Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Harry gives his first welcoming speech. Slytherin gets a new Muggle-born head of house. Another secret is revealed!
Author's Note:
Again, my thanks to Michele and Jen for their beta skills.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 6

Welcome and... What?

The big day had finally arrived. Everyone was making last minute checks to be sure that all was perfect for the students' arrival. There was a tinge of nervousness that had not been felt in many years. There was a new headmaster. There were foreign teachers, foreign students, and even foreign dishes on the menu! On top of everything else, the new protective charms and spells had been added to those already in place protecting all of Hogwarts.

There was a general curiosity about the added protections. Harry had not yet informed the overall staff of the reason for them and they all thought it best not to ask. The new teachers quickly learned what the existing staff already knew. Trust Harry, do as he asks, and he will fill you in when he feels the time is right.

Questions, questions. The gallery and staff were solidly behind the new, young Headmaster. There had been some doubts and concerns along the way about all the new changes, but his reasoning had been sound and ultimately accepted.

Owls had been sent to all the parents explaining the new changes. The vast majority of parents had returned owls of congratulations, understanding, hope, and wishes for success. They would have to wait to evaluate the students reaction... especially years two through seven.

It was late afternoon and Harry was in his office going over his speech of welcome for this evening. There was a knock at the door. Without stopping, he said, "Come in."

Ron and Hermione walked in and stood before his desk. Still engrossed in his notes, he hadn't even looked up to see who had entered.

After a moment or two, Ron said, "Have we come at a bad time Headmaster?"

Harry looked up and saw them standing there. "Oh, I'm sorry. I have gone over this speech a hundred times and keep thinking I'm forgetting something. Please, sit down."

As they sat in the chairs on the opposite side of the desk, Hermione said, "Harry, relax. You are going to be just fine! I would suggest using that prepared speech only as a reference. Speak to everyone from your heart, you always do your best that way... and you know it!"

Out of habit, Harry stood up to pace. As he did they noticed his new robes. They were royal blue with very simple, but elegant lines.

"Harry, your robes are absolutely stunning! Where on earth did you get them?" asked Hermione, looking very impressed.

"They are a gift from Antonia. She insisted on giving me something for the occasion. So, we went to Milan a couple days ago. She has an uncle who is a tailor and owns his own business. He is a specialty designer who mainly caters to the rich and famous of both the muggle and wizard worlds. He designed and made them while we toured the city."

"Hard to picture the Headmaster at the feast without the elaborate robes and all," Ron said. Almost immediately, he realized what he had said...and froze. Slowly, he looked up and said, "Harry, I didn't mean...that is...well..."

Harry came to his rescue. "Ron, relax! There are times I still don't quite believe it. Everyone will have to get used to simpler robes, no hat, and no long white hair or beard... even different glasses!"

There was a knock at the door. "Come in Aunt Petunia," called Harry.

Petunia walked in and joined them at the desk. She was wearing robes of pale peach and had a flower in her hair. "Good evening everyone, I hope I'm not late. I haven't been to one of these in almost fifty years."

"Good evening Petunia," said Hermione. "No, your not late, we've just been talking about changes over the years. You seem a little nervous... are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking back to the feast when I started here, and how terribly nervous I was."

"Harry told us about you being a witch and starting at Hogwarts. What house were you in?"

"Hufflepuff," she replied.

"Talk about getting used to changes," Harry said. "How about my aunt...the witch?"

A clock chime told them it was time to head downstairs. They were certainly a colorful group. Harry in royal blue, Petunia in pale peach, Hermione in pale green and Ron in charcoal gray.

"Harry," Dumbledore called, "good luck. We are all with you!"

With those words spoken, the entire gallery broke out in applause as the foursome left the office. A gesture Harry genuinely appreciated.

As the group reached the hallway, Hermione said, "Hang on a minute, I dropped something in the office. I'll be right back." She hurried back up the stairs and into the office.

