Ginny Weasley Neville Longbottom
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 01/04/2004
Updated: 01/04/2004
Words: 1,019
Chapters: 1
Hits: 799

Caught in the Act: Neville/Ginny


Story Summary:
This time, it's Neville and Ginny's turn to have The Talk with their son. Joy.

Author's Note:
: So I return with another installment in the Caught in the Act series. I apologize for the delay, but honestly, school came first. Again, the idea actually came from the HMS Pumpkin Pie, and the story for that pairing is available at AT. This one, however, goes out to the HMS Flaming Toad.

Neville and Ginny had a bit of a ritual. Every Saturday morning, before Frank got up, they would make love. Given their busy lives, it was the only time they could be certain that they would have the time to themselves.

This Saturday was no different, up until the point when Neville felt something tapping him on the shoulder. His first thought was that it couldn't possibly be his wife, as her hands were otherwise occupied. When he came to the realization that Frank was the one tapping on his shoulder, he let out a holler.

"Frank! Why aren't you in bed?" Neville shouted in shock as he disengaged from his wife and covered himself up. His shout was so loud, in fact, that Frank darted off to the family room, just as startled as his father.

Sometime later, after both Neville and Ginny had showered in absolute embarrassment and gotten dressed, it came time to face their son. They both knew that they had quite a bit of explaining to do to their five year old son, who had just seen something that would traumatize any person, no matter what age he or she was.

As the three sat down to breakfast, a tense silence fell over the table. Nobody wanted to have the discussion that was about to occur, but after that morning's events, the conversation had to happen.

It was Frank who broke the silence.

"Mummy, daddy, are you mad at me?" he asked.

"No, no, no, honey," Ginny replied. "Your daddy and I just need to talk to you about something."

"We're not going to lie to you, Frank. You walked in on us at a bad time this morning," Neville continued. "But we felt that you shouldn't go around thinking that you saw anything bad."

"But mummy had that look on her face...she looked terrified!" Frank said, his disbelief evident in his voice. "It almost looked like she was being hurt!"

"Your daddy would never hurt me, Frank," Ginny said.

"I love your mummy too much to hurt her, Frank. Actually, that has a lot to do with what you saw happening this morning. When you love someone like I love your mum, you need to show them, which is what we were doing," Neville said.

"Perhaps it is also time to answer your question about where babies come from, Frank," Ginny continued. "You see, when two people like your mummy and daddy love each other like we do, we show it, much in the same way that you saw us this morning. This love is sometimes so powerful, that during the display you saw, a baby is made. After nine months of growing inside the mummy, the baby is born."

"So you two were trying to make me a brother?" Frank asked.

"Not exactly. You see, you may have seen mummy making a potion every month. That makes sure that we don't make any children for the month. We aren't quite ready to have another child right now. Once you're old enough to start primary school, though, we are planning to have another child," Ginny said.

"We love you, Frank," Neville said. "Now, run along. Your Uncle Ron will be here later to take you to the zoo."

As Frank left the table, Neville and Ginny smiled at each other, somewhat relieved, but still quite red in the face.

"That didn't go as badly as I thought," Ginny said. "At least you were more helpful than Hermione said Harry was when having the talk with their daughters."

"I like to think that I've grown as I've aged," Neville said. "If you had told me that I'd face that conversation as calmly as I did back in school, I'd have died on the spot."

"You'd think with the way Harry and Hermione go at it, they wouldn't have such a hard time talking about it," Ginny said.

"Perhaps it's just having the conversation with your children," Neville reasoned. "After all, we both know that those two aren't bashful at all when it's just us adults."

"Perhaps," Ginny mused. "But then, after the embarrassment of being caught the talk wasn't so bad."

"You've never been on the receiving end of that conversation with my Gran. That was far more embarrassing than anything else I can imagine," Neville said.

"Was it that bad to hear it from your grandmother, Neville?" Ginny asked.

Neville gave a snort, then threw his head back and laughed nervously.

"Are you kidding? She scared me half to death!" Neville said. "After hearing Gran explain something like that, I almost took a vow of celibacy on the spot! Surely it wasn't so bad with you."

"My parents didn't give me the talk," Ginny said.

"I'm shocked. With as many brothers as you have, you surely had to have heard something about sex at an early age," Neville commented.

"Of course, I heard about it early on! I still remember the day when Fred and George filled me in on the facts of life," Ginny said.

Another moment of stunned silence hung in the air. Rarely did Neville and Ginny discuss the twins' relationship with Angelina, Katie and Alicia. After all, that relationship bothered most people. It was only during the holidays when they saw the five and their family anyway, as they were all too busy with the joke shop.

"I should have figured that the twins would have told you," Neville said, swishing his wand to animate the dishes to clean themselves. "I bet that was an interesting lecture."

"My parents went through the roof when they found out that the twins had told me," Ginny recalled. "Frankly, I think it would have been far better coming from them. They at least would have been mature about it."

"Never underestimate the power of immaturity," Neville mused.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Ron had arrived.

"Frank! Uncle Ron's here!" Neville called. "You know, Ginny, I have a few plans for today, while Frank's out."

"Please, honey, tell me more about them," Ginny said.

Neville grinned. "Perhaps once Frank's gone."