The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Tom Riddle
Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/02/2003
Updated: 11/24/2003
Words: 14,622
Chapters: 18
Hits: 15,073

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Merlin

sherlock holmes

Story Summary:
Harry is sad, and is bugged by a voice in his head. Shocking revelations about his ancestors. Harry gains his powers. A new prophecy.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
New powers, new news...

Chapter 4

Appointment With Death

It was midnight when Severus Snape returned. He was pretty happy with the things he'd found out from Wormtail that day, but the task which Lord Voldemort had set him made him really unhappy. He could think of no reason to escape the task without compromising his position, which would certainly result in his death. He was not afraid of death, but he was pragmatic. His death would seriously inconvenience Dumbledore. But he couldn't jeopardise the boy's life.

He made his way to the Hospital Wing. Dumbledore and Harry were quietly talking there. They stopped when they saw him. Harry looked relieved.

"Come Severus," said Dumbledore, "we've been waiting for you."

"Potter should have rested, Headmaster. He isn't very strong yet. Not after a blast which knocked out the Dark Lord."

"Did I really knock him out?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yes, indeed, Potter," a ghost of a smile flickered across the sour face, "Pettigrew informed me. He was apparently in great agony when you blasted him, so Pettigrew went to help him. Obviously, he sent him away. When Pettigrew looked in after a few minutes, the Dark Lord was lying senseless on an armchair. The coward ran away, of course. However, he soon regained consciousness, and enough strength to summon us. But yes, he was weak today, he didn't perform a single curse himself."

Harry laughed. "And he asked you to bring me to him, right?"

Both his teachers stared at him in utter astonishment. "How did you know?" Professor Snape asked.

"I don't know. I just did. I can almost feel his apprehension....his excitement...he is scared...angry...he wants me..." Harry trailed off, his eyes misty.

The next thing he felt was pain. He put his hand to his cheek. Someone had slapped him hard.

"Harry! Come back!" He heard Dumbledore's voice.

He looked at them and smiled. "Sorry," he said, "Got carried away. So, Professor, what time do we leave?"

"You're not going."

"He'll kill you if I don't."

"I'll find a way out."

"I want to go with you. Rest assured, he won't harm me. He just wants to talk."


"We leave at 10:30 am. Be ready, Professor."

"I'm not taking you, Potter, your life is very precious."

"No more than yours. And I'm telling you, he will not harm me. He wants me to join him. He will bargain with me."

"I shall accompany you both," said Dumbledore.

"No," said Harry, "that will reveal Professor Snape's loyalties, resulting in his death."

"Very well, Harry. You shall take him, Severus. Make a Portkey."

"Yes, Headmaster."


Harry woke up early next morning. Thankfully, he had not had any nightmares. He had a hearty breakfast with his two teachers. After they had finished, Dumbledore accompanied them to Professor Snape's office. A Portkey has been made (it was a coin).

"Take care," said Dumbledore, as Harry and Snape touched the Portkey. Harry smiled at the Headmaster before feeling the familiar jerk at his navel. When the reeling stopped, they were in The Riddle House, Little Hangleton. Lord Voldemort, seated on a sofa, rose to greet them as they appeared.

"Welcome, Harry, to your grandfather's humble dwelling."

Harry smiled coldly. "Thank you," he said.

Lord Voldemort turned to Snape. "Well done, Severus. Now, leave us."

Snape bowed and left. Voldemort turned to Harry and scrutinised him. Harry's scar was aching like hell, but he didn't flinch. He gazed steadily at Voldemort, wondering how this odious man could be his grandfather, his nearest relative.

"You are not well," said Voldemort softly.

"Of course I'm not. You knew that very well before getting Snape to bring me here."

Voldemort laughed. "You're right, Harry. I'm wondering how Severus managed to pull it off, though."

"Rather simple, actually. He told Dumbledore that he will take me to Hogsmeade."

"And the old fool fell for that?"

"Apparently, yes."

"Anyway, what do you say? Will you join me, my boy?"


"Do you know the consequences?"

"I guess so."

"Still you refuse?"


"I'm surprised at your stupid bravery. From your father, no doubt. Where has my Slytherin blood gone?"

Harry merely laughed. Then he looked straight into Voldemort's eyes and hissed, "I believe our meeting is over. You have my answer. Can I leave?"

It was Voldemort's turn to laugh. "Of course not," he said and a jet of light burst from his wand.