She went straight to the portrait of Dumbledore and pulled a small picture out of her robes. "Professor," she whispered, "if I put this on our table, will you be able to see and hear everything?"

"Perfect timing Minister," replied Dumbledore as he looked at the card. "With your help, we can combine the portrait network with chocolate frog cards, thus expanding my ability to observe and gather information."

"Sounds marvelous," said Hermione. "What do I have to do?"

"Just hold the card against my portrait until I tell you to remove it."

She put the card against the portrait and held it in place. After a minute, the card became warm and a yellow light passed from the portrait to the card. The card then returned to normal temperature. "Done," said Dumbledore. "Thank you Hermione. Don't tell Harry about this yet. He'd be more nervous about his speech if he knew I was watching. I'll tell him about it tomorrow. You better get going before they start wondering what is taking you so long."

"Thanks Professor," she said. She returned the card to her pocket and rejoined the others.

Harry led them to the Great Hall via a rarely used back corridor. He brought them over to a small table which was only large enough for the three of them. It was located against the side wall between the head table and the student tables.

"Sorry, but this is the best I could do. Seems you are the first 'guests' in about seven hundred years," Harry said. "Well, I guess I had better get up to the High Table. Wish me luck."

They watched as he took his place at the center of the High Table. Fortunately, Neville and the three other new teachers were all around Harry's age, so he didn't look that much out of place. Of course, not seeing Dumbledore sitting there was something everyone was going to have to get used to. They noticed Evan sitting on Harry's left, with Antonia next to him. The chair on Harry's right was empty and is where Minerva would sit after the sorting. Next to her was Neville, and on his right, Shinotqua.

In the meantime, Hermione conjured up a picture frame, without glass, for Dumbledore's card . She put the card in the frame and set it next to the centerpiece, facing the High Table.

"What is that? " Ron asked.

"It's one of Dumbledore's chocolate frog cards," Hermione said. "They are now connected to the portrait network. Albus wanted to watch Harry at his first welcoming feast."

Ron looked at her, shaking his head and said, "As if Harry isn't nervous enough... now he's got Dumbledore watching too!"

"Relax Ron. Harry doesn't know about this. Dumbledore will tell him tomorrow."

The Great Hall looked magnificent as ever. The candles floating above the tables were of various colors for the first time. The enchanted ceiling revealed a clear night with thousands of twinkling stars in the heavens.

Finally, the huge front doors opened and in walked Professor McGonagall with the typically nervous new students following close behind. She told the new first years to stand at the bottom of the steps and wait. They stood there staring at the old hat sitting on the stool.

Suddenly the hat came to life and sang its' song. It started with its' usual brief history of the school and how the four houses were born. Continued with the importance of trust and friendship in times of peril. Then it went through a brief history of headmasters and headmistresses and how each one had brought some changes and new ideas to the school. Finally, it announced that Harry was the youngest headmaster in the history of the school, but, all should listen to and trust him for he is the most powerful wizard to have ever lived.

Never knowing what the hat is going to say year to year, or having any control over it, Harry, who was as surprised as everybody else, instantly blushed. He had a strange expression on his face, while trying to ignore the hundreds of eyes that immediately settled on him.

After the sorting hat had finished the most unusual and revealing song anyone could remember, it fell silent. The students all started applauding. Harry, his family, and the staff joined the applause, but kept looking at each other in bewilderment.

As the sorting started, Ron turned to Hermione and Petunia and said, "What was that all about? I've heard some strange things come out of that hat before, but nothing like that!"

Petunia said, "Don't ask me. It was drastically different than the two times I heard it those many years ago. My concern is the look on Harry's face toward the end. Did you notice it?"

"Yes," Hermione said, "he seemed more concerned with that declaration than embarrassed. That's not like him at all. Apparently Harry is not the only one who feels that there is a new evil waiting out there. I'm going to have to start having some meetings at work in the next few days."

