Astronomy Tower
Mystery General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 01/17/2004
Updated: 01/17/2004
Words: 7,032
Chapters: 1
Hits: 212



Story Summary:
A story about Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Harry had been consulting his marauders map a lot to see if there was anyone following the members of the DA. Every thing was going smooth. He did notice a very small blurry area on the map he wished to investigate. Two small R’s kept appearing as if spelling out two words, but it was too fuzzy to read. The location was in the hall near a small tower on the eastern side of the castle overlooking the lake. The tower was apparently used only for storage as there were no apartments, offices, or classrooms revealed to be in it.

As the DA meeting was breaking up, Harry asked Ron if he would like to explore some the next morning after breakfast.

“Sure,” said Ron.

After breakfast, he and Ron started walking towards the tower Harry had observed on the map. He showed Ron the funny bubble on the map and told Ron how it seemed to not be able to make up its mind. No one else was near where they were going.

As they approached where the entrance to the tower should have been, they met a smooth wall with no doors. It was all really strange. There were no candles or lamps lighted in this part of the castle. The halls smelt as if they had not been aired in centuries. There were no tapestries, armor, or portraits on the walls. It was if the area had been abandoned long ago for some reason. Never the less it was not gloomy. Grimy windows let in light.

“Let’s look at the map Ron. The entrance has to be here close.” The bubble on the map looked as if it was confused. It came up with different combinations of two words always starting with R. Apparently the marauders never managed to get into the tower, but they had tried. “The spell to open the door is two words and they both start with R any ideas Ron?”

“Let’s go to where the map says the door is and concentrate. Maybe something will come to us. The wall is blank between two windows through which we can see the sides of the tower. It should be about half way between.”

Harry agreed.

Getting into position Harry took out his wand and said, “Alohomora.” Nothing happened. Ron looked at him. “It was worth a shot,” said Harry.

As they concentrated on the bubble, it settled on combinations using Row for the first word and Rav for the second.

“I think it is a name Harry. Let’s see, rav, raven, ravenclaw. Harry, I think that is the last name.” Sure enough, the bubble showed the name Ravenclaw in bold ink. “Something Ravenclaw.”

“You are brilliant Ron. I think it has something to do with the House of Ravenclaw. If Luna was here, she could tell us some of the history of the house. It may hold a clue.”

“I remember! The sorting hat sang a song about the four people who founded this school. Her name was Rotac, Rowdan, Roweet, no I remember now Rowena Ravenclaw.” A sound of ungreased hinges squeaking from years of neglect came to their ears. The bubble on the map now said Rowena Ravenclaw.

A door had opened in the wall. The dust of centuries covered everything. A stair was to their left, an open door to a room before them. Inside the room before them was a circular library inside the tower. The shelves were from the floor to the ceiling with several bookcases in the center. The room was brightly lit from all the windows in the far wall. The glass was very old, wavy in pattern, and nearly translucent. One would have to open a window to see out clearly. Ron moved to venture in. Harry stopped him.

“Ron there may be curses on this place or secret spells to dissuade the uninvited from venturing within. We must be careful!”

“Right you are,” and he led Harry carefully up the stairs.

At each level, they observed a room each full of the most amazing objects, art, or statues. Harry realized it was the private collection of the memories of a single person.

Ron spoke, “Do you think there is anything valuable in any of these rooms?”

“Sure but it is not ours. I am pretty sure this is the legacy of the House of Ravenclaw. Some one owns it. I am sure the Ravenclaws would let us use it if there was need of it.”

Finally they came to the top of the tower and opened a door to the parapet. There was another room in the center of the parapet. As they walked around the room they realized it was larger than they thought. There were many windows of wavy glass and two doors one at the entrance to the stairs and the other opposite overlooking the lake. There were two chimneys, a large one on one side, and another small one on the opposite side. “I think this is where Rowena lived!” said Harry. “This must be her bedroom.”

