Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
Benedict begins his attacks around the world, and a personal message to Neville & Ginny. Harold returns for the Christmas holidays. Antonia and her rescuer's end up in St. Mungo's where one says farewell.
Author's Note:
As always, my thanks to Michele & Jen, for all their time and patience.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 14

The Christmas Gift

Early the next morning, Harry walked into the kitchen at Grimmauld Place. He poured himself some coffee and sat alone at one of the tables. He ignored the footsteps he heard growing louder in the background.

"Harry, I didn't hear you arrive," Remus said with surprise. "I just came down to get some coffee. You may want to come to the media room and check out these reports that we've been watching for the past half hour."

Mad-Eye was sitting in one of the chairs engrossed in what he was watching. He grunted at Harry's entrance, and mumbled something that Harry couldn't make out.

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

Remus turned the channel, pointed to the television, and turned up the volume. The reporter was saying, "To those who may just be joining us, here is a recap of the events as we know them. Cities around the world woke this morning to a bizarre sight. Christmas decorations have been damaged or destroyed by some unknown persons or force. The list of cities is a long one, Auckland, Sidney, Moscow, Prague, Copenhagen, Brussels, Frankfurt, Athens, Milan, Barcelona, Paris, and London. Our bureaus in the Americas' have sent out reporters who have reported similar damage in Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aries, Santiago, Mexico City, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Tampa, Dallas, Denver, Tucson, San Diego, Calgary, Seattle, and Anchorage. The list is far more extensive as is the curious devastation."

"The famous Rockefeller Center Christmas tree is now nothing more than branches scattered over the ice rink. Large Christmas trees all over the world have been toppled in similar ways. Nativity sets have been knocked over, broken or figures scattered over several blocks. Millions of strings of lights hang swaying in the breeze, scattered on the ground or shattered. It's as if select tornados skipped across the globe. Except for the obvious subject of this horrendous vandalism, there is only one other curious clue that appears in every affected city. A sign, the meaning of which is unknown. The most glaring example is a huge version on top of the Empire State Building in New York."

There it was, bigger than life on the screen in front of them. A tan colored lightening bolt set within a black circle, a diagonal black line across the lightening bolt.

Harry, who had been sitting on the edge of the chair watching the report, fell back into the chair, closed his eyes, and put his head in his hand. He glanced at the screen again to see the sign appear in all the cities. He sat there just shaking his head.

Remus and Mad-Eye has been talking softly between themselves, trying to analyze the meaning behind the sign.

"Can you make any sense out of that Harry?" Remus turned to look at him as he asked the question. "What is it Harry? What's wrong?"

Mad-Eye also turned toward Harry when he heard the tone of Remus' voice.

Slowly, Harry raised his head, keeping his hand over his forehead. He just looked at them. Finally, he pushed his hair back, revealing his scar. A pained expression on his face.

Slowly, Remus said, "Are you trying to imply that Benedict is on some personal vendetta? I thought he just wanted to take over the world!"

"Yes, he wants the world. How better to start than ruining the season that's supposed to be full of love, joy, and hope? A little terrorism goes a long way. He also wants me dead, but not before he makes me suffer and feel as guilty as possible. You can be sure that you will see that sign a lot from now on. Sort of a reminder, if you will."

"There's more." He stood up and started to pace as he told them what had happened in Rome the day before. "Now, I need you two to start putting your experience and brains together. First, we need to figure out a way to get Antonia back. Second, we need to get more serious about stopping and destroying Benedict and his followers. And I don't care how we achieve it. I have no idea what he has planned...only that it scares the hell out of me."

"We're on it," Mad-Eye said. "You'll see that pretty fiancée of yours at the alter yet. Don't you worry about that! We'll figure something out."

Other members of the Order were arriving and gathering in the kitchen. The Weasley's had arrived and Molly was already cooking up a storm. Minerva, Evan, and some of the other Hogwarts staff had arrived along with members from the Ministry of Magic.

By now, most had either seen or heard the reports of the world wide Christmas decoration devastation. The word about Antonia's abduction was just starting to make the rounds, followed by the news of the engagement.

Everybody was talking at once. Questions were flying around the kitchen like snitches gone wild. Harry had had enough.

"May I have your attention please!" he said loudly. "To answer the plethora of questions and confusion around here, let me say this. Yes, Antonia and I are engaged. Yes, Antonia has been abducted by Benedict. Yes, it is obvious that Benedict is behind the Christmas devastation around the world. And, yes, he is trying to make it personal with his new 'logo'." He paused to look around the room at the expressions of concern, confusion, and anger.

"Yes, I am extremely upset over Antonia's abduction. But as it was so bluntly pointed out to me last night," he glanced at Hermione out of the corner of his eye as he continued, "I can't let that totally consume me or the work we have to do."

"There are very few students who decided to remain at Hogwarts for the holidays. We only need a minimal staff, along with the house elves to look after them, leaving the members of the Order free to concentrate on the matter at hand. I'm sorry to say, it looks like a minimal Christmas for us all. With what has happened around the world, I doubt that anyone would argue that it would be more than selfish for us to celebrate the holidays while the world lies in fear and confusion. If possible, you will all be able to spend at least Christmas Eve and day with your families. At least I hope so."

"First order of business is to write a letter and get it to the Ministers of Magic around the world and have them share the details with the muggle leaders. An update on what little we know is going on with Benedict. An explanation of the events surrounding the decorations, and how this is the beginning of Benedicts' move on the world. They can expect more terrorism and probably casualties in the weeks and months ahead. They will have to start coming up with some sort of explanations for these events."

"I will need volunteers to deliver the letters in the same manner that we used last month for the rescue mission. The rest will need to research and assist in planning ways to rescue Antonia and to stop further attacks on the world in general."

"While you eat your breakfast, think about where your talents lie and where you can best assist the Order in our current situation."

Harry noticed Ginny and Neville standing near the kitchen doorway and made his way over to them. "Let's go into the other room. I need to talk to the two of you."

As they entered the office, Ginny said, "Harry, I'm so glad to hear about you and Antonia! I'm also so sorry..."

Harry interrupted, "Thank you. I'm sure she'll be alright and back with us soon. She has to." He paused for a moment and looked at the two of them. "Neville, you need to be on guard. Benedict is looking for revenge for the death of Bellatrix. He knows it was you."

"Well, I'm not sorry for what I did. She deserved it," Neville replied. "It all happened so fast that I didn't have time to think about the possible consequences."

"Neville, I didn't say you were wrong for what you did. The world is better off without her. What I am trying to tell you is to be on your guard. I'm sure Benedict will try to exact his revenge. It may be against you or it may be against Ginny or the kids. The same way he is going after everybody who means anything to me. Believe me, I would much prefer a face to face confrontation with him than seeing various things happen to people I care about. He knows that and wants to drag it out and make me as miserable and guilt ridden as possible."

