Mrs. Weasley's Sugar Pills


Story Summary:
This story of Bill and Fleur's wedding from the perspective of the trio and Ginny Weasley. And why is Mrs. Weasley so interested in what is going on? The story comes from multiple Points of View and has several retrospectives back to HBP. Please bear with the perspective shifts, as this is a bit of a "non-linear" tale.

Chapter 05 - Plans and Suspicions

Chapter Summary:
Another chapter for you R/Hr shippers as we finally see what happened by that lake...and Hermione begins to see the depth of Ron's feelings before he really does. Most importantly, our characters also start to suspect a method to Mrs. Weasley's madness.


The last song of the night was finally finished and Ron took Hermione's hand as they strolled over to a banquet table. He was a little sad that the wedding was over and he had not had the opportunity to talk to Bill, really...or Percy. On the other hand, considering what he had gotten sorted this night, he figured it was a fair sacrifice. Ron wanted to enjoy a few minutes alone with Hermione at a table before they walked down the little road to the nearby town.

In truth, besides wanting a couple of more minutes to enjoy Hermione's company, Ron was a little worried about talking to Harry and Ginny just then. Ron was a bit nervous about Harry's reaction to the obvious change in Hermione's and Ron's relationship. Ron didn't think Harry would be angry, really, but Ron was hoping that it would not be awkward. Ron didn't want things to change in the way Harry treated them.

Ron did not think it would matter, not with as good of friends as they all were, but there was always the chance. Also, when Harry had abruptly gotten together with Ginny last year the group dynamic had been better, actually. Ron thought of those few weeks as some of the best he'd had at Hogwarts. Ginny was his little sister and could barely take care of herself, it was true, but she certainly was fun to hang out with. Ron thought she was a laugh-a-minute; at least when she wasn't getting herself into trouble.

But Ron still felt a bit off-balance at seeing Harry snog Ginny again. Ron didn't trust himself to go over and have an amicable conversation right then. He was still a little suspicious of Harry and his uncertain behavior towards Ginny in the past few months.

As he pulled out a chair for Hermione to sit in, Ron glanced in Harry's direction and they were talking earnestly together. If Ron had to guess, they were making some kind of plan. If Ron had to guess again, they were probably trying to plan how to avoid an awkward situation with himself and Hermione.

Ron heard Hermione make an appreciative noise at having the chair pulled out for her, and Ron grunted in reply. Ron glanced at Harry and Ginny again as he began sliding the chair back under Hermione for her to sit. He heard Hermione let out a little squeak as the chair hit the back of her knees hard, knocking her off balance. She fell sitting on the chair with a thump.

"Sorry!" said Ron sheepishly. Hermione was looking up at him huffily.

"Sit down, Ronald, and quit looking at Harry like you want to hoist him up by his ankle."

"Uh, Okay," responded Ron.

Ron settled himself in the chair next to Hermione facing her, taking one of her hands in his. Her face softened immediately, and she put her other hand on top of his.

"Big night for everyone, don't you think?" said Hermione.

"Yeah," said Ron fighting the urge to glance at Harry and Ginny again.

"So," said Hermione with a little sigh. "What do we say to Harry...and Ginny?"

Ron thought for a second, his brow furrowed. Hermione began to smile at him a little as he sat thinking.

"Dunno," said Ron. "What do you reckon we should say?"

"Well," began Hermione, "I think maybe we should all sit right down and discuss it fully and make sure that any questions anyone has are addressed. If everything is discussed fully at the outset, there cannot be any surprises later,"

To Ron, that sounded about the surest way to make him and Harry completely miserable...or perhaps put them to sleep.

"C'mon, 'Mione. This isn't a Potions project. That seems to be overdoing it a bit, isn't it? We're not forming a committee here."

Hermione looked a little hurt. "You have an alternative?" she asked flatly.

Ron knew he had put his foot wrong and leaned forward to kiss Hermione on the cheek to take away the sting of his words. He was just going to have to start learning to control his idiot tongue. He didn't like to be the one to put that hurt look on her face.

"Sorry," he said earnestly. "I'll get this 'not being a git' thing down eventually; maybe ten or twenty...years."

The hurt lingered for a second on Hermione's face but she said, "It's allright. But do you have any other ideas?"

"Yeah, I do," said Ron, feeling a mild inspiration take hold. "Let's just all go to Fred and George's party and say...nothing."

