Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 13

Chapter Summary:
Harold experiences more than he ever dreamed of. Severous delivers another message. Harry pops the question, but things don't end up exactly as planned.
Author's Note:
Thanks to my beta's, Michele and Jen for their time and patience.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 13

When in Rome...

Harold noticed that, minus the extra tables and guests, the Great Hall seemed much larger than the night before. Even though breakfast wasn't anywhere near as elegant as the feast had been, he was still fascinated by the food just appearing and how the tables seemed able to clean themselves.

Evan set off to class while Harry started Harold's tour of the castle and grounds. Last stop was Hagrid's hut. Even though he had met Hagrid the previous evening, Harold just couldn't get used to the size of the man.

Hagrid introduced him to many of the creatures he cared for. Harold was sufficiently amazed at all of these strange and fascinating creatures he had never even dreamed existed. Hagrid glanced over at Harry, who gave a small nod.

"Come 'round here, I have a special surprise for you." They walked behind the hut and down a path toward the forbidden forest. "Wait here, I'll be right back."

A moment later Hagrid reappeared followed by the strangest animal Harold had seen yet. "What is that?"

Hagrid beamed, "That...is a hippogriff! Isn't he beautiful? His name is Crestor. Would you like to pet him?"

Harold looked at Harry, who just stood there with his arms crossed and casually shrugged his shoulders. He started to walk toward the beast when he was abruptly stopped by Harry who had grabbed his arm.

"What?" Harold asked, with a look of confusion.

Hagrid spoke up and explained the procedure of how to approach a hippogriff.

Harold looked at Harry and asked, "Is he serious?"

In a very serious tone, Harry replied, "VERY!"

Harold followed Hagrid's directions and gave a low bow, without even blinking an eye. Crestor studied the human for what seemed an eternity. Finally, he returned the bow. "Okay," said Hagrid, "you can touch him now."

While Harold slowly approached the creature, Harry turned and looked behind him. Evan was hidden behind a tree trunk with a big smile on his face. Harry smiled back and turned to watch the fun.

After Harold had spent a few minutes getting to know the creature and relaxing a bit, Hagrid said, "I guess he'll let you ride him now."

"Are you crazy? Who said anything about riding it?"

Before he knew what was happening, Hagrid had grabbed him and thrust him upon Crestor's back. Harold had a look just short of sheer terror on his face. Hagrid told him where to place his feet, to hold onto his neck and not to pull out any of his feathers. He then slapped the animal on the rump. Crestor reared on his hind legs and Hagrid yelled, "Get up!"

Immediately, Crestor bound forward and started to flap his enormous wings. They left the ground and flew away. The only sound to be heard was Harold's distant voice, "Whoooaaaaa!"

Evan left his hiding place and joined the other two men. All three were having a good laugh as they watched the pair soar over the trees, between the turrets of the castle, and out over the lake. "His fear should have turned to exhilaration by now," Harry said, remembering his first flight on Buckbeak so many years ago.

Hagrid gave a whistle and they returned to the clearing. As Hagrid helped him down, Harold said, "That was incredible!"

Evan stood there smiling and said, "Yeah...I could tell how incredible you thought it was when I saw that look of terror on the face of the big football jock!"

"Yeah...well...I admit it was a bit of a shock at the beginning, but it turned out to be fantastic! Thanks, Hagrid, I won't ever forget that!"

"Thanks Hagrid," Harry said. "We'll see you later."

As they headed toward the castle Harold said, "You don't let the students ride those things do you?"

Harry looked over at him and casually said, "Why not? I was thirteen the first time I flew that exact route. Different hippogriff, same story." Without missing a beat, he said, "Antonia doesn't have any classes this afternoon. Maybe she'd like to go to The Three Broomsticks with us."

The four of them had an enjoyable afternoon talking and drinking butterbeer.

They returned to the castle in time for dinner in the Great Hall. Knowing it was time for more male bonding, Antonia excused herself with some flimsy excuse.


The three men returned to Evan's quarters where they continued to talk and joke around. Harry and Evan started in on stories of their Quidditch days, which fascinated Harold.

"So, tell me," Harold started, "is flying on a broom anything like riding on a hippogriff?"

"NO!" Both Harry and Evan said at the same time. Harry explained, "A broom is much faster, more maneuverable, more responsive, and a hell of a lot smoother. There is nothing quite like it!"

Harold had a very envious look in his eyes. "I don't suppose..." he paused, "no, I suppose not...never mind."

Evan slowly said, "Well, it's not totally impossible. Although I've never been very good with a second person on a broom." He looked over at Harry and raised his eyebrows.

"Are you nutters? I've been pushing the limits with this entire visit and the things I've already allowed."

"Come on, Harry. You're in charge of the entire bloody universe! Anyway, it's a cloudy night, which means there is very little light. Who's going to know?"