"Harry, what are you suggesting we do?" Ginny asked. "You know we're willing to help in any way possible. Just let us know what you need and you have it!"

"It's not your help that I'm talking about. There has never been a question about that. It's protection for your family that I'm talking about. If you wish, I can put a guardian charm around your house and property. I have it on the Hillside, and have put one on the Burrow."

"Sure Harry. We'd really appreciate that," said Neville. "What has to be done and when?"

"It's a simple procedure that we can take care of right now, if you want. The kids are upstairs playing with the triplets. I'm sure Molly, Ron and Hermione would keep an eye on them for the few minutes we'd be gone."

"You two stay here. I'll go tell mum and then we can go," Ginny said.

As Ginny left the room, Neville asked, "Do you think we're going to win this? Do we really have a chance?"

"I have to believe we will, Neville. If we don't believe it, Benedict has already won and there is no point to any of this. History is chock full of stories about people who have had to fight for their freedom and the sacrifices encountered therewith. It's getting to the end of the war that is hard. The loss of life and property makes it more difficult and is what questions our resolve. We must learn to feel the pain without dwelling on it and turn it into deeper determination."

Ginny returned and said, "Okay, let's go."

Just as they were ready to leave, Fred apparated into the room. He was out of breath and visibly shaken.

"Fred! What's wrong? Where's George? Has something happened to him?" Ginny was firing questions faster than anyone could make a sound.

Fred put his hand on Ginny's mouth. "George is at your place. We stopped on our way here. You need to come...quick!" Fred disapparated.

The three of them glanced at each other and without a word followed him. They appeared behind some bushes on the side of the house. They froze at the sight that greeted them.

The house was completely engulfed in flames and it was obvious there would be nothing left when it was over. The intensity of the flames was far greater than the usual house fire. It quickly became obvious who was behind this disaster.

Ginny held Neville and leaned her head against his shoulder and started to cry. There was nothing that could be done to save the house. The fire department was on the scene dousing the structure with water. It was of no use what so ever. It was obvious to Harry, the twins, and the Longbottoms that this was a cursed fire and no ordinary means was going to extinguish it. The feeling of helplessness was almost too much to bear.

They turned with a start at the sound of a twig snap behind them. The flickering orange light illuminated the face of a man none of them had seen for many years. He stood still with a face void of expression. His eyes were sunken and lifeless. His usual crisp appearance was now frumpy and his short cropped red hair, now shoulder length and oily.

Shock had stopped Ginny's tears. "Percy!" she gasped. "What are you doing here?"


"What do you mean watching? Did you have anything to do with this?"

"I was only the direction man, and stuck around to watch."

"How could you lead someone to your own sister's house and watch them destroy it?"

"Your husband killed the master's mother. He's only getting what he deserves. Trust me, this is only the beginning of payment." His voice was monotone and lifeless. "Face it little sister, you've chosen the wrong side and you're going to have to pay for that decision."

The twins made to lurch at him, but froze when Draco and three other Death Eaters stepped out from behind the bushes.

"Draco. Why am I not surprised to see you here?" Harry said angrily. "Do you somehow feel safe because you're working for Benedict?"

"I am safe. You won't touch me and neither will any of your pathetic friends. You heroic types are all the same. If you think anyone you care about might be the recipient of retaliation, you back down immediately. In case you have forgotten, we have...her."

Harry was having a hard time controlling his anger, frustration, and fear that something might happen to Antonia before they found a way to rescue her. Standing there, willing himself not to shake and not to do anything drastic, he stared into Draco's eyes. His green eyes vibrant with rage, boring deep into Draco's head. The tension pulling on everyone like cables on an overloaded suspension bridge.

Malfoy backed away. "What the hell are you doing, Potter?"

"Nothing. Just standing here admiring Ron's handiwork. Why are you so paranoid? Have you forgotten to tell me something? Are you in over your head and can't figure a way out? You saw what happened to Voldemort and most of his followers. Are you afraid the same fate will befall you?" Harry took a step closer. "Are you wondering if your death will be fast and painless? Scared that it may be slow and painful? Have you even figured out if this was all your own idea or is Benedict controlling you somehow?"

"SHUT UP!" Draco yelled. It was his turn to sweat and shake. "Stop whatever it is you are doing!"

Keeping his voice calm and even, Harry said, "I'm not doing a damn thing. Must be your own paranoia and guilt that is making you feel the way you do."

"No. You are controlling me in some way. This is your doing...I know it. You're trying to figure out how to hurt me or k...kill me. You better watch it. My master wouldn't be happy if something were to happen to me."

"Draco, I could kill you with a mere thought. Truth be told, I wouldn't bother with you. Ever since we were kids, you've had a big threatening mouth. There has never been anything behind it though. You have always left the dirty work for someone else to do for you. You are a weak wizard with far too large of a mouth. No, your demise won't come from me. I do hope I'm there to watch when it does though. Should be interesting to see just how someone so shallow faces death."

Harry turned to face the others. Instructions filled their heads. Each of them gave an inconspicuous sign of understanding.

"Oh, by the way," Harry said, turning back toward Draco. "Benny Boy doesn't give a damn about you or any of those blind followers of his. If any of you are killed, he'll just replace you with another weak minded drone. The only exception might be Dudley. He is the only one that has any chance of truly being useful to that sick sadistic bastard."

"Potter, you don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, Professor Snape has seen the light and joined us."

"Draco, I only have one more word to say."

"What's that?"

"Bye!" At that instant Harry, the twins, Ginny, and Neville disapparated back to Grimmauld Place.

Draco, Percy, and the Death Eaters looked all around and at each other. "Just like Potter to run and hide," Draco said in his familiar, arrogant tone.

Percy stared at the charred remains and glowing embers of what, only a short time ago was his sisters home. A place filled with the kind of love and happiness he had long ago put into the farthest reaches of his memory. Still staring at the glowing ruins, he said, "Draco, never underestimate Harry."

"You have always been so damn melodramatic, Percy. For the life of me, I can't see what use the master has ever seen in you."

"Just mark my words, Draco."

Back at Grimmauld Place, the small group found itself alone in the room where the sad journey had begun. Harry signaled for all of them to sit down as he dropped into the closest chair he could find.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything. It was just too far gone to do anything about a cursed fire. If I had been there when it first started, maybe..."

Looking drained, Ginny quietly said, "Harry, we understand. We know you would have done anything in your power to save it. As powerful as you are, you do have your limits."

