The Awakening of a Magus


Story Summary:
In the summer after the Triwizard Tournament, Harry suddenly awakens to new powers and a new look. However, the powers of a Magus aren't so easy to control, and they don't make life easy. Voldemort is much more powerful than ever. Some new characters come into the picture, some old characters will not survive, and other old characters will learn a new outlook. No slash, O/C but no Mary-Sue, light R/Hr ship, possible other light ships, lite Harry/Tonks

Chapter 51

Chapter Summary:
In the summer after the Triwizard Tournament, Harry suddenly awakens to new powers and a new look. However, the powers of a Magus aren't so easy to control, and they don't make life easy. Voldemort is much more powerful than ever. Some new characters come into the picture, some old characters will not survive, and other old characters will learn a new outlook. No slash, O/C but no Mary-Sue, light R/Hr ship, other light ships, Harry/?.
Author's Note:
Author Notes and Local Canon (spells and characters of the 'Harry Magus' universe added to the 'Harry Potter' universe) can be found on website . (warning ... local spoilers on website.)

The Awakening of a Magus

Chapter 51 - Thu, Aug 10 - Day 21
Business Matters Abound

"Gran says that 'CCB is an eminently qualified firm'," read Neville. The owl post had just dropped off several messages each for the students who could claim Founder's descent. Some were fan mail, some were business propositions, and some were from family, like the letter Neville was currently reading. "I guess 'Clearwater, Clearwater & Boggs' is too much of a mouthful, so they're sometimes called 'CCB'," he commented. As he skimmed the rest of the message, he finished with, "It looks like our family has something called a 'full-services contract' with them. They take care of most everything for a 'retainer' ... isn't that a monthly fee or something?"

Draco was in his element, but to his credit, he remembered not to take potshots at the shy Gryffindor. "Exactly. Between Mrs. Longbottom's endorsement and the backhanded endorsement of my parents and their colleagues, I'd say this is the firm we want to engage. If they're covering your family, Longbottom, all you need to do is have your grandmother bring them those two business offers you received yesterday. They'll take over from there. I'm going to immediately check them out for a full-services contract, and I can ask them to provide estimates to any of the rest of you who are interested."

Draco paused to continue with his breakfast. He was feeling much better than he had expected, after the rough night before. Backlash from a major Klaatu-shah ritual, triggering a wizarding transformation was not the most gentle, restful way to spend the night. Fortunately, the changes didn't have a great effect on his appearance yet, so no one outside the Circle was really aware of the differences, the subtle strengthening that had occurred, the refinement of his power channels. Rachel had given him an odd double-take, though. I have to watch out for her, she's a sharp one ... for a Gryffindor-in-Ravenclaw-robes. Harry had been a tremendous help in easing the convulsions and the other side effects last night, not to mention ensuring an unusually restful, if short night's sleep. Having a Magus for a healer definitely had its advantages. He was about to reenter the discussion on solicitors and business offers when he heard Harry mutter, "Bloody Hell!"

"Harry! You really need to watch your language," scolded Hermione. "As student assistants we need to set an example." Ron and Neville glanced at each other, rolling their eyes in familiar amusement at Hermione's lecture, and Rachel and Draco sniggered in stereo.

Harry glanced up at his bushy-haired friend with a frown. "Sorry, Hermione, but I think this one might entitle me to a cuss-word or two. This is from Gringotts ... about my suddenly being of age ... past it ... to take over the Potter Estates."

As the others stared at him, he began to read:


Mr. Harry James Potter,

During our department's monthly review of pending estate transfers last week, we were surprised to learn that the Estates of James Godric Potter and of Lily Rose Evans Potter were not only due for transfer, but were overdue. Based on your birth date of 31 July 1980, these estates should not be eligible for transfer for another two years. However, the enchantments in our records indicate that, as you are 18 years and several days old, this transfer is now over one year overdue ... an unheard-of delay by our standards.

The only previous such occasions were temporary situations where an underage wizard attempted to utilize aging charms to prematurely gain access to their inheritances. However, such charms never last longer than three days, and we have been monitoring the situation since Friday last. In addition, a press release issued earlier this week, indicating you were undergoing wizard transformation, leads us to conjecture that your accelerated age may be a legitimate and permanent condition.

We at Gringotts urge you to visit as soon as possible to resolve this situation. In the case that your effective age of 18 years is accurate and permanent, this office will expedite the transfer of the above-mentioned estates. According to Ministry records, you are a registered apprentice to one Albus Dumbledore. It is recommended that your visit to this office include Master Dumbledore and any legal representative you currently have available to ensure the smooth transition of ownership.

Hoping to arrange an appointment in the very near future, I remain,


Senior Goblin

Gringotts Estate Transfer Department

[end letter]

Since Harry had been mentally making the contents of the letter available to those Circle members present at Hogwarts, by the time he finished, the students had been joined by Dumbledore, Snape, and Addie. He looked up at the adults. "I take it this means there's more involved than the vault I've been using since I started school here."

"Quite a bit more, I would say," answered Snape with a half-hearted snarl. "The Potters have always been disgustingly wealthy, which is one reason why, in the beginning, I assumed you had been spoiled rotten. Also, there were schoolyard rumors that Lily was custodian for quite a large estate inherited from her mother, one that could only be truly inherited by a male descendent ... meaning you."

