Lord Voldemort
General Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/20/2003
Updated: 10/16/2003
Words: 83,082
Chapters: 18
Hits: 23,228

So Close


Story Summary:
Year 6, after OOTP.``Harry gets so close to many things; death, admitting his feelings for someone, stopping Voldemort. But which will he actually manage to reach?

Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
Harry is reunited with Hermione/Ron and then is off to the Burrow where he sees Ginny for the first time since learning of her actions.

After a moment of swirling around, Hermione was trying to regain her sense of balance when she heard, "My god you're fast!"

Without even focusing, she threw herself and the shape in front of her and engulfed him into a tight hug as the tears began to flow freely down her face. The arms hugged her back tightly and the voice said, "Come on Hermione, I didn't even get a chance to look at you yet."

Without lifting her head she said, "Oh, I've missed you so much! Why did you stay away from us?"

"I've missed you too," Harry calmly said. "I just needed to figure some things out first. Don't be upset, you know I can't stand to see you cry."

She pulled back enough to look him in the face and saw him looking more peaceful than she ever remembered. There was only a trace of sadness and she knew that was because he felt he had made her cry. "I'm not upset, I'm just so happy to see you," she got out as she pushed back from him.

"You look good Hermione," Harry said with a bright smile.

"So do you. My goodness you've grown," she replied noticing how he was at least six inches taller now than the last time she saw him. He also held himself more confidently.

"Guess I was a late bloomer," he joked back. "Would you like a drink?"

She nodded and asked, "Are you really ok? We were worried."

Harry didn't answer while he poured them both some tea. Hermione took the time to look around the flat. It was large and very open with big windows looking out over a small park and then to the city beyond. It was very sparsely decorated but felt comfortable nonetheless. There was a large TV and other than a glass cabinet where she saw his invisibility cloak and sneak-o-scope, it looked just like a Muggle flat. "This is a nice place," she said turning around to find him directly behind her.

He handed her the glass and said, "Better than the cupboard under the stairs. C'mon let's sit down."

Harry led her to an area with a couch and a few chairs and she sat down on the couch but just as Harry was going to sit in the chair next to the couch, she said, "Sit here please?" Hermione patted the spot next to her.

Without hesitation, Harry sat next to her and she quickly put her hand on his arm. "I'm not going anywhere Hermione, you don't need to keep hold of me," he joked with her.

"I'm sorry; I just haven't seen you for so long. Does it bother you?" she sheepishly asked.

"Not at all, as long as you're not doing it because you're worried. But I don't want Ron to get jealous or anything if he found out you were touching me so much," Harry said with a laugh.

"Oh, well we're not a couple anymore," Hermione said without any pain in her voice.

"Really? What happened? I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Harry quickly added.

"It's ok," Hermione said. "Nothing bad happened; we just seemed to be better suited as best friends. We're really fine now, we hang out quite often. Just like old times...well except that you weren't there."

"Well, as long as you two are really happy, that's all that matters," Harry said looking at her trying to figure out if she was being honest about it.

"So, where have you been? Why did you stay away?" she asked intently.

She saw a brief flicker of pain dart through his eyes but he just asked, "Is it ok if we don't talk about that just yet? I know I owe you an explanation and everything but I'm really desperate to hear all about you and Ron and what's been going on."

"Oh...That's fine, but you know you can tell me anything don't you?" Hermione asked squeezing his arm.

"I know, and I promise I will," he reassured her.

"Well, we're all fine and everything. Ron's doing great in Auror training. I think they'll make him a team leader since he's so good at strategy," Hermione said beaming. "After...you know...it wasn't as important to have so many active Aurors so I switched to be in their research team. That's a better fit for me anyway since I'll have access to all kinds of books that they don't have even in the restricted section at school."

Harry laughed and knew that would be a dream for Hermione. "I'm glad to hear that. So how is everyone else?" he asked with a tone that told Hermione exactly what he was asking. This wasn't something she really wanted to tell him since he was in such a good mood but she also didn't want to keep anything from him.

"Ginny's fine as well. She's going to be a healer at St. Mungo's," Hermione said trying to gauge his reaction.

He seemed to squirm a bit and then ask, "Does she...well you know..."

