General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/06/2003
Updated: 07/15/2004
Words: 111,963
Chapters: 19
Hits: 26,682

Harry Potter and the Labyrinth of the Mind

Sandy Phoenix

Story Summary:
Harry has survived his fifth year at Hogwarts, but so has Lord Voldemort. Having lost the weapon he hoped to gain in the prophecy, Voldemort is launching his most daring plan since his return. Harry is again his target, but this time, he is not a target for death. Will Harry find the power to stop Voldemort's plan and protect the ones he loves? Please read HP and the Order of the Phoenix before reading this story.

Chapter 18

Chapter Summary:
Harry has survived his fifth year, but so has Lord Voldemort. With the loss of the weapon of the prophecy, Voldemort has launched his most daring plan since his return. Harry is again the target, but not for death. Can he find the power to stop the Dark Lord and save the ones he loves?
Author's Note:
As always, blessings upon my beta, Moriah S. Special thanks also to MaeGunn Batt and Greenfairy for your help and patience. Huggles to MadEye1200 for your enthusiastic support. And MADLOVE to the NSG in Gilderoy's Corner for being great people! To all my precious reviewers, I am thanking you profoundly in the notes following the chapter.


Chapter 18 - Riposte

Riposte: an offensive action made immediately after a parry of the opponent's attack.

With his arms and legs bound, Harry was unable to get his balance as the Portkey deposited the group at their destination. He would have fallen, had Snape not still had a firm grip on his hair. As it was, he sagged to one side, only to be yanked painfully upright again. Malfoy stood opposite, his wand trained on Annwyl, around whose neck Ginny was clinging, trying to regain her own balance. Annwyl shrugged the girl off and whirled.

"That was an extremely stupid thing to do, Miss Weasley," she hissed. Once again, she shot ropes and a gag from her wand, binding Ginny as she had Harry. "You will regret what you have done. A pity, really, for it was so unnecessary."

Harry had now recovered from the shock enough for the anger he had been feeling for Annwyl to start to well up in him. He could feel his magic tingling around him once again and this time, made no effort at all to check it. Sensing the energy, Snape turned on him. "Oh no you don't, Potter. Stupefy!"

Everything went black.


Stirring, Harry pushed himself painfully into a sitting position. He found that the gag had been removed and though Annwyl's bindings were off his arms and legs; they had been replaced by heavy manacles which hobbled his steps and kept his arms pulled slightly behind him. Thankfully, he still had his glasses. His wand, however, had disappeared with Snape and Harry figured he wouldn't be getting it back anytime soon. The room in which Harry woke was grim enough to squelch anyone's thought of escape, even with a wand. The floor was hard packed and somewhat sour-smelling earth, the walls were stone and the low ceiling was supported by heavy, ancient-looking beams. There was no window and the only ventilation was a largish crack below the substantial wooden door. Whatever lay outside the door, there was enough light for some to filter under the crack, allowing Harry to look around a bit. Seeing a huddled shape in the far corner, Harry spoke softly.

"Ginny? Is that you?" The shape stirred and groaned slightly. "Ginny! Wake up!"

"H-Harry? Where are we? What happened?" Ginny's voice was thick with confusion.

"I don't know. I only just woke up. Did Snape stupefy you, too?"

"No, that was Malfoy," Ginny answered resentfully. "Annwyl took my wand. What's going on?"

"I'm not sure," Harry replied, puzzled. "Annwyl stopped me in the corridor with a lot of rubbish about following her lead to help Remus." He stopped abruptly. Ginny wasn't even supposed to know Remus had been in the castle, never mind knowing he had disappeared. When Ginny didn't question him, he cautiously continued. "The next thing I knew, she bound me and took my wand. Why were you even there?

"I was looking for Ron and Hermione. No one had seen them since they left with you to go to the library. I thought they might be on their way back to the tower since the library was closing, so I was going to meet them." She was silent for a moment. "What do we do now?"