"Nothing?" asked Hermione skeptically.

"Nothing," said Ron firmly.

"Ron, don't you think that might be a bit awkward to not even address the issues."

Ron could see Hermione's point, but he was feeling pretty confident in the brainwave he was having. Indeed, now that he was looking at the whole situation, it amused him thoroughly. Hermione was the smart one, though, and much more in touch with people's emotions than Ron. He figured that he better bounce his full idea off of her.

"Well...maybe. You're better at this type of thing than I am, Hermione, so tell me what you think," said Ron, pausing to gather his thoughts and frowning, wishing he could say things just right as he had by the lakeside.

Hermione was looking at him attentively and smiling slightly again.

"See, here's the thing," said Ron. "We are in a pretty awkward situation no matter what, aren't we? I mean look at it. You and Harry and I have all been best friends since the first year of school. What's that...six years? But suddenly you and I are off dancing and snogging. Now I don't know about you, but even with Harry around while we are hunting the Horcruxes, I am not going to pass up the occasional snog with you, whether he feels like a third wheel or not. You are too good at snogging, and there are some things I won't give up even for my best mate."

Hermione laughed and tried to make a tut-tut sound at him, but it just came out as another chuckle. Ron laughed too.

"Meanwhile, Harry is off snogging my little sister in front of me, her parents and her five other older brothers. That is beside the fact that he has known Ginny since she was ten years old, she used to have a massive crush on him, and he recently dumped her."

"Well, that is a pretty good summary, Ron, but what is your point?" asked Hermione squeezing his hand again, and biting her lower lip to hold back a laugh. She obviously did not know how attractive that little gesture made her look even though she did it all the time. It was...well...just plain sexy is what it was.

Ron continued with a grin, "I'm not even finished. Let's now add to that the fact that your ex-boyfriend, who I have been insanely jealous of for about two and a half years, is here and will probably be back at the hotel when we get into town..."

"Ronald, he wasn't my 'boyfriend,'" interrupted Hermione, her smile faltering.

"Wait for it," said Ron with an ironic smile. "So we've got the ex-boyfriend. On top of that we have my parents, who I have no idea how they will react to all of this. Then we have your parents who are going to be extremely surprised as well, and probably wanting to re-think you going off on an 'independent study' alone with your new boyfriend..."

"Boyfriend..." mused Hermione teasingly, picking up on Ron's mood again. She released Ron's hands to straighten the collar of his dress robes affectionately. "I like the sound of that much better on you than on...anyone else."

"You better," said Ron. "But if you add that up, what do you get?"

"An absolutely impossible situation," she answered, shaking her head. Her hands were still resting on his shoulders

"Exactly!" exclaimed Ron. "There is nothing we can do to make that situation comfortable. Sod it. I just want to have fun this weekend with you and all of the other people that I love. Let what happens, happen. We may not get another chance for months ... years, maybe."

Hermione looked at Ron very seriously for a moment, and Ron thought he might have said something wrong again. As she stared at him, Ron started to feel the urge to fidget under her searching gaze.

"What?" he asked defensively.

Suddenly she wrapped her arms around Ron's neck and gave him a very tender and lingering kiss. When she pulled back, she was smiling a very sultry smile.

"What was that for?" Ron asked, perplexed. This must mean she liked his idea.

"Sometimes, Ron," she began in a very smoky voice, "you can be so wonderful, and you don't even know why."

Ron opened his mouth, but had no idea how to respond to that.

Hermione's smile broadened and she leaned back away from him into her chair. She said briskly, "I think it is a brilliant idea, Ron. You are absolutely right."

Ron looked at her, feeling completely out of his depth. "Mental," he thought. "Women are mental!"

"Shall we go and gather up Harry and Ginny, then?" asked Hermione, smiling that smoky smile again.

"Okay..." he said suddenly wishing he had the Lake's charm with him again so that he wouldn't feel so flustered.

Hermione stood up and took Ron's hand and started to lead him across the dance floor to where Harry and Ginny stood. As he trailed behind her, Ron noticed that there was a subtle sway in Hermione's walk that he had never noticed before. He felt a bit like he was being mesmerized.

"It must be this muggle gown. I really like that thing," he thought dully.

