Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
Harry tells Aunt Petunia about Dudley. Harry and Antonia share a perfect day. Harold is invited to spend a few days at Hogwarts.
Author's Note:
As always, my thanks to my beta's Michele and Jen

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 12

Treetop Dancing

The staff meeting was informative as always. Harry had gone into detail about the mission and most of the detail about Dudley's transformation. Students were to be watched and protected at all cost. Although the chances of any trouble at Hogwarts was minimal due to all the protections around the castle and the grounds, no one could be sure of what Benedict would come up with next. One thing was for sure...with the losses he had suffered in the mission, he was more determined than ever. Although it would be an added burden, the staff was asked to research ancient magic, dark magic, and anything else they could think of that was out of the ordinary. They had to be as prepared as possible for anything Benedict might come up with next.

Antonia, Evan, and Minerva stayed behind as the rest of the staff left the office. Minerva asked, "Except for the attack, was your trip successful?"

"More than I hoped. Actually, the attack, while painful, was quite insightful. It gave a clearer picture of the power we face in this fight. Imagine taking someone who has always, for all practical purposes, been a muggle and turning him into such a powerful wizard in ten days time. We can't underestimate their power or evilness in any way, shape or form."

"Evan, I'd like you to stay in contact with Harold, mainly, to keep an eye on his safety. I also think he can be of more help than he realizes. He has the highest of security clearances, which means he should be kept apprised of any information the American government finds. He would be a valuable informant from the muggle point of view. He is also completely aware of our world and has witnessed more of it first hand than most muggles ever dream of."

"Now, if you two will excuse me, I need a few minutes with Antonia before I go home and try to explain all this to Aunt Petunia."

"Are you sure that is wise?" Minerva asked softly.

"Wise or not, she deserves to know what has happened to her son. I have never believed in keeping the truth from people." He managed a quick glance at the portrait of Dumbledore. "The more that is hidden, the more complicated things get in the long run. It also tends to build resentment when the truth eventually comes out."

Minerva nodded and left the office followed by Evan.

Harry sat on the couch, took Antonia's hand, and said, "I'm sorry I left without even saying good bye. I had gotten a piece of news that was the final straw on top of the mission and everything else that had happened in the past couple of weeks. It's something that I've done on rare occasions in the past, and..."

She gently covered his mouth with her hand. "Minerva explained how you have done this before and always come back calmer and more focused. I know what you are facing and the enormous responsibility that has been thrust upon you. I love you and I understand that you need to do whatever you must do in order to conquer this evil. I'll always be there for you. Anyway, I think I am independent enough to survive without you for a few days."

He pulled her close, looked deep into her eyes, and said, "Do you have any idea how much I love you? I'll never understand what I ever did to deserve someone as beautiful, intelligent, and understanding as you." Slowly, he leaned closer until their lips met. Gradually they fell toward the arm of the couch.

There were a few muffled sounds in the background. Without missing a moment of the passionate kiss, Harry waved his hand. As if in a theatre, a black velvet drape slowly unfurled from the ceiling which effectively blocked the gallery.

They parted lips, both breathing heavily and gazed into each other's eyes. In an earthy whisper, Antonia said, "Encore, Enrico...Encore."

"Anything you..." She had put her hand behind his head and pulled him to her.

She sat with her head against his chest while they regained their composure. "You know, this can be maddening," he said quietly.

She softly cupped the side of his face and said, "I'm sorry, the time isn't right yet."

"I know, and I respect your wishes. That doesn't stop it from being exasperating though." He paused and smiled at her. "Before you go, I brought you something from Minnesota." He got up, went to his desk and took a small box out of the top drawer and handed it to her.

"What is this for?"

"Well, I did leave without even saying good bye...but that didn't stop me from thinking about you."

The box revealed a pair of diamond earrings in the shape of snowflakes.

"Harry, these are beautiful! I love them! Thank you!" She leaned over and gave a soft kiss. She put them on and asked, "How do they look?"

"They only bring out the sparkle in those deep brown eyes of yours."

"You are something else, Harry Potter. As much as I hate to say it, I have many rolls of parchment to grade and you have an unsuspecting aunt waiting for you at home. Thank you again for the earrings, I really do love them."

After a parting kiss, she left the office quietly closing the door behind her. Harry waved his hand and the drape lifted, once more revealing the gallery. He looked at the portraits and said, "Not a word!" He reached down and took the paperweight and was gone.


Back at the Hillside, he found Aunt Petunia sitting by the fire in her living room reading a book. "Mind some company?"

"Harry, I was hoping you would stop in when you finished your meeting. How was Minnesota?"

"Peaceful, cold, and educational. I brought you a little something." He handed her the white box and sat down.

She pulled out the crystal waterfall and said, "Harry, this is beautiful. It will look marvelous with the rest of my collection! Thank you!"

There was a moment of uneasy silence. Finally Petunia asked, "Would you like a brandy?"

"That's an excellent idea. I have a feeling we may both need it soon." He started to point toward the kitchen, but was stopped before he could point.

Aunt Petunia smiled and said, "I'll get it." She took her wand off the table, pointed it toward the kitchen, and said, "Accio snifters!" A tray with two brandy snifters floated from the kitchen to the table between them. She turned back to the kitchen and said. "Accio brandy." The bottle followed the tray and joined the glasses on the tray.

