A Penned Affair


Story Summary:
While the rest of the world was at war with Voldemort, Hermione remains at war with her heart. Would she ever live to see Viktor Krum again?

Chapter 04 - Only One Solution

Chapter Summary:
Hermione learns more about what happened during Viktor's absence.
Author's Note:
Oh my goodness! I hope this turns out the way I want it to, because it's not supposed to be tooooo sappy or fluffy...just romantic. So I guess it is kind of sappy. But if you like it, review!

Viktor took Hermione by the hand---(something which made Hermione's entire arm tingle with anticipation)---and led her to the outskirts of the village, where there was a little bench. One could see Hogwarts Castle from there, with its spiraling towers and thick stone walls. It reminded Hermione of all the things she'd lost without even knowing they were slipping away. Viktor pulled her gently so she was sitting on the bench with him. She ripped her hand from his and stared at the hard autumn ground.

"Viktor," she began. Her voice surprised her; it was harsh and cold. She hesitated, trying to clear that awful sound away. "I want to know everything."

"Yes," Viktor agreed, running a hand through his hair in bewilderment, as though he couldn't quite grasp how he'd gotten into the position he found himself in. "I know." He stared off into space for a moment and started to speak in a cutting tone. Hermione winced.

"I vos fresh out of Durmstrang, I fink, when I met Villie. Her mozzer vos doing a piece on me for the Prophet. Her mozzer is, of course, Rita Skeeter.

"Villie vosn't always like she vos today. Vonce, she was thoughtful. I fink that is why ve connected. She vos totally against everyfing her mozzer stood for. Villie loved to read and vos fascinated by Quidditch---not by the actual sport, but by the politics of it all. She did research for fun, sometimes, learning about the vays people vould react to Quidditch games---losses, vins, additions to teams, trades, the World Cup...it vos fascinating to her. She captivated me, I must admit. Ve began to see very much of each other. Her mozzer did a story on us in the Prophet when ve did start seeing each other...and I see now that that vos vut tore us apart. Villie vos always in her mozzer's shadow up until that point. And suddenly she vos thrust into the spotlight. I haff never seen a person adapt to attention like Villie. Villie adored being featured in the tabloids; it vos a game to her, and she began to play it dirty.

"She vosn't faithful to me...I found that out ven I vent to surprise Villie vith my return from abroad. There vos my closest friend, Alexander Broache, vith Villie in his arms."

Viktor coughed huskily. It was apparent that this was an emotional memory for him.

"Villie vos suddenly harsh. She no longer cared for Quidditch, or me. She left for America, married Alexander, and disappeared for a long time---until now."

"So why did she come back now?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know," whispered Viktor. "Now, when everyfing is so complicated..."

Hermione didn't know what compelled her to say the next sentence.

"Viktor...you do love me, don't you?"
Viktor's eyes flickered, but with what she didn't know. He held her chin in his palm gently and turned her face to look at his.

"Herm-own-ninny...I love you with more passion than all the stars in the skies' fire. You know this."

Hermione thought for a moment. "And you can't get divorced."


"Then there's really only one solution, Viktor Krum." She looked at him bravely, the ghosts of tears stabbing at her eyes. Viktor looked at her intently and placed his arm around her.

"And vot is that?"

"We'll have to do this in secret, of course."

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