Hermione knew she had to be the one to tell him. "She took your leaving really hard Harry," Hermione added with extra pressure on his arm. "She got really angry with you for leaving like that."

"I had to Hermione!" Harry exclaimed. "It was our best chance to stop him!"

"I know Harry, I really do but it was still hard for all of us. We couldn't say goodbye and didn't know from day to day what was happening. And then Mrs. Weasley's clock kept showing you pointing to 'Mortal Peril'...it was hard.

"Clock? What about the clock?" Harry asked totally confused.

"Oh, that's right you never knew," she remembered. "For your birthday present that year Mr. & Mrs. Weasley charmed another hand for their clock with your face on it."

Harry realized what this meant. Each time he was in serious danger it had gone to Mortal Peril. "I never knew," he said, lowering his face to his hands.

"I know," Hermione said rubbing his back. "It's pointing to 'safe' now. Well anyway Ginny was furious with you and swore she would never have anything to do with you again," Hermione said as soothingly as she could but could tell Harry felt bad. "Once we got back to school, she kind of started seeing Dean." Harry sat straight up at this but Hermione continued, "They're still a couple. I'm sorry."

Harry's reaction wasn't exactly what Hermione had expected. "Really?" he said with more happiness than she would have thought. "I mean, it's terrible that she went through so much pain and all but it's best that she hooked up with Dean."

"What?" Hermione said. "I can't believe you're saying this. Just before you left you told her that Voldemort was right and you cared for her."

"I know," Harry said sounding upset. "But that was over two years ago. I'm not the same person I was then." Harry paused and then said, "I mean I still care for her but not like that. I wasn't even seventeen, and had never had a girlfriend, what the hell did I know?" Harry actually smiled and said, "I've been so worried about how I was going to break this to her."

"I was dreading telling you this after everything else you went through," Hermione admitted.

"I can't thank you enough for doing it. This is like a huge weight being lifted," Harry said giving her a quick hug.

"You know I figured out you were at the memorial," Hermione said with some hesitation at bringing up the memorial.

"Yeah, Tonks told me," Harry admitted without any sadness of the topic. "She actually gave me a hard time about it. I'm supposed to be great at concealment and you saw through it right away. That annoyed me," he added with a smile.

Hermione beamed and said, "I don't think anyone else would have but it just fit when I saw you with Tonks and how you acted. I wish you would have stayed."

"I know, I said I'm sorry," Harry said putting his hands up. "I'll make it up to you guys. Whatever you want."

"Ok, let's get Ron and sit around all night catching up," Hermione offered.

"Fine by me," Harry quickly said, surprising Hermione.

Hermione got up and went to the fire, threw in some powder and said, "Calling Ronald Weasley"

A second later, Ron's head appeared and said, "What do you want Hermione, I need to eat!"

Harry who was standing off to the side chuckled at this. "Are you alone?" Hermione asked.

"Yes Hermione, now get talking, I'm hungry," Ron replied.

"Well Ron, if you and your stomach can wait a bit, I was wondering if you'd like to come and see Harry?"

"What do you mean my stomach....What did you say? Harry?" Ron asked and Harry continued to laugh.

Hermione started to reply but Harry stepped next to her and he saw Ron's eyes grow wide. Harry quickly said, "Ron my place is called 'Haven'. You've got five minutes to get here or we're shutting off the floo and will carry on without you."

Harry waved his wand and the flames died down. They both stepped back which was a good thing because a few seconds later, the body of their friend stepped out if the fire, eyes still wide. "I say he was faster Hermione," Harry laughed as he extended a hand to shake.

Ron had other ideas and pulled him into a brotherly hug. "Where the hell have you been you stupid prat!" Ron said while grinning broadly.

"Good to see you too Ron," Harry said and then they both felt themselves being wrapped by Hermione's arms. They were all relishing in the feeling of having all of both of their best friends together again.

"I don't suppose you're ready to tell us anything yet?" Ron asked as he looked Harry over. Harry shook his head and Ron rolled his eyes. "Never changes does he?" he said to Hermione. Ron surveyed the room and said, "Nice place... very muggle."