"Have I ever told you that you're a bad influence on me?" Harry asked. He sat there and thought about it for a few minutes. Finally he said, "Alright, but just this once. We'll go to the top of the North Tower. Grab your broom and let's go before I change my mind."

After climbing what seemed like a million stairs they found themselves on the open balcony of the highest part of the castle. Harry took out his wand and pointed it at the turret which housed his office and said, "Accio excelsior."

In the blink of an eye, the latest addition to his large broom collection flew up to him. It was a highly polished black cherry wood with the straightest and most perfectly balanced tail twigs made to date. It hovered at the perfect height waiting to be mounted.

Harry stared at the broom for a moment, then at Harold, then at Evan. "Harold, do you trust me?"


"I mean really trust me...to the point of following directions without question?"

"Yes, Harry. I have the feeling that I've only seen less than five percent of your powers. For all it's worth, I doubt any of your staff has seen more than twenty five or thirty percent themselves."

"Yeah...well...that doesn't matter. I also need both of you to promise you won't reveal what you are about to see...to anyone!"

They both agreed.

"Alright, here's the deal," Harry said. "Flying with a child on a broom is uncomfortable enough. Two grown men would be just ridiculous. So, you are going to fly my broom alone."

Harold's eyes opened wide, "Hold on a minute. How is this thing going to stay in the air if I'm on it alone? And where will you be?"

"Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?"

"Sure, many times."

"It's similar to that, except you steer with the slightest movement of your knee. I do stress the word slightest. Sitting up straight will keep you flying slow. Bending your body forward adds speed. With me so far?"


"I'm going to charm the broom to follow your commands. I will assist you at first by holding the forward edge. Eventually, I will let go and you will be on your own." He paused and stared at him for a minute. "Are you still sure you want to do this?"

"Oh yeah. I do have a question though. If you are going to hold the edge and eventually let go...what is going to keep you from falling?"

"I'd like to know the answer to that one myself," Evan said.

Harry looked at both of them and said, "This is the part you can't tell anyone about. Are you both ready?" They didn't say a word, but nodded in agreement. "Okay...here goes nothing." Gradually his feet left the ground and he had to give a smile. "Close your mouths, you ain't seen nothing yet!" With those words spoken, he flew out over the grounds and around the turrets completely unaided.

Once he'd finished his demonstration, he flew back and rejoined the other two, who stood paralyzed in amazement.

Harold broke the silence by saying, "I've now officially run out of adjectives! That was totally unbelievable."

Evan followed by saying, "Why do I get the feeling there is a whole lot more that I don't know about yet?"

Harry shook his head and said, "Have no idea. I wasn't trying to show off. I thought it best to let you have the initial surprise before you got on a broom...where you need to think about what you are doing. Especially the first time. Are you ready?

After recovering from the latest revelation, Harold said, "Yeah...whenever you are."

Harry charmed the broom and told Harold how to mount it. "Now pick your feet up off the ground and put them here."

Harold hesitated at the idea of both feet leaving the ground while the broom just hovered.

"It's not going to fall to the ground. Remember...trust me."

Harold finally gave in and sat on the broom suspended in mid air. "Now what?"

"Evan, after you." Evan kicked off and flew a short distance from the wall. He stopped to watch and wait for the others.

Harry took the front end of the broom and led Harold over the edge of the wall and out toward Evan. Harold's heart was racing a mile a second. His emotions were running rampant...fear and excitement, just for starters.

By the time they had made their way to the Quidditch pitch, Harold was flying on his own. Harry never far away. As his confidence grew, Harold started adding some speed and sharper turns. They flew over the rest of the grounds and even part of the forest. Harold was having the time of his life!

"I think it's time to start heading back," Harry yelled.

"Already? Can't we do something that will really get the old adrenaline going before we stop?

"I don't know. You sure you really want to try something like that?"

"Hey, when am I ever going to get to do this again?"

Harry flew over to Evan for a quick discussion. "Remember, pull out no closer than thirty feet above the ground. That should be a big enough thrill for him."

They rejoined Harold and headed back to the Quidditch pitch where they were several hundred feet above the ground. "This is something a seeker does during a game to throw the opposing seeker off his game and usually into the ground. We're going to do a steep dive. When I say pull up, you pull back on that handle...fast and hard. Are you ready?"

"Let's do it!"

Harry shook his head and decided that he had to be out of his mind. He looked from one to the other, and yelled, "GO!"

All three of them headed for the ground at opposite end of the pitch in a fast, steep dive. Harold was laughing, yelling, and generally loving every second of this dive.

Harry yelled, "PULL UP!"

He accidentally pulled slightly to one side. This caused the broom to spiral and threw him off. Harold was heading for the ground totally unprotected!

Evan pulled out his wand and slowed his momentum while Harry extended his arm and created a fifteen foot high mountain of spongy cotton balls for him to land on.

Harry and Evan reached the ground and started wading through the mountain of cotton until they found Harold. He was sitting in the middle of the mountain spitting cotton out of his mouth.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked trying to catch his breath.

