Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 04

Author's Note:
Special thanks to Michele and Jen for their beta time and patience.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 4

New Beginnings

At breakfast, Aunt Petunia said, "Harry, I wasn't sure what I would need and brought only a small amount of money with me. I certainly don't expect you to pay my way."

"Not a problem. We'll go to The Leaky Cauldron first. There is a branch of your bank only two blocks away. You can withdraw part of your account and then we'll go to Gringotts and change it over to wizard money. In fact, I would suggest moving the majority of your money. You can open your own account at Gringotts, as they also have a branch in Hogsmeade. Leave a relatively small amount in the muggle bank so it will be there on the occasions when you may want to venture back into the muggle world."

An owl flew in and landed on his desk. "Hang on one moment." He quickly walked over to the desk, read the note, wrote a reply, and gave it to the owl. With a swoosh of its' wings, he flew away.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm ready. You still haven't told me how we are going to get there," she said in a rather shaky voice.

"We are going to apparate directly to The Leaky Cauldron."

Aunt Petunia looked at him with a puzzled expression, "I remember hearing something about that years ago when I was at Hogwarts. Don't you need a license to do that and isn't it just something done individually?"

Harry smiled and said, "Yes, you do need a license. I have one. In almost all cases it is an individual only type of transportation, but..."

She interrupted, "You can take me because of your incredible power." Harry blushed, but said nothing. "Dumbledore told me you had become the most powerful wizard ever. I guess I didn't fully comprehend the gravity of his statement. That's how you were able to serve the tea and cookies yesterday with only your finger and a few words, isn't it."

"Aunt Petunia, there is much more to it than tea and cookies or being able to apparate others with myself. We'll have to save that conversation for another time. Are you ready?"

"I suppose so. What do I have to do?"

He held out his arm as if escorting her to a dance. "Just take my arm."

She took his arm and almost instantly they found themselves in the courtyard behind The Leaky Cauldron.

"That was incredible," she stated.

"Yeah, comes in pretty handy. Shall we go to your bank first?"

They walked out of the front door and down the street to Aunt Petunia's bank. She got her affairs in order and withdrew a sizable amount of her savings. They returned to The Leaky Cauldron where they stopped long enough for Harry to introduce Jeff, the new owner, to his aunt with a quick explanation of the circumstances. Back in the courtyard, Harry tapped the bricks to expose the entrance to Diagon Alley.

Once Aunt Petunia had taken care of her financial business at Gringotts, they headed to Ollivander's to get her a new wand.

Hearing the tinkling of the bell over the door, Mr. Ollivander appeared out of the rows of dusty boxes. "Ah, Professor Potter, how good to see you. What brings you to my establishment today?"

"After an extended absence, my aunt is rejoining our community and needs a new wand."

Mr. Ollivander stared at Petunia for a moment, his eyes narrowing, his head cocked. "Petunia Evans," he started, "I remember you from many years ago. I believe you left us and burned the last wand I sold you."

Harry raised his hand and said, "It's Petunia Dursley now, and not wanting to be rude, that is a private matter. Now, if you would be so kind as to find the proper wand for her. We have much to get done today."

Mr. Ollivander looked at Harry, then at Petunia, and disappeared into the rows of boxes. He returned with several black boxes which he sent on the counter. It was the fourth one that chose her. Made from elm, eleven inches long with a single strand of unicorn tail hair.

As they left the shop Aunt Petunia said, "That man has the strangest eyes."

"Yeah," agreed Harry. "I noticed them the first time I was in that shop. After all these years, they still make me feel uncomfortable."

They made their way down the street, stopping at Flourish & Blotts to pick up a few books. A brief stop in front of Eelops Owl Emporium. Harry thought about a new owl, but put it out of his mind for the time being. Hedwig was very old and didn't deliver post anymore. She spent most of her time in the owlery in the castle, with occasional visits to Harry at his house. He used the school owls for post purposes as he would never insult Hedwig by replacing her while she was still alive.