"I have a feeling we'll be told, soon enough," said Harry. "Ungh... my head...feels like Buckbeak stepped on it. Any idea what time it is?"

Ginny shrugged. "I'm wearing a watch, but I can't see it with my wrists behind me."

Harry scooted over to where she sat and twisted around to look at her left arm. "Eight o'clock. Morning or evening?" He shook his head to clear it. "I have no idea how long we've been out. It was about nine in the evening when I left the library." Ginny shrugged again.

Nothing further was said for a time and Harry noticed the light under the door changing and fading. It was like watching a sunset through a two inch slit. When no more light was visible, they heard the scrape of a key on a lock and the door swung outward. Malfoy stood silhouetted in the opening, flanked by two hooded Death Eaters. Behind them, Harry could see open sky, scattered with stars. He figured they must be in some sort of storm cellar or cold room. That would likely mean another larger building nearby. Certainly, they weren't at Hogwarts.

Malfoy lit his wand and gestured toward them. "Come on, then. It's time you two spent a little quality time with your host." Ginny and Harry rose awkwardly, hampered by the shackles, and moved toward the doorway. The two Death Eaters stepped aside, allowing them to climb up a short flight of steps.

Once fully outside, Harry scanned about, trying to find something that would give him a hint as to their location. He saw a large, derelict manor house ahead of them and farther off, a collection of smaller houses. He could make out the steeple of a small church and was struck with a sense of familiarity. The house, toward which Malfoy was steering them, was unknown to him.

Reaching a side door, the group entered the house. The place was chilly and damp, festooned with cobwebs, and what furniture remained was swathed in graying sheets. Harry shivered, then scowled at the swagger in Malfoy's step as he led them toward a dusty, narrow service staircase. Malfoy shot a malevolent grin over his shoulder and led them upward. Upon entering the upper hall, Harry's breath caught in horror. He had, indeed, seen this house before, though only once. Once, in what was now a long ago dream, Harry had seen this hallway. They proceeded into a room at the far end of the passage and entered. Harry's worst fears were confirmed. This was the house which he had seen in a dream. In this room, Wormtail had brought a frightened old man, the caretaker of this crumbling manor, before the horrible, misshapen vestige of Voldemort. This was the Riddle House in Little Hangleton and their host was surely Voldemort, himself.

Once they were in the room, a pair of Death Eaters, apparently standing guard at the door, swung the panel shut. Harry scanned the room and saw Snape standing to one side of the great fireplace and Annwyl on the other. Directly before the blaze, his back turned to them, stood a tall, skeletally thin figure in sweeping black robes. The figure turned and though Harry expected no less, his spine stiffened in horror. Beside him, Ginny gasped. Voldemort merely gave what could only be a smile, though on a mouth so thin, so lipless, so malformed, it was a terrible sight.

"Ah, Mr. Potter," the Dark Lord hissed with satisfaction, "please allow me to welcome you, at last."

Harry stared up at the cold, red eyes. An echo of a conversation spoke in Harry's mind as the thing before them looked over Ginny and Harry like newly acquired playthings. "Ginny, don't talk to him or even look at him. Think about something else. Anything else. Just don't talk to him." He glanced over at the girl beside him. Her face was pale but her eyes were downcast as she murmured something under her breath. Harry couldn't make out what she was saying, but at least she was looking away from Voldemort.

"Excellent advice, Mr. Potter. It is a great pity you weren't nearby to help Miss Weasley's brother in the same way. How different it all might have been." Harry didn't answer. "Though really," Voldemort continued, "I very much doubt Percy Weasley would have been at all grateful to you just at that time."

The emaciated figure began to stalk around the room, slowly circling closer to where Harry and Ginny stood in the center. He paused and moved in closer to Ginny, listening as she continued to recite something under her breath.

