Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/25/2004
Updated: 01/02/2005
Words: 46,284
Chapters: 25
Hits: 53,665

Tutoring A Dragon


Story Summary:
Hermione is in her seventh year at Hogwarts, and a few things have already gone wrong with her life: her friends won't talk to her, she's tutoring her worst enemy, and she has started to think that Draco Malfoy is attractive....

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
This chapter: Hermione's arguement with Harry and Ron reaches its crossroads. In the aftermath, Harry and Ron get detention, and an alliance is formed.
Author's Note:
Ok, this has been a long time coming, so I hope it's worth it. I want to thank my outstanding beta A.A. Sydney, without her, I wouldn't be here. (Picture this at the Oscar's) And my friend El, who was my test dummy for the entire story. Plus my Auntie, who believed in me. Also, my brother, the fink. Love ya! Anyway, please read and review!!!!!!!!!!


Unholy Alliance

Hermione hopped down the bleachers and ran down the steps to wait in front of the showers. She wanted to talk to Harry and Ron before they stormed off. She leaned against the wall and sighed.

'Why do men insist on not listening?' she thought, irritated at Ron and Harry, who hadn't even said anything.

The door crashed open and Hermione jumped up. It was Ginny.

"Oh, it's only you," she said, disappointed.

"Thanks a lot," said Ginny dryly. "No, don't apologize, I know what you meant. You're waiting for them," she pointed a thumb over shoulder, "and they know it. They told me to tell you that they aren't coming out as long as you are waiting for them. I told them to-" she said something that made Hermione gasp, while Ginny grinned. "Yeah, that's what they did, too. But Ron smacked me. And told me he'd tell mum if I ever said such things again. Then I politely reminded him that I learned them from him."

"Right then," said Hermione, also grinning. "I'll just go in there."

"Ok." Ginny shrugged and waved good-bye. "I'll be in my dorm if you need me."

Hermione nodded and stoically walked over to the door, wrenched it open, and walked inside.

She was greeted by the glaring faces of Ron and Harry.

"What do you want?" asked Harry sourly.

"I want to explain to you two morons," Hermione replied.

"Well, explain," said Ron, stuffing things into his bag.

"Draco and I are going to work together on more than one thing. He's my partner in Ancient Runes, I tutor him, there is a project coming up in Arithmancy that I'm going to need a partner in, and he and I are working together to plan the decorations and costume theme in the upcoming ball. So we decided," at this Hermione blushed a bit, "to be on a first-name basis. And not to argue. Now, I'm going to be the bigger person and forgive you two. Whether or not you decide to apologize to me is your decision, but either you like me being friendly with Draco, or you can lump it. Which will it be?"


"I cannot believe them!" shouted Hermione. She slammed into her and Draco's common room, seething.

"What's the matter?" called Draco from his chair besides the fireplace. He was positioned so that his legs were stretched over one arm, while his back was propped against the other. He bent his head back, looking at her shocked face. "No, really, what's wrong?"

"Harry I'm-a-narrow-minded-git Potter and Ronald I-haven't-the-common-sense-God-gave-a-goose Weasley have," she went incoherent for a moment, the only words Draco could make out were swear words directed towards certain black- and red-haired gentlemen. "Informed me that if I want to be friends with their narrow-minded, jackass selves, I have to be cold, frigid, and impolite to you." She was a red-purple with rage.

Suddenly, Draco had an idea. "Hey, you know what helps me relieve bad feelings?" he said, smiling to himself.

"No, what?" she said distantly.

He out-and-out grinned. "Going patrolling and taking points and giving detentions to hapless first, second, third, and fourth years." She stared at him. "Oh, c'mon, it's fun!" he protested. "Giving them detention with Filch for things like 'looking too happy,' or 'laughing too loudly,' or, my favorite," he grinned, "which is 'making out on the Astronomy Tower without the proper chaperonage.' That really puzzles them Especially the Hufflepuffs. So, what do you say?"

Hermione thought for a second. Then she grinned. "Ron and Harry have dates tonight. Ginny told me." She went over to him gave him a quick squeeze. "Thanks. I'll go get dressed."

"Hey," he called after her. She stuck her head out of the stair tapestry half way up.


"Wear black. And your Prefect badge. And," he grinned wider, "don't forget, you're the Senior Senior Prefect for your House. You can put the Junior Senior Prefect--Weasley--on probation. With the penalty of recension of the prefect duties."

'Lord knows I'd love for her to do that," Draco thought. 'It would make my life so much easier.'

"Brilliant." Hermione's head disappeared back into the length of cloth.