"Do you have any idea where you're going to stay in the meantime? If you need a place, you are welcome to stay here, or maybe at the Hillside."

"Thanks, but I think we'll stay at the Burrow for awhile. There is enough room and it already has the protections around it. There will be no hurry to leave and we can take our time in deciding exactly what we're going to do."

"Whatever you feel is best. If there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Thanks, Harry, we'll do that."

"I have a question," Fred muttered. "What were you doing with Draco when you were staring at him, and saying all those things?"

"Oh, you mean my little psychological drama?"

"Yeah...whatever. What was that all about?"

"It had a dual purpose. The obvious one was simply to plant the seeds of doubt and worry in his mind. No matter how much he tries to dismiss what I said, it will eat at his subconscious. It also served as a perfect distraction for me to probe his mind."

"Must have been a short probe in that pea size brain." George chuckled, "So, what did the gray matter behind that mighty mouth reveal?"

"Well, they are back in Romania at Durmstrang's. He was right when he told me that they were far more prepared than they were in Iceland. I was hoping that he would know of a weakness in the defense system. He doesn't."

"What about Antonia?" Ginny asked. "Is she alright?"

Harry sighed, "She's okay. So far they haven't been mistreating her."

Neville cocked his head, and said, "So far? I don't think I like the way you said that. Why do I get the definite impression that there is more to it?"

The expression on Harry's face turned deadly serious. "Benedict is researching more ancient magic. He wants to turn her to the dark side, and plans to force her by magic, if he can find a way to do it."

"There's got to be something we can do," Fred said.

"I'm going to get Remus and Mad-Eye on it straight away. Between their knowledge, contacts, and resources, I hope they can find something." He stood up and started walking toward the door. "I'm going to talk to them now. I'll send Ron, Hermione, and your mum in so you can talk privately." He gently closed the door behind him.

Harry explained the situation to Remus and Mad-Eye. They didn't seem too sure that they would be able to find anything; at least not in the short period of time they felt they had. They enlisted Minerva in their quest for an answer and headed off to the library.

In true Weasley family fashion, arrangements had already been made for the Longbottoms extended stay at the Burrow.

Harry had approved the messages to be carried around the world. He had a feeling of helplessness though. Unable to fathom what a sadistic mind like Benedict would do next, or where he might strike; all he could do was wait, watch, and listen.

The next few days were relatively quiet around the world. Humanity was going about its' usual holiday customs. The damage that had occurred only a few days before had been cleaned up and the decorations replaced. In a stand of defiance to the unseen perpetrator(s), people had worked around the clock in order to bring their cities back to normal.

On Thursday morning, Harry and Aunt Petunia were having a quiet breakfast. Harry hadn't been eating much since Antonia's abduction and Petunia was becoming concerned.

"Harry, you can't continue not eating."

"I've been eating."

"A piece of toast in the morning and a half sandwich sometime in the afternoon is hardly eating. I know you haven't been sleeping much either. You are loosing both physical and magical strength. You are not going to be in any shape to deal with whatever is going to happen next." She scooped a large portion of scrambled eggs and several pieces of bacon onto his plate. "Start eating! I warn you...Molly and I are going to see that you start taking care of yourself again, or else!"

"Or else what?"

"Don't take that tone with me. I don't care how powerful or important you are to the world. I may not have been much of a mother figure when you were young, but I did teach you to respect your elders. There is also Molly, who has essentially been a surrogate mother to you since you were eleven. She's always treated you like one of her own. Between the two of us, you don't stand a chance! Now eat!"

Harry sat there staring at his plate and feeling rather strange. A few nights ago, a woman had slapped him out of his self pity. Now, in a matter of minutes, a woman who had hardly done more than the absolute minimum in raising him was suddenly scolding him like he was a little boy again. The added threat of the wrath of Molly certainly wasn't encouraging either. He had seen that temper too many times over the years with her own children. He found himself somewhat confused. There had always been various people watching out for his safety and had helped in raising him, but nothing like this. He found that somewhere deep down he kind of liked it. But at the age of forty!

He decided to go for broke, and said, "Anything else while you're at it?"

"As a matter of fact, there is. We are still having our guests on Christmas Eve."

Harry looked up at her as though she were crazy or something.

"Don't look at me like I've gone nutters! These people are your close friends and surrogate family. They love you and want to celebrate the holiday with you. It will be a bit more subdued than usual, but we're celebrating anyway. There are two children who will be here who just lost everything. I think they deserve as decent a Christmas as we can give them. So, I expect you to try to get into the spirit for the sake of all those people, if nothing else. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now eat!"

Without another word, Harry ate all his breakfast.

Headquarters had been busy for most of the day, though Molly had made sure that everyone, especially Harry, had stopped for both lunch and dinner.

Things had begun to quiet down for the evening when a voice was heard from upstairs. "Harry, get up here. You've got to see this!"

Harry hurried into the media room and asked, "What's up?"

Evan nodded toward the television and turned up the sound.

"The object appeared over Mount Lascar, in Northern Chile a short time ago. No one knows what it is or where it came from. To further add to the mystery is the fact that, while it appears to be solid, it doesn't register on any radar screen. The object is similar in shape to a soccer ball, except that each section is straight instead of curved. The only markings that appear on half the sections seems to be the same insignia that appeared in cities after the destruction of the Christmas decorations a few days ago. A lightening bolt inside a black circle, with a diagonal black line through it. There has been no agreement on the possible meaning of this logo yet."

"The last eruption of this volcano occurred in nineteen fifty one. The surrounding geography is very rugged terrain. There are a few small villages in the general vicinity. Chilean officials are trying to evacuate as many people as possible. They say there is no imminent danger and that this is only a precautionary measure."

The media room was now full as the remaining members had migrated upstairs once they heard the summons.

Evan looked at Harry and said, "I can't imagine what that thing is. Any ideas?"

"Haven't a clue. It can't be good, whatever it is."

Their attention was drawn back to the screen when the reporter resumed. "The object has started to spin in a circle, while staying precisely over the center of the crater. The speed of the circular movement appears to be steadily increasing."

"Officials and villagers alike are running down the mountain as fast as they can. A sense of panic has taken over the area. All we can do is wait, wonder and watch."

The wondering didn't last long. A stream of green light, similar to that of a laser beam was now being directed into the center of the volcano.

"Whether it is a laser, or some other type of energy force, it seems to be bringing the mountain to life. We are now feeling a series of substantial earthquakes and gray smoke has started billowing out of the open crater."