“I think you are right. I wish we could see inside the windows. Unfortunately, they are very dirty and there appears to be drapes inside. Do you think we should try the doors?”

“Why not?” Expecting the worst Harry held his wand ready as Ron tried the door. It was locked. Harry tried the Alohomora spell to unlock the room. To the amazement of the both of them it worked. The great, carved oaken door unlocked and slowly opened.

The room was incredibly neat. There was no dust anywhere as if spells had been placed for the room to clean itself. It was if someone had left the room that morning to come back that evening. The great four poster bed was made and there was a pitcher and cups on a table next to the fireplace. The rest of the furniture was of the heavy ornate carved style of the medieval age. There was a portrait of a woman over the mantle of the large fireplace.

The woman in the portrait appeared to be sleeping in a chair, which was the twin of a large ornate chair in the room. Ron and Harry threw back the drapes on the windows to let in some light. The drapes fell to dust as they touched them. The room filled with light.

The woman in the portrait awoke with a start. Rubbing her eyes she proclaimed with a rough voice, “Who dares to awaken Rowena Ravenclaw, the head mistress of the House of Ravenclaw?” She stood and looked directly at Harry and Ron. “Who might you be knaves?

Harry and Ron looked at each other. “Ah, we are sixth year students at the Hogwarts School of Magic.”

“What house are you from?”

“We are from the House of Gryffindor.”

“Not as smart as the Ravenclaws, but much more adventurous, and sometimes clever. I should have known it would be Gryffindors who found me. It has been many long years since anyone came to visit me,” she yawned.

“I am sorry,” said Harry. “We did not mean to awaken you. We were just curious about this tower and came up here. We will leave now and let you go back to your rest.”

In a softer voice Rowena said, “No, please don’t leave me. It has been many years since I have talked to anyone. The last one I talked to was myself just before I died. My mistress cast a spell on the tower to protect its contents. Only those who wished to find the tower could. She then removed the memory of the tower from the minds of all her friends. Only someone who had mapped the castle would know the tower existed, but they would have to search to find the entrance. A very simple spell, but apparently very effective. What brought you to this room, I might ask?”

“Is it alright if we sit down,” asked Harry.

“Yes please do so.”

As Harry and Ron took seats on some hard wooden chairs, which groaned yet bore their weight, Harry told his story. “I was given a map years ago which shows all the passages and stairs in the castle, including the secret ones. It also gives the spell to open the doors to the secret passages. In the hall at the entrance to this tower was a bubble with a foggy name on it. The map did not appear to be sure what the name of the spell was. Ron and I decided to investigate. Ron figured out we had to say your name to open the door. We were very cautious and did not touch anything, exploring until we found this room at the top of the tower. As thick as the dust is in this place I would say it has been closed off for centuries, perhaps a thousand years or more.”

“Alas, I know it has been a very long time. The mistress left me portraits so that I could travel from room to room and watch after her goods. For years, I wandered the rooms hoping someone would find a way in so I could have someone to speak to. Finally, I went to sleep hoping someone would finally come. Well you have. What are your intentions for my mistress’s possessions?”

Ron looked at Harry and spoke. “The possessions in this tower are of the House of Ravenclaw. The property belongs to and should be used to further the House of Ravenclaw.”

“A wise decision. The property is protected by spells. It will always return to where it is supposed to be. My mistress loved children and refused to punish them, but rather to teach them the right ways of behavior, unlike Slytherin. Would you have other intentions now that you have found this tower and its contents?”

“Well,” said Harry blushing furiously, “I was hoping to find a safe place to have a romantic escape.” Ron looked at him with mouth open.

“That thought crossed my mind too,” he said also blushing.

“Ah, the follies of love,” the portrait sighed. “My mistress was quite romantic. She was never married and had a few steadfast lovers. She seemed to attract exceptional men in dangerous times. That is why this tower is so far from the rest of the castle. It was to ensure her privacy and that of her paramours. I have portraits in many locations in the tower and at the entrances to the secret passages. I kept watch for my mistress to protect her at all times. She was cautious, but not afraid.”