Just before they reached Harry and Ginny, Hermione glanced back at him over her shoulder with a little smile curving her lips. She had caught him staring at her bottom and he felt his ears grow a bit hot. She bit her lower lip again as if to suppress a laugh and Ron could have sworn that she did it on purpose this time. At that moment, Ron had the distinct impression that he was a mouse caught between the paws of a very beautiful cat.


As Ron had suggested, they had not discussed the various events of the wedding, and Harry and Ginny had seemed content to let it rest for now, as well. The four of them had seemed to enter into a silent agreement to avoid the issue. As a result, there had been no awkwardness among them whatsoever.

Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione were now walking four abreast on the little country road that led to the local town and the hotel that had been completely taken over by the Weasley clan and their guests. The village was just a short way down the road, and they were already walking by some of the outer houses of the town. Hermione had her arm twined through Ron's as they walked along, and she was feeling quite contented, but giddily nervous at the same time.

Ginny knew the details of the Twins' planned weekend festivities, which included an after-party that night in the Twins' large adjoining rooms for the young people, and a more general affair for everyone the next night.

Oddly enough, Harry had not protested that anyone was leaving the next day, and had not even blanched at the concept of staying through the weekend which was implied by the general conversation. Hermione knew that must be a result of what happened between him and Ginny that night. She decide not to mention it so as to avoid violating the unspoken moratorium on such discussion.

At least, she wouldn't mention it until she got Ginny alone. At that point, she would be able to speak openly with her friend. She needed some quick input from Ginny tonight about Ron and about...Hermione's new plan. She checked her watch and saw that it was 1:00 AM. Too late for tonight, but they had the whole weekend ahead of them.

They turned onto the well-lit street and could see a small crowd of people from the wedding a short way ahead. The crowd was in front of the hotel, which was only a few doors down from where Hermione and the others were walking.

Hermione took the opportunity to pretend she stumbled a bit. She leaned into Ron for support, and he caught her, holding her up easily. "You allright?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"Oh, I'm fine," she said breathlessly, gripping Ron's arm tightly. "Something is just wrong with my shoe."

"Oh...right...what can I do?" Ron asked earnestly. Hermione had a feeling he was about to offer to carry her. While that might be enjoyable, she needed to get Ginny alone for a moment.

"You okay over there?" Harry asked brightly. He was looking happier than at any time since Dumbledore's death.

"Her shoe..." Ron answered.

"Ginny?" Hermione asked, looking at Ginny significantly. "Do you think you could give me a hand with these? You told me these shoes had a trick heal when I borrowed them, and I am not sure how to fix it."

"Right," said Ginny. "It's caused by the ankle-soothing charm. I can fix it in a couple of minutes." Hermione knew Ginny would pick up the hint.

"Why don't you two go on ahead," said Hermione.

"It'll only take a second," said Ginny.

"It's kind of dark out here..." said Ron uncertainly.

Harry was looking at Hermione and Ginny suspiciously.

"We'll be fine, Ron," said Ginny sarcastically. "You can't stay here and watch. The things girls do to look pretty for prats like you and Harry are secret, so just go on ahead. We'll only be right here, so you can rush to our aid if a crumple-horned snorcack shows up."

Ron started to look stubborn and Hermione thought Ginny may have overdone it. Harry looked like he had caught on and stepped into the breach.

"C'mon, Mate," said Harry with a grin. "Let them do what they have to do."

As they moved on, Hermione heard Harry mention something about some message Mrs. Weasley had given Harry to give to Ron. Harry was scratching his head as if he was having trouble remembering the message.

Hermione removed her shoe and Ginny took out her wand. They put their heads together as if they were studying the shoe, and Hermione whispered seriously, "I need some help."

"What's up?" Ginny asked, hearing the note in Hermione's voice.

"I need to get Ron alone tomorrow night?"

Ginny wore an exasperated expression but she was smiling. "Is that all?" she asked. "I thought you had something good. Just go for a walk in the garden or something. This whole town is supposed to be unplottable like the Druid's Burm, so it's perfectly safe."

Hermione bent lower over the shoe and felt extremely embarrassed. Hermione could not believe she was even considering this, but...

"Er...'s not what I mean. I mean that I need to get Ron ALONE tomorrow night," said Hermione in a very small voice. She felt heat rising from her neck all the way up to her hairline.

Ginny's hand stopped fidgeting with the shoe and she froze. After a few long silent moments, Hermione looked up uncertainly at Ginny. Ginny wore a stunned expression as she stared at Hermione.