Aunt Petunia needed a break, so she treated Harry to ice cream at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. They sat outside on the patio, enjoying the sights and sounds of all the shoppers out on another beautiful summers day. Many people stopped and greeted Harry and he introduced them to his aunt.

They arrived at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Aunt Petunia stopped and asked, "Harry, is this really necessary?"

Harry was puzzled at her hesitation. "Well, you know it's standard dress in the wizarding world, especially at the castle. Just look at it as the latest fashion craze!"

Once she was finished with her fittings, they left the store and noticed quite a commotion a short way down the street. Harry decided to investigate.

A snake that a peddler was taking to a pet store had escaped from its' cage and was in the middle of a face-off with a terrified child. Harry told Petunia to stay where she was as he stepped forward. Distracted, the snake turned its' head to look at Harry. Harry simply told the snake to calm down, leave the child alone, and to return to its' cage. The snake obeyed.

The child's mother rushed over to thank Harry. He just smiled and shook her hand. "Glad I was able to help," he said as he picked up the packages he had dropped. He looked at his aunt and said, "Shall we go?"

"Harry, what did you just do? What was that sound you made?"

"Oh, I see Albus didn't fill you in on quite everything. I am a parselmouth."

"A what?"

"A parselmouth, I can speak snake language. I just told the snake to leave the child alone and to return to its' cage. My only question is... what was a snake doing in Diagon Alley in the first place? It's not an animal most wizards want anything to do with." He stood there for a minute with a concerned look on his face...thinking.

Petunia put her hand on his shoulder and asked, "is there something wrong?"

"No, nothing. Let's get back to The Leaky Cauldron. We're meeting the Weasley's for dinner."

As soon as they walked in the door, they heard a chorus of young voices, "Uncle Harry!"

Harry had only enough time to set down the packages and drop to his knees before the triplets attacked with big hugs! All three started talking at once and Harry just kept a look of interest on his face as his head and eyes bounced from one to the other to the other.

Hermione walked over and said, "Good evening Mrs. Dursley. That's going to take awhile, why don't you come over to the table and sit down."

"Thank you...and please, just call me Petunia."

"Oh, alright," said Hermione. "You remember my husband, Ron and his mother , Molly?"

"Yes, it's been awhile, and usually under rather strained circumstances. I hope we can put all that behind us and be friends, at least for Harry's sake." They all looked over at Harry with the children. He looked so happy at the moment, who could argue.

"I am willing to put the past behind us," Molly said with a smile. "I will tell you honestly though, Harry has been through far too much in his life. It has only been recently that he has truly started to find some happiness in his life. He deserves so much more than he has ever received, I don't want anyone to interfere in that, and that includes you."

"I understand and couldn't agree more," said Petunia as she watched him with the children. "We've already had a couple of heart to heart talks, where I have apologized profusely and ended up in tears. I would also remind you that this was his idea."

"Sounds as though we understand each other very well," Molly said while nodding her head in agreement. "So, how do you like Hogsmeade and your new home so far?"

"It's lovely, though I only arrived yesterday and have had nothing but whirlwind tours and a couple of talks with Harry."

"How are you all getting on?" Harry giggled as Douglas was still attached to leg. He looked at Hermione out of the corner of his eye, and saw her nod of approval. Next thing everyone saw was Harry kick his leg with Douglas on it into the air, which sent the boy flying, followed by three summersaults and a gentle landing in the chair on the other side of the table. All controlled by a few small hand motions by Harry. Of course, the procedure was repeated two more times.

Ron handed Harry a tankard of ale, and asked, "How was the day in the alley?"

"It was a nice outing and we got a lot accomplished."

Molly turned toward Petunia and asked, "How did you like Diagon Alley?"

"I haven't been here since I was twelve years old, but it really hasn't changed much at all. There was even a bit of excitement and I not only got to see my nephew in action, but found out that he is a parselmouth at the same time. That was definitely a new revelation!"

Ron, Hermione, and Molly all turned to look at Harry, who had suddenly turned very serious. Ron asked, "So, what's the story?"