"Of course, Miss Weasley, you will need a distraction somewhat more effective than the glossary from your standard Potions text." Again, he gave that awful farce of a smile. "However, I had rather hoped you'd be eager to chat. There was a time we were rather close, were we not... Ginny?" Ginny's eyes flicked up to Voldemort's face and back to the floor. "Go on then, Ginny. Ask me. You want to know all about your brother, don't you?"

Voldemort circled the pale, silent girl then nodded, as if satisfied. Turning his attention to Harry, Voldemort fixed him with an intense stare. Harry squared his shoulders to return the look but was struck, suddenly, by a searing flash of pain along his scar. He gritted his teeth to keep from crying out as his knees buckled. As quickly as it had come, the pain vanished. Panting and shaking, Harry struggled to his feet, his face flushed with anger.

Mustering as much bravado as he could, Harry spoke coldly, "What is it you want then, Voldemort? If you wanted to kill me, you could have done that long ago." A jet of purple sparks from Malfoy's wand struck the back of Harry's head with a stinging smack.

"Watch yourself, Potter. The Dark Lord's name is not for your filthy mouth."

"That will be enough, Young Malfoy. Your loyalty is commendable but you overstep. You will keep silent." Voldemort returned his attention to Harry. "That pain was a reminder, Mr. Potter. A reminder that no matter what skills you may believe you have acquired in Occlumency, you are never able to truly shut me from your mind."

Having apparently completed his close scrutiny of Harry and Ginny, Voldemort returned to the hearth and seated himself in a large armchair. "Despite your distinct lack of good manners, Potter, your question is a valid one. Well might you be confused, as I have, for some time, been intent upon your destruction." He leaned back in his chair, his long, thin, white fingers steepled under his chin. "I discovered something, however, the last time we met. When I entered your mind, Harry Potter, I was quite surprised to meet with so much of myself."

"Well, whose fault would that be, then?" Harry responded. He knew he was treading on thin ice, but it was almost as if his tongue had a mind of its own.

"Such cheek," Voldemort chuckled. Harry decided that sound was even more unpleasant than the smile had been. "It came to me that destroying you would be an astonishing waste. Instead, I have been watching and preparing, waiting for an opportunity to present itself."

Harry glanced at Ginny. She was no longer reciting under her breath, but had a settled look of loathing and revulsion on her face as she stared almost aggressively at Voldemort. Harry hoped she would keep her famous temper in check, as it was unlikely that any outburst from her would be found amusing. He knew that their situation was as desperate as it had ever been and that if there was to be any hope of survival, he must pull himself together and concentrate. That thought caused him to shoot a look at Annwyl. He could almost hear her telling him to focus. He growled under his breath.

"Well, so what are we waiting for now, then? What is it you plan to do?" Harry was feeling the panic well up into his throat. What was Voldemort going to do? What was he waiting for? "I'd love to wait around here with you, only I've got some Bubotuber pus I'd rather be drinking."

This time, the blow wasn't from a spell but from Draco Malfoy's fist. He struck Harry just below and behind his left ear, making it seem the top of his head was likely to fly off from the force of the impact. Harry staggered forward, but kept on his feet.

"I warned you once, whelp." Voldemort's voice was flat, almost bored. "That is once more than you are entitled. Cruico!" Behind Harry, Malfoy fell to the ground with a heavy thud, screaming. Seconds later, the curse was removed but Draco remained on the floor, gasping and retching. "Your father was too lax, boy. Your lack of obedience is a great danger when mixed with so weak an intellect. Much more, and you shall be a positive detriment to me."

Harry no longer tried to fool himself that he had any control over anything at this point. He could feel the shaking in his legs, and his head and neck throbbed painfully from Malfoy's blow. He chanced a look at Snape, looking for some sign or clue. Surely, the man had a plan. Surely, he had managed to get word to the Order. There must be help on the way.

Ginny stirred restlessly and Harry could tell she was about to speak. He wanted, desperately, to stop her, warn her that one wrong word could undo whatever tenuous hold Voldemort had and cause him to kill them instantly. If there was to be any chance for them at all, they needed to hold on, to watch and wait...

