Astronomy Tower
Sirius Black Severus Snape
Slash Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 46,598
Chapters: 24
Hits: 16,612

Love Potion HP

Tavalya Ra

Story Summary:
Snape and Sirius have always shared an intense, mutual hatred, but never before have they been obsessed with each other. Whether it's love or lust, they're both disgusted by it. Someone is playing cupid, but is it fate, Dumbledore, or Voldemort?

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
Severus Snape and Sirius Black have always shared an intense, mutual hatred, but never before have they been obsessed with each other. Whether it's love or lust, they're both disgusted by it. Someone is playing cupid, but is it fate, Dumbledore, or Voldemort?
Author's Note:
Thank you to Stacey of "Thin Line" for beta-reading, Anna for indulging and encouraging this insanity, and Simeone for loaning me her copy of "Goblet of Fire", without which, I never would have been inspired to write this ridiculously long and thoroughly disturbing story. Thank you also to all my reviewers for your support! I've very sorry for the delay in posting this chapter.

Chapter Fourteen: Lupin's Warning

March came in like a lamb, which made Severus suspicious. Fate hated to disappoint and a few days after the first, he heard sounds indicative of a fistfight outside his classroom.

In the hall, Crabbe and Goyle, looking big, dumb, and stupid as usual, were menacing Hermione Granger, who was fending them off with her wand. Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy rolled around on the floor pummeling each other. Draco had a bloody nose and Ron, with a black eye, was screaming, "If you ever try to hurt her-!" Harry Potter was on the ground knocked out cold, apparently by a spell, and Neville Longbottom was off the side looking confused, uncomfortable, and very embarrassed.

Severus took one look at the motley mix and commanded, "STOP!"

As if by magic, everyone went still.

"What is happening here?"

Everyone, except Potter, began babbling at once.


Everyone was dutifully mortified.

Severus pointed towards the prone figure on the floor. "Who knocked out Potter?"

Granger slowly raised her hand and answered timidly, "I did, sir."

"Miss Granger?" he asked in disbelief, then commanded sternly, "Explain yourself."

"Well, Harry was about to uh... kiss Neville I think, so I thought it would be a good idea-"

"What?" Severus exclaimed, then recomposed himself. "Miss Granger, whatever are you-"

"He was hit by a love potion," she said and for the first time, Severus noticed the shards of glass scattered across the floor.

"Who threw it?" he asked coldly.

"Draco," she answered.

"He was trying to hit HER!" Weasley suddenly bellowed, pointing.

Severus scowled. "Mr. Weasley, when I want you to speak I will tell you. Now hold your tongue! I think I see what has happened. You allege that Mr. Malfoy tried to hit you with a love potion but struck Potter instead and as a result, he... well whatever with Longbottom. And that started this, yes?"

Hermione nodded meekly. "Yes."

"Draco!" he snapped, his eyes darting to the Slytherin. "What do you have to say to this?"

An apprehensive Draco hesitated awkwardly before carefully stating, "I admit, Professor, that the potion was a prank, but I didn't know it was a love potion. I thought-"

"Mr. Malfoy, you have aced my course every semester," Severus remarked dryly. "I personally know that you are not that stupid."

Draco flinched.

"What type of love potion was it?"

Draco bit his lip and looked at him with something between defiance and fear.

"What type!" Severus snapped. "May I remind you that love potions are not allowed at Hogwarts. This is a serious offence and as head of your House, it is well within my authority to suspend you."

Sullenly, Draco removed a scrap of parchment from his pocket and handed it to him. It was a label.

Severus glanced at it and muttered, "A cheap one." He pointed at Draco and informed him, "You are going to brew the remedy for this and you had better hope you get it right on the first try because I am going to brew an identical love potion and test it on you and Goyle."

Draco looked like he had swallowed a frog. Weasley snickered.

"WEASLEY!" Severus boomed.

The Gryffindor jumped, making a small squeak.

"I think some adjusting of House Points is required," Severus announced, his sneer masking a maniacal glee. "Crabbe and Goyle. Thirty points from Slytherin each and a detention each. Miss Granger. Twenty points from Gryffindor for attacking Potter and twenty points to Gryffindor for the same reason. Longbottom, ten points from Gryffindor for doing absolutely nothing to improve the situation."

His eyes narrowed as he fixed a keen stare upon Draco and Weasley. "Weasley. Fifty points from Gryffindor and five detentions. Mr. Malfoy... one hundred from Slytherin and ten detentions."