"There isn't that much to it actually. A peddler had a snake, which had escaped its' cage. When we arrived on the scene, the snake was frightening a little girl. I simply told it to leave her alone and to return to its' cage. That was the end of it. It just seems very strange that anyone would have a snake in Diagon Alley. I just have a bad feeling about it."

Hermione spoke in a hushed tone, "I'll have a couple of the undercover agents make some discrete inquires and let you know what, if anything, they find out."

The mood lightened and they all shared an enjoyable meal. Harry looked at his watch, then over at his aunt and said, "I think we should be going. We've got another long day before us tomorrow."

After the goodnights were said, Harry turned to his aunt, raised his eyebrows. "I forgot to tell you...because of all the packages, we are going home via the floo network. You'll have to use floo powder. I'll go first with the packages and then Molly will help you get started at this end. Oh yeah, it's best to keep your eyes and mouth closed."

Harry grabbed the packages, stepped into the fireplace with his handful of floo powder, and said, "the Hillside" then threw down his powder. Immediately, he was engulfed by a large green flame and disappeared.

Petunias eyes widened and she gasped, "Oh my!"

Molly walked over to her and took her hand, "it's not as dramatic as it looks and I would think that you'll be using it a fair amount since you can't expect Harry to be at your beck and call whenever you want to go somewhere. Now, step into the fireplace and take some floo powder. Remember to speak very clearly. Just say, 'The Hillside,' and it will take you straight to Harry's fireplace. It was good seeing you, we'll have to get together again soon."

Standing in the fireplace, looking very frightened, Petunia said, "The Hillside"...and she was gone.

They were all laughing when Ron said, "I think Harry has lost his mind. Dealing with Voldemort is going to seem like a cake walk compared to this!"

Hermione gave him one of her looks. "I'm sure he has his reasons. You know Harry wouldn't take on something like this as a lark. I think it will be a good diversion to him constantly wondering if he is doing the right thing as headmaster."

"He seems to be pre-occupied with something else though. Did you see his face when he was talking about that snake? Then remember the statement he made the other night about a new evil? Something is going on that he hasn't told us about yet," she said with a look of concern.

"Yeah, I know," said Ron. "I think we should talk about this later. In the meantime, we should be getting home ourselves."


Harry was standing in front of his fireplace and caught his aunt when she arrived. "Are you alright?"

"I'm not sure I like that that very much. Look at me, I'm a mess!"

He led her over to a chair, hoping she would stop shaking soon. He handed her a small snifter of brandy that he had prepared before she arrived. "It's never been my favorite mode of travel either, but you do get used to it and it does come in handy."

She drank her brandy, collected her packages, said good night, and went to bed.

Harry sat in the dark for awhile, sipping his brandy, pondering the snake from earlier in the day. "What's out there?" he asked himself. He sat and stared out the window at the moonlit hills until he fell asleep in the chair.


The next morning Harry and Aunt Petunia decided to walk to the castle as there was a slight chill in the air. Summer would start its' gradual decline into the chill and rain of autumn. It was better to take advantage of the conditions while they still had the chance.

Petunia found she was enjoying all the walking she had been doing since her arrival. Her legs were a little sore, but she knew this would pass as long as she kept it up. She figured that as long as she was changing her life, she may as well change as much as possible.

Harry took her straight to Professor McGonagall's office. "I believe you two might remember each other from a few years ago?"

Petunia was suddenly feeling a bit self conscience, but managed a small smile. "Yes, I do remember the professor. You are looking very well and I can't thank you enough for giving up some of your private time to help me."

Minerva managed a thin smile, "Well, I learned quite some time ago that everyone deserves a second chance and from what I hear, you seem determined to change. It will be difficult at first as we'll have to dig deep inside you to unleash the powers you have suppressed all these years. The other professors and I have devised a plan to keep a common thread going no matter which of us you are working with. I think it will work out just fine."