Harry smiled broadly, "Excellent...I'm impressed! Though I must say you could have brought it all over at one time."

"I know. I just didn't want to take any chances."

With a tiny movement of his finger, Harry poured the brandy and gave one to his aunt and sat back with the other. He sipped the brandy slowly while staring at Petunia.

"Harry, what is it? Is something wrong?"

"I...I have some news for you. I'm just not sure where to start. There's just no easy way to explain this."

"With everything going on, I doubt there is anything you could tell me that would really shock or upset me terribly at this point." She drank some of her brandy while waiting for him to continue.

"Don't be too sure about that. This is about Dudley,"

"Harry, he's in prison. How much trouble could he get into in there?"

Harry took a deep breath, and refilled the glasses while he exhaled. "Aunt Petunia, Dudley isn't in prison anymore."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"On the day you and the children were taken hostage, a group of wizards broke out of Azkaban. They proceeded to the muggle prison and kidnapped Dudley. He was being held at the same deserted compound where you were, only in a different area."

Petunia sat dumbfounded. "Did you know about this before you came to rescue us?"


"Then why didn't you get him out too? You can't hate him that much that you would leave him with that Benedict and his bunch of evildoers!"

Harry was trying to stay calm and compassionate. He sipped a little more of his brandy and continued. "I did try to find him after you and the children were safely back at Hogwarts. I found the cell he had occupied, but it was empty. Benedict and his followers had left and had taken him with them."

"How do you know they took him? Maybe he was able to escape or hide during the commotion or something."

"While I was sitting on his bed, a snake slithered out from underneath and told me what had been going on."

"A snake, Harry?"

He just looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Oh...right, I forgot. I'm more than a little unsettled at the moment. Please, go on."

"Well, it seems that Benedict found out that Dudley possessed that tiny amount of magic deep down inside. He made a deal with him that he would make him magical if he joined him and his followers. After overcoming the initial shock that he possessed any magic at all he started thinking about it. It seems that his hate for me and his anger at you for coming here to live and realizing your own magic potential was enough for him to agree. They started the process of magical infusion while at the compound and continued in Romania after they left that night."

"How is that possible? I've never heard of such a thing. What proof do you have? Sorry, but that is just to wild for me to accept...even in this magical world that you've re-introduced me to."

"I understand your skepticism. I had never heard of anything like it myself and had my own doubts. I asked Dumbledore and the rest of the gallery about it. They confirmed that it can be done. It is an ancient magic that hasn't been tried in many centuries."

"There is no proof it has worked. I still can't believe or accept this nonsense."

Harry sighed, took another drink, and stared deeply into Aunt Petunia's eyes. He looked down at the snifter that he had absentmindedly been rolling back and forth between palms. Taking another deep breath, he said, "Aunt Petunia, I was attacked last night in Minnesota after dinner. Harold had just dropped me off and was about to drive away when I heard the snow crunch behind a tree in the darkness. I only had enough time to seal him in the car and put a protective charm around it when the killing curse had been aimed at me. I ducked in time and the curse hit the shield and rebounded killing the attacker. Next thing I knew I had been hit with the Cruciatus Curse and was withering in pain in a snow bank."

Aunt Petunia was staring at him horrified and totally mute.

"Fortunately, Remus, Mad-Eye, and Evan apparated just in time to disarm the attacker and end it. The attacker disapparated immediately. Once inside and I had recovered sufficiently, Harold allowed me to probe his mind in order to see who the attacker was." He paused and looked into her eyes again. "Aunt Petunia...it was Dudley."

"Harry, I...I don't know what to say. It's all so hard to comprehend. I still can't believe he's got magical powers. I also know the two of you never got along, but I'm shocked that he'd actually do something like that to you!"

"Well, not getting along during childhood is one thing, but he did end up in prison. His mother is now living with the cousin he never liked and is developing her magic on top of it. Then he is suddenly given a chance to become a powerful wizard and able to exact revenge on that cousin. He enjoyed putting me through that pain...he was laughing the entire time. I'm just lucky he didn't try to kill me!"

"But, I thought..."

"The protection I still carry in my blood doesn't apply to Dudley since we have the same family blood flowing through our veins."

"Oh Harry, what are we going to do?"

"As the old saying goes, we'll just have to take it 'one day at a time'. We'll have to go on carefully watching and planning for whatever is coming next. In the meantime, I want you to use your magic whenever possible and practice constantly. Further, no matter how unpleasant the idea is to you...I want you to concentrate on the unforgivable curses that Evan has started to show you. They may save your life." He added softly, "or the life of someone else."

"Harry, if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone for the rest of the evening. I need to digest all this and then try to get some sleep."

"I understand." He stood to leave and said, "I'm sorry Aunt Petunia. I thought it only right to inform you of what was happening with your son."

"That's alright, I appreciate the honesty. I just need time alone to deal with the reality of it all. Good night, Harry"

"Good night." He headed down the hallway, closing the door behind him.

