Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/25/2004
Updated: 01/19/2005
Words: 26,916
Chapters: 7
Hits: 7,931

The Dragon's Fire


Story Summary:
It's Ginny Weasley's fifth year at Hogwarts, and she's thinking some pretty strange thoughts about someone she never thought she'd give a second thought to. Draco Malfoy is in his sixth year, and he notices the little red-haired Gryffindor Weasley isn't so little anymore. What's a Malfoy to do? [Draco/Ginny] [ON HIATUS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 6! it's up! Ok, so in this chapter Draco wakes up, Ginny is there, and they both admit something they were scared to say. Was that giving too much away? Hope not! Ok, so the usual...D/G hints of H/Hr.
Author's Note:
HEY! I'm so sorry it took so long...i feel really bad for leaving my faithful readers/reviewers(so few that you are) for so long without an update...but I just can't really get out more than one a month...I'll try....Ok this chapter hated me...It did NOT want to be written. But, it's finished! YAY! However, i'm sorry, no undergroud...ahh don't hate me! It was just getting so long, but next chappie will be all Underground...so look forward to it. Ok, Draco's a bit OOC...I'm sorry...couldn't help it. And, finally, Thanks again SOO much to my beta yamwam, who happens to be a fellow Canadian!! GO CANADA!!! woo hoo...haha I am too...anyway enjoy the story!

Draco woke up with the worst headache he'd ever had in his life. It felt almost as bad as when he would wake up after his father's Cruciatus Curse. He slowly opened his eyes, but quickly closed them again because of the bright light he was met with.

Where am I? And why? [Obviously it hurts. He doesn't have to think that.]

Then the events of the day before started coming back to him. His tutor session with Ginny, where she opened up to him, and then the incident in the Entrance Hall with Weasley.

That's why my head hurts, Weasel hexed me! I must be in the hospital wing.

Suddenly, Draco saw a shadow cross in front of his eyes.

"Open your eyes, Draco."

Ginny's here? What's she doing here?

Draco opened his eyes to see the girl with her hand inches from his face, blocking most of the light. She lowered her hand after his eyes had adjusted a bit, making him realize it was the overhead lights of the infirmiry. Can't they turn those blasted things off?!

"Good to see you're up! I was getting a little worried. Madam Pomfrey said you should have woken up this morning."

"You were worried about me?"

"Of course. My stupid prat of a brother could have killed you!"

"Aw, I never knew you cared." Draco mocked, with a wink.

"Shut up, Draco! You should've seen yourself!"

"Wish I could've. But you see, because of your 'prat of a brother', I was unconscious. How long was I out for?"

"It's Friday night."


"You were supposed to wake up this morning, but Madam Pomfrey said that it was just an estimate, and that you would wake up when you were fully healed. I wanted to stay here until you woke, but I had to go to tutoring. I had the afternoon off though, so I've been here since lunch."

"What do you mean stay here? And what have you been doing?"

"Oh, homework, reading, you know. And, um, I, uh, kind of, um, sort of, um - sleptherelastnight." Ginny blushed the shade of her hair and looked down at her lap.

Draco smiled. It made him feel good that someone cared about him. The only person he'd ever experienced that from was his mother. Maybe I should write to her about Ginny.

"Don't blush Gin. It's alright. Thanks. I mean, for staying here and stuff."

"Well, I told you I was worried!"

"I know. And that, uh, means a lot to me."

This time it was Ginny's turn to smile.

"Well, Madam Pomfrey said to tell her when you woke, because she has to check you over before you can leave. I'll go get her."

Ginny went to the other end of the hospital wing. She returned with the bustling matron, and stepped back so Pomfrey could look over Draco.

After what felt like hours to both of them Madam Pomfrey stepped back, and declared Draco fit to leave. After Draco had changed out of the hospital gown, he and Ginny made their way out of the hospital wing. After a couple minutes of silence, Ginny turned to Draco.

"Dinner's over, but we could go down to the kitchens and get some food if you're hungry."