"Oh yeah! What a rush!"

Harry stared at him in amazement. "You just fell off a broom at top speed and went into a freefall toward the ground...and all you have to say is 'what a rush'?

Harold leaned back and looked at Harry and said, "You told me to trust you. So I did!"

Evan helped Harold to his feet while Harry made the mountain disappear.

They picked up the brooms and started walking toward the castle. Before Harold could even ask, Harry said, "No...you're grounded."

After they had been walking awhile, Harry asked, "Doesn't anything make you nervous?"

"Not when it involves this kind of stuff. Bumps, bruises, and the like are part of the game. It's the thrill that makes it all worthwhile." He paused for a moment. "Now...what I saw happen to you last week in Minnesota scared the shit out of me!"

Harry stayed quiet and thought to himself that this parallel lives business just kept getting weirder and weirder.


The next day Harold and Evan joined Harry, Antonia, Petunia, and Minerva in the Top Box to watch the Quidditch match. The game was even more fascinating and exciting than Harold had imagined. Even listening to Evan and Harry describe the game and their experiences hadn't done it justice.

Four hours after it had started the Gryffindor seeker caught the golden snitch. Final score, Gryffindor two hundred forty, Slytherin one hundred sixty.

"That was great! I've never seen such an exciting sport. I'd love to try that sometime!"

Evan turned toward Harry. Before he could utter one syllable Harry glared at him, green eyes more vibrant than usual, and said, "Don't even think about it." And that settled that!

After dinner in the Great Hall, Harry, Antonia, Evan, and Harold went to the Hillside to relax and check the news of the world. Petunia had gone to the Burrow to spend the rest of the weekend with Molly.

A flutter of wings caught their attention. A snowy white owl flew in and landed on the arm of Harry's chair. "Bella...your first official delivery!" Harry took the note from her beak and stroked the back of her neck. She hooted and gently nipped at his ear, then flew out of the room.

Harry read the note, jumped up, and said, "I'll be back in a few minutes." He went to his bedroom, grabbed the paperweight, and was in his office in a flash. He immediately headed to the owlery. As he entered, a figure all in black turned to face him.

"Severus, this is unexpected. Why didn't you contact me first?"

"The opportunity to slip away presented itself quite suddenly and I took it. Social niceties can't always be followed. If you don't want to hear what little I can tell you, I'll be on my way."

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything negative. Please, go ahead."

"First of all, I don't think the infusion of magic into your cousin went as well as expected."

"Oh, I might tend to disagree with that. I'm sure you've heard what he did to me not two weeks ago. I am here to tell you he's got at least one thing down very well."

"Yes, I heard about that and about how much he thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm quite sure you didn't enjoy it...and neither did Draco."

"Draco? What has he got to do with it?"

"That's part of the problem. Occasionally, without warning, Dudley looses control and starts doing magic. Anyone in his vicinity when he looses control is fair game. It so happens Draco was talking to him a couple days ago. Dudley lost control and Draco fell victim to the same curse you endured. It took Benedict three stunning spells just to get him to cease. A fourth to knock him out for a short period."

"Seems Draco is having a bad time of things lately. First a new look and now a new feeling. I wonder what he'll experience next. Maybe he should have just stayed in Azkaban."

"I think it best if you warn Weasley, Longbottom, and that wizard who killed Lucius. Draco wants revenge for that scar and for the death of his father. Naturally, Benedict wants revenge for his mother, his foiled kidnapping plot, and his waste of energy on that hurricane and tidal wave intended for you and your girlfriend. He is devising his next move, but hasn't let on to anyone as to what he is considering yet."

"Anything else?"

"I'm afraid not. Everyone planning revenges are keeping details to themselves at the present."

"What about you? Are you alright? Does anyone suspect you and your ties to us?"

"So far my cover is holding, but that could change anytime. I'll just have to be cautious. If you have nothing else...I had better get back before my absence is noticed. They aren't watching me as closely, but it's still too much to suit me."

"Take care of yourself, Severus. Thanks for the information. Good night."

"I'll be in touch again. Good night"

Severus took his broom out of hiding and flew out the open window. Harry returned to the Hillside.


"Well, look who decided to return," Evan said sarcastically. "We seem to have a difference in the definition of a 'few' minutes."

"That couldn't have anything to do with the difference between British and American could it? Seriously though...it turned out to be a short, and very unexpected, meeting with our informant. I couldn't very well put him on hold. It's very difficult for him to get away. In fact, this is only the second time I've talked with him in the four months he has been with them."

"What did he have to say?"

"First of all, you and Ron need to be on guard. Draco wants revenge for his new look and for the death of his father. Neville has to watch out for Benedict, as he wants revenge for his mother's death. He is planning his next move, but is keeping quiet about it so far."

Harry stopped and thought for a moment. "Seems Dudley is giving them another problem to deal with."

"Dudley. That name sounds familiar for some reason," Harold said.