"Well, Harry," drawled Draco, "it appears that both of us need to consult with 'CCB', as soon as possible. If Gringotts suggests legal counsel at a meeting, it's because you're going to need it."

Glancing around at the Circle members present, Addie proposed, "Suppose I call their office now and try to set up a meeting this morning. Eurydice Boggs ... well, Clearwater now, was a study partner back during sixth and seventh year. With a bit of judicious name-dropping, I'd wager you can see one of the partners within the hour ... if you're free?"

Dumbledore smiled, "Harry and I can work around any time this morning, I would say," glancing at his apprentice for confirmation, which he received. "Severus, I assume you, as Draco's guardian and training master, will wish to accompany him." Again, the headmaster received nods of agreement, this time from the two Slytherins. They decided to adjourn to the Magus Tower lounge for privacy, and, as they crossed over the threshold of the Great Hall out of sight of most of the rest of the breakfast crowd, they disappeared without the usual popping sounds that less accomplished wizards would experience.

Officially, Penelope Clearwater had the position of 'Legal Assistant' in the family business, which really translated to 'anything that needs doing that no one else has time for'. Therefore, since the usual receptionist was on vacation this week, Penny was acting as 'Office Manager'. Luckily, she had spent many hours of her childhood and adolescence hanging around the office, shadowing everyone until she knew the routine workings of the business as well as any of the partners and employees.

Today was expected to be quiet. The Clearwaters were out of the office, taking a day off for their wedding anniversary. Her uncle, Ewing Boggs, had planned to be in the office all day, but had been called out to the Ministry on behalf of a client who had a tendency to get into frequent, though thankfully minor, legal scrapes. In an emergency, Penny could call the Clearwaters at home, but she hoped things would stay quiet and her parents could enjoy this rare day off.

This day was going to be anything but quiet, and quite beyond expectations.

As a firecall came in through the public floo, she responded, "Clearwater, Clearwater & Boggs, Wizarding Solicitors for All Occasions. My name is Penny. How may I be of assistance?"

"Good morning, Penny. My name is Adelaide Periwinkle, and I am calling on behalf of two young gentlemen who would like to discuss the possibility of full-service contracts with your firm. We would like to arrange an immediate appointment with one or more of the partners."

"I'll see what I can arrange, Ms Periwinkle. May I know the names of the gentlemen involved?" Penny asked, as she pulled out the appointment book.

"I assume that confidentiality is assured, even during preliminary meetings?" Addie asked.

"Of course, ma'am. We even maintain level two privacy spells in the outer offices. The meeting rooms and private offices use level three privacy spells," Penny assured the woman.

"Very well," agreed Addie. "Your prospective clients are Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter."

Penny paled. She wondered if this was a prank, or if the woman was serious. First, she would never have expected to hear the names Malfoy and Potter in the same sentence unless a fight was being described. Plus, either of those accounts would be an incredible coup for the firm, but both? Looking sharply at the woman's face in the floo, she realized that she recognized the name. This was apparently the woman who was the new press liaison for the Magus, and rumors had been flying about a truce between Malfoy and the Gryffindor Trio this past week. "Would you excuse me for a few moments, Ms Periwinkle? I need to consult with the partners on their earliest availability. You said, 'immediate'. Are Misters Malfoy and Potter available this morning?"

Addie smiled, amused at the effects those two names could have, even on a former schoolmate. "Yes, Ms Clearwater. Both Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter, plus their training masters, are immediately available, and have the morning free."

Interesting, thought Penny. She knows exactly who I am, which is a point in her favor. This may very well be a legitimate inquiry. Penny nodded to her caller, then went into the next room where a private floo was available to firecall home. Tossing a bit of powder into the floo, she said, "Clearwater Hall." She leaned into the fire and looked around the living room. "Mum! I'm so sorry to bother you, but I have a woman on the floo asking about appointments on two major full-service prospects. For a moment, I thought it was a joke, but then I remembered Ms Periwinkle was connected to the Magus, and that she truly might be calling for ..."

Her mother dropped the magazine she had been reading. "Periwinkle? Adelaide Periwinkle? Who is she calling about?"

"I was about to say," Penny said with a touch of exasperation, "she said she was calling on behalf of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter! I know you and Dad don't take many days off, but they're looking for an immediate appointment."

Eurydice Boggs Clearwater was a woman who made decisions quickly, under even unexpected circumstances, which was why she was so good at her job. "I assume Ewing is still out, or you wouldn't have called. Invite her in, offer her refreshments. I'll be there in 15, no, make it 10 minutes. Main conference room. Go Penny," she said with a wicked smile of anticipation to soften the sharp orders.

Nine and one-half minutes later, as she entered the main conference room, she was met with, "Happy Anniversary, Dicey. Sorry to interrupt, but at least part of this just wouldn't keep."

Grimacing at the nickname that her old school friend knew she hated, she forced a smile and answered in kind. "Good morning, Laidie. Trust you to pick today of all days to decide you just had to make up for lost time and visit." She glanced at her daughter, wondering if Penny had mentioned the day's significance.