"I'm starved. And while we're at it, you can tell me what happened after I got knocked out. Oh, do we still have patrols tonight?"

"Yes, unfortunately. You got us out of them last night by being unconscious, but McGonagall insisted that if you were up and out of the Hospital Wing, we would have to patrol tonight."


"Yeah. But I can finally take you up on your offer to explain why you ran away this summer," Ginny said, with a mischievous glint in her eye, and a smirk that could rival Draco's.

"Argh. All right, I guess I owe you."

"Yes, you do. And you have," Ginny looked at her watch, "approximately two hours to formulate a very good story."

"Fine, but while I'm 'formulating' you can tell me what happened after I got knocked out!" Ginny looked apprehensive. "Did you kick Weasel's arse?"

"Not physically, no."

Draco looked over at Ginny. She looked to be on the verge of tears.

"What did he do to you, Gin? You look like your dog just died."

"Oh, well he was just - oh, why don't I just start from the beginning?"


"Well, I was going down the stairs and I saw you - you know that part - and after Ron hexed you, you hit the floor, and it must have been pretty hard because when I got to you, there was blood all over!"

Ginny explained what happened in the Entrance Hall and then between her and Ron on the way to see Dumbledore. When she got to the part where Ron brought up her first year, the tears that had been threatening to fall did. "I just hate fighting with him, and to bring up something like that!" Through the tears, she summarized what happened in his office. "And then I came directly here."

Draco had been quiet so far, but now he said, "Don't cry over that git, Gin. Sure, he's your brother, but I think this all leads back to one person."


"Me. I think you should ask to get your patrols partner switched, and get Granger to tutor you for Potions."

"What? Draco, honestly, where that hell did that come from?" Ginny wasn't crying anymore, he had stunned her too much. Does he not want to have contact with me anymore?

"He's your brother, Ginny, and as much as I hate him, you don't. But I'm obviously causing a lot of problems there. So, to eliminate the problems, you eliminate the source: me."

"Wow. I never thought I'd see the day when Draco Malfoy put someone else before himself. No offense, I meant it as a compliment. But really, I told Ron it's my decision who I talk to and who I'm friends with, so it's just too bad for him if he can't trust me. Thank you for offering to just go away, but frankly, I'm kind of used to having you around, and, well, I don't think I'd like it if you weren't."

"Oh. Well, uh, me neither."

Ginny smiled. They had arrived at the painting of the bowl of fruit, and she tickled the pear. They both went in and got something to eat. Afterwards, Ginny told Draco that she had to go to Slytherin to talk to Pam and Bri, so he said he'd walk with her, and get her in.

When they got to the Slytherin dungeons, Draco said the password, and led her into the common room. This reminded Ginny of the last time she was in here. She stopped and turned to Draco.

"Hey Draco, you remember a couple days ago, after our first patrol, when I came in here with Bri and Pam."


"Well, she said that you bring Ravenclaws in here to fuck. Do you?" Ginny looked at Draco with a mischievous look in her eye, but when he looked back, he could see something else too. Jealousy maybe? Is Ginny jealous of those Ravenclaws? Not like there were any anyway.

"No. But don't spread it around, don't want to ruin my reputation."

Ginny laughed. "Of course not. Slytherin Sex God must keep up appearances."

"Slytherin what?!"

She laughed again. "Oh, that. It's what all the girls in other houses call you."

"Really? Slytherin Sex God. I like that."

"You would! I'm going to go up and see if the girls are in their dorms. I'll see you tonight?"

"Of course."

Ginny walked toward the girls' dorms, and found Bri and Pam's door. She knocked once, and heard noises coming from inside. Suddenly she heard Bri's voice.

"Who is it?"

"It's Gin, so open up cause I really need to talk to you guys!"

Suddenly the door flew open, and she was dragged inside by two sets of hands and plopped down on a bed before she could make a sound.

"Oh my gosh Gin! Spill on everything! What happened?"