"That's my cousin," Harry said. "The one who attacked me in Evans driveway that night I sealed you in the car. Seems he is having sudden periods when he looses control and magic just flows out of him. Not the place you want to be since whoever is around ends up as his victim."

"I'm glad Evan researched that infusion process thoroughly before we started with your aunt," Antonia stated. "I'd hate for anything happen to her."

"Fortunately, we have a little more sense than Benedict. I'm sure she'll be just fine with it."

Evan said, "I think Harold and I should be going. I've got to get him back home in the morning. Harry, did you remember to take care of the portkey?"

"Yes, it's ready and sitting on your desk."

"Harry, I had a great time and appreciate you allowing me into your magical world for the past few days," Harold said. "I know I won't forget any of it...though I suppose once I get home it will all seem more like a dream. Maybe I can visit again sometime?"

"Maybe. You never know. Stay cautious and keep in touch."

Harold turned and took Antonia's hand. He kissed it and said, "I enjoyed meeting you very much. Harry is a lucky man."

"Thank you. I enjoyed meeting you too. Actually, I think I am the lucky one to have found Harry."

Evan rolled his eyes. "If the mutual admiration society has adjourned, we should be going. It's not too bad out, I think we'll walk."

"I should be going too," Antonia said. "I need to leave early in the morning. May I walk with you?"

"Of course!"

Harold shook Harry's hand. Antonia kissed him good night. The trio left the Hillside together while Harry watched from the window. Once they were out of sight, Harry looked around the now empty house, shrugged his shoulders, and mumbled, "Oh well." He found a bottle of beer and plopped down in a comfortable arm chair and stared into the fire.

Suddenly he realized he was looking at a vague shadowy image of a city in ruins. He wasn't sure which city it was, which meant he probably hadn't been there before. He tried to figure out where the image came from and what it meant. He returned to the media room and surfed all the international news channels. Nothing was being reported. If it was something that had happened almost anywhere in the world it would surely be on several of these channels. He finished his beer, put the image out of his mind, and went to bed.


Although Aunt Petunia's next session wasn't scheduled until four that afternoon, Harry decided to go to the castle a few hours early. He found many of the staff busy putting up Christmas decorations.

"Comin' through." Harry quickly moved to the side as Hagrid entered the Great Hall with the last of the huge fir trees to grace the side wall.

"You alright there, Hagrid?"

"Oh yeah. Just don' wanna run no one over!"

Harry looked up the hall toward the Head Table and did a double take. Antonia was setting up a nativity. It was beautifully handcrafted out of a striking wood. The figures were the size of a small child. It was certainly a work of art!

He walked up to her and asked, "Where did that come from? I don't ever remember seeing it here before...and I believe this is Christmas number thirty for me, here at Hogwarts."

"You've never seen it before because I just brought it back from Italy with me an hour ago. My cousin made it after a conversation we had a couple months ago. I was telling him about Hogwarts and what I had heard about the impressive Christmas decorations around here. You don't mind do you?"

"No. I suppose it fits in well with all the other changes around here in the past several months. It is certainly beautiful workmanship!"

A soft small voice behind him spoke. "Headmaster Potter."

Harry turned around and looked down. "Yaffa, what can I do for you?"

Her eyes opened wide in surprise. "You know my name, sir?"

"Of course. I try to learn all the students names. I also know that that Yaffa means beautiful in Hebrew. You certainly do your name justice! What can I do for you?"

"Well, my father sent this and I was wondering if we could use it over the holiday's along with the nativity there?" She reached in a pocket in her robe and pulled out a small object wrapped in tissue paper and handed it to Harry.

He unwrapped the small package and held up a tiny menorah. "That's lovely, but it's a bit small isn't it?"

"My father didn't know where it would be displayed, so he sent directions on how to make it the right size. The only problem is...it's written in Hebrew." She handed the directions to Harry.

He glanced at the note and said, "My Hebrew is a little rusty, but I think I can manage. Now, where to put it?" He appraised the scene in front of him. "If Professor LaFortezza doesn't mind a slight rearrangement, I think I have the perfect place for it."

Antonia looked up at him, smiled, and said, "Please, be my guest!"

"Yaffa, before I rearrange anything, I should tell that there is one condition that you must agree to."

"What is that sir?"

"I believe that you are the only one here that knows the proper prayer to light the candles. So, each night before dinner during Hanukkah, you will have to say the prayer and light the next candle. Can you do that?"

Yaffa looked up at him and down at the almost empty hall. In a shy, unsure voice, she said, "I think I can."

"I'm sure you'll do just fine." He then held out his arm toward the nativity.

"Ahem." The sound came from Antonia.

"Just getting an artistic perspective before starting," he said with a small wink. He pulled his wand out of his robe, pointed it, and said, "Locomotor nativity." The entire crèche rose a few inches and glided about two feet to the right. He set the tiny menorah on the floor to the left. Reading the note again, he pointed his wand at it and recited the incantation, in Hebrew. The menorah slowly grew in size until it was three feet tall.