"So, what did you do to my brother... Tom?" Ginny's voice was strident, overconfident. "What disgusting little game are you playing with him?"

Voldemort rose and came forward as Harry hissed, "Stop it, Ginny! Don't be crazy."

Voldemort's face was expressionless as he stopped a few steps from them. This time the silence was broken by Snape. "My Lord, the girl is of no use. I ask you allow me to punish her for her disgusting lack of respect. Allow me to do this to honor my Master."

"My dear Severus," the thin, dry voice hissed, "For one such as you, I would be willing to grant much. However, the girl shall have her uses later on. To serve me now, perhaps you could be so good as to fetch your guests while I explain to Potter what we have in mind." The dark man bowed slightly and left the room in silence. "Miss Weasley," Voldemort continued, "I shall allow your behavior to pass unpunished this time, as I have reason to believe that when you receive your answer, you will greatly regret the asking."

Harry was watching Annwyl out of the corner of his eye. Throughout the exchange, she had stood quietly, hardly even seeming to notice what was passing before her. Harry's seeker's eye detected a tiny, nervous sort of twitch of her left hand which was shoved deep in the pocket of her cloak. Now, she began watching the doorway through which Snape had disappeared.

Voldemort moved so he was directly before Harry. "You are here, Potter, because I do not desire that your particular abilities be wasted. It would be most advantageous to me to have your magic at my disposal." Harry glared and opened his mouth to speak but was stopped by an upraised, gaunt hand. His tone suddenly became light and he once again paced the room. "Potter, you are a young man of peculiar talents. Perhaps you could tell Miss Weasley what happened to her brother." Harry blinked. He wasn't sure how to reply and his face must have shown it. "Come, come," Voldemort chided almost playfully, "surely you can take a guess. Despite their rather ham-fisted approach, Dumbledore's Order has learned something in recent months and I have every reason to believe you learned it as well."

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see the intense stare Annwyl had suddenly turned on him. He squirmed a bit and furrowed his brow in concentration. Dumbledore had told the Order about the suspicion that the soul-imposition magic was a modified form of Legilimency. But Harry had often wondered why the Imperius charm wouldn't be sufficient. Why go to the extra trouble?

"Well?" The Dark Lord's voice began to sound impatient. "Speak, boy!"

"I'd imagine it has something to do with your foul soul-imposition magic," Harry blurted out, finally goaded into a reply. In the corner, Annwyl nodded slightly, her eyes bright with some message Harry couldn't - wouldn't - understand.

"Go on, Potter, go on," was the only reply.

Harry was saved answering by the re-entrance of Snape. The dark man strode into the room leading Ron and Hermione. They didn't wear manacles like Harry and Ginny, but their arms were bound tightly with magical bindings and they wore heavy gags in their mouths. Harry winced and saw Ginny flinch as well, as they entered. Behind them, wand trained on their backs, came Percy Weasley. Again, just on the edge of his periphery vision, Harry saw Annwyl stir, her gaze flicking meaningfully between Harry and Percy.

"Ah, our guests. Severus, bring them in and bind their feet. We don't want them to miss any of our conversation." Snape bowed slightly and motioned to Percy, who prodded Ron and Hermione into place. Once they stood facing Harry and Ginny, Percy shot more bindings out of the tip of his wand, wrapping tightly around their lower legs. Voldemort turned back to Harry. "Now, Potter, you were going to continue your explanation of how Mr. Weasley, here, came to be in my service."

Harry was watching Percy closely, but Percy merely stared back, awareness but no recognition in his face. He looked gaunt and gray compared to his appearance in Hogsmeade when Harry had last seen him. Even his infamous Weasley hair seemed dull and pale next to Ron and Ginny.

"You've put him under Imperius, haven't you?" It was Ginny who spoke, her bravado much shaken by the appearance of her brothers - one tightly bound, the other, blank and washed out.