"Ok, well you know that Ron hexed Draco into unconsciousness, right?" She repeated the story she had just told Draco on the way to the kitchens. When she got to Ron's cruel remarks, both girls shrieked and vowed to hex her brother for what he had said. When she was finished telling them what Draco had said about getting out of her life, she went on, "And the more time I spend with him, the more I like him! But I think he just thinks of me as a friend now, and I don't know what to do!"

"Ginny, hon, I swear he likes you too! And tomorrow night you'll know for sure. You can wear some of your hot new party clothes, and blow him away!" said Pam.

"I guess. But, I don't know if I want to put myself out there and maybe lose him as a friend over a silly crush."

"I don't think it's a silly crush. I think you're well on your way to being head over heels for the bloke!" Bri said.

"Are you sure you aren't just saying that because he happens to be a Slytherin?"

"Of course not!" Bri shrieked. "Ok, well maybe. That's allowed, right?"

Ginny laughed. They continued gossiping about Draco and the Underground for over an hour, when Ginny realized that it was almost time for her to patrol.

"Well, girls, I have to go soon. I'll see you both here tomorrow?"

"Definately, Gin, and don't be late. Right after lunch tomorrow! We'll help you pick out a super sexy outfit! Promise!"

"All right, all right. I just hope Ron doesn't get in my way tomorrow."

"Well, you could always just tell him where you're going, and shock him so much he won't be able to react until it's too late."

Ginny laughed again, and made her way to the door. "See you both tomorrow!"

She walked out of the dorm and into the Slytherin common room to see Draco sitting on one of the couches, presumably waiting for her. He had changed into Muggle clothes, which made her jaw hit the ground. Add to that the fact that those particular clothes (jeans and a black wifebeater) made him look edible, and Ginny had to stop and collect her thoughts before she could speak.

Finally she said, "Ready to go?"

"I guess. Doesn't mean I want to."

"Nice try. I think you just don't want to tell me what you promised."

Draco shook his head. "Maybe. Let's just go."

He got up and they left the common room to go to the Entrance Hall where they started their patrols. After about fifteen minutes of waiting for Draco to start talking, Ginny decided to try the topic.

"So, did you gather your thoughts?"

Draco's head snapped up.

"Huh? Oh, right. Uh, I guess."

Ginny waited for him to say more but he didn't. "And?" she prompted.

He looked at her. "Can't you just let this go?" he snapped.

Ginny was taken aback. "Um, well, if it's that big of a deal..." Why is he getting so mad about this? He didn't seem to care before.

Little did she know that while Draco had been waiting in the common room he had gotten a letter from his father. It had said:


What were you thinking? Is this how you repay me for everything I've done for you? You and that idiot mother of yours will pay. If I could, you would come home now, but I cannot get you. However, you will come home over Christmas. That is not a request. And you will take the Mark. I may not be able to come to Hogwarts to get you, but if you refuse, I can go after your mother. She will die if you refuse me. If you insist on taking her views on things then the price will be her life. If you tell anyone about this letter--especially the Muggle-loving fool, Dumbledore--she will die as well. Don't think I can't do it. Don't disobey me again, and perhaps, in time, I may forgive you.

This was the only thing on his mind now, and Draco couldn't help but snap at Ginny when she mentioned his father, even though she had no idea why. Draco wished he wasn't scared of his father. He wished he could do something for his mother. He wished he could talk to someone, anyone, about this, but he couldn't, or the only person who ever loved him, the only person he'd ever given a damn about, would die at the hands of her husband. But Draco could do nothing. He'd never felt so powerless before.

Thank Merlin Christmas is three months away. Maybe I can think of something by then.

While Draco continued to think, and not answer Ginny, she was watching his eyes. She knew there was something bothering him, but she couldn't figure out what. He seemed to be fine before they got back to the common room. Maybe something had happened between then and now. She waited for Draco to say something again. But he just kept staring into space, lost in his own thoughts.

"Draco, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

Draco shook his head. How did I let her get this close? How did I let her learn how to read me, to know when something's wrong?

