General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/06/2003
Updated: 07/15/2004
Words: 111,963
Chapters: 19
Hits: 26,682

Harry Potter and the Labyrinth of the Mind

Sandy Phoenix

Story Summary:
Harry has survived his fifth year at Hogwarts, but so has Lord Voldemort. Having lost the weapon he hoped to gain in the prophecy, Voldemort is launching his most daring plan since his return. Harry is again his target, but this time, he is not a target for death. Will Harry find the power to stop Voldemort's plan and protect the ones he loves? Please read HP and the Order of the Phoenix before reading this story.

Chapter 19

Chapter Summary:
Harry has survived his fifth year, but so has Lord Voldemort. With the loss of the weapon he had hoped to gain with the prophecy, Voldemort has launched his most daring plan since his return. Harry is again the target, but not for death. Can Harry find the strength to stop the Dark Lord and save the ones he loves?
Author's Note:
As ever and always, my love and thanks to my beta, Moriah S. You are an Almighty Beta, dear, and your help has been invaluable. I haven't enough words to thank you properly. Enormous love, too, to the Newbie Support Group in Gilderoy's Corner. You have all been wonderful to me and your encouragement has meant a great deal. Much extra love must go to MaeGunn Batt and Greenfairy for all your plotting help and patience as I whined. Newbieloveissot00by! Lurve and messy schnoogles to you all. And to my reviewers, I want to tell you all that you are the finest bunch of readers in existence. You lovely people made it a joy to write this story. Your comments, good and bad, have been of great use to me and without your consideration, this story would have suffered. Mostly, I just want to thank all you lovely people for joining me on this ride. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. GLOMPS!


Chapter 19 - Redoublement

Redoublement: a new action that follows an attack that missed or was parried; renewal of a failed attack in the opposite line

When Harry awoke, it was bright daylight again. In an automatic gesture, he groped with his left hand until it encountered his glasses on the bedside stand while his right hand slid under his pillow, seeking his wand. He came fully awake when he found glasses, but no wand. Grunting in surprise, Harry tried to sit up, only to flop back with a soft moan. Everything hurt.

Moving slowly and carefully, Harry slid his glasses on and looked around, still squinting slightly. He was not surprised to find himself in the hospital wing at Hogwarts and memories of the previous evening (Was it just the previous evening? Harry wondered.) came back to him. Taking a deep breath, he tried again to lift himself into a sitting position. His muscles nearly shrieked with pain and fatigue, but with an effort that brought beads of perspiration to Harry's brow, he managed to lift his shoulders enough to bunch the pillow behind his head. From this somewhat elevated position, he looked around the ward.

In the bed to his right lay Ron, snoring lightly. Directly across, Ginny slept also. It was obvious she had been awake at some point, for there were several opened cards propped on the table beside her and a half eaten bar of chocolate sat next to a large empty goblet. Next to Ginny, across from Ron, lay Remus. He didn't look as peaceful as the other two. The man's thin face was bruised and scratched and a bandage covered his temple over his left ear. His jaw had a strange lopsided, swollen appearance. Harry could see other bandages on Remus' arms and the blankets had been arranged to stay lifted from the right leg. Whatever the injury, it was more serious and still mending. Slouched in a chair at the head of Remus' bed, sat Annwyl. She was liberally bruised and bandaged as well, but still wore the torn and bloodied robes she'd had on when they Portkeyed back to Hogwarts. Presumably, she'd been staying with Remus.

At the sight of her, Harry growled low in his throat and made another effort to rise. His efforts, however ineffectual, were checked by a gnarled hand on his arm. Harry started and looked to his right to see Albus Dumbledore seated beside him.

"Yes, Harry. She has some things to answer for," the old man said quietly. "And so she shall. However, it would not do to disturb the others at this point. Let them rest and allow the explanations to wait a little." He smiled sadly at Harry. "Please, my boy. Sit back for a time."

Harry sank back on his pillow, not answering and not taking his eyes from his professor's face. Dumbledore was uninjured, as far as Harry could see, but it was plain he was far from well. He was pale and the old hand shook as it drew back from Harry's arm and folded in the man's lap.

"Professor, are you alright?" Harry asked softly. The sight of the man's weakness made the memories of his distrust very painful in Harry's mind. "I... That is, you..." Harry ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "You didn't look so good when I saw you last, sir," he finished, frankly.

"I am well enough, thank you, Harry." Madame Pomfrey is fussing over some concoction even now." Dumbledore pulled a small face. "I'm sure she'll produce something dreadful-tasting to pull me up a bit. I'm afraid I haven't your stamina any longer." Harry frowned with worry, but Dumbledore shook his head. "No, Harry. Do not worry. I am confident I shall get the better of this."

"Sir, can you tell me what happened?"

The man frowned at his folded hands. "Unfortunately, Harry, I do not know what occurred. I have only just awakened myself and have not yet had the opportunity to speak with anyone." He glanced across the room at where Annwyl sat. "If you feel able, my boy, I would be grateful for anything you can tell me."

So, Harry quietly related all he knew or had pieced together since he had come across Annwyl in the darkened corridor near Gryffindor tower. Dumbledore listened silently, asking no questions and making no comments. When Harry had finished, the silence stretched between them as Dumbledore seemed lost in thought.

"Professor," Harry began, haltingly, then the words poured out with a rush. "I... I want to apologize. You see, I never thought to look at my contemplation sphere. Those lapses were so real, sir."

"Do not blame yourself, Harry. It was a not unnatural reaction, especially given everything that occurred the night we lost Sirius." Sighing deeply, he sent another long look at Annwyl and Remus, then turned his gaze once again on Harry. He reached out and gripped Harry's hand. "I am uncomfortable with how near we came to another great loss last night. I'm sorry, Harry. I did try to keep you abreast of what we knew, but it was my error that put you in the hands of Severus Snape. I did believe I had good reason to trust him."

Uncertain how to reply to this, Harry looked down at his headmaster's blue-lined hand. He really wanted to ask what the good reason had been to create such great faith in Snape, but he knew from past conversations, Dumbledore considered this personal information. Instead, he turned the conversation to his own uncontrolled magic.

"Sir, do you know what I did to all those people?" Harry hesitated for a moment. "Are they all dead?"

"No, Harry. Thankfully, they are not. They were quite unconscious, however, as I understand it from Arthur Weasley. Percy, on the other hand..." Dumbledore's voice trailed off and Harry winced. "I think I begin to understand why, however."

Harry looked up again at Dumbledore, his eyes shadowed with pain and guilt. "You know why, how, I killed him?"

"You didn't kill Percy, my boy," the old man answered gently. "That was Voldemort's doing. It would seem he has been draining Percy of his magic for some time. By the time you released your magic, I suspect there wasn't enough strength left in Percy to withstand the blow." He sat quietly for a moment, watching the others. "I find it most interesting that your magic did not touch any of your own party. Clearly, it was not wholly uncontrolled. Can you remember anything about it, Harry?"

Harry shook his head. "No, sir. I remember being furious at Voldemort for tricking me again. And, I was pretty angry with myself. After that, I don't really remember what happened."

A slight rustling drew their attention to the other side of the room. Remus was stirring fitfully, his eyes clamped tightly shut. Annwyl roused immediately and gently laying her hand across his forehead, murmured softly. Remus seemed to respond though his eyes remained tightly shut. "Wyl..." he sighed deeply and sank back into a more restful sleep. She glanced up then, seeing Harry and Dumbledore watching.