“There are secret passages,” Ron exclaimed excitedly.

“Yes, as a teacher and being in charge of many youngsters, she might be needed somewhere at a moments notice. She put in secret passages to each of the entrances of the different houses. The entrance to the passages is that bookcase on the left of the fireplace. You must touch the red book on the top shelve and say, Let love be my destiny. She was quite romantic,” the portrait giggled. “Inside the door are four passages each with the symbol of the house to which it leads over it.”

“Harry, this Rowena was smart!” exclaimed Ron.

“Thank you for that assessment,” replied the portrait.

“Why are you telling us this?” asked Harry. “You are revealing great secrets about your mistress.”

Sadly, the portrait replied, “My mistress is gone. I have many of her qualities. It was my delight to serve and protect her and her house. I should like to do so again. The two of you are a means for me to accomplish that service. I don’t wish to impose on you.”

“Sure,” spoke Harry. “It would be a pleasure for me and Ron to help you out. We would wish however, that only a few knew of the existence of the tower and you. There is an evil wizard trying to gain power at all costs and a safe haven would be desirable to conceal us on occasion.”

Ron added, “This wizard knows that the headmaster of this school is the leader of the opposition to his schemes. He would destroy the school and all the students simply to carry out his plan. He has tried to kill Harry,” nodding at Harry, “several times all ready.”

“Ah! Romance and plots of doom! Yes I am glad you awoke me. In the time of my mistress there were also plots of power and deception. Slytherin eventually left due to disagreements with the rest of the founders of the school. This school was my mistress’s greatest accomplishment and she would smile knowing I was on guard for its safety.”

Standing Harry asked Rowena, “Could you show us around? It is almost lunch time and with your permission we would like to bring back some of our friends after lunch.”

“Yes of course,” said the portrait. “As you can see my mistress was very a neat and tidy person. She was quite talented in the design of practical conveniences. The door on the opposite side of the room is the door to the garterobe. This room we are in provided many uses. It was her bedroom. She entertained here both publicly and privately, and it was her study where she wrote letters and read her books. It is quite cozy in the winter with the big fireplace. She liked lots of light and so there are many windows with a view of the lake her favorite. Let’s go into the garderobe shall we.” She disappeared from her portrait.

“What do you think Harry’” asked Ron as they walked over to the door.

“I think this tower and this room have great potential for helping the school and us. Too many people know of the Room of Requirement and well you know the problem with Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. Rowena wants to be helpful and I think we should let her. This would be a great place for meetings or retreat of our small group and perhaps meetings of a more tender nature.”

Harry and Ron grinned at each other.

Harry and Ron were stunned when they opened the door of the garderobe. The ceiling was white limestone, the floors a light colored wood highly polished. The walls and fixtures were pink marble with delicate veins of black and gold. On one side was a bar like in a closet with lots of dresses hanging from it. Chests underneath were probably filled with smaller garments. There was a magnificent tri-fold mirror with which a lady could see all sides of herself. The lavatory was carved with wood nymphs on their knees holding up a basin. There were two taps made of gold. The lou was a work of art. It was carved in the shape of a bowl with two wood nymphs curled on their sides holding it up. The bath itself had the edge raised high enough to sit on, yet deep enough to sit in with water up to your neck. The bath also had two taps that matched the ones on the lavatory. A naked wood nymph was bent over with her hand in the water as if to test the temperature of the bath. To the side of the bath were shelves filled with bottles and jars of ointments, cream, and perfumes. Stacks of towels were folded on the lower shelves. Rowena was in the portrait over the fireplace overlooking the lavatory.

“Do you like it?” she asked.

“It is magnificent!” said Harry. “This is every woman’s dream of a bathroom or garterobe as you call it. I have one question. The lavatory and lou are fairly recent designs along with hot and cold running water. This was built long before that time.”