"Just leave it," he snapped again, "it's none of your damn business."

"What isn't? Why you left home this summer, or why you are being such a prick? You're starting to remind me of someone. Oh, wait, that would be you--before. I thought you were starting to act different--what happened? You can tell me."

"No, I can't."


"Because it will get people hurt."

"How can your telling me what's wrong hurt someone? It can only make you feel better."

"No. I told you to just leave it alone," he growled.

"Fine. I don't know why I even bother. It's not like I care about you or anything." She said the last part with a bit of an edge to her voice. At least, I shouldn't, she added silently.

When Ginny mentioned not caring about him, Draco was reminded of what she had done for him over the past twenty four hours. He had been wrong in thinking his mother was the only one who'd even cared for him. But then Draco realized he was being stupid in blocking her completely. It was just that he was afraid of what would happen to his mum if Lucius found out he'd spoken to someone about him.

He looked up to see Ginny walking away.

"Gin, wait. Please. I'm -"

"Don't say you're sorry, because Malfoys don't apologize," she said as she turned around. "Just tell me what's wrong."

"I don't think I can."

"Why? It's not like I'm going to tell anyone."

"I know. It's just--it really could hurt someone: my mother. And it wouldn't just hurt her. She could die. And not only that, but if I were to tell you, you'd know more about me than anyone else."

Ginny smiled at this. "Well, what's so bad about that? And what's all this about your mother?"

"She's in real danger."

"From what, or should I say, who? Your father, right?"


"Well, tell me, Draco, I can't help you if you don't let me in."

"Ok..." Draco told her all about why he left over the summer: how he was expected to be a Death Eater, but didn't want to be. Ginny looked like she was going to be sick when he told her about the Cruciatus Curse, but she didn't interrupt him, because she didn't know if he'd keep going if he stopped halfway through. However Draco stopped on his own, right when he got up to present time. Ginny waited for him to continue, but he seemed hesitant. She knew, however, that there was something he wasn't telling her.

"Draco? Is there something else? What about your mother?"

"I can't, Gin. I can't tell you about that or she'll die."

"Do you not trust me?"

"I-Gin- I do trust you. But you don't understand. I'm not going to risk her life to tell you. I'm sorry."

Malfoys don't apologize, she thought.

"Draco, I understand I guess, but it just hurts that you don't trust me. And don't say that you do, because if you did you'd tell me."

"I can't Gin." Ginny sensed the slightest quiver in his voice, and noticed that he had stopped walking, but didn't look up at her.

Ginny stopped too, and stared at Draco for a long minute before walking up closer to him. She reached out a hand, and pushed up his chin so she could see his eyes. For once, she could see everything he was feeling: sadness, anger, hurt, and something she thought looked like--love? Her heart jumped, but then she realized what it meant. For his mother.

"Draco, it'll be ok. I promise. We'll figure something out. You won't have to be a Death Eater, and nothing will happen to you mum."

He nodded, but looked very unconvinced, and defeated. Ginny was very disheartened by this. Draco Malfoy was not supposed to look like this. She had never seen him look anything but confident and cocky and totally sure of himself. But on the other hand, he trusted her enough to let his guard down. She decided to do something spontaneous, she put her arms around his waist, and leaned her head against his chest.

This surprised Draco, but he covered it up and put his arms around her too. It was nice to have someone there. He knew Ginny was just saying those things because she thought she could make things better. But he knew she couldn't, just like he knew there was nothing he could do himself. He pulled back and looked at her.

"Thanks, Gin. But there's nothing you or I or anyone can do to stop my father."

"Don't say that! Because if no one can stop Lucius Malfoy then what hope is there in defeating You-Know-Who? You will not give into your father, and I don't care if the last thing I do is stopping that. We will stop your father. I mean it."

"How can you be so sure? You don't know what he's capable of. And if it comes down to me being a Death Eater or my mother dying, I'll choose being a Death Eater."