He went into his bedroom and changed into his sweats. He entered the gym to beat the hell out of that heavy bag again. Soaked with sweat and exhausted to the point of barely being able to lift his arms, he returned to his room. He took a quick shower and fell into bed.


The next morning Harry went to the castle early. He found Evan in his office devouring a large dusty book. "Morning Evan." There was no reply. He walked over and put his hand on Evans' shoulder.

Evan turned with a start. "Oh, Harry! Sorry, I was engrossed in this book."

"So I see. Just what has you so engrossed?"

"It's a book about that ancient magic Benedict used on your cousin. I must say it was rather well hidden in the restricted section of the library."

"I should imagine so. Why are you pouring through that?"

"Beside the fact that I had never heard of the process before now, I thought it may have variations that we might use on Petunia to expedite her own transition, especially if she may have to play as vital a role as you implied the other night."

"Hmmmm, you might have something there. Let me know what you find out, and mark the areas that would be of particular relevance to our needs."

"Sure. From what I've read so far, it might be better if you did the infusion. That is, if it comes down to that. With your power, and the fact you two are related, it seems it would be faster and smoother that way."

"Well, we've got time to figure that out. I wanted to let you know that I did speak to her last night about Dudley and what has happened. She is aware of the importance of learning as much as she can as fast as she can. She also knows that I want her learning the three curses. The only thing I left out was why."

"Alright, I'll let the others know to increase the intensity of their lessons with her."

"Thanks. I'd better get down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I've been absent too much recently," Harry chuckled.

"I'll be down shortly. I just want to finish this chapter."

After breakfast, Harry spent quite a bit of time simply walking the castle and grounds. He chatted with students between classes...even sat in on a couple classes for short periods of time. Everything and everyone seemed to be doing well and nothing out of the ordinary appeared to be going on.

Harry found Shinotqua in her office and filled her in on the news about Dudley and the details of his conversation with Petunia. She assured him that Petunia's reaction was normal, but she would keep an extra close eye on her for the next week or so. She also said she'd talk with his aunt when the appropriate time arose.

Antonia's desk was covered with rolls of parchment and vials containing some type of bright pink liquid. She peered over the parchment as he entered and said, "Benvenuto!"

He smiled and replied, "Grazie. I won't keep you from all this fun too long. Just wanted to make sure we were still on for tomorrow."

"Oh Harry, I was betting on the end of the world!" She said with a smile. "I'll take you anytime I can get you."

"I am glad you said...anytime. Come to the Hillside around four in the morning."

"Four in the morning? Where are we going at that hour?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you that. Just bring that sexy little swimsuit of yours!"

"Swimsuit! Isn't it a bit chilly for such a thing?"

"Trust me. Just bring it and be there by four. I've got to go and talk with Aunt Petunia. See how she's dealing with the news I gave her last night." He gave her a smile and a wink, and left her sitting and wondering.


He returned to his office to find Hagrid waiting for him.

"Hagrid! What are you doing here? Is there a problem?"

"Not really. I ain't seen ya, 'cept for a few meals in the Great Hall. Then you're always surrounded by all kinds of people, and I don' want ta get in the way. I heard 'bout what happened on your trip and wanted ta make sure you were okay."

Harry noticed the glassy eyes and the worried expression on the half giant. A wave of guilt spreading over him the longer he looked into that caring face.

"I'm sorry, old friend. I should have come down to see you long before this."

Hagrid smiled and said, "I know how busy ya been, meetin' with world leaders, rescuing children, plannin' next moves, dealin' with your aunt..."

Harry stopped him. "That doesn't excuse ignoring my first friend in the magical world. I guess I never really learned time management very well. Of course there is the added distraction of being in love and trying to spend what precious little time alone I can manage with Antonia."

"I'm glad ya finally found somebody. If anyone deserves som' happiness in their life, it's you. Can't say much for your timing though. I mean, in the middle of a war and all."

"Hagrid, if memory serves, you fell in love during the last war!" Harry said with raised eyebrows. "I would say that all turned for the best...wouldn't you?"

"Yeah, I certainly did. I just worry 'bout ya, Harry. Do ya have any plans on how ta fight this war?"

"You can only plan so much against the unexpected. We are taking precautions and making what plans we can. It's difficult to plan against such a pure evil when your mind doesn't work that way. As you've told me, more than once over the years, we'll deal with whatever comes when it comes."

"Well, I only passed that along. That was somthin' Professor Dumbledore told me long before I ever told ya."

They both looked over at the portrait of Harry's predecessor. Dumbledore was looking at the two of them with eyebrows raised over his half moon glasses, with a slight smile. Suddenly, there was a sound from behind the chair on the opposite side of the room.

"Almost forgot," said Hagrid. "I got somthin' for ya."

Harry didn't say a word. He only looked at Hagrid with questioning eyes.

Hagrid walked over, moved the chair, and pulled a sheet off something behind the chair. He then revealed Hedwig's old cage which contained a beautiful snowy white owl.

Harry's mouth dropped as he stared at the owl.

"This is Hedwig's daughter."

Harry shook his head and tried to speak. "What? When? How?"

"Almost two years ago, Dumbledore came to me and said he had had a talk with Hedwig. She knew she was getin' old and didn't have much time left. She wanted ta leave ya somthin' special to take her place. So she bred and this is the result. Wasn't easy keepin' all this from ya, believe me!"