The picture in front of them told the story. A catastrophic event had just been unleashed! In a spectacular explosion, the top of the mountain was blown apart, sending smoke and ash thousands of feet onto the air. The ash and smoke were so dense, that the surrounding areas appeared as though night had fallen. Immense amounts of lava started oozing down the sides of the mountain and enveloped everything in its' path. Entire villages disappeared in a matter of moments. People who had not followed the evacuation orders, or were simply too slow, were quickly overcome by the burning red lava.

The images continued to appear on the screen. The reporter had long since given up trying to explain the scene unfolding before the worldwide audience. There simply were no words available to describe the intensity and speed of the complete devastation of hundreds of miles of the planet.

Finally, the reporter said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to evacuate our vantage point for safety reasons. We will leave the camera on its' perch to continue recording these events as long as possible. This is Orlando Sanchez, reporting."

The pictures continued for about ten more minutes. The camera fell victim to the lava and static overtook the screen. A moment later, the anchor man appeared on the screen recapping the events that had just transpired.

Shock and quiet concern had spread around the room as members of the Order tried to express their thoughts and feelings at this sudden turn of events.

Evan leaned over and quietly asked, "So, what do you think? I don't suppose there is anything we can do about it?"

"There isn't enough magic that can be conjured by wizards to counteract a force of nature. Especially a force of that magnitude! As cold as it sounds, we were lucky that he chose a fairly remote and sparsely populated area. The loss of any life is too much, but it could have been a great deal worse. What if he had chosen a volcano in a heavily populated region? Imagine if it had Mount Fuji, Etna, or Vesuvius. The loss of life would have been staggering."

"It's obvious that this was a warning of the power Benedict has and that he has no qualms in using it." Evan sighed, "What is he planning to hit next..." His voice trailed off as he noticed Harry looking straight through him.

Harry was remembering the vague image of the city in ruins he had seen in the fireplace a few nights previous. Could that city in ruin have anything to do with the object which caused the volcano to erupt so violently?

"Harry...are you in there?" Evan had managed to bring Harry back to the matter at hand.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something."

"I've been thinking too. I'd like to invite Harold back to spend the rest of the holidays here. He's on vacation, and his fiancée is on a two week Mediterranean cruise with her parents."

"What? When did he get engaged, and what kind of fiancée goes on a cruise right after becoming engaged?"

"About a week before you did. I forgot to tell you, sorry. The cruise was planned and paid for six or seven months ago. Long before the engagement. She even offered not to go, but Harold wouldn't hear of it."

"Anyway, I know he'd enjoy it. He'd be a lot safer here, considering what is going on. There is also the possibility that he can tell us what is going on in the American government regarding the recent developments." Evan paused, then added, "He has no real family to spend Christmas with. I'm sure you know what that is like."

Harry raised his eyebrows as he said, "That's not fair. Effective...but not fair!"

"Hey, whatever works!"

"Alright, alright. I would suggest that he stay in the guestroom at the Hillside though. With only a minimum staff and almost no students around, the castle can be rather foreboding. Aunt Petunia has the place decorated and the media room is available to keep him occupied while we are working here. When do you want bring him over?"

"Tomorrow morning, his time."

Harry reached over, picked up a blue glass egg off the side table, and passed his hand over it. "All set. You leave Minnesota at eleven in the morning, which will get you to the Hillside at five in the evening. We'll set two extra places."

"Thanks, Harry. I really appreciate it."

"No problem."

Harry left the media room in search of Farquar. Looking in various rooms as he made his way through the house, he found him in the rarely used living room cleaning crystal.

"Farquar, I haven't seen you in quite awhile. Is everything alright?"

Farquar bowed and said, "Everything is fine, sir. I know how busy everyone is and try to stay out of the way. Is there a problem, sir? Are you not satisfied with my work?"

"No, nothing like that. Your work is more than satisfactory, especially considering how many people are in and out of here every day."

"I am glad, sir. I am very happy here and like all the wizards and witches that use this place."

"Do you have much contact with other house elves?"

Farquar looked at him with a bit of concern. "I do keep in contact with the elves at Hogwarts. If that is a problem, I will stop."

"I would never stop you from seeing whomever you want to see. I just don't know much about what house elves do or where they go on they're free time. I know you have a unique and powerful kind of magic, but have never wanted to intrude on any of your privacy."

"Until very recently, we never really had any free time. When in servitude, our time was never our own. Any time that was used for the selfish purpose of seeing an old friend or family member was considered stealing time from the master. Some of the older elves still live by that code as old rules, like habits, are hard to break."

"I guess that is true of all creatures," Harry said thoughtfully. "With your magic, are you able to go anyplace in the world at will?"

"Yes, sir, just as you can. Is there something you would like me to do for you?"

"Yes, but only if you are willing as it may be dangerous. You must understand that this is not a command or an order. It is only a favor, and entirely up to you."

"I understand, but need to know what you need before I can make a decision."

"I was wondering if it was possible for you to check with any house elves that might be serving Benedict in Romania. Or at least some way to sneak in and get any information possible."

"So, you want me to spy?"

"In a word...yes."

"I would be honored to serve you and the Order in any way possible. I doubt that any of the elves would tell me anything. Like me, they are sworn to keep their masters' secrets. But I can go and carefully snoop around and report back to you. Is there any message that you would like me to deliver while I am there?"

At first Harry was surprised at the last question. Once he thought about it, he realized that Farquar would know about Antonia and the rest of the developments that had been discussed at headquarters. After all the elves are always working, though rarely seen.

Harry thought for a moment. "If you see Antonia, and are able to safely talk to her, tell her that she is not forgotten and that I love her."

"I will leave immediately, sir."

"Farquar, just be careful and don't take any chances."

Friday was full of messages flowing between Harry and world leaders. Harry was trying to answer the onslaught of questions and concerns from the various heads of state and ministers of magic alike. Naturally, it was somewhat easier to deal with the ministers since they did have a magical population at their disposal. The muggle leaders were another story though. How do you tell them that they are almost useless against the forces of magic?

Yes, their weapons were quite capable of killing wizards. After all, wizards are only human beings with varying degrees of magic. How do muggles tell the good wizards from the bad wizards? This could escalate into the destruction of the wizarding world.

Harry noticed that it was almost five o'clock. He had a short conversation with Josephine LaFortezza to keep her updated. Though he wished he had better news for her, at least he was keeping her informed as promised.

He arrived at the Hillside only a few minutes before Evan and Harold were scheduled to arrive. He was pleased to see that Aunt Petunia had remembered the extra table settings. The house looked great and dinner smelled delicious. She still knew how to be the perfect hostess.

Harry took out three mugs and filled them with beer. "Would you like one, Aunt Petunia?"

"Not while I'm cooking, thank you."

Harry put two of the mugs on the coffee table and then stood next to the fireplace. A minute later, there was a 'pop' and Evan and Harold were standing in front of him.