"Albus, how good to see you up!" She smiled warmly and with a last look at Remus, rose gingerly and limped over to her godfather. "Are you sure Poppy said it was alright for you to be up?" she asked, taking his outstretched hand.

"I am as fit to sit here as you, my dear," he answered, casting a shrewd look at her still-healing wounds. "I could easily ask the same question of you."

Harry was looking on in angry astonishment. Hadn't Dumbledore heard what he'd said? This woman took them to Voldemort! Who cared about her injuries? What about Remus? Ron? Ginny? And where was Hermione? As far as Harry could see, it was all Annwyl's fault.

"Harry, how are you feeling?" Annwyl turned to him, concern in her eyes. "You took quite a beating last night." Harry scowled but did not respond and Annwyl drew back slightly and looked back to Dumbledore. "Albus, I think Harry will be more comfortable with some explanations as soon as may be. However, I'd like the others to hear it all as well."

"Yes, I do think it would be best for us to all be informed," her godfather replied, thoughtfully. "Annie, I ask that you wait in the dungeons until Remus has regained consciousness. I will awaken the others and summon Miss Granger at that time." Annwyl nodded, stealing a glance at Remus, and turned to go, pausing only to look back at Harry. Harry returned the look with a near snarl and Annwyl left with a sigh.

"Harry, I think you should try to rest, now," said Dumbledore, softly. "I shall wake you when Remus awakens. Sleep now, my boy. There is nothing more to be done until we have all rested." With an encouraging pat on Harry's arm, the old man rose and, leaning heavily on his walking stick, slowly made his way from the ward.

Harry lay for a bit, watching first Remus, then Ron, then Ginny, sleeping. Remus still looked awful, but Harry thought he could see some of the smaller bruises fading. Madame Pomfrey's charms and potions were taking effect. With that hopeful thought, Harry settled back to sleep.


Harry awoke to the sounds of conversation around him and sat up cautiously. To his relief, much of the aching was gone, though his arms and legs still felt a bit rubbery. Slipping on his glasses, he looked around the ward. Ron was up and sitting in a chair between Ginny's and Remus' beds. He looked a little pale, but otherwise well. Ginny was propped up on pillows and was pale as well, but her eyes were bright and she was smiling as she read a parchment Ron held out to her. Remus was awake as well, also propped up by several pillows. He didn't look as well as Ron or Ginny, but he was smiling as he listened to Ginny reading aloud.

"Blimey. Don't any of you know how to cast an Imperturbable around you or something? How's a bloke to get any rest? " Harry said with mock severity.

"Oi, Harry! You're awake. Sorry, mate. We were just reading an owl from Fred and George. They've sent this." Ron gestured to an enormous box of sweets at his feet. Ginny carried on reading aloud.

"We'd like to drop by for a visit, siblings, but Madame Pomfrey will be mad as a hornet when she sees what you lot will be eating. We'll steer clear for now and see you in a few days." Ginny looked up from the parchment. "I wish they would come. I wish Bill and Charlie would come, too." Her face clouded and Ron grew silent. There was one Weasley who would never again be able to be there with them.

Clearing his throat, Remus broke the uncomfortable silence. "Harry, have a good sleep? Dumbledore is sending for Hermione and Annwyl now and should be back in a moment." He gave Harry a grim smile. "Feel up to sorting through this mess?"

"Sooner the better," Harry answered quietly. The words were no sooner spoken than the door to the ward swung open with a bang. Hermione pelted across the room and flung herself first at Ron, then Harry, Ginny, Remus and back to Ron.

"Oh, you have no idea how good it is to see you lot awake," she exclaimed as she curled up on the foot of Ginny's bed. "Madame Pomfrey tossed me out last night while you were all still out cold. This is the first time I've been allowed back."

"Well, it isn't as though you've missed much," Ginny shrugged. "What's been happening?"

Hermione frowned slightly. "This morning's Prophet said there had been some attacks on several Muggle communities last night. One of the ministry Aurors swears he saw Bellatrix Lestrange leading a group of Death Eaters near Swansea." Both Remus and Harry stirred at this. "Apparently, most of them got away, though. The ministry is still trying to determine where the Death Eaters are organizing, but none of the captured will talk. They'd been checking that old Riddle place regularly, so Voldemort must've only used it last night."

"Well, that explains why there weren't more of them around last night," Ron said. "They were off having their own little adventure." Turning to Remus he asked, "Why do you suppose they went off attacking Muggles just as Voldemort was making his move on Harry? To draw attention away from what he was doing?"

Remus nodded. "That seems likely. Though, that hasn't been Voldemort's way in the past. The night he returned, he gathered an audience for his meeting with Harry." He grew thoughtful for a moment. "Unless..." He shook his head slightly as if to clear his thoughts. "At the Department of Mysteries last year, he nearly lost everything when Dumbledore arrived. If he was trying to draw the Order away to buy himself time, then he has a weakness he is hiding from us."

"Indeed, Remus, I believe you are quite right," Dumbledore spoke from the doorway. He entered slowly, still leaning heavily on his walking stick as he resumed a seat beside Harry's bed. "You know that when he returned, he had to assume a mortal body. I believe this fact has come home to him, and he is worried."

"Sir, what exactly happened last night?" asked Ginny. "What happened to Percy?"

"I think I'd better answer your questions, Ginny," Annwyl announced as she entered. Sitting down beside Remus, she looked down at him and smiled. "You're looking better. You gave us quite a scare last night."

"I'm fine now, Wyl. But thank goodness you lot found me. Go on, then. Can you really tell us what has been going on?"

Annwyl looked around the room at their expectant faces. Her gaze rested on her godfather, briefly, before she straightened up, drawing her chair slightly away from Remus' bed.

"Alright, perhaps I should explain a bit about why I know what happened," she said carefully. Taking a deep breath, she stared down at her hands, folded in her lap. "As you know, I was an auror for the ministry when I disappeared fifteen years ago. Technically, I think I still am. That is, I've never received orders to cease my undercover operation." She glanced up at the small sounds of surprise from her listeners. "You see, my disappearance was staged by an extremely secretive section of the Auror Corps. We had reason to believe that even though Voldemort seemed to have disappeared after attacking Harry, there were those of his Death Eaters who intended to carry on his fight." She glanced at Dumbledore. "Our information came from someone who was to be relied upon."

"So, you went undercover to find Death Eaters?" Ron looked puzzled. "Weren't you gone rather a long time for that?"

"My cover was to be very deep, indeed. I appeared to die so the wizarding world wouldn't be looking for me. I resurfaced as a different sort of person. One who could get into the ranks of those intent upon following Voldemort. I had to appear to be betraying my godfather."

"But, we rounded them up," protested Remus. "Eventually, even his hard core supporters admitted he was gone. Where were you?"

"I was there, Remus, I assure you. In fact, my cover was nearly blown the night you passed along the information that led the Ministry to the Lestranges and Crouch Jr. Only three of us escaped that night."

Harry sat up straighter in his bed as the implications of her words struck him. "You knew! You knew what they had done and you hid with them!" His voice grew louder and he shook with anger. "I don't care about your mission! You bloody well should have turned them in!" You know what they did to Neville's parents!"