Harry just shook his head. "I...I don't know what to say. She's beautiful! She looks almost exactly like Hedwig!"

Hagrid beamed at the expression of surprise and happiness on Harry's face. "All that's left is ya gotta give her a name. Then she'll know that she is really yours."

Harry thought for a moment. "I think I'll call her Bella."

"Bella?" Hagrid asked.

"It means beautiful in Italian."

Nodding his head, Hagrid said, "Well, considerin' your future wife, I guess that fits."

Harry's expression immediately changed as he turned and looked at his old friend. "What are you talking about? I haven't mentioned marriage to anybody!"

"I don' always talk so good and I can't spell worth a damn...but I've known ya for almost thirty years. The look on your face an' the way ya talk about her, makes things pretty clear to me. Then there is the way you two try not to be noticeable around the castle. Not believable at all. Ya got it bad, Harry!"

Harry sat down, stuck out his arm, and called, "Bella." The owl flew over and perched on his arm. He gently stroked her back and almost absent mindedly said, "Let's keep that between us for the time being. At least wait until I ask her. Alright?"

"Okay, Harry. Ya better not take too long or she'll be the last one ta know around here."

"Thank you again Hagrid for such a wonderful surprise. Now, if you'd do me a favor and show her the Owlery. I have to get home and talk to Aunt Petunia and then get some rest before my date with Antonia. I promise to visit you soon...really!"

"I can do that. You just have a good time on your date," he said with a wink. After coaxing Bella back into her cage, he set out for the Owlery.

Harry turned toward the portrait of Dumbledore and said, "Thanks Albus."

Keeping that small smile, Albus closed his eyes and gave one slow nod.

"I don't think I like not hearing one word out of you. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to figure it out at the moment."

He stood up, walked over to the desk, cast one last glance at Dumbledore, shook his head, and picked up the paperweight.


He walked out of his bedroom and down the hall to see his aunt. As he entered her house, he called out, "Aunt Petunia?"

A slightly muffled voice said, "In here."

Harry stopped as he entered the door to her bedroom. There was an open suitcase on the bed partially filled and his aunt was rummaging through a drawer.

"What's all this?"

"I'm leaving," she said.

"Leaving? Where are you going? What are you thinking? What's wrong?"

She kept packing without saying a word.

He walked over and took her arm.

"You can't stop me, Harry!"

"Oh please. You know damn well I can do that and a lot more! Now, put that down and come out to the living room and tell me what this is all about."

They sat on the couch where his aunt dropped her head against his chest and burst into tears. He held her close and just let her cry for awhile. Finally, he said, "Alright, calm down and tell me what this is all about."

She wiped her eyes, but didn't look up at him. "I don't think I can adjust to this magical life and all the dangers and twists that seem to go along with it. It was new and exciting in the beginning, and everyone has been so nice and generous with their time. Their patience has been extraordinary. I know they are doing all of this as a favor to you and I don't want to be the cause of any strain on your friendships. Then all this war stuff with that Benedict. He killed your owl and that was followed by the kidnapping. Now you tell me my son has become magical and is terribly evil. The thought that you may have to kill him at some point is more than I can bear."

Harry raised his eyes toward the ceiling and blew air between his lips. He gently pushed his aunt away from his body and said, "Look at me and listen carefully."

Without making a sound, she looked into her nephews vibrant green eyes.

"Yes, my friends started teaching you as a favor to me, but in the time you have been here, they have become your friends too. They are impressed that you were willing to change after all these years and become what you were meant to be from the beginning. You've been working very hard and have made fantastic progress. You've surprised everyone, including me on how much you've learned in such a short period of time. Believe me, if they didn't want to continue, they would let me know. They like you for you!"

"As far as the war goes, it's just an unfortunate part of life. Let's face it; wars are not limited to the magical world. Look at what the muggles have done throughout history. How many times did England and France go to war in the middle ages? The Roman Empire was out to conquer the world. World Wars one and two! The list is longer than my arm. It's the same in the magical world. There is just as long a list of wars our world has had to deal with. The whole thing with Voldemort started long before I was born and didn't end until I was almost eighteen. Now we have Benedict. It's just something we have to deal with. Fun? No. Necessary? Yes!"

Aunt Petunia tried to interrupt, "But..."

"Don't interrupt; I haven't finished with your list of reasons yet. As for Hedwig, yes I was very shocked and upset. At the same time, she was old and getting close to the end of her natural life. The way she died was immediate and completely painless. It seems she had been planning for her death for awhile. Less than an hour ago, Hagrid brought me a gift that Hedwig had planned almost two years ago without my knowledge. I have a new owl...Hedwig's daughter. It's amazing how much she looks and acts the way Hedwig did. I have named her Bella. So, if you see a snowy white fly into the house, it's probably her."

"The kidnapping was a surprise move, but you handled yourself extremely well. The way you took care of all those children, and kept them calm was fantastic."