"There we go. Does that meet with both of your approval?"

Both ladies nodded their approval.

"Good. Now if you'll excuse us Yaffa, the professor and I have a meeting to attend in a few minutes."

Yaffa smiled and said, "Thank you, sir." She turned around and quickly walked down the long isle between the tables and out of the hall.

As they watched the young lady leave, Harry asked, "So, what would you like to do on the seventeenth?"

With a confused look, Antonia asked, "What are you talking about now?"

"Your birthday, of course! It happens to fall on a Saturday this year. I know it's only a week before Christmas, but we can do something special. It's your day, so I want to know what you'd like to do?"

"Given the choice, I'd like to spend it with you and my family in Rome."

"Then Rome it is!"

They headed to Harry's office to meet Aunt Petunia and the others for another magical infusion session.

The sessions were going well and the professors decided to keep it to one session per week. Harry didn't want to take any chances of an outcome similar to Dudley's. He had decided to keep that news from his aunt for the time being. He also insisted that Petunia have a check up by Madam Pomfrey the day after each session, just to make sure the process was being done safely.

The holiday spirit permeated the castle, but was tempered with the anxiety of the end of term exams. Harry thought about how he certainly didn't miss those days. The students, however would live through them, as thousands had before them.

Aunt Petunia had certainly embraced the Christmas spirit and went all out decorating the Hillside.

Harry arrived home after a late staff meeting to the aroma of pine, cinnamon, and apple cider. "Looks like you've been busy this evening."

Aunt Petunia smiled broadly, gave her nephew a kiss on the cheek and a cup of hot cider. "I'll have you know I did all this by magic!" she proudly proclaimed.

"Excellent!" he said, looking equally proud. "It would appear the infusions are working well. I should tell you that we're going to slow those down to only one session per week."


"I feel we're getting to your natural limits and I don't want to chance exceeding them as it could be detrimental to your physical and mental health. I don't think you want that any more than I do."

"I hate the idea of limits, but if you think it best..."

"Remember, the whole reason for this was to catch you up to where you would be had you followed the natural, magical course of things. It was never my intention to go past you natural abilities. That would be terribly unwise and possibly harmful."

"Alright, I'll take your word on that." She paused for a moment. "I was thinking of having of having a few small parties over the holidays, if that's alright with you?"

"Sounds great, just tell me when to be here. Oh, I'll be out of town next weekend. I'll be in Rome with Antonia to celebrate her birthday."

"I guess I should have checked with you before I invited Molly and her lot over for dinner next Saturday."

"Sorry, but I asked Antonia where she wanted to spend her birthday and she made her choice. I'm sure you'll have a lovely time without me."

"Well, I guess we'll survive without you. I was also thinking about a small party on Christmas Eve and possibly New Year's Eve. Mostly for the staff that have helped me so much and, of course, the Weasley's."

"I'm sure we can plan those. It will be nice having friends and family here for the holidays."


The week progressed too slowly as far as Harry was concerned. He had a birthday gift that he knew Antonia would never forget. The tension of the students taking their exams certainly did nothing for his mood. He did enjoy watching Yaffa light a new candle each night on the menorah. The nativity and menorah appeared to have added a new dimension to the holidays at the castle and was well received by the students and staff alike.


Saturday morning arrived and the castle was alive in organized chaos. Most of the students had chosen to go home for the holidays. There were trunks and cages stacked all over the main entrance while the students went into breakfast. The carriages were lining up to take them to Hogsmeade station where they would board the Hogwarts Express back to London. There they would be met by waiting family and friends. The foreign students would make the appropriate transfers to pre-arranged transportation back to their home countries.

Harry made it a point to personally wish every student a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. As the last of the carriages left, he made his way down to Antonia's quarters.

He knocked on the door and heard, "Come in."

He walked in, closing the door behind him. With a broad smile, he said, "Felice compleanno, Toni!"

"Grazie, Enrico."

He took her in his arms, swung her in a circle, and gave a long passionate birthday kiss. "So, how does it feel to hit the ripe old age of thirty five?"

"You know, pretty much like thirty four."

"Are you ready to go? I had Hagrid save us a carriage to take us to the Hillside."

"Sure, let me get my bag."

Harry took the bag from her and they headed out to find the carriage. As they walked the halls, several of the staff shouted birthday wishes. Antonia was certainly feeling special on her special day.

Once at the Hillside, they shared a cup of coffee and light conversation with Aunt Petunia. Petunia gave Antonia a special wizard edition of a coffee table pictorial book covering the sights of England. Antonia was captivated by the pictures, as she had seen very little of England since her arrival.

"One of these days, you are going to have to give me a tour of this country of yours. It looks quite lovely."

"Remind me next Spring. We'll make a weekend of it! In the meantime, are you ready to head down to that beautiful city of yours?"

"Yes, dear." She turned toward Petunia shaking her head and said, "Honestly, I think he's looking forward to this weekend more than I am."

