Astronomy Tower
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 01/18/2004
Updated: 01/18/2004
Words: 680
Chapters: 1
Hits: 663

The Wooing Of The Bookworm


Story Summary:
One not so quiet day in the library, Viktor Krum discovers there’s more to the bushy-haired brunette in the corner that meets the eye.


Hermione frowned at the gaggle of girls crowding the library. Once again she silently cursed the boy who brought them into her usually peaceful retreat. She peered at him curiously over "Hogwarts: A History", he wasn't THAT good-looking she decided resolutely. Besides he has a weird accent, they only like him because he's famous, she decided with a roll of her eyes. She knew she was MUCH too intelligent to fall for his charm. She had been trying to ignore the glances he'd been giving her for a few days now. It was so hard to concentrate with him staring at her; she felt his eyes on her again and tried to fight the blush already creeping up her cheeks. She couldn't understand why he kept staring at her; she decided he was probably just annoyed that she wasn't joining his fan club. Of course it could be because she was close to Harry. Hermione never admitted this notion though, when Ron accused him of this later, she even got cross with him. Hermione was scanning the pages a second time trying to remember what she was looking for when another burst of giggles erupted from the girls.

"For goodness sakes!" Hermione muttered to herself, while closing the enormous book in front of her.

"Some of these girls haf no respect for privacy." Hermione froze as she heard the distinctly accented voice behind her. For once she couldn't think of a quick-witted remark, she wondered what was wrong with her. It took her a few seconds to gather her thoughts and regain her composure.

"I know," she said matter-of-factly, staring at the cover of her closed book, "they're really starting to get on my nerves."

"Mine as vell." Viktor Krum now took the seat across from Hermione and tried to make eye contact with her. For the first time it occurred to Hermione that the quidditch player might not like all the attention he was getting. "May I ask what is your name?" he sounded sincere and once again she wondered why he was paying so much attention to her. She considered correcting his grammar but didn't, and instead gathered her things.

"I'm sorry, but I really have to be going." Hermione rose abruptly and walked out of the library.

Viktor stared after the girl's retreating form but couldn't think of anything to call after her. He looked across the table where she had been sitting and saw a book underneath the chair. He walked around and picked it up, hoping it was hers'. He glanced at it quickly, looking for any indication of what it was, seeing nothing, he opened it. It looked like a journal and he wasn't about to pry, but before he closed it he saw something on the side of the page. It was a signature.

Hermione Granger

It was very neat and tidy, the way he imagined her writing would be. The letters were loopy, rather nice looking, quite unlike the ordinary scratching pattern his were. He studied it a second longer, marveling at it, before he realized that he looked like an idiot.

He decided he had to find this Hermione Granger and return her book to her; it's what any decent person would do. The first step was finding her; he walked up to the librarian who looked like she'd been watching him for a while.

She wore a thin smile, and asked him very politely, "Can I help you with anything?"

"Do you know ver I could find zat girl?"

"She's quite extraordinary, I'm glad someone finally noticed her. Don't you worry, she'll come in later; she never stays out of the library for too long."

"Vell, I thank you very much." Viktor said with a laugh, then he walked away and found a nice comfy seat near the window. He decided then and there that he would wait for this Her-mee-on, and wait he did.

Summary: One not so quiet day in the library, Viktor Krum discovers there's more to the bushy-haired brunette in the corner that meets the eye.

Author notes: Hope you liked it!