Draco's jaw was on the floor. "But-"

"If you even dare remind me that Slytherin is my own House it will be another hundred," Severus warned. "There are days when you put Salazar to shame and I want nothing to do with the whole lot of you."

Everyone, especially Granger and Weasley, gave him a look which clearly indicated they believed he had gone mad.

He continued, "There are rules, Mr. Malfoy, which I did not determine and am bound to enforce. Using a love potion is a serious offence. I am afraid I must suspend you from the House Quidditch Team." Severus was not happy about this one, especially with a match in a few weeks, but as he had told Draco, he had no choice.

Draco's face paled, then turned crimson. "That's not fair!" he declared. "You're only doing this because you and Potter's god-"

Severus aimed his wand with a choice curse ready to roll of his tongue. It was unnecessary. Draco already realized he had gone to far and had lapsed into a stunned silence.

"The headmaster. You and I. Now," Severus snarled. "Crabbe, Goyle, Longbottom, get lost. Granger, Weasley, take Potter to the Infirmary. Make sure Longbottom doesn't come anywhere near him- unless you would find that sort of scene amusing."

"Mobilicorpus!" Granger cast upon Potter. His body floated upright into the air like a puppet and the students eagerly fled, abandoning Draco to Severus.

Neither Draco's face nor Severus's wand had twitched in the slightest. Severus looked him directly in the eye. Draco was too paralyzed by fright to even blink.

"I don't know how you know what you know," Severus stated carefully, "but you have said the last you ever will of it."

He roughly seized Draco by the arm and half-dragged him to Dumbledore's office.

* * *

Dumbledore thought Severus's punishments were adequate, but added to them a lecture which Draco would not soon forget. After that, the Potions Master led the boy back into the dungeon. Although Draco did brew the remedy correctly upon his first attempt, Severus was in a vicious mood and did not administer it to him until after he and Goyle had given each other a big smooch.

Severus went to the Infirmary with a flask of Draco's potion. He found Potter awake with Granger and Weasley chatting avidly at him. Severus took one glance at the pair, then commanded, "Out!"

They left without argument and Severus seated himself next to Potter's bed.

"You're not in trouble," was the first thing he said, handing him the flask. "Drink this."

Potter accepted the potion without question.

"It should work, but just in case, avoid Longbottom for the next two days," he cautioned.

Potter nodded.

Severus gave him a stern look. "Don't you have a tongue?"

He gave a start, then answered, very flustered, "Yes, Professor- thank you-"

"Don't thank me. I didn't brew it. I just made sure it worked."

Potter merely nodded again.

Severus folded his hands. "Your friends probably told you that Draco Malfoy has been suspended from his House's Quidditch Team. That means Slytherin needs a new Seeker. Hopefully, we can finally find someone who can snatch the Snitch from you without the interference of a dementor."

Potter, clearly in spite of himself, laughed. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me," Severus retorted dryly. "Thank your father. He's the one you inherited it from."

Potter bowed his head for a moment and appeared lost in thought. Severus leaned towards him and lowered his voice. "I have something of a personal nature to ask you, Harry. I need you to be completely honest."

He looked up and bit his lip, but answered frankly, "I'll try."

"Who have you told about Sirius and I?"

Potter looked bewildered. "Only Hermione and Ron- and I know they wouldn't have told anyone."

Severus stared at him for a few moments, sizing him up, then said, "I believe you. I never liked your father, but he was a man of his word."

"Professor..." Potter began hesitantly, "may I ask why-"

"No," he coldly interrupted. "You may not."

Potter fell silent and the only sound was the turning of Severus's own dark thoughts.

How did Draco Malfoy know he was in a relationship with Sirius? And what did it mean?

* * *

"Severus?" Sirius inquired. "Is something wrong?"

He watched as Severus idly twirled his fork on his plate and shook his head. "No, I'm fine. Why?"

"You've been distracted all evening."

"I wasn't too distracted to make dinner," he retorted.

Sirius almost sighed. Why did everything have to be an argument? "You never let me make dinner."

"Because you'll screw it up."

The next moment, there was the unmistakable sound of a knock coming from the front door.

"Does anyone realize we have a bell?" Severus asked with a hint of annoyance.

He shoved his chair back and stalked the doorway. Nailed on the wall was spy-mirror, a looking glass Severus had enchanted to reflect the face of whomever was outside. He peered into it and, startled, jerked away.