“My mistress studied the ancient Romans a great deal. They had all the accessories that you see in here but the knowledge was lost. She did some adapting for her own purposes.” Wistfully Rowena told of the times that she had watched her mistress bathe and dress for an intrigue. How she would be asked for advice and commented on her mistress’s dress and hair.

“Sorry to interrupt,” said Harry, “but we must make it to lunch and then we will be back. Again I ask is it alright if I bring some friends?”

Rowena kept running out of the portrait and back in. “Yes! Yes! I am so excited to have someone here again.”

Harry and Ron just looked at each other. Ron mouthed, “Mental this one.”

Harry nodded his head trying not to laugh. “Rowena if you would shut the door in the hall we will take the hidden passage back to Gryffindor.”

“Of course Harry. I will meet you at the secret portal to give you the pass word to open the door out at Gryffindor.”

Harry and Ron left the garderobe and went to the bookshelf. Harry touched the top of the red book and said, “Let love be our destiny!” The bookshelf revolved revealing a dark passage. He and Ron entered the passage and the bookshelf swung shut after them. Pulling out his wand Harry recited, “Lumos.” A light glowed at the end of his wand. There were four doors in front of them each with the house symbol over them where the passage led. Harry stepped into the one for Gryffindor and it was if a hook was placed in his stomach and he was at another door.

Ron was right behind him. “That was quick Harry, it must be something like a port key. I felt a pulling in the pit of my stomach.”

“I agree Ron.”

Harry looked up and there in a small portrait was Rowena.

“All you have to say is, Open the door at Gryffindor! Very simple don’t you think. Now the doorway will be hazy from this side so you can see if anyone is out there. The door is concealed until you step through it. It is in an alcove next to the large hallway so it will look like you came down the hall. Quite ingenious wouldn’t you say?”

Harry replied, “Yes, Rowena very ingenious. Open the door to Gryffindor!” The door shimmered and Harry and Ron looked then stepped out. They appeared in an alcove very close to the portrait of the Fat Lady. As they walked down to the Great Hall, they discussed the discoveries they had found.

At lunch Harry whispered into the ears of their friends on his side of the table. “We have found a secret follow me after lunch.” Ron did the same to their friends on his side of the table. After lunch, the friends followed Ron and Harry to the hallway where the portrait of the Fat Lady was. They entered the alcove where they could not been seen by anyone happening along. Harry said, “Open the door to Gryffindor.” Nothing happened. “Rats that is the spell to get out the door. I wonder what the spell is to get back in? Rowena if you can hear me say the spell to get back in.” There was a very faint voice. Harry could not hear the entire spell, but he guessed what it was. “Let love be our destiny!” The doorway opened. Quickly entering the doorway, the six stood around the portal.

“What now Harry?” asked Neville.

“Walk up the stairs and I will meet you on top of the tower,” said a voice over their heads.

The six arrived at the hidden doorway behind the bookcase and walked out into the room. Harry introduced his friends to Rowena.

Rowena was quite regal until after the introductions, then she politely asked the girls to follow her into the garderobe so she could show them around. Soon all Harry, Ron, and Neville could hear were girls talking excitedly and giggling a lot.

Ron looked thoughtful for a minute. “You know Harry, Rowena reminds me a lot of someone. You wouldn’t know who, would you?”

Harry grinned, “Perhaps Luna, I don’t know many Ravenclaws, but those two sure have a lot of similar traits.”

“This place is beautiful Harry. Is there anything else here?” asked Neville.

“Sure let’s go outside and let the place air for a while. The threesome walked out on the parapet and looked around. There was a beautiful view of the lake on three sides. The other side looked back on the main buildings of the castle. The tower wasn’t very big and it was situated so as not to be visible to the rest of the castle. It faced the east so it would be sunny and warm most of the year. It was an excellent location.