They both looked over at Harry who was leaning against the edge of the desk. His eyes darted back and forth between the two of them. "What?"

With eyebrows raised, Minerva looked at him over the top of her glasses. "Don't you have other matters to attend to...Headmaster?"

"Okay, okay...I know when I'm not wanted. Good luck Aunt Petunia. I'll leave you in the very capable hand of my illustrious staff." He winked at Minerva, who just couldn't help but smile at him, then walked out of the office.

When Harry entered his office there was a lively discussion going on between the members of the gallery. "What's all this?" he asked.

Headmaster Dippet, started chuckling and said, "You could call it the gallery initiation. It's difficult to explain to someone who has yet to experience it, and probably won't for over a hundred more years. The thing is, once your portrait is added to this gallery, you are dead. After the magic fully engulfs your new 'home' and you are re-animated it takes a bit of time to comprehend your new situation. In short, we've been having some fun with Albus."

"I see," said Harry. "Well, don't let me stop your fun."

Finally, for the first time, Harry sat in the high back leather chair behind the desk. He sat all the way back, rested his arms on the arms of the chair, and closed his eyes. He sat like that for a couple of minutes, a single tear escaped his eye and was making its' way to the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly became aware that it was perfectly silent in the office. He slowly opened his eyes to find that the subject of every portrait was staring at him intently. Slowly, he gazed around the room at each of them until his eyes stopped on Dumbledore, who had a small, understanding smile and was looking at him with that twinkle in his eyes.

"Welcome to the club Harry," said Dumbledore.

"The club?" asked Harry.

"That's what we call it," Dumbledore replied. "You see, each person you see here has had the exact same reaction when they started in that position. That moment when you first sit in that chair and wonder if you are really equal to the challenge."

"Well, at least I've done one thing right," said Harry.

Professor Dippet chimed in, "We've been discussing you all night and have unanimously decided that you are more than worthy to join the club. We will always be available to give you any help or advice you may ask for, as is the entire portrait network."

Harry smiled weakly, "Thank you for that. I will need all the help I can get. I may have seen the first sign of the trouble to come. Yesterday I was in Diagon Alley and..."

There was a knock on the door and the gallery immediately fell silent. Most of them feinting sleep, others simply striking a pose.

"Come in," said Harry.

In walked an absolutely stunning woman. She was slender, with black, wavy, shoulder length hair, big, dark brown eyes, and olive color skin.

There were many questioning looks from the members of the gallery. Albus was watching with a combined look of mischief and satisfaction.

Harry realized that he was just sitting there staring at her. He stood up, reached out to shake her hand, and said, "Professor LaFortezza, welcome. I trust you had a good journey?"

She took his hand and said, "Yes, it was quite pleasant thank you, and please, it's Antonia."

Harry, still not able to take his eyes off her, said, "Please, sit down. Can I offer you anything?"

"No, I'm fine thank you. This is a very beautiful and impressive office Headmaster."

"Thank you. Actually, my predecessors get the credit for it," he said while gesturing to the gallery. "As I told you a few weeks ago when I went to Rome to discuss the position with you...I'm new in this position too. By the way, it's just Harry, please."

Looking at the gallery, Antonia asked, "Who are all these people and why do they seem to be staring at me?"

Harry jerked himself back to reality saying, "I'm sorry. These are all the former Headmasters and Headmistresses of Hogwarts. I expect there are two reasons for there reaction. First of all, you must realize that Hogwarts is over a thousand years old. In all that time, all the students and all the teachers have been British. You are the first, if you'll pardon the expression, foreigner to be offered a teaching position here. History in the making, if you will. Second, I suspect they are all appreciating your beauty."

Albus spoke up, "Harry is quite correct on both counts Professor LaFortezza. I, for one would like to welcome you to Hogwarts and hope you will feel comfortable making this your new home."

"Thank you, I'm sure I will", she smiled.

Albus smiled and continued, "Harry, I must congratulate you. You are sending a beacon of light across the wizarding world that the time of isolationism is behind us and that we should be open to wizards around the world." He gave a small wink and then rolled his eyes in the direction of the rest of the gallery.