"Harry, please," Dumbledore spoke quietly. "Shouting is hardly helpful." But his eyes were questioning as he looked at his goddaughter.

"Wyl," Remus said, slowly, "Why did you say 'only three of us escaped'? Where do you fit into this?"

She looked at each of them carefully. "Remus, I did say my cover was to be very deep. I had to take some steps to ensure my acceptance."

"B..but, you can't be a Death Eater," stuttered Hermione, her eyes wide in fear. "Voldemort was already gone. You don't have a Dark Mark. You were just pretending, right?"

Annwyl didn't answer, but stared fixedly at her lap. Harry shifted uncomfortably and Ron looked a little pale. But, it was Ginny who spoke.

"You do have a Mark. You really are a Death Eater. And if you have a Mark, this whole story is a lie and you went to Voldemort before he tried to kill Harry!"

"No!" Annwyl's voice was sharp. "I have been spying for the Order. Not long after my 'disappearance' the man who assigned me to the job was killed in a freak accident with an illegal dragon hide shipment. To preserve security, he had told no one else. By then, I was too deeply into the cover to make contact with just anyone, so I began contacting Albus." She looked over at the headmaster, sitting silent all this time. "You knew, didn't you?"

"I suspected," he answered calmly. "However, I could not be certain. Nor could I safely investigate. If I had drawn any attention to you, you would surely have been killed. I had no choice but to trust you."

Harry thought back to the night Annwyl arrived, injured, on Private Drive. Only now did he notice that Dumbledore's response to Annwyl's reappearance was unusual. He hadn't had any trouble with her reappearance. His emotional response was to her injuries. Harry suddenly wished for his Contemplation Sphere.

"So, you aren't really a Death Eater," Harry began doubtfully, "because you don't actually have a Dark Mark."

"But, I do."

Remus' sharply indrawn breath cut off any reply from the others. Harry looked over at the older man in concern as he struggled to raise himself a bit. Remus' eyes were hard and the stare he fixed on Annwyl almost burned. "Wyl, what are you saying? What... how... How could you?"

"Must I say it again? I was deeply undercover, Remus. I had to, when he returned two years ago."

"But, we looked," Ron interjected. "We used Harry's Contemplation Sphere and looked at his memory of that dinner when you and Snape both left the table early. There is no mark on your arm."

Annwyl smiled a thin, grim smile. "Quite thorough, you lot. No, it isn't on my arm. The Dark Lord doesn't like to mark women on the arm. He says it mars their beauty..." Turning her shoulders a bit, Annwyl lifted the heavy mass of her hair from her shoulders and neck. Harry couldn't suppress a gasp at the sight of a Dark Mark burned into the flesh at the nape of her neck, just at the hairline.

"Okay, that must have really hurt," muttered Ginny, rubbing the back of her neck absently.

"I'm sorry, but I still don't understand," Hermione said with a frown. "You aren't a Death Eater, but you have a Mark. You were undercover, but no one at the Ministry knew it. You've been reporting to the headmaster for fifteen years and he wasn't entirely sure it was you. Is that what you're asking us to believe?"

"Right in one, Hermione. That little scuffle with the 'gentleman' from Hufflepuff at the beginning of my sixth year set the stage for my undercover work a few years later. Wilfred Nott wasn't particularly ambitious, or even very bright, but he was quite loyal to his pureblood family and heritage and he was willing to work for them. I think he was the only one of his family ever to be sorted into Hufflepuff. The others have been Slytherin for as far back as anyone can remember.

"Well, he approached me, trying to recruit me to Voldemort's merry little band. He thought he'd have quite a reward in store if he managed to bring Dumbledore's goddaughter to the Dark Lord." Annwyl touched the scar on her wrist lightly. "I didn't think much of the suggestion, actually. However, a few years later, when I needed a cover, I found Wilfred and told him I'd changed my mind. He was the one that flashed around some light while I disappeared during the raid."

Everyone was quiet for a few moments as they considered all this. Ginny, once again, was the one to break the silence.

"You said you could tell us what has been going on. What happened to Percy?"

"Yes, well..." Annwyl hesitated. "This isn't a quick or pleasant story." She met Ginny's eye. "However, I do think you should know.

"I had been working closely with a reconnaissance group, gathering information on the Ministry actions. However, early last summer, Voldemort reassigned me to begin research on charms related to Legilimency and Occlumency. My Tranfiguration skills may not be above average, but my Charms are quite good, if I do say so."

Then, you should know exactly how the soul imposition magic works," Ron stated flatly. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Because it wasn't as simple as that, Ron. I don't know exactly how it works. Typical of any large scale project, Voldemort had a number of people working on the research. None of us were aware of the entire plan so no one could be caught and forced to expose what he was up to. However, I did a little, er, probing and by midsummer I had figured out enough of what was going on that I felt it was time to change my tactics somewhat."

"And that's when you showed up on Privet Drive," said Harry. "But why? Wouldn't it look like you were defecting?"

"Yes. That was the plan, of course. I suggested to Voldemort that I would have better access to information if I had access to the Hogwarts library and to Professor Flitwick. Still, it had to be convincing, so no one was made aware of what I had done." Annwyl grimaced a little. "Of course, I wasn't aware that Voldemort was going to make it quite as realistic as he did. He set one of his early experiments with soul imposition on me as I reached Little Whinging. Unfortunately, Hestia Jones heard the scuffle and came running. You know the rest."

"And so, you were back inside Hogwarts and the Order," Remus said softly. His voice was calm but Harry could see the tension along his jaw and the cool expression of his usually mild eyes. Annwyl must have sensed it too, for she looked at him for a long moment before speaking.

"Yes, I was back. Remus, I would have liked to have told you sooner... You know I couldn't." Clearing her throat, she turned back to the others. "So, I told Albus what I knew and he helped me keep my cover. I made mistakes, though. I thought I could just tell the Order about the sham werewolves and let them get on with that while I searched for the traitor I knew must be in residence here. Some of the information Voldemort had been getting was too accurate for any report the Order would have Snape make. Too detailed. I was convinced there was someone else on the inside. I was right, too."

"Malfoy!" Hermione exclaimed. "He practically told Harry as much months ago. He said he'd been following Harry about, waiting for a chance to get him."

"Malfoy." Annwyl snorted with derision. "Believe me, he'd very much like you to believe he was the spy, but the truth is, he hasn't the brains. Oh, he does well enough in lessons, but he just isn't clever. He's a hothead as well. No, it seems there were two actual spies in addition to the annoyance Draco was able to create. One was Peter Pettigrew."

"That rotten bas-" Remus began angrily.

"Now, now," Dumbledore interrupted mildly. "Compose yourself Remus. You mustn't tax your strength." The man's words were calm but his voice was flinty. "Annwyl, what was he doing here?"

"Much of the time, he was looking after Draco. The boy was really a menace to himself with his obsession over revenging his father on Harry. But he did have a few little tasks. His Animagus form allowed him to slip around the castle undetected. He gathered a great deal of information that way."

"I do not understand," Dumbledore said frowning. "The wards were altered to detect Animagi."

"They were altered by Snape, weren't they, Albus?" Annwyl asked. One look at her expression and Harry realized the implication in her words.

"Snape set the wards so Wormtail could still get through," Harry said in disbelief. "Snape was the second spy, after all."

Annwyl nodded. "So it would seem. I only wish I had found out sooner."

