do you know where the ship is right now?"

"Well, I've got a copy of the itinerary and a map of where they are scheduled to be. It would be easy enough to find out. Why?"

"Hang on, I'll be back in a minute."

Harry returned to Antonia's side and whispered in her ear, "I'll be back in a few minutes." She looked at him with a questioning expression. He just winked at her, "I'll explain later. Shouldn't be too long."

Harry returned to the far side of the room. Putting his hand on Harold's shoulder, he led him down the hall and into his bedroom. Closing the door behind them, he said, "Okay, get the paperwork."

"I'm confused. What are we doing?"

"Just get the paperwork!"

Harold dug through his pack and pulled out the information. He scanned the itinerary and the map. "They are docked off the coast of Gibraltar. A special New Years Eve gala is taking place in the grand ballroom."

"Would she be attending the gala?"

"Of course. The three of them would have attended. At midnight she would celebrate with her parents for a few minutes and then would quietly slip out to the deck for some time alone." Harold blushed as he said, "She'd want some private time to miss me and wish we were together."

Harry smiled, "Excellent!"

"That's easy for you to say. Especially after practically climbing down to your fiancées' tonsils at midnight!"

Harry raised his eyebrows and looked at his friend.

"I wasn't the only one to notice. Most of the room stopped what they were doing to watch."

It was Harry's turn to blush. "Never mind that or I may change my mind."

Raising his voice slightly, Harold said, "Change your mind about what? You haven't told me what the hell this is all about yet!"

Harry sat back on the bed and calmly said, "I'm going to take you to Sophia. That way you can have your own New Year's kiss."

"Are you serious?"


"Harry, that's great! I don't know what to say."

"Before you get too excited, there are a few details you need to be aware of."

"Like what?"

"Well, we can't stay longer than five minutes. Further, you will remember this as it happens, but Sophia won't."

"What do you mean, Sophia won't?"

"I assume Sophia doesn't know anything about wizards or our world?" Harold nodded in agreement. "Well, I assume she would wonder how you suddenly appeared on a ship in the Mediterranean, when she doesn't even know you've been in Britain for the past week."

"So what are you trying to tell me?" Harold asked with a look of total confusion.

Harry proceeded to explain what he planned to do and why he wanted to limit the time of the visit. Harold finally understood and agreed to his terms.

"Hang on, I almost forgot the cloak." Harry quickly left the room, and reappeared almost instantly.

"What's that?" Harold asked.

"It's an invisibility cloak. We put this around us and become invisible."

Harold regarded him with a look like he was joking with him. "Yeah, right."

Harry smiled, "Your going to love this part. Come over here and stand right next to me." Harold walked over and stood about a foot away from Harry. Harry reached over and pulled him right next to him. "When we were kids, Ron, Hermione and I fit under this many times. It's not as roomy for a couple of grown men. Now watch yourself in that mirror."

Harry flung the cloak around them and pulled it closed in the front. He watched Harold's mouth drop in the mirror. "Okay, hold on to my arm and let's go."

Harold had barely accepted the sight of seeing the two of them disappear when he noticed they were standing in the shadows on the deck of a ship. He started to say something when Harry's hand clasped over his mouth. Harold's eyes opened wide and his eyebrows almost disappeared into his hair. Still holding his mouth, Harry turned Harold's head to the left. He immediately noticed a couple walking toward them. He nodded his head and Harry removed his hand.

Walking quietly in the shadows, they headed toward the bow. Standing alone along the rail with a shawl drawn around her shoulders, Sophia was staring out at the blackness of the night.

Harry whispered, "Do you remember the plan?"


"Then go to her."

Satisfied that no one else was around, Harold left the protection of the cloak and walked toward her. Not wanting to startle her, he dragged his feet so she was aware that someone was coming. When only a foot or so away, he softly said, "Sophia."

At first glance, she grabbed the railing for balance. "Enrico!"

Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head. The bizarre parallels continue, he thought. He noticed her olive skin and dark brown, wavy hair. Hmm, she's almost as pretty as Toni!

"Enrico, how...where...?"

As he took her in his arms, he said, "Don't ask. I only have a few minutes. I wanted to see you so badly tonight, that a friend arranged this." He then pulled her into a long, passionate kiss.

Harry waved his hand, creating a sound shield, just in case anyone else came by. In the meantime, he watched the other areas of the deck to be sure no one else wandered to this part of the ship. It also gave him something to do instead of staring at the two of them.