The hat had finished sorting the new students while they were talking. Minerva was now in her seat next to Harry. She looked at him and he nodded. She picked up her spoon and carefully tapped it against her goblet, "Your attention please." Silence slowly came over the hall and all eyes faced the High Table. "Our new Headmaster, Professor Potter, would like to address you at this time."

Harry looked over at his family and saw each of them smile and give small nods of encouragement. He then took a deep breath and stood up.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. It has been said that change is good for the soul. That change is a necessary and natural progression in the life cycle. The list of reasons for change is lengthy to say the least. This will be a year of many changes for all of us. Change is also a challenge. With open minds and patience, we will be able to meet and conquer these challenges successfully."

" For all those returning this year, I'm sure you remember the loss of our great Headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, before the end of last year. He was a great wizard, professor, and friend whose memory and inspiration will live on for generations to come."

" The year was then guided to its' conclusion by Professor McGonagall. We all appreciate her guidance through those very difficult last two months of the term." He looked down at her and led everyone in applause of appreciation.

He then turned his attention back to the students. "Seven weeks ago, I was appointed the new Headmaster of Hogwarts. I ask for your patience and understanding as I strive to adjust to the honor that has been bestowed upon me."

"Professor Sprout has retired from teaching full time. She will continue on as Head of Hufflepuff house, and will be available for tutoring to any student who may feel the need." Applause followed the announcement. Professor Sprout gave a smile and a quick bow.

"At this time, I would like to introduce our new professors and ask that you hold your applause until all four have been introduced. I ask that each Professor stand when you are introduced."

" Our new Herbology teacher is a former classmate and long time friend of mine, Professor Neville Longbottom. Taking over Potions is Professor Antonia LaFortezza from Italy. From America, we have Professor Evan Steele who will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. Finally, we have Professor Shinotqua Viazon from South Africa. Professor Viazon will be teaching Muggle Studies." Harry paused for a moment, glanced over at Ron and Hermione, and gave a slight smile. He then continued, "Professor Viazon will also be the new Head of Slytherin house!"

The reaction around the hall was predictably mixed. The students at the Slytherin table clapped loosely while looking at each other in disbelief. Meanwhile, the staff, his family, and the rest of the students applauded wildly!

Ron turned to Hermione and Petunia and said, "For someone who was so nervous about taking this position, he is certainly jumping in with both feet! I wonder if there is going to be anything else?"

Petunia looked up at Harry and studied his face for a moment. She then turned back to her table mates, and with a bit of a sly look, said, " I think there may possibly be one or two more surprises tonight, but it's not going to stop here."

Ron and Hermione looked at each other and then back at Petunia with puzzled expressions. She sensed their confusion and said, "When Harry was young, or whenever he was home from school on summer holiday, and had worked out a plan for something, he would get a certain look on his face...that look."

Before anyone could say another word, the noise had died down and Harry continued. "I would like to ask our new students from outside Britain to stand and be recognized."

Slowly they each stood up. Harry continued, "I would like to offer a special welcome to these new students. They are making Hogwarts history and I know that you will all make them feel welcome." Again applause, and the students slowly sat back down.

"Another change you will notice starting tonight will be in the menu. Meals will periodically have dishes from the home countries of our new students. Periodically we will have a 'spotlight feast'. These feasts will feature a different country, their traditions, foods, and celebrations. I believe this to be an excellent way of learning certain aspects about the rest of the world. I also feel it to be more enjoyable than just reading it out of a book."

He gave a quick look at Hermione who met his gaze with head cocked and raised eyebrows.

"Again, welcome to a new year at Hogwarts. I hope that you will be filled not only with knowledge, but also with the joy and trust of friendship!"

He raised his hands and said, "Let the feast begin."

Immediately the tables filled with food. Conversations and laughter quickly filled the Great Hall. Harry sat down in the large, gold chair. He closed his eyes and blew air through his teeth while he collected his nerves. Opening his eyes, he looked over at his family with raised eyebrows and a small smile. All three of them had large smiles of congratulations and Ron gave him a thumbs up.