"When did you find out, Wyl?" Remus' expression was still hard, but his voice had softened a bit.

"Only two days ago. The afternoon he took Ron and Hermione."

"Yeah, I have to admit, I still don't get that," Ron spoke up. "Snape said to trust him and we'd be able to get Remus and Draco back safely. I really thought he was just pretending to kidnap us."

Annwyl shook her head. "Let me explain from the beginning. It was Halloween before Voldemort figured out how to impose his will on an undamaged soul. The trouble was, he still needed the individual's cooperation." She met Ginny's eye. "Percy was promised a lot of power if he would cooperate. He'd been going down that path for quite awhile, I'm afraid." Ginny nodded, her eyes swimming. Annwyl sighed and continued. "At that point, I still didn't know just what Voldemort was planning to do. As far as I could tell, he still planned to kill Harry as soon as possible. My new assignment was to help Voldemort trap and use an Order member. If he could impose one of Albus' own, the devestation would be considerable. I stalled about it as much as I could, but on the night of the attack on the werewolf sanctuary, I got an owl insisting that I stick to the assignment and provide a name and a preliminary plan by the New Year."

Harry nodded. "I saw you get that. It fell out of your pocket and I picked it up."

"Why didn't you tell someone, Harry?" Remus asked, reprovingly.

"I didn't think anyone would believe me. Actually, I did try to tell Professor Dumbledore, but that was the afternoon he first got sick." He turned to the headmaster. "I'm sorry, sir. I should have said something."

"It is alright, Harry. As it happens, Annwyl did tell me that she was dealing with some intrigue that might involve the Order. She had already promised to come to me if anything new developed."

"Yes, about that illness, Albus," Annwyl said speculatively. "I may have some thoughts about that. Draco Malfoy let something slip that might be useful to us. Harry, do you remember the water carafe you brought to Albus for analysis?" Harry nodded and Hermione started to speak, but Annwyl silenced her with a gesture. "I know nothing was found but that wasn't supposed to be the case. You see, there was supposed to be a poison in it." Annwyl scowled. "Malfoy's brilliant plan. He sent Peter into the tower and the dorm in his Animagus form. He was supposed to poison your water carafe and get out again without anyone being the wiser. However, Peter knew that Voldemort would be furious if anything happened to you before he had a crack at you. It was Peter's job to keep Malfoy in check, so he pretended to go in. He knocked things about once inside so you would wake up. Once you began warding the dorm, Malfoy had to drop his crazy scheme."

"But what does that have to do with Professor Dumbledore's illness?" Hermione questioned. "Don't tell me Malfoy poisoned the headmaster."

"No, I don't see how he could. But, I do think that Albus' attacks are not coincidental." Annwyl turned to her godfather. "Albus, have you noticed a pattern in these attacks?"

Dumbledore thought for a moment. "They have generally occurred during some critical moment. What do you have in mind, Annie?"

"Well, your first attack was at the end of a particularly intense Occlumency lesson for Harry, wasn't it? And you were rather peaky again right at Christmas, just a few days after the first incident." Dumbledore nodded for her to continue. "And then, there was the attack on Hogsmeade." She glanced at Harry. "Then, last night... Albus, what have you been doing to defend Harry?"

Harry's eyes widened in surprise. Defend? Dumbledore hadn't been doing anything particular that Harry could see. He had been setting the wards on the dorm and tower himself for months. He was learning Occlumency and Dumbledore hadn't even been the instructor. What could Annwyl suspect? Harry turned a questioning look on his professor.

"It is a little complicated to explain," the headmaster murmured to his wide-eyed audience. "You see, I was aware of the strained relationship between Professor Snape and Harry. I wanted Severus to be the one to teach him Occlumency because of his extensive experience with Voldemort. He could give Harry information I could not. However, I didn't desire a repeat of last years attempts." He smiled at Harry apologetically. "I interwove one of the facets of Legilimency with a tracking charm. The result was a mental alarm that went off when Harry was subjected to mental intrusion."

Harry spluttered indignantly. "Sir, you were in my mind without telling me?"

"No, Harry. I wasn't, I assure you. It was merely a small nudge to alert me to any problem you might be having. It did not enable me to enter your mind. I didn't set the charm at first. In fact, it wasn't until we found you were able to influence Percy Weasley during your vision on Halloween. After that, I felt more comfortable keeping watch over you."

Annwyl nodded. "Then, that's it. Albus, I think I know what is causing your problem and why you are getting weaker with every incident. Whenever Harry has a vision, lapse or mental attack from Voldemort, you are thrown into overload and collapse. Has Poppy tested you for toxins?" The headmaster nodded. "Using a scan with her wand or has she actually taken a blood sample?"

"Wyl, you know that isn't Medi-magic," Remus objected. "Blood-letting is strictly Muggle practice."

"Yes, but there are times when that practice can be quite effective. You see, I think someone has slipped Abyssinian Shrivelfig skin into something Albus has eaten or drunk. As you know, the fruit is quite a useful potion ingredient, but the skin has highly toxic properties which can cause synaptic overloads during times of increased mental activity. Victims literally think themselves to death. That toxin can only be detected by an examination of the blood itself."

"But how did he get the poison?" Ginny asked. "Surely the house elves wouldn't do such a thing and they handle all the food and drink around here."

"Snape," Harry answered flatly. "He must have had loads of chances to slip it into your tea or something, sir."

"Quite so," Dumbledore answered thoughtfully. "Well, when we have finished here, I shall pay Poppy a visit."

"Don't wait longer than that, Albus," Annwyl warned. The effects are cumulative and after last night, you've had quite enough to bring about permanent damage."

"But what about my lapses?" Harry asked. "My scar wasn't hurting so it couldn't have been Voldemort."

"No," agreed Annwyl. "That was something else I learned that night just before you were taken. Snape had been planting suggestions and triggers in your mind during your lessons. I'm afraid he was using some of the charms I had been researching for Voldemort over the summer. He had the perfect excuse to access your mind and he wouldn't trigger the discomfort in your scar. Voldemort directed it all, of course, but it was Snape who caused the lapses."

"Why?" Ron had been silent some time, his eyes trained with clear distrust on Annwyl. "Why would V...Vol...You-Know-Who bother with that?"

"You tell me, Ron," Annwyl answered. "When you play Chess, is your first move an attack on the king?"

Ron considered this for a moment. "So, all those lapses, visions, dreams and whatnot were to weaken Harry's defenses?"

"Quite so. You see, Harry's greatest strength, apart from his magic, is the affection of his friends and his strong feelings for them. Voldemort needed Harry to submit willingly to the soul imposition. He had to make Harry too weak to fight. Snape's Occlumency lessons with Harry gave ample opportunities for checking progress. Snape is very powerful and though Harry may have been learning, he would have been able to read Harry like a book, if he chose."

"Then, why kidnap Ron and me?" Hermione wanted to know. "Wouldn't that have made Harry less cooperative?"

"It was a risk," Annwyl agreed, "but Voldemort wanted to be able to show Harry his strength if he resisted. There was always the ability to threaten your lives to make Harry cooperate if he still seemed too closely attached to you."

Harry's mind whirled with the load of new information it was receiving. The scope of the plan to take over his soul was so great that Harry couldn't quite seem to grasp it all. He could see that having access to his magic would have been a great coup for Voldemort, but it seemed crazy to have gone to such lengths to gain it.