Harry smiled, and said, "Merry Christmas! Have a nice trip?"

"Merry Christmas," Harold replied. "What trip? A minute ago I was standing in my living room, having just finished breakfast a couple of hours ago. Now, I'm in your living room about to have dinner!"

"Sit down and have a beer."

Harold sat down and started drinking his beer while looking around the room. "This is really nice, Harry. It's like a regular house."

"Sorry, you seem to have lost me. You've been to Evan's house dozens of times. Isn't that a regular house? I would think that with the amount of magic you have been exposed to over the years, and especially during your visit last month, you would have figured out that, except for the magic, we're pretty much the same."

"Most wizards, yes. I just had a different impression of how you lived."


"Every time I saw you on my last visit, it was at the castle. Being headmaster and all I just pictured you living in the castle with that kind of lifestyle."

"While it's true that all my predecessors did live in the castle, I just couldn't see myself there all the time. I'm considerably younger than any previous headmaster or headmistresses which probably has something to do with it. I've been making other changes since my appointment. Evan is one of those changes, as are Shinotqua and Antonia."

At the mention of her name, Harry suddenly cast his eyes toward the floor and drank some beer.

Both Harold and Evan had one of those awkward moments when you want to say or do something, but just don't know what or how.

Harry raised his head and said, "Sorry, mind wandered for a moment."

"Harry, I was so sorry to hear the news about Antonia. It must be all the harder having her abducted only a few hours after you two became engaged. I know that she'll be alright and I plan to be at your wedding!"

"Thanks, I certainly hope it all turns out that way. You will certainly be invited to the wedding. Speaking of weddings, I understand congratulations are in order on your own engagement!"

"Yeah, thanks."

Petunia entered the room. "If you gentlemen would like to come to the table, dinner is ready."

Dinner was delicious. The conversation kept light. And Harry managed to control his emotions.

Harold had wandered out of his bedroom early the next morning and bumped into Harry in the hallway. "Isn't the kitchen the other way?"

Harry said, "Yes, but I'm going for a morning run before breakfast."

"Isn't it a bit cold out there for shorts and a tee shirt?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm not running out there." Anticipating the next question, Harry continued. "I have a room that is what you might call a multi purpose gym."

"Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all."

"Give me a minute to change and I'll be right back."

Harold went into his room, changed his clothes, and rejoined Harry in the hall.

They entered the empty room. Harold looked around and said, "We're going to run around an empty room?"

"Not exactly. I assume you have certain places that you enjoy running back home? I want you to picture one of those places and whatever time of year you want. Clear your mind of everything, except as perfect a picture as you can bring to mind."

"Okay, got it."

Harry passed his hand over Harold's head and the detail of the picture in his mind increased greatly. Harry said, "His mind."

The room transformed itself into an exact reproduction of the picture in Harold's mind.

"Open your eyes."

"Oh my God, we're at Lake Harriet. And it's summer!"

"We haven't moved. We're still in the same room we were in when you closed your eyes."

"This is some kind of hologram then?"

"That's about as close to a muggle explanation as it gets. Actually, I modeled this room after a room in the castle called The Room of Requirement. It does pretty much the same thing. Main difference is that this one is even more versatile than the other."

"Well, it's amazing, whatever it is! That's Lake Harriet, complete with sail boats and wind surfers, the running path closest to the lake, the bike path next to that, and the one way street for cars. All the big old houses with their beautiful landscapes. I can even see the band shell in the distance and the downtown skyline behind that!"

A knock on the door interrupted the tour.

"Come in," Harry called.

The door opened and Evan took one step and stopped. "What are we doing at Lake Harriet in the middle of the summer on Christmas Eve?"

"Going for a morning run. Want to join us?"

"I'm not exactly dressed for running."

"No problem. Follow me." He led him into his bedroom. Harry went over to the chest of drawers, pulled out a pair of gym shorts, a tee shirt, and a pair of socks. "There is an extra pair of trainers in the closet. Now be quick about it!"

A few minutes later the three men set off on a run around one of the most popular lakes in Minneapolis. It struck Harold as somewhat humorous that here they were in Great Britain, but it was Harry who had never been to the lake they were running around.

After their run and showers, it was time for breakfast.

"I must sound like a blithering idiot to the two of you," Harold said. "I just can't get used to the amazing things you are able to do and the way you live. I guess, at the same time, I'm also jealous."

"No, we don't consider you an idiot," Evan said. "It's perfectly understandable that all these things you've been witnessing amaze you."

"Evan and I have to take care of a few things. We should only be gone for a couple of hours. I don't know if he told you or not, but we're having what Aunt Petunia calls a small holiday gathering later on. Her idea of a small gathering has turned into a crowd of at least thirty five or forty!"

"While we're gone, feel free to read or use the media room. It's the next door down the hall past the gym. I'm sure you know better than us how to work all those muggle devices. If you need anything, just ask Aunt Petunia. She knows how to contact us if necessary."

Grimmauld Place was fairly quiet, since most members were spending the holidays with family and friends. They were on call if needed, but Harry intended to use that only as a last resort. Remus, Mad-Eye, and Minerva were unhappy to report that they hadn't been able to find anything on any type of ancient magic that Draco spoke of, but they would continue searching.

Harry went in search of Farquar, but there had been no sign of him since their conversation the previous day.

Remus and Mad-Eye graciously declined the invitation to stop by the Hillside for the festivities. They reasoned that some one had to continue to monitor the situation and that they really didn't mind. Harry thanked them and told them not to hesitate to call him if necessary.

Back at the Hillside, they ate a quick lunch and then settled in the living room to wait for the guests. The wait didn't take long as Molly and her lot arrived around three o'clock. Molly wanted to help Petunia in any way possible and the triplets were anxious to see Uncle Harry.

Instead of a sit down dinner, food and drink were set out buffet style to allow the guests to graze as they pleased throughout the evening. The gym had been changed into a dance hall for those who wished to partake. All one had to do was say the name of the tune they wanted to hear and it started to play. The media room was open for those who wanted to check out muggle movies or news.

The number of gifts under the tree was almost decadent and the pile grew as guests arrived and added to it.

Many of the guests were as fascinated by Harold as he was with them. This was the first time most of them had been in a social situation where a muggle, other than parents of a magical child, had been included.

For the most part, Harry was enjoying the gathering. Periodically, he would disappear to the privacy of his room for a few minutes alone in order to collect himself. Thoughts of Antonia spending Christmas as Benedict's prisoner and concern if he had started the alleged process on her made him feel guilty and worried. This seemed an adequate solution to his desire to be alone with his concerns, while keeping the wrath of Aunt Petunia and Molly at bay.