Hermione made an anguished face. Hermione did not have a lot of female friends and Ginny was by far the closest of those few. Hermione knew it must be uncomfortable at times for Ginny to discuss Ron's love life ad nauseum with Hermione, particularly in the last few months. Even worse, the topic that Hermione and Ginny were now discussing for the first time might be too much for Ginny. Hermione suddenly worried that Ginny might become angry or embarrassed. Hermione had never had the Weasleys' talent for making friends, and losing her one source of close female companionship and support would be far too much to bear.

Suddenly Ginny gave Hermione a one-armed hug around her shoulders and smiled affectionately. "I think we will end up sisters, you and I," said Ginny softly. "Of course, I will do whatever I can to help."

Hermione knees weakened as relief flooded through her. She felt tears burning behind her eyes as she looked at her friend. "Thank you, Ginny. Thank you for everything these past few months."

"Oh, don't mention it tart," teased Ginny and they shared a giddy laugh.

After a few minutes Ginny asked, "Not that I need any further shock, but what brought this on?"

"Well," said Hermione, "Ron said something a little while ago. Honestly, I am not even sure he knew he said it..."

Suddenly, Hermione was interrupted as she heard Ron roar, "BLOODY HELL! NO BLOODY WAY!"

She turned to see Harry with a surprised look on his face, his hands half-raised defensively. Ron was walking back towards Hermione and Ginny. Several people from the hotel were looking in their direction. Some were alarmed and some amused.

For a horribly mortified instant, Hermione thought Ron had overheard what she and Ginny were discussing, and was protesting the idea. Then she thought that Ron must be coming for Ginny, about something Harry had told him. But Ron was staring directly at Hermione, however, and there was no doubt he was coming for her. His eyes were not angry, just agitated and ... excited.

Ron grabbed Hermione by the shoulders and said loudly, "She lied! My own mum!"

"Wh...What?" asked Hermione unsteadily.

"It was just an Imperturbable Charm and an immobilized whumping willow! THE LAKE, HERMIONE!" shouted Ron.

Ginny was holding her wand like she was getting ready to use it on Ron and sort things out later. "What in the hell are you talking about, Ron?!" asked Ginny.

"An Imperturbable Charm?" thought Hermione as the gears of her brain started to move again. She gently pulled out of Ron's grip and slipped the "broken" shoe back on her foot more to have something to do besides stand and gape rather than for any desire for footwear. "I thought an imperturbable charm might cause that effect on sound."

Ron turned to Ginny and said loudly, "Mum did it herself! She just did it 'cause she thought it made everything look pretty and she liked the way it made the night sound. She didn't want any drunk people to be hurt by the BLOODY TREE!"

"So," said Hermione as her voice returned. "There were no calming enchantments."

"NO!" said Ron.

"And there were no fears to be magically melted away," said Hermione, smiling now.

"Guess not!" said Ron, a note of pride starting to enter his voice.

"And so you can do all of the right things without it having to be pulled from you by some powerful magic?" asked Hermione.

"Guess so!" said Ron triumphantly. Then he mumbled with a smile, "That lying cow."

"Uh...not to interrupt or anything, but what are you two talking about?" asked Harry.

"I think," said Hermione with finality, "that Mrs. Weasley is up to something."

"Why do you say that, now?" asked Harry in a very guarded and suspicious voice.

Ginny snapped her fingers and laughed. She said, "Sugar pills!"

"Are you all barking mad?" asked Harry, his patience gone as he stared at each of them with a most frustrated look. "What the hell do the lake and sugar pills have to do with anything?"

Hermione barely heard him because her gaze was caught in the blue eyes that stared at her fixedly. In that moment, Hermione and Ron shared together again, those wonderful moments by the lake:


"Uh, Hello, Ron."

Ron figured that if he turned and ran, he could make it back to the reception before Hermione caught him. Of course, he could not think of a more ridiculous thing to do. Instead he took a step forward and said, "Hi, Hermione," as jauntily as he could. It came out sounding a bit like a croak.

He walked towards her. With each step, he knew that he was walking towards the situation he had been trying to avoid all night. In a way he felt that he was walking towards a situation he had been scared to face for years. He felt like a condemned man walking to the headsman.

So why did he begin feeling so happy to get there?