"Me, not know what he's capable of? I think you're forgetting who you're talking to! And it's never going to come down to that! You won't be a Death Eater!"

"Why not? Why do you care so much?"

Ginny had been thinking this to herself, and ended up saying the first thing that came out of her mouth.

"Because I can't love a Death Eater. And I think I'm falling in love with you!"

She gasped as soon as she realized what she'd said, but immediately knew her heart had just admitted what her head had been trying to deny. It had taken less then a week to get to know him, and she knew barely anything about him, but she was head over heels for Draco Malfoy. And it scared the shit out of her.

Draco was sure his jaw was on the floor. Did she just say that? Am I hearing things?

No, a little voice said, Malfoys don't hear things.

Well, I must be crazy, because Ginny Weasley couldn't have possibly said that.

Ah, the voice said again, but you know she did. And you think you're falling in love with her too.

Draco realized the voice was right. He was falling for Ginny Weasley. And it scared the shit out of him, too.

They both looked up at the same time, and Ginny sucked in a breath before turning to run. She didn't want to hear what he had to say. A part of her was afraid that the old Draco would pop up with a cruel remark and laugh at her. The other part was just as afraid that the new Draco would say he felt the same way. So, she did what she always did when she didn't want to face her problems. She ran.

However, she didn't anticipate the fact that Draco wouldn't want her to, and thanks to his Seeker reflexes, he grabbed her arm to pull her back to him. But it wasn't like the last time. This time his grip was gentle, and it was this that made Ginny look up into his eyes.

"Don't run away from me, Gin."

She nodded. "Ok," she said in a tiny voice.

"I think I'm falling for you too."

This didn't frighten her as much as she had thought. In fact, it made her face light up. She smiled up at him, before crashing back into reality.

"But, Draco, it can't work. We-"

"Shh," he said, placing a finger on her lips. "We'll figure it out later."

Before she could respond she could respond, he leaned down towards her and Ginny realized he was going to kiss her. She closed her eyes, and a split second later she felt his lips on hers. She had expected his lips to be cold and hard, like his personality, but now that she knew the real him, she realized that they did fit his personality. They were soft, and warm, and she lost herself in him. Ginny was surrounded by all that was Draco. His smell, like, well, Draco, that was the only way to describe it, and his arms around her, and before she realized it, her back hit the cold stone wall, because he'd been leading her over to lean against it. The cold made her gasp, and Draco took this as an invitation. Before Ginny knew it, Draco was exploring every corner or her mouth, and Ginny's knees were becoming weak; she was thankful for the wall behind her and Draco's arms around her. She moved her hands from against his chest, up to wrap her arms around his neck.

Draco released her mouth, so they could both catch their breaths, but in a second his mouth was on her neck, finding a spot right below her earlobe that made Ginny moan. He moved back up to capture her mouth again, and Ginny kissed back this time, with more force than before. Just as her brain started to go to mush, Ginny heard a gasp, a clatter, and footsteps. She opened her eyes and pulled away from Draco to see who else but Ron running up behind them, looking apoplectic. She had just enough time to step out of Draco's embrace to position herself in front of him as Ron reached them. Draco tried to push her out of the way, not liking the fact that she felt she had to defend him from her brother.

Damn Weasel! He just ruined the beginning of a perfectly good snogging session. And Merlin, Ginny's a good kisser! Didn't see that coming.

While Draco was thinking about this, Ginny's thoughts were running along the same lines.

That idiot brother of mine! Why now?! And, Wow! Draco's an amazing kisser! Well, of course I already knew that, I think, but damn!

Ron looked like his head was going to explode, and Ginny was a little bit frightened.

"Ginevra Weasley! What the bloody hell do you think you're doing!?"

"What does it look like, Ron?"

"It looked to me like you were snogging Malfoy, and I know you wouldn't dream of doing that."

"Why not?"

"Because I can still owl mum."