When the five minutes had just about passed, Harry exposed his head as a sign to Harold. Harold in turn, stopped talking and started kissing again. He turned them so that Sophia's back was toward Harry. Harry dropped the cloak and walked toward them.

Once he was right behind her, Harry said, "Sophia." As she turned around, Harry's eyes instantly engaged her eyes. He held her still as he probed her mind. Once he had finished, she went limp and fell back into Harold's waiting arms.

He carried her to one of the lounge chairs and gently set her down. Harry put a blanket over her. They stood and watched her for a moment.

"Are you sure you didn't hurt her?"

"I'm sure. I simply wiped any memory of me and the explanation you gave her as to your appearance here. The rest of the conversation and the physical contact will remain in her memory. The only difference is that she will remember it as a dream. If we ever tell her about the wizard world, I can easily remove the dream spell. She will then remember everything as it actually happened, instead of as a dream."

Harold put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "I don't know how to thank you!"

"Easy, don't move your hand."

Before Harold could ask why, they appeared back in the bedroom at the Hillside.

"Come on, let's join the others." As they passed Harry's bedroom, he tossed the cloak onto his bed.

Antonia noticed them, cornered them, and asked, "Where have you two been?"

Ever so casually, Harry replied, "On a ship anchored off Gibraltar."

Harry looked at Harold. "You tell her. I'll get us a couple of drinks."

Harold explained the short trip and told her how grateful he was to Harry.

Harry returned and handed Harold his drink. Antonia took his now empty hand and kissed him.

"What's that for?"

She smiled and said, "For being such a good friend and such a romantic."

Harry rolled his eyes, took her hand, and said, "Come on let's dance."

A waltz was ending as they entered the ballroom. Harry said, "Pick something."

A sly grin spread over her face as she said, "The Tarantella!"


"Come on, I know you know it."

"Yeah, but what about all of them?"

"They'll have to learn quickly or wait for the next selection."

The music started and the two of them were off. To Harry's surprise a small number of people joined in, including Ron and Hermione. Harold paired up with Josephine, and they were off.

By three in the morning, everyone had left. Evan hadn't been seen for a couple of hours. Last sighting had been shortly after midnight when he was talking with the pretty new librarian.

Saying he wasn't tired, Harold volunteered to stay up and watch the news for any sign of trouble from Benedict. No one argued as they each headed for their respective bedrooms.


A few minutes before eight, Harold ran down the hall and into Harry's bedroom. He grabbed Harry's shoulder and shook him.

"What?" Harry asked as he tried to clear his mind and reached for his glasses.

"It's Las Vegas!"

"What's Las Vegas? What are you on about?"

Almost out of breath with fear, Harold continued. "Benedict's target. It's Las Vegas!"

Harry jumped out of bed, grabbed a t-shirt lying on the edge of the bed, pulled it over his head as they rushed into the media room.

The television screen revealed a panoramic view of the Las Vegas valley. The world famous strip, dripping in lights of every hue, was in the center of the screen. Replicas of world famous landmarks such as the Eiffel tower, the Great Pyramid, and the Empire State Building were gleaming in the night sky. The fountains of Bellagio were dancing to the delight of party goers, while the volcano at the Mirage erupted, and the pirate battle raged at Treasure Island.

Downtown could be seen toward the top of the screen. The neighborhoods surrounding the action packed areas lie quietly. As in any other city, the neighborhoods were full of houses, apartments, churches, schools, shopping centers, and the like.

The crystal clarity of the late night sky enhanced the overall view of the sparkling lights throughout the valley.

The camera zoomed in on the strip which was a sea of humanity. The reporter, giving the usual background information, was saying, "Over seven hundred and fifty thousand people come to celebrate New Years Eve in Las Vegas each year. It looks like any other New Years celebration here in 'sin city'. That is with one exception."

The camera panned back to the original view of the entire valley. This time it revealed more of the sky above the city. There it was, centered directly over the strip. Harry's heart skipped a beat when the object came into full view. Somewhat larger than previous objects, but undeniably the same. The now familiar lightning bolt logo clearly visible.

"The crowds both on the strip and downtown have just noticed the object floating above the city." The reporter continued as Harry turned up the sound. "It appears that many have recognized the object from the Chilean volcano incident only days ago. Panic has started to take control and people are pushing each other to get away. Cars are pouring out of parking lots in an attempt to get to the freeways to get out of town as fast as possible. Panic is turning into pandemonium before our eyes! Some in the crowd are being trampled by those rushing to get away from the main streets. It is a catastrophe in the making!"

