Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/27/2003
Updated: 12/12/2003
Words: 13,916
Chapters: 3
Hits: 8,782

Wayward Cupid


Story Summary:
"He wasn't quite sure how it had happened. One minute he'd been leisurely walking the length of the pitch, broom in hand, and the next he'd found himself backed into the wooden building by a stamping, snorting, hairy... thing. It was heavy. And smelled a bit like wet socks and cabbage. And was currently leaning into his stomach, slowly pressing the breath out of him." A D/G Christmas adventure featuring a smitten reindeer, nefarious Christmas elves, a dastardly kidnapping, 'Father Christmas' Atlas to Christmas Town,' the misuse of Christmas powder, a daring rescue, a hungry Yeti, and the appropriate use of mistletoe.

Chapter 01

"He wasn't quite sure how it had happened. One minute he'd been leisurely walking the length of the pitch, broom in hand, and the next he'd found himself backed into the wooden building by a stamping, snorting, hairy...

Words: 4,504
Hits: 4,658
Chapter 02

"He'd always figured Granger for being the hidden jewel in Gryffindor - although he would rather be stabbed in the eye with a hot poker than admit he found her intellect sexy; as it was, he was tempted to slip into the kitchen for a spoon and carve out his slightly undersized heart for thinking the words 'hidden jewel' and 'Granger' in the same context. But the little Weasley was, well, he suspected

Words: 4,856
Hits: 2,069
Chapter 03

"They'd followed the lovable traitor - no, not lovable; entirely the

Words: 4,556
Hits: 2,055