
Voldemort discovers that the great Albus Dumbledore has a secret weakness: his family. These are the adventures of Charlotte Richardson, Dumbledore's adult granddaughter. Story takes place at the end of OotP and continues into Harry's sixth year. Snape, the Trio, McGonagall, and Lupin will all be major players, as well.

Words: 146,801
Chapters: 26
Hits: 15,646
Moments by sophierom

How did Tonks’s parents meet and fall in love? What was their relationship with Sirius Black? And why ever did they name their daughter Nymphadora? These are just some of the questions I had about Tonks and her family. This fic is my attempt to answer them. Andromeda Black/Ted Tonks, a hint of NT/RL at the end.

Words: 4,856
Chapters: 1
Hits: 358