"Truce!" laughed Addie. "Sorry, 'Ryd, I couldn't resist. And don't give Penny a rough time ... I remembered it was your anniversary because I couldn't attend the wedding. But, getting down to business, the boys really do need professionals they can trust. I didn't mention I knew you until after they decided. CCB's reputation is what brought them to this point." Addie winced slightly, though the Clearwaters couldn't know that it was because both Draco and Harry were mentally giving her grief for calling them 'the boys'.

Addie continued. "The most critical need is Draco's. The memorial for Lucius and Narcissa is early tomorrow afternoon, followed by the expected business Hell for an underage orphaned heir. Things are complicated because of a waiver that Minister Fudge gave him. It wasn't quite emancipation, but it waived non-specified age-based limitations. Harry was the original recipient of the waiver, for training purposes like Apparation, but Lucius insisted that Draco get the same training and waiver. Add in his apprenticeship to his current legal guardian and the potential for chaos is staggering. And Draco doesn't trust his father's choices of representation as far as he can throw them. Harry's situation is less critical, but has its own complications, including involuntary magical aging that makes him 'prematurely' qualified to take over his inheritances, plus ongoing business propositions for The-Boy-Who-Lived. If you have time now, Draco, Harry and their training masters can be here immediately."

"I'm all yours, and theirs, Addie. Training masters ... that would be Snape and Dumbledore, respectively?" asked Eurydice.

"Precisely, Ms Clearwater," answered a familiar voice. "Good morning, and thank you for seeing us on such short notice," said Albus Dumbledore as the four appeared silently at the far side of the conference room. "And good morning to you as well, Miss Clearwater. I hope your new employment has been progressing well."

Penny stammered a reply and blushed to have the headmaster's interest, though she shouldn't have been surprised, after being Head Girl last year. She hoped not to be noticed by her former Potions professor. To her shock, said professor met her eyes, and gave a polite nod in acknowledgement, with none of the negative 'vibes' he always projected in class to any non-Slytherin. She was also quite surprised at Harry and Draco.

The Slytherin Prince and the Gryffindor Triwizard Champion were not exactly what she expected. Draco was his usual elegant self, but the condescending sneer and the hostility were gone. He wore a school uniform, but a variant she had never seen before. The fashionable cut of Malfoy's robe was the same, but instead of the Slytherin House patch, there was a new emblem: a book, a cauldron, and a wand in dark blue, black, and gray. And instead of Slytherin colors, his tie was black and silver. She puzzled over what else was different, and finally realized, The hair gel ... he quit using that horrid hair gel, and that silver blonde hair softens his sharp facial features ... he's actually an attractive boy when he's just himself.

Attractive didn't begin to express what she saw standing in Harry Potter's place. She'd seen the papers and knew he'd grown, but seeing him in person was a shock. That messy raven hair was now long, thick and wavy, tied back by a black velvet ribbon, his famous scar peeking out unselfconsciously from his fringe. He was tall, broad, and moved like a jungle cat. This was a powerful young wizard, no doubt at all. He had been an adorable 'squirt', but now with those amazing emerald eyes out in the open, he was nothing less than drop-dead gorgeous. His outfit was the same as Draco's, and she finally guessed they were apprentice robes, independent of House affiliation.

During these observations, Penny had asked the newcomers for their preferred refreshments, and was gathering everything from the kitchenette adjoining the conference room. She was about to excuse herself when her mother stopped her, pulling her over to the side of the room.

"Dear, your father wasn't available when I left. Whoever arrives first, Justus or Ewing, please send them in immediately," requested Eurydice. "The only reason you aren't staying to take notes for me is Meghan's vacation. We can't leave the office unattended much longer." Squeezing Penelope's shoulder in reassurance, she finished, "I want you involved in both these accounts, Penny. I trust your judgment, and these two young men will sometimes be more at ease with someone nearer their age than an older adult. I'll be counting on you in the future, and will be sure to let everyone here know that you will be working these accounts. Understood?"

Penny nodded, feeling a sense of pride at her employer's vote of confidence. That it was also her mother only made it better. As she left the room, she turned back and addressed everyone, "Please let me know if there is anything I can provide to make your time here more comfortable. That silver orb in the middle of the table is a communications device. Just tap it with your wand and say 'front desk' to reach me."

With preliminaries concluded and her daughter's departure, Eurydice focused her attention on the clients ... well, still prospective clients. However, once she had a chance to speak with prospects, she had never failed to convince them that she and her partners were the best in the business. Spending a few moments, she carefully evaluated those before her.

Albus Dumbledore, headmaster, chief warlock, eccentric and apparently half-senile but truly a canny old manipulator. Thank the stars he was on the Light side. He was rumored to be the leader of that elusive anti-Voldemort organization, the Order of the Phoenix. Incredibly powerful and a loyal ally.

Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, thorn-in-the-side of the Dark Lord on a regular basis. Alternately loved and hated by the media and the general population, she knew from Penelope's tales from Hogwarts that the boy could be quite the enigma, but didn't deserve the bad publicity he so often received. His appearance and carriage had changed drastically from the boy she had watched during the Triwizard Tournament. He now projected an air of power and confidence that only reinforced the Hero image that she personally thought was most fitting for this remarkable young man.