Hermione folded her hands in front of her prettily as she stood there awaiting him. She seemed tense, but he could see her relax, little by little, with each of his approaching footfalls.

Ron realized that she was still quite a distance away, and that they must have been able to hear each other only because of the bewitched lake. That made Ron feverishly search his thoughts for anything he might have said aloud to himself that was too damning, but he couldn't recall.

As he approached her, Ron drank in the sight of her gown and her hair and her glowing face. He felt more and more like he was walking towards something that was going to change their relationship permanently. He felt afraid of that, but excited too.

Ron decided he wouldn't say anything until Hermione did. He was not going to make a prat out of himself this time. He couldn't even tell if he wanted to have this conversation or not. The closer Ron got to her the more he felt that they had to have this conversation; that it was important. But that was not quite right...he also felt more and more like he wanted to have this conversation...that he needed to. That he needed her.

"Time to be a man and get it done and all that rot," he thought as he finally approached within normal speaking distance.

Hermione had taken a deep breath and appeared to be stealing herself. "Ron, we need to talk," she said simply.

"I know. We need to talk about what's been going on between us," Ron replied smoothly, and Ron was amazed at the timber of his own voice. It did not sound nearly as shaky as he felt. In fact, Ron's voice sounded quite confident to his own ears.

Hermione stared at him, an amazed look on her face...and she smiled. She stole a quick glance out at the lake, and her smile widened. "Go on, Ron," she said cheerfully.

Suddenly realizing that he had broached the subject of "us" first, and not been a complete fool about it, Ron felt his timidity leave him altogether. Hermione had not yelled at him or hit him and was actually looking pleased.

Suddenly he felt as if he was on the Quidditch pitch in front of the goal. Not the way he had been in fifth year, but the way he had been when Gryffindor, not Slytherin, sang "Weasley Is Our King." He felt confident, in control, in peak form, as if even the snitch moved in slow motion next to him.

Harry had always told Ron that Ron's problem in Quidditch was Ron's nerves, not a matter of talent or ability. Harry had always told Ron that when Ron was on form and Ron's head was straight, Ron could be a world-class keeper. Ron had long realized that these nerves affected other things in his life besides his Quidditch play.

Well, Ron felt like his head was straight right then. He didn't feel a bit of nerves. What chance did Krum have? What chance did anyone who stood between him and Hermione have? Ron looked down at Hermione's beautiful face. What chance did Hermione have?

Ron felt strong and powerful; like when he had held Hermione at Dumbledore's funeral. Ron realized how slender and small Hermione was, and how he towered over her. He noticed, for the first time, the expectant and hopeful gleam in her eye. She wanted him to be here, he realized. She wanted him to do this.

He felt the developing muscles of his arms and shoulders and he knew that he cut a dashing figure in his dress robes. Even his freckles would not show in this moonlight. He felt all of his insecurities peeling away, one by one.

Ron glanced out at the lake and realized what was going on. It was definitely enchanted. All the things that had kept him hiding from Hermione, everything that had made him hide behind their friendship, it all fell away like the leaves of an artichoke; leaving, ultimately the heart of the matter.

The heart of the matter was this: Ron was sick and tired of feeling terrible around Hermione when she was there, and he was simply not going to go through the even worse feelings when she wasn't there. Any embarrassment or humiliation was better than that. Ron was sick and tired of not being able to eat or sleep or think about anything except Hermione Granger.

He wasn't sure if this was love, because the symptoms were remarkably similar to the time he caught Pixie Spotted Fever, but he knew that he was sick of them nevertheless.

Maybe it was love, because he undoubtedly loved this girl. She was his best friend.

But at that moment he knew that he would see darkness every day that she was not with him and sunlight every time that she smiled. What he felt, looking at her by that lake was different than the love for any friend; but it was part, parcel and total of the love he felt for Hermione Granger.

Maybe this was just the lake making him think these thoughts. In fact, if Hermione had not been smiling up at him so attractively at that moment, he may have used the courage provided by the lake's enchantment to scold her for making him feel like such a ham fisted prat all of the time. Instead Ron walked up very close to Hermione and put on the smile that usually infuriated her most.

He said, in the resonant voice he usually saved for talking about Quidditch, "Hermione, it is absolutely inappropriate for you to come to this wedding and outshine the bride and the fairies and the moon and the lake and all of the beauty of this place. The way you look tonight, you will make me do very foolish things."