The other members of the household had joined them in the media room. Antonia had gone to Hogwarts, found Evan, and brought him back to the Hillside. The looks of shock and bewilderment on the faces of everyone in the room said it all. Each sat silent and frozen watching the events unfold before their eyes. This was a scene repeated in homes, theatres, and giant outdoor venues around the world.

This time, the object started a dull green pulsating light as it began to spin. Instead of a single beam as in the case of the volcano, it started shooting balls of green light out in every direction. Green beams of light also shot out at various targets throughout the city.

In a matter of moments the control tower and one concourse at the airport were reduced to rubble. Several planes on the ground and three in the air were destroyed. One of the beams had cut through the pedestal of the Stratosphere Tower causing the top seven hundred feet of the structure to crash down upon dozens of neighboring houses. A ball of light landed in the Mirage lagoon, causing the temperature of the water to pass the boiling point. The volcano exploded scalding those standing nearby. Another beam worked it's magic on the replica of the Eiffel Tower whose steel structure melted under the heat and it fell over in slow motion.

Downtown Las Vegas faired no better. The four and a half block long canopy, containing over two million tiny lights that made up a giant video screen and the accompanying sound system, crashed ninety feet to the ground, killing hundreds of party goers standing under the structure.

The Air Force sent up dozens of fighter jets from nearby Nellis Air Force base in an attempt to destroy the object. Several missiles passed right through it, causing no harm to the object, but eventually blowing up several of the billion dollar resorts.

As Harry started to stand up, Harold asked, "Where are you going?"

"To Las Vegas!"

Harold grabbed Harry's arm and tried to pull him back to the couch. "Are you crazy? What the hell do you think you can do...beside get yourself killed?"

As Harry turned to answer Harold, Evan tackled him back onto the couch and sat on him. Harry looked at Evan, his green eyes glowing with anger.

Evan was getting just as angry. "Don't try to threaten me with those eyes of yours. You know damn well you're not going to harm me or anyone else in this room. What good will it do if you fall into Benedicts trap?"

"What trap?"

"The trap he undoubtedly has set for you in Las Vegas. He knows that once you see what's going on, your first reaction would be to go there to stop the carnage and destruction. He probably has dozens of his followers just waiting for you. If they succeeded in either killing or kidnapping you, what chance would the rest of the world have in the days and weeks to come?"

Harry relaxed a bit and dropped his head against the back of the couch. His eyes had returned to their normal shade of green and his breathing had slowed to a more normal rhythm. He looked up at Evan and said, "Your right. I'm sorry I lost control. It's just so hard to sit here and watch such needless pain, suffering and destruction."

"That's okay," Evan said. "Are you sure you're alright now?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Just one thing."

"What's that?"


"Oh, sorry." Evan stood up and walked back to his own chair.

Harry then looked to his side and said, "Harold."


"Let go of my arm. You've cut off the circulation and I will need it in the future."

"Oops, sorry."

Suddenly Josephine called out, "Look!"

Everyone turned their attention back to the television. There were four missiles heading toward the object from four different directions.

Harold said, "Good idea, but they are traveling at different speeds and won't meet at the same time."

Harry stared at the screen and raised his hands even with his shoulders. His eyes turned vibrant green again and he mumbled something no one could understand. The missiles changed speeds and finally met in the middle of the object. The screen went white and nothing else could be seen for what seemed like an eternity.

When the picture returned, the sky over Las Vegas was clear except for the sight of the fighters returning to base. The reporter had started speaking again. "Yes, ladies and gentleman, the object has finally been destroyed in one of the most spectacular explosions ever filmed. The timing of those missiles couldn't have been more precise."

Everyone in the room looked over at Harry, who just shook his head and kept watching the television.

Harold moved over as Antonia came over and sat next to Harry, leaning her head against his chest and one arm around his stomach and side. Still staring at the screen, Harry slowly caressed her hair.

The reporter was continuing with his report as the camera panned the almost incomprehensible carnage. "This is by far the greatest single disaster in the history of the world. Tens of thousands of people killed or injured, and well over a fifty billion dollars in damage. Who knows how long this is going to take to clean up and rebuild? Of course, the biggest question of all remains. Who is responsible for this and why?"

The camera showed a panorama of the city in ruins. Fires still burning, smoke wafting skyward, bodies lying in the streets and under rubble, while the injured wandered aimlessly trying to help each other. Harry closed his eyes as he realized that this was the vision he had been seeing.