"As far as Dudley goes...well, that was something no one could have ever imagined. As I told you, it involved an ancient magic that no one around had ever heard of, much less tried. His decision to join Benedict isn't really that much of a surprise. As much as you didn't want to admit it, Dudley was always a big bully from as far back as I can remember. It wasn't only against me, but most of the kids in the neighborhood and at school. I'm sure his hate of me helped in his decision too. I don't know if this will put your mind to rest or not, but I can't kill Dudley. The same old magic blood protection that kept me safe from Voldemort and now from Benedict protects Dudley from me. There are only two people that can kill Dudley...and Benedict is one of them, since he did the procedure making Dudley magical."

Thoughtfully, Petunia asked, "Who is the second person?"

"That's unimportant at the moment. We are talking about this silly idea of you leaving. Where do you think you could go? Do you think there is any place on the entire planet where they wouldn't be able to find you? At least you are safe here, at the castle, and at the Burrow. I know it's somewhat confining, but it's certainly better than the alternative!"

"Oh Harry, I don't know. I'm just so confused. I don't know what to think about anything right now."

Harry walked over to the fireplace, tossed in some floo powder, and said, "Shinotqua Viazon, Hogwarts."

Shinotqua sat up, peered into her fireplace, and said, "Hello Harry. What can I do for you?"

"Do you have any plans tonight or tomorrow?"

"As a matter of fact, I don't. I was just sitting here trying to figure out what to do with myself this weekend. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, I hate to bother you, but I think my aunt could use some advice and company right now," he said with wide open eyes and raised eyebrows. "You know, someone besides her nephew...preferably a woman!"

"I think that would be lovely. I haven't spent enough time with her lately anyway. I hope you have something else to do. Men just get in the way during 'girl talk'. Let me get a few things together and I'll floo over in a few minutes."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it. See you in a few minutes." He took his head out of the fireplace and turned around just in time to see his aunt walking out of the room. "Where are you going?"

"I want some tea if that's alright with you. Would you like some too?"

"Sure, thank you."

She brought in a tray with a large teapot, three cups, and a plate of biscuits. She poured tea for the two of them, leaving the third cup empty until Shinotqua arrived. "I guess I'm just turning into an old bother. Now you're finding me babysitters."

"You're not a bother, and Shinotqua is not a babysitter. I know this is a great deal for you to handle in such a short period of time. I simply thought that a more experienced person, who is also a woman, would be more helpful than I would be. Anyway she does enjoy your company."

Shinotqua popped out of the fireplace, brushed herself off, and joined them at the table. Petunia poured her a cup of tea and said, "Thanks for coming. I feel like a bothersome old fool and am very sorry Harry disturbed you on your weekend."

"Don't be silly. It was either come here and spend time with you, or go to headquarters and make an attempt to figure out ways to destroy evil people. Given the choice, I'll take helping someone every time." She turned to Harry and said, "Don't you have other plans or something?"

"Not exactly the most tactful person in the world, are you? Okay, I'm out of here. I'll see you two when I get back tomorrow." He returned to his house setting the red fog in place as he left the hallway. He went straight to bed as three thirty would come all too soon.


Antonia arrived a few minutes before four, yawning. "Morning Harry,"

Harry brought her over to the table, gave her a quick kiss and a cup of coffee. "I thought this might help," he said as he drank from his own cup.

She drank some of the coffee and asked, "Just where do people go on a date at four in the morning?"

"I haven't the slightest idea. Where we're going it's four in the afternoon," he said very casually. "Yesterday."


"You'll find out as soon as you finish your coffee."

Her curiosity couldn't take any more of this. She downed the rest of the coffee quickly and said, "Okay, I'm ready."

He stood up and took her hand as they walked to the center of the living room. "Put your arms around me and kiss me."

She couldn't imagine what he was up to, but decided not to ask questions. She put her arms around him as he put his around her. She raised her head as he lowered his. When their lips met, they disappeared.


A moment later the ground beneath her feet felt much softer and the air much warmer. She opened her eyes slowly as she could tell the sun was bright. Once her eyes had adjusted to the change in light, she turned away from Harry. Her mouth dropped when she saw the ocean, palm trees, ferns, birds of paradise, and other tropical flowers. "Where are we?"

"A small, deserted island in the South Pacific. Do you realize that you are the only woman who can say that she has continually kissed a man while traveling half way around the world?"

"That was definitely a first, I'll give you that! Come on, I want to see the rest of the island." She tried to pull him toward the palms, but got nowhere. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. We need to take care of something first." He proceeded to undress until he was down to his swim trunks. She hadn't moved. He calmly said, "We have to be in the water to take care of this."

"Sorry, I was just taking in the beauty of this place." She proceeded to undress revealing a beautiful white one piece suit.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are today?"

Not wanting to let the opportunity slip away, she said, "Well, if we're talking Friday, yes. If we're talking Saturday, no."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Whatever day makes no difference. You are always beautiful."

They walked into the ocean and set the guardian charm around the island. Not knowing what Benedict was up to, there was no reason to take any chances.

Once that was taken care of, they headed off to explore their little island paradise. Somewhere in the middle of the island was a natural spring that bubbled forth out of a rock formation into a pool of deep blue water. The boulders had been worn smooth by the water constantly cascading over their surfaces. Harry took advantage of the natural water slides and finally convinced Antonia to join him. They raced down the different formations into the pool.