Severus Snape, Potions master, penultimate Slytherin. He seemed quite different now. Neither the bitter student she had known at Hogwarts, nor the venomous professor reported by most students (even some Slytherins). He seemed ... at peace with himself, filled with purpose and strength. Rumor had it he had been a Death Eater, and other more secret rumors held that he escaped a term in Azkaban because he spied for Dumbledore or acted as an informer after the fact.

Draco Malfoy, son of the man she considered the 'poster boy' for Death Eaters, the late and unlamented Lucius Malfoy. A young man, who for years appeared to be following eagerly in Daddy's footsteps, now wished to sever all ties with those his father had trusted most (or at least had bought the most securely). Confident, but no longer arrogant, he seemed perfectly at ease with Potter and Dumbledore, something that no one would have ever predicted.

"Gentlemen, I believe you have a great deal to tell me. I am confident that we can meet your needs directly, or can recommend one of our Strategic Partners for any other business matters you can name. In particular, we have close interaction with several prominent goblins and half-goblins for a wide spectrum of financial services. Mr. Malfoy, I am told your needs are the most imminent. Would you please begin?"

"Please, Ms Clearwater, just call me Draco. It will take me a bit longer to be completely comfortable with 'Mr. Malfoy' as a form of address outside of school or the most formal situations." Carefully taking a sip of juice to calm himself, he began, "I want to replace all current business representatives of the Malfoy estates immediately. The first task would be to represent me at tomorrow afternoon's estate transfer. Knowing what I know of the current Malfoy representatives ..."

"Understood," said Eurydice calmly. "It won't be a pretty sight. I know them all too well. As soon as we finish here, I'll rearrange my schedule for the next three days." She had already begun taking notes when she glanced up. "May I assume that we have at least a short-term agreement for legal services?"

Draco glanced over at Harry who smiled and answered, "We can trust her, Draco. Not only with our business in the long-term, but with our secrets and our very lives," communicating to the others that he knew the Clearwaters could be trusted, that his gifts had kicked in and convinced him without a shred of doubt.

Draco sighed in relief, with only slightly lesser reactions from Snape and Dumbledore. Shocked at the choice of words, and even more at the conviction in the young man's voice, Eurydice met Harry's eyes, nearly drowning in the intense emerald gaze that seemed to see deep into her soul. She felt humbled and honored at the confidence and trust that was being given. For a moment, she met the eyes of her old school friend, who had remained quietly once her associates had arrived. Addie smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, gentlemen," she whispered, then reasserted herself. "With your agreement, I'll focus on Draco's requirements between now and tomorrow afternoon. As soon as another partner arrives, which should be very shortly, may I suggest that," she glanced over to Potter and guessed correctly on his wishes, "Harry adjourn to another office. Draco, would you prefer joining me in my office now? With Severus, of course?" she asked, offering the young man privacy if he wished it.

"No, thank you, Ms Clearwater," Draco smiled genuinely. "I have no secrets from them." The smile shifted into a mischievous version of his old smirk, "Besides, Potter is so clueless in business matters, he could use the lesson."

During the next ten minutes, Draco went through the documents he had brought and explained his knowledge of them to Eurydice. He would also stop occasionally to clarify certain points for Harry's benefit. Dumbledore and Addie spoke quietly on Hogwarts business and Snape observed silently. There was a flash of blue light from the orb in the center of the table. Addie sat nearest the orb, so she leaned forward, tapping it with her wand.

A pleasant male voice came from the orb. "Forgive the delay, please. Eurydice, are you interruptible?"

"Come on in, dear. We started without you." As Justus Clearwater entered, his wife made introductions all around. He circled the table, shaking hands with everyone and giving Addie a brief, friendly hug, scolding her that it had been far too long since her last visit to Clearwater Hall. Finishing beside his wife, they stepped aside for a moment to allow Eurydice to give Justus a quick but thorough briefing to add to the initial information she knew Penny had passed on to him. His eyes widened slightly, but it was apparent that he was well pleased with their new clients and eager for the new challenges these particular accounts would bring.

"Well, now," he addressed the group. "Unless you prefer otherwise, Eurydice will continue with Draco and Severus, and Harry and Albus can follow me to my office to get acquainted with their immediate needs."

Sending a quick thought to Harry, and receiving confirmation that Mr. Clearwater was as trustworthy as was his wife and daughter, Draco glanced at the solicitor with a cheeky expression. "With all due respect, sir, I am quite certain that the outgoing Malfoy representatives will be even more intimidated by Ms Clearwater than they would be by your esteemed self. Harry has less need for the intimidation factor, so I would ask that you allow the current assignments to stand."

As Dumbledore and Harry stood to follow Mr. Clearwater out to his office, Justus laughed heartily, glancing with love and admiration at his professional and life partner. "I couldn't agree with you more, Draco. I couldn't agree with you more."

"But, Professor Lupin, you just can't be an animagus!" blustered the Ministry clerk. "You're a werewolf!"

Remus smiled at the former Ravenclaw. "Ah, but Mr. Quirke ... may I call you Orval? ... I'm afraid you are incorrect on three counts." As the young man's eyes widened, and his Ravenclaw pride bristled slightly at being told he had his facts wrong, Remus continued. "First, I am no longer a professor," he smiled. "Second, I am indeed a wolf animagus because, third, I am no longer a werewolf."