Antonia leaned forward and said, "Perfetto, Enrico!"

Harry smiled and said, "Grazie."

He filled his plate and started to eat. Minerva turned to say something to him, but stopped and just looked at his plate. Beside the usual English fare of steak, boiled potatoes, and biscuits, there was a cheeseburger and some pasta. "You are certainly taking this international theme to heart. That's quite an array you have there!"

"You forget the amount of traveling I have done over the years. There are many foods that I enjoy that I didn't grow up with...and I intend to take full advantage of the opportunity. You should join in setting an example for the students too. Who knows, you may actually like some of it!"

"Well, Headmaster, if you'd relax a bit and look at my plate, you might notice that I have already started to do that."

Harry looked over and saw a hot dog, potato chips, and a small helping of pork and beans. "Oh," he said while blushing. "That hardly seems enough to feed a bird."

She dryly said, "I prefer to eat one country at a time." At that moment they both burst out laughing.

"Seriously," she said, "I wanted to tell you that I thought your speech was excellent and that I'm proud of you."

"Thanks. I'm just glad it's over."

As he finished his hot fudge sundae, and the rest of the desserts disappeared, Harry got to his feet again. The hall fell silent.

"I have a few start-of-term notices to announce."

"First years should note that the dark forest is forbidden to all students. A few of our returning students would do well to remember that as well."

"I have also been asked by Mr. Orton Zarza, our caretaker, to remind you that that magic should not be used in the corridors between classes. For a complete list rules, you may see Mr. Zarza who will be happy to show it to you."

"Quidditch trials will be held during the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Professor Steele."

"That ends the feast and the announcements for this evening. I suggest everyone get settled and a good nights sleep. Now off you go."

There was quite a commotion as the students started to leave the hall. New students trying to keep up with their house prefects. Returning students were trying to get to the dormitories before the new students got there.

As the staff started to leave, they each stopped by Harry to offer congratulations and good night. Antonia followed the example set by the others, except for a small wink, and left with the rest of them.

Harry stood up and offered his hand to assist Minerva. "I think it all went rather well," he said, "and most of the credit goes to you. Thank you Minerva... I'll see you in the morning."

"This was your night and the beginning of your era," she said in all seriousness. "I only followed directions for the way the Headmaster wanted it to go. You did very well Harry. Good night." She gave a smile and before he could say another word, she turned and left the hall.

As Harry walked over to their table, Hermione quickly grabbed the picture from its' perch next to the centerpiece and put it in the pocket of her robes.

"Shall we go to the Hillside for some coffee and a bit of relaxation before you two have to go home?"

"That would be lovely," said Hermione.

Aunt Petunia leaned over and kissed Harry's cheek. "I was very impressed and proud of you tonight. If you don't mind, I'll just go home and go to bed."

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine," she replied in a soft voice. "I'm just feeling a bit of a failure and guilty at the moment."

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked with true concern in his voice. "You are adjusting much faster than I ever dreamed possible and your magic lessons are progressing better than expected. What do you see as a failure and what are you feeling guilty about?"

"Watching and listening to you tonight made me feel very proud Harry. It also made me feel very much ashamed and guilty as I thought about the way I treated you for so much of your life. At the same time I started to think about Dudley. I spoiled him all his life and he learned nothing about being a decent man. And look at him now, sitting in prison. I was not much of a mother or an aunt."

Harry looked at her with great compassion in his eyes. "I can't say much about Dudley. Spoiling him certainly didn't help in the way he grew up, but it wasn't the only cause of his current situation. Much of it he brought upon himself. As far as any guilt about me...well, we've been through that already. I hold nothing against you any more and have even welcomed you into my home."