Ron pointed out the staircase to Neville. “There are three floors below us Neville, each with the most amazing treasures. Now all the treasures have protective spells on them so I suppose it would be best if we didn’t mess around down there without Rowena with us.”

“To what use are you planning for this secret, Harry?”

“Well Neville we need a secure place that no one else knows about for meetings and study and as a hideout incase something happens. It could also be a great place for a person to just get away from everyone else or perhaps to have a romantic evening. I think Rowena would be quite happy to work out any scheduling problems.” Harry and Ron started laughing.

Neville looked confused.

“Rowena is quite romantically inclined,” said Harry. “You will see.”

The other door to the room was thrown open and Harry and the others could see the girls were in tidy mode. Cleaning spells were flying around the room. The girls looked like conductors in an orchestra with their wands dancing around their heads. “Why is it that it looks immaculate to us and girls still have to clean. I think they can see dust form a mile away. Let’s go down to the next level,” said Harry. “I think the girls are quite busy and I don’t think it would be wise to bother them. I saw a pile of empty frames that we might be able to use to set up for Rowena so she can watch out for us on the outside of the hidden passages.”

As they gained the door of the chamber Harry noticed a frame over the door he had not noticed when he and Ron had came up the stairs before. “Rowena are you there?”

Rowena arrived breathless in the frame. “Yes Harry what can I do for you?”

“Are the empty frames in this room the ones that used to hang around the castle so you could watch what was going on?”

“Yes they are. The hangers should still be in the walls above the exits to the secret passages.”

“Once we hang the portraits outside the tower will you be able to travel among the portraits of other people?”

“Of course,” she said.

“Do you think you could be discrete about it?”

Drawing herself up to her full height she exclaimed as if offended, “It is what I am most good at!”

“Excellent. Once you are free to wander the castle discretely, I would like you to find your way to the headmaster’s tower and introduce yourself to Professor Dumbledore. If he wishes, we could carry a frame to him, so you will have access to him all the time. I also want you to make sure no one from other portraits can enter the tower or any of your portraits so we can maintain our secrecy.”

“That is a wise idea, Harry. No one shall sneak by me to spy on anyone in the tower,” she said firmly.

“Thanks,” said Harry. “You can go back and see how the girls are doing and we will bring up the frames.” Rowena disappeared and the three of them picked up frames and carried them up the stairs. Setting the frames down outside the room, they began to clean them wiping them with rags.

Hermione came out and watched them for a second. “You boys don’t know anything.” With a flourish of her wand she had cleaned and polished all the frames and they looked as if new.

“What are you going to do with them,” asked Hermione. Ron told her about hanging the frames so Rowena could keep an eye out on the entrances to the secret passages. The other two girls came out of the room to see what was going on.

Luna commented, “Isn’t this a lovely place. I feel as if I have been here before.”

Ginny agreed. “This is a wonderful place and that is a wonderful room. Definitely designed and decorated by a woman with taste.”

“We will have to get the elves to make us some new drapes and bed clothes. The mattress also needs to be replaced. The rest of the furnishings are in really great shape. We will need to find a way of preserving the dresses and undergarments we found, as they are historically important,” said Hermione.

Rowena appeared in the portraits one by one; her hair tied up in a rag. She would clean the chair or settee in each one and straighten the coverings. She would then peer at all the corners of the frame and checked to see if the glass was clean and clear.

“I think we have made someone very happy today,” said Harry.

Everyone laughed.

Rowena smiled at the group. “I am just glad to be useful again. I was alone for a very long time. You must excuse my excitement.”

The group replied, “We understand.”

Rowena looked at Luna a long time. Luna met her gaze without blinking. “Luna, Harry said there was a Ravenclaw among your group. You are the Ravenclaw. You have the qualities my mistress held most highly. The rest of you are Gryffindors it is obvious. Each founder had certain qualities and they were attracted to students with the same qualities. It was not as if they wished to separate and divide the houses, but to allow the students to train their strengths with a teacher with the same strengths. Slytherin however wished to divide the school and create controversy between the houses. Finally, the three other founders had to get together and throw him out. It was a sad day for the school.”