Sirius smirked and contributed, "Minister Bones assumed there might be some ... questions. We were told to suggest that you contact the Department of Mysteries for assistance. While we're waiting for someone from there to join us, suppose we process my application."

Orval Quirke regained his usual calm, analytical frame of mind quickly. "My apologies, Mr. Lupin, Mr. Black. If you would both accompany me to the testing room, you can demonstrate your animagus forms. We are required to take several wizarding photos for the records and for your license certificates. Jonathan?" the clerk addressed his colleague. "Do me a favor and cover my station. I'll be in the testing room. If someone from Mysteries shows up before I get back, send him over." He quickly grabbed a memo parchment, scribbled a message, then tapped the parchment with his wand, saying, "Department of Mysteries, top priority." The parchment folded itself into a 'paper airplane' and zoomed out the door.

In the testing room the stations were marked 'Small' and 'Medium/Large', plus there was a doorway with a sign 'Extra-Large'. Orval had a slight smile as he recalled needing the retractable counter at the 'Small' station to register that beetle animagus recently. They didn't get many insects, though there had been a surge in animagus registrations over the last few years. He looked forward to the day the Magus officially registered his butterfly and panther forms, though that would wait for when everyone knew who the Magus really was.

"Mr. Black first, please," he said, gesturing toward the 'Medium/Large' station. "Just stand in that circle marked on the floor." Orval waved his wand toward a sign on the wall, muttering a charm to allow updates to the information there. The sign showed the date, time, person's name and the animagus form, in this case, 'Sirius Black' and 'dog, black, large'. "Is the dog form any particular breed, sir?" he asked.

Remus answered instead. "No, he's just a mutt that looks like a Grim," he laughed. Sirius glared with a mock-hurt expression.

"A Grim, you say?" asked the clerk. "Any magical properties?"

"None that I know of," answered Sirius. "When do you want me to start?"

"Just let me check the camera one more time, please." Orval adjusted the height of the sign above Sirius' head, went over to the camera that was floating in the center of the room to point and focus, then stepped out of the way. "Mr. Lupin, please join me on the side. Now, when I trigger the camera, the lighting will increase. Please transform at that time, then follow my directions so we can get a complete view of your form. I will raise the platform so your dog form is approximately eye-to-eye with me. The camera will move around, so don't let your animal instincts make you nervous." Pointing his wand at the camera, he muttered an incantation and the lights grew brighter.

Sirius Black glanced at the camera with a sly smile, then shifted. Orval shuddered slightly, reacting to the fact that the huge black dog did indeed look very much like a Grim. He invoked a quick diagnostic charm to check for magical properties, but the spell reported 'negative'. He did change the sign to say 'very large' instead of just 'large'. When he directed the dog to turn around and take various poses, it looked as though the animagus was going to give the clerk a hard time. "Behave, Padfoot!" snapped Remus at his friend. "Be a good doggy and do as you're told and I'll get you some treats later," he said, laughing.

The rising platform seemed to startle the animal, even though the animagus had been warned. Padfoot did decide to cooperate with the Ministry clerk and the picture-taking went quickly. When the platform finally receded back to floor level, he was directed to return to his human form. "Your registration papers will be ready in a few minutes," said Orval, who then addressed his former professor with only the slightest touch of worry in his voice. "Mr. Lupin, would you please take your place at the same station?"

With only the slightest hesitation, Remus took his place at the testing station. To ease the tension, Sirius quipped, "Ok, wolfie. Time to do your tricks and you can have your treats when you're finished." With a good-natured glare at his long-time friend, he told the clerk he was ready.

Orval nodded, then triggered the camera. He watched with excitement as the long-time werewolf transformed into an impressive timber wolf. Again, he used the diagnostic charm which confirmed the animal was an ordinary wolf, or at least as ordinary as any animagus was. He directed the camera to particularly note those physical features that varied between a wolf and a werewolf. When the procedure was complete, Orval invited both animagi to sit as they waited for the photos to process. "Mr. Lupin," the Ravenclaw asked in a soft voice, "please, can you tell me how this happened? This is ... historic!"

Remus smiled at his former student's intense interest. "The short answer is: the Magus. We're filing a report with the Department of Mysteries with the details so far, and will be part of the Minister's press conference a bit later today. In summary, he was able to modify my werewolf transformation to match his own wolf animagus transformation." He held up his hand to stop the young man's interruption. "And, yes, this Magus has a third form. Keep that quiet, now, until it comes out at the press conference. He is unique, even among Magi. I'd wager there isn't a magical gift on record that he doesn't have in some measure. Not necessarily the best at everything, but at least a bit of anything."

"Not the necessarily the best ... how about Scanning?" Orval asked. "I also work with the magical gift certifications. There aren't that many animagi to keep me busy," he smiled. "From what I understand, Draco Malfoy is a high-level Scanner, actually better than the existing definitions. Are you allowed to comment on that?" The young man was perceptive, realizing that they may not be permitted to speak about the Magus in detail.