He chased her through the ferns growing beneath the towering palms. Each time he caught her they'd lie on the soft ground kissing and staring into each other's eyes. Antonia would 'escape' and the chase was on again. They were free and uninhibited and had not a worry in the world.

As they walked back toward the beach, Antonia said, "I bet this is what the Garden of Eden was like."

"Almost," Harry mumbled.

She stopped, put her finger to his lips, and whispered, "Please don't ruin it."

He smiled and said, "Never."

Once they had reached the white sand beach, Harry asked, "Pranzo signora?"


He reached into the pocket of his jacket which was lying on the beach and pulled out a small piece of cloth with little color specks on it. A small wave of his hand started the process in motion. Soon there was a delicious dinner on a blanket complete with a couple of hurricane candles.

They ate while watching the sun slowly disappear into the edge of the ocean. A light breeze had started and the silhouette of the plant life swaying made them look almost as if they were dancing. The moon and stars appeared so much brighter away from the lights of any city. Night had fallen, but there was still enough light to enjoy the surroundings and each other.

Harry stood up and held out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

"I don't suppose a little thing like a lack of music is going to stop you?" she said as she took his hand and stood up.

"Of course there is music. You just have to know where it is!" With a wave of his hand, the plants on the island made the sweetest music she had ever heard.

He held up his left hand and put his right around her waist. She took his hand and put the other on his shoulder. As they began to move, tiny, opaque spheres of light surrounded them. They gradually left the ground and were dancing above the palms. The fronds tickled their feet as they waved in the breeze.

They had been dancing, kissing, and just holding each other for quite some time when the breeze turned into a wind, which was quickly picking up speed.

Harry noticed the fast moving thunderheads in the distance, moving in their direction. They returned to the beach and dressed to the rumble of the distant thunder. With everything cleaned up Harry waved his arm and removed the guardian charm. He then put his arm around Antonia's waist. In the blink of an eye, they were standing in Harry's living room.

"Enrico, that was a perfect day...I hated to see it end. Thank you." She put her arms around him and held him close. He returned the gesture and kissed the top of her head.

He heard a sound from the hallway and said, "Let's see what that is all about."

They entered the hallway and Harry removed the red fog. The sounds were coming from the media room. They entered the room and Harry asked, "What's going on?"

Shinotqua didn't even turn to look at them, but said, "Watch this!"

They restarted the report they had just watched. It showed the remains of an island in the South Pacific. The reporter was talking as the pictures flashed before their eyes. "A major hurricane and tidal wave all but completely wiped this island off the face of the planet. A long time favorite of the rich and famous for a bit of privacy from the rest of the world. Often it was only for a relatively short period of time, but a little privacy is better than none. Meteorologists and Geologists are at a loss to explain this bizarre phenomenon. There were no underwater earthquakes to cause the tidal wave, and no meteorological reason for the hurricane. We'll update this story as details unfold."

"That was such a beautiful little island," Shinotqua said. "I was there a couple of times with a special boyfriend several years ago."

"I doubt they will ever find a natural explanation for those events," Harry said in a grave voice. "We just left there a short time ago."

All three women turned and looked at him. It was Aunt Petunia that posed the question on everyone's mind. "You don't think it was Benedict?"

"Of course it was. Somehow he found out we were there, but couldn't get past the guardian charm. He decided to try a natural approach to breech the charm, but forgot that certain forces of nature can't totally be controlled by magic. We heard the storm approaching and left before it reached the island."

He looked at his aunt and gently said, "As I asked you yesterday...where do you think you could hide on this planet?"

"I'm not going anywhere," she replied. "After talking with Shinotqua I realized that everything you said was true. I'm sorry to have acted like a scared child. I'm not the brave witch your mother was. I just wish there was a way to increase my learning abilities. I'm afraid I won't learn enough, fast enough, for when I may really need it."

Harry knelt down next and took her hand. "You're doing just fine in the bravery department. As far as a way to increase your abilities...well, that's being looked into. Don't ask. I'll let you know when the research is done."

Petunia dropped the subject and asked, "Anyone hungry? I have a roast in the oven and it should be about ready."

They adjourned to Petunia's dining room for a delicious meal. Harry and Antonia tried to avoid the questions about their perfect day. It was simply something they had no desire to share with anyone else.

After dinner Antonia flooed back to Hogwarts in order to get some sleep.

While Petunia was in the kitchen, Shinotqua whispered to Harry, "Come by my office as soon as possible. We need to talk." That being said, she said her good bye to Petunia and left.

Assured that his aunt was alright and had calmed down, he took his leave and went to bed.


On Monday, Harry and Shinotqua talked about his aunt and her mindset. "Actually, she is doing better than she appears. Her main frustration is that she doesn't feel she is learning fast enough to be of any help in this war."

"We might have a way to speed that process along," Harry said. "Evan was researching a book on ancient magic and hopefully he'll have the answers when I see him in a little while. Does she suspect that she is the other person able to destroy Dudley?"

"I'm not sure. I believe that she has her suspicions, but has repressed the thought. That sort of an idea is grossly repulsive to a mother...no matter what the circumstances. I'll keep in better touch with her, both here and at the Hillside from now on."