"It certainly appears that way, I must say."

Harry had put Antonia's bag in his backpack and had already strapped it on his back. He walked over to his aunt, kissed her cheek, and said, "Give my apologies to Molly and the rest of that lot. Have a good evening. We'll see you tomorrow."

He took Antonia by the hand and asked, "Do you want to travel the same way we went to island?"

"Considering we're going straight to my mothers' living room and she hasn't even met you yet, it's probably not one of your best ideas. Let's be wild and crazy and just hold hands."

"I don't know if I like what old age is already doing to you."

Antonia looked at him and just rolled her eyes. "Thanks again for the book Petunia. I'll pick it up tomorrow on the way back if you don't mind?"

"That's fine dear. You better go before my nephew explodes. I have enough to do before my guests arrive and don't need to clean that up too!"

Antonia took his hand and said, "Alright wonder wizard, do your thing!"

This time Harry rolled his eyes, and with a 'pop', they were gone.


They appeared in the middle of the living room of Antonia's mother's house. It was a large abode with many rooms. It was obvious that Antonia's late father had provided well for his family.

Her mother was just entering from the other room. She came over and hugged her daughter and gave her birthday wishes.

Harry studied the woman as she spoke with her daughter. She was around seventy years old, had salt and pepper hair, and still had an attractive figure.

She turned and studied Harry as he removed his backpack. She started to make a comment about him in Italian when Antonia stopped her. "Mama, he speaks Italian. In fact, he speaks dozens of languages."

Antonia took Harry's arm and said, "Mama, this is Enrico Potter. Enrico, this is my mama, Josephine LaFortezza."

With a slight bow, Harry took the woman's hand and lightly kissed it. "Signora LaFortezza, a very beautiful woman!"

Smiling at the complement, she said, "Please, just call me Josephine. It is good to finally meet you. Antonia talks about you all the time."


"Somehow, I don't think Enrico is surprised. Where is your bag?"

"In there," Antonia said, pointing at the pack.

Harry noticed her mother's eyebrows go up as she said, "Really?" He quickly opened the top of the pack and pulled Antonia's bag out.

Handing it to Antonia, he said, "It was easier to travel that way."

Once they had settled into their rooms, they returned to find Josephine in the kitchen cooking. She saw them enter the room and said, "You two better be on your way. I have a lot of cooking to do before the party tonight!"

"Mama, I told you I wanted a small celebration."

"It is small. Just the relatives and a few close friends. It's not like I invited the whole city!"

"No, just half of it." She rolled her eyes, then closed them, and shook her head.

Harry was standing there chuckling at the exchange between mother and daughter. Antonia grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the door. "Come on, let's go."

They set off to do the usual tourist things. First stop was the Vatican. The architecture, paintings, and sculptures were amazing. Harry wondered how he could have come to Italy so many times and never gotten around to seeing these wonders. He also wondered how many of the artists had actually been wizards and not the muggles most of the world assumed them to be.

After several hours marveling at the treasures of the Vatican, they decided it was time for some lunch. They found a quiet sidewalk café and ordered a light lunch. Antonia had warned him that a Hogwarts feast was nothing compared to an Italian mother's idea of a party for her bambina.

It was already late afternoon and they had managed the Colosseum, the Spanish Steps, and were now at the Trevi Fountain. In the spirit of tradition, Harry tossed a coin into the fountain. Antonia just watched and smiled.

"It seems to work," Harry said. "Every time I've tossed a coin in, I've returned to Rome!"

"Is that the only thing that keeps you coming back?"

Harry sat her down on the wall in front of the fountain and casually waved his arm. Suddenly, everyone around the fountain started to leave.

"What did you do? Where are they all going?"

"Oh, nothing. They just remembered they had somewhere else to be at the moment. I wanted to be alone with you for a few minutes. It's time for your birthday gift."

Harry looked into her eyes, took her hand in his, and pulled something out of his pocket. As he put the diamond ring on her left hand, he got down on one knee and said, "Will you marry me?" With a tiny movement of a finger, the water in the fountain froze in mid spill the birds froze in mid flight, even the breeze stopped.

Distracted, she looked around and asked, "What have you done?"

"Along with me...the world awaits your answer."

Her eyes sparkled like the diamond he had just put on her finger. She lovingly looked into his eyes and said, "Si."

Upon the utterance of that single word, the world resumed it's normal routine and the tourists returned to the fountain. After a long, passionate kiss, Antonia finally looked at her new ring. It was a half carat perfect blue white diamond, tiffany cut, in a solitaire setting.

"Do you like the ring?"

"It's perfect! When did you decide to do this?"

"Last month in Minnesota. That's where I purchased the ring. You have no idea how hard it has been, waiting until today." He held her close and whispered, "I can't tell you how much I love you. I guess I'll just have to spend the rest of my life showing you."