"Antonia, if you are ready, I'll give you a tour of the castle and grounds," said Harry.

"That would be lovely. Whenever you are ready," she smiled.

They headed toward the door, when they heard, "Harry, will you be back here today?" He turned around to see whose voice asked the question. To his surprise, he found it belonged to Professor Smythe who had never said a word in his presence.

"Sorry, no," said Harry. "After the tour I have several other matters to attend to and then must collect my aunt and go home. See you all later." He took Antonia's arm and headed out the door.

Once the door had closed behind them, he took her into his arms and gave her a proper kiss hello. "I can't tell you how much I've missed you and how it took forever for this day to get here," and he kissed her again.

She took his hands into hers and took a step back to look into his eyes. "Is this all going to work out? I don't want to do anything that will ruin what you have here or with any of your friends. You mean so much to me. I couldn't bear doing anything to hurt you in any way."

He brought his hands up and gently held her face. "It will all work out, if we just take it slow around here and let everyone get used to you... and, gradually to us."

He leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. " We'd better be on our way or I'll be late for everything else I have to get done today."

They started at the top of the Astronomy and gradually worked their way to the front doors. They continued the tour around the grounds. They slowed as they strolled the shore of the lake, watching the giant squid lazily gliding along.

Finally, they found themselves in the dungeon potions classroom. Antonia looked around and said, "Mama mia! Harry is it alright if I clean this place and redecorate a little? I don't want to criticize your school, but this room is very depressing."

"I have always hated this place and have never seen a reason for it to be like this. Of course, it did fit your predecessor very well for many years." He smiled and said, " I have full confidence in your taste and abilities. Just try to keep it in the general theme of the rest of the castle, please."


They entered the Great Hall to find a small group at one of the tables just starting lunch. All eyes turned and watched them as they made their way over to the table. Harry smiled and said, "I'd like you all to meet our new potions professor, Antonia LaFortezza. Professor, I'd like to introduce Professor McGonagall - Transfiguration and head of Gryffindor house. Professor Flitwick - Charms and head of Ravenclaw house. Professor Sprout - head of Hufflepuff house. Professor Longbottom, new this year to Herbology. Hagrid, our professor for the Care and Respect of Magical Creatures. The quiet one over there is Petunia Dursley, my aunt." They all nodded their heads politely and smiled at her.

Please, have a seat Antonia." He gestured at an empty chair next to Petunia as he took his seat at the head of the table.

"So, Aunt Petunia, how is it going so far?"

"Not very well I'm afraid, but I do appreciate the patience and kindness everyone has shown so far."

"Nonsense," said Minerva. "You are doing fine for your first day. You didn't expect to walk in here after 50 years and just pick up where you left off, did you? As long as you apply yourself and have patience, we'll make a proper witch out of you yet."

She turned toward Harry and asked, "When are the other new professors expected?"

"They will be arriving in the few days," said Harry as he looked at his watch. "In fact, you'll have to excuse me, I have to get down to the station to meet one of them now. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your lunch, get to know Antonia and help her to feel welcome." He turned and quickly walked out the door.

Minerva stared at the doorway slowly shaking her head. "I hope this works out the way he envisions it," she sighed.

A puzzled look came over Antonia's face. "What do you mean Professor?"

"Please, it's Minerva," she said turning back to the table. "Well, it's just that we Brits are very steeped in tradition. In it's entire history, Hogwarts has been comprised exclusively of those inhabitants of the British Isles. Since his appointment as headmaster five weeks ago, Harry has been traveling the world interviewing professors he's met over the years. There will be three foreigners teaching this year, no offence intended. He then went one step farther and invited twenty five new students from various countries that showed exceptional adeptness to attend school here."

Hagrid spoke up. "You shouldn't question Harry like this, especially after being so much in favor of his appointment. You know he only has the best interest of both the wizard and muggle worlds at heart and..."