"We're allowed to confirm that, yes, the Magus is a powerful Scanner, and yes, Draco has an even stronger gift ... more discernment," answered Sirius. "Hmm. Do you happen to have a handout on what the current certifiable magical gifts are? Draco will be helping the Hogwarts staff with gift identification and career evaluations. In the past, it's been almost impossible to identify such things until the students were older, but both Draco and the Magus can find evidence of dormant gifts."

"I have some materials I can give you to start. But this is amazing ... identifying dormant magical gifts! If you like, I'll put in a request for authorization to get a copy of the self-updating regulations and standards manuals for the Hogwarts library. As you say, in the past such a level of detail was almost useless until several years after graduation."

Sirius laughed, "Well, look at that, Moony. The Granger Gleam." At the puzzled look the others gave him, he explained. "It's what I call that look that Hermione gets in her eyes when her mind is out of this world, puzzling out a problem, or thinking about possibilities. Take it as a compliment, Quirke."

The clerk laughed, "I remember Hermione well. Everyone in Ravenclaw always used to wonder why she hadn't been sorted into our house. And now I read that she's a Ravenclaw descendent. I indeed consider the comparison a compliment." Glancing over towards the camera, he stood and headed in that direction. "Your registration papers are ready, gentlemen. You're welcome to wait here until your contact from Mysteries arrives." A knock at the door made them all laugh. "Well, that's good timing!"

As they headed toward the door to meet the Unspeakable waiting outside, Orval made one more comment. "Mr. Black ... Auror Black, if your department, or the Magus for that matter, ever needs someone who can research their way through a sea of Ministry paperwork, let me know. I'd be honored to help."

"Hullo," said the man just outside the testing room. "I'm Croaker, Mysteries. Didja get your papers? Good. The Minister is expecting you. Come along." And he headed out the door, assuming they would follow. Remus and Sirius grinned at each other and Orval, nodded, then headed out to follow their guide.

The clerk just shook his head as he returned to his desk. "No wonder they're called Unspeakables."

The Ministry Press Corps had some surprises in store as they arrived shortly before the 10 am press conference, and they didn't have to wait for the session to start.

"Witches and wizards of the press," began Zoe Flamel. "As of today's session, we will begin using a new magical transcription system to improve the accuracy and completeness of official communications. Please come forward, sign the register with your name and affiliation, and take one of the transcription journals. You must register to participate in the press conference. At future sessions, you may add to an existing journal, or start a new one for each session. Your choice."

"Once the session is opened, the person at the podium, the current speaker, will control the official content of the journal. While someone at the podium is in some physical contact with the yellow orb up there, his or her words will be transcribed into the journal. When the current speaker formally recognizes a registered attendee, the attendee's questions and comments will be transcribed, again while the current speaker maintains contact with the orb. Each person's identifying information will appear in the journal preceding their parts of the discussion. Any comments made by persons not in contact with the orb, or recognized by the current speaker will be left out of the transcription. There is also a charm in place to insert specially-designated supporting documents or prepared photographs when required. With this transcription system in place, you will not need to worry about recording the spoken words, but can concentrate on other observations and actually listening to what is being said." This last comment got a few chuckles from the veteran journalists, and a few offended glances from some rookies.

With only minor grumbling and some cautiously positive feedback, the reporters lined up to register and get their journals, which were charmed with their name and affiliation as they signed the register. Fifteen minutes later, they were ready and waiting for the session to begin. Zoe stepped up to the podium, laying her left hand on the orb, and announced. "Good morning. We are about to begin the Thursday, 10 August session of the Ministry Press Corps. The time is 10:01 am. Announcements will be presented by the Interim Minister of Magic, Amelia Susan Bones." She gestured toward the wings.

The Minister stepped out briskly. Placing several parchments on the podium, she set her hand on the transcription orb and addressed the audience. "Right, then. I have three announcements to begin with. Hold all questions until after the third announcement."

She glanced at the first parchment for a moment, then continued. "First is a report from St. Mungo's Hospital. As of 6:23 this morning, the shell of Minister Cornelius Fudge breathed its last. Private internment will be scheduled by the family. A memorial will be conducted next Wednesday, 16 August at 2 pm. Details will be announced within 48 hours."

"Next, elections for the office of Minister of Magic will be conducted from 8 am through 8 pm London time on Wednesday, 23 August. If no candidate receives at least 30% of the vote, a run-off election of the top 3 candidates will be conducted at the same time on Friday, 25 August. Candidates for the office of Minister will be announced daily at these press conferences. The next bit is a little dry, but I am required to include the information."

"In accordance with modern procedure, candidates will appear on the ballot through one of two methods. First, any current member of the Wizengamot may nominate a person other than themselves who is an adult eligible to vote in these elections. To appear on the ballot, the person nominated must accept within 48 hours or by 10 pm, Tuesday, 22 August, whichever comes first. Second, any eligible voter may submit to the Election Board of the Wizengamot a petition to appear on the ballot no later than 5 pm, Tuesday, 22 August. This petition must contain at least 100 different verified magical signatures of persons eligible to vote in this election. The final ballot will be released to the public no later than 6 am, Wednesday, 23 August. In the case of a run-off election, that ballot will be released no later than 6 am, Friday 25 August. There, enough said," she finished with a sigh, to the laughter of at least half those present.