"No, no," Voldemort replied a trifle impatiently. "Nothing so uninspired as that. No, Percy is too valuable to me for a mere Imperius. Do you begin to understand, Potter?"

With a cold, creeping sensation, Harry did begin to understand. He remembered the conversation he had in the headmaster's office months back when Snape had suggested Percy's soul had been tampered with. He shuddered and looked at Percy, at Snape and back to Percy. Yes. He understood.

"You've found a way to control the soul of someone who hasn't been kissed," whispered Harry, weakly. "You've possessed him."

"You are but half right, Potter." Voldemort paused before Hermione, examining her like a specimen under glass before resuming his ceaseless patrol about the room. "I have not possessed Percy Weasley."

Harry saw Hermione's eyes widen above her gag as she understood what had happened to Percy and he shared her fear. If Voldemort had found a way to control the soul of a person, this would be more complete than any Imperius curse ever cast. Harry swallowed hard. "So you've taken over Percy's soul."

Red eyes brightened in a wasted visage. "Yes, indeed. Quite effective and quite permanent. Unlike the Imperius, this magic cannot be undone. Imagine my pleasure when I discovered how complete was the control it gave me. And then, when I discovered the amazing ancillary benefit..."

Percy turned to face Ron and raised his wand. From the opposite side of the room, Voldemort spoke, "Crucio!" but it was Percy's wand which fired the curse. Ron screamed horribly despite the gag, dropping to the floor in a tangle of limbs and magical bindings. Hermione and Ginny were screaming, too, but Harry was speechless in horror. Voldemort controlled not just Percy's soul but all of Percy's magical powers and abilities.

"That's why you haven't killed us," Harry spoke into the sudden silence after the curse was lifted. "You want to control our magic. Can you drain it, too? Is that what you plan to do?"

This time it was Ginny who spoke up. "That's sick! Is that what you did to my brother? Is it?" In her anger, she managed to shuffle forward, despite the shackles. "You are disgusting, you know that? There's something foul on the bottom of my shoe that stuck there from the floor of that cellar you had us in and you know, I think it has more charm!"

Before Harry could shout out a warning, Voldemort whipped his wand toward her. "Crucio!!! Ginny screamed and dropped to the floor, writhing and twisting in a mad attempt to escape the pain. Seconds later, he dropped the curse and swept forward, grabbing Ginny by the collar of her robes and lifting her so her toes just brushed the floor. She hung there, gasping and twitching, tears mixing with dirt from the floor and making dirty tracks down her cheeks. Still, her eyes met his with a defiant look.

"I told Snape you would be useful to me later, little girl, but do not delude yourself. You are not indispensable." He dropped her and returned to his seat at the fire. She struggled back to her feet and nodded slightly to Harry who was looking at her fearfully. As quickly as his rage had come, it was gone and he returned his attention to Harry. "Well done, Potter. You are not as hopeless as your Professor Snape has often led me to believe. I think, perhaps, you know now, why you are here."

A quiet voice spoke from the corner of the room, causing everyone to start badly. "Tom, you really are becoming quite devious. Whatever shall I do with you?" Dumbledore stepped out of the shadows next to an empty bookcase. Death Eaters standing guard around the rooms stirred nervously, wands drawn. Harry stood with his mouth gaping.

"Ah, Dumbledore," Voldemort declared, expansively. "I'm delighted you could make it. I began to fear you would miss everything. As it is, you are just in time for a most interesting demonstration. After, I will be delighted to, er, discuss, anything you wish."

Harry started to speak, to give some warning, but before he could do more than open his mouth, a wave of cold struck him. His surroundings melted away and images flooded his mind. Once again, he saw Sirius falling back through the veil, the strange look of surprise on his face. Dumbledore stood nearby watching wearing that same impassive expression. Ron and Hermione appeared, looking at Harry with disdain, even loathing, then turning to walk away. Remus crashed through some bushes in a dark forest, injured and bleeding, a look of fear on his normally calm features. These images played in Harry's mind over and over before the world returned with another rush of cold. Harry dropped to the floor, exhausted.