"Sirius?" he whispered. "I think you should get it."

"Why?" he asked.

Severus did not elaborate. Instead, he turned back towards the mirror.

Sirius left his seat and exited the kitchen for the living room. Who could it be? Dumbledore? Severus would have gotten it himself. Harry? That would make sense...

He opened the door and, bewildered, exclaimed, "Remus?"

Remus Lupin's hair was more gray and his robes more shabby than Sirius remembered from October. Tension creased his face. He seemed very tired and there was a strange, almost feral look in his eyes.

Sirius suddenly realized why. "Remus, what are you doing here? The full moon-"

"-is tomorrow," he finished. "Yes, I know, and I can't stay long." He began trembling. "I'm not safe to be around. I ran out of potion on the way here. I have to get to the Shrieking Shack-"

"Couldn't you just ask Severus to brew-"

"Severus?" Remus whispered in disbelief. "Sirius, he's why I had to leave Hogwarts. If he knew I was here-"

"I'd do what, Lupin?" a stern voice demanded coldly.

Sirius turned. Severus stood in living room in full view of Remus. The werewolf gasped as he approached the door.

"Well?" he continued. "What do you think I'm going to do?"

Remus's eyes darted to Sirius. "Sirius, what... why is he...?"

Severus's face suddenly changed and his mouth formed an "o." "I'm sorry, Lupin," he said softly, then turned on Sirius. "You didn't tell him, did you?"

He hesitated. "I-"

"Why? Were you embarrassed by what you profess to feel?" Severus accused venomously, "Even after you were so adamant about telling little Potter?"

Sirius felt Severus's cold rage biting at his marrow. "Severus, I-"

"I," he snapped, "am going to my office to get some ingredients and when I come back you had better have him straightened out!"

He snatched his cloak off its hook and stormed past Remus. Soon, he had disappeared into the twilight.

"Sirius?" Remus asked softly. "What was that about? Why was Severus here?"

"He lives here," he answered.

Remus's brow furrowed. "Dumbledore said you live here."

"I do. I-" he stopped. "Why don't you come in and sit down?"

Remus nodded and accepted his invitation. Sirius gave him a weak smile and led him to the sofa. Tiny butterflies of sickness began to flutter in his stomach. Why did he feel this confession was so difficult? He could trust Remus with anything and he did not question his affections towards Severus.

But I don't understand those affections. I don't know why I feel this way. I still don't know what really happened in October...I didn't kiss Severus. Severus kissed me- but that makes no sense. He would have never...

Sirius shook the stray thought from his head. Why bother questioning it? The answer would not change a thing.

Tentatively he began, "Remus, do you remember that conversation we had in October?"

"Which one?" his friend inquired.

He paused. "When I asked you if love and hate could be the same thing?"

Remus sat silent for several moments as realization slowly stole across his face. "Oh, no," he said. "You can't mean what I think you mean."

"What do you think I mean?"

"You..." Remus shut his eyes and shook his head. "Oh, I can't say it!"

Sirius firmly urged him, "Do."

He whispered, "You couldn't have been talking about Severus?"

Sirius slowly nodded.

"What... how..." he began to stutter.

"I don't understand it either, Remus," he said. "It doesn't make any sense and it's the last thing I would have asked for... but it is."

Remus took in a deep breath and then exhaled. "How long have you been living together?"

"Since December. It was Dumbledore's idea."

"And Harry knows?"


"How did he take it?"

Sirius bit his lip. "Honestly, I don't know. A lot better than I did, I hope."

The front door suddenly burst open. Severus entered with a cauldron full of bottles of bizarre liquids and plants, none of which appeared remotely edible.

"Stay out of the kitchen," he ordered. "This isn't easy and I need to concentrate."

He left the living room without another word.

"You live with him?" Remus asked flatly.

Sirius shrugged. "It's interesting. To say the least."

Neither knew clearly what to say. For a few minutes more, they sat in nervous silence until Severus called out, "It's done but it needs to brew! Come into the kitchen!"

Remus stood up hesitantly. "Should I-"

"If Severus didn't want you in the kitchen, he'd let you know," Sirius assured him. "Come on. I'll make sure he behaves."

Remus smiled uneasily and then followed.

The kitchen was filled with a strange, foul smelling steam, originating from the cauldron set upon the stove. Sirius noted that it was the one he had given Severus for Christmas.

"Smells dreadful," he remarked.

"Then pity Lupin," Severus muttered. "He has to drink it."

