The Dark Arts
Sirius Black
Drama Drama
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/25/2005
Updated: 01/07/2006
Words: 2,155
Chapters: 2
Hits: 497

The Return of Sirius Black Part Two


Story Summary:
This is the sequel to "The Return of Sirius Black". Harry receives a letter from his godfather detailing several important things, the most important being a clue about R.A.B. One shot, though there may be possible sequels. Author suggests that you read "The Return of Sirius Black" first because this story takes place the next day.

Author's Note:
This is dedicated - as all of my fics are - to the memory of Sirius Black. Come back to us soon, dear friend! This is also dedicated to the victums of Katrina. May you all find peace and hope in your saddened days.

The Return of Sirius Black Part Two

Harry awoke on August 1st feeling lightheaded and drowsy. He could have sworn that the dream he had had last night was real. He shrugged it off and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Ron watched Harry walk out of the room. As soon as he was out of sight, the red-haired boy ran to his window. Just as he suspected, there was a letter there on the sill. It was addressed:

Mr. Harry James Potter

Bedroom of Mr. Ronald Weasley

Bed Number Two

The Burrow

The return label was what made Ron gasp. It simply read:


If Muggles had received this, they wouldn't have thought twice about the word. But Ron knew what it meant. This letter was written by Sirius Black, who had come to see Harry last night. Ron and Hermione Granger had arranged it, nut Sirius backed out at the last second. He must have left this here for him.

When Harry came back in, Ron wordlessly handed him the letter. Harry gasped and then gave Ron a hard stare. "Did you write this? Is this a joke?"

"No mate. I found it on the sill." There was a knock on the door and Hermione walked in.

"What's wrong Harry?" she asked. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"I just got a letter from one." Harry ripped it open and read it aloud.

Dear Harry,

I know what you're thinking right now. How did this letter get to you if I am dead? Who wrote it? I have to assure you, Harry, that I wrote this letter myself. I was supposed to come to see you last night during the celebration of your coming of age in the wizarding world. Congratulations Harry. You're parents would be proud.

I need to explain myself. I don't know exactly what happened, but when I feel through the veil, I did not die. I just sat there, waiting for you to pull me out. I know now why you never did. Remus refused to let you come near the veil in fear of losing you too. I had blacked out after I fell in. When I awoke, I didn't hear a thing. I came out from behind the veil, but no one was there. I then transformed and left the Ministry, going to the only place that I knew they would listen and assist me: the Burrow. When I arrived, I explained everything to Molly, Arthur, Remus, and all of the rest - Ron, Hermione, and Ginny included. They were all set to me to you as a present. They hid me in the closet and everything. I don't know what happened, Harry. I couldn't do it. I apparated out of there. I'm so sorry. I came back later that night and watched you in Ron's room. I left this letter for you, knowing that Ron would find it.

Please Harry, don't come looking for me. It's hard enough to have to leave you like this. It would make it even harder if you tried to find me. When I can, I will contact you. I swear it. But I need to find someone first. Someone I'm sure you've heard of. His initials are R.A.B.

You're ever loving godfather,

Sirius Black

Harry could not believe it. "Sirius is alive?" he whispered. He looked at his friends. "You knew?" They nodded. "YOU KNEW AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!! HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELVES MY FRIENDS! WAS THIS ALL SUPPOSED TO BE A JOKE?"

"Harry, he made us swear. He wouldn't let us say anything. You know we wanted to," Ron said lamely.

"He'll come for you Harry. You know he will. He escaped from Azkaban to see you. I don't think that he'll leave you now," Hermione added.

Harry wasn't so sure. "How could he survive that? He was in there for a year."

"We don't know Harry." Hermione was uncomfortable. She had consulted the large amount of books on the subject of the veil, but nothing really important came up.

"No one really knows anything about that veil," Ron added. He and Hermione went on about what the Ministry had done with it over the years.

Harry wasn't paying attention. He was rereading Sirius's letter. Suddenly, it came to him. "Guys, he's looking for R.A.B.! How does he know about him? How does he know who he is? Better yet, who is he?"

Hermione laughed. "I think I know who Sirius is referring to, Harry. He's brother's initials were R.A.B. It stood for Regulus Arcturus Black." She gasped. "Pull out that letter again. The one from the locket."

Harry did so and read:

To the Dark Lord,

I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can.

I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.


"It was written by someone that obviously knew Voldemort and was close to him," Hermione whispered.

"Someone who's probably dead now," Ron muttered.

"Someone with the initials R.A.B.," Harry said.

"Regulus Arcturus Black," they said in unison.

"But he's dead!" Ron shouted. "Voldemort killed him ages ago!"

"And there's no way to communicate with the dead," Hermione said. "I checked."

Harry smiled. He had an idea. One that didn't work for him before, but might work now. "Ron," he said casually, "is there a glass repair shop in town?"

"Don't think so," Ron said. "But there's one in Diagon Alley."

"Good. We need to go there as soon as possible."

Gunny came into the room. "Ummmm . . . Mum says that we're going to Diagon Alley tomorrow, so you'd better have all of your lists ready." Then she left.

"What do you need repaired Harry?" Hermione asked.

Harry didn't answer. All he did was pull out the remains of a small mirror from his trunk and smile.

Author notes: Please review! Alos, feel free to read my other fics: "Soul", "The Return of Sirius Black", and "The Only Thing Sirius Black Ever Feared", which can all be found at The Dark Arts.