“The current person who is causing trouble in the wizarding world was of the House of Slytherin. He is a very powerful wizard and only likes wizards that are pure blood. His is doing his best to destroy half and halves and mudbloods as he calls them,” spoke Hermione.

“Yes, Salazar Slytherin’s legacy lives on. He wished only those of pure blood to be taught the wizarding ways. His ambition was for the world to be run by pureblood wizards. It did not matter that there weren’t enough purebloods or that the people with no magical powers feared wizards greatly and wished to destroy every wizard they met,” reflected Rowena. “Magical ability does not flow only within the purebloods. There were those with only one parent with the ability, and those with neither parent with the ability. Magical ability is fickle in who it appears in. There were several kinds of those who weren’t purebloods, who needed training. The four founders minus Salazar decided to train them as well as the purebloods. In the early years of the school, we were constantly under threat of destruction. Anyone with ability was needed to defend our very lives for the good of all. We couldn’t afford to be awfully selective.”

“It doesn’t appear that a lot has changed in a thousand years,” commented Hermione. “Neither of my parents have any magical power. The policy of our headmaster is that any of magical ability is welcome to come to Hogwarts to be trained in the art of magic. At least half of the students are not purebloods. There would not be much of a school with out the rest of us.”

Ron spoke up. “Hermione is one of the best students in the school. She has been a great help in our fight against Voldemort and we wouldn’t have done nearly as well with out her. Yet her parents are muggles.”

“The muggles, people with no magical ability, are practically defenseless against wizards. It is up to the wizards themselves to make the world safe for both. Through a fluke of nature and magic, I survived an onslaught by Voldemort when I was a child that drained him of his power. He has been regaining power and he is now after me to kill me and has been since I came to this school. My friends and I,” Harry nodded at the others, “have fought him and survived. We have not won, but neither has he. There are more battles to come. I feel we need to study, practice, and be ready. We also need a safe place to hide out if it becomes necessary.”

The six friends stared at the portrait of Rowena with grim looks on their faces. Each thought different thoughts of how Voldemort had affected their lives.

Rowena met their gaze unflinchingly, "I think I may have to rethink things. If the situation is as desperate as the picture you paint, it may not be wise to have me moving through the other portraits in the castle. There may be spies and I would reveal my presence. Alas I would like to have others to talk to and get news of the present times, but it is safer for you,” and she looked at the friends, “if I remain only in this tower.”

“It is not just our safety Rowena, it is the safety of the entire school. If you wish we can take a small portrait of you and present it to Professor Dumbledore. He is the one who should make the decision,” said Luna.

The rest of the friends nodded their agreement.

That night at supper Luna was waiting for Professor Dumbledore as he left his table. She handed him a small package wrapped in parchment and string. “Professor,” she said softly, “open this only when you are alone. No others can be present especially those in portraits.” Luna turned and left. Dumbledore stood there with an eye raised and watched her go. He then smiled and walked out of the Great Hall the package in a pocket of his robes.

Dumbledore went into his private bathroom. The thought that the only room in his tower where there wasn’t a portrait was the bathroom humored him greatly and he laughed to himself. A man’s bathroom it only had the barest of conveniences. He sat himself on the lou with the cover down and proceeded to open the package. A regal woman of incredible beautify sat in a red velvet chair staring at him from a portrait. “Whom might I be addressing,” he asked serenely.

“I am Rowena Ravenclaw. I am here to talk to you of grave circumstances concerning this school.”

“My name is Albus Dumbledore. If you will wait a minute, I need to go get something and I will right back.” Returning a moment later, he placed the sorting hat on the lavatory. Displaying the portrait to the hat he asked, “Hat do you recognize this lovely lady?”