Minerva held up her hand to stop him. "I'm not speaking against him, Hagrid. I understand his reasons and actually agree with him. He has a sense of impending trouble ahead and a world wide network of contacts will only make us stronger. It is also a good idea to get to know people of other lands on a personal level and not just through books and stories. All I'm saying is that it is going to be a bit of a shock for most and will take some getting used to."

A few hours later Harry returned to collect his aunt. "I know you are tired, but we need to make one more stop before we go home. It's time you met Dobby. If I don't let him resume cleaning at night he will be very insulted. He will also have our dinner ready for us to take home. I only ask that you stay calm. House elves are different looking creatures than anything you've ever seen before. They are also almost insufferable in their desire to please. Ready?"

Petunia cocked her head and said, "Ready as I'll ever be. It's just a great deal to comprehend in so short of a period of time. She paused and said, "I say that a lot don't I?"

"I'm sorry to throw so much at you so fast. The new school year begins in ten days and I have so much to do and to prepare for... I simply won't have that much time to spend with you. I'm sorry."

She interrupted, "Harry, I'll be fine. I know you have a lot on your plate and I don't want to be in your way at all."

They had reached the kitchens and entered. Aunt Petunia stopped in her tracks as she got her first look at the house elves. She was also immediately impressed at how clean the kitchen was. Absolutely spotless in fact! Something she always tried to do in her own house for many years, but never had this type of success.

As he watched his aunt with mild satisfaction at her reaction, he suddenly felt a something similar to a punch in his stomach. He looked down to see Dobby giving him a big hug.

"Harry Potter, sir, it is so good to see you again. Dobby was missing you."

Harry smiled. "Dobby, it's only been a few days." Before Dobby could say anything, Harry continued. "Dobby, this is my Aunt Petunia. Aunt Petunia, this is Dobby."

He was pleasantly surprised to see her instantly reach down to shake Dobby's hand. "It is very nice to meet you Dobby," she said, with a smile on her face.

Dobby wearing his biggest smile and widest eyes said, "the honour is all mine auntie. Dobby has wanted to meet you since the first time he ever saw you."

A look of utter surprise came over her face. She turned to Harry, "He's seen me before?"

"Er... I'll explain that at dinner," he gulped.

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye and said, "That should be very interesting!"

Harry looked down at Dobby and said, "Okay, starting tomorrow night you can start coming back to my house to clean, but there is a new rule for you to follow. You must always pop into the middle of the new hallway that connects the two houses first. Before you go into either house be sure there isn't a red fog in front of the door. If you see that fog, don't bother trying to enter as it's a sign that we want privacy. Do you understand?"

"Oh yes Harry Potter, sir. Dobby is good at following your rules sir. You know you can trust Dobby, sir."

"Yes, I know I can trust you Dobby. I just wanted to make sure we all got that rule at the same time in order to avoid any misunderstandings. Now, we must be on our way. Do you have our dinner ready for us to take?"

Dobby bowed and said, "Yes, Harry Potter, sir, let me get it." With a snap of his finger a tiny box, about three cubic inches in size, floated into Harry's hand.

Harry put the little box into the pocket of his robes. "Thank you Dobby, I'll see you tomorrow for our meeting regarding the menus' for the new term."

Ignoring the puzzled look on his aunt's face, Harry just smiled and said, "Shall we go?"

Petunia looked at the elves and said, "It was nice meeting you and thank you for dinner." Adding very quietly, "I think."


Upon entering the house, Harry noticed several posts' in the box waiting his attention. He started fingering through the pile, and then stopped. He reached into his pocket and gave his aunt the little box. "Would you do the honors please."

She took the box and looked at it sitting in her hand. "Harry, I may sound a bit thick, but what am I supposed to do with this?"

Harry sat on the arm of the chair, dropping the post on the table, and started to chuckle. "Sorry. Put the box in the center of the table." She complied. "Now take out your wand and..."

"My wand?" she said with surprise in her voice. "What do I need my wand for?"