"Such as..." she said challengingly.

He laughed and enfolded her in his arms. He looked into her shining eyes for a long moment, and saw a look of surprise and relief there. Then he pulled her to him, nearly lifting her from the ground, and kissed her fiercely.

Ron had expected her to struggle or protest or to do something he wouldn't like. Instead, he felt her arms twine around his neck and she pressed her body against him in a most glorious way. He poured three years of frustration and confusion and missed opportunity into that kiss, and she responded in-kind and with enthusiasm.

After a few wonderfully long moments she pulled back to look him in the eye. His hands held her shoulders and her hair was a dark halo around her pale face as she stared up into his eyes. Her hands sat lightly on his chest, making all of the muscles of his upper body tense. She looked at him from under her long eyelashes and he felt a fire in his belly.

"Ron," said Hermione smiling, her voice husky, "I don't want to be friends anymore."

He chuckled in a much more swashbuckling manner than he could manage anywhere else in the world, and replied cavalierly, "Neither do I, Love!"

He bent closer, now pulling her tenderly to him and kissed her long and soft. Her arms went back around his neck and she leaned gently into him, standing on tiptoes.


Hermione felt Ron's chest muscles dance under his dress robes as he played with her hair. They were lying in the cool grass along the lake side now, and Ron had just checked his watch. It was 11:15 PM. They had been at it for almost a good hour by Hermione's reckoning. Not bad for a first kiss.

Ron had just suggested that they get back to the reception so that no one would worry. But Hermione had protested for five more minutes. She wanted to enjoy this.

Ron smelled just like the Amortentia Potion from last of the three most attractive things to her. She lay with her face pillowed by his chest, and she inhaled deeply.

After they had first kissed, Ron had immediately attempted to get too touchy-feely, of course. Boys always did when you were snogging. Boys were such pigs, after all. "Wonderful pigs," she thought as she snuggled a little deeper into him. She had easily backed him off with only one gentle denial. He had been a pure gentleman after that.

That was a bit more than she could say for herself. About half way through their snogfest, she had pulled him down into the grass in a most unladylike way. But Ron had not tried to take advantage, and he had heeded her first rebuke. She was quite grateful that she had chosen to wear a high necked gown, however, or things may have gotten out of hand.

After more than a little while, the intensity of their kisses had fallen off, and they shared little kisses as they talked and laughed, occasionally punctuated by a renewed snogfest. That's what Hermione had liked the best, he was talking to her. He sounded just like he always had, with a little teasing tone in his voice and his ability to make her giggle in spite of herself.

What had really changed were his eyes. He had never looked at her like this before. It was thrilling. The light in his eyes was gentle and warm and fierce all at the same time. Her heart seemed to speed up every time he looked at her. And while she lay here with her head on his chest, she could here the strong beat of his.

"I like these Muggle gowns," Ron said, "they're quite fetching." Ron's eye was trailing a little too intensely down the curve of her hip. If he kept looking at her like that, Hermione knew that there would be another snogfest, and they would miss the end of the reception entirely.

She kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Silly Man," she teased. And she abruptly stood, extending her hands to help him up.

With a last wistful look that took in her form from her head to her feet, a look that sent a thrill through her, Ron sighed heavily and joined her. She began brushing the grass off his dress robes. She soon got out her wand to make sure that they did not appear to have been recently rolling in the grass.

As she was making the last flourish with the wand, he reached for her hand and looked at her intensely, his confidence already seeming to ebb. "Hermione," he said, "we are going to leave this lake side and I'm not sure that...well, I'm not sure that everything I say will be just right anymore and..."

"Oh Ron!" Hermione interjected laughing, "I didn't just start to like you just now, sitting by this lake. We've known each other for a long time, haven't we? It will be fine."

To herself, Hermione thought, "Love! Not like...Love!"

But of course, that would be a bit too intense for the night of a first kiss. Anyway, she would be damned if she would tell Ronald Weasley she loved him before he said it to her. That was where she drew the proverbial line.

"Okay, then," Ron said cautiously. "As long as you understand that." He was so cute when he was being self-conscious.

Hermione took another quick look at him to see if he was presentable. When she asked him to check her, the clearly appraising smile he gave her bottom when she turned around made her want to hit him and kiss him at the same time. And, of course, she hadn't needed to take that long in turning around.