“My, My, My it has been a very long time Rowena. This lady was one of the four founders who have me a brain so that I might be able to sort out new students to their houses. Where have you been hiding Rowena?”

“I have long been hidden away in Rowena’s tower. I remember the day we made you, hat. We felt that you would be more truthful in your decisions than we could be ourselves.”

“I apologize that I do not have more noble accommodations in which to entertain you fair lady, but the young student was insistent that we be unobserved. Knowing the student very well and her friends, I can assume that they were mucking about somewhere they probably should not have been and discovered your portrait. May I make that assumption?” inquired Dumbledore.

“Well that about sums it up. They were curious and adventurous and they discovered great things left by my mistress. They will not be in trouble will they?” asked Rowena, her head turning sideways and looking at him sternly. “It is a trait of the young to challenge the rules.”

“Yes it is. I don’t believe there is a rule against exploring. This particular group of students however is quite adept at challenging the rules. They are under particularly difficult circumstances for students of their age. An evil wizard of immense power has made them a target for his depredations. They have displayed maturity, bravery, and skill far beyond others of their age. They have already been in battles that would try the courage of grown adults. At best, I can only lead them in the right direction. The fact that you are here is a demonstration of their concern for the safety of this school and respect for me. You must be dangerous in some way.”

Rowena sighed, “You are very perceptive. I was in charge of the security of my mistress. The students, of which you speak so highly, want and need a place where they can get away from the stress of their situation and as a hideaway if necessary. They had wished to place portraits of me in various locations through out the school so that I might be able to watch out for them. The problem is that if I can move through portraits of others, they can also move through mine. The only way to properly ensure their safety is for no portraits of mine to be among those of the rest of the castle. The spells my mistress placed on her tower will prevent others from entering. I have been alone for centuries and I would like to be able to be with others of my kind. It is however too dangerous for the group of friends whom I represent. They wished you to know of my existence, and decide if it was better for me to be separated, or a member of the rest of the portraits of the school.”

Dumbledore nodded gravely. “You are a smart woman. No matter how well you might defend your portraits, someone may get information that is a danger. I myself keep a watch on the school with the other inhabitants of the portraits. I believe all of them are loyal to me, but certain information has gotten out before. If you truly want safety for your charges, you will have to confine yourself to where no one knows you are. I know that you hunger in your long isolation for other company, but it is best under the present situation to maintain you isolation. I will not press you to make a decision. That task lies upon your shoulders. Whichever decision you make you are welcome to do as you wish.”

Rowena looked at Dumbledore. “My fate is to serve. In my best judgement it is best I stay contained in my tower for the safety of the students who will be in my charge.”

Dumbledore smiled broadly. “All of the legends of you are true. Hogwarts and the students are your first love. I bow to your dedication.” Dumbledore lowered his head. “Now you must realize that on occasion we must meet to discuss the actions of my students since I am the headmaster of this school. They should not know of my meddling, but I must lead them in the right direction with your help of course.”

Rowena smiled, “I look forward to those conversations. The world outside has changed, but the follies of man have not. I may be able to cast some light on the students who have accepted the ways of Salazar Slytherin. How might I treat the six students under my protection?”

“Treat them as adults. Tell them the truth and don’t deny them knowledge. Be their friend and mentor. They are much more powerful than you could possibly imagine for children of their age. Don’t underestimate them ever. They are destined to be legends, whether they live or die. I prefer them to live. I have great respect for everything they have accomplished so far and I like them as persons as well.”

“Yes they did find me after almost a thousand years of others looking. I will take them under my wing. I have some tricks they may need to be taught. I have had a delightful time talking to you Albus. If you would escort me, I will take you to a secret passage where you can deposit my portrait out of harms way. Hat! Have you been doing a good job of sorting?”

“I have never been wrong thanks to you and the others. In respect to you, fair Rowena I will eat myself before I reveal anything that has gone on today. Farewell until we meet again.”