"Was my capture for the same reason?" Remus asked. Annwyl nodded. "If you didn't learn of the plan to weaken Harry until just yesterday, how did you know to get me out of the castle, then?"

The others gasped and several voices spoke at once. Dumbledore raised his hand, silencing the outbursts. "Annie, you knew of the plan to take Remus?"

"I'm afraid I did, though I didn't know the significance for Harry at that time. Remember, I said I was to help them capture an Order member to place under Voldemort's control."

More indignant exclamations burst forth, but this time it was Remus who silenced them. "Wyl said she knew, not that she did it."

Harry stared blankly for a moment. "Then, what happened in your chambers that night? I saw her leave the Hall and I saw your rooms wrecked!"

"Yes, I think we may have been a bit too convincing there, Wyl," Remus mused. "She came to warn me and helped me get out of the castle. Unfortunately, though Wyl was able to get me safely away from the castle, I wasn't able to get far enough away. The full moon and all... They caught up to me right after moonset."

"I never intended for Remus to be captured," Annwyl snapped. "That would be the last thing I would want. That was also one of that Malfoy brat's little tricks. Of course, if you had stayed put in your rooms over Christmas holidays, Remus, he would never have seen you."

"Yes, well, when Harry said you weren't in your rooms and you'd left the door open, I panicked. I didn't know Snape had the boy hiding in the corridors. We thought he'd gone home for the holidays," Remus defended himself.

"What?" Harry was stunned and incredulous. "Malfoy was there?" In a sudden flash of memory, Harry recalled the shadowy side passage on the route to Remus' rooms in the dungeons. Yes, Malfoy's presence would explain Snape's entrance from that direction. It also explained that uneasy rush he'd felt as he went looking for Remus the night of his disappearance.

"Yes. Snape was there, too, and though he might have turned Remus in eventually, he wasn't a part of that project. It was Malfoy who turned him over. I had to look like I was cooperating, but in the end, I managed to get Remus out and make it look like Malfoy had been incompetent." She gave a particularly unpleasant smile. "Voldemort wasn't at all happy with young Malfoy over that. No, not happy at all..."

Hermione looked horrified and Ginny stared openly before swallowing and asking, "You mean, he was punished? And you let that happen? Even though you were the one that did it?"

Annwyl looked surprised. "What would you have had me do, Ginny? Tell them what I did? Look at it this way. He turned Remus in to Voldemort. I think he got what was coming to him."

Harry squirmed uncomfortably. While he definitely loathed Draco Malfoy, he wasn't sure that he could muster that much satisfaction to hear that he'd been punished by Voldemort. Glancing at Remus, he could see the man felt the same way. Clearly, Annwyl's methods and opinions, while serving the side of the Light, were something less than kind. The thought made Harry distinctly ill at ease.

"What about Harry?" Ginny questioned abruptly. "I saw you in that corridor. It looked to me as if you were pretty well involved in taking him." She scowled. "Straight to Voldemort, I might add."

"I didn't have much warning, Ginny. Remember, we weren't all aware of what others were doing. I didn't find out about the plan to take Harry until that evening. Ron and Hermione had already been taken before I knew a thing about any of it. I only had time to get Harry's Contemplation Sphere and go looking for him. I hoped I'd get him away, but there wasn't much time and he was fighting me."

Harry looked a little defiant at that. "I don't think you can blame me, you know. You hadn't given me much reason to trust you." He was pleased to see Annwyl's gaze drop in discomfort. "And how did you get my Sphere, anyway? Even if you are a professor, I can't imagine you marching through the common room and up to my dorm."

"No, I used my broom to fly up to your window. Then, I just summoned the Sphere out. From what little I'd learned earlier that day and what I'd seen of your behavior, I suspected you'd been fed some cock and bull story about your friends. I was hoping I'd find out what and be able to get you to see some truth in your sphere. Luckily, my guess was right and Snape had made the mistake of explaining things to Malfoy. The boy has a very loose tongue."

Ginny looked somewhat mollified by this explanation, but still far from happy. "What about me? Was I just in the way?"

"Frankly, yes," answered Annwyl bluntly. "However, in the end, it may have been for the best. At least, Harry wasn't sitting around in that cellar alone. Better for morale. Misery loves company and all that."

For a moment, no one knew what else to say or ask. Finally, Ron stirred.

"How did you do all this spy stuff for You-Know-Who and go to see him and all without knowing about Snape?" he wanted to know.

"Well, I knew he was there, of course," answered Annwyl, "but we weren't working together. I highly doubt he knew just what I was doing, to be honest. Voldemort prefers his followers to know as little about one another and the structure of his forces as possible. Safer for him, should one of them be captured. Snape distrusted me, but I don't know just what he knew about me. Certainly, it wouldn't have been safe for him to ask. That would have revealed much too much about him and his activities."

"I just can't believe that Snape has really been against us all along," Hermione said, shaking her head. "I mean, he even saved Harry's life when Quirrel was trying to hex him off that broom. And last year, when we were at the Department of Mysteries, he sent the Order to help us."

"Annwyl," Dumbledore spoke, "is there any chance that Severus could be under the influence of the same magic Voldemort used to control Percy Weasley?"

"I have no way of knowing, Albus. It is possible, of course, but even if he is, the magic is irreversible. He's lost to us."

Dumbledore stroked his long whiskers thoughtfully. "No, I don't believe that to be exactly true. Every magic has its counter-magic. Finding it would be a bit of a problem, of course. Then, one would have to be quite sure he was actually being controlled." The old man sighed heavily, his hand dropping back onto his lap.

Harry could see the man was tiring but he couldn't wait any longer to ask. "Sir, can you please explain what I did last night? What was that light that knocked everyone out? Annwyl said I did that, but I don't know how I did and I don't really remember thinking much about it at all."

"From what you and Annwyl have described to me, Harry, I believe you released a great deal of raw magical energy. The fact that only certain persons in the room were affected and that the light took an actual form, the arrows, suggests that it was not entirely uncontrolled. You did manage to focus your concentration enough to send that energy out in a somewhat specific manner." He peered at Harry over his glasses. "It takes a great deal of power to create that sort of magic, Harry. I believe this will be a skill that requires further examination and training. Without it, you might easily endanger yourself. But, learn to use it properly, and you may find it an invaluable tool. Give me some time to consider the situation. I believe I can make arrangements to help you with this, my boy."

Annwyl, who had been watching her godfather with a concerned look, rose and took his hand. "That had better wait, Albus," she said gently. "That fig skin toxin is eating away at your synaptic connections as we speak. The sooner we get to Poppy for confirmation and an antidote, the better." She helped him to his feet and steadied him as they walked down the ward to the nurse's office. At Madame Pomfrey's door, Dumbledore hesitated and looked back at the group.

"I have taken the liberty of contacting Mr. Ollivander. Once you have rested and recovered, you shall all need new wands. As a trip to Diagon Alley is neither feasible nor wise at this time, Mr. Ollivander has graciously agreed to come and see to your needs." He smiled tiredly. "Rest now. There is nothing more to be done for a time and your well-being is now my primary concern." With that, he entered the office and shut the door behind him.