Harry could hear Ginny calling his name and muffled sounds of Ron and Hermione saying something. Voldemort was also talking, as was Snape. Even Malfoy seemed to be speaking. It was chaos all around him, but somehow, he couldn't collect himself to see what it was all about. Slowly, feeling began to return to him, but the emotion was all anger and confusion. Harry got to his feet and looked around, dazedly. Ginny was staring at him, her eyes large in her pale face. Hermione and Ron were staring at a group of people huddled in the corner. A figure was on the ground among them, but Harry couldn't make out who it was. Annwyl's attention was also directed toward the group and Harry noticed that Snape and Malfoy were among the knot of people.

"Where is Voldemort?" Harry hissed at Ginny. Ginny gestured toward the crowd in the corner with a jerk of her head. "And Dumbledore?" Harry shuddered at the rush of anger which accompanied that name.

"He's the one on the floor over there, Harry," Ginny answered, her eyes fearful. "He collapsed right when you did."

"Enough!" Voldemort burst from among the collected Death Eaters and into the middle of the room. "Leave him. I shall deal with him later. In fact, I do believe young Potter might have a score or two to settle with his headmaster himself after a bit."

Harry could feel anger like a knot inside him, pulling ever tighter. Snape moved away from Dumbledore's inert form and took a place near his master. Malfoy returned to his spot behind Harry and Ginny, a nasty grin on his face. Harry watched as everyone resumed their places. Dumbledore was reduced to just another old man, to be 'dealt with' later at the Dark Lord's convenience. He had failed Harry, failed them all, again just as he had Sirius.

"Now Harry," Voldemort spoke softly, almost a purr, "you really have no other option, have you? This was inevitable, as you can see. There was never really any other possible outcome, now was there?" Harry struggled to keep hold of his thoughts, but he could feel his mind whirling. "Come, Harry. Concentrate on my voice. Let my words into your mind. Do not struggle so." Harry felt his scar begin to prickle and itch. There was a buzzing in his ears. "Relax, Harry. Release yourself. Have you never heard that in the center of the maze, all direction is lost?"

The knot inside Harry loosened slightly. He could feel the tension within him slowly release. It would be so easy... he could let go... Dumbledore was useless... Dumbledore didn't care... not about Sirius and not about him... Dumbledore was cold and distant and unmoved... He just didn't care... Ron and Hermione didn't need him... They just walked away... Ginny blamed him... he could let go... so easy...

"HARRY!" Annwyl's voice cut through the haze in Harry's mind like a flash of steel. "Focus, Harry! FOCUS!" Harry felt the manacles around his wrists giving way. "Harry, listen to me! You must look at Sirius' death!" Annwyl tossed a milky white ball toward him and he reached out to catch it automatically. "Now, Harry! Look at the memory! NOW!"

Once again, it was chaos around Harry. Curses flashed around the room as Ginny, Ron and Hermione cowered on the floor, bound and wandless. Annwyl's reflexes which Harry had so admired months ago seemed to be serving her well. Though she had clearly been struck once or twice, she was still fighting, dodging behind furniture and people. Harry stared at the Contemplation Sphere and realized, dully, that it was his own. Absently, he wondered how she happened to have it with her.

"Harry, move! Get down! Do something!" Ginny was screaming over the bedlam around them.

Harry looked at her blankly and back to the sphere in his hands. Focus, he told himself, get hold of yourself. What do you have to do? The only thought that came to him was Sirius. He held the sphere out in front of him, balancing it on his palms. Around him, the battle raged on, but he knew nothing of how Annwyl might be surviving such a mess. Though only seconds had passed, Harry had a sensation of timelessness as he stared into the ball.

"Memorare Sirius' death!"