"I know and appreciate your forgiveness. You must also realize that as long as it may take one person to forgive another...it often takes one much longer to forgive ones' self. Now, as I said, I'll be fine. I just need some time alone. Anyway, I think it only appropriate for you to have a private celebration with your two best friends this evening. So, if you will excuse me, I will be leaving. Ron, Hermione, thank you for allowing me to share your table and your company this evening." She looked around and saw that nobody else was in the hall. A push on the stone in her pendant and she was gone.

The trio returned to Harry's office where he filed his papers away. Everyone in the gallery seemed to be asleep. "You're not fooling me," Harry said quietly.

"The festivities went very well Harry and I thought you did an excellent job on your speech."

"Albus, there is no portrait of you in the Great Hall," said Harry. "How do you know how it went or what I said?"

Dumbledore looked over at Hermione, then back at Harry. With a smile, he said, "With the help of the Minister, my chocolate frog cards are now integrated into the portrait network. Hermione simply placed a card on their table and I was able to observe the whole thing."

Harry turned toward Hermione, but before he could say anything he heard, "Don't blame Hermione. I asked her not to say anything as I felt you would have been even more nervous than you already were. I intended to tell you tomorrow, but this seemed as good a time as any."

"We'll still talk about it tomorrow," Harry said. "In the meantime, we're off to the Hillside. Good night."

"Hold on to my arms." Ron and Hermione took hold, Harry picked up the paperweight, and off they went.

"So, what was with that hat tonight?" Ron asked as he drank his coffee. "I've heard some strange things out of it before, but nothing like that."

Harry was staring at the coffee in his cup and said, "I don't know. I've never known the hat to be wrong. It just re-enforces my suspicions about trouble on the horizon. It's been so nice for everyone to be able to lead their lives without the fear that prevailed when Voldemort was around. The possibility that we may be returning to those days..." his voice trailed off as he just continued to stare into his cup.

Trying to lighten the mood a little, Ron broke the silence. "How did you ever decide to appoint Professor Viazon as head of Slytherin? The Muggle Studies teacher...I mean, it's brilliant! It's also funny as hell."

That was enough to get Harry's attention. He actually started to chuckle when he looked up. "It gets better...Shinotqua is Muggle born!

At that point Hermione just couldn't keep quiet any longer. "Harry, I hope you had a better reason than just some kind of a joke! It wouldn't be fair to Professor Viazon or to the students if that is the only reason. I mean..."

Harry cut her off, "Listen to yourself. I hope you don't jump to conclusions at work like you are doing right now. It hardly becomes the Minister of Magic. You also know me a lot better than to think I'd do something like this simply for a laugh. The humor in the situation is simply a bonus."

He put his coffee cup down on the table and looked straight at her. "You of all people should remember what the majority of Slytherin students felt about Muggles and those who were Muggle born. The physical and mental abuse inflicted on them? True, it has gotten better since the end of the war, but it hasn't disappeared completely. You saw the reaction at the Slytherin table when the announcement was made. With the possibility of trouble starting up again, I felt that this was a good way to help diffuse any complications similar to the last time. We'll have enough to deal with, without that lot starting up again. Shinotqua has been fully briefed and is more than capable of dealing with it. She is a very strong willed and powerful woman. Sound like anyone else you can think of Hermione?"

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Hermione turned red and said, "I'm sorry. You're right, I should have known better."

Suddenly an owl flew in and landed on the arm of the chair Harry was sitting in. He untied the note and read the contents. As he read the note, a look of both confusion and anger appeared on his face.

Ron and Hermione both watched him in silence, occasionally glancing at each other with concern.

"Don't leave," Harry told the owl. "Ron, would you give him some food and water, please. He's come a long way and will have a long return trip. I'd also appreciate it if you two would stay. I'll explain when I return. Feel free to have more coffee. If you want to add a little something to it, which I would suggest, it's in the first cupboard on the left in the kitchen. There are also some cookies in the cookie jar."