Leaving his bedroom, Harry was stopped by Minerva. "I've been looking for you Harry!"

"Is something wrong?"

"Yes. I was afraid a tradition was going to die tonight."

Harry looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Sorry, but you seem to have me at a disadvantage."

"For many years, I have always had one dance with the Headmaster of Hogwarts on Christmas Eve. I see no reason to stop that tradition now."

Harry smiled and said, "Really? You and Albus?"

"Don't let your imagination run wild, Harry. We were close friends and colleges, as I hope you and I are. So, shall we?"

"I would be honored."

They entered the dance hall and waited until the current selection ended. Harry said, "A Christmas Waltz." As the full beautiful sounds of an orchestra playing his request began, everyone in the room stepped back to the walls and watched while the two of them continued the long standing tradition.

The kids were anxious to open presents. Harry had them sit on the far side of the room in hopes of keeping them and the mess contained in one area.

Ron gave him one of those looks. "Ha...dream on!"

Harry turned toward the tree and called each child's name, one by one. As he did this, gifts would wiggle themselves free of the pile and fly over to each child. Once the piles were in front of the proper kid, the free for all began.

Harry was standing close to the foyer with Evan and Harold, enjoying the sights and sounds of children at Christmas. Wrapping paper was flying everywhere as the children tore into their gifts. Squeals of delight and children's laughter was a welcome sound. Suddenly there was a knock at the front door. The three men looked at each other with curiosity.

Harry headed toward the door, followed by the other two. Harry opened the door to a sight that made his mouth drop and his heart race. Leaning against the door jam was Severus, holding Antonia in his arms. Farquar was holding on to Severus' leg.

Harry immediately took Antonia in his arms and gently laid her on the rug. He looked at Evan and said, "Quietly find Madam Pomfrey and bring her here."

Harold was trying to figure out what Farquar was. He decided that if Harry wasn't concerned, it must be alright. He helped Severus in and sat him on the floor leaning him against the wall. Farquar followed and quietly closed the door.

Harry looked at Farquar and asked, "What happened? How did the three of you get here?"

"When I was sneaking around Romania, I heard someone call this man Snape. I remembered hearing his name in conversations at Grimmauld Place, about him being your spy there. I had a chance to talk to him alone and he said he had to get Antonia out of there before they did something terrible to her. He wasn't sure how to do it since he could apparate only himself."

"I told him I could help him by adding my own magic. We met at her cell, but just as we were about to leave, we were attacked. Although he was hurt pretty bad, he insisted we get her out of there. It was difficult, but we made it. I know he is hurt pretty bad, but am not sure about her."

Evan returned with Madam Pomfrey and Minerva.

While Madam Pomfrey checked Antonia and Severus, Harry turned to Minerva. "Keep this quiet and don't let it ruin the party. We're going to take them to Saint Mungo's. Please tell my aunt where I've gone."

Minerva nodded. Madam Pomfrey said, "Antonia seems to be alright, but in shock. Severus is badly hurt and needs to be tended to immediately."

Harry looked at the small group and sighed. "Farquar, can your magic assist Evan to apparate to Saint Mungo's? I can take Antonia, but am not sure if I can take all three of us with them in this condition."

"Yes, sir. I can do that."

Harry picked up Antonia and waited while Harold helped Evan get Severus to his feet. Evan was barely able to support the weight of the other in the upright position. Farquar helped as best he could by holding a leg.

Harry looked at Minerva and said, "This may take awhile. We'll let you know what is going on as soon as we know something." He turned his attention back to the injured. "Okay, let's go."

A moment later the small group was in the emergency room. Healers quickly took Antonia and Severus to be evaluated. Harry noticed Farquar lying on the floor...unconscious. Harry called the nurse back. She looked at the small creature and immediately summoned a healer who specialized in the care of magical creatures. Farquar was then whisked off to an examining room.

Harry tried to follow Antonia, but was stopped by a nurse. "Sorry, we need time to evaluate them. It will take awhile. We'll get back to you as soon as possible."

Harry stood there watching her walk away. He heard Evan, who was behind him, say, "Mary! What are you doing here?"

Harry turned around to see Mary Johnson standing in front of Evan.

"Hi Evan. Oh, hello Harry! I came to spend Christmas with my husband."

"How is he doing?" Harry inquired.

"They say he is well enough to finish his recovery at home."

Evan smiled and said, "That's great! Nice Christmas gift for you and the kids."

"I was hoping for it to turn out that way, but it doesn't seem to be a viable option."

"Why not?"

"Even though Dennis is well enough to continue his recovery at home, he doesn't have the strength to apparate. Of course, I can only apparate myself, and the wizard ambulance service can't travel over the ocean."

Evan looked at Harry out of the corner of his eye. Harry smiled and said, "I may be able to help in that area. Let's get your husband home."

"I don't understand," Mary said with a confused look.

"I can apparate more than just myself. So, I'll get him to your house for you."

"That's very nice of you, but I assume you are here on Christmas Eve for a reason. It's probably more important than getting my husband home."

"The healers are examining my friends and won't let me near them until they've finished their evaluation. This will give me something to do to keep my mind occupied. It is also the least I can do for someone who volunteered to help rescue all those children."

"If you're sure, I'd definitely appreciate it!"

"Evan, you don't mind waiting alone for awhile, do you?"

"Not at all, take your time. Merry Christmas, Mary! Say hi to the kids for me."

"Thanks, Evan. Merry Christmas."

Harry and Mary headed down the hall to tell Dennis the news. They stopped at the desk to take care of all the formalities for his release and were given copies of his records for the healers in Minnesota.

Dennis was surprised to see Harry walk into his room with Mary. "Darling, what have you done? Do you know who this is?"

"Of course I know who this is. I told you Harry had dinner with Sean and me about a month ago when he spent a few days in Evan's house. I ran into him and Evan in the waiting room. They brought some friends in and were waiting for results of the exams. Harry offered to take you home so you could be there for Christmas."

Dennis extended his hand to shake Harry's. "It's nice to actually meet you. I hate to intrude on you this way, especially at Christmas."

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm only sorry that I haven't been by to see you before this. It's no intrusion to help someone who helped in the rescue mission, especially one who sacrificed so much. All the paper work has been taken care of, so let's get you home."

Dennis slowly stood up and leaned against Harry, while Mary grabbed his bag. "Mary, you lead the way and we'll be right behind you."


They arrived in the Johnson's living room, which was decorated for the holiday. "I guess we'll use the couch for the time being," Mary said. "It's about the only way you'll be able to spend Christmas with the kids."