"Well, I'll enjoy showing you how much I love you for the rest of my life. You have no idea how long I've dreamt of this moment." She leaned close and started kissing him again.

Applause suddenly filled the air. They looked around to see everyone around the fountain watching them. They smiled and Antonia held up her hand. The diamond sparkled in the orange light of the setting sun. The onlookers clapped even more enthusiastically and added strains of cheers and bravo's!

"We'd better get back to your mother's, or this may be one of the shortest engagements in history."

They stood up and gave a small bow to those assembled. Arms around each other, they walked toward the sunset and Josephine's house.


The house was moaning under the weight of all the guests gathered not only inside, but on the balconies as well.

Harry's eyes open wide enough to completely fill his glasses. "This is your mother's idea of a small celebration?"

"Oh yes. When she wants a large party, there are large colorful tents set up on the grounds! Come on, we need to find her. If I don't tell her the news first I'll never hear the end of it!" She slipped the ring off her finger and put it in her pocket, lest anyone notice it before mama.

They headed for the kitchen since that is always where you will find an Italian mother when the house is full of guests. They greeted many of the guests and Antonia accepted birthday wishes on their journey through the house.

Finding Josephine stirring a large pot of pasta sauce, Antonia put her hand on her mother's shoulder and said, "Mama, come with us. We need to talk to you."

"Now? Can't you see I'm busy? The sauce will burn."

"Si, mama...ora! Anna can take care of the sauce." She faced her cousin who had been talking to Josephine and asked, "Do you mind?"

Anna took the oversized spoon and continued stirring as Josephine was led away. They headed to Harry's room as the guests' room was always off limits as a sign of respect. As they entered the bedroom, Antonia stealthfully slipped the ring back on her finger.

They sat Josephine on the edge of the bed and stood in front of her. "Alright, I'm here. What couldn't wait that you took me away from my guests?"

Antonia held her hand out in front of her mother. Josephine's eyes welled up with tears. She looked up at the two of them, half laughing, half crying, and speechless.

"I don't think I've ever seen mama speechless before," said Antonia as she leaned over and kissed Harry.

Josephine stood up and pulled both of them to her in a hug that knocked the breath out of Harry. "I'm so happy for you both. Even though I only met you a few hours ago, I feel I've known you for years with everything Antonia has told me about you. You must call me mama!"

Harry froze with a blank look on his face. Those words were something he had never thought about. The closest thing he had ever had to a mother was Molly Weasley and he had never even considered the thought.

Antonia saw the expression on his face and guessed immediately what was going through his mind. "Mama, let's not worry about that right now." She lowered her head, raised her eyebrows, and quietly said, " I'll explain later."

Josephine smiled again and said, "Come. We have much to celebrate this evening!" She kissed each of them on the cheek, took their arms, and headed into the crowd, sharing the news with every one they passed.

The party continued and everyone was having a great time. Harry had come to the conclusion that he was going to have to adjust to the Italian culture. Lots of hugging, kissing, touching and hand waving. He figured that if Antonia could deal with the more staid and proper English way of doing things when in Britain, he could do the same when in Italy. After all, what was that old saying... 'When in Rome...'

The food was delicious and plentiful. Wine flowed like water. Birthday wishes and congratulations were non stop. Questions were asked about where they were going to live, children, and just about anything else one could think of. Harry thought to himself that this was going to take some getting used to, as no subject seemed taboo. On the other hand this outward zest for life and love was rather appealing.

Antonia had gone into the other room to find some biscotti for Harry, while he was talking with some future relatives. Suddenly, there was a strange sound permeating the air. Harry had an ominous feeling as to what this was. He quickly spread his arms, closed his eyes, and thought the incantation. Immediately, all the muggles present froze and became as statues. They were completely oblivious to anything happening in the house.

In dramatic fashion, a swirling column of black smoke appeared in front of Harry. When the smoke dissipated, Draco Malfoy was face to face with him.

Harry studied him for a moment. "Well, well, well what brings you here scar face? It certainly is becoming of your new position with the company you keep these days."

"Shut it, Potter. As bothersome as you have been in the past thirty years...it's nothing compared to that insufferable cousin of yours! I don't know why you never killed him through all those years. Of course, it won't be long before he kills you. Something I plan to have a front row seat for!"

"Save it Malfoy. Just what the hell are you doing here?"

"Just making a small pickup," Draco replied with his usual sneer.

At that moment Harry saw Antonia being brought into the room by one of Benedict's goons. He was holding her with one hand, and pointing his wand at her head with the other. There were gasps heard all around the room.

"If you want her to stay alive, nobody better move a muscle," Draco said. He looked back at Harry, "I suggest you not even try one of your mind tricks, if she really means anything to you."

"Leave her alone, I'm the one you want."

Draco laughed and put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "No, your time hasn't come yet. The dark prince wants to make sure you suffer for all your sins against the dark side over the years. He has plans and is going to enjoy every minute leading up to your ultimate demise."