Ginny scowled. "Go ahead. Frankly Ron, I don't give a damn! You can tell Mum, you can tell Dad, you can tell Bill and Charlie and Percy and Fred and George and every other person you can think of, but it won't matter because I'm done caring. I'm fifteen and we've been through this already. So go get some parchment and a quill and start writing because you'll want to get those owls out tonight so I'll get the Howlers by morning."

The two boys on either side of Ginny had to pick their jaws off the ground for the same reason: because they didn't think Ginny Weasley could ever ignore what her family would think of a Malfoy.

"Fine. You wanted this, Ginny, and you'll get it. You should maybe think about what Mum and Dad are going to say. I get that you're doing this to spite me, but they'll have heart attacks. And I thought you at least cared about them."

"Oh, don't you dare! Don't you fucking dare, Ron. This isn't about you, it doesn't have anything to do with you and it's none of your business. This is between me and Draco, and you can't go owling Mum every time you don't like a decision I make. I have to make my own choices. I wish you could understand that."

"If you knew how to make a good decision, then I wouldn't have to owl Mum? Remember the last time you made a bad decision that I didn't know about? Remember what happened then?"

Ginny was shocked. I can't believe he brought that up again! That's twice in three days! He's never talked about it before, why now? She was about to snap at her brother, but she was cut off. Draco was in Ron's face before anyone saw him move.

"You listen to me, Weasel," he hissed, "you just fuck right off about that. Keep walking to wherever you were going and get out of here, before I do something that you'll regret. You're out after curfew, I wouldn't want to add a detention or two to your list."

Ron looked at Ginny, and saw her ready to cry again, and shook his head, and for once in his life, he did the smart thing. He walked away.

Draco walked over to Ginny and put his arms around her. She rested her head on his chest again, but this time he was doing the comforting and she was the one being comforted. It felt nice.

"Don't worry Gin, it'll be ok."

"I know." She looked up into his eyes. "Thank you."

"Sure." He smiled at her, a real, genuine smile. She reached up and gave him a quick kiss before pulling back out of his embrace.

"Can we go back to your common room? I'll crash with Pam and Bri tonight."

"Yeah, sure. Let's go."

So they walked back down to the dungeons in silence. Half way there, Ginny slipped her hand into Draco's, and to her surprise he squeezed it back. Once inside the empty common room, Ginny said good night to Draco, and was heading for her friends' dorm when he pulled her back for a searing kiss. When they broke apart, Ginny had to catch her breath, and when she did, she smiled.

"What was that for?"

Draco shrugged. "Just felt like it."

She laughed. "Oh, well goodnight, Dray."

"Hmm, Dray. I like that. Good night Gin."

When Ginny got to the girls' dorm room, they both made a lot of noise and woke up their other dorm mates, but they didn't really care, and when Pam and Bri pulled Ginny into Bri's bed, once again, and drew the curtains, she spilled every last detail about the entire night.

"Oh my God!" Bri shrieked. "You and Draco really are a couple now! Oh Ginny, this is so awesome!"

"Wait, we're not a couple. We just kissed...once...or twice... That definitely doesn't make us a couple."

"Well, hon, I say you are. And I have to agree that it's awesome!"

Ginny sat quiet for a minute, and then she shrieked too. "I KNOW!"

The girls sat up most of the night, talking about Draco and giggling, and eventually they all fell asleep in Bri's bed, just before the sun made its morning debut.

Author notes: There it is!! Did you like it? Tell me by clicking that green button that says 'Review'. Did you hate it? Tell me by clicking that green button that says 'Review' (but please don't be too mean!!) anyway, I'm sorry no personal thank yous...but thanks to all of you who have reviewed...I LOVE YA!!! and ya...expect the next chapter in the next couple weeks...its actually started...however the underground hates me too and i don't know how i'm gonna write it yet...:S...umm final note...I was told by a very wise and intelligent person that Pam and Bri seem too "American". I tried to fix but that's just how they come out...what do you think? are they? and if they are does it bother you tons? Let me know. Ok thats all folks. Please Review!!!!!