Draco, who was already wearing black robes, got up and summoned his Prefect badge. Pinning it on his shirt, right over his heart he smirked. This was most certainly an unholy alliance, but a necessary one. He picked up the green envelope--which meant a painful curse was inside of it--from his father and threw it into the fire. His father could rot in hell for all he cared. This was his time. And, by God, he'd make the best of it.


They were walking up the steps to the top of the Astronomy Tower, laughing at a story Draco told Hermione about his father and uncle.

"Oi! What're you doing here?" said Ron, startled.

"What's it look like, Weasel?" drawled Draco. "We've come up here to snog."

Ron and Harry's chins hit their chests.

"WHAT THE-" they started to yell, when Hermione broke into laughter.

"Honestly," she wheezed, "as if I would snog anyone--let alone Draco--on top of the Astronomy Tower. It's so cliché, not to mention cold." She pulled herself together. "Draco and I are on prefect patrol. And you two are out of bed very late. By my watch, it's 10:30. Which is far past curfew." She smiled icily at them as they gaped at her.

Hermione glanced up at Draco. "Now, Draco, being out two hours past curfew is against School Rules, and qualifies for detention, doesn't it?"

Draco looked down at her, smiling slightly. "Why, Hermione, I do believe it does. And Mr. Filch has been complaining about the state of the stables lately." He out-and-out grinned. "Perhaps these two rule-breakers should clean them out? Over the next few Saturdays, I think."

"Why, Draco, that's a wonderful idea. I'm getting tired, so let's go back to our rooms," said Hermione, grinning. Draco held out his arm, and she took it as they descended down the stairs.

"She's gone batty!" exclaimed Ron, as they trudged down the Tower steps behind Hermione and Draco.

"Tell me about it," responded Harry dryly.


Hermione plopped down on her bed and laughed herself hoarse. Her sides were in stitches, and she couldn't move her torso.

'Perhaps I should take a bath,' she thought, standing up stiffly. Undressing, she grabbed her bathrobe, made out of blue terrycloth, and put it on. She went into the bathroom, locked Draco's door, and started her bath.


Draco and Hermione had parted ways at the base of the Tower. He had gone in the direction of the Slytherin common room, she to theirs. Harry and Ron had followed him to the Entrance Hall, and jumped him. It wasn't a fair fight.

Draco slumped into the common room, flinched up the stairs, and swore at the bathroom door.

"Hermione!" he yelled. "Are you in there?"

"Yes!" called the disembodied voice of Hermione.

"Can we talk?" he asked her.

"Sure, but you should come in, I can barely hear you." The handle on the door gave way to Draco's fingertips immediately.

Draco limped to the side of the room, and sat down behind a folding screen that hadn't been there five minutes before. Coincidentally, it was green-and-silver with a motif of dragons. When he sat down in the chair that was behind the screen, his normal peerless posture failed him. He slouched over in pain.

"What's the matter?" asked Hermione, from the other end of the bathtub.

"I, uh, was in a fight," he said carefully.

"Oh, Draco," she tutted, "you really shouldn't just randomly beat people up-"

"I didn't," he said, cutting her off. "I was jumped in the Entrance Hall."

"By who?"

"Potty and the Weasel."

"I'm going to kill them."

"Fine with me, but can we talk first? Besides, we need to plan for the ball."

So, as Hermione bathed, Draco and her talked about plans for the ball. They agreed on the theme, and the colors of the decorations. But they couldn't seem to find a multi-House agreeable way to decorate the Great Hall.

Hermione recommended taking a poll on which way the Hall should be decorated from the fourth to seventh years. Draco relented, hers was the better way.


That Saturday, at precisely 12:02 PM, Hermione tumbled through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room. She swore loudly, not used to the drop at the end of the tunnel. Marching over to Harry and Ron, she pulled her wand out.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she hissed at them.

"Our homework," said Harry, not looking up.

"Look. At. Me. When. I'm. Talking. To. You."

They looked up.

"Why did you jump Draco in the Entrance Hall on Tuesday?" she demanded.

They squirmed in their seats.

"Well, we, erm..." said Ron.

"Um, we....." said Harry.

"NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!" screamed Hermione. "You two have done some pretty low things in your lives, but THIS IS THE WORST!!!!!! I live with this person, whether or not you like it. I have to get along with him! And you've almost buggered it up! Until you really shape up, our friendship is over!" She left the Tower without a look behind her.

"Oh, bloody hell...." said Harry and Ron.

Author notes: Allright, did you like it? Didja, didja? I'm sitting at my computer and the AC is on and my feet are FREEZING!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, once eight is beta'd, I'll submit seven. You know the drill. Please review!!!!!!!!