Two more days passed before Harry saw Dumbledore again. Madame Pomfrey allowed Ginny and Ron to leave the hospital ward shortly after Dumbledore's departure. Harry, she kept until the following morning, though he petitioned very hard to be allowed to leave with the others. Remus stayed yet another day before being transferred to his dungeon chambers. It was, of course, still necessary to keep his presence in the castle a secret, so Harry wasn't able to spend as much time with Remus as he would have liked. He was quite pleased, therefore, when he, Ron and Hermione were summoned to Remus' rooms the day after his release from the hospital. They arrived to find Ginny, Annwyl and Dumbledore seated with Remus before the fire.

"Excellent!" Remus exclaimed with a smile. "You three look much better than when I saw you last."

"I think we can say the same of you, Remus," Hermione returned with a smile. The man did look a great deal better. His leg was still bandaged and supported on a cushion beside him on the settee, but the bruises and cuts had healed and faded. His eyes were bright again and it looked as though he had rested.

Though still subdued, Ginny looked better rested, as well. After some discussion among the Weasley clan, it was deemed best to wait until the end of term to have a quiet family memorial service for Percy. They wanted as little public attention as possible for Percy's sake and it would give Ron and Ginny time to complete their studies. This was particularly critical for Ginny as the OWL exams were practically upon her. Harry had seen her tucked away in a corner of the common room for hours at a stretch during the last couple of days. He knew, however, that Hermione had been studying with her and trying to see she kept proper hours.

The greatest change was in Dumbledore. Harry couldn't help gaping in astonishment at the difference a couple of days had made. His eyes were bright, his cheeks a healthy pink and the walking stick was gone entirely. Harry noticed, also, the quaver in hand and voice had disappeared. Whatever antidote Madame Pomfrey had administered, it had been extraordinarily effective. Harry couldn't help a swell of hope and confidence upon seeing the headmaster so much recovered.

"Now that we are all together," Dumbledore said, smiling, "I shall send for Mr. Ollivander. While I am quite certain he can be trusted to maintain the strictest discretion, I ask that none of you reveal that you are still within the confines of the school. Mr. Ollivander is unaware of our location and it is best for all concerned that he remain so."

The headmaster turned and tossed something that looked a great deal like Floo powder into the fire. The reaction, however, was more spectaular than any Floo powder Harry had ever used. Moments later, a small man with silvery eyes popped out of the fireplace levitating a large trunk at his side.

"My dear Mr. Ollivander," Dumbledore greeted him, "how good of you to come to us. We are in need of five wands today."

"Professor Dumbledore," Ginny rose and came to stand beside him. "Sir, I'd like to use Percy's wand, if I may."

"Gin, you don't have to do that," Ron said quickly. "You've got OWLs and Percy wouldn't have wanted you to sacrifice those for him."

"I don't intend to sacrifice anything," Ginny answered calmly. "Mr. Ollivander, I was wondering if you could please test the wand for me. Is there a way to tell if it will work well for me?"

"It is highly irregular," he replied thoughtfully, "but if the wand is mostly compatible, perhaps some adjustments could be made. Let us have a look, then, shall we?" Ginny drew Percy's wand from her robe pocket and held it out. "Hmmm... Oak with a hair of a unicorn tail, twelve and a half inches. Quite rigid. Should be effective for most charms, jinxes and hexes. Not quite as effective for the more delicate arts such as divination. It seems in fine repair. Well, Miss Weasley, give it a wave then, and we'll see what we have."

Ginny stood back slightly and aimed at the low table next to Remus' settee. "Rosetum Apperitum." A large arrangement of roses in all colors of the rainbow appeared on the table with a pop.

"Oh, well done, Miss Weasley! Well done, indeed!" Mr. Ollivander applauded lightly and leaned over to bury his nose in the blooms. "Yes, yes. The wand works quite well, but I think with a bit of a tweak, we can improve the performance." Taking the wand, the elderly man ran his own wand back and forth across it with a light scraping sound. The tip of Percy's wand glowed slightly and seemed to shrink in on itself. "There. I've shortened it a touch. Try again, if you please."

Ginny gave the wand a light swish and a shower of tiny crystals sprayed from the tip, floating gently onto the roses, covering each with what looked like drops of indelible dew. She looked up at the others with a smile. "Yes, I believe this will do quite well. Thank you, Mr. Ollivander."

Then, one after the other, Hermione, Ron and Remus experimented with the wands which packed Ollivander's trunk. Before long, each was outfitted with a suitable wand. Harry rose from his seat to have his turn at the trunk, but Dumbledore held out a restraining hand.

"A moment please, Harry," he said kindly. "Mr. Ollivander, I have a special request for Mr. Potter." Ollivander bowed slightly. "I have, here, a hair from the tail of a centaur - a friend of mine - who, upon hearing of the need for a new wand, offered it for Mr. Potter's use. Additionally, Fawkes has offered a tail feather since Mr. Potter's last wand performed so admirably with that core." At his words, there was a rustle in the chimney flue and Fawkes swooshed out of the fireplace, landing on Harry's arm. The bird peered keenly into Harry's face, then rose into the air above them. With a single piercing note, he dropped one of his beautiful gilded scarlet plumes at Harry's feet. Another swoosh, and the bird disappeared back up the flue and was gone.

Harry had to believe that Ollivander was as amazed as the rest of them, but no surprise showed in the silvery moon-like eyes. "Quite so, Professor. Quite so. I shall construct a wand of holly, as before, with a new core of phoenix tail wrapped with centaur hair. It should be as effective for charms, hexes and the like as Miss Weasley's but the centaur hair will give it the finesse for more delicate magic as well. It will take a day or so, however, to construct such a wand."

"That will do very well, thank you," replied Dumbledore, obviously much satisfied. "Harry can make use of one of the spares kept for just such a circumstance until his new one arrives."

"Very good. In that event, I really must be off. It has been a distinct pleasure." Dumbledore provided another handful of the special Floo powder and Ollivander was gone.

"Professor," Harry asked, "are you, that is, can you tell me who the centaur is?"

"Ah. Firenze, of course. He has had nothing to say to me these last six months but that Mars is unusually bright. Then, the night you disappeared, he came to me, informed me you would be needing a new wand, and gave me the hair from his own tail." Dumbledore smiled at Harry's surprise. "Yes, well, I have learned to accept what seems quite strange in a conversation with a centaur. I find that if one waits long enough, the sense generally becomes apparent."

"Professor, what about Mars? Even Remus said that last summer when we were all at Order headquarters," interjected Ron.

"I am afraid I have little to add, Mr. Weasley. Mars has figured somewhat more prominently in the star charts which could be said to govern various people and time frames of recent. The centaurs are quite attuned to the stars and their patterns, but humans generally find it rather difficult to comprehend their observations."

"They've been predicting you, at least part of the time, haven't they?" questioned Harry looking at Annwyl who had been quite silent for some time. "Your Patronus is even an Aresean Hawk."

"They might have done," Annwyl answered a tad uncomfortably. "Mars does play a significant role in my personal star chart. It does seem that whenever there is an increase of astronomical observations involving Mars, there is a correlation with some significant events in my life. However, I am uncomfortable assuming the centaurs have been referring to me in particular. I believe it is more likely they were speaking of recent circumstances." As an afterthought, she added, "And, believe me, I'd choose another Patronus if I could. That hawk is fairly creepy."

Remus snorted in sudden laughter and brought an end to the conversation with vigorous requests that they all stay for tea. The conversation turned abruptly to lighter subjects, discussing nothing more fearful than the OWL exams facing Ginny in just under two weeks.