Without another word, he turned and quickly walked to his bedroom. He paused only long enough to wave his hand at the doorway to the new hallway, enabling the red fog on the other side. He walked into his bedroom and grabbed the paperweight.

Arriving in his office, Harry wasted no time. He walked straight over to Dumbledore's portrait and whispered, "Albus, wake up!"

Dumbledore opened his eyes. "Harry, back so soon?"

"Don't play innocent Albus. What the hell is the meaning of this?" Harry demanded as he waved the note in front of the portrait.

Calm as ever, Dumbledore replied, "I take it you have heard from Severus?"

"Yes. What does he mean that the plan is working and he needs to meet with me as soon as possible? What plan? Why do the two of you seem to know what is going on here, while I haven't a clue?

Dumbledore waited until Harry had stopped ranting. "When I realized that I was going to die in a very short time, I had to initiate a plan that I had been formulating for quite some time. You are well aware that I knew about Benedict. I had a long talk with Severus and told him that you would be the next headmaster. And, believe it or not, he was very accepting of the news, especially when he heard about Benedict. I had other plans for him and he had to give quite a performance from the beginning for the side of evil to believe his departure and accept him back into the fold."

Harry sat listening to the entire plan and finally asked, "Why wasn't I informed of all this from the beginning?"

"You had enough on your plate preparing for the new school year and adjusting to your new position. I suggest you talk to Minerva tomorrow and fill her in. In the meantime, send a note back to Severus with a time and place for him to pick up a personal portkey that will bring him directly to this office."

"Now, I suggest you get back to your guests at the Hillside. I'm sure you will want to fill them in on the plan too."

Harry stood up and said, "Fine, but we will be discussing this more when I come back in the morning." He picked up the paperweight and returned to the Hillside.

"Sorry, that took a little longer than I expected." He dropped into the chair and reached for his coffee cup.

"Harry, what happened? What's going on? Who was the owl from?" Hermione was asking faster than anyone could get a word in.

Ron finally managed, "If you would take a breath, he might have a chance to tell us what is going on."

Harry set the cup back on the table and looked at them. "The owl was from Severus. He said the plan was working and he needs to meet with me as soon as possible."

"Severus?" asked Hermione. "What plan do you have set up with him? I thought he left in a furious tantrum when you had been appointed headmaster?"

"I had the exact same questions," said Harry. "That is the reason I had to return to my office. I had to talk to a certain portrait. Seems this plan was something Dumbledore thought out and discussed with Severus. The idea was for him to blow up, quit, and leave Hogwarts once the news of my appointment was announced. That way he could join Benedict and his followers at Durmstrang's and hopefully be accepted back into the evil fold. In short, he is spying on them for us."

"Are you sure you can trust him?" Ron asked. "I mean, I know you two got along fairly well after the war, but he had to be upset with your appointment."

"According to Dumbledore, he pretty much expected the news and wasn't really bothered by it. Of course, Albus didn't tell him about my powers or the later transfer of his." Harry drank some more coffee. "I guess I'll set up the meeting for noon on Saturday."

Hermione asked in a concerned voice, "Do you think it wise to meet him? I mean, do you really think you can trust him?"

"He did turn out to be a big help during the war. I'm going to have to give him some leeway...at least until I can search his mind. The meeting will be in my office."

"Your office," said Ron. "You expect him to walk through the front doors of Hogwarts, up the stairs, and straight into your office, in the middle of the day?"

"Not at all," replied Harry with a devious look in his eye. "I expect him to go to room three at The Leaky Cauldron. There he will find an envelope with his name on it and instructions not to open it until noon."

"You expect him to simply follow directions and not touch it or try to open it until noon?" Ron asked

"Severus is many things...but stupid is not one of them. Anyway, it wouldn't matter what he tries," Harry explained. "It will be a personal portkey, which can be only activated by him and for him. It will also have an anti destruct charm included so that it can't be opened or destroyed by any means. Nothing will happen before noon. Once he touches it after noon, he ends up in my office!"