"I suppose I should feed you before you start whining," Harry joked and moved to the kitchen. "Make yourself at home. I don't have that much variety here, did you want something special to eat?" Harry asked.

Hermione just shook her head and smiled as Ron looked around, "Whatever, just food." Hermione continued to just watch Harry and noticed how comfortable he seemed. Hermione had never really known Harry to be at ease like this but there was some small part of her that felt something wasn't quite right. She shook her head thinking that it was just everything that had happened to him but couldn't get the feeling out of the back of her mind.

"Oy! What do you need with four bedrooms?" Ron exclaimed from down the hall.

"Well, Hedwig needs her own place," Harry said as gathered the ingredients for supper, "and then mine. I really didn't think about it, I liked the location."

"Me too Harry," Hermione added now looking out the windows.

Ron came back in and noticed the large ornate knife encrusted with jewels on the large television. "What do you have a knife like this for?" he asked as he started to reach for the knife sitting in a stand on the television.

Before Hermione knew what happened, Harry disappeared from the kitchen and appeared in front of Ron and grabbed his hand before he could touch the knife and she saw the terror in Harry's eyes. "Don't touch it!" Harry loudly said.

"Blimey mate!" Ron exclaimed in shock. "I wasn't going to break it."

"It's not that," Harry said sounding very nervous. "It's a cursed blade. The Blade of Annumal. If it draws your blood, you only have a year to live."

Hermione gasped and Ron yelled, "Then why the hell do you have something like that out!"

"I'm not used to people being around Ron," Harry quickly replied. "I kept a lot of items from the war that make me remember things I need to. Just don't touch it ok?" Harry said and went back to the kitchen.

"So what happens, do you just keel over or what?" Ron asked still looking at the knife.

"That'd be nice," Harry muttered but then calmly said, "After a year, your blood begins to heat up and then starts to boil." Now Ron and Hermione were looking aghast at him but he continued, "Then you kind of just melt from the inside out." He didn't look up from pouring more drinks for his friends.

Hermione watched the exchange and then looked closely at the knife. She was interrupted by Ron saying, "Well then at least turn the bloody television on and take my mind off that thought."

"Hermione, can you help our Muggle-Challenged friend out," Harry said with his mood lightening.

The friends caught Harry up on things that had been happening while he finished cooking and also during the meal. They had finished eating and were sitting on the couch when Ron got a serious look. "You know you've got to go see Mum," Ron said. "She's having kittens not knowing anything about you."

"I know," Harry cautiously replied.

"Did Hermione tell you about...um...Ginny?" Ron sheepishly said.

"Yes, she told me," Harry quickly replied. "It's for the best, trust me," Harry confidently said and then saw Hermione give Ron a look that told him to drop it. It still amazed Harry that they could tell so much about each other from little looks.

"Come over for the Holidays," Ron quickly said. "You know mum'll make you stay for a few days so she can mother you," he joked.

Harry looked pleadingly at Hermione who rolled her eyes and said, "I was only going to go for Christmas day but it would be like old times to stay a couple days."

"Brilliant!" Ron exclaimed. "I'll just tell her that Hermione is coming and then you just show up. This will make her Holiday."

Hermione had come over every evening for supper until she went to her parents for a couple days before traveling to the Burrow. On her last evening at Harry's, the two were sitting on the couch where Hermione still wanted to have contact with him and she asked, "So, how are you going to handle Ginny?"

Harry didn't think long and then said, "I've actually been thinking about that. At first I was just relieved that I wouldn't have to break off with her but now I'm a bit annoyed that she did that. I guess I'll just handle it like we were both Gryffindors, nothing more."

"That's not how I'd handle it," Hermione offered.

"True, but I've learned to live with my faults and know I could never be as perfect as you," Harry joked back.

On the afternoon before Christmas, Harry apparated to the end of the lane leading up to the Burrow. Hermione was supposed to already be there and Ron had said that the rest of the kids were only coming for Christmas day so there shouldn't be many people at the Burrow when he first got there. It was cold and there was already snow on the ground so Harry quickly cast a warming charm and slowly walked up the lane, remembering all the good times he had at the Burrow.