Harry would never have guessed how quickly life could revert to something that resembled normality. With the dread of his dreams and visions gone, Harry found himself sleeping again, at last. To be sure, he still had dream from which he woke with scar tingling, but they remained the indistinct, vaguely unpleasant dreams he'd nearly grown accustomed to. Clearly, Voldemort had gotten clean away and was somewhat less than delighted with the outcome.

Harry, Ron and Hermione could again be found together most times. They did sit up late into the night shortly after their return from Little Hangleton, talking out all they'd experienced and whatever tensions had existed between them melted away in their stream of conversation. Ginny was considerably less prickly and while she no longer avoided anyone, she was not among the cheerful laughing group before the fire in the common room each night. Much could doubtless be attributed to her OWL revision for all the fifth years were in the final stages of panic and preparation, but to those who knew her and what happened to Percy, it was plain that she still mourned the loss of her brother.

Fortunately for them all, Dumbledore had managed to divert the press from the school. The story which appeared in The Daily Prophet was no worse than a front page story marking a skirmish between Ministry Aurors and some of Voldemort's Death Eaters. Percy Weasley was listed as having been lost in the battle. Harry was relieved that the Weasleys could be spared the difficult explanations belonging to the event. Another story appeared beside this on the same day. This story told of the mysterious disappearance of both Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape from the Hogsmeade area. Nothing was said about their suspected affiliation with the Dark Lord, only that an investigation into their whereabouts was underway.

Annwyl returned to her Potions lessons but since there was no longer a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, the dueling club met every evening. Annwyl also found time for a special OWL revision study class for the fifth years. The rest of the school was too delighted with the additional free periods this provided to worry too much about it all.

So, with end of term preparations upon them, Harry found he was too busy to be overly curious about any plans Dumbledore was making for him to learn to control his magic. He did, sometimes, pause to wonder why he didn't see others having the same control issues, but tucked the question away in his mind for the time when he might be able to talk it over with Remus or Dumbledore, himself.

His opportunity came more than a week after Ollivander's visit. OWL testing had begun and regular end of term exams were underway when Harry had a visit from a school owl at breakfast. A note written in Dumbledore's loopy scrawl dropped onto his bacon as the owl soared back out the window.


I understand you have the afternoon free after your exam in Care of Magical Creatures. Please come to my office when you return from the exam. We have some matters of additional training to discuss.

~A. Dumbledore

Harry was pleased but not surprised to find Remus waiting with Dumbledore in the Headmaster's office that afternoon. Taking the seat Dumbledore offered, Harry grinned at Remus. "Hagrid had Monty, the Graphorn, out there this morning. I don't think anyone was particularly glad to see him."

"I imagine not," Remus answered with a similar grin. "Did you harvest a bit of horn, then, Harry?"

"Not likely," Harry snorted in amusement. "I was satisfied to look at old Monty from more of a distance than that. Fortunately, Hagrid only wanted us to list various properties of the horn and hide and some of the behavior things we discussed in class. Didn't need to go any nearer to do that."

"Hagrid's lessons are always inventive, if not calm," added Dumbledore with a smile. "Harry, I thank you for being so prompt in coming. I know you have a Transfiguration exam tomorrow, so I shall get straight to the point and not keep you longer than necessary.

"I am sure you have wondered about your accidental magic and why you do not see your classmates struggling with it as you do." Harry leaned forward in his chair, nodding. "You see, magic is not a wholly reasonable part of our existence. In truth, it is as much controlled by our emotional state as it is by our knowledge of spells and such. It can be no secret to you that your emotional state has been highly charged in recent months. Much more so than what one generally experiences." Dumbledore smiled wryly. "Additionally, young people frequently find their magic somewhat more unstable at your age as they are still learning various ways to control it. The more pronounced their magical abilities, the more likely they are to experience this difficulty."

"Excuse me, sir," Harry interrupted, "but then, why doesn't Hermione have this trouble. She's easily the smartest witch in our year and likely in the school but her magic is always under control."

"I think you'd have to ask her about that, yourself, Harry. I suspect she channels her difficulties into her study habits. And you must admit, however admirable her efforts, you and Mr. Weasley have frequently accused her of some mental instability when it comes to your studies." Harry could see Remus struggling with a grin and had to smile himself. Yes, he and Ron were both guilty of accusing Hermione of being something less than sane when it came to lessons.

"In your case, Harry, I think we may be better served by teaching you some techniques for allowing your magic to slip into unconventional uses while retaining control over the results." Blue eyes examined Harry over half-moon lenses. "You must admit that, while quite draining to yourself, the magic you performed at the Riddle manor was very effective."

"How can we do that, sir?" Harry asked, puzzled.

"Well, now that you have your wand again, I think you will find it less complex and draining than your last experience. That magic you released was raw and contained only barely by your own strong feelings. The only parameters over it seems to have been minimal protection for the members of your own party, Annwyl and myself. Everyone else was struck with its full force. Voldemort sought to divide you from those most important to you Harry, but your magic speaks his failure. When it came to the point, your feelings were as steadfast as he wished them to be severed. That magic was controlled by your love, Harry. The greatest power you possess and, in your case, a prodigious one, indeed."

The three sat quietly for a moment, as Harry pondered this. What Dumbledore said did seem to explain everything, even to the horrible, twisting feeling he had experienced whenever faced with the headmaster himself. Harry's mind wanted to hate him, but his heart had fought. Finally, Harry met Dumbledore's gaze.

"Alright, sir. I think I understand, but what do we do about it? I don't know how to release my magic that way. It just sort of happened. And why didn't it strike Annwyl? I didn't really have much reason to trust her at that point."

"Well, Annwyl was certainly acting against Voldemort at that point, whatever her motivations may have been. You must have been able to distinguish that. I think it will be desirable for you to spend a portion of your summer at the Order headquarters, Harry. I must send you back to the Dursleys for a time to ensure the continued protection of the charms at work there. However, once we can make suitable adjustments to the wards, I will bring you there and begin your training, personally. There are several forms of magic available to us, but they are not generally taught in school. These are quite ancient and few of us have bothered with the difficult, energy-consuming process of mastering them. Indeed, under most circumstances, there would be no point. However, I have skill in these forms and can assist you. Annwyl will continue your fencing and dueling training and Remus will help you whenever he is able to be with you." He smiled at Harry. "I trust this meets with your approval."

"Yes, sir," Harry grinned broadly. "I'd like that very much, sir."

"Very well, then. You shall hear from me by owl as soon as everything is arranged. Now, off you go. I wouldn't want Professor McGonagall to think I was preventing you from revising for her exam, tomorrow."

Harry hardly noticed where he was as he made his way back to the common room and dropped into a chair next to Ron and Hermione. With a promise to explain everything when they could be alone, he settled down with his friends for a final evening of study. It was enough to know that he wouldn't be stuck with the Dursleys for the entire summer, but it was nothing short of astonishing that he would be training with Dumbledore, himself. Harry couldn't help the constant smile of satisfaction on his face.