"Third, I have an announcement that will have widespread effects throughout wizarding society, an announcement I consider to be of historic importance." Those present were suddenly very attentive, noting the genuine excitement and pleasure that now colored the Minister's voice. "Last night's full moon witnessed the first beneficiary of a new Magus-level magical procedure, tentatively called Conversion, which represents a cure for lycanthropy. Today, the wizarding world has one less werewolf, and one new wolf animagus." She paused for effect, removing her monocle and gazing out at the journalists with a grin. "I will now accept questions on any of these three topics. Questions unrelated to the announcements will be considered later."

After a few moments of stunned silence, the crowd went wild, seeking the Minister's attention. "I recognize Lawrence Lovegood of the Quibbler," she said with more than a bit of mischief in her eyes.

"Madam Minister, who is the former werewolf, and is he or she available for a demonstration?"

Looking off into the wings, as though to ask someone's permission (though they had expected this and were prepared), Bones turned back to the audience and nodded. "I am pleased to present the first person entitled to the appellation of 'former werewolf', Mr. Remus J. Lupin."

Just to be silly, Sirius made a show of pushing Remus toward the podium, as if to nudge a reluctant speaker. Those who knew both Black and Lupin were laughing at the playacting. With a quiet smile, Remus took the Minister's place at the podium. Bones stepped back with a smile and began to applaud, followed by most of the people in the room, which cause Remus more than a bit of embarrassment. He gestured for everyone to stop, and began speaking when most of the applause had died down.

"Thank you, but I'm afraid I can take no credit, other than being willing to allow the Magus to try the procedure on me. I have been listed in the werewolf registry for over thirty years. This morning, I applied for animagus registration, and have my papers in hand." He pulled his id papers out of his robes, waved them for a moment, then put them away. Sirius then brought out a table and placed it next to the podium. Remus turned to Bones, formally asking, "With your permission, Minister?"

She reached over to touch the orb, answered, "Given gladly, Remus," then stood back to watch.

Remus stepped behind the table, transformed, then jumped up onto the table to give people a better view of the timber wolf he had become. Cameras were flashing everywhere, and the Minister surprised everyone by stepping over to the table and stroking the wolf gently, as if he were a pet. She had known the Lupins years ago, and was extremely happy that Remus was finally free of the curse and stigma of lycanthropy. After several minutes of showing off, Remus jumped down and changed back. Returning to the podium, he said, "The details of last night's events have been reported to the Department of Mysteries. This morning, they confirmed that nothing of the curse remained, and that I am now a 'simple' animagus. I am allowed to say that, in summary, as the full moon rose, the Magus was able to modify my werewolf transformation to match his own wolf animagus transformation which he performed as I changed. And I am allowed to confirm, yes, the Magus has a third animagus form ... that of a large black wolf. That is all for now. Thank you."

Bones resumed her place at the podium. "The details of the report filed by Mr. Lupin are classified at this time. I can say that, for the present, Conversion can only be performed on a werewolf at the rising of a full moon. The Magus is investigating ways to allow more than one Conversion per month. Any werewolf can apply for the procedure at the Werewolf Registration Office. Priority will be given to children 10 and younger, and to any werewolf who is at exceptional health risk during transformation. I will finish this topic with one caveat ... I am told that the process is particularly painful, more so than a normal transformation without the Wolfsbane Potion. I am also told that it's worth it." She paused. "Are there any questions on the other announcements or on other topics?"

The Minister refused to make any further comments on the werewolf cure, or on other unrevealed abilities of the Magus. After another 10 minutes, she closed the session. "That will be all for today, ladies and gentlemen. I bid you good day, and will see you tomorrow at the usual time. Thank you for your cooperation."

Sighing, the Minister muttered to Zoe, "What are the chances I can squeeze in a nap before my next meeting?"

Tom led the six wizards to one of the small, private rooms in the dining area of the Leaky Cauldron. After bringing their orders for butterbeer all around, he promised their lunches would be ready in a few minutes and closed the door behind him as he left. "Well, Severus," teased Harry quietly, "I'm surprised you haven't made any comments about our 'new celebrity' over here," imitating the Potions master's comments to him from first year and glancing at Remus. Surprisingly, Snape looked slightly guilty for just a moment, before he restored his Slytherin façade. Harry announced in a voice like a carnival barker, "The One, the Only (so far), Former Werewolf!"

"You wouldn't believe how our quiet, unassuming Remus Lupin was almost mobbed by half the female journalists there," smirked Sirius.

Snape scowled. "Yes, quiet and unassuming. You always appeared so innocent when the Marauders were up to no good. You were the perfect distraction, the perfect straight man.

"Why Severus!" Remus answered in mock outrage. "I'll have you know I was innocent ... at least some of the time." He paused a moment. "Sweet Merlin! Do you realize you just said I was perfect?"

"Perfect distraction!" Snape answered sharply, as all three continued taking verbal shots at each other.

Dumbledore, Harry and Draco were laughing at the three former schoolmates. They thought it hilarious that these three could now snipe at each other without the sharp bitterness and near-hatred their conversations once held. Dumbledore couldn't help but think of one stanza of the Imperial Dragon Prophecy, saying aloud:

"The sons of the snake
and the children of the lion
will stand together against all odds."