"You are really sick, Malfoy, as are your master and the rest of his misguided followers. Do you really think you can get away with this?"

"I can and will. Don't try some heroic rescue like you did in Iceland. It won't work. Our current location has protections far superior to those we had in Iceland."

"You harm one hair, Malfoy, and what you endured to get that scar will seem pleasant to say the least." Harry was speaking slowly and deliberately, while trying to control his temper.

"Why do you care so much?" Draco gazed over at Antonia, smiled, and turned back to Harry. "Potter, don't tell me you were actually planning on getting married. This is better than the dark prince had even hoped for!"

Draco sneered at Harry again and said, "Merry Christmas, Potter." Without taking his eyes off Harry, he added, "Let's get out of here." Immediately, the black smoke reappeared, engulfed Draco and the others as they disappeared. The last sound Harry heard was Antonia's fading voice crying, "Harrrryyyy!"

Once the smoke cleared, everyone stared at Harry, who was shaking with anger and fear.

Josephine ran over to Harry in hysterics. He started to guide her to the other room when one of the guests asked, "What about them?" Without missing a step, Harry waved one arm and re-animated the frozen muggles.

He managed to get Josephine alone in his bedroom. He explained the situation to her and told her he had to get back to Britain immediately to consult with the Order as to what they could do to rescue Antonia. He held her for a few minutes and let her cry. He gently sat her on the bed and picked up his pack.

He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I'll keep you informed of any change in the situation." She slowly nodded her head. He squeezed her hand and disappeared.


To the surprise of everyone, Harry appeared in the middle of his living room. It was obvious that something was drastically wrong.

Aunt Petunia stepped up and said, "Harry, I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow. Where is Antonia? Is something wrong? You look terrible."

Harry looked around the room and in an expressionless voice said, "Molly, please take the boys home now. Ron will explain later."

She wanted to know what was going on and to help if possible. The expression on Harry's face made it quite clear that this was not the time to ask, much less argue with him. She quickly rounded up the triplets and flooed them home.

Harry pulled the pack off his back and tossed it across the room narrowly missing the floor lamp in the corner. He leaned against the wall, arms folded, and head down, staring at the floor.

Ron walked over to him and put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "What is it, mate? I've never seen you like this before."

As he raised his head to speak, Ron noticed that Harry's eyes were glassy and he was softly shaking. Finally, he spoke. "Benedict has Antonia."

"WHAT?" Aunt Petunia cried.

Harry looked at the three of them and said, "Sit down." He started pacing in front of the fireplace and told them about their day in Rome and their engagement.

"Engaged! How did Benedict time it with that news?" Ron asked. "Especially when we didn't even know about it!"

"He didn't time it that way and Benedict wasn't there. He sent Draco and a bunch of his goons to abduct her. Draco was almost giddy with excitement when he saw the ring on her finger. He was taking great pleasure in the entire situation. Some jerk had her on the other side of the room, holding a wand to her head. He knew I wouldn't do anything with her in that position. That new scar of his certainly adds to his ever increasing evil persona. I tried to get them to take me instead, but that wasn't going to happen. He made it very clear that Benedict plans to punish and torture me as much as possible before he tries to kill me."

He stood there not making a move or sound. He just stared into the fire. "Maybe I should just kill myself. Maybe Benedict would leave everyone alone if he couldn't use them to try to get to me."

Hermione stood up, walked over to him, and slapped his face. He looked at her, shocked...as did Ron and Petunia!

"Harry James Potter, stop feeling sorry for yourself! This is something you've had to face who knows how many times in the past thirty years. Granted, it hasn't involved your fiancée, but it has involved just about everyone you have ever cared about, or who ever cared about you. You start turning those tears and those feelings of self pity into anger and start figuring out what we're going to do about it."


"No buts. Between your intellect, your incredible powers, and all the friends and other resources at your disposal, you'll be able to think of something. I know how hard it is to think about all these other things. In case you've forgotten, it was only a month ago that my children, and your aunt were being held by that monster. You also have the rest of the world to think about."

He dropped onto the chair next to the fireplace and put his face in his hands. "Right...the rest of the world."

After a long, tense filled silence, Harry looked up at his aunt and friends, who were looking at him with great concern. "I'll be fine. I'm going to go to headquarters early in the morning. In the meantime, I need some time alone. Forgive my bluntness...but you two need to go home, and you need to go to bed."

Not wanting to cause another outburst, the three of them said good night and left him alone.

He picked up the book Antonia had received earlier that day and held it against his chest. He replayed the scene at the fountain only a few short hours ago. The words they spoke. The look of joy on her face. The feeling of unrestricted love and total completeness that had enveloped him for the first time in his life.

With those feelings and memories so fresh in his mind, he again stared into the flames. A lonely tear, slowly trailing down the side of his face.


Author notes: Thanks to everyone who has been reading this story. The holiday's have slowed the writing and the time my beta's have to do their thing. There is much more to come. Thanks for your patience. Happy Holiday's!