Trying to contain himself, Harry said, " That box is charmed so that no one can open it but you. If you don't, we may starve to death!"

"Harry, I've never seen this mischievous side of you before!"

"Aunt Petunia, there is a great deal you don't know about me yet. We have many years to catch up on. The most important thing for you to remember is that, even if my temper flares up, I will never hurt you. Tease you, well, that's another matter," he said smiling again. "Anyway, please continue, I'm really hungry. Just tap the box with the tip of your wand and say... open."

She took out her wand, tapped the box, and said, "Open." She watched as the box unfolded itself, turned white, and grew until it covered the entire table. She noticed it had turned into a linen tablecloth, but had tiny spots of different colors scattered here and there.

Harry said, "Now tap the tablecloth and say...finish."

This time she didn't question him. She tapped the cloth and said, "Finish."

Her mouth fell open and she took a step backward and watched. The spots started to grow and suddenly there were two plates, silverware, wine glasses, a platter that contained both roast beef and turkey, a bowl of boiled potatoes, another full of green beans, a plate of biscuits, and one that had treacle tarts and some cookies she didn't recognize. Finally, a bottle of wine appeared to complete the table.

She turned toward Harry, who was still sitting on the arm of the chair, his arms crossed over his chest, now looking somewhat proud. "Now what?" she asked.

"We eat!" he said.

They talked about her first day of classes and how she would continue once school had started. She even admitted that she had been a fool to give it up because of frustration and jealously, but was going to make the best of it this time around.

There was a lull in the conversation when she looked up and said, "Harry, when did Dobby see me the first time?"

"Oh, that," he said with reserve. "It was my twelfth birthday and you had guests for dinner. Some business deal Uncle Vernon was trying to close. All of a sudden, your fancy desert was all over the kitchen." He smiled sheepishly, "Ring any bells?"

"How could I ever forget that?"

"Well, it was Dobby, not me, who made that mess."

All she said was, "Oh."

They ate in silence for awhile.

Naturally, the food was delicious. Petunia looked at the cookies, noticing that half of them were plain and the other half were frosted. "What are those?" she asked.

Those are called biscotti. An Italian cookie that I have become rather fond of. Personally, I prefer the plain ones, although the frosted ones are very good too. With the number of times I've been to Italy in the past couple of years, I've come to enjoy many Italian dishes."

"Of course, this sudden fondness of all things Italian wouldn't have anything to do with Professor LaFortezza... would it?" She asked with raised eyebrows and a sly smile.

Harry sheepishly looked at his aunt and asked, "How did you know?"

"It doesn't matter if one is a wizard or a muggle, Harry," sounding as motherly as she possibly could. "The way you looked at her at lunch today told me everything."

"Do you think the others noticed?" he asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I doubt it, as they were too busy watching her. I might add she was doing a better job of hiding it than you were. If it makes you feel any better, she did slip whenever she thought nobody was looking."

"Brilliant," he said. "We were going to try to make it appear as though it was all developing here. That way everyone would gradually get used to the idea."

"I'm afraid you two are too much in love to pull that one off," she said. "I assume you are going to have a couple of staff meetings before the students arrive?"

He shook his head in agreement, arms crossed and staring at the table.

Petunia continued, "I suggest talking the situation over with Antonia first. Then simply break the news to the staff at one of those meetings as soon as possible."

"I suppose that would be the best way to proceed. Thanks for the advice," he said in a distant voice.

He sat there for a few minutes with his eyes closed and his head in his hands. He opened his eyes, looked at Petunia, and said, "If you don't mind, I'll explain the hallway tomorrow. I suddenly feel very tired and need to get some sleep."

"That will be fine. I find myself ready for bed too," she said. Before she disappeared into the hallway, she said, "Harry, I am really very happy for you. It will all work out. Goodnight."

Harry stood up and said, "Thank you. Goodnight." He then walked into his room and gently closed the door.

He took off his cloths and got into bed. Lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, he thought of nothing but Antonia... until he fell asleep and started dreaming about her.