Sudden silence answered his recitation. Then the Gryffindors and Slytherins at the table looked at each other in understanding. It was Snape who muttered, "I certainly wouldn't have put any money on that wager ... not a single knut."

As Tom brought lunch to the group a few minutes later, he noticed how surprisingly comfortable they were with each other. Potter and Malfoy sharing a joke ... unbelievable. Black and Lupin having relatively polite conversation with Snape ... inconceivable! The only constant that reassured the innkeeper was Dumbledore ... sitting back, watching the others with that insufferable twinkle in his eyes. Some things never change, I expect, he thought to himself as he left them alone again.

Remus then asked the apprentices, "How did your meeting with the Clearwaters turn out?"

Draco answered, "Extremely well, from my point of view. I don't believe that father's representatives will know what hit them when we all meet tomorrow. It makes me wonder if that woman has a bit of Slytherin and Gryffindor in her as well as Ravenclaw."

"I agree," smiled Dumbledore. "Eurydice Clearwater is a formidable woman and a trustworthy professional. I hope I have the opportunity to witness some of the fireworks."

"Mr. Clearwater arranged that meeting at Gringotts with Snorlax for tomorrow morning at 9 am," commented Harry. Seeing a puzzled expression on the faces of the two Marauders, he explained. "Oh, right. You weren't at Hogwarts this morning. Since I'm now over 18 because of the transformation, Gringotts wants to take care of the Potter and Evans estate transfers. I'm curious why Mum's estate would be in the hands of a wizarding bank, though."

Remus thought a bit. "Lily once mentioned she was custodian of some estate she received from her mother, who in turn inherited it from her mother as some kind of pre-nuptial agreement. She was relieved when she found out you would be a boy. I think there may even be a minor title involved. It can only truly belong to a male heir, but her mother, Violet inherited instead of Violet's brother. Violet was their mother's heir; the brother was the father's heir. Lily never met her uncle. Let's see ... it was an odd name, ah yes, Sequoia. Not a usual name for a Brit, but the family liked to name the girls after flowers and the boys after trees, I understand. Violet followed that pattern with Lily and Petunia, though neither continued the tradition, thank heaven."

Draco was staring at Remus in shock, and Sirius looked as though he were trying to remember some trivial memory from a long time ago. "By any chance do you know Violet Evans' maiden name?" Draco asked in a flat voice.

"Let's see. Lily's middle name was Rose, so I think Violet's name must have been Rosehill or ... no, it was Rosewood," answered Remus, oblivious to the shocked looks he was receiving from Dumbledore, Snape, Sirius, and Draco.

"Pansy's mother is Iris Rosewood Parkinson, you know. Her maternal grandfather is named Sequoia Rosewood," Draco remarked, trying to sound casual. "They like to name their girls after flowers as well," he finished in a whisper.

It was Sirius who came right out and said, "Lily wasn't really a Muggleborn, then; her mother was the Rosewood Squib. I remember a couple conversations my parents had, bemoaning the fact that Clover Thorne Rosewood refused to allow her husband to redirect the Thorne estate from their Squib daughter to their wizard son. Their marriage contract specifically required that their first child would be the Rosewood heir and the second would be the Thorne heir, or since it was a daughter, the custodian of the Thorne estate. There hasn't been a male Thorne since Clover's father ... who would be Harry's great-great-grandfather, Sir Juniper Thorne, Baron Thorne."

At this point, Draco was struggling to contain hysterical laughter. "Oh, Potter, I can't bear it. Wait until the Slytherin Slut discovers that you and she are second cousins, she's got a fat muggle for another second cousin, and that you will inherit the Thorne estate and title that her grandfather has been fighting for in court for decades. What? Oh, you didn't know that we call Pansy the Slytherin Slut, too, did you? She may have just turned 15 last spring, but she's a firm believer in using ... favors to gather allies and try to gain influence. She's been trying to seduce me since the Yule Ball, but she's too disgusting, even for the 'old me' to put up with."

"Now, we're not sure of all this family tree business," Harry cautioned hesitantly. "Right? I mean it could be coincidence ..."

"Maybe Violet Rosewood could be coincidence, but Sequoia?" commented Snape. "No, I'm afraid, Potter, that you have yet another title to add to your collection. However, if you want me to call you 'Sir Harry', you'll wait until Hell freezes over." Severus sneered just to keep up appearances, even though he knew how awkward the young man already was with 'Lord Magus' and 'The-Boy-Who-Lived'. Most people would never guess the man was teasing, but these few present were not 'most people'.

Dumbledore interjected with a smile. "I believe it would be prudent to notify Mr. Clearwater of our conjectures regarding the nature of Lily's estate. He will want to be as prepared as possible if you are indeed the Thorne heir. I know of the inheritance petitions that Sequoia Rosewood has repeatedly brought before the Wizengamot, but I confess it never occurred to me that Violet was your grandmother, Harry. She is referred to in the court documents merely as 'Violet Rosewood, Squib'. I never met Lily's mother; only her father. It now seems most likely that you are, to expand on the words of our Potions master, 'disgustingly wealthy twice over'.

Sirius laughed and merely said, "Cha-ching!"