The milky contents swirled and resolved into a small view of the room where the veiled archway was. Harry saw the red jet from Bellatrix Black's wand strike Sirius in the chest. He saw the look of surprise on his godfather's face. Then, he saw something he never had before. Dumbledore. Dumbledore appearing opposite the veil and running toward the dais. Horror etched the old face as he extended his wand, a spell on his lips. As Sirius fell back through the veil and vanished, Harry could see Dumbledore's lips forming a word. 'No.'

The image faded to milky white and Harry dropped the sphere, shattering it into shards like a mosaic on the floor at his feet. A small cloud of white rose and dissipated.

"VOLDEMORT!" Harry felt rage now as he never had before. Not in Dumbledore's office after Sirius died, not in the common room arguing with Ginny, not in any of his dealings with Snape or Malfoy. This was a rage so great, so pure, there was no containing it. "I will not be your slave! You will not fool me again! YOU planted those visions!"

"FOCUS, HARRY!" Annwyl was screaming from behind the bookcase where Dumbledore had appeared.

The air crackled and flashed. Those Death Eaters still standing crouched down, looking about them in confusion. The flashes of light began to coalesce and a hum sounded in the room. Harry stood in the center, his fists clenched at his sides, his gaze locked on the pulsing light forming above his head.

Snape moved over to his master. "My Lord, if Dumbledore was able to find us, the Order cannot be far behind."

Harry heard more conversation but didn't understand any of it. The light had grown quite large and had turned a brilliant silver. Taking a deep breath, Harry let go of the last shred of his control over his magic. The light splintered with an almighty shriek, sending arrows of silver whizzing around the room. There was a piercing flash and then the light disappeared.

Harry looked around briefly at the scattered bodies on the floor. He tried to walk toward one, to see if the person was alive, but his eyes rolled back in his head and he dropped to the floor.


Harry opened his eyes slowly to find Hermione and Ginny hanging over him, worriedly.

"Oh thank goodness," Hermione breathed. "Harry can you sit up?" He nodded slightly and reached out to take her hand as Ginny took his other arm. "We've got to get out of here, Harry. Annwyl is the only one with a wand and she's in no shape to do much fighting at this point."

"How long was I out?" asked Harry, rubbing a shaky hand over his face.

"Only a couple minutes," replied Ginny. "C'mon. Can you stand if we help you?"

The girls heaved him to his feet. His knees were shaky and every muscle in his body screamed in fatigue, but Harry shook off the girls' hands. He looked around the room questioningly. "What happened?"

"It was you, Harry," Annwyl said, stepping over the slack form of a Death Eater. "I think I can explain, but it had better be later. We'd better get out of here before the Dark Lord decides to come back to play." She turned the unconscious Death Eater over with the toe of her boot. Leaning down, she slid the wand from his grasp and handed it to Ron. Going to another, she repeated the action, giving a wand to Hermione. "These won't be as good, of course, but for now, it'll have to do."

"Annwyl, where's Percy?" Ginny asked.

Ron came to her and dropped an arm around her shoulders. "He didn't make it, Gin. That last weird flash of light just made him drop like a stone." Harry froze in shock. His flash of light.

Ginny's head bowed and Harry could see tears on her cheeks. After a moment, she took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. "I want his wand." Ron started to protest, but Annwyl only nodded. Going to Percy's body, she retrieved the wand and tossed it to Ginny who looked at it thoughtfully. "Alright," Ginny said, "let's get out of here."

"Right. Ron, I need you to help Harry. I don't think he's got much strength just now. Hermione, can you levitate the headmaster?" Annwyl turned to Ginny. "I want to you cover us from behind. Use any hex, jinx or curse you know."

They crept out of the now decimated room and down the hallway. Annwyl paused at every doorway, peering around for any Death Eaters. Ron followed, his hand on Harry's arm, steadying him. Hermione came behind them, with the still unconscious Dumbledore floating along beside her. Ginny brought up the rear, as Annwyl had instructed, looking ready to curse into at least a thousand pieces, anything that moved.