Professor Dumbledore took the portrait of Rowena to the closed secret passage, which was near the House of Hufflepuff, and after saying the password deposited her in safety in the passage leading to her tower.

Later that week Harry and Ron were able to sneak away to the tower and inquire of Rowena how her discussion with Dumbledore went. She informed them of her decision to stay only in the tower with Dumbledore’s blessing. They acknowledged her sacrifice and stayed longer than they should have in discussion with her.

Various romantic couplings transpired over a period of months as love and affection solidified between the pairs of friends. Rowena was supportive and protective of their romantic interests. She ensured with her knowledge, all were properly introduced to the delights of each other. She was quite happy and satisfied with her duties. Dumbledore was a great person to visit with as well. He came often and asked for her insight. It made her feel useful.

One dark night Rowena and Dumbledore were having a long discussion on the political climate in the early days of the school when they came. The sky was cloudy and there was no moon. Rowena heard something and disappeared from her portrait over the mantle, in seconds she was back. “Albus we are being attacked,” she said calmly. “Come outside and watch.”

Albus walked out on the parapet with his wand drawn. He put his wand to his throat and spoke calmly. “Attention to the teachers, the school is being attacked along the eastern walls. Please guard your Houses.” Rowena was waiting in the portrait over the door.

“As you will notice, the intruders are attacking something over there. My mistress put an illusion spell on this tower. From the air it always looks like it is somewhere else unless you have been invited and know the password. To further aid confusion, the image will move around. Eventually they will realize that the only place the image isn’t, is where the tower really is. Since I am a portrait, I can’t use a wand, as can you. I can only delay them. My mistress knew my limitations, but it was enough if intruders did not surprise her. There are a couple of spells I can invoke solely with my voice, but after that, it is up to you. Are you ready Albus?”

“Quite ready Rowena!”

“Cover your eyes tightly. They are heading this way. Lumos Solarum!” she spoke calmly. The entire top of the tower was bathed in a brilliant white light blinding those who attacked. “You may dispatch the scurvy curs now Albus.”

The Professor performed a symphony of wand movements knocking the attackers off their brooms one by one with his stunners. The attackers fired blindly, but were unsuccessful in accomplishing a hit.

A team of six barreled out onto the parapet. Six other wands were busy around the tower; blazing red beams were fired at the attackers. The attackers broke up and began to flee. Stunners began to be seen fired from the grounds of the castle. The battle was soon over as the intruders limped away on their brooms.

Professor Dumbledore turned and smiled down at the six young people standing there in their nightclothes. “I appreciate you help, but you should not have come out here. You were the target of the intruders. I believe Rowena and I may have been able to ward off the attack.”

The six all tried to speak at once. Dumbledore placed a finger to his lip to silence them. “I did expect all six of you to show up. It is your nature to do as you have done. You were magnificent and I am proud of you.”

The faces of the six lit up with his praise as they looked at each other.

“Follow me!” He took them inside the room and conjured up a pitcher of hot chocolate and cups. “Since you are somewhat excited stay here a while and discuss your deeds among yourselves. I have duties to attend to. Don’t stay up too late you have classes tomorrow.” So saying he disappeared behind the bookshelf.

Rowena was in the portrait over the mantle. She looked sternly down at them. “You should not have come up to the tower. It is my job to protect you and if you put yourself in jeopardy, I couldn’t help.” Then she smiled broadly at them. “All of you did very well. I watched your actions. You are each a credit not only to your houses, but also a credit to the school. My mistress would swell with pride. Now let’s have a little hot chocolate, a little talking, then off to bed with you.”

As they talked of the events of the night and slowly calmed themselves, Rowena sat in her chair attentively, a protector, a mentor, and a teacher. After a thousand years, she again was useful, as was her nature.


Author notes: This was to be a part of my story "Polyjuice Mayhem". Harry was looking for a place for a romantic interlude. It took up to much of the Polyjuice story so I separated it and made it stand alone.