Harry considered the couch and said, "I've got a better idea." With the wave of his hand, the couch turned into an oversized daybed that not only matched the other furniture, but was larger and more comfortable than a hospital bed. "That should work nicely. When you no longer need it, just point your wand at it and say, 'couch', and it will return to normal."

Mary helped Harry get Dennis situated. They both thanked him and turned toward the hallway as the children had heard the noise and came to investigate.

Harry backed out of the way and watched the joy of the family reunion. His eyes glassed over as emotions flooded over him. Happiness for the Johnson's, envy over something he had never had, and worry about whether he and Antonia would ever have this.

He sniffed his nose. Sean turned and saw him standing there. "Harry!" At that point they all turned and faced him. He smiled and said, "Merry Christmas!" Before anyone had a chance to move, or even say a word, he disappeared.


"Any word yet?"

Evan turned and said, "Not yet. Everything okay with the Johnson's?"

"Yeah. They were having quite the reunion when I left!"

Three healers walked into the room. "Professor Potter, Professor Steele, please sit down."

Once all five had taken a seat, the first healer said, "Professor LaFortezza is going to be just fine. She is in shock, but has no other physical or magical problems. We'd like to keep her here for a day or two for observation. Just to make sure."

Harry sighed, "That's a relief. Thank you so much!"

The healer smiled and nodded.

The healer for magical creatures spoke next. "The house elf received a wound to his side, just above the waist. It missed any vital organs. He will need several days care to recover both physically and magically. I do expect him to make a full recovery with no lasting problems."

Evan said, "Well, this is turning out better than expected when we first arrived."

All eyes turned to the third healer. "I am sorry to be the one who bears the bad news. Professor Snape has suffered massive internal injuries, is bleeding internally, and has no magical abilities left to help fight the injuries. At best, he only has a day or two left."

Harry stood up and said, "There has to be some way. Can't I help with some of my own powers?"

"I'm afraid not. In the case of healing, the magic must come from within the person to work their own magic with the procedures of the healers. I'm sorry, the best we can do is to keep him as comfortable as possible for the time he has left."

Harry walked toward the window shaking his head. "No, there must be something."

"I'm sorry Professor. All three of them will sleep comfortably through the night. I suggest you go home and get some rest. There is nothing else you can do tonight."

"I think I'll just stay here," Harry mumbled.

"Please Professor, we really must ask you to leave."

Evan walked over and put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Harry, they are right. You need to go home and tell Minerva and Severus' other friends what is going on. You also need to contact Antonia's mother. There is nothing more you can do here tonight."

"Alright," Harry muttered. He faced the healers and said, "Please forgive me for acting like such a fool. I know you are doing all you can and I do appreciate it."

"Don't worry about it Professor. Now, go home and get some rest. We'll see you in the morning."

"Can I at least see Antonia before I go? Please!"

Antonia's healer hesitated and then nodded her head and said, "Just for a minute. Follow me." She led Harry and Evan to Antonia's private room. As they entered, they noticed a small Christmas tree on the bedside table. Evan leaned on the wall next to the door as not to intrude.

Harry walked over to the bed and looked down at Antonia. She looked so beautiful and peaceful as she slept. He reached down, took her hand, which still wore his engagement ring, and bowed his head.

"I'm sorry Professor, it's time."

Harry leaned down and softly kissed her forehead. "Merry Christmas, Toni."

Harry and Evan disapparated back to the Hillside. The guests had all gone home, except Molly and Minerva who had helped Petunia clean up. Harold was putting the last of the glasses on the top shelf of the cupboard when he was startled by their arrival. The glass slipped and shattered.

"Good one, Ace." Harry casually moved his finger. The shards of glass melded back together and perched itself on its' spot in the cupboard. Harold brought each of then a beer and joined the rest at the table.

Just as Harry took the beer, Dobby 'popped' in.

Harold sat back and quietly said, "There's another one! What are those things?"

Evan leaned over and said, "Shut up. I'll explain later."

"Sorry to interrupt Harry Potter, sir. Dobby hears that Farquar is hurt and is in hospital. Is he going to be okay? What happened? Dobby is very worried, Harry Potter, sir."

"Dobby, calm down and sit down over there." Harry pointed at the last open chair at the table. Dobby silently did as he was told. Harold kept looking at him while trying not to be obvious about it.

Harry relayed the story of the escape from Romania as Farquar had told it to him. "So you see, Dobby, Farquar was quite the hero."

"I is happy about that. Dobby picked good, Harry Potter, sir."

"Yes, Dobby. Thank you." Dobby blushed at these words.

"Antonia is fine. She was in shock when we got her there, but all she needs is some rest. They are going to keep her a day or two for observation, just to be on the safe side. Farquar was injured, but will be fine in a week or so."

"And Severus?" Minerva asked.

Evan glanced at Harry and drank some beer.

Harry took Minerva's hand, "I'm afraid his injuries are much more severe. He has massive internal injuries, some slow internal bleeding, and his magic has been depleted. They told me he has only a day or two at most."

Her rigid exterior melted away as she started to softly cry. "We should be there with him."

"They won't let us see him until tomorrow. I suggest you get some rest and come back in the morning. We'll all go then. In the meantime, I've got to contact Antonia's mother."

He started toward the fireplace and stopped. "Aunt Petunia, I'm going to bring Antonia here for the rest of the holiday. She'll have the third bedroom and I may need your help since I'll be spending time with Severus."

"That's fine dear. Anything I can do to help, just let me know."

Harry proceeded to the fireplace and spoke to Josephine. The entire conversation had been in Italian, so no one knew exactly what had been said, though they got the jest of the conversation.

"She'll be here in the morning too. Looks like we're going to have a full house. I guess we'll have to put her in your second bedroom Aunt Petunia."

"That's fine with me. I'll get both rooms ready tomorrow."

Harry downed the rest of his beer and said, "If you all will excuse me, I think I need to get some sleep. Good night."


As soon as he woke the next morning, Harry showered and went to the castle.

Dumbledore saw him arrive in the office. "Harry, I haven't seen you in quite awhile. Is everything alright?"

Sorry, Albus. No, it's not alright. I don't have time to go into it at the moment. I have to see Hagrid. I will fill you in on everything that has happened soon. I will tell you that I'm in such a hurry because I have to get back to the hospital as soon as possible." He paused for a moment. "Albus, Severus is dying. It's part of a much longer story and I just don't have the time right now."

"I am sorry to hear the news. I will wait for all the news when you get some time. Now off with you!"

Harry ran out of the castle and down to Hagrid's hut. Hagrid was nowhere to be found. As much as he hated to do it, he left Hagrid a note telling him about Severus. He left the note in the middle of the table where Hagrid was sure to find it.