Three days later, with exams complete, trunks packed and the Leaving Feast consumed, Harry stood on the front steps of the castle where the students were queing up for the thestral-drawn carriages which would take them to the station to board the train home. Ron and Hermione stood with him, as did Neville, Luna and Dean. Ginny could be seen up ahead, climbing into a carriage with several of her dorm mates. Harry wasn't entirely surprised to see a number of the faculty joining them for the trip to the station. Upon reaching the train, he, Ron and Hermione found a compartment and stowed their trunks. They were surprised then, for the saw that the faculty boarded the train with the students. Seeing Annwyl moving along the corridor outside their compartment, Harry stopped her.

"Are the professors riding with us today, Annwyl?"

"After what happened in September, you need to ask?" was the only reply as she moved off along the corridor, checking in on students as she passed.

Conversation between the three stayed light as the train sped towards King's Cross. They knew there'd be plenty of serious talk in their future as Dumbledore had suggested that Ron and Hermione might be brought to headquarters for some dueling training as well. For now, it was enough to be together and they passed the time with chess and Exploding Snap and even a rather messy round of Gobstones, after which Hermione flatly refused to play any longer and retrieved a book from her bag.

Shortly after, the plump witch with the snack trolley came through and after stuffing himself on cauldron cakes, Ron settled into the corner seat to doze. Hermione leaned back against his shoulder as she read. Before long, her book had drooped into her lap and she slept, as well. Harry sat, watching out the window at the flashing scenery, his mind blank and relaxed. The sound of the compartment door sliding open brought Harry up with a jerk.

"Oh, Harry, I'm sorry" Ginny whispered stepping in and sliding the door shut, carefully. "I didn't mean to startle you." She glanced at Ron and Hermione asleep and then at the empty seat beside Harry. Blushing slightly, she added, "Do you mind if we talk a bit?"

"Oh, er, yeah. I mean, no, uh, sure," Harry stammered and motioned to the seat. "Sit down." He watched her warily, wondering what she wanted to talk about. They had hardly spoken since the night in the Riddle house and all their conversations previous to that had been something less than friendly.

"Harry, I feel I owe you an apology," she began primly, staring at her hands folded tightly in her lap. "I've been thoroughly foul to you for months now, but I didn't mean to be. That is, it wasn't your fault." She sighed and lifted her eyes to meet his. "It was mine." Harry started to offer some polite protest, but she stopped him with a look. "No, you see, I was very angry with you, Harry, but I shouldn't have been. It was stupid and I was being childish."

"Why were you angry with me, Ginny?" he asked, realizing he sounded more than a little hurt. But that was honest. He was hurt.

Ginny shook her head impatiently. "Because I was being a stupid, spoiled, little girl, that's why. Harry, it isn't any secret how I have looked up to you ever since we met." Harry dropped his gaze, blushing. Yes, it hadn't really been a secret. "You see, to me, you were always a hero. You were the one who saved the Philosopher's Stone from Quirrel and Voldemort. You were the one who killed the basilisk and ruined the diary when you came to get me out of the Chamber. You saved Sirius from the Dementors not once, but twice when Fudge planned to have him kissed. You even managed to get through the TriWizard Tournament, and bring Cedric back after Voldemort killed him." By now, her eyes were swimming with tears and Harry began to feel a little panicky. He wasn't sure what to say but Ginny didn't seem to notice and rushed on. "And last year, when Sirius... oh, Harry, I know you have been hurting and you were so angry at everyone, but all I could think was how you had gone off to find Sirius when you thought he was in danger."

At this, Harry frowned and looked away. "I was stupid that night, Ginny. Please, I'd rather not talk about it."

Ginny impulsively reached out and touched his arm. "I'm sorry, Harry. I won't mention it again, but I just have to say this all now." Her eyes were pleading. "Please."

Harry nodded reluctantly and she continued. "You see, after all that I had seen you do, when Percy got into trouble, I guess I just sort of expected that you would do something about that, too. It was stupid and unfair, of course, but seeing you so distant and depressed and, I don't know, almost helpless, I just got furious. It was like someone kicked my legs out from under me or something." She bowed her head, tears now splashing on her lap quite obviously. "I'm so sorry, Harry. I've been horrible, but I didn't mean to be. I would never... I only...I'm just very sorry."

Harry gaped at her for a moment, completely unable to form a coherent sentence. He's had no idea she'd felt that way about it. No wonder she'd been so unhappy. She was right, it wasn't fair, but Harry's thoughts went back to the morning, just a year before, when he smashed nearly everything in Dumbledore's office. It wasn't fair, but he thought he could understand.

"Ginny, please don't worry. It's alright. I think I know how you felt. Someday, remind me and I'll tell you all about the time I wrecked Dumbledore's office. But for now, let's just let it go." He smiled at her and she returned it with a quavery smile of her own. Harry started to shift in his seat, reaching out to wipe a tear drop from her cheek. Just at that moment, the train gave a lurch to the side and Ginny was thrown into Harry's outstretched arm. She flushed a bit and Harry was sure he'd turned a horrible color, but he was afraid to move. Ginny looked up at him with a sweet smile and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

Neither Harry nor Ginny happened to be paying the least attention to Ron just then, but if they had, they would have noticed that the snores had ceased and the corner of his mouth lifted in the barest ghost of a smile.

With no further incident, the train arrived at King's Cross and Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny piled off the train with their luggage. They were met immediately by all the Weasleys at once. Even Bill and Charlie had come to meet the train. There was much hugging and hand shaking but when things had settled down a bit, Mrs. Weasley pulled a parcel from her bag and handed it to Harry.

"Harry, dear, Annwyl told us what happened to your Contemplation Sphere. We thought you might like a replacement. Arthur and I charmed another for you." She hugged him tightly. "Use it for some happy memories, dear." Harry nodded, smiling but too choked to speak.

Clearing his throat, Arthur Weasley leaned in, hand outstretched. "This is for you, too, Harry. The aurors found it at the Riddle home and Shacklebolt gave it to me. Remus recognized it and asked me to pass it on to you."

Harry took the object and looked at it in wonder. It was Sirius' pocket watch. It had been missing since the night he was taken and Harry had sadly given up ever seeing it again. Turning the lovely piece over in his hands, he ran his thumb over the inscription.

Go where you will, the bond of affection remains.

"Thanks very much, Mr. Weasley," Harry said softly. "I'm really glad to have this back."

Slowly, they made their way out of the station. Across the street in the car park, Harry could see the purplish face of his Uncle Vernon glaring in the direction of the station entrance. With a sigh, he bade good bye to the Weasleys and turned to Ron and Hermione.

"Write a lot, yeah? I don't know when I'll get away from the Dursleys, but I'll feel a lot better hearing from you both." Ron and Hermione both looked surprised at such an admission coming from Harry, but nodded their agreement. Ron slapped him on the back and Hermione hugged him tightly. Then he saw Ginny standing a little apart. "Ginny, I'd er, that is, I'd like it if...uh,"

"I'll write too, then, shall I?" she interrupted with a shy smile. Harry grinned and nodded.

With a final wave, he turned and trundled his luggage trolley across the road to his uncle's car. Nothing was really any better, but he knew that no matter what was ahead or where this path might take them, the inscription on the watch was true.

The bond of affection remains.

~ Fin ~

Author notes: This story is dedicated to my husband who has, as is his loving and wonderful way, given much of his own time and energy to enable me to expend mine on the writing of this tale. It is also a gift to my son, who will one day very soon, be ready to lose himself in the wonderful world created by J.K. Rowling. Little Man, this story is my gift to you with all the love your mommy can muster.