The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Harry and Hermione and Ron
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 08/05/2006
Updated: 08/05/2006
Words: 1,311
Chapters: 1
Hits: 173

Harry Potter and the Scottish Play

Slytherin Witch

Story Summary:
Find out what happens when the students of Hogwarts put on a theatrical production at the school! Who will get cast? What will happen to those that are superstitious of the curse?

Chapter 01 - ACT I, SCENE I

Author's Note:
To Simmy: Thanks for inspiring me to keep writing, and for enjoying reading what I do write. :)

Chapter One: Act I - Scene I

Vibrant green eyes darted left and right, surveying the chaos all around. Harry couldn't hide his excitement at starting his sixth year at Hogwarts. The summer had passed quickly and he found himself seated at the Gryffindor table once again, overlooking the hustle and bustle of the Great Hall as the first years were getting sorted.

Next to him, Ron didn't seem to share his companion's enthusiasm. "It's just the same thing every year. Class, class, lunch, class, class, dinner, dessert, homework, midnight snack, sleep, breakfast... and the cycle begins again."

"Leave it to Ronald to sum up all our years at Hogwarts into two things: work and food," Hermione said as she sat down across from the boys.

"It's true though, innit?" Ron mumbled as he stuffed his mouth with some cornbread muffin.

Their conversation was interrupted by a loud cheer coming from the Slytherin table as one of the first years was sorted into their house. Ron glanced up for a mere moment and turned back to his friends. "See, even the whole sorting business is routine. It's the same thing every year."

"Honestly, what did you expect? It's a school. You're not here on vacation!" Ginny interjected, having overheard her brother's complaints. "If you're so unhappy, you should take a page out of Fred and George's book." It was an empty threat of a taunt. They all knew full well that Ron wasn't going to up and leave the school. Ginny sat back, satisfied that she had put an end to Ron's whining, chalking it up to the fact that he was probably terrified of being made Prefect.

The first year sorting continued on for another fifteen minutes before they were all finally seated at their respective house tables. Dumbledore stood and raised his hands ever so slightly, silencing the entire Great Hall. He performed the usual welcome speeches and other pertinent information to the new students, as well as the returning ones. "Now, for the exciting news," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "We are trying something different this year, and Hogwarts will be presenting a theatrical production. A Shakespearean play entitled Macbeth." An excited murmur spread throughout all the houses and Dumbledore held back until the din had died down. "Auditions for the roles will be in a few weeks time and plenty copies of the play will be made available in the Library."

Harry turned his attention from the Head Table to face his best friend. "How's that for something different?"

Ron had his brows scrunched up. "What the bloody hell is a Shakespearean? And what is this Macbeth?!"

"Don't be so obtuse," Hermione said, rolling her eyes. "Macbeth is the name of a play, a tragedy, that a muggle named William Shakespeare wrote in the 1600s. He's very well known, wrote countless plays."

The redheaded boy shrugged. "Sorry, never heard of him. Hey Harry, you reckon we win the Quidditch cup this year?" turning his attention elsewhere at the drop of a hat.

Once the first night's rituals were completed, Dumbledore bid them good night as the Prefects lead the way back to their respective Common Rooms. As the Gryffindors approached the portrait of the Fat Lady, Ron froze. He hated the password that was given to their house this year. "Arachnophobia," he muttered.

"What?" came a voice from the crowd of timid first years.

"What did he say the password was?" whispered one girl to another.

Ron sighed. "It's 'Arachnophobia'. You know fear of... spiders..."

"Of course I know what it is!" replied the Fat Lady, having heard Ron repeat the password, as she swung open for the Gryffindors to enter.

The new Prefect sank wearily into the large armchair by the fireplace as all the eleven year olds ran around excitedly, admiring their new home for the next 10 months. Harry managed to worm his way through the scattering crowd and claim a spot on the neighboring love seat. "I don't envy you one bit," Harry said smiling as he and Ron eyed the hyper students.

The two friends were joined by Seamus, Dean and Neville and the five roommates caught each other up on how their summer vacation was. It wasn't until they were in the middle of a heated Quidditch discussion that Hermione stepped into the Common Room. Looking stunned, the five boys looked around, not realizing that Hermione hadn't been there with them that whole time.

"I popped over to the Library," she said in response to their questioning looks. She produced six copies of Macbeth from her bag. "I wanted to make sure we had a copy before they run out." She passed a copy of the manuscript to each of her classmates.

"Leave it to Hermione to get on top of this first thing," Seamus whispered to Dean as he flipped disinterestedly through the pages and pages of complicated dialogue.

They sat in silence for a while as all six of them perused through the play, some more interested than others. "This is brilliant," breathed Neville. His eyes shone with excitement as he read each page. His nose was still in the book when he managed to make his way up to the dormitory for bed. Dean and Seamus had changed subjects and had started a game of wizard's chess, leaving their copies of Macbeth lying on a nearby table.

"This is so exciting," Hermione gushed, excited at the possibility of a new challenge for herself. "I'm definitely going to be auditioning for a part. What about you two?"

Harry contemplated the idea. He wasn't sure if he would have enough time in a day to finish his school work and hold Quidditch practice, let alone audition and rehearse for a play. However, he knew if he used that as an excuse, Hermione would just lend him her time turner. He sighed and smiled resolutely. "Sure, I'll audition with you. You in, Ron?"

He didn't want to admit it, but Ron was immensely interested in auditioning. He only lacked the confidence, having played second fiddle all his life whether it was to Harry and Hermione, or his own older brothers. He bit his lip, wrestling with the decision between what he wanted to do and what he was afraid to do. Finally, after much inner deliberation, he said "Yeah. I'll do it I guess. That MacDuff character sounds alright... might audition for that role..."

"Oh, that's funny! That's the one I wanted to go for too!" Harry said without realizing it till it was too late. A few moments of awkward silence filled the space, as if the entire Gryffindor Common Room had stopped what they were doing to eavesdrop.

The disappointment was evident in Ron's face as he hastily gathered his belongings and mumbled something about being tired and going to bed.

"Harry!" Hermione hissed as Ron was out of ear shot. "Why did you say that? You know how he feels about-"

"Yeah. I know." Harry interrupted. "As much as he thinks he's reminded about being 'second best', I'm constantly reminded that I make people feel like they're second best. So please spare me the public reaming. What do you want me to do? Step down and not try out for the role I want? I'm not in charge of who gets what part anyway!"

Hermione was taken aback by Harry's harsh tone and was about to retort with something when she decided against it. It was the first day of their sixth year. She didn't want it to start off on such a bad note. "Do what you want. Just remember that Ron is not going to like being treated as a charity case," she said in a clipped tone and followed suit, leaving Harry sitting by the fireplace alone with his copy of Macbeth.