Now composed, they started to move up the lake trail back towards the garden path. As they circled the giant Whomping Willow and entered the garden, Hermione thought she sensed a slight tremor in its long branches. The Immobulus Charm would be wearing off before too long. She should warn the catering manager so nobody would get hurt. Ron cleared his throat.

"Hermione," Ron said again, sounding anxious, "for tonight...let's not tell anyone, alright? I think it would be a bit of a pain to have to explain all of this to everyone, especially Harry. I'm not really sure what we're going to say to him."

Hermione thought, "Incorrect, Ron. You are supposed to say that you plan to go running through the crowd and trumpeting it to the highest mountain, and then let me suggest that we keep it quiet for tonight."

But Hermione just said in a level tone, "Fine, then."

Ron seemed to sense that he may have said something wrong, because he looked at her cautiously as they made their way up the garden path.

As they walked, Hermione grew more irritated by Ron's suggestion as she thought about it. Did he not want anyone to know he liked her? Was he ashamed of her in some way? Was there some other girl, and he didn't want the other girl to know that he had been off kissing his friend? Hadn't she just spent the better part of an hour snogging him? Shouldn't that entitle her to a little public affection? Was this some long term plan to keep the change in the nature of their relationship secret?

"Oh Dear!" she thought realizing the vehemence of her response. "This may not be any simpler now than before!"

On the other hand, Ron did have a point. Hermione exhaled heavily.

It would be a bit awkward to explain to Ginny and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and Hermione's parents...God! Her parents!...and everyone else at the wedding that she had just spent the last half-hour rolling around in the grass with Ron Weasley, one of her two her best friends for the last six years. She could well imagine all the new and creative retching noises that George and Fred would invent upon hearing the news.

And most of all, she was concerned about Harry's reaction. She wasn't as sure as Mrs. Weasley that this would be a non-issue just because of Ginny and Harry. So Ron did have a point.

"He just should have known better than to make it!" she thought acidly with a grunt.

"What was that?" Ron asked.

"Nothing at all," she said, smiling flatly.

Ron must have taken her smile for encouragement, because he stopped her suddenly at the top of the garden path, softly taking her elbow. Her arm tingled all the way from her wrist to her shoulder.

"Uh, Hermione?" He asked.

"Yes, Ron," replied Hermione.

He ran his hand through his long hair and smiled a little nervously, then began, "Well, I had a bit of a question to ask you earlier."

"Uh Oh," Hermione thought. "Yes," she said.

"Well," continued Ron in a rush, "the whole time we were sitting at the table earlier, I was trying to pluck up the courage to ask you to dance, but I never could. So if the band is still playing, will you dance with me for awhile? I don't think that I am very good at it. The only person I have ever danced with is my Auntie Muriel..." He cut off abruptly, looking sheepish.

"Oh you adorable...!" Hermione thought, feeling her heart expand to bursting. How could he ever think he said anything wrong? He always said things perfectly!

She stood up on tiptoes and kissed him squarely on the cheek. "I would love to dance with you, Ronald," she said and he smiled brightly.

He took her hand and began leading her determinedly off the garden path and back into the reception area towards the dance floor. She followed behind, feeling dopily ecstatic. He was holding her hand in front of all the remaining people!

"Oh yeah," said Ron, looking at her anxiously over his shoulder. "I apologize in advance for your feet."



Standing in the street near the hotel, Hermione and Ron came back to the present. He smiled his lopsided smile and slipped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a light squeeze as they continued towards the hotel.

"So that was just me," Ron said simply.

"Just you," said Hermione happily.

Hermione took a quick glance back at Harry as they walked, and was surprised to see a very worried and thoughtful expression on his face. Hermione heard him mumble, as he leaned close to Ginny, "I think Hermione's right. Your mum is up to something, Ginny."

"Yeah. She is," whispered Ginny thoughtfully catching Hermione's eye. "And I want to know why."


Another non-linear chapter. In writing this chapter, I feel that this is more a resolution of the R/Hr relationship than the last. You have to ask yourself if a relationship is resolved when someone snogs, or is it resolved more when two people start to realize and accept the feelings they have for each other. This will be the last R/Hr chapter for a bit, as we move in the next chapter to our main hero. You will see that he begins to piece together what he has seen over the course of the day and night of the wedding and to realize that it is...important somehow.