That Kwidditch Gurl

Oliver is on his way to the Quidditch field for some flying, lost in thought. After a few laps on his broomstick, he spots the girl he was possibly-- and supposedly-- referring to earlier in his thoughts sitting in the stands, and listens as she spills out her fears and troubles to him... with an occassional outburst from good ol' Oliver.

Words: 3,861
Chapters: 3
Hits: 2,882

A songfic inspired by the song "I Wanna Be With You" by Mandy Moore. -- Hermione is alone in a library, studying by candlelight... or is supposed to be. She can't seem to get that blasted Quidditch Captain out of her head. And what is she to do when who should appear, but Oliver himself? -- A light-hearted short piece with Oliver's wits and humor and Hermione's look on things...

Words: 1,812
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,017

Delia, a new student to Hogwarts, is anxious to get on board, but with a problem: how to get on Platform 9 and 3/4! Helpless, but with the Weasleys' help, she's able to get through. As she meets the famous trio, she's even more eager to get to school, but is nervous at the same time from their many stories from the past...

Words: 1,485
Chapters: 1
Hits: 481