The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Tom Riddle
Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/02/2003
Updated: 11/24/2003
Words: 14,622
Chapters: 18
Hits: 15,073

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Merlin

sherlock holmes

Story Summary:
Harry is sad, and is bugged by a voice in his head. Shocking revelations about his ancestors. Harry gains his powers. A new prophecy.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
New powers, new news...

Chapter 5

Come, Tell Me How You Live

The light from Voldemort's wand sealed the room.

"It is time for a chat, my boy. Why don't you start? Tell me about your life with the Muggles."

"Why should I?"

"Why so hostile, my child? Well, let me break the ice. I shall start with my story. As you already know, my father deserted my mother when he learnt that she was a witch. My mother died soon after naming me."

"Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Precisely. I changed it, of course, later. Well, I was put in this orphanage called Whitechapel. There was a woman called Hannah there. She was kind to me. Everyone else there hated me. They treated me like filth. Especially the manager, whose favourite pastime was to whip the children of the orphanage. Stupid Muggles!" Voldemort's eyes flashed. Instinctively, Harry put out his hand and placed it on his shoulder. This calmed him. Realising what he'd done, Harry quickly withdrew his hand. Voldemort continued with his narrative. "It was there that I discovered my Parseltongue ability. The letter from Hogwarts was my greatest pleasure. I'd dreamt of being there ever since I read my mother's dying letter to me. Hannah took me out to Diagon Alley. So far, all was well. I was sorted into Slytherin. I already knew I was the heir of Slytherin. People here avoided me as well, even though I was their star seeker from my second year onwards. I was called 'freak' by everyone, including my own house fellows. However, I made a friend, from Ravenclaw. Lili. The only friend I've ever had in my life. She died, though, killed by Grindelwald, who was looking for me, as they thought me to be the last and ultimate Dark Lord of the Circle of Darkness. Dumbledore defeated him. I discovered the Chamber of Secrets. I'd never meant to kill the girl, it happened quite accidentally. Anyway, when I was in danger of being sent to the orphanage forever, I put the blame on Hagrid, and put my memories in a diary. I quite liked him, and felt sorry for him, but what else could I do? Hannah had died. The new warden treated me even worse than the manager. I ran away from there. I killed my father and my grandparents, the root cause of all my misery. Back in school, I took the name Lord Voldemort. The rest is history."

Harry looked at him steadily. "It's a pity you wasted your life, Riddle. You would have been loved by the wizard community if you had stayed on the right path."

"Don't call me that! NEVER! Crucio!"

Harry merely waved the curse away with his hand. Voldemort looked shocked. "How did you do that?"

"Uh, I don't really know, Voldemort. Tell me how you met my grandmother."

"Oh, yes, Ursula. She was Dumbledore's niece, though I doubt if he knows about her. Her father, Aberforth Dumbledore, gave her to Muggles as soon as he discovered that she was a squib. The Headmaster was probably told that she'd died or something. Anyway, she was very pretty, and I was quite handsome too. I was in Muggle London one day when I saw her. It started with simple flirting, but soon it was a full fledged affair. She never knew that I was Voldemort, though. She knew me only as Tom Riddle. She was married to this man Evans, at that time, though I didn't bother to find out the name then. I used to tell her that if I ever had a daughter, I would name her Lily, after my friend. So you see where your mother got her name from. Anyway, I left for Africa, to pursue the path to power and immortality. When I came back after several years, I couldn't find her. I realised that she had died. She and Evans died in a car accident soon after Lily's graduation. This also I learnt recently."

"Why did you suddenly take it on your head to trace out your dead love's family?"

"Actually, I was looking into your family history, Harry. Just for fun. I hadn't paid much attention to Lily's eyes when I killed her. But a few months back, at the Ministry, I noticed your eyes. You've seen Tom Riddle, Harry. Didn't you recognise your own eyes in his face?"

Harry's mind flew back to the Chamber of Secrets. He could see Tom. He could see Tom's eyes. Yes, Voldemort was right.


"Now, it is your turn, my child. Tell me your story."

Harry narrated his life with the Dursleys, the rescue by Hagrid, and then stopped after the Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony. "You know the rest. You've plagued me ever since."

"Just notice the parallels, my boy. Our lives have been quite similar."

"I guess so."

"Are your O.W.L.S. out yet?"


"Do tell me when you get them. I believe I still hold the record."

"Hermione will break it."

"I doubt it. I think you will."

Harry laughed at the very idea.

"You may leave now, Harry. But think it over. I'll be waiting for your answer. I'll send you regular owls. Keep in touch. Severus!"

Snape came in and bowed. "Yes, Master?"

"Take him back."

"Very well, Master."

As Harry turned to leave, Voldemort said softly, "Goodbye, Harry, take care."

Harry grinned at him and said, "Seeya, Grandpa!" as the Portkey activated.