Harry walked out of his bedroom to find that Aunt Petunia had made breakfast. Minerva, Evan, and Harold were all there already eating. He joined them and forced himself to eat, lest he receive another lecture. They all sat silently drinking their coffee, waiting for Josephine to arrive.

Finally, Josephine was standing in the middle of the living room. "Enrico!" She hugged him and started speaking in Italian.

"Mama, English please. Come over here, I have some people for you to meet."

She held him back for a moment. "You called me mama. I didn't expect that after Antonia explained the situation."

"I must apologize for my reaction that night. I hadn't even thought about that and it sort of took me by surprise. I'd be honored to call you mama." He leaned over and kissed her cheek. She smiled, took his arm, and allowed him to lead her over to the small group of friends.

After the introductions, Petunia took Josephine to see her bedroom and get her settled.

So, Evan, what are you and Harold going to do today?"

"I thought we'd go into Hogsmeade for awhile. Then we'll use your media room to watch some good old American football."

Harry looked at Harold and said, "Not exactly the way you expected Christmas to be like, is it?"

"It's no worse than if I had stayed home. I'm still amazed by what I watch around here and am spending time with an old friend. Don't worry about me."

Josephine rejoined them and was anxious to get going. Harry gave his aunt a kiss and said, "Not exactly what I had planned for your first Christmas here. Sorry."

"That should be the least of your worries at the moment." Aunt Petunia smiled and said, "Molly has invited me over for the day, so I'll be at the Burrow. I'm sure it will be perfectly lovely. You'd better not keep those ladies waiting any longer!"


Once at Saint Mungo's, Minerva headed straight to Severus' room. Harry and Josephine went to see Antonia. She was awake when they arrived. Harry held back and let Josephine greet her daughter first. They held each and cried and held each other some more.

Antonia peered around her mother and said, "Enrico." She held out her hand to him. He walked over, leaned down, and the two of them kissed and held each other as if it had been a hundred years.

About an hour later, he left the two of them and joined Minerva.

"How is he doing?"

"They say he is comfortable and in no pain." She kept her eyes on Severus. "It seems so strange seeing him like this. The way he whisked around with his robes billowing behind him. His quiet sternness was downright boisterous compared to this."

Harry stopped in to check on Farquar. He noticed he seemed to be in a coma. The healer explained that this was part of the elf healing process. They go into a self induced coma and let their natural abilities work with the healers. He said he'd be like this for at least three days and there was no use in visiting until he was conscious again. Harry accepted the explanation and left.

Harry bounced back and forth between the other two rooms all day. Finally, the healer told them they had to leave Severus alone. He would be alright until at least the next day. Reluctantly, they left him and headed back to Antonia's room.

When they arrived, Antonia was dressed and ready to go. "What's this?" Harry asked with surprise.

"The healer said I could go home as long as I promised to get plenty of rest. With mama around, I don't think I'll have much of a choice!"

"It certainly works for me," he said with a big smile.

Even Minerva had to smile at the sight of the two of them.

"Well, if everyone is ready, let's get out of here."

"Enrico, I'm going to need a little help."

"Gladly!" He picked her up and they disappeared.

Minerva and Josephine looked at each other, smiled, shrugged their shoulders, and followed.

Harry carried her through the house to her bedroom and placed her on the bed.

"This is all lovely," she said, "But I really do need to get some things from the castle."

Minerva had just entered the room and said, "I took the liberty of bringing some of your clothes, a nightgown, etc. over. You'll find everything in the chest of drawers over there."

"You people have thought of everything. Thank you."

Antonia changed and went to bed. Minerva returned to the castle. Petunia and Josephine retired to Petunia's house. Harry grabbed a beer and went into the media room to join Evan and Harold.

It was the fourth quarter of the game. The Minnesota Vikings were beating the Dallas Cowboys big time!

"I assume your team is winning?" Harry said.

"Oh yeah. You've missed a hell of a game!" Harold replied enthusiastically.

"I'm afraid I don't understand American football any more than you understand quidditch."

"We'll have to take care of that one of these days."

The game ended, as did the beer. The guys called it a night and headed off to bed.


Early the next Harry went to check on Antonia and found her awake. After a good morning kiss, he sat on the bed and held her hands. "I can't tell you how relieved I am to have you safely back. It was so hard to go through the daily routine and actually try to pay attention to what people were saying to me. At the Christmas gathering, I kept going to my room to get away from everyone and tried to have my own private time with my memories of you. I can't imagine what it was like for you."

Sitting up, Antonia moved to one side of the bed so Harry could join her. She turned, put her arms around him, and rested her head on his chest. "The only thing that kept me going all that time was my desire to be with you again. I kept replaying your proposal in Rome and our perfect day on the island over and over again in my mind."

"I almost feel guilty for having to leave you to go back to the hospital. Then I feel guilty for feeling that way, especially after what Severus did to bring you back."

"I'll be fine. Mama is here, and I'll probably sleep most of the day anyway. Right now it's more important for you to be there for him. You've known Severus for many years and it's important for his friends to be with him at this time, especially since he has no family. And don't forget, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. I wish I could thank him myself."

He held her tightly and whispered, "I love you so much and am so glad you're alright."

Breakfast was certainly brighter with the addition of Antonia. Josephine had insisted on giving Petunia a break and took over the cooking.

Minerva, Evan, and Harry were just about to leave for the hospital when Professor Flitwick and Madam Pomfrey exited the fireplace.

"We thought we'd accompany you to the hospital if you don't mind," said Madam Pomfrey.


About an hour after the small group had taken positions in the private room that had been arranged for Severus by Harry, Hagrid walked in.

Everyone looked at him and held a finger to their mouths before he forgot where he was and filled the room with his booming voice.

Hagrid whispered, "I just found Harry's note and came as soon as I could. What happened?"

Harry whispered, "I'll fill you in later."

The watch continued. The silence deafening. Time seemed to be standing still.

They had been with Severus for several hours when he unexpectedly opened his eyes. His breathing was labored and, as difficult as it was, he was determined to say something.

"Antonia. Is she a...alright?"

"Yes." said Harry. "Thanks to you."

"Couldn't let them d...do it to her. Would have been t...terrible."

Severus paused to catch his breath.

"Harry, never m...meant to hate you when you were y...young. Stupid pride. Took out anger for y...your father on you. You are more than just a powerful w...wizard. You are t...truly a gentle and h...honorable man and deserve some h...happiness in your life."

There wasn't a sound to be heard or a dry eye in the room.

Severus coughed and gasped for air.

"Had to g...get Antonia b...back to you. She m...makes you c...complete. Merry...Christmas...Harry."

Severus then closed his eyes for the last time.