When he got to the door he heard Mrs. Weasley yell, "Ronald Weasley you quit giving Hermione so much grief or she won't want to come back." This made Harry smile brightly as he knocked on the door.

Harry saw the door knob turn and as soon as it was pulled open he said, "Hello Mrs. Weasley."

The woman's eyes got huge and she exclaimed, "My dear lord!" as she engulfed him into a bone crushing hug. She didn't let up at all as she said, "You're back, you're really back!"

"I'm back," Harry said hugging the woman in return. "I've missed you all terribly."

She pulled him inside, not bothering to wipe the tears and again hugged him. "Are you ok? Did the others know?" she said as the tears continued to flow.

Harry nodded his head and she looked behind her to see Ron and Hermione beaming in the doorway. "We wanted to surprise you mum!" Ron said.

"Oh I just can't believe it," she said looking him over. "All my children will be back this year. Oh, thank Merlin."

"All?" Harry questioned, looking at Ron. He didn't know Percy had gotten back on speaking terms with the rest of the family.

"Oh, the git will make an appearance Christmas day for a few minutes. Then Bill and Fred will chuck him back out," Ron laughed.

"You will be staying here for a few days won't you?" Molly asked with a pleading look.

"As long as I'm no trouble, I'd love to," Harry replied feeling more at home than he had in a long, long time.

"Trouble? My dear boy nothing would make me happier," she said as she quickly rummaged through a cupboard and pulled out two wrapped presents. "You missed two years here, but I saved your presents," she said, handing him the packages.

"Thank you!" Harry said blushing and saw the snickers from Ron and Hermione looking like she could cry.

"You go put those up in the twins old room. Hermione is staying in Percy's. Oh, I've got so much to do," Molly said sounding very cheerful.

The three friends were in the living room later that afternoon when they heard the door open. "Molly, I'm home" came the voice of Arthur Weasley.

"Oh Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, "Isn't it just wonderful?"

"You're in a jolly mood dear," Mr. Weasley said. "What brought this on?"

"It's been so long since all the children would be here for the Holiday," Mrs. Weasley cheerfully replied as she continued to busy herself.

"But dear," Arthur said, "they were all here last year as well."

"Not all of them," Molly said as she led directed her husband's attention to the clock on the wall where he saw Harry's hand pointing to 'Home'.

Harry had to sit next to Mrs. Weasley for the meal and she was just like Hermione, continuing to lean over just to touch his arm or rub his back. Ron kept snickering at this but it really didn't embarrass Harry much. Molly also kept pushing more food onto Harry's plate.

"Mum!" Ron exclaimed. "You're going to make him sick. It's not like when we were in school, he's been eating fine."

"Well yes but he hasn't had home cooked food now has he," Molly quickly responded. Seeing that Harry had indeed stopped eating, she said, "Did you try on your jumpers Harry? I went up and enlarged them a bit while you were outside. I didn't expect you to grow so much."

"Um...No, I haven't tried them on yet," Harry said and then saw Hermione nod her head toward the stairs. Harry knew she expected him to go try them on. "Why don't I go put one on right now?"

"Oh, would you?" Molly asked.

"Told you she'd mother you to death," Ron said before being hit on the shoulder by his mother.

Harry made his way up to his room and looked at the jumper. It was a dark green with a golden letter H on the front. He held it up and looked around the room, letting the feeling of content flow across him. He hadn't felt so peaceful in a long time. Shaking out of this, he pulled off his current shirt and took the jumper over to the mirror. The angle he stood made the scar on his side stand out in the light from the room. Absent mindedly he raised his left arm and then traced the outline of the scar from behind his left shoulder down to his waistband on the side. He let his mind wander to the events that caused him to receive this car.

Harry was still thinking about that when he heard Mrs. Weasley exclaim, "Dear Lord!" She had just come to the door but moved quickly to Harry's side. He hadn't wanted anyone to see the scar and silently cursed himself. "What in Merlin's name happened?" Molly asked.

Before she could answer, Harry heard another gasp and then "Blimey mate!" Now Ron and Hermione were at the door as well.

Before he could say anything, Mrs. Weasley said, "Well, we'll just go get that removed next week. I don't suppose you had proper care at the time." Molly was examining the scar closely.