"Thanks, I really appreciate all your time and help. I've got to find Evan. I'll talk with you later."

Evan was engrossed in another book when Harry entered his office. This time he was aware that he wasn't alone and looked up immediately. "Mornin' Harry. Have a nice weekend?"

"Fine thanks. How is the research coming? Is it feasible to infuse Aunt Petunia to speed up her learning process?"

"Yes, but we don't want to do it the same way Benedict did it to Dudley."

"Why not?"

"Doing it as a straight on infusion got the job done quickly, but the magic and his ability to use and control it is highly unstable. He could simply burn out in a very short period, or he could run amuck and become unable to control his abilities, or he could loose control completely and do God only knows what. It could also overcome him and simply kill him outright."

"Oh great, my cousin is a human time bomb! So, how do we do it properly and safely?"

"We do it as a group effort. Each teacher needs to be present along with you and Petunia."

"Why me?"

"As I speculated the other day, with your extraordinary powers, you will be able to control the flow and amount she receives from each professor at each session. The fact that she'd be more comfortable with her nephew controlling things and, if you will, protecting her, will only help to keep her calm and everything else stable. We can do an infusion every forty-eight hours and no more than an hour at a time."

"I've taken the liberty to talk to the other professors who have been instructing her and they are all willing to participate."

"When would we start this?"

"As soon as you discuss it with her. Also, there is a part of the book you should read first in order to do your part correctly."

"I'll take the book with me now and talk to her tonight. Schedule the first meeting for Wednesday night after dinner. Hopefully, we'll all get it right. I don't want any mistakes."

"There should be no problems. It is actually a relatively simple process if done properly and with patience."

"Guess I'd better get on my way and do some reading. By the way, how are your plans for Thanksgiving coming along?"

"Fine, everything is ready and the invitations have been sent to the Ministers and their families. Almost all of them will be joining us. Um...I would like to invite one more person, but thought I should check with you first."

"Just who might that be?"



"He has already been a great help and he knows more about our world than any other muggle that I can think of. I mean the man has even witnessed two of the unforgivable curses! I think he'd enjoy it. I'd also enjoy spending some time with my old friend."

"I guess there is always room for one more. How do you propose to get him here?"

Evan reached for something on the floor under his desk. He sat up and tossed it to Harry, who was caught off guard and dropped the book to catch the football.

Harry held the football and said, "Okay, I give up."

"I can apparate to his house, but need a portkey to get him here. After all, most of us can only apparate ourselves. I don't have a license to create a portkey, so I'd appreciate it if you would do the honors."

"Alright. What time do you want to leave Minnesota?"

"Six AM, that's noon here."

Harry set the ball on the desk and raised his hand. He stopped and asked, "When is he going back?"

"Sometime on Sunday. There is a Quidditch game on Saturday, which I know he'd love to see." Evan smiled, and said, "Gryffindor versus Slytherin!"

Harry thought back to the conversation he and Harold had at dinner the previous week. "Okay, we'll leave the return trip open at this point." He passed his hand over the ball, picked it up, and tossed it back to Evan. "All done."

"That's it?"

"What did you expect...lightning bolts? Now, if there is nothing else, I have some reading to do."

"You're dismissed," Evan said sarcastically.

Harry smiled, shook his head, picked up the book and left.


Harry read the chapter that Evan had marked several times. He also glanced through the rest of the book as long as he had the time.

"What are you reading so intently Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

"We're going to speed up Aunt Petunia's magical education. It seems you lot left out a few details about the infusion Dudley received, and we want to do this correctly."

"I didn't know you had decided to take that route with Petunia."

"It appears she might have to play a vital role in this war and she is going to have to be prepared. Although she has been making good progress, this will help her get to that point faster. Don't worry, we are going to proceed slowly and cautiously."

"I'm not worried. As long as you don't deviate from the instructions in the book, it should be a very successful process."

"Thanks. I've got to get home and explain all this to Aunt Petunia. If nothing else...it should be interesting."


Aunt Petunia seemed in better spirits during dinner than she had been in for the past three days. Harry seized the opportunity to explain their plan to accelerate her learning process.

"Will you be there?" she asked.

"Of course. Everything will be filtered through me before it enters you. Everyone has done a great deal of research on this, and wouldn't even think about trying it if there were the slightest doubt."

"Well, if you're sure. If I can't trust you, who can I trust?"


Wednesday evening found Harry sitting behind his desk and Aunt Petunia in the chair across from him. Shinotqua was there as timekeeper and as moral support for Petunia.

Harry spoke to the four professors who would be using him to infuse magical instructions and power into Petunia. "You will each have a maximum of fifteen minutes. If you take less, that is fine. Shinotqua will be keeping time and will ring that little bell when you have reached fourteen minutes. Be sure to end in less than a minute of hearing it."

"Aunt Petunia, just try to relax and keep staring into my eyes. There will be no sound. There will be a stream of light flowing out of my eyes into yours. Don't be afraid. You will feel nothing and it will not harm you in any way. Do you have any questions?"

"No. Let's just get this over with."

"Alright. Evan, you did the majority of the research, you go first."