"Hang on a minute. Let me send this back before this owl is missed." He went over to the desk and wrote the note to Severus. Before he tied the note to his leg, Harry put his finger on the top of the owls head, closed his eyes, and whispered something that nobody else could hear. Satisfied, he attached the note and sent the owl on its' way.

As Harry returned to his chair, Hermione said, "If there is anything the Ministry can do, Please let me know."

"Actually, there might be," he said. "If you could spare two or three Auror's on Saturday for a couple hours, that would help. Of course, it will have to be on a strictly voluntary basis."

"As Minister of Magic I am able to send an Auror on any assignment and they won't question it."

"I know that Hermione. The volunteer basis is my stipulation. They will have to spend the entire time Snape is there under invisibility cloaks not moving or making a sound. The real tricky part is that once Snape leaves, they will have to allow me to remove the memory of the time in my office."

"Oh Harry, I don't know about that. Memory charms are not that specific and I can't think of an Auror that would agree to such a condition."

"That is why it would have to be voluntary. If it is of any comfort, I would not be using a regular memory charm. I would enter their minds and remove only the memory of ever having been to Hogwarts and then replace it by something like having a nice lunch together."

"I guess I don't have to ask if you can really do that?"

"No, you don't, but yes, I can. There are many things I can do now that I never thought possible before. I have a feeling that you may witness many of them in the months ahead. Anyway, let me know what you decide regarding the Auror's."

Hermione just shook her head and said, "I don't know if I'll ever get used to being amazed by you and your powers. I'll call a meeting with the Auror's tomorrow and let you know the results."

"Well, it's getting late and Ron has to be in Madrid in the morning. Thanks so much for allowing us to attend the feast this evening. You did very well and I'm glad we were able to share it with you."

"I hope Petunia will be alright. She seemed to enjoy the evening up until the end. Isn't there anything you can do for her with all those powers?"

"I'm a wizard, not God," Harry said with a sigh. "There are some things that people have to work out for themselves. She is going to have to forgive herself before she will be able to find true happiness and peace in her life."

"Thanks for coming. It helped me get through the evening having you two there more than you know." He leaned over and gave Hermione a kiss goodbye and clapped Ron on his shoulder. A moment later, he found himself alone.

Harry went to his bedroom and changed into sweats and a sweatshirt. He then removed the red fog, entered the hallway, and stopped in front of the second door on the right. "Alohomora," he said. The door unlocked and opened. He entered the room which was completely empty. To the unknowing visitor, this room was still waiting to be decorated. In actuality, it was Harry's private gym. It would instantly configure itself with the appropriate equipment for the type of workout he desired. The room was completely soundproof, so he wouldn't disturb any guests that may be in the house. In an emergency, it could also be converted into an excellent hiding place that was able to effectively hide those within...at least in theory.

"Boxing...no ring," he said. Instantly, the proper gear appeared for his use. It was late and he needed to get to bed, so he decided to go all out and sweat out his frustrations over the surprise he had received a short time before, as fast as possible. He put the hood of his sweatshirt over his head, donned a weight vest and a pair of gloves, and headed over to the heavy bag. He started punching the bag slowly and dancing around it. Gradually he picked up the pace until he was beating the hell out of the bag with all the strength and anger he could muster.

After fifteen or twenty minutes of this he stopped. Breathing hard, drenched with sweat and feeling totally exhausted, he just stood there staring at the bag. He removed the gloves and vest and headed for the door. "Finished," was all he said and the room was again empty. The door closed and locked itself as he headed for his bedroom.

He walked into the bathroom adjoining his bedroom, threw the sweat soaked cloths in the hamper, and stepped into the shower. He stood there while the hot water cascaded over his body, soothing his frustrations and allowing the need for sleep to encompass him. After he rinsed off the last of the soap and dried himself, he returned to the bedroom. He pulled on a pair of gym shorts, fell into bed, and was asleep before his head hit the pillow.