"Thank you, Severus," said Remus gratefully. "I'll leave as soon as-"

"Don't be stupid, Lupin," Severus interrupted harshly. "You're staying here. There's a spare room upstairs we can set up and if that doesn't work... I suppose I can deal with a werewolf on the sofa."

"You would trust me?" he asked with evident shock.

"I trust my potion, not you," he retorted.

Remus nodded meekly. His discomfort was obvious.

"What brings you here?" Sirius asked.

Remus lowered his voice. "It's about... you-know-who. Not You-Know-Who, but you-know-who."


"I'm not sure how much you want..." he nodded towards Severus, whose back was turned, "to know."

Sirius thought a moment. Dumbledore had instructed him not to tell Severus anything and, concerning this matter especially, he personally agreed. He gave Remus a conspiratorial look and said, "Let's go get your luggage."

Severus whirled around almost instantly. "He didn't have any luggage."

Sirius quickly swallowed down a small lump of panic. "I'm sorry. My mistake."

"You look uncomfortable, Sirius," he observed. His eyes bore into his skull. "What don't you want me to know?"

"Severus," he began frankly. "I don't want to endanger you. The less you know-"

"About the Dark Lord the safer I am?" he finished bitingly. "Oh, think, Sirius! How is ignorance going to protect me? If Voldemort were in a position where he could kill only one of us, who would he pick?"

"Sirius," Remus answered simply.

Severus's mouth twitched in irritation, then his face became resolved. "I see this is going to be a night of revelation for you, Lupin."

Approaching Remus, he rolled up his left sleeve and pulled off the bandage. The skin beneath was clear. As he removed his wand from his pocket, Sirius jumped from his seat. He rushed towards him, but Severus was too quick. Pointing his wand at his arm, he whispered, "Morsmordi!"

The Dark Mark blazed black and bold on his skin. Remus screamed. Sirius pounced upon Severus and locked him in a tight hold. His wand slipped from his fingers.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!" Sirius bellowed.

Severus tried to squirm away but did not succeed. "He has a right to know."


"NO SHIT!" Severus screamed back. "Voldemort made the damn spell himself!"


"Let me go!" Severus demanded, suddenly kicking and jabbing violently. "Don't make me do more- there are things I don't need a wand for!"

Sirius very reluctantly released him, but kept his wand aimed at Severus for the slightest movement.

"What has gotten into you?" he demanded.

"Funny? FUNNY?!" Severus screeched. He was wide-eyed and livid. "I have done things you will never ever know about, Sirius Black! I have cast all three of the Unforgivable Curses and conjured beings from your nightmares! Do you understand why I have to know? Do you understand why Voldemort wants me dead? I'M PART OF THE REASON HE NEVER GOT POTTER!"

"My God," Remus uttered and Sirius realized his wand was fixed upon Severus as well.

"Oh come off it, Lupin!" Severus snapped. "It's exactly what you would have expected of me."

"No, it isn't. I had some faith in you."

"How touching."

Remus narrowed his eyes. "How could Dumbledore ever allow-"

"I was his spy," he said, closing his eyes. "I joined the Death Eaters and got in over my head. Albus Dumbledore showed me the way out. He's the only reason I avoided Azkaban and my name is now clear. What I did tonight is the first Dark spell I have cast in fifteen years."

He turned to Sirius and glared. "I have a right to know what's going on."

"Can we trust him, Sirius?" Remus asked.

Sirius bowed his head and said nothing.

"Sirius?" This time it was Severus.

"I can't believe you did that," he whispered.

"Do you think you're the only one who has a right to the truth?" he demanded. "Were you going to leave myself and Lupin in the dark? It's my secret- I have a right to tell it. He needs to know!"

"I can't believe-"


"I saw Pettigrew four days ago," Remus said suddenly. "His face in a crowd. When I went back to my home, it had been ransacked. I headed straight for here. I had just come from the apothecary's, so I had one flask of Wolfsbane. That's all I took with me."

"That's all I wanted to know," Severus said. He knelt down and picked up his wand, then left the kitchen.

Sirius followed him, demanding, "Where are you going?"

"The castle," he answered, putting on his cloak "I'm not staying here tonight." He opened the door.

"Why?" he asked gruffly. "Because of Remus?"

Severus paused in the doorway and turned. "No, because of you," he said. He was trembling and his tone was inflected with an emotion he was clearly trying to hold back. "Because you obviously don't want me."

Then he left.