The silence of the old house held until they reached the bottom of the staircase. Off to one side, down a short hallway, they could hear some light scuffing from behind a door. Annwyl signaled to the others for silence and motioned them to wait at the staircase. Moving lightly, she approached the door.

"Alohamora," she whispered and the door clicked open. Pushing the panel back with her foot, Annwyl lit her wand and looked inside. "Remus!" She darted in and seconds later emerged, supporting a very bedraggled Remus Lupin.

"Hullo, everyone," Remus smiled thinly. "A party, is it, then?" His head lolled forward and his weight sagged on Annwyl.

"Oh bugger," she breathed. "What in the world have they done to him?" With a sigh she levitated him and turned again to the front door of the house. "C'mon. The sooner we're out of here, the better I'll like it."

Just as they reached the door and swung it open, a flurry of popping sounds came from the trees on either side of the front lawn. Annwyl stepped forward quickly, wand above her head. "Lumos!" Light bathed the group huddled behind her. "It's alright everyone. Come out. I've got them." Figures emerged from the trees and ran toward them. Arthur and Molly Weasley were the first to reach the group but the others were not far behind.

"Oh, good gracious! We were so worried!"

"Albus! Remus! What in Merlin's name...?"

"King, bring them over here. We've got Portkeys."

In only a few moments, it was all over. Several Portkeys appeared from pockets of various robes and the whole group was whisked away, landing in an awkward bunch in the center of the hospital ward at Hogwarts. By now, Harry was too exhausted to take in another thing and his last conscious sight was of Madame Pomfrey steaming toward them in full battle array, Professor McGonagall hurrying behind her. After that, it was all blessed darkness.

Author notes: I just love my reviewers! What follows is a list of all you wonderful people who took the time to give me some encouragement and feedback for this story. I am more grateful for you than I can express! GLOMPS to you all!
SilverSnakeGirl, Lishel_fracrium, 'mione8, Gypsy_t._Potter, sofiechick, Expel, Marie2682, Bryonia_Alba, TeaWithVoldy, siriusnutter, Sterling_Ag, LunaWand, aerynalexander, webba, KittenOfDoom, The _Gentleman, PlaidPhoenix, waiyza, Adel, Jack_the_Pumpkin_Kin, Jackie_L, Ramiel, Diricawl, any, Arow'_Biggest_Fan, Greenfairy, Adux, Mirie, Dazabu, Ronniekins, oybolshoi, Waywren_Truesong, Lunar_Chase, Sam_Potter, NightSpear, LucyD, deneb, Luver, swishandflick, Melindelaeo2000, flashgordon, H_Dom, Briesis, Nonya, Apollo87, Orangebanana, Snooty_Bob, MaeGunn_Batt, LoopyForLupin, laguela, tiffany1234, Chthonia, Jorsen, Calimora, Avenged_P0thead, Locke21, ShadowRAS, lizzy, northcarmen, gannet, atlantis, kliewer, Calliandra, Ayla_Pascal, Phoenixblight, oXFleurDelacourXo, Rhiannon_Silverflame, ethereal_zoe, kikei, mainiac, Vashjinn, Captain_Wibble, Numba1, TreyFury97, mikerlis, Netap, Autoclef, Pinkteddy, S._Traficante, SpellChecker, MarvinFan7, Tammer, Eice_Bleu, ninglyn, skyhawk101, dhvani, Kimoty, Schnurble, MadEye1200, Eowyn_Jade, Glamdring, Lollyoneill123, gwenstarr, Fleaudevie, Jack-A-Roe, Darkmoon_Fleur, Hermiones_double.

You are all just too wonderful!

At this point, we have just one more chapter before Harry's 6th year comes to a close. I will try to be prompt, but I want to tie up all the explanations as neatly as possible. I promise I'll hurry!

Don't forget to review!