"Why didn't you get that taken care of before now?" Hermione asked, looking very concerned.

"I tried," Harry admitted. "I saw quite a few people about it, but there's no way to get rid of it."

Now Hermione stepped closer to examine the scar. Harry started to pull on the new jumper but Hermione stopped him. "We can try again Harry," Molly said. "Arthur will find someone."

"That's ok Mrs. Weasley," Harry said, finally pulling the new jumper down, covering the scar. "Kingsley put me in contact with some of the best people but it won't go away. It's ok, really."

Now Hermione seemed to realize something and looked up at Harry with a very pained expression. Harry knew what she wanted to ask so he barely nodded his head at her with an equally sad expression. The three were still watching Harry closely when Hermione suddenly put her hand to her mouth and nervously said, "I'm sorry but I just remembered something I had to do at home." She quickly turned leaving Ron and Mrs. Weasley stunned and added as she walked out, "Thank you for inviting me Mrs. Weasley but I really have to go."

As she hurried out the door, Ron yelled, "Hermione! What's wrong?" Before Ron could catch her, Hermione had Disapparated leaving Ron stunned. He turned back to Harry and said, "What's with her? She's seen you hurt before."

"That was very queer," Molly said looking strangely at Harry.

"Well you know Hermione," Harry said hoping to change the subject, "when she gets an idea to do something, there's no stopping her. Maybe she'll be back tomorrow."

"I guess so," Ron said walking out of the room still shaking his head.

Harry and Ron sat around the rest of the evening playing chess and talking with Mr. & Mrs. Weasley. Mrs. Weasley kept trying to make sure Harry was taking care of himself. "Are you sure you won't just move back in here dear?" Molly asked looking at Harry.

Ron rolled his eyes and tried to contain a laugh while Harry just said, "Thank you for the offer Mrs. Weasley but I've got a decent place of my own."

"Yeah mom, it's a big Muggle apartment overlooking a park. Harry's living just like a Muggle now," Ron said smirking. Harry now gave Ron a glare, knowing Ron was just trying to wind his mom up.

"A Muggle!" Molly exclaimed. "No Harry dear, after everything you've done you cannot go around taking care of yourself like a Muggle. Now you just move in here and I'll take care of everything for you."

Ron was doing all he could to hold back his laughs and even Mr. Weasley was looking like he was about to burst as well but Harry calmly said, "Thanks for the offer, but right now it's best if I just do things on my own. You know I've never really had the chance to just be on my own before."

"Yes well I suppose if that's what you really want," she said sounding disappointed.

Harry quickly added, "But, if I'm ever stuck with something or just can't do it myself, I promise to pop over if you don't think it would be too much trouble."

"Trouble?" Molly said beaming. "You'll never be trouble for me dear. You come over any time."

After a bit more talking, everyone seemed to be getting tired and all went to bed. It didn't take Harry long to realize he couldn't sleep. His mind was stuck on Hermione and how he was going to deal with her knowing about the scar. He waited until he knew the others would be asleep and then made his way back downstairs where he went outside and sat in the swing and stared out into the dark.

Inside, there was a soft 'pop' and the youngest Weasley appeared in the kitchen of the Burrow. Ginny had just gotten home from spending time with Dean Thomas since he wouldn't be able to come over for Christmas. His parents insisted that he stay around his family for the entire day. She was about to make her way up to her bed when she heard the faint squeak of the swing outside. Not knowing who would still be up ad this hour she quietly poked her head outside and was shocked by the image of a dark-haired boy sitting alone on the swing. Knowing exactly who it was, she flung the door open, causing Harry to jump up and she engulfed him in a tight hug. "Harry!" Ginny exclaimed.

For a second, Harry hugged her back tightly and then remembered the current situation with her and just patted her on the back before letting his arms fall. She seemed surprised and said, "How long have you been back? It's so good to see you."

Harry stepped back and was surprised by his emotions. When Hermione told him about Ginny seeing Dean, he was relieved but right now he felt hurt by Ginny doing that to him so soon after he left to go fight. "I've been in London for a few months but just saw Ron and Hermione a couple weeks ago." Harry calmly said and then with an icy voice asked, "How's Dean?"