Evan stepped over to Harry and asked, "Have you set up the interior shields barring the escape of your own knowledge and powers?"

"Yes, and let me tell you...it feels very strange. Let's proceed."

Evan stood behind Harry, put his hands on his shoulders, stared at the top of his head, and started whispering. A moment later light of various colors flowed out of Harry's eyes and into Petunias'. The different colors represented the different curses and information associated with them.

The scene was absolutely surreal and everyone was completely mesmerized. The silence was broken by the sound of the small bell. A few seconds later, everything stopped and Evan moved away from Harry.

Harry took a couple of deep breaths and said, 'Well, that was interesting!" Turning toward his aunt, he asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yes. I feel a bit strange though."

"Strange? Strange how? Maybe we should stop."

"No, don't stop. Don't ask me how, but I think it's supposed to feel like this."

Harry looked over at the portrait of Dumbledore. He nodded in the affirmative.

Antonia, Minerva, and Flitwick each used only ten minutes of their time.

They sat in silence looking at each other. Finally, Harry said, "Thank you everybody. I think we'll schedule the next session for Sunday afternoon around four. Is that acceptable to everyone?"

Everyone agreed and went their separate ways for the evening.


The Great Hall had been redecorated for the Thanksgiving Feast. A fifth row of tables had been added in the center of the hall to accommodate the invited guests.

Harry and the staff had been mingling with the Ministers and their families and were heading toward the Head Table when Evan and Harold entered the hall. They made their way to the Head Table where a chair had been added between Harry and Evan for Harold with another one for Aunt Petunia between Antonia and Shinotqua.

Harry shook Harold's hand and said, "Glad you could make it. You realize this is a first here at Hogwarts!" With a sly smile, he asked, "How was your trip over here?"

"That was something else! It would definitely take awhile to get used to that. It's a hell of a lot faster than a plane, that's for sure."

"That's only one of many modes of travel we have." Harry paused and looked at him for a moment. "What's with the robe?"

"That was Evan's idea. He thought I'd be less conspicuous this way. Looking around this hall, I have to admit he's probably right! Am I the only non-magical person here?"

"That's right. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, you are the first Muggle who wasn't the parent of a student, to ever be allowed on the grounds."

"I feel honored and a bit overwhelmed to say the least."

"Well, I hope you enjoy your visit!"

Minerva leaned over and said, "I think we should get started."

"Ready when you are."

Minerva tapped her glass with a spoon. "Your attention please."

Harry stood up and said, "Welcome to our Thanksgiving Feast! In keeping with traditions and customs of other lands, we are celebrating a traditional American Thanksgiving meal. While many other countries have adopted this concept and celebrate this type of holiday, it was the Americans who were the first."

"You may have noticed that we're a bit more crowded than usual today. The people at the center tables are the Ministers of Magic from several other countries and their families. They are here to celebrate the safe release of their children from the kidnappers that held them for a week's time a few week's ago."

"So, let us give thanks and celebrate life, families, friends and freedom." He raised his arms and continued, "Let the feast begin!"

The tables creaked under the strain of all the food that appeared. There was turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, peas, salad, cranberries, cranberry sauce, and gravies. A large assortment of rolls and toppings, milk, water, and pumpkin juice finished off the array of choices.

Harold sat in shock. Evan leaned over and asked, "Are you alright?"

"I think so. All this food just...appeared! Is it always like this around here?"

"It's only on special occasions that it's quite this grand. As far as the food appearing on the tables at meal time...that's how it's done around here! I suggest you not go into shock at every little thing you see around here, or you won't ever move out of that chair for your entire visit. Just remember where you are and what we all are."


Desert included pumpkin, mince meat, cherry, and apple pies. There were several flavors of ice cream along with assorted candies.

Harry went down to talk with the Weasley's who were all in attendance and seated right below the Head Table. They were intrigued with the story about Harold, not to mention that Harry had allowed a muggle not only to attend the feast, but to spend a few days at the castle.

Harry glanced at the triplets. "I'll explain the entire story later. Suffice it to say, Harold has already witnessed some of the worst of the magical world and I thought he should see the positive side as well."

Harry returned to his place and held up his arms for silence. "I dare say this has been a very successful feast. We should thank Professor Steele who planned the entire celebration." The hall erupted in applause, whistles, and cheers. "As to the students, I suggest you head to your houses and get some sleep. Classes will resume normal schedule tomorrow...off you go. Honored guests feel free to linger as long as you like. We'll have a bit more room once the students have left."

Gradually the guests and staff all departed until only Harry, Evan, and Harold remained. "So, are you planning to sleep late tomorrow while Evan has his class?" Harry asked as Harold tried to stifle a yawn.

"Are you kidding? I want to experience as much of this place as I can in the short amount of time I'll be here. Not that I'd have a clue as what to do or where to go without my guide here," indicating Evan.

Harry thought for a minute. With a devious smile, he said, "Well, I can give you a tour while Evan is teaching. I'm sure you'd enjoy spending some time with Hagrid and some of the animals he cares for and teaches about."

"That sounds interesting. Are you sure you can spare the time?"

Evan hid a laugh by coughing. Harry turned and gave him a smile and a wink. "The time